LA :: Volume #1

#96: I am a female student

Fully over a hundred various condition Gold BOSS. loafing in, magnificent and shock. But does not commit the slightest offense. The heart of Feng Xiao kicks jumps, carefully observed a meeting, discovered that their, as if has one to hoodwink the cave of white fog. 足有上百只各型各态的黄金BOSS.游荡其中,华丽而又震撼。但互相之间秋毫无犯。风逍的心扑腾扑腾直跳,仔细的观察了一会,发现它们的身后,似乎有一个蒙着白雾的山洞。 Actually they are making anything, why encircles there.” Feng Xiao represses the heartbeat to think. “它们究竟在做什么,为什么都围在那里。”风逍按捺住心跳想到。 This type of aura...... This type of aura......” the Xuanyuan Yao'er mood fluctuates. “这种气息……这种气息……”轩辕瑶儿的情绪波动起来。 Feng Xiao recovers, said to Feng Yao: Yao'er, 40 levels of Gold BOSS, you have many assurances to make them chaotic or fall asleep.” 风逍回过神来,对风瑶说道:“瑶儿,40级的黄金BOSS,你有多个把握可以让他们混乱或者睡着。” Feng Yao shakes the head, somewhat guilty saying: Does not have the too big assurance, my ability is insufficient, is unable to display Fuxi's Zither complete Divine Power, jumps over the High Level BOSS intelligence to be higher, the will is firmer, the success ratio is lower. Moreover Level surpassed the Level 20 words zither music basically to be invalid.” 风瑶摇摇头,有些愧疚的说道:“没有太大把握,我的能力不足,无法发挥伏羲琴的全部神力,越高级的BOSS智力越高,意志越坚定,成功率就越低。而且等级超过20级的话琴音就基本无效了。” This.” Feng Xiao nods, was gave up its crazy idea of catching the whole lot in a dragnet. “这样啊。”风逍点点头,算是放弃了将其一网打尽的疯狂想法。 Walks, we detour, front fellows cannot stir up.” Feng Xiao draws the Younger Sister small hand to prepare to make a detour. “走吧,我们绕路,前面这帮家伙根本惹不起。”风逍拉着妹妹的小手准备绕道而行。 Elder Brother Feng, is Shennong Cauldron, is the Shennong Cauldron aura!” Xuanyuan Wan'er calls out in alarm. 风哥哥,是神农鼎,是神农鼎的气息!”轩辕婉儿惊叫起来。 Shennong Cauldron? In Ancient Ten Great Divine Artifacts can refine the wondrous medicines Shennong Cauldron?” Feng Xiao Intelligence (mind/spirit) shakes. 神农鼎上古十大神器中可以炼制圣药的神农鼎?”风逍精神一震。 Right, this surroundings are proliferating the Shennong Cauldron unique HP/Life aura, although is not very strong, but will not be absolutely wrong.” Xuanyuan Wan'er affirmative saying. “没错,这周围遍布着神农鼎特有的生命气息,虽然不是很强,但绝对不会错。”轩辕婉儿肯定的说道。 Feng Xiao thinks slightly. Said: „Isn't Shennong Cauldron same Sealed? Will have why also such strong aura.” 风逍微微一想。说道:“神农鼎不是同样被封印吗?为何还会有这么强的气息。” This surrounding plant extraordinary exuberance, must be related with this. Loafs Gold BOSS here certainly not to be inseparable from Shennong Cauldron. 这周围的植物出奇的旺盛,必与此有关。游荡在这里的黄金BOSS一定也跟神农鼎脱不了干系。 „After should be Shennong Cauldron Sealed, feared that own source Divine Power gradually loses, therefore the automatic accumulation HP/Life aura protects itself, simultaneously here rich life force also attracted these formidable Monster.” “应该是神农鼎被封印后,怕自己的本源神力逐渐丧失,所以自动的聚集生命气息来保护自己,同时这里丰富的生命力也吸引了这些强大怪物。” Reason that in other words the terrifying forest turns into the terrifying forest, came from the absorption of Shennong Cauldron to this forest life force completely?” Feng Xiao looking pensive. “也就是说恐怖森林之所以变成恐怖森林,全部源自神农鼎对这个森林生命力的吸收?”