LA :: Volume #1

#97: Swift Thunder Devouring Beast

After five points of type,...... 五分种后…… Yao'er, will have danger time immediately returns to the city, yes? What here protects is true Immortal Beast!” Feng Xiao has taken back Xiao Xiao (little), prudent saying. 瑶儿,过会有危险的时候立即回城,明白吗?这里守护的可是真正的仙兽!”风逍收回了小小,慎重的说道。 Feng Yao earnest nodded. 风瑶认真的点了点头 At present, is one non-stop flood the cold air giant cavern, the cave entrance visibling faintly pale-green ray. Without a doubt, this is these days destination-- stalactite cave. The right of stalactite cave is the path that continues to head west, but left, is one one looks at cliff. 眼前,是一个不停泛着寒气的巨大洞穴,洞口隐约可见淡绿色的光芒。毫无疑问,这是这几日来的目的地——钟乳洞。钟乳洞的右方是继续西行的道路,而左侧,是一个一眼望不到底的断崖。 Stalactite cave: Is an ordinary natural cavern. Before 5000, Saint Beast Azure Dragon goes to City of Thunder God to go via this place, dwells for night in the cavern, thus remained the eternal Water Attribute energy. After millenniums evolutions, gradually has formed today's stalactite cave. 钟乳洞:原是一个普通的天然洞穴。5000年前,圣兽青龙前往雷神之城路经此地,于洞穴中栖息一夜,从而残留下了永恒的水系能量。千年的演变后,逐渐形成了今天的钟乳洞。 Azure Dragon? 青龙 Azure Dragon of Five Saint Beast, in Five Saint Beast has double Attributes Saint Beast only, Water Attribute for the Lord, Wind Attribute is auxiliary, it is said Longzui can freeze a city. 五圣兽青龙,五圣兽中唯一具有双属性圣兽,水系为主,风系为辅,据说龙嘴一张便可冻结一座城池。 But why will have the Immortal Beast protection here, is the Azure Dragon adorer? 可是为什么会有仙兽守护在这里呢,难道是青龙的崇拜者? Feng Xiao makes Feng Yao ride immediately, displayed the water, fire, wind and thunder, dead five is Support Skill, HP/Life has achieved 10406 immediately, Attack also arrived at astonishingly 1759. 风逍风瑶骑到马上,施展水、火、风、雷、死亡五系辅助技能,生命顿时达到了10406,攻击也到惊人的1759。 HP/Life broken ten thousand, Feng Xiao still does not dare to relax slightly, approaching cave entrance cautiously. According to the description of Heavenly Dragon Emperor, once there is an external lifeform to approach cave entrance, inside Immortal Beast will start Attack that is relentless. 生命破万,风逍依然不敢丝毫放松,小心翼翼的接近洞口。按照天龙皇帝的描述,一旦有外来生物接近洞口,里面的仙兽就会发动毫不留情的攻击 Really, Feng Xiao just one close, the petite shadow accompanies a low roar to clash together to him. Had preparation Feng Xiao to be sideways hastily, has evaded other side Attack. 果然,风逍刚一接近,一道娇小的黑影伴着一声低吼向他冲来。已有准备的风逍连忙侧身,躲过了对方攻击 Runs out of the form of cavern slowly appears figure, Feng Xiao stares. 冲出洞穴的身影慢慢现出身形,风逍不禁一愣。 Immortal Beast that because in this expectation the fiendish features soar to the heavens aggressively only greatly is unexpectedly little than Xiao Xiao (little). 因为这个预想中青面獠牙霸气冲天的仙兽居然只比小小大一点点。 Purple black body, short four limbs, somewhat what is only conspicuous is the forehead withstand/top one to flash the light purple light small corner/horn. 紫黑色的身体,短小的四肢,唯一有些显眼的是额头顶着的一支闪着淡淡紫光的小角。 Can not be this? 会不会不是这只? The instance that Feng Xiao is in a daze, the purple black body flushed once more to him, seems like common small corner/horn stroking ruthlessly on his body. 风逍发愣的瞬间,紫黑色的身体已经再次向他冲来,看似毫不起眼的小角狠狠的击打在他的身体上。 . -6882. The body of Feng Xiao was hit to fly more than ten meters far, in the top of the head emitting lets his surprised digit. 