LA :: Volume #1

#95: The Gold BOSS lineup of shocking

Is good has not calculated because of Xiao Xiao (little) stupidly, with behind Feng Xiao escapes at the same time, Twisting Wind rearward flings. 好在小小还算不笨,跟着风逍后面逃跑的同时,一个“风绞”向后方甩去。 Unexpectedly can move!” Feng Xiao surprised looks at the Xiao Xiao (little) action. “居然可以移动施法!”风逍惊奇的看着小小的举动。 One height ten meters, a diameter four meters small tornado forms in the poisonous mosquito pile instantaneously, has big almost not recognizable red digit. 一个高十米,直径四米的小型龙卷风在毒蚊堆里瞬间形成,带起一大片几乎不可辨认的红色数字。 Ding, you kill 890 blood sucking poisonous mosquitos, obtains Experience 801000......” “叮,你杀死890只吸血毒蚊,得到经验801000……” Without a doubt, the mosquito in tornado was strangled to death completely, the crowded poisonous mosquito group presents a piece of vacuum, but quick was filled up , to continue flies to them. 毫无疑问,龙卷风中的蚊子全部被绞杀,密集的毒蚊群出现一片真空,但很快又被填满,继续向他们飞来。 Xiao Xiao (little) sees such crispness that oneself this whole life second time makes a move to hit, immediately is excited, anchors the footsteps simply, settles on the mosquito group most crowded region, is Twisting Wind, is taking to one's heels to continue to run. 小小见自己这辈子第二次出手就打的如此之爽,顿时兴奋起来,索性停住脚步,看准蚊群最密集的区域,又是一个风绞,然后撒丫子继续跑。 Ding, you kill 1090 blood sucking poisonous mosquitos, obtains Experience......” “叮,你杀死1090只吸血毒蚊,得到经验……” Ding, your Pet Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin Level Up is 29 levels......” “叮,你的宠物幽冥五行圣麒麟等级升为29级……” Ding, you kill 690 blood sucking poisonous mosquitos, obtains Experience......” “叮,你杀死690只吸血毒蚊,得到经验……” Ding, you kill 730 blood sucking poisonous mosquitos, obtains Experience......” “叮,你杀死730只吸血毒蚊,得到经验……” Ding, congratulates Player Wind Spirit Level Up is 31 levels, HP/Life + 20, Magic/MP + 10, Strength + 1, Vitality + 1, Agility + 1, Intelligence (mind/spirit) + 1, 5 Attributes points can assign.” “叮,恭喜玩家风魂等级升为31级,生命+20,魔法+10,力量+1,体力+1,敏捷+1,精神+1,有5点属性点可以分配。” Feng Xiao dumbfounded looks Experience that oneself fly upwards, sighed at heart secretly. 风逍目瞪口呆的看着自己飞升的经验,心里暗叹不已。 Was too crisp, this was the instantaneous Magic/MP advantage.” “太爽了吧,这就是瞬发魔法的好处啊。” Right, merely 5 seconds, Xiao Xiao (little) has released four times Twisting Wind, strikes to kill more than 3000 poisonous mosquitos, huge Experience of 3000 Level 35 poisonous mosquitos let Xiao Xiao (little) and Feng Xiao rose respectively first-level. 没错,仅仅5秒钟,小小共释放了四次“风绞”,击杀3000多只毒蚊,3000只35级毒蚊的庞大经验小小风逍分别升了一级。 Only has Feng Yao, the Level difference surpasses Level 10, has not divided to any Experience. 唯有风瑶,等级差超过10级,没有分到任何经验 The dense mosquito group was eliminated most likely, but surplus still fearful, moreover pursued. Is good because of Xiao Xiao (little) under the order of Feng Xiao, unceasing is centered on three people displays Twisting Wind, the poisonous mosquito second of flushing kills completely. 