风逍若有所思。 Un, should be this appearance. Shennong Cauldron, certainly in that cave.” Xuanyuan Wan'er replied. “嗯,应该是这个样子。神农鼎,一定就在那个山洞里。”轩辕婉儿答道。 Elder Brother Feng, such being the case meeting of coincidence, you must attain Shennong Cauldron, its seal your Chaos Blood can untie. Moreover it, only then the seal, after relieving together, will be the complete shape, certainly can have very big help to you!” 风哥哥,既然如此巧合的遇到,你就一定要拿到神农鼎,它的封印你的混沌之血就可以解开。而且它只有一道封印,解除后将是完全形态,一定可以对你有很大的帮助!” If were attained by villain by some chance, to entire human race is the disaster.” “如果万一被坏人拿到,对整个人类来说都将是灾难。” I understood.” Since bumps into, plan that Feng Xiao had not given up. “我明白了。”既然碰到,风逍本来就没有放弃的打算。 The front is over a hundred about 40 levels Gold BOSS, casual he did not cope. 只是,面前可是上百只40级左右的黄金BOSS,随便一只他都对付不了。 Headache! 头疼! Saw that Elder Brother one will be in a daze one to knit the brows, Feng Yao cannot bear ask: Elder Brother, what Monster is, is very fierce?” 看到哥哥一会发呆一会皱眉,风瑶忍不住问道:“哥哥,是什么怪物,很厉害吗?” Feng Xiao smiles bitterly, said: „More than 100 40 levels of Gold BOSS.” 风逍苦笑一声,说道:“100多只40级的黄金BOSS。” Feng Yao shouted one lightly, although she did not understand the fearfulness of Gold BOSS very much, but many knew. 风瑶轻呼一声,虽然她不是很了解黄金BOSS的可怕,但多少知道一些。 Elder Brother, wants me to try. Although is Gold BOSS, gives me 1 minute of words I at least to make less than half Monster chaotic, 3 minutes of words......” Feng Yao is eager to try, wants to help Elder Brother as far as possible. 哥哥,要不要我试试。虽然是黄金BOSS,给我1分钟的话我至少可以让一小半的怪物混乱,3分钟的话……”风瑶跃跃欲试,想尽可能的帮助哥哥 She now to own Level strong resentment, if are Level 20, draws with that crowd of Monster Level to Level 20, only the requirement 30 seconds, she can guarantee that the fan faints completely. 她现在对自己的等级强烈不满起来,如果自己是20级,与那群怪物等级拉到20级以内,只需要30秒,她就可以保证迷晕全部。 Feng Xiao shakes the head with a smile. Own clever Yao'er did not understand, if has alarmed these Monster, in her eyes invincible Elder Brother one second cannot shoulder, even if 3 minutes were completely chaotic he also dead 800. 风逍笑着摇摇头。自己的乖瑶儿并不了解,如果惊动了那些怪物,她眼中“无敌”的哥哥一秒钟都扛不住,3分钟即使全部混乱他也已经死了800遍了。 What to do should?” Feng Xiao tightened the brow to think long time/half of the day, finally gave up. “该怎么办呢?”风逍又紧锁眉头想了半天,终于还是放弃了。 Firmly remembered the characteristics of this place, Feng Xiao holds Feng Yao one to raise Xiao Xiao (little) to leave carefully. 牢牢的记住这个地方的特征,风逍一手拉着风瑶一手提着小小小心的离开了。 After being formidable, certainly comes back. 强大起来后,一定回来。 Continues to head west, Monster of terrifying forest lattern half and front is completely different, turns into the uniform wild animal. Wild wolf, fox, lion, elephant, tiger, cheetah and wild boar...... If Feng Xiao expects, in the center of terrifying forest is farther, life-force is weaker, Monster is also wilder. Forest edge is savage incomparable, moreover almost every Monster has tearing wound Skills. Including Xiao Xiao (little) Rabbit crazy Attack, although was solved by Xiao Xiao (little) very irresponsible two Bursting Flame. 