LA :: Volume #1

#98: Vanishing Shadow

Looks still lies in small Immortal Beast of ground deep sleep, in the Swift Thunder Devouring Beast eye flashes through an obvious anger. Without demur, the beast corner/horn flashes, the thunder electric shock approaches Feng Xiao once more together, speed is fast. 看着依然趴在地上沉睡的小仙兽,疾电吞雷兽眼中闪过一道明显的愤怒。二话不说,兽角一闪,再次一道雷电击向风逍,施法的速度快速无比。 + 33000 +33000 Feng Xiao was hit ruthlessly, top of the head emitting lets his panic-stricken huge digit. Although has not become the injury to other party, but the body was actually ejected 56 meters far by the thunder and lightning of powerful. 风逍被狠狠击中,头顶冒出让他惊骇的巨大数字。虽然没有对他造成伤害,但身体却被强力的雷电击出56米远。 Feng Xiao stands up rapidly, Intelligence (mind/spirit) concentrates. Present this only Immortal Beast, the Thunder Attribute injury of foundation unexpectedly approaches 70,000! Then its physical Attack, absolutely not under 50,000. 风逍迅速站起,精神集中起来。眼前的这只仙兽,基础的雷系伤害居然接近70000!那它的物理攻击,也绝对不下于50000。 Moreover its Thunder Attribute Forbidden Spell, let alone 100, are comes 1000 100 levels of Player also to bring death. 而且它的雷系禁咒一出,别说100个,就是来1000个100级玩家也是送死。 In " Rebirth » setting, Monster displays the Magic/MP chanting time always compared with Player little, particularly BOSS. If this Thunder Attribute Low Level Forbidden Spell is completed by Player, at least takes 30 seconds of chanting. 在《轮回》的设定里,怪物施展魔法的咏唱时间总是比玩家少很多,尤其是BOSS。如果这个雷系低级禁咒玩家来完成,至少要30秒的咏唱。 Although Feng Yao surprised in Elder Brother that side change, the movement that but in the hand plays a qin has not stopped slightly. Stops, will represent small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast momentarily to wake up. 风瑶虽然惊讶于哥哥那边的变化,但手上抚琴的动作丝毫没有停止。停止,就代表着小疾电吞雷兽会随时醒来。 Swift Thunder Devouring Beast sees has not struck to kill other side unexpectedly, has gawked, shook the head to remove the drowsy feeling, suddenly noted the origin of zither music. 疾电吞雷兽见居然没有击杀对方,愣了一下,摇了摇头去掉昏昏欲睡的感觉,忽然注意到了琴音的来源。 The strange Item level is higher, the range of hatred is bigger. 物品级越高,仇恨的范围越大。 Feng Xiao secretly thought is not good, moves the position to tunnel its vision rapidly, but his stature insufficiently looks in front of huge Swift Thunder Devouring Beast radically. The thunder and lightning has projected together instantaneously, Feng Yao that goal 30 meters away played a qin. 风逍暗道不好,迅速移动方位想挡住它的视线,但他的身材在庞大的疾电吞雷兽面前根本不够看。一道雷电已经瞬间射出,目标正是30米外正在抚琴的风瑶 Its heavenly thunder ignites can Attack 50 meters away. 它的“天雷闪击”可以攻击50米以外。 Awful!” “糟糕!” Infinite Space Gate!” 无限空间门!” The thunder and lightning hit the Feng Yao instance, keeping off of Feng Xiao danger before her. The huge lightning surge strength strikes to fly him, hits on Feng Yao that is panic-stricken, has hit from Fine Horse her, two people hug, in the same place falls on the ground. 雷电击中风瑶的瞬间,风逍险险的挡在了她面前。巨大的雷电冲击力将他击飞,撞到惊慌失措的风瑶身上,将她从千里马上撞了下来,两人抱在一起倒在地面上。 The zither music stops, small Swift Thunder Devouring Beast only used for three seconds to come on consciousness. 琴音停止,小疾电吞雷兽只用了三秒就清醒过来。 Swift Thunder Devouring Beast lived for several thousand years, intelligence quotient absolutely is not a lid, immediately had realized own thunder and lightning Attack Effect, has not exploded slightly roars, attacks to two people. 疾电吞雷兽活了数千年,智商绝对不是盖的,立即意识到了自己的雷电攻击没有丝毫效果,爆吼一声,向两人冲击过来。 30 meters distance pulls closer instantaneously, Feng Xiao just pulled up Younger Sister, Swift Thunder Devouring Beast sharp single horn punctured at present. 