LA :: Volume #1

#93: Duanmu!

Ding, Player Lunatic issued that the region announced: ‚The Swift Wind World store today starts doing business, has displayed Level 15 to equip with 100 silver to 300 bronze equipment of Level 30, welcome Player to come to purchase or sell on consignment.” “叮,玩家疯子’发布全区公告:‘风行天下商店’今日开业,已展出15级30级的300件青铜装备与100件白银装备,欢迎各位玩家前来购买或寄售。” Ding, Player Lunatic issues the region announcement......” “叮,玩家疯子’发布全区公告……” Ding, Player Lunatic issues the region announcement......” “叮,玩家疯子’发布全区公告……” Feng Xiao wishes one could to strangle to death Lunatic, oneself 3000 gold coins such threw away carelessly. 风逍恨不得把疯子一把扼死,自己的3000金币就这么打了水漂。 The shop in Heavenly Dragon Imperial City south Gold section, Money-grubbing is not willing to believe own ear. 天龙皇城南部黄金地段的一家店铺,见钱眼开怎么也不肯相信自己的耳朵。 300 bronze equipment equip with 100 silver...... This is how possible, this is how possible.” He finally starts somewhat to realize his enemy unexpected great strength. “300件青铜装备与100件白银装备……这怎么可能,这怎么可能。”他终于开始有些意识到自己的敌人出乎意料的强大。 Not only he, innumerable Player are also the shock. 不只是他,无数的玩家也是震惊不已。 Passer-by armor: „Do 300 bronze equipment equip with 100 silver? How possible! 100 people brush for one month not possible these many.” 路人甲:“300件青铜装备与100件白银装备?怎么可能!100个人刷一个月也不可能出这么多。” Passer-by B: Naturally is impossible, this clearly is one attracts the Player advertisement.” 路人乙:“当然不可能,这分明就是一个吸引玩家的广告。” Passer-by C: Can be the store that several thousand tens of thousands people of big Guild do?” 路人丙:“会不会是几千几万人的大帮派搞的商店呢?” Road person: fart! Really big Guild words they use insufficiently, how possibly to take to sell.” 路人丁:“放屁!真是大帮派的话他们自己用都不够,怎么可能拿出来卖。” ............ ………… ............ ………… Innumerable Player rush Swift Wind World, numerous large and small Guild also send out the person round trip nosing outcome. 无数的玩家涌向“风行天下”,众多大大小小帮派也都派出人来去查探究竟。 But the next system announced that lets the eldest child complete complexion big changes of major Guild. 而下一个系统公告则让各大帮派的老大全部脸色大变。 Ding, Player Lunatic issued that the region announced: ‚The Swift Wind World auction room today starts doing business, welcome Player to come to send to pat Item, this auction room will auction region first Guild Establishing Token to equip with 5 High Level after 5 th, the auction admission ticket starts to sell today, Player that please intend not misses the good opportunity.” “叮,玩家疯子’发布全区公告:‘风行天下拍卖行’今日开业,欢迎各位玩家前来寄拍物品,本拍卖行将于5日后拍卖全区第一块建帮令牌与5件高级装备,拍卖会门票今日开始发售,请有意的玩家莫失良机。” Ding, Player Lunatic issues the region announcement......” “叮,玩家疯子’发布全区公告……” Ding, Player Lunatic issues the region announcement......” “叮,玩家疯子’发布全区公告……” Feng Xiao flipped the supercilious look, has squandered 3000 gold coins. Initially did not reach an agreement has spent 1 gold coin to hang the poster in the Heavenly Dragon Imperial City square! 风逍翻了翻白眼,又白扔了3000金币。当初不是说好了花1个金币在天龙皇城广场挂告示牌吗! A stone is startled thousand overlapping waves. 一石惊起千层浪。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan just moved to spend 100 squares small villa that ordinary Player of 200 W gold coin purchase could not live for a lifetime, just and Maple Leaf Hao Ran satisfied drinking tea, does to practice the rest after level. Suddenly hears this announcement, almost falls from the chair. 枫叶狂澜刚入住花了200W金币购买的一个普通玩家一辈子也住不起的100平方小别墅,正和枫叶浩然惬意的喝茶,做练级后的休息。忽然听到这个公告,差点从椅子上摔下来。 Big Brother, but also made you guess right. However obtains Guild Establishing Token isn't Asura? Why he must auction.” 