风逍的身体被撞飞十多米远,头顶上冒出让他惊讶的数字。 This is the Immortal Beast might!? 这就是仙兽的威力!? Swift Thunder Devouring Beast: Level 18 Immortal Beast, HP/Life 210000, unknown origin, is in the young stage. 疾电吞雷兽:18级仙兽,生命210000,来历不明,正处于幼年期。 Weakness: Does not have. 弱点:无。 Innate Skill: The body of crazy thunder: Has greatly strengthened resistance ability to Thunder Attribute Attack. 天赋:狂雷之躯:对雷系攻击有极强的抵抗能力 Skills: The beast corner/horn dashes: Dashes the enemy by the beast corner/horn, creates 100% repelling and 30% dizziness. 技能:兽角冲撞:以兽角冲撞敌人,造成100%的击退和30%的眩晕。 The heavenly thunder ignites: Consumes 300 HP/Life and 300 Magic/MP summon purple heavenly thunder Attack matches, the Attack range 20 meters, supplements 20% paralysis Effect. 天雷闪击:消耗300生命、300魔法召唤紫色天雷攻击对手,攻击范围20米,附带20%的麻痹效果 Thunder clouds storm: Consumes 1000 HP/Life, 1000 Magic/MP release enemy in strength of Attack of a straight line whole body thunder and lightning, Attack Power is formidable, and supplements 20% powerful to lull Effect. 雷云风暴:消耗1000生命,1000魔法释放全身的雷电之力攻击一条直线上的敌人,攻击力强大,并附带20%的强力麻痹效果 The thunder and lightning swallows: The thunder and lightning that swallows the enemy is Attack restores own life force, the Skills Cooldown Time 30 seconds. 雷电吞噬:吞噬敌人的雷电系攻击来恢复自己的生命力,技能冷却时间30秒。 Level 18 Immortal Beast!? 18级仙兽!? The result is far Feng Xiao unexpected, making him shock, makes him have a pleasant surprise. 结果远出风逍的意料之外,让他震惊,又让他有一丝的惊喜。 What shocks is Level 18 young stage Immortal Beast gives other party unexpectedly becomes the so big injury, making his strength to the Immortal Beast have an understanding again. 震惊的是18级的一个幼年期仙兽居然给他造成如此大的伤害,让他对仙兽的实力有了一个重新的了解。 What is pleasantly surprised, so long as cannot the second kill him, he has hope of winning--, moreover other side unexpectedly thunder and lightning department, was really the good luck comes to keep off cannot block. 惊喜的是,只要不能秒杀他,他就有赢的希望——而且对方居然还是雷电系的,真是好运来了挡都挡不住。 Elder Brother! Be careful!” The Feng Yao screams transmit. Meanwhile, the crazy electricity swallows the thunder and lightning ability accumulation of thunder beast to complete, a heavenly thunder ignites under the overhead thunderclap. 哥哥!小心!”风瑶惊呼声传来。同时,狂电吞雷兽的雷电能力聚集完成,一个天雷闪击当头霹下。 Feng Xiao does not evade does not let, welcomed the thunder and lightning directly. 风逍不避不让,直接迎上了雷电。 + 5214. +5214。 HP/Life that Feng Xiao loses repays instantaneously, also shocks at heart. Because absorbs 50% injuries is 5214, then its thunder and lightning foundation injury is...... Over ten thousand th, this is its most Low Level thunder and lightning Skills. 风逍损失的生命瞬间补回,同时心里也震惊不已。因为吸收50%的伤害是5214,那它的雷电基础伤害是……上万,这还是它最低级的雷电技能 If not the blessing of Purple Thunder Qilin, perhaps oneself present had been killed by the second. 如果不是紫雷麒麟的祝福,自己现在或许已经被秒杀。 Immortal Beast, is really tyrannical incomparable existence. 仙兽,果然是强横无比的存在。 Sees has not struck to kill the match, the Swift Thunder Devouring Beast once more agglutination thunder element, to the Feng Xiao bombardment. 见没有击杀对手,疾电吞雷兽再次凝集雷元素,向风逍轰击而来。 