继续西行,恐怖森林后半部分的怪物和前面完全不同,变成清一色的野兽。野狼、狐狸、狮子、大象、老虎、猎豹、野猪……如风逍所料,里恐怖森林的中心越远,生机越微弱,怪物也越狂暴。森林边缘的更是凶残无比,而且几乎每种怪物都带有撕裂伤口的技能。连一只小小兔子都会疯狂的攻击,虽然都被小小很不负责任的两个爆炎解决。 Although Monster compares beforehand Attack and Defense wants the high scale, the quantity that but one time presents are not many, moreover before not having finally, that fearsome. Under the protection of Feng Xiao, Feng Yao and sees Xiao Xiao (little) that the wind flashes not to receive anything to injure. 虽然怪物相比之前攻击防御都要高一个档次,但一次出现的数量都不多,而且总算没有之前那么可怖。在风逍的保护下,风瑶和见风就闪的小小也没受到什么伤害。 Three hours, two people Rabbit ran from the terrifying forest finally. 三个多小时,两人一兔子终于从恐怖森林跑了出来。 The sky is once more bright, the air also becomes comfortable incomparable, appreciates the present scenery without enough time, Feng Xiao does in the ground, big mouth breathes heavily the thick air/Qi. 天空再次明亮,空气也变得让人舒服无比,来不及欣赏眼前的景色,风逍一屁股做在地面上,大口的喘起粗气。 What situation do 30 wild boars attack together are? Feng Xiao does not want to recall, but he admires oneself computation ability very much, just right all wild pigsties enter Asura Yama's Wave range, otherwise, although will not have any matter, Yao'er and Xiao Xiao (little) were dangerous. 30多头野猪一起进攻是什么样的情形?风逍再也不想回忆了,不过他很是佩服自己的计算能力,恰到好处的把所有野猪圈入“修罗冥王波”的范围内,否则自己虽然不会有什么事,瑶儿小小就危险了。 Chirp ~~ “啾~~” Feng Xiao surges at heart a dilutedness. Just came out to bump into Monster from the terrifying forest. 风逍心里涌起一股无力感。刚从恐怖森林出来就碰上怪物了。 However at present this Monster also is really too...... 不过眼前这个怪物也实在是太…… I am the female student: 42 levels of ordinary BOSS, HP/Life 18500. Is ordinary Pineapple, latter by Tang Xuanzang that learns from Western Paradise is brought, when the dried fish knocks, several days got down are brainwashed by the Buddhist literature unexpectedly, had the intelligence, and obtained the Tang Xuanzang true line. 我是女生:42级普通BOSS,生命18500。原是一个普通的菠萝,后被向西天取经的唐僧拿来当木鱼敲,几天下来竟被佛经洗脑,有了灵性,并得到了唐僧的真传。 Innate Skill: I love the male student: Only Attack female. 天赋:我爱男生:只攻击女性。 Skills: Pineapple Pineapple honey: Meditates one „the Pineapple Pineapple honey to turn into ordinary Pineapple to deceive the enemy, and slowly restores HP/Life. 技能:菠萝菠萝蜜:默念一声“菠萝菠萝蜜”化成普通的菠萝迷惑敌人,并缓慢恢复生命 This year enmity does not receive gifts: Angry I was being always talking that the female student can keep once of the 21 st century the popular one extremely virulent incantation, let the Intelligence (mind/spirit) collapse of enemy, fell into 3 seconds of dizziness. 今年过节不收礼:愤怒的我是女生会不停的叨念曾在21世纪流行的一种极度恶毒的咒语,让敌人的精神崩溃,陷入3秒的眩晕。 Elder Brother, good lovable Monster.” On the Feng Yao face has revealed the affection, what a pity opposite big Pineapple has been full of the hostility to her. 