原本黑压压的蚊群被消灭了十之八九,但剩余的依然可怕,而且已经追了上来。好在小小风逍的命令下,不断的以三人为中心施展“风绞”,将冲进来的毒蚊全部秒杀。 What a pity has not fallen any equipment, if falls anything to equip really sounds queer--, because they are the mosquito. 可惜没有掉落任何装备,不过如果真的掉落什么装备才更让人奇怪——因为它们是蚊子。 ......” the world to be pure, Feng Yao that Feng Xiao let out a long relaxed breath, the racket some heartbeats sped up, had a lingering fear. “呼……”世界清净了,风逍长长舒了一口气,拍拍有些心跳加快的风瑶,心有余悸。 This time has been lucky Xiao Xiao (little), otherwise, is not certainly able to escape by luck.” Feng Yao feels the Xiao Xiao (little) furry head gently, the latter is a face enjoys with the proud appearance, the short figure also had straightened up much. “这次多亏了小小,否则,一定无法幸免。”风瑶轻轻摸着小小毛茸茸的脑袋,后者则是一脸享受和骄傲的模样,原本矮小的身材也挺直了不少。 Xiao Xiao (little), dry/does attractiveness!” A Feng Xiao palm of the hand claps on its head, almost lays out the tears it. 小小,干的漂亮!”风逍一巴掌拍在它脑袋上,差点把它拍出眼泪来。 Wuka!” Xiao Xiao (little) is covering the head suffering from injustice called one. 呜卡!”小小捂着脑袋的委屈的叫了一声。 Feng Xiao this time has not received Xiao Xiao (little), because he discovered that this goods also had the value of use, copes with some flights or very small Monster, its various Magic/MP can play not the minor role. 风逍这次没有把小小收回去,因为他发现这货原来也有利用的价值,对付一些飞行或很小的怪物,它的各种魔法能起到不小的作用。 However in the lifeform regarding this forest, he does not dare to have slight treating it lightly. 不过对于这个森林里的生物,他再也不敢有丝毫的掉以轻心。 Feng Xiao before, Feng Yao tight is holding his arm, Xiao Xiao (little) following on the heels swaggering, a human and animals harmless appearance. 风逍在前,风瑶紧紧的抱着他的手臂,小小则大摇大摆的跟在后面,一幅人畜无害的样子。 Buzz--” “嗡——” Their conditioned reflex anchoring footsteps, have looked one mutually. 两人条件反射般的停住脚步,互相对望了一眼。 Is the poisonous mosquito?” “难道又是毒蚊?” No, is the hornet!” “不,是黄蜂!” The origin quick emergence of sound, is one group velocity extremely quick hornet, the quantity not many, but the imposing manner is threatening. 声音的来源很快出现,是一群速度极快的黄蜂,数量不多但气势逼人。 Scorpion tail bee: 34 levels, HP/Life 1200, one type long has the strange hornet of scorpion tail, violently poisonous incomparable, when Attack attaches 100% poison Effect. 蝎尾蜂:34级,生命1200,一种长有蝎子尾巴的奇异黄蜂,剧毒无比,攻击时附加100%的“中毒”效果 Weakness: life force and Defense are very weak \; Fears the fire. 弱点:生命力防御力很弱\;惧火。 Innate Skill: Windward, Thunder Attribute Magic/MP has strong resistance ability. 天赋:对风、雷系魔法具有很强的抵抗能力 Skills: Does not have. 技能:无。 100% poisons? My mother, here Monster one by one is how abnormal! 100%的中毒?我的娘啊,这里的怪物怎么一个比一个变态! Yao'er, zither!” 瑶儿,琴!” The affable heavenly music resounds once more, after dancing in the air scorpion tail bee struggling several seconds, then in abundance drops, several that escapes by luck also by Xiao Xiao (little) with Bursting Flame hitting. 舒缓的仙乐再次响起,飞舞中的蝎尾蜂挣扎数秒后,便纷纷跌落,幸免的几只也被小小用“爆炎”给打了下来。 