Feng Xiao is disinclined to pay attention, Xuanyuan Sword waves the arms about, bringing howling Feng Xiao to fly. 风逍懒得理会,轩辕剑甩手而出,带着呼啸的风逍飞去。 + 5513, +5513, - 832 ,- 799. -832,-799。 Feng Xiao breathed a sigh of relief secretly--, only then can break against on the line. 风逍暗自舒了一口气——只有能破防就行。 Yao'er, disturbs its motion with your Fuxi's Zither.” 瑶儿,用你的伏羲琴干扰它的行动。” Although Feng Yao distant place 30 meters away, but zither music can also clear passing, and will not enter the Swift Thunder Devouring Beast Attack range. 风瑶虽然在30米外的远处,但琴音还可以清晰的传到,并且不会进入疾电吞雷兽攻击范围。 Feng Yao takes out Fuxi's Zither, plays the immortal sound. The drunk dream, the goal only has one. 风瑶取出伏羲琴,弹奏起仙音.醉梦,目标只有一个。 Immortal Beast eventually is Immortal Beast, the movement, although has the short stagnation, but rapid consciousness comes, a huge thunder and lightning falls on Feng Xiao, has the green injury. 仙兽终究是仙兽,动作虽然有短暂的停滞,但迅速清醒过来,一道巨大的雷电落在风逍头上,带起绿色的伤害。 Feng Xiao summoned Mount Fine Horse, after riding, turned circle regarding Swift Thunder Devouring Beast. 风逍召唤出坐骑千里马,骑上后围绕着疾电吞雷兽转起圈来。 After Mount was ridden, will not be injured. 坐骑被骑乘后,是不会受到伤害的。 Wind Wheel Slash!” 风轮斩!” Right, Feng Xiao repeated initially Novice Village to cope with the Silver Snow Wolf King despicable fighting method, depended own Movement Speed to be higher than Swift Thunder Devouring Beast, Cooldown Time arrives, used Wind Wheel Slash Attack. 没错,风逍重演当初新手村对付白银雪狼王的卑鄙打法,仗着自己的移动速度高于疾电吞雷兽,冷却时间一到,就用风轮斩攻击 Only he takes into consideration is Swift Thunder Devouring Beast near body physics Attack, therefore does not approach it to give it the Attack opportunity. Although his aspects are not its match, but spoke of Movement Speed, this draft animal sycophancy could not catch up. 他唯一顾及的就是疾电吞雷兽的近身物理攻击,所以绝不靠近它给它攻击的机会。虽然他各方面都不是它的对手,但说到移动速度,这头牲口拍马也赶不上。 Feng Xiao thought that own good luck, as if has not stopped. Immortal Beast of this young stage changes into any other Attributes he share that only then travels, but it is Thunder Attribute. 风逍觉得自己的好运,似乎就没有消停过。这头幼年期的仙兽换成其他任何属性他都只有跑路的份,可它偏偏是雷系的。 After Swift Thunder Devouring Beast discharges continuously heavenly thunder ignited several times, finally realized own thunder and lightning Attack as if to other side not anything Effect, after dull surprised meeting, roars lowly, sharply to/clashes to Feng Xiao. 疾电吞雷兽连续施放了数次“天雷闪击”后,终于意识到自己的雷电攻击似乎对对方没什么效果,呆愕一会后,低吼一声,向风逍急冲过来。 Its speed was quick, is with Feng Xiao now compared with 82 Movement Speed speeds, has almost missed one time. Feng Xiao very relaxed bypasses its Attack , to continue to gather round around its body a stroke of circle, does not make it note that side Feng Yao, simultaneously Cooldown Time arrives, Wind Wheel Slash on striking of being relentless. 它的速度算是很快了,可是与风逍现在82的移动速度速度相比,几乎差了一倍。风逍很轻松的绕过它的攻击,继续围着它的身体四周划圈子,不让它注意到风瑶那边,同时冷却时间一到,“风轮斩”就毫不留情的击向它。 I, if were Archer is good.” Wind Wheel Slash Cooldown Time makes him depressed. “我如果是个弓箭手就好了。”风轮斩冷却时间让他郁闷。 Although Archer cannot move the archery, but after Level 30, can learn one firing from horseback Passive Skills, can make Archer ride in motion immediately Attack. 