大哥,还真的让你猜对了。不过得到建帮令牌的不是修罗吗?他为什么要拍卖掉。” Maple Leaf Hao Ran thinks slightly, said: He should want to act alone, but this is our opportunities, must pat the first Construction of Guild command.” 枫叶浩然微微一想,说道:“他应该是想独行吧,不过这是我们的机会,一定要把第一块建帮令拍到手。” Un!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan nods, mused at heart, if is really the Asura eldest child's Construction of Guild command, oneself can go through the motions, after all he had said that has the matter to ask him to help. “嗯!”枫叶狂澜点点头,心里暗想,如果真的是修罗老大的建帮令,自己可不可以走后门呢,毕竟他说过有事可以找他帮忙。 Finally, Maple Leaf Kuang Lan gave up this attractive idea, he feared, if has done , the Asura old congress looks down upon him. 最终,枫叶狂澜还是放弃了这个诱人的想法,他怕如果真那么做了,修罗老大会看不起他。 Like mad is looking for Level 30 Gold BOSS to hit the Demon Wolf Gang numerous who Construction of Guild made to hear this to announce that simultaneously there, does not know how should move. 正拼死拼活找30级黄金BOSS打建帮令的魔狼帮众听到这个公告齐齐愣在那里,不知该如何行动。 Suddenly, continuously silent takes the lead to shout: Brothers, do not look again, started to get ready to exchange the gold coin completely, Young Master said that must pat Guild Establishing Token!” 忽然,一直沉默的领头大喊起来:“弟兄们,别再找了,全部开始准备兑换金币,少爷说了,一定要把建帮令牌拍下来!” Yes!” Demon Wolf Gang such as attains the pardon, in abundance dispersing. The distant place, has tagged along after their shadow coldly laughed, distant following in has taken the lead that person of behind. “是!”魔狼帮如获大赦,纷纷散开。远处,一个一直尾随他们的黑影冷笑一声,远远的跟在了领头那人的后面。 Perhaps with him, can find Ximen Kuang. 跟着他,或许就能找到西门狂了吧。 Other Guild eldest children's reaction are exactly the same: The exchange gold coin, must pat Guild Establishing Token. 其他帮派老大的反应如出一辙:兑换金币,一定要拍下建帮令牌 But some Guild of not being able to calm down looked for Lunatic directly, or intimidated to make him who or tempted with the promise of gain sell to them Guild Establishing Token. But replied their a character that only then coldly. 而有些沉不住气的帮派直接找上了“疯子”,或威逼或利诱的让他将建帮令牌卖给他们。而回答他们的只有冷冷的一个字。 Go away! 滚! Although on face baleful aura cloud arrange/cloth, but they have no alternative, can only dingy getting out of the way. Because life Player is, only if other side initiative PK, will otherwise receive to be equal to the death punishes 2 times of penalties. 尽管脸上煞气云布,可他们无可奈何,只能灰溜溜的走开。因为生活玩家是,除非是对方主动PK,否则会受到相当于死亡惩罚2倍的惩罚。 Also, life will Player fear death? Level is for them useless. 再说,生活玩家会怕死吗?等级对他们来说根本毫无用处。 Mindless Feng Xiao is still loving dearly his 6000 gold coins, Feng Yao at the same time is covering the mouth chuckle. 没心没肺的风逍依然在心疼他的6000金币,风瑶则在一边掩嘴轻笑。 Elder Brother, do you want to do really?” Feng Yao winks eyes to say. 哥哥,你真的要那么做吗?”风瑶眨着眼睛说道。 Naturally, the goal I elected. Oh, Yao'er, you think that what Guild constructed?” “当然,目标我都选好了。,瑶儿,你想好建什么帮派了吗?” Did not tell you!” Feng Yao rare keeping guessing. “不告诉你!”风瑶难得的卖了个关子。 Feng Xiao laughed, cannot help but somewhat anticipates at heart. 风逍哈哈一笑,心里不由得有些期待起来。 Continued for one hour, to noon, they have looked one, has understood the meaning of other side. 继续前行了一个多小时,不知不觉间已经到了中午,两人对望一眼,都读懂了对方的意思。 „...... Duanmu Yiren, I hope that you can seriously consider my suggestion, joins to me, moreover this time Guild Establishing Token, I certainly will also attain!” “……端木伊人,我希望你可以认真考虑我的建议,加入到我这边来,而且这次的建帮令牌,我也一定会拿到!” The tranquil sound is similar to chanting in a low voice of angel, the immortal sound curls, the sinking fish leaves to listen, not to doubt the sound Master to decide however has the appearance of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman. 