LA :: Volume #1

#94: Terrifying forest

Big Brother Feng, why Elder Brother did not come to see me recently, even if in the game, he always did not speak with me.” Yang Xiruo somewhat worried Elder Brother safety. 风大哥,最近哥哥为什么不来看我,而且即使在游戏里,他也从来不和我说话。”杨夕若有些担心自己哥哥的安危。 Yang Xiruo pajamas, the shoulders are only winning the snow, the arm such as sleek/moist jade, completely has not revealed the stature, already beautiful resulted in does not allow to blink. Feng Xiao makes the mood gentle with great difficulty, by visits her who the vision of appreciation does flicker. 杨夕若只着睡衣,双肩胜雪,臂如润玉,未曾尽显身材,已然美得不容瞬目。风逍好不容易才让心情平和,以欣赏的眼光一瞬不瞬的看着她。 Relax, he is handling man this matter of doing, with you did not say that does not want to divert attention, does not want to make you be worried.” Feng Xiao saying gently. “放心吧,他在做一件男人该做的事情,不和你说是不想分心,更不想让你担心而已。”风逍轻轻的说道。 Will have the danger?” Yang Xiruo obvious is anxious, she and Yang Aotian destiny is connected, the brother and sister affection is deep. “会有危险吗?”杨夕若明显的紧张起来,她和杨傲天命运相连,兄妹感情深厚无比。 „, Will not have slightly dangerously.” Feng Xiao said with a smile. “不会,不会有丝毫危险。”风逍笑道。 Indeed, in game, even if dies 100 times, will not have slightly the substantive danger. 的确,游戏中即使死100次,也不会有丝毫实质的危险。 Big Brother Feng, do I have anything to help you, I do not want only to lie down here, becomes your burdens.” Yang Xiruo after moistening and long-term recreation of Chaos Qi, the vitality restored, the pure busy jade face also starts to be slowly ruddy. 风大哥,我有没有什么可以帮到你们的,我不想只能躺在这里,成为你们的累赘。”杨夕若经过混沌之气的滋润和长时间的休养,元气已经恢复了很多,纯洁无暇的玉脸也开始慢慢红润起来。 Feng Xiao pastes in her chest, Chaos Qi pours into slowly. He said with a smile lightly: Your most requirement does is every day has wanted happily, you are Aotian only Intelligence (mind/spirit) reposing, even can be said as his life, only then you, he can the heart not get off one's main subject with heart and soul well fully handles his matter.” 风逍手贴在她的胸口,混沌之气慢慢注入。他轻笑道:“你最需要做的就是每天都要过的开开心心的,你可是傲天唯一的精神寄托,甚至可以说是他的命,只有你好好的,他才可以心无旁骛全心全力的去做他自己的事情。” Has had the lunch, three people have been laughing and playing a meeting, then together got up the game. 吃过午饭,三人嬉笑了一会,便一起上了游戏。 Yang Xiruo still planting flowers diligently, hopes that can make anything by this. Her life Profession is the Primary Level gardener, may plant various plants, but fruit some of having are the delicious fruits, some can refine the medicine. Therefore she is Primary Level picks pharmacist and elixir Master, but following two Livelihood Skills little have used. 杨夕若依然努力的种花,希望可以以此来做些什么。她的生活职业初级花匠,可种植各种植物,而结出的果实有的是味道鲜美的果子,有的可以炼制药物。因此她又是初级采药师和炼药师,只是后面两个生活技能很少用过。 Feng Xiao and Feng Yao continue, cautiously evaded that the territories of 40 levels of murder bees, fight the territory of bear across 60 levels of iron armor, started to be getting more and more near to the goal. 风逍风瑶继续前行,小心翼翼的避过40级杀人蜂的领地,穿过60级铁甲战熊的领地,离目标也开始越来越近了。 Except that offline eats meal with short sleep, Feng Xiao and Feng Yao to the stalactite cave on map have approached in the game. With small strange bullies all the way, meets fiercely hides, finally is well. 