哥哥,好可爱的怪物。”风瑶脸上露出了喜爱,可惜对面的大菠萝对她充满了敌意。 Faints, which Monster of deity design this is, had the talent simply. 晕死,这是哪位神仙设计的怪物,简直太有才了。 Top of the head several pieces also calculate that quite fresh Pineapple leaf, in the hand is taking a thing of similar big iron shovel, the body seems with ordinary Pineapple is different, was only big, fully had an adult to be so high. 头顶几片还算比较新鲜的菠萝叶子,手里拿着一把类似大铁铲的东西,身体看上去和一个普通的菠萝没什么两样,只是大了很多,足有一个成年人那么高。 Xiao Xiao (little) Pineapple also wants to hang the triumphant child, dies!” Looks at the big Pineapple loving vision, Feng Xiao almost spits, Wind Wheel Slash lost without delay, the body flushed along with before. 小小菠萝还想吊凯子,去死吧!”看着大菠萝含情脉脉的目光,风逍差点吐出来,二话不说一个风轮斩丢了过去,身体随之前冲。 Big Pineapple body one short, has evaded revolving Xuanyuan Sword unexpectedly, that sword that flies back to it does not have to guard slightly, on the head has suffered solid. 菠萝身体一矮,竟躲过了旋转的轩辕剑,不过飞回的那一剑它没有丝毫防备,脑袋上结结实实挨了一下。 Feng Xiao caught Xuanyuan, the body drew close to big Pineapple, Dragon Flame Cleaving has ejected continuously, burnt several big holes on it. 风逍接住轩辕,身体已经贴近了大菠萝,龙炎斩连续击出,在它身上烧出几个大窟窿。 Big Pineapple is really very much violates the inexpensive goods, goes all out to dodge obstinately, the meaning of not having hit back. 菠萝果然是个很犯贱的货,愣是拼命闪躲,没有丝毫还手的意思。 …… -1403 Feng Xiao strikes conveniently, the big Pineapple blood trough reset rapidly, is having the plaintive vision but actually. 风逍随手一击,大菠萝的血槽迅速清零,带着哀怨的目光倒了下去。 Really the grove big any bird had. 真是林子大了什么鸟都有。 Elder Brother, this Monster is completely lovable, receiving is Pet is actually good!” Feng Yao covers the mouth to say with a smile, looked that is the corpse of female student brings some to pity to me. Xiao Xiao (little) is a face is ease, in grasping butterfly that jumps. 哥哥,这个怪物满可爱的,收为宠物倒是不错呢!”风瑶掩嘴笑道,看向我是女生的尸体带着些许怜悯。小小则是一脸悠然,在那蹦蹦跳跳的抓蝴蝶。 Pet? 宠物 Feng Xiao thinks suddenly, oneself is should grasp only Pet to Younger Sister. 风逍忽然想到,自己是不是该给妹妹抓只宠物 Feng Yao except for a sacred arrow, does not have any initiative Attack Skills. Skills that Fuxi's Zither brings all controls the mind, before she in Novice Village doubted, after was depended upon the Monster confusion kills one another to obtain Experience. 风瑶除了一个神圣之箭,没什么主动攻击技能伏羲琴所带的技能则全是控制心神,之前她在新手村打怪时,都是依靠怪物混乱后的自相残杀来获得经验 If can grasp Attack Pet to her, when she moves will be also more relaxed. 如果可以抓一只攻击型的宠物给她,那她自己一个人行动时也会轻松很多。 Opens the Pet ranking, own Xiao Xiao (little) still placed the first place. 打开宠物排行榜,自己的小小依然排在首位。 