Small Monster that these can fly is all Physical Class Profession nemesis, except for escaping to have no alternative facing them. But Mage frail life force also decided that they are too irresistibly long. 这些可以飞行的小型怪物是所有物理类职业克星,面对它们除了逃跑别无选择。而魔法师的脆弱生命力也决定他们无法抵抗太久。 Feng Xiao sighed secretly: If passes through terrifying forest solitarily, feared that is the present has flown back without any results. 风逍暗叹:如果是自己只身穿越恐怖森林,怕是现在已经无功而返。 clear fell these hornets, two people were more careful. 清掉这些黄蜂,两人更加小心起来。 Wan'er, here will Monster have why consciousness Attack we?” Feng Xiao asked to Xuanyuan Wan'er. 婉儿,为什么这里的怪物都会有意识的攻击我们?”风逍轩辕婉儿问道。 Because you are the external HP/Life bodies, they are very sensitive. Moreover, I felt that this forest life force is draining, the speed of although draining is extremely weak, but truly exists.” Xuanyuan Wan'er replied. “因为你们是外来的生命体,它们对此很敏感。而且,我感觉到这个森林的生命力正在流失,虽然流失的速度极其微弱,但确实存在。”轩辕婉儿答道。 „Is life force draining? According to information that Heavenly Eye obtains, as if drained very long time. What reason can be?” Feng Xiao thinks. 生命力在流失?根据天眼得到的信息,似乎已经流失了很长的时间。会是什么原因呢?”风逍思索起来。 The swamp, the poisonous flower and poisonous herb were bypassed by one by one, the great snake, the monitor lizard this relatively huge Monster has not made a move to be struck to kill by Feng Xiao two Dragon Flame Cleaving, because their special Attributes make Feng Xiao fearful and apprehensive. But is good because of one time will not appeared too many, he can cope with ease. 沼泽、毒花、毒草被一一绕过,巨蛇,巨蜥这等相对庞大的怪物还没出手就被风逍两个龙炎斩击杀,因为它们的特殊属性风逍心惊胆战。但好在一次不会出现太多,他可以轻松对付。 Penetrated for one hour, two people mood not moment relaxation, Xiao Xiao (little) in behind leisurely and carefree looks at the surrounding strange wood different grass, appreciates this it born soon world. 已经深入了一个多小时,两人的心情没有一刻的放松,小小则在后面悠闲的看着周围的奇木异草,欣赏着这个它降生不久的世界。 Eh?” The front does not have except for air anything, but Feng Xiao actually felt oneself have as if hit on a wall. ?”前方除了空气什么都没有,但风逍却感觉自己仿佛撞到了一面墙上。 Yao'er, do not come!” 瑶儿,不要过来!” But is too late, the body of Feng Yao also hit on a transparent object, simultaneously discovered with amazement own whole body seemed stucked, could not move. Behind Xiao Xiao (little) also brain has hit. 可是为时已晚,风瑶的身体也撞在了一个透明的物体上,同时惊讶的发现自己全身仿佛被黏住般,丝毫动弹不得。后面跟着的小小也愣头愣脑的撞了上去。 Elder Brother!” 哥哥!” Feng Xiao hates at heart secretly, struggles. 风逍心里暗恨,不停的挣扎起来。 Along with slight rocking, a giant spider is unexpectedly void to crawl to them, the goal leaves it near Feng Yao. 随着轻微的晃动,一只巨大的蜘蛛竟虚空向他们爬来,目标正是离它较近的风瑶 Terrifying spot spider king: 32 levels of silver BOSS, HP/Life 8000. Commanding of terrifying spot spider, violently poisonous incomparable, can by an unusual transparent spider web capture prey, at least surround the prey 10 seconds. To falling into the prey in net will launch quickly to swallow. 恐怖斑蛛王:32级白银BOSS,生命8000。恐怖斑蛛的统领,剧毒无比,能以一种奇特的透明蜘蛛网捕获猎物,至少困住猎物10秒。对陷入网中的猎物将迅速展开吞噬。 