除了下线吃饭和短暂的睡眠,风逍风瑶一直在游戏中向地图上的钟乳洞靠近。一路上遇小怪就欺负,遇到厉害的就躲,总算平安无事。 Next noon, finally passes through broad green space, enters to a somewhat gloomy forest, on the instruction according to map, the end of forest, is the stalactite cave is. 第二天中午,终于穿过广阔的绿地,进入到一片有些阴暗的森林,按照地图上的指示,森林的尽头,就是钟乳洞所在。 Elder Brother, was here on map says the terrifying forest? It seems as if no name to be so fearful.” Looks at present cover boundless quiet forest, the Feng Yao slightly somewhat shocking feeling. After all in the real life such forest can only see on the television. 哥哥,这里就是地图上所说恐怖森林吗?看上去似乎没有名字那么可怕。”看着眼前茂密无际的幽林,风瑶微微有些惊艳之感。毕竟现实生活中这样的森林只能在电视上看到。 Feng Xiao has hesitated, has grasped the Feng Yao small hand: Walks, here atmosphere is a little strange, is careful point good.” 风逍沉吟了一下,抓起了风瑶的小手:“走吧,这里的气氛有点诡异,还是小心点的好。” Feng Xiao clear remembering, own Wargod Scroll Tian Zhan from the swamp of terrifying forest after a narrow escape obtains, decides however the bad risk to be incomparable. 风逍清晰的记得,自己的战神卷轴正是天战从恐怖森林的沼泽中历经九死一生后取得,其中定然凶险无比。 The trees are crowded, ride a horse are instead easy to affect Movement Speed and lose the position. Two manpower hold hands on foot the line, is going forward carefully. 树木密集,骑马反而容易影响移动速度和迷失方位。两人手牵手徒步而行,小心的前进着。 Terrifying forest: Is Heavenly Dragon Continent famous bluish green Youlin, but when does not know from, the HP/Life aura in forest starts to reduce slowly, once abundant life-force also gradually weakened. Meanwhile, wild that the docile animal changes, the massive Demon Transformation lifeform also start to multiply, gradual turns into the terrifying forest that here everybody shrinks back at the sight. 恐怖森林:原为天龙大陆有名的碧幽林,但不知从何时起,林中的生命气息开始慢慢减少,曾经盎然的生机也逐渐减弱。同时,温顺的动物变的狂暴,大量的魔化生物也开始滋生,逐渐的将这里变成人人望而却步的恐怖森林。 In the mind presented the accurate information of terrifying forest, simultaneously broadcasts the Xuanyuan Wan'er sound. 脑海里出现了恐怖森林的准确信息,同时传来轩辕婉儿的声音。 Elder Brother Feng, here is quite strange, moreover as if has a very familiar flavor.” 风哥哥,这里好诡异,而且似乎有一股很熟悉的味道。” Familiar flavor? Is what?” Can make the Xuanyuan Wan'er familiar thing, Feng Xiao move at heart. “熟悉的味道?是什么?”能让轩辕婉儿熟悉的东西,风逍心里一动。 Cannot say, is only a vague feeling.” Xuanyuan Wan'er said gently, then did not have the sound, seems pondering anything diligently. “说不上来,只是一种若有若无的感觉。”轩辕婉儿轻轻的说了一句,便没有了声音,似乎在努力思考着什么。 Has led the way for several minutes toward the deep woods, the ray is gloomy gradually, the atmosphere even more is also strange--, because including Monster not to bump into unexpectedly, does not have the slight sound, moreover here trees unexpectedly are the strange azure black, seems a morbid state color. 往森林深处前行了几分钟,光线逐渐暗淡下来,气氛也愈加诡异——因为居然连一只怪物都没碰到,更没有丝毫的声响,而且这里的树木竟是诡异的青黑色,似乎是一种病态的颜色。 Feng Yao held the hand of Elder Brother arm to tighten. Feng Xiao pats her shoulder, said: Do not be afraid, has me.” 风瑶抱着哥哥手臂的手不禁紧了紧。风逍轻轻拍拍她的肩膀,说道:“别害怕,有我呢。” Feng Yao shows a faint smile, the facial expression relaxes completely. 