30米的距离瞬间拉近,风逍刚拉起妹妹,疾电吞雷兽的尖锐独角就已经刺到眼前。 Xuanyuan Sacred Flame!” 轩辕圣炎!” Clang! 锵! Swift Thunder Devouring Beast hits ruthlessly on golden yellow flame, was shot to fly several meters. It hesitates slightly, turns over/stands up to begin , to continue to hit. 疾电吞雷兽狠狠撞在金黄色的火焰上,被弹飞十几米。它稍加迟疑,翻身再起,继续撞来。 Elder Brother, does not need to manage me, you run away quickly! You can escape.” Feng Yao with thrusting is keeping off in her front Feng Xiao. Although and Elder Brother is by the Attack condition is unable to return to the city is unable offline, but she knows that Elder Brother can flee with Space Gate rapidly, therefore she cannot implicate him. 哥哥,不用管我,你快逃!你可以逃掉的。”风瑶用力推着挡在她前面的风逍。虽然自己和哥哥处于被攻击状态无法回城无法下线,但她知道哥哥可以用空间门迅速遁走,所以她决不能拖累他。 Shaking the head of Feng Xiao makes an effort, tight grabbing Feng Yao, has taken the Xuanyuan preparation to strike at risk of life. 风逍用力的摇了摇头,一手紧紧的抓着风瑶,一直拿着轩辕准备拼死一击。 If cannot protect you, matches to have you.” “如果不能保护你,怎么配拥有你。” The Feng Yao heart trembles. Even if in playing, he like usually, forever will also place first own safety. 风瑶心颤。即使是在游戏中,他也会像平时一样,永远把自己的安危放在第一位。 Has not helped Elder Brother anything, completely has actually implicated him. 没帮到哥哥什么,却完全连累了他。 A Xuanyuan Sacred Flame two seconds of invincible time crossed, Absolute Time Domain and Asura Yama's Wave completely have also used up in the terrifying forest, even also can only use one time including Space Gate. 轩辕圣炎两秒的无敌时间已过,绝对时间领域修罗冥王波也已经在恐怖森林全部用完,甚至连空间门都还只能使用一次。 This time did not have means. 这次是真的没办法了。 Dies dies, cannot protect Yao'er, that hangs with Yao'er. 死就死吧,不能保护瑶儿,那就和瑶儿一起挂吧。 Looks at the Feng Xiao look, Feng Yao has understood his meaning, grabbed his both hands to tighten, in the eye flashed through innumerable guilty. 看着风逍的眼神,风瑶读懂了他的意思,抓着他的双手紧了紧,眼中闪过无数的愧疚。 Wind Wheel Slash!” Looks at close to the beast corner/horn, Feng Xiao loudly shouts to prepare to fling Xuanyuan Sword, suddenly the corner of the eye flashes through a blue shadow. 风轮斩!”看着临近的兽角,风逍大喝一声准备甩出轩辕剑,忽然眼角闪过一道蓝色的影子。 Bang! 嘭! In Swift Thunder Devouring Beast collision ground ruthlessly. If not scene that because plays is unable to be destroyed, these enough rumbles a large cave/hole the ground. 疾电吞雷兽狠狠的撞到地面上。如果不是因为游戏的场景无法被破坏,这一下足够将地面轰出一个大洞。 The distant place, blue yellow white three shadows are written in water. 远处,一蓝一黄一白三道影子转瞬即逝。 Near ear wind howls, Feng Xiao felt oneself as if are flying, grabs the hand of Feng Yao not to dare to loosen. Once because loosens, she by distant flinging behind. 耳边的风呼啸而过,风逍感觉自己仿佛在飞,抓着风瑶的手丝毫不敢松开。因为一旦松开,她就会被远远的甩在身后。 Before the body, is a back of fine-looking man, wears the pale blue long unlined close-fitting gown. That flash, was he grasps the Feng Xiao's hand arm at the inconceivable speed when at a crucial moment, leading them to be separated from Swift Thunder Devouring Beast Attack. 身前是一个英挺男子的背影,穿着淡蓝色的长衫。刚才的那一瞬间,就是他以不可思议的速度在千钧一发之际抓起风逍的手臂,带他们脱离了疾电吞雷兽攻击 What speed this is. 这是什么样的速度。 Moreover unexpectedly can have the person to run. 而且居然可以带人奔跑。 Actually is this person who? 这个人究竟是什么人? Feng Xiao flashes through the innumerable thoughts at heart. His speed can definitely can be called quickly in ordinary Player, may before this person, actually learn to walk anything not to distinguish with the baby. 风逍心里闪过无数的念头。他的速度在普通玩家中完全可以称得上极快,可在这个人面前,却和婴儿学步没什么区别。 His speed, even possibly over 1000! This is the initial judgment of Feng Xiao. 他的速度,甚至可能超过1000!这是风逍的初步判断。 