LA :: Volume #1

#91: Four big main city

Does not have the suspense, all just also rampant incomparable Rabbit completely lay in ground hu hu rests greatly, Feng Yao satisfied receives Fuxi's Zither, walks to continue to hold the Feng Xiao's hand arm, having some self-satisfied expressions saying: Elder Brother, I am fierce.” 毫无悬念,所有的刚刚还嚣张无比的兔子们全部趴在地上呼呼大睡起来,风瑶满意的收起伏羲琴,走过来继续抱着风逍的手臂,带着些许得意的语气说道:“哥哥,我厉害吧。” Fierce, was too fierce, I had a scare.” Feng Xiao caresses her hair to say. “厉害,太厉害了,我都被吓了一跳。”风逍抚着她的头发说道。 Feng Yao has smiled happily, suddenly the hundred flowers change colors, the world is gloomy. Can obtain the praise of Elder Brother, forever is she happiest matter. 风瑶开心的笑了起来,一时间百花为之失色,天地为之暗淡。能得到哥哥的夸奖,永远是她最开心的事情。 Elder Brother, my Level is too low, can only play the Fuxi's Zither very small part of might, moreover also many marvelous notes I cannot play...... Especially that called Forbidden Sound, was not only good to be difficult to understand, but also Effect was quite fearful, I looked at one not to dare to look.” 哥哥,我的等级还太低,只能发挥出伏羲琴很小的一部分威力,而且还有许许多多奇妙的音符我弹奏不出来……特别是那个叫禁音的,不但好难懂,而且效果好可怕,我看了一眼就再也不敢看了。” Really. 果然。 Feng Xiao does not have accident/surprise. Feng Yao is the same with oneself, temporarily is unable to play the ancient Divine Artifact complete might, is unable to open Xuanyuan Sword other Skills like oneself. 风逍毫无意外风瑶和自己一样,暂时无法发挥出上古神器的全部威力,就像自己无法开启轩辕剑的其他技能一样。 Moreover own Xuanyuan Sword were many several seals. 而且自己的轩辕剑还多了数道封印。 The Fuxi's Zither seal, should be Yao'er unties. 伏羲琴的封印,应该是瑶儿解开的吧。 But Forbidden Sound that Yao'er said-- with the sound of taboo Fuxi's Zither plays, one hear is incomparably formidable Skills, cannot do well to compare favorably with Xuanyuan Sword ultimate Skills Star Breaker, since Yao'er has the scruples, that discarded, did not have anything her more important. 瑶儿所说的禁音——用伏羲琴弹奏的禁忌之音,一听就是无比强大的技能,搞不好可以媲美轩辕剑的终极技能碎星,只是既然瑶儿有顾忌,那就舍弃好了,没什么可以比她更重要的。 doesn't matter Yao'er, the game wants happily good, does not like do not go to control that Skills, does not need scruples that many......” 没关系瑶儿,游戏只要开心就好,不喜欢就不要去管那个技能,不用顾忌那么多……” Ding! your good friend Howling Sky Single Sword gets online.” 叮!你的好友‘啸天一剑’上线。” Ding, your good friend ice gets online.” “叮,你的好友‘冰’上线。” «After Rebirth» renews, increased the good friend to get online the prompt facility, Feng Xiao initiates the conversation to Xiao Tian directly. 轮回》更新后增加了好友上线提示功能,风逍直接向萧天发起会话。 Little Tian, your I must make Quest greatly recently, it is estimated that too will not return to the city frequently, lacks anything to look for Swift Wind World there to ask.” 小天,你老大我最近要去做任务,估计不会太经常回到城市里,缺什么找‘风行天下’那里讨去。” Oh, understood.” Xiao Tian somewhat absent-minded complying, suddenly strange saying: Eldest child, were you yesterday afternoon continuously with my elder sister in the same place?” ,明白了。”萧天有些心不在焉的答应,忽然诡异的说道:“老大,你昨天下午是不是一直和我姐在一起?” Uh, Ah...... Probably.” Feng Xiao is afraid, what this bad should Little Tian not discover? ,啊……好像是吧。”风逍心虚起来,这个不良小天该不会发现了什么吧? Oh, I understood, Hehe, that this.” Xiao Tian very smiles two, has hung up Communication Tool. ,我明白了,嘿嘿,那就这样了。”