风瑶微微一笑,神情完全放松下来。 Danger!” “危险!” Feng Xiao has anchored the footsteps promptly, simultaneously closely has held on Feng Yao. 风逍及时的停住了脚步,同时紧紧的拉住了风瑶 Proceeds again three steps is a very deep swamp, the words that falls are very difficult to withdraw!” Xuanyuan Wan'er reminded. “再往前三步就是一个很深的沼泽,陷进去的话很难脱身!”轩辕婉儿提醒到。 Wan'er, how you know.” 婉儿,你是怎么知道的。” Because behind the swamp has several cruel tree monsters, you and Elder Sister Feng, once falls, it will strangle to death you with the vine cane!” “因为沼泽后方有几个残暴树妖,你和风姐姐一旦陷进去,它就会用蔓藤把你们绞杀!” Feng Xiao frightens. Xuanyuan Wan'er can peep at any living thing memory, she will say absolutely will not be wrong. 风逍吓出一身冷汗。轩辕婉儿可以窥视任何生物的记忆,她说得绝对不会错。 Heavenly Eye of rapid opening Eye of Soul, sweeps to front piece of trees. 灵魂之眼天眼迅速开启,扫向前面的一片树木。 Wild tree monster: Level 30, HP/Life 10000. Is the ordinary trees after nourishing of millennium HP/Life aura by the HP/Life body that the evolution turns into, has greatly strengthened life force. Afterward because bluish green Youlin life-force gradually lost becomes greedy and wild, usually will fit out the ordinary trees, one, but had the lifeform to approach, immediately started Attack. 狂暴树妖:30级,生命10000。原是普通树木经千年生命气息的滋养后逐渐进化成的生命体,具有极强的生命力。后来由于碧幽林生机的逐渐丧失而变得贪婪和狂暴起来,平时会装成普通的树木,一但有生物靠近,立即发动攻击 Weakness: Fears the fire, Fire Resistance- 50%, are unable to move. 弱点:惧火,火系抗性-50%,无法移动。 Skills: Heartless vine cane: Sends out root cane Binding and strangles to death the enemy, Attack is away from 5 meters. 技能:无情蔓藤:发出一根蔓藤缠绕和绞杀敌人,攻击距离5米。 Blooms a loose leaf: Recovery own 1000 HP/Life. 开枝散叶:回复自身1000生命 Feng Xiao coldly snorted, pats the arm of Feng Yao: Stands here do not move.” 风逍冷哼一声,轻轻拍拍风瑶的手臂:“站在这里不要动。” Does not need Feng Yao to make reaction, before Feng Xiao was rapid to/clashes, jumps to the front swamp, along with the Xuanyuan Wan'er screams. 不待风瑶作出反应,风逍就已经迅速前冲,跳向前面的沼泽,伴随着轩辕婉儿的惊呼声。 Feng Xiao chuckled, body unexpectedly strange float in airborne, maintains original fast flushes away to the front tree monster, in the meantime, several azure black vine canes strike to him. 风逍嘿嘿一笑,身体竟诡异的漂浮在空中,保持原速向前面的树妖冲去,同时,数根青黑的蔓藤向他击来。 Dragon Flame Cleaving welcomed to vine cane, burnt out it rapidly. The flame burns along the vine cane to the tree monster on, leaves behind the innumerable red digit. 龙炎斩”迎向蔓藤,迅速将其烧断。火焰沿着蔓藤烧到树妖身上,留下无数的红色数字。 Flame ignition Effect extraordinary good of Effect on these wooden monsters, each only fired tree monster will lose 500 HP/Life every second, Recovery that can only go all out own HP/Life, is having no time to carry on Attack again. 火焰的“灼烧”效果在这些木妖身上效果出奇的好,每只被灼烧的树妖每秒都会损失500的生命,只能拼命的回复着自己的生命,再无暇进行攻击 Elder Brother!” 哥哥!” Calls out in alarm from the back transmits, Feng Xiao turns head hastily, panic-stricken discovery several grew the red bat of strange tooth to encircle Feng Yao, must start Attack. 一声惊呼从背后传来,风逍连忙回头,惊骇的发现十几只长着奇异牙齿的红色蝙蝠已经将风瑶围了起来,就要发动攻击 Vampire bat: Level 35, HP/Life 1500. One type takes hemophagiaing as the fresh bat, on the sharp tooth as if has violently poisonously. 