Terrifying great spider fast approaches to Feng Yao, gradually has opened the frightening venomous fang. 恐怖的巨蛛快速的向风瑶靠近,逐渐的张开了令人恐惧的毒牙。 Feng Yao beautiful eyes has filled panic-stricken. Has the tears to flash faintly. She goes all out wants to extend both hands to grasp the Feng Xiao clothes, but the arm is unable to act. 风瑶绝美的双眼充满了惊恐。隐隐有泪光闪动。她拼命的想伸出双手去抓风逍的衣服,可是手臂根本无法动作。 Transparent spider web! 透明的蜘蛛网! The Feng Yao expression makes him clench jaws, wishes one could to tear to pieces that spider immediately. 风瑶的表情让他咬牙切齿,恨不得将那只蜘蛛马上撕烂。 Surrounded Xiao Xiao (little) has not been but actually panic-stricken, very simple Thunderlight Flash strikes to the terrifying spot spider king, its Magic Power/Demon Strength origin is Five Element Saint Spirit Bead before volume, even if the whole body were surrounded is unable to hinder it to display Magic/MP. 被困住的小小倒没怎么惊慌失措,很干脆的一个“雷光一闪”击向恐怖斑蛛王,它的魔力来源是额前的五行圣灵珠,即使全身被困住也无法阻碍它施展魔法 Meanwhile, the Feng Xiao angry roar resounds, six gloomy shadows depart from Asura Illusion, fly to the complacent black great spider. 同时,风逍愤怒的吼声响起,六道灰暗的影子从修罗幻中飞出,飞向正得意洋洋的黑色巨蛛。 Underworld Soul Breaker!” 冥魂破!” - 707 ,- 2327 ,- 4697 ,- 4588 ,- 2400 ,- 4611 ,- 2404. -707,-2327,-4697,-4588,-2400,-4611,-2404。 Angry Feng Xiao one time summoned the deep soul of use six did not abandon, the Defense frail terrifying spot spider king by the instantaneous second is killed, blows out everywhere silver coins and equipment, simultaneously spider web that turned into by its this life also along with it disappearance. 愤怒的风逍一次召唤出六只一直不舍的使用的冥魂,防御脆弱的恐怖斑蛛王被瞬间秒杀,爆出满地银币和装备,同时由它本命化成的蜘蛛网也随之消失。 Feng Yao grasps Feng Xiao fiercely, Wuuu has cried. She is strong is also only a girl, has the inborn fear to the spider, even if is playing, that also let her such as the dropping abyss. 风瑶猛地抱住风逍,“呜呜”的哭了起来。她再坚强也只是个女孩子,对蜘蛛有着天生的恐惧,即使是在游戏中,刚才的那一幕也让她如堕深渊。 Sorry, Yao'er.” Feng Xiao guilty is holding Feng Yao, if not because of own Quest, if not because are not very careful, Yao'er such greatly will not be frightened. “对不起,瑶儿。”风逍愧疚的抱着风瑶,如果不是因为自己的任务,如果不是因为自己不够小心,瑶儿也就不会受这么大惊吓了。 Yao'er, you go back to be good first, here was too dangerous.” 瑶儿,你先回去好不好,这里太危险了。” The Feng Yao body trembles, the weeping sound stopped slowly. 风瑶身体一颤,哭声慢慢停了下来。 Elder Brother, relax, I will not be afraid again. Has you, my anything will not be afraid.” The Feng Yao show face smiles, still on the face of pear flower belt rain the blooming infinite Fang magnificent, unexpectedly is drawing Feng Xiao's hand stand forth. 哥哥,放心吧,我不会再害怕了。有你在,我真的什么都不会害怕。”风瑶展颜一笑,依然梨花带雨的脸上绽放无限芳华,竟拉着风逍的手向前走去。 I must help Elder Brother, cannot become the Elder Brother burden, cannot be afraid again makes Elder Brother be worried. 我是要帮哥哥的,不可以成为哥哥的累赘,绝不可以再害怕让哥哥担心。 Feng Xiao shook the head, had not insisted again. He understands Feng Yao, only if go back, otherwise her certainly oneself. 风逍摇了摇头,没有再坚持。他了解风瑶,除非自己回去,否则她一定跟着自己。 Yao'er, the thing has not picked!” 