LA :: Volume #1

#92: Xiao Xiao (little) makes a move

The territory of strange cat. 怪猫的领地。 Reason that calls the strange cat, naturally because of this flock of cats long strange incomparable, although shape and ordinary cat not different, but actually wants to be bigger, has an adult to be so high fully. 之所以称之为怪猫,自然是因为这群猫长的怪异无比,虽然形态与普通的猫无异,但个头却要大很多,足有一个成年人那么高。 Strange cat: 25 levels, HP/Life 1400. One type the cat that eats the giant grass to have the variation, after increasing, aware space underground only I alone revere, take frightening the small creature as happily. In order to keep up with the times starts to take the green grass as the food gradually. 怪猫:25级,生命1400。一种吃了巨人草而发生变异的猫,变大后自觉天上地下惟我独尊,以吓唬小动物为乐。为了赶时髦逐渐开始以青草为食。 Skills: Meow Haha: Sends out to cry out strangely to frighten the enemy, certain probability makes the surrounding enemy fall into 3 seconds of frightened condition. 技能:喵哈哈:发出怪叫吓唬敌人,一定概率使周围的敌人陷入3秒的恐惧状态。 At this time this flock of strange cats leisurely and carefree is eating the green grass, has blocked a black white two Fine Horse way. 此时这群怪猫正悠闲的吃着青草,挡住了一黑一白两匹千里马的去路。 Xiao Xiao (little) Rabbit of your eating without working, comes out to me!” 小小你个吃干饭的兔子,给我出来!” As the white light that bellows and flashes past, the Head Qilin of Heavenly Dragon Continent most formidable Saint Beast-- is similar to the Xiaobai ball drops in the ground, then holds is falling the pain small head suffering from injustice Wuuu to call, pair of round pitch-dark big eyes pitiful looks at Master. 随着一声大吼和一闪而过的白光,天龙大陆最最强大的圣兽之首——麒麟——如同小白球般跌落在地面上,然后抱着摔疼的小脑袋委屈的“呜呜”叫起来,一双圆溜溜黑漆漆的大眼睛可怜兮兮的看着主人 Feng Yao covers the mouth chuckle, is charmingly angry: Elder Brother, Xiao Xiao (little), but first Pet Oh of mainland, can only blame Monster that you hit being too fierce before it not to have the means to make a move, cannot blame it.” 风瑶掩嘴轻笑,娇嗔道:“哥哥,小小可是全大陆的第一宠物,以前只能怪你打的怪物太厉害它才没有办法出手,可不能怪它。” half happy half angry outstanding grace and bearing lets Feng Xiao dazzling. Xiao Xiao (little) has understood the Feng Yao words very much obviously, the gratitude has smiled to her, then runs up to the Feng Xiao under foot to act like a spoiled brat. 半喜半嗔的卓绝风情风逍一阵炫目。小小很明显听懂了风瑶的话,感激的向她笑了一下,然后跑到风逍脚下撒起娇来。 Xiao Xiao (little) unexpectedly...... Smiled. 小小居然……笑了。 Feng Xiao has rubbed eyes, has exchanged the surprised look with Feng Yao. 风逍揉了揉眼睛,和风瑶交换了一下吃惊的眼神。 Pet Will smile unexpectedly also Qilin is Qilin, really cannot walk slowly and aimlessly it by the common sense. 宠物居然也会笑——麒麟就是麒麟,果然不能以常理踱之。 Recovers, Feng Xiao was saying to Xiao Xiao (little): „The opportunity that today you display came, kills that side big cat of that crowd of blocking the way!” 回过神来,风逍对着小小说道:“今天你表现的机会来了,去干掉那边那群拦路的大猫!” A Feng Yao also face anticipates looks at the performance of Xiao Xiao (little), although she had seen Xiao Xiao (little) yesterday, and knew its all from Feng Xiao there, but has not seen the appearance that it has doubted. 风瑶也一脸期待的看着小小的表现,虽然她昨天见过小小并且从风逍那里知道了它的一切,但还没见过它打怪的样子。 Even if Feng Xiao, has not seen. 即使是风逍,也没见过。 Xiao Xiao (little) results in the command, immediately is taking to one's heels to jump and jump to the strange cat rushes, to their about ten meters time, in the forehead the ray flashes, the purple thunder and lightning strikes together to the strange cat. 小小得令,立即撒丫子又蹦又跳向怪猫奔去,离它们十米左右的时候,眉心间光芒一闪,一道紫色的雷电向怪猫击去。 Thump! 扑通 Feng Xiao almost from immediately plants. 风逍差点从马上栽下来。 Is it possible that this is in the legend Pikachu signboard Skills-- 100,000 volts!? 莫非这就是传说中皮卡丘的招牌技能——100000伏特!? HP/Life of strange cat fell half immediately. -802,怪猫的生命立即掉了一半。 „, Is quite fierce!” Feng Yao happy said. When she usually promotes is to look at chaotic Monster hits mutually, generally is several or dozens injuries, the damage that Xiao Xiao (little) causes naturally makes her exclaim in surprise. “哇,好厉害!”风瑶欢叫起来。她平时升级时都是看混乱的怪物们互相打来打去,一般都是十几或者几十的伤害,小小造成的伤害自然让她惊叹。 Feng Xiao is also slightly surprised, 28 levels of Xiao Xiao (little) Attack Power had probably been equal to that about 25 levels ordinary Mage, pour the place that anything leaves to pick specially, but it displayed Magic/MP not to need to chant a moment ago unexpectedly. 风逍也是微微惊讶,已经28级的小小攻击力大约等于一个25级左右的普通魔法师,倒什么特别出采的地方,但它刚才施展魔法居然真的不用咏唱。 The Mage superiority is high attack, the long-distance and wide scope, forces Accuracy, not Defense. The flaw is also very obvious: Anemia \; Moreover when displays Magic/MP the duration that chanting of requirement certain time, chants is different and different along with the Magic/MP type and Level. But can instantaneous Magic/MP Mage, ability probably be higher than a scale without doubt. 魔法师的优势在于高攻、远程、大范围、强制命中、不可防御。缺陷也很明显:贫血\;而且施展魔法需要一定时间的咏唱,咏唱的时间长短随魔法的类型与等级不同而不同。而能瞬发魔法魔法师,能力无疑要高出一个档次。 Does not know after Xiao Xiao (little) learns High Level Magic/MP, can also be instantaneous, if so, was extraordinary on the little darling, simply is big BUG in Mage!” “不知道小小学会高级魔法后会不会也是瞬发,如果是的话,那就乖乖了不得了,简直就是魔法师中的大BUG呀!” High Level Magic/MP requirement several seconds of chanting , the might and range also cannot dispute. But in the legend destroys the day to extinguish place Forbidden Spell, requirement dozens seconds of even several minutes of chanting. 高级魔法需要数秒的咏唱,威力和范围也是没的说。而传说中毁天灭地的禁咒,需要数十秒甚至几分钟的咏唱。 Receives the Attack strange cat to be in a tumult, looks around for Attack its enemy, the goal is too what a pity small, it looked for long time/half of the day to discover that not far away did not have its claw big Xiaobai ball. But at this time, Xiao Xiao (little) calculated on Area of Effects Magic/MP Twisting Wind to release only. 受到攻击的怪猫骚动起来,四处寻觅着攻击它的敌人,可惜目标太小,它找了半天才发现不远处一个还没它爪子大的小白球。而此时,小小唯一算的上群攻魔法风绞”已经释放出来。 Diameter four meters small tornado forms in the strange cat pile, carries off three to blame cat each only 600 many HP/Life. 一股直径四米的小型龙卷风在怪猫堆中形成,带走三只怪猫每只600多的生命 Xiao Xiao (little) then without doubt held the hornet's nest, 78 blamed the cat being red eyes to throw. 小小这下无疑捅了马蜂窝,78只怪猫红着眼睛扑了上来。 Xiao Xiao (little) in strongest Saint Qilin for the legend, squares the posture worthily immediately, starts running away at once, the drill of tumbling to Feng Xiao behind, is not willing to come out. 小小不愧为传说中最强的圣麒麟,立即摆正姿势,拔腿就跑,连滚带爬的钻到风逍身后,再也不肯出来。 Feng Xiao despises looked at its one, two Ice Splitting Slash have solved just several Monster of near body conveniently, the huge red and yellow digit let a worship of Feng Yao face. 风逍鄙视的看了它一眼,随手两个冰破斩解决了刚刚近身的几只怪物,庞大的红色和黄色数字让风瑶一脸的崇拜。 Feng Xiao was secretly sighs, did not have 50% injury additions, hits injury might as well 38 levels of Undead Knight that these Monster created to be high. Moreover, Death God Tomb four start as if no longer is Monster of person department, later the promotion speed will be certainly slow, let alone also eats without paying the Experience child in such an arrangement. 风逍则是暗叹,没有了50%的伤害加成,打这些怪物造成的伤害还不如38级的死灵盾卫高。而且,死神墓地四层开始似乎就不再是人系的怪物,以后升级速度一定会慢下来,更何况还有个白吃经验的拖油瓶。 Oneself promoted is more levels doubts, is doomed unable Xiao Xiao (little) to summon to help, regardless in addition Attack, by its life force, could not shoulder several--, only if it became more formidable. 