萧天贼笑两声,挂断了通话器 Originally is really the eldest child, what's wrong? Bingkuai (ice cube) don't you believe? You have not heard eldest child that tone, does not have the wizard to blame...... Oh, the eldest child is an eldest child, is really powerful does not have the natural justice, does not reveal the mountain non- dew my Big Sister managing-- what to do that side the father, to look his excited such estimated I did not lead him to extort evidence the person.” “原来真的是老大,怎么?冰块你不相信?你是没听到老大那语气,没鬼才怪……唉,老大就是老大,真是强悍的没天理啊,不显山不露水的就把我老姐给办了——不过老爹那边怎么办,看他兴奋的那样估计我不把人带回去他就要逼供了。” „In cannot take family along the eldest child, if were recognized his status unable to do well to meet a spear/gun by the father he. Father other is not good, but that spear/gun, the deity does not evade.” “总不能把老大带家里去吧,万一被老爹认出来他的身份搞不好会一枪嘣了他。老爹别的不行,可那枪一出,神仙也躲不过啊。” Chen Bing in side silently is standing, rare nodded. 陈冰在旁边默默的站着,难得的点了点头 Xiao Tian issued the period of time to sigh with emotion, entrains Chen Bing to practice the level. 萧天乱发了一阵子感慨,拽着陈冰练级去了。 Elder Brother, Xiao Tian asked that your anything has made you so afraid to say a word.” Feng Yao opens red lips to say lightly. 哥哥,萧天问你什么了让你这么吞吞吐吐的。”风瑶轻启红唇说道。 „...... Does not have any important matter, walks, we continue.” “……也没什么大事,走吧,我们继续出发。” Un!” Saw Elder Brother not to say, Feng Yao clever had not asked again. “嗯!”见哥哥不想说,风瑶乖巧的没有再问。 After the lawn, is a bigger lawn, what here brushes is Level 20 to 23 levels of Monster, but this rank section «Rebirth» present mainstream Level, therefore here has many practices the level Player. Although here has more than 100 kilometers from Heavenly Dragon Imperial City fully, but compared to several hundreds of millions Player, this range appeared has crowded, moreover more approached Heavenly Dragon Imperial City, Player was more crowded, snatches snatches the dog blood event of domain to be also more frequent strangely. 草地之后是更大的草地,这里刷的是20级到23级的怪物,而这个级别段正是《轮回》现在的主流等级,因此这里有很多练级的玩家。虽然这里距离天龙皇城足有100多公里,但相对于数亿的玩家,这个范围还是显得拥挤了,而且越靠近天龙皇城,玩家越密集,抢怪抢地盘的狗血事件也越频繁。 Nearby each big map will have generally the village or the small cities, can purchase various drugs equipment and corresponding City's Return Scroll axes there, therefore Player does not need to be worried about the supplies the issue, not requirement on foot back and forth in Heavenly Dragon Imperial City. 每个大地图附近一般都会有村庄或小城镇,可以在那里购买到各种药品装备和相应的回城卷轴,所以玩家根本不用担心补给的问题,更不需要徒步来回于天龙皇城 According to the introduction of official site, Heavenly Dragon Continent besides central Heavenly Dragon Imperial City, the east, south, west, and north four directions also separately stands erect four is not being smaller than the Heavenly Dragon Imperial City big city: 根据官网的介绍,天龙大陆除了中心的天龙皇城,东南西北四个方向还分别矗立着四个不小于天龙皇城的大城市: City of Snow and Ice, situated in Dongfang (Eastern) that the glacier proliferates, the leader's in beautiful appearance for the legend leans the world Snow and Ice Empress. 冰雪之城,位于冰川遍布的东方,领导者为传说中美貌倾天下的冰雪女皇 City of Thunder God, situated in extremely west, Attack Power strongest White Tiger protection of legend by four Saint Beast. Road which must be taken has a god of thunder forbidden area, several thousands come nobody to pass. 