弓箭手虽然不可以移动射箭,但30级以后会学会一个“骑射”的被动技能,能让弓箭手骑在移动的马上攻击 By Attack several times, was never received continuously humiliation small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast air/Qi Wuuu to randomly call, moreover does not know the tweedle of pleasant to hear where hears makes it have a drowsy feeling unexpectedly, motion some are not agile. 被连续攻击了数次,从未受过欺凌的小疾电吞雷兽气的呜呜乱叫,而且一道不知从哪里传来的好听琴声竟让它有种昏昏欲睡的感觉,行动也有些不利索。 Shakes falls the impulsion of sleep clear, the thunder and lightning sends out together, simultaneously the body of Xiao Xiao (little) like the spring ball to Feng Xiao, the sharp small corner/horn is flashing the purple thunder and lightning, obviously already violent anger. 甩甩头清掉睡眠的冲动,一道雷电发出,同时小小的身体如弹簧般弹向风逍,尖锐的小角闪着紫色的雷电,显然已经暴怒。 Disregards the thunder and lightning, Feng Xiao is long-drawn-out running off, small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast Attack falls on the vacancy, has eaten rebuffing. Feng Xiao chuckled , to continue to fling Xuanyuan Sword, two Critical Attack will carry off it about 4000 HP/Life, simultaneously will give the hand signal that has felt relieved to Feng Yao of distant place. 无视雷电,风逍悠哉的跑开,小疾电吞雷兽攻击落在空处,吃了一鼻子灰。风逍嘿嘿一笑,继续甩出轩辕剑,两个暴击带走它将近4000的生命,同时向远处的风瑶做了一个放心的手势。 The desire of sleep is getting more and more intense, small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast not too developed thought ability told it, this zither music had the strangeness, but it absolutely did not have the means to separate the sound. 睡眠的欲望越来越强烈,小疾电吞雷兽不太发达的思维能力告诉它,这个琴音有古怪,可是它完全没有办法隔断声音。 After three minutes, Feng Xiao reduced other side 4 W many HP/Life, but small Immortal Beast except for just started to sneak attack that and useless thunder and lightning Attack, has not bumped into including the Feng Xiao lower hem corner. 三分钟后,风逍已经消减了对方4W多的生命,而小仙兽除了刚开始偷袭的那一下和无用的雷电攻击,连风逍的衣角都没碰到。 The Feng Yao zither music had not stopped, she almost breaks ten thousand Magic/MP strength and fast Magic Recovery lets her immortal sound. The drunk dream can maintain for over ten minutes. 风瑶的琴音一直都没有停止过,她几乎破万的魔法力和快速的魔法回复让她的仙音.醉梦能维持十分钟以上。 The small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast movement was slower than entire one time before, innumerable knocks down crawled, compares the intense sleepiness, that brings the green flying sword not to be instead fearful. 疾电吞雷兽的动作比之前慢了整整一倍,无数次的扑倒在地又爬了起来,相比强烈的睡意而言,那带着绿色的飞剑反而并不可怕。 Feng Xiao somewhat admired this small Monster actually, Immortal Beast was Immortal Beast, Level 18 unexpectedly resists three points of type not to drop down under the zither music. 风逍倒是有些佩服这只小怪物了,仙兽就是仙兽,18级居然在琴音之下抵抗了三分种还没倒下。 Was cut Attack by flywheel again, the hit feeling let Swift Thunder Devouring Beast consciousness instantaneous consciousness, it roared lowly, no longer attempts the Attack present enemy, ran strongly to the stalactite cave. 再次被“飞轮斩”攻击,被击中的感觉让疾电吞雷兽的意识瞬间清醒了一些,它低吼一声,不再试图攻击眼前的敌人,竭力向钟乳洞内跑去。 „To escape? That is how good!” “想逃跑?那怎么行!” Thunder Silk Binding!” 雷丝缠!” The Xuanyuan Sword draw refers to the front, the purple thunder and lightning projects from the sword together sharp, by being the lightning speed strikes to Swift Thunder Devouring Beast. 