自己升级都是越很多级打怪,注定了不能把小小召唤出来帮忙,攻击尚且不论,以它的生命力,根本扛不住几下——除非它变得更加强大。 Blamed the cat to brush side Feng Yao, had a scare her, played Fuxi's Zither without enough time, the right hand wields, the bow and arrow of Light Attribute energy formation appeared in the hand, sacred arrow projected instantaneously. 一只怪猫在风瑶身边刷了出来,把她吓了一跳,来不及弹奏伏羲琴,右手一挥,光系能量化成的弓与箭出现在手中,“神圣之箭”瞬间射出。 …… -902 Feng Yao stayed, this is her first use only Attack Skills sacred arrow, has not thought that the might is so big. 风瑶呆了一下,这是她第一次使用唯一的攻击技能神圣之箭,没想到威力这么大。 The strange cat did not have reaction to come, is a white arrow arrow submerges its body, the HP/Life rapid reset, falls down. 怪猫还没反应过来,又是一只白色的箭矢没入它的身体,生命迅速清零,倒在地上。 Wa! Elder Brother, I can also be so fierce.” On Feng Yao face float up excited blushing. 哇!哥哥,原来我也可以这么厉害。”风瑶上浮上兴奋的红晕。 The Feng Xiao smile did not speak. So high Intelligence (mind/spirit) strength, even if Attack most rotten Light Attribute Magic/MP can also eject very big injury. 风逍微笑不语。如此高的精神力,即使是攻击最烂的光系魔法也能击出很大伤害。 The light is primarily curing, Attack is unitary and weak, only on coping with Dark Attribute can play a role. The Dark Attribute Magic/MP might is very it is said big, moreover Effect terrifying, but several tens of thousands years ago has been lost, only then on some special Monster is also remaining dark Strength. 光明系以治愈为主,攻击单一而无力,只在对付黑暗系上才能发挥点作用。黑暗系魔法据说威力很大,而且效果恐怖,只是数万年前就已经失传,只有一些特殊的怪物身上还残留着黑暗力量 How can enhance Feng Yao Attack ability. 怎么才能提高风瑶攻击能力呢。 Feng Xiao taps the head suddenly: How such important item(s) forgetting.” 风逍忽然一拍脑袋:“怎么把这么重要的道具给忘记了。” The thought moves, glitters the strange red earring to appear in the hand Curse Earring. Feng Xiao trades in it the Feng Yao hand, and makes her take. 意念一动,一只闪烁着诡异红色的耳环出现在手中——诅咒耳环风逍把它交易到风瑶手中,并让她带上。 Curse Earring: Magic Attack + 1000, Magic Attack + 20%, HP/Life every Second -500. 诅咒耳环:魔攻+1000,魔攻+20%,生命每秒-500。 Fuxi's Zither can make condition invalid that all ability drop, HP/Life drop also will be naturally invalid. 伏羲琴可以让所有能力下降的状态无效化,生命下降自然也会无效。 Looked at Curse Earring Attributes, Feng Yao first is surprised, then shook the head, returns it to Feng Xiao. 看了诅咒耳环属性,风瑶先是惊讶,然后摇了摇头,将它送还给风逍 Elder Brother, my requirement anything Magic Attack strength, I only have not been OK with Fuxi's Zither . Moreover, I felt that Elder Brother can use it one day.” 哥哥,我不需要什么魔攻力,我只用伏羲琴就可以了,而且,我感觉哥哥总有一天能用上它。” Feng Xiao stares, immediately understood her meaning. 风逍一愣,随即明白了她的意思。 This Little Girl, even if in the game is that good, namely uses Fuxi's Zither to make them kill one another, is not willing to begin to kill personally strangely. 这个小丫头,即使是在游戏里还是那么善良,即使用伏羲琴让它们自相残杀,也不愿亲自动手杀怪。 Ding, Player Money-grubbing issued that the region announced: Money store and money auction room today establishes and starts to do business, welcome Player to come to sell on consignment or purchase various Item.” “叮,玩家见钱眼开’发布全区公告:‘金钱商店’与‘金钱拍卖行’今日建立并开始营业,欢迎各位玩家前来寄售或购买各种物品。” Ding, Player Money-grubbing issues the region announcement......” “叮,玩家见钱眼开’发布全区公告……” Ding, Player Money-grubbing issues the region announcement......” “叮,玩家见钱眼开’发布全区公告……” Money-grubbing? As if was once money list first that-- this fellows are really money many have not located flower, the flower gold coin that unexpectedly ate to the full supporting issues the region to announce, a region announced may take 1000 gold coins.” Regretting of Feng Xiao face. 见钱眼开?似乎是曾经金钱榜第一那个——这帮家伙真是钱多的没处花,居然吃饱了撑的花金币去发布全区公告,一个全区公告可要1000金币啊。”风逍一脸的惋惜。
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