雷神之城,位于极西,传说由四圣兽攻击力最强的白虎守护。必经之路有一个雷神的禁区,数千来没人可以通过。 City of Fire God, situated in side that south the volcano proliferates, legend mysterious deep sleep somewhere the control of flame-- Vermilion Bird of four Saint Beast. 火神之都,位于火山遍布的极南,传说神秘的某处沉睡着火焰的主宰——四圣兽朱雀 Country of Dead Earth, situated in the Heavenly Dragon Continent northern desert, for several thousand years it is said nobody can arrive extremely, nobody goes out. If not for Heavenly Dragon Imperial City occasionally can receive the Country of Dead Earth Magic/MP signal, it is estimated that had forgotten completely. 土殇之国,位于天龙大陆极北的大漠,数千年来据说无人可以到达,也无人从中走出。若不是天龙皇城偶尔可以收到土殇之国魔法信号,估计已经完全被人们所遗忘。 Feng Xiao does not think that some people had arrived in a city, and regardless on the way formidable beast of prey, even if opens access, by his Movement Speed travels day and night must at least three months, do not say ordinary Player. 风逍并不认为已经有人到达过其中的一座城市,且不论途中强大的猛兽,即使畅通无阻,以他的移动速度日夜兼程也要至少三个月的时间,更不要说普通玩家 Feng Xiao and Feng Yao avoid the crowd, sorts specially does not brush the Monster secluded alley vanguard. Some unnecessary trouble should probably strangle to death to germinate. 风逍风瑶避开人群,专拣不刷怪物的僻静小路前行。一些不必要的麻烦最好要扼死在萌芽之中。 Looks that the distant place rides a horse to wield guns down strange Player, Feng Xiao regrets. How oneself initially forgot that and Yao'er buys a horse for oneself. 看着远处骑马挥枪杀怪的玩家,风逍懊悔不已。自己当初怎么就忘记给自己和瑶儿买匹马呢。 Continued for a half hour, a village appeared in the front, Feng Xiao cheers one, drew the Feng Yao small hand to rush. 继续前行了半个小时,一个村庄出现在面前,风逍欢呼一声,拉着风瑶的小手奔了过去。 Brook Village, this is the name of village. Although is only a village, but is extremely busy, innumerable Player shuttle in, has taken the temporary foothold it. The Brook Village scale scale is above big of anticipation, Feng Xiao drew Feng Yao to transfer for more than 20 minutes to find the goal fully. 小溪村,这是村落的名字。虽然只是个村落,但热闹非凡,无数玩家穿梭其中,将其做为了临时的据点。小溪村的规模规模超乎意料的大,风逍拉着风瑶整整转了20多分钟才找到目标。 Boss, buys two horses.” Shouting that Feng Xiao comes straight to the point. “老板,买两匹马。”风逍开门见山的喊道。 Sells the horse the dry old man to yawn, saying reluctantly: Does not know that the brave warrior does want that stud horse?” 卖马的干巴老头打了个呵欠,懒懒的说道:“不知勇士要那种马?” Side an old man sign has brought to the attention of Feng Xiao. 老头身边的一个牌子引起了风逍的注意。 Ordinary horse: First-level Mount, Movement Speed + 10,100 gold coins \; Fine Horse: Second-level Mount, Movement Speed + 15,1000 gold coins \; Blood Sweat Horse: Third-level Mount, Movement Speed + 20,5000 gold coins.” “普通马:一级坐骑,移动速度+10,100金币\;千里马:二级坐骑,移动速度+15,1000金币\;汗血马:三级坐骑,移动速度+20,5000金币。” Feng Xiao is speechless, the scope of this rise in price was also too big, if which Player did not catch third-level above Mount carefully, how could it not be must send. 风逍无语,这价格上涨的幅度也太大了点吧,要是哪个玩家不小心抓到了三级以上的坐骑,岂不要发了。 Comes two Fine Horse. Best is one black one white, black gives me, white gives me nearby Fairy.” “来两匹千里马。最好是一黑一白,黑的给我,白的给我旁边的仙女。” 