Pet ranking: 宠物排行榜: First: Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin, seven levels of Pet, owner: Hidden Name 第一名:幽冥五行圣麒麟,七级宠物,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Second: Bloody-eyed Golden Wolf, seven levels of Pet, owner: Vigorously Kanmaru 第二名:血眼金狼,七级宠物,拥有者:大力神丸 Third: bluish green Wenshe, six levels of Pet, owner: Half life 第三名:碧纹蛇,六级宠物,拥有者:半条命 Fourth: Wild Wolf King, six levels of Pet, owner: Demon wolf- crazy 第四名:狂暴狼王,六级宠物,拥有者:魔狼—狂 Fifth: Stone giant, four levels of Pet, owner: Hidden Name 第五名:石头巨人,四级宠物,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Sixth: Big tail fox, four levels of Pet, owner: Clever dancer 第六名:大尾巴狐狸,四级宠物,拥有者:鬼舞者 Seventh: Floating rabbit, four levels of Pet, owner: Hidden Name 第七名:飘飘兔,四级宠物,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Below four levels ornamental Pet cannot on the Pet ranking, but has certain Attack ability entire China War Zone still to have seven truly, obviously rarity of High Level Pet. 四级以下的观赏性宠物不能上宠物排行榜,而真正具有一定攻击能力的全华夏战区至今才只有七只,可见高级宠物的难得。 Feng Xiao actually and seventh floating rabbit is very ripe, because had just fought yesterday, the Rabbit dance has not started to jump by Feng Yao making falling asleep. 风逍倒是和第七名的飘飘兔很熟,因为昨天刚交过手,兔子舞还没开始跳就被风瑶给弄的睡着了。 Does not know that which person of high skill such had talent to give to hold it, seemed like its Recovery 100 HP/Life Skills. 不知哪位高人这么有才把它给抓住了,貌似它就一个回复100生命技能吧。 The fate is always marvelous, Feng Xiao at this time acclaiming person of high skill, starting from one day, unexpectedly has become his HP/Life inalienable part. 缘分总是奇妙的,风逍此时正“赞叹”的“高人”,从某一天开始,竟成了他生命不可分割的一部分。 Equipment ranking:( Is high with Grade Level first, with the Level weapon first.) 装备排行榜:(同品级等级高着优先,同等级武器优先。) First: Asura Illusion, Divine Artifact, owner: Hidden Name 第一名:修罗幻,神器,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Second: Demon Spear. Angel Lament, Immortal Equipment, owner: Hidden Name 第二名:魔枪.天使之叹息,仙器,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Third: Snow Spirit Cloak, Immortal Equipment, owner: Hidden Name 第三名:雪灵披风,仙器,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Fourth: Doomsday Yellow Springs, Immortal Equipment, owner: Hentian 第四名:末日黄泉,仙器,拥有者:恨天 Fifth: End Slaughter God armor, Immortal Equipment, owner: Hentian 第五名:末日杀神铠,仙器,拥有者:恨天 Sixth: Demon cotton wool. The forgiveness of angel, Immortal Equipment, owner: Hidden Name 第六名:魔絮.天使之宽恕,仙器,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Seventh: Undead protection shield, Immortal Equipment, owner: Hidden Name 第七名:死灵守护盾,仙器,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Eighth: God of thunder button, Spiritual Equipment, owner: Hand of God 第八名:雷神的纽扣,灵器,拥有者:上帝之手 Ninth: Sealed Ring of Time, Spiritual Equipment, owner: Hidden Name 第九名:被封印时间之戒,灵器,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Tenth: Sealed Ring of Time, Spiritual Equipment, owner: Hidden Name 第十名:被封印时间之戒,灵器,拥有者:姓名隐藏 Feng Xiao stares, equips in the ranking not to know when presented two formidable Immortal Equipment, moreover obviously is the equipment of same department, is the same person. Moreover, then the rank of Demon Spear above High Level Immortal Equipment Snow Spirit Cloak, this explained unexpectedly without doubt, its Grade-- close Divine Artifact! 