瑶儿,东西还没捡呢!” Cannot pick! Its thing affirmation is quite disgusting.” “不许捡!它身上的东西肯定好恶心。” „......” “……” Terrifying forest first half Monster Level has not imagined high, basically in Level 20 to 40 levels, but almost every type has frightened terrifying ability. For example, now they face is several can make 100 levels of Player make a detour the scorpion. 恐怖森林前半部分的怪物等级没有想象中高,基本在20级到40级之间,但几乎每种都有让人惊悚的恐怖能力。比如,他们现在面对的就是几只能让100级玩家绕道而行的蝎子。 The terrifying cancels the sickle: 32 levels, HP/Life 1500. One of scorpion, is extremely poisonous. Usually not other initiative Attack living thing. If some people have not offended them carefully, they will then discard HP/Life to spray oneself life toxin, perishes together with other side. 恐怖勾镰:32级,生命1500。蝎子的一种,极毒。平时不会主动攻击其他生物。但一旦有人不小心触犯了它们,它们便会舍弃生命喷射自己的本命毒素,与对方同归于尽。 The terrifying cancels the sickle to be poisonous: Effect: 100% Instant Death. 恐怖勾镰毒:效果:100%即死 Feng Xiao could not bear hit to tremble, drew Feng Yao to go round rapidly. 风逍忍不住打了个哆嗦,迅速拉着风瑶绕开。 100% Instant Death, this is an appendaged mode of upsetting the balance, is the true terrifying exists. If which Player did not step on carefully, managed your many levels, waited for death. 100%的即死,这是一种打破平衡的附加状态,是真正的恐怖存在。哪个玩家要是不小心踩到了,管你多少级,等死吧。 Is thorough, is appears gloomy, moreover biological majority that the Feng Xiao surprised discovery, met before for insect, amphibious and crawling class, has not been expected the birds beast of prey, but already absolute load the name of terrifying. 越是深入,越是显得阴暗,而且风逍惊奇的发现,之前所遇到的生物大部分为昆虫、两栖和爬行类,没有预料中的飞禽猛兽,但已绝对担的起恐怖之名。 This place, later absolutely will again not come.” Here must maintain the vigilance every time, has will relax will fall into naturally or the trap of Monster establishment slightly. “这个地方,以后绝对不会再来了。”在这里每时每刻都必须保持警觉,稍有放松就会掉入天然的或是怪物设置的陷阱。 Not difficult to imagine, has not surveyed Skills ordinary Player to be hard to pass through this forest absolutely, or is impossible. 不难想象,没有探测技能的普通玩家绝对难以穿越这片森林,或者说不可能。 Feng Xiao has launched the map, after has calculated the distance silently, discovered oneself arrived at the dead center of terrifying forest. 风逍展开了地图,默默的计算了一下距离后,发现自己已经到了恐怖森林的正中心。 Receives the map, Feng Xiao is drawing the Feng Yao careful vanguard, is thorough, represented is being more dangerous, has learned from another's mistakes he not to dare to treat it lightly, almost will walk three steps to survey every surrounding situation. 收起地图,风逍拉着风瑶小心的前行,越是深入,就代表着越危险,有了前车之鉴他丝毫不敢掉以轻心,几乎每走三步就会探测一下周围的情况。 The present trees are getting bigger and bigger sturdily, the leaf also starts to tend to the normal aquamarine, was fresher including the air. The innumerable flowers and plants cover entirely the ground, demonstrates a natural magnificence. 眼前的树木越来越高大粗壮,树叶也开始趋向正常的碧绿色,连空气都清新了很多。无数的花草布满地面,展示一种自然的华丽。 