2000 gold coins, oneself can also pay, let alone, will have money to deliver soon. 2000金币,自己还付得起,更何况,不久就会有一大笔钱自己送上门来。 The old man received money, withered expert wields, black white two Fine Horse spread to their Mount space. 老头接过钱,干枯的老手一挥,一黑一白两匹千里马就传入了他们的坐骑空间中。 Feng Xiao transferred other stores, has bought several bunches of Supreme Level red potions in Pharmacy. After hesitant one next, has bought several Brook Village City's Return Scroll axes, which day to prepare in the future to use. 风逍又转了转其他的商店,在药店买了几捆超级红色药水。犹豫了一下后,又买了几张小溪村回城卷轴,以备将来哪天可以用到。 Supreme Level red potions: Uses Requirements: Level 30. Effect: Instantaneous Recovery 800 HP/Life, Cooldown Time 5 seconds. 超级红色药水:使用要求:30级效果:瞬间回复800生命,冷却时间5秒。 Elder Brother, why cannot two people ride the same horse.” Rides to sit on the Feng Yao face on white Fine Horse full is the disappointed expression, god knows she has wants with Elder Brother with riding a horse. 哥哥,为什么不可以两个人骑同一匹马。”骑坐在白色千里马上的风瑶脸上满是失望的表情,天知道她有多想和哥哥同骑一匹马。 Did not have the means that in the official site said that only then some formidable Mount can ride...... Relax Yao'er, I certainly as soon as possible catches a High Level Malaya.” Saying that Feng Xiao vows solemnly, he also similarly very much wants to ride with Feng Yao. “没办法,官网上说只有一些很强大的坐骑才能共骑……放心吧瑶儿,我一定尽快的去抓一匹高级马来。”风逍信誓旦旦的说道,他也同样很想和风瑶共骑。 Grasps High Level Mount to be so simple? From 0 : 00 am to the present, should have countless people to catch the horse, but until now, nobody opens the Mount ranking( the Mount ranking only includes four levels and over four levels Mount). 只是抓高级坐骑有那么简单吗?从凌晨0点到现在,应该有无数的人去抓过马了吧,不过至今为止,还是没人开启坐骑排行榜(坐骑排行榜只收录四级和四级以上的坐骑)。 Had the Fine Horse speed addition, the Feng Xiao speed has achieved 75 that Assassin has also been able not hold a candle, he slowed the tempo, galloped with the Feng Yao vertical horse, listened attentively to her laughing heartily, suddenly thought that society happiest matter, was this. 有了千里马的速度加成,风逍的速度达到了刺客也望尘莫及的75,他放慢速度,和风瑶一起纵马驰骋,一路倾听她的欢笑,忽然觉得人世间最美好的事情,莫过于此。 Feng Yao is enjoying the broken wind, but the good feeling, beautiful corners of the mouth bringing back slightly, has been hanging the happy and joyful faint smile, eyes of autumn waters ripples glitters the beauty to have the beauty that bewitches to absorb the soul the beautiful appearance sufficiently world to hold the breath. Sits in immediately body slightly leans forward, clear plentiful jade | The buttocks and slender thigh outlined the proud curve. willow Siban the long hair and frivolous gauze clothes hikes up with the wind, the moving physique is similar to Fairy Maiden before falling the world of mortals. 风瑶享受着破风而行的感觉,绝美的嘴角一直微微的勾起,挂着幸福和愉悦的浅笑,秋水涟漪的双眼闪烁着天人才有的美丽,勾魂摄魄的玉颜足以让天下人为之屏息。坐在马上的身体微微前倾,圆润丰满的玉|臀和修长的大腿勾勒出傲人的曲线。柳丝般的长发和轻薄的纱衣随风飘起,动人的身姿如同仙子临落凡间。 Feng Xiao crazy looks the beauty that at present the world should not have, is unable to put aside the vision again. 风逍痴痴的看着眼前人间不应存在的美丽,再也无法移开目光。 Elder Brother......” Feng Yao notes the Feng Xiao infatuated vision, although had have been innumerable, she still felt that a blushing heartbeat, the charming gentle sound cannot conceal the joy of innermost feelings. 