吸血蝙蝠:35级,生命1500。一种以吸血为生的蝙蝠,锋锐的牙齿上似乎有着剧毒。 Weakness: HP/Life and Defense are frail. 弱点:生命防御脆弱。 Skills: The tooth of blood sucking: 50% that will injure transform as own HP/Life. 技能:吸血之牙:将伤害的50%转化为自身生命 Sound wave Attack: Sends out the ultrasonic wave Attack enemy, 30% probabilities create 2-3 seconds of dizziness. 声波攻击:发出超声波攻击敌人,30%的概率造成2-3秒的眩晕。 The Feng Xiao figure has not moved, Wind Wheel Slash has ejected, he can strike spatial Skills, only then this. 风逍身形未动,“风轮斩”已经击出,他可以击空的技能只有这一个。 The Wind Wheel Slash second has killed the airborne two bats, simultaneously makes them wild, reveals to flash the dim light tooth, to the Feng Yao dive in the past. 风轮斩秒杀了空中的两只蝙蝠,同时让它们变得狂暴起来,露出闪着幽光的牙齿,向风瑶俯冲过去。 The movement of bat is quick, Feng Yao just took out Fuxi's Zither they then to clash before the body. 蝙蝠的动作很快,风瑶刚取出伏羲琴它们便已冲至身前。 ...... -124,-118,-120,MISS,-112…… Majority of Attack strokes in by Infinite Space Gate protects instantaneously on Feng Yao front Feng Xiao, but the back two bats hit Feng Yao, carries off she 600 many HP/Life. 大部分的攻击击打在以“无限空间门”瞬间护在风瑶面前的风逍身上,而背后的两只蝙蝠击中风瑶,带走她600多的生命 Feng Yao relieved, graceful affable music resounds, appears especially melodious in the silent terrifying forest. 风瑶长舒一口气,优雅舒缓的音乐响起,在寂静的恐怖森林里显得格外悠扬。 Bat to sound extremely sensitive, after 2 seconds, stopped struggling, after 3 seconds, all from airborne falls falls, fell into the deep sleep without any exception. 蝙蝠对声音极其的敏感,2秒后就停止了挣扎,3秒后就全部从空中摔落,无一例外的陷入了沉睡。 ......” Feng Xiao to relax, struck to kill them by Ice Splitting Slash rapidly, simultaneously has raised up the thumb to Feng Yao: Yao'er, is quite fierce.” “呼……”风逍松了一口气,迅速以冰破斩将它们击杀,同时向风瑶竖起了大拇指:“瑶儿,好厉害。” Copes with airborne Monster, except for Mage and Archer, other Profession very much has a headache, because after these cannot strike spatial Profession only to be able and other other side to lower the body starts Attack, can Attack, but some can from the sky carry on Attack Monster basically not to have any means. 对付空中的怪物,除了魔法师弓箭手,其他职业都很头疼,因为这些不能击空的职业只能等对方降下身体发动攻击后才能攻击,而一些可以在空中进行攻击怪物就基本没什么办法了。 Only if obtains to be able Attack airborne Skills. 除非得到可以攻击空中的技能 Feng Yao smiles: Elder Brother, if not you, I affirmed a moment ago has hung. If because of me here, Elder Brother will not pay attention to these Monster.” 风瑶浅浅一笑:“哥哥,如果不是你,刚才我肯定已经挂掉了。而且如果不是因为我在这里,哥哥根本不会把这些怪物放在眼里。” Feng Xiao said with a smile: Spoke any nonsense, although I did not fear that they will but meet very much will have had a headache. If not you, I estimated that must toss about long time. Walks , to continue to go forward.” 风逍不禁笑道:“说什么傻话,我虽然不怕它们但遇到了也会很头疼。如果不是你,我估计要折腾很长时间。走吧,继续前进。” On the instruction according to map, most three hours, they can pass through this terrifying forest, achieves the destination. 按照地图上的指示,最多三个小时,他们就可以穿过这个恐怖森林,达到目的地。 Feng Xiao was more careful, surveys all around with Heavenly Eye. Heavenly Eye can distinguish all terrain information ability to make them evade the innumerable traps and swamps. 风逍小心了很多,不停的用天眼探测四周。