Here flowers and plants trees, mosquito honeybee is most normal that belongs not to have the natural life of rank, does not have the slight Attack nature and toxicity. 这里的花草树木,蚊虫蜜蜂都是最正常的那种,属于没有级别的自然生物,没有丝毫的攻击性和毒性。 „Is the following forest this appearance?” Feng Xiao and Feng Yao relaxed slightly, because the scene started to remove the terrifying the color, gradual approach nature. “难道后面的森林都是这个样子吗?”风逍风瑶稍微放松了下来,因为场景已经开始褪去恐怖的色彩,渐渐接近自然。 Feng Xiao before, wields a sword to cut the weed of being in the way. Here green grass extraordinary exuberance, each more than one meter high, moreover is that most natural cyan. 风逍在前,挥剑斩切着挡路的杂草。这里的青草出奇的旺盛,每株都有一米多高,而且是那种最自然的青色 very powerful fierce HP/Life aura, moreover familiar are very flavors, what?” Xuanyuan Wan'er muttered. 好强烈的生命气息,而且有一股很熟悉的味道,到底是什么呢?”轩辕婉儿喃喃自语。 Feng Xiao is crazy, because front green grass unexpectedly more than five meters high, but his trees, are high does not make sense, cannot look at the top. 风逍狂汗,因为面前的青草竟有五米多高,而他身边的树木,更是高的不像话,一眼望不到顶。 But, can only continue the weed that cuts to be in the way, various animals in startled grass run away in abundance. 无奈之下,只能继续切割挡路的杂草,惊的草中的各种动物纷纷逃窜。 Also after continuously clear several minutes of weed, Feng Xiao some have not borne, Ice Splitting Slash swept off, brushed cut away one piece. 又连续清了几分钟杂草后,风逍已经有些不耐,一个冰破斩扫去,刷啦啦的切掉了一片。 Suddenly, Feng Xiao like receive an electric shock squatted down, draws Feng Yao to hide in behind the thick patch of grass, simultaneously Xiao Xiao (little) according to arriving under buttocks. 忽然,风逍如触电般蹲下,拉着风瑶躲进了草丛后面,同时把小小按到屁股底下。 Is...... Animal congress?” “难道是……动物大会?” By a front residual row of weed, Feng Xiao saw a moment ago has let his amazed one: On the front green lawn, is loafing unexpectedly the great lion, the great tiger, the great shape, python, Giant Wolf, the great spider, the great scorpion, giant bird and great ant...... Almost all forest possible animal here, even the continued proportion person also big mosquito has. 刚才透过前方残留的一排杂草,风逍看到了让他惊诧的一幕:前方一片青青的草地上,竟游荡着巨狮、巨虎、巨象、巨蟒、巨狼、巨蜘蛛、巨蝎、巨鸟、巨蚁……几乎所有森林可能出现的动物这里都有一只,甚至连比人还大的蚊子都有。 Heavenly Eye opens, sweeps to front one pile of Monster, this looks importantly, almost does not make him call out in alarm. 天眼开启,扫向前方的一堆怪物,这一看不要紧,差点让他惊叫起来。 Gold Cloud Dragon lion: 40 levels of Gold BOSS, HP/Life 65000. 黄金云龙狮:40级黄金BOSS,生命65000。 Roared Saber-Toothed Tiger: 40 levels of Gold BOSS, HP/Life 60000. 咆哮剑齿虎:40级黄金BOSS,生命60000。 Gold sudden and violent thunder shape: 40 levels of Gold BOSS, HP/Life 80000. 黄金暴雷象:40级黄金BOSS,生命80000。 ...... …… Gold azure stiff ant: Level 35 Gold BOSS...... 黄金青僵蚁:35级黄金BOSS…… The purple fog rips cloud strange/monster: 38 levels of Gold BOSS...... 紫雾撕云怪:38级黄金BOSS…… Gold black widow: Level 35 Gold BOSS...... 黄金黑寡妇:35级黄金BOSS…… ...... …… All is Gold BOSS! Each big map one month not necessarily brushes Gold BOSS! 全是黄金BOSS!每个大地图一个月也不一定刷一只的黄金BOSS!
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