平静的声音如同天使的低吟,仙音袅袅,沉鱼出听,让人丝毫不怀疑声音的主人定然有着倾国倾城之貌。 Just about to offline Feng Xiao such as is struck by lightning, the whole body nerve tightens suddenly, standing there, sharp eyes turns into the red slowly, the double fist does not know when unconscious gripping in the same place, has sent out pa pa skeleton to interlock the sound, the following sound, he could not hear completely. 刚要下线风逍如被雷击,全身神经骤然收紧,怔怔的站在那里,锐利的双眼慢慢变成红色,双拳不知何时已经不自觉的攥在一起,发出“”骨骼交错声,后面的声音,他已经完全听不到了。 Feng Yao also dull visits him, in the eye is glittering the complex ray. 风瑶也呆呆的看着他,眼里闪烁着复杂的光芒。 Duanmu! 端木 Southern Four Great Aristocratic Family leader. 南方四大世家的领导者。 He hears the name that this has reposed him incomparably to hate finally once more. 他终于再次听到了这个寄托他无比仇恨的名字。 Elder Brother......” 哥哥……” The sound that Feng Yao is worried about awakens him, he stimulates to movement under the body rapidly Fine Horse, rushes to the sound direction, that side is dozens the young trees of spreading across, just right has blocked from two graceful incomparable forms, when his vertical horse rushes, a form disappeared, perhaps returns to the city, perhaps is offline. 风瑶担心的声音将他惊醒,他迅速催动身下千里马,向声音的方向奔去,那边是几十棵纵横交错的小树,恰到好处的遮住了两个曼妙无比的身影,而在他纵马奔去的时候,一个身影已经消失,或许是回城,或许是下线 Nimble and resourceful wind!”, Spirit of Wind!” “灵动之风!”,“风之灵!” The green Wind Attribute element encirclement on his body, making his speed also quick, finally in another form offline instance, rushed to her not far away, Heavenly Eye rapid opening, caught the information of that female. 绿色的风系元素环绕在他的身上,让他的速度又快了许多,终于在另一个身影下线的瞬间,冲到了她的不远处,天眼迅速开启,捕捉到了那个女子的信息。 Unyielding Moon Yiren: Level 25 levels, Profession: Assassin. 傲月伊人:等级25级,职业:刺客 Unyielding Moon Yiren! 傲月伊人 Duanmu Yiren! 端木伊人 Duanmu! 端木 Feng Xiao coldly smiled, since three years ago after the area north of the Great Wall Duanmu fort person goes to the fort to be spatial, again also nobody knows their whereabouts, but the hearsay they migrated to the south. Feng Xiao seeks painstakingly is unsuccessful for a long time, actually never gives up. 风逍冷冷一笑,自从三年前塞北端木堡人去堡空后,就再也无人知道他们的下落,只是传闻他们迁移至了南方。风逍苦寻许久未果,却从未放弃。 Today, he also had a Duanmu Aristocratic Family news finally. 今天,他终于又有了端木世家的一丝讯息。 Duanmu Yiren, the preparation becomes my prey. 端木伊人,准备成为我的猎物吧。 Elder Brother!” Feng Yao arrives at his front, some worries visits him. 哥哥!”风瑶来到他的面前,有些的担心的看着他。 Do not feel embarrassed that girl to be good, after all, wrong in his family, not in her.” Visits him to fill stern countenance eyes, saying that Feng Yao is worried about. “不要为难那个女孩好不好,毕竟,错在他的家族,不在她。”看着他充满厉色的双眼,风瑶担心的说道。 The Feng Yao sound makes his nerve slowly relaxes, the train of thought that he tranquil under has lost patience, said: Relax, I will not make her receive the injury of any essence, at least will not harm her life...... But, she after all is the Duanmu Aristocratic Family person.” 风瑶的声音让他的神经慢慢的缓和下来,他平静了下烦乱的思绪,说道:“放心吧,我不会让她受到什么本质的伤害,至少不会伤她性命……但,她毕竟是端木世家的人。” Feng Yao faintly sighed, this is the best result. Although she hates similarly, but instinct good she wants the rationality to be many. What is more important, she does not hope Elder Brother that oneself most love shoulders too improper kills the evil. 风瑶幽幽一叹,这已经是最好的结果。虽然她同样痛恨,但天性善良的她要理性很多。更重要的是,她不希望自己最爱的哥哥背负太多不该有的杀孽。
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