轩辕剑平指前方,一道紫色的雷电从剑尖射出,以属于闪电的速度击向疾电吞雷兽 Hears familiar incites the sound, Swift Thunder Devouring Beast turns head diligently, opens more and more heavy eyelid, discovered that is really the thunder and lightning shoots together to it, immediately Intelligence (mind/spirit) shakes, opens the mouth to nip to the thunder and lightning. 听到熟悉的“滋滋”之声,疾电吞雷兽努力回头,张开越来越沉重的眼皮,发现果然是一道雷电向它射来,顿时精神一震,张开嘴巴向雷电咬去。 Thunder and lightning of Demon Warrior fusion so is easy to swallow? 魔武融合的雷电是那么容易吞噬的吗? The purple thunder and lightning bumps into it, immediately like physical entangles its body, is similar to a purple rope, tight fetter its whole body. Another head of rope, is grasping dark gold/metal Jujian Feng Xiao. 紫色的雷电一碰到它,立即如实物般缠上它的身体,如同一根紫色的绳索,紧紧的束缚住它的全身。绳索的另一头,是握着暗金巨剑的风逍 Before small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast , the body that to/clashes stiffly lived by entraining, simultaneously in the top of the head Emits -40 unceasingly digit. The Feng Xiao thought moves, the mine-mooring cable contracts slowly, pulls back it backward. 疾电吞雷兽前冲的身体被硬生生的拽住,同时头顶上不断冒出-40的数字。风逍意念一动,雷索慢慢收缩,将它向后拉回。 Struggling that small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast goes all out, all leading powers all in Feng Xiao there, in the faintly recognizable zither music, its struggling are what a pity getting more and more weak, until no longer moves completely. 疾电吞雷兽拼命的挣扎,可惜一切的主导权全在风逍那里,飘渺的琴音中,它的挣扎越来越弱,直到完全不再动弹。 When Thunder Silk Binding completely vanishes, small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast also thorough entered the deep sleep condition, only if the Feng Yao zither music stops, otherwise it is impossible to wake up. 雷丝缠完全消失时,小疾电吞雷兽也彻底的进入了深度睡眠状态,除非风瑶的琴音停止,否则它决不可能醒来。 Feng Xiao has made one toward Feng Yao V the hand signal of font, then ruthlessly lies with Dragon Flame Cleaving devastation to place small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast. Feng Yao shows a relaxed smile, felt relieved thoroughly, the movement that but plays a qin non-stop slightly. 风逍风瑶做了一个“V”字型的手势,然后用龙炎斩狠狠的蹂躏起趴到在地的小疾电吞雷兽风瑶露出一个轻松的微笑,彻底放下心来,但抚琴的动作丝毫不停。 Dragon Flame Cleaving ejects continuously, small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast HP/Life starts slowly downward falls, after a half minute, was destroyed completely the larger part. Feng Xiao scratches the cold sweat that the head did not have, criticizes this small Immortal Beast Defense and HP/Life is really the high anomaly. 龙炎斩连续击出,小疾电吞雷兽生命开始慢慢的往下掉,半分钟后被灭掉一大半。风逍擦了擦头上并不存在的冷汗,暗骂这个小仙兽防御生命真是高的变态。 The back transmits inciting a light sound. 背后传来“滋”的一声轻响。 Had vigilance Feng Xiao to shoot rapidly forward. 已有警觉的风逍迅速向前弹起。 kacha!” 咔嚓!” Sturdy such as the thunder and lightning of bowl mouth strokes in position that together, in Feng Xiao just stood, in the ground the strength of residual thunder and lightning still in incited to make noise. 一道粗壮如碗口的雷电击打在风逍刚刚站立的位置上,地面上残留的雷电之力仍在“滋滋”作响。 Really! 