天眼能识别所有地形信息的能力让他们避过了无数的陷阱和沼泽。 The Feng Yao ear moves suddenly, looks at Feng Xiao saying: Elder Brother, do you have to hear any strange sound.” 风瑶忽然耳朵一动,看着风逍说道:“哥哥,你有没有听到什么奇怪的声音。” Feng Xiao nods: Heard, probably is the cry of mosquito, in the forest the gloomy place will have generally the mosquito. Does not need to manage them.” 风逍点点头:“听到了,好像是蚊子的叫声,森林里阴暗的地方一般都会有蚊子。不用管它们。” The voice just fell, at present suddenly flies the dense piece, along with more and more clear humming sound sound, flies directly to them. 话音刚落,眼前忽然飞来黑压压一片,伴随着越来越清晰的“嗡嗡”声,径直向他们飞来。 Sweat, this flock of mosquito are not will think Attack.” Feng Xiao looks oneself were covered the solid whole body by mask armor cloak, curling the lip that disdains. “汗,这群蚊子不会是想攻击吧。”风逍看着自己被面具盔甲披风捂得严严实实的全身,不屑的撇撇嘴。 Elder Brother Feng, runs away quickly!” 风哥哥,快逃!” Feng Xiao stares, Heavenly Eye rapid opening. 风逍一愣,天眼迅速开启。 Hemophagias the poisonous mosquito: Level 35, HP/Life 500. It seems like a commonplace, but Attack is greatly strengthened, is the hideaway in heartless killer in secret, generally is the community moves, any Monster will meet them to yield and withdraw. 吸血毒蚊:35级,生命500。看似毫不起眼,但攻击极强,是隐藏于暗中的无情杀手,一般都是群体行动,任何怪物遇到它们都会退避三舍。 Weakness: life force is extremely weak, fears all Magic/MP Attack. 弱点:生命力极弱,惧怕所有魔法攻击 Innate Skill: Lives in groups, the eye of darkness. 天赋:群居、黑暗之眼。 Skills: Blood sucking: Absorbs fixed 300 injuries to the enemy, and transforms as own HP/Life. 技能:吸血:对敌人吸取固定的300伤害,并转化为自己的生命 what! Feng Xiao is surprised, this crowd seems like with the ordinary mosquito does not have the poisonous mosquito of difference so to be unexpectedly terrifying, moreover little said that also several thousand, a person bites to suffice them dead over a hundred 80 times. 什么!风逍大吃一惊,这群看似和普通蚊子没有异样的毒蚊居然如此恐怖,而且少说也有几千只,一人咬一下够他们死上百80次的。 Moreover the goal is too small, is the flight, thinks that Attack they are very difficult. 而且目标太小,又是飞行,想攻击它们都很难。 Elder Brother Feng, making Elder Sister Feng do not use Fuxi's Zither, this flock of mosquito cannot hear the sound.” 风哥哥,让风姐姐不要用伏羲琴,这群蚊子根本听不到声音。” Feng Xiao rapidly stops to be just about to move the string Feng Yao, draws her to turn around to run. 风逍迅速制止正要拨动琴弦的风瑶,拉着她转身就跑。 Feng Yao from the Elder Brother action realized that the fearfulness of these mosquito, run along with Elder Brother, is her Movement Speed, only then 30, are inferior to the flying speed of poisonous mosquito radically. Feng Xiao cannot throw down Younger Sister, saw that their distances are getting more and more near. 风瑶哥哥的举动中意识到这些蚊子的可怕,随着哥哥跑起来,可是她的移动速度只有30,根本不及毒蚊的飞行速度。风逍又绝不能丢下妹妹,眼看着它们的距离越来越近。 Xiao Xiao (little), comes out to me quickly, with your Wind Attribute Magic/MP Attack!” 小小,快给我出来,用你的风系魔法攻击!” Xiao Xiao (little) in high spirits appearance, saw the dense piece that must approach, frightens starts running away at once, air/Qi Feng Xiao wishes one could a foot to kick Pacific Ocean to go it. 小小兴高采烈的现身,看到就要逼近的黑压压一片,吓得拔腿就跑,气的风逍恨不得一脚把它踢到太平洋去。
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