When «Rebirth» presents such fierce character, why can also save us? Feng Yao and Feng Xiao look one, after seeing surprised and tribulation in other side eye , the pleasant surprise of rebirth. 轮回》什么时候出现这么厉害的人物,又为什么要救我们呢?风瑶风逍对望一眼,都看到了对方眼中的惊讶和劫后重生的惊喜。 The blue form grabbed Feng Xiao to crash in the terrifying forest like lightning, only left behind together the remnant shade along the way. After the ghost speed has maintained for a half minute, finally stopped. 蓝色的身影抓着风逍闪电般冲进了恐怖森林,沿途只留下一道残影。鬼魅般的速度维持了半分钟后,终于停了下来。 Your two, are really bold, unexpectedly provokes Immortal Beast!” In the sound is having the young people unique vitality, meaning that but has not ridiculed. “你们两位,真是大胆,居然去招惹仙兽!”声音里带着年轻人特有的朝气,不过没有丝毫讥讽的意味。 Hu! Feng Xiao replied without enough time, first breathed heavily ruthlessly several thick air/Qi, carefully takes a look at the present person. 呼!风逍来不及回答,先是狠狠的喘了几口粗气,才细细打量眼前的人。 20 years old high and low, the appearance is pretty, the stature is fine-looking, the whole person seems the warm scholarly, not mature is bringing a steadiness, moreover gives back to person one type...... 20岁上下,面貌俊秀,身材英挺,整个人看上去温尔儒雅,不成熟中带着一丝稳重,而且还给人一种…… Stereotypical feeling. 呆板的感觉。 Actually is who! 究竟是谁! Can come here to explain that his person passed through the terrifying forest unexpectedly, moreover Feng Xiao saw a moment ago clearly he flees from the stalactite cave. 能到达这里说明他竟然一个人穿越了恐怖森林,而且风逍刚才清楚的看到他是从钟乳洞里窜出来的。 Especially his speed, injures the natural justice simply. 特别是他的速度,简直伤天理。 In «Rebirth» innumerable Player really crouching tiger , hidden dragon, oneself before as if view the sky from the bottom of a well. 轮回》无数的玩家中果然卧虎藏龙,自己之前似乎坐井观天了。 Hehe, this brothers, had saved our brother and sister a moment ago thank you, otherwise we affirmed that ten died not fresh.” Feng Xiao no longer thinks, in a tone with grateful saying. 呵呵,这位兄弟,刚才真是谢谢你救了我们兄妹,否则我们肯定十死无生了。”风逍不再多想,语带感激的说道。 The blue clothes man beckons with the hand hastily: Is impolite, path see does not put down lends a hand in emergency is person of job our practicing, let alone is only the slight effort.” 蓝衣男子连忙摆手:“不客气不客气,路见不平拔刀相助是我们修行之人分内之事,何况只是举手之劳。” Feng Xiao and Feng Yao stared in a big way eyes. 风逍风瑶瞪大了双眼 This person in...... Acts in a play? 这个人在……演戏吗? „Are you NPC?” The Feng Xiao miraculous glow flashes. “你是NPC?”风逍灵光一闪。 NPC? What is NPC?” The blue clothes man is gawked, routine tracing head that Feng Xiao issue suddenly asked. “NPC?NPC是什么?”蓝衣男子被风逍冷不丁的问题问的一愣,习惯性的摸了摸脑袋。 Did not need to ask again, NPC was anything does not know, was not NPC is what! 不用再问了,连NPC是什么都不知道,不是NPC是什么! Feng Xiao finally psychological balance. 风逍总算心理平衡了。 Precisely, how possibly to have compared with I also formidable Player. 就是嘛,怎么可能有比我还强大的玩家 Feng Yao also felt relaxed. 风瑶也释然了。 Precisely, how possibly to have compared with Elder Brother also fierce Player. 就是嘛,怎么可能有比哥哥还厉害的玩家 Has not pestered the NPC issue with him again, Feng Yao full thanks forward: Thanked this Big Brother to lend a hand to assist a moment ago.” 没有再和他纠缠NPC的问题,风瑶向前盈盈谢道:“谢谢这位大哥刚才出手相助。” The blue clothes man then sees clearly the Feng Yao look, immediately opened the mouth, the eyeball almost fell. 蓝衣男子这才看清风瑶的相貌,顿时张大了嘴巴,眼珠子都差点掉出来。 You are...... Fairy? Unexpectedly is more beautiful than my Feng'er.” “你是……仙女吗?居然比我的凤儿还要美丽。” The similar situation two people have seen too multiple, but has not thought that including NPC also to confuse this appearance. 同样的情形两人见过太多次了,只是没想到连NPC也可以被迷成这个样子。
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