风逍一愣,装备排行榜上不知何时又出现了两件强大的仙器,而且明显是同一系的装备,属于同一个人。而且,那把魔枪的排名居然在高级仙器雪灵披风之上,这无疑说明,它的品级——接近神器 Who can be? 会是谁呢? However these two Immortal Equipment are the demon is the angels, isn't contradictory? 不过这两件仙器又是魔又是天使的,难道就不矛盾吗? Feng Xiao very clear understands that own High Level equipment from formidable opportunity and luck, but these can attain the Immortal Equipment Spiritual Equipment person in Level 30, is not simple. 风逍很真切的明白自己的高级装备都是来自强大的机遇和运气,而这些能在不到30级就拿到仙器灵器的人,绝不简单。 The closure ranking, Feng Xiao had set firm resolve, must help Younger Sister grasp fierce Pet. 关闭排行榜,风逍已经下定了决心,一定要帮妹妹抓一只厉害的宠物 Big Pineapple is very parsimonious, only violent several silver coins. Feng Xiao despises looks at its one, arrives at its corpse, shua shua several Gathering Skill.” 菠萝很吝啬,只暴了几个银币风逍鄙视的看它一眼,走到它尸体,刷刷几个“采集术。” His Gathering Skill arrived at Immortal Level, on these ordinary BOSS does not have any him to pick. 他的采集术已经到了仙级,这些普通BOSS身上没什么他不可以采下来的。 Ding, you pick the Pineapple leaf......” “叮,你采得菠萝叶子……” Pineapple leaf: Can eat. 菠萝叶子:可以吃。 The Feng Xiao crazy corona, waves the arms about to discard. 风逍狂晕,甩手扔掉。 Ding, you pick the Pineapple shovel......” “叮,你采得菠萝的铲子……” Pineapple shovel: Can hit the person. 菠萝的铲子:可以打人。 Feng Xiao:...... 风逍:…… Discarding. 扔掉。 Ding, you pick magnifying glass......” “叮,你采得放大镜……” Ding, you pick sprayer......” “叮,你采得喷雾器……” magnifying glass: Special Item, I am the female student am used for peeping masculine item(s). 放大镜:特殊物品,我是女生用来偷窥男性的道具 Sprayer: Special Item, I am the secret weapon of female biological controls sexual harasser, after being spurted on the face, will fall into for a long time blind, the sexual harasser are certainly careful. 喷雾器:特殊物品,我是女生防色狼的秘密武器,被喷到脸上后会陷入很长时间的“失明”,色狼们一定要小心。 The Feng Xiao sweat drippings. 风逍大汗淋淋。 Really what bird has what egg. 真是什么样的鸟生什么样的蛋。 Hesitant, conveniently throws into the backpack magnifying glass and sprayer, perhaps which day can use. 犹豫了一下,顺手将放大镜和喷雾器丢进背包,或许哪一天可以用到。 Walks Yao'er, looked from map, cannot arrive at one kilometer to arrive at that stalactite cave forward again...... Xiao Xiao (little)! You give me to come!” “走吧瑶儿,从地图上看,向前再走不到一公里就能到达那个钟乳洞……小小!你给我过来!” Saw that in the legend most formidable Saint Qilin pursues the butterfly to play unexpectedly, as Master Feng Xiao thought that own face quickly lost completely. 看到传说中最强大的圣麒麟居然去追蝴蝶玩,作为主人风逍觉得自己的脸都快丢尽了。 Finally Xiao Xiao (little) was raised Z font tail to drag away by Feng Xiao. 最终小小风逍提着“Z”字型尾巴拖走。 The front must face, is formidable incomparable Immortal Beast. He has not thought that seems like on the monotonous path, can hide unexpectedly so surprisedly, he will have met in HP/Life the important two partners, will obtain to open gate of one of the he destiny keys. 前方要面对的,将是强大无比的仙兽。他从来没有想过,一条看似单调的道路上,竟能隐藏着如此的惊奇,他将遇到了生命中重要的两个伙伴,更将获得了一把打开他命运之门的钥匙之一。
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