果然! Feng Xiao vision like electricity, tight is staring at stalactite cave cave entrance. From the thunder and lightning intensity, sneak attacked his Monster strongly to lie down in ground small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast a moment ago absolutely. 风逍目光如电,紧紧的盯着钟乳洞的洞口。从雷电的强度来看,刚才偷袭他的怪物绝对强过躺在地上的小疾电吞雷兽 From the beginning he thought that the matter will not be smooth. If, only then this Level 18 small Immortal Beast, how Heavenly Dragon Emperor will also say that several hundred 100 levels of experts did not cope. 从一开始他就觉得事情不会那么顺利。因为如果真的只有这个18级的小仙兽,天龙皇帝又怎么会说几百个100级的高手也对付不了。 Moreover, Heavenly Dragon Emperor has said: Protects Immortal Beast every 30 annual meetings to go out to produce one time, how the fellow of this young stage saw a moment ago not like the appearance that can produce. 而且,天龙皇帝说过:守护仙兽每30年会外出生产一次,刚才这个幼年期的家伙怎么看都不像能生产的样子。 This is Feng Xiao did not need Rule the World second to kill its reason. 这也是风逍一直不用“君临天下”秒杀它的原因。 In the stalactite cave finally jumps out a giant shadow. Those who let the Feng Xiao slightly surprise is, its shape and small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast are almost exactly the same, is only the figure is huge, at least has more than three meters high. 钟乳洞里终于跳出一个巨大的黑影。让风逍略微诧异的是,它的形态和小疾电吞雷兽几乎一模一样,只是身形庞大,至少有三米多高。 Swift Thunder Devouring Beast: 60 levels of Immortal Beast. HP/Life 3200000. Before 5000, a single horn beast of terrifying forest ate one just mature thunder Hunguo, the body is injected the strength of tyrannical thunder and lightning. Must explode the single horn beast that the body perishes to intrude the stalactite cave, has eaten Ice Grass, unexpectedly accident/surprise depresses crazy the strength of thunder and lightning, and its absorption, will go forward to turn into Immortal Beast in 3000 slowly. 疾电吞雷兽:60级仙兽生命3200000。5000年前,一只恐怖森林的独角兽误食了一颗刚刚成熟的雷魂果,身体被注入了强横的雷电之力。原本必爆体而亡的独角兽无意间闯入钟乳洞,误食了其中的冰凌草,竟意外的压下狂乱的雷电之力,并慢慢将其吸收,于3000年前进化成仙兽 A Skills big pile, most basic heavenly thunder ignites also small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast is more formidable , the Attack range increases to 50 meters, moreover unexpectedly there is still one terrifying Forbidden Spell. 技能一大堆,最基本的“天雷闪击”也比小疾电吞雷兽的强大很多,攻击范围更是加大到50米,而且居然还有一个恐怖的禁咒 Thunder Soul Burst: Low Level Thunder Attribute Forbidden Spell. Consumes 30% life force, detonates innermost soul the strength of thunder and lightning, when own surrounding 200 meters scopes turn into the thundering hell, Attack every second causes 20000 foundation damage , to continue for 10 seconds, and 100% supplement at least 5 seconds of paralysis Effect. Chants the time 8 seconds. 雷魂爆:低级雷系禁咒。消耗30%的生命力,引爆灵魂深处的雷电之力,将自身周围200米的范围变成轰雷地狱,攻击时每秒造成20000的基础伤害,持续10秒,并100%附带至少5秒的麻痹效果。咏唱时间8秒。 My date his immortal board board, this was legend the might in Forbidden Spell. 我日他个仙人板板,这就是传说中的禁咒的威力。 Also is only Low Level Forbidden Spell. 还只是低级禁咒 At present this only Swift Thunder Devouring Beast is protection Immortal Beast in Heavenly Dragon Emperor mouth, enemy who truly must face. 眼前这只疾电吞雷兽才是天龙皇帝口中的守护仙兽,才是真正要面对的敌人。 Before that was, its son? 之前那只,难道是它的儿子?
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