哥哥……”风瑶注意到风逍痴迷的目光,虽然已经有过无数次,她依然感到一阵脸红心跳,娇媚柔和的声音掩饰不住内心的喜悦。 Yao'er, you are really beautiful.” 瑶儿,你真美。” Elder Brother......” 哥哥……” You are the heaven bestow certainly my angel.” “你一定是上天赐给我的天使。” No, I am not Fairy Maiden, I am only your Yao'er.” “不,我不是仙子,我只是你一个人的瑶儿。” The same talk between lovers they had said too multiple, but getting emotion off of this from the heart can cause palpitation of their mind most deep place each time. 同样的情话他们已经说过太多次了,但这种发自内心的情感宣泄每次都能引起他们心灵最深处的悸动。 Two Fine Horse drawing close to slowly, four petal lip posts gradually in the same place, mutually are also sucking in each other nectar. The light kiss that this type is containing the deep affection is they the matter that likes doing. Long ago, they said to themselves: Even if puts behind oneself and entirety in world, cannot forget him (her)! 两匹千里马慢慢的贴近,四瓣嘴唇也渐渐的贴在一起,互相吮吸着彼此的甘露。这种蕴含着浓情的轻吻是他们最爱做的事。很久之前,他们就对自己说:即使忘却自己和世间的全部,也不能忘了他(她)! Two horses as if are not willing to disturb this moment warmth, put lightly the footsteps, the steadiness and easy and comfortable of running. 两匹马仿佛不愿意打搅这一刻的温馨,放轻了脚步,跑的平稳而安逸。 Sensible time, he frequently grasped the small fist to say to her: I am your Elder Brother, has me, no one can bully you. 懂事的时候,他就经常握着小拳头对她说:我是你的哥哥,有我在,谁也不能欺负你。 At age 4, the shepherd that she by going crazy pursued, was 7-year-old he to throw came up to thrash with it, finally expelled it. Actually also bit cut and bruised. He reorganized to be nipped the rotten clothes, held her hand saying: „After Elder Brother, does not leave your half step.” 4岁的时候,她被一只发狂的狼狗追赶,7岁的他扑了上去和它厮打,终于把它赶跑。却也被咬的遍体鳞伤。他整理了一下被咬烂的衣服,拉着她的手说:“哥哥以后再也不离开你半步。” At age 6, she was unable to leave him, once could not find him to cry, making Adoptive Father helpless. 6岁的时候,她已经无法离开他,一旦找不到他就会大哭,让义父都手足无措。 At age 8, to help her picked the Chinese trumpet creeper that most liked, he dropped from the dangerous wall, the stupor three days three nights, she has also cried for three days three nights. Henceforth, the Chinese trumpet creeper has become she most repugnant flower. 8岁的时候,为了帮她摘到最喜爱的凌霄花,他从险壁跌落,昏迷了三天三夜,她也哭了三天三夜。从此,凌霄花成了她最讨厌的花。 At age 10, she started to have the dim emotion indistinctly, she said to oneself, this whole life side him. 10岁的时候,她开始隐约有了朦胧的情感,她对自己说,这辈子都会在他身边。 At age 13, she started to study to do all can let his happy matter, how started to study can defend side him. 13岁的时候,她开始学习去做所有可以让他开心的事情,开始学习如何才能一直守在他身边。 At age 15, he led a beautiful girl, at that moment, she thought that the sky collapsed. She in a peaceful place cried for a long time, actually still not to be for a long time able to give up tiny bit. Therefore, she returned to side him, and pledged this for a lifetime, must think him to defend him. 15岁的时候,他带回来一个美丽的女孩,那一刻,她觉得天塌了下来。她一个人在一个安静的地方哭了好久好久,却依然无法割舍一丝一毫。于是,她又回到了他身边,并发誓这一辈子,都要看着他守着他。 At age 16, Adoptive Father passed away, he grabbed her hand saying: My Feng Xiao pledged, this life this life, next life, the generation after generations, I will not leave my Yao'er next life. 16岁的时候,义父过世了,他抓着她的手说:我风逍发誓,今生今世,来生来世,生生世世,我再也不会离开我的瑶儿
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