LA :: Volume #1

#90: The prestige of Fuxi

The bao tooth rabbits saw front takes by force the goal only to send out a pretty beautiful woman to deal with, regarded them simply has been possible to pinch the circle to pinch the flat soft persimmon at will, immediately flew into a rage, is brandishing in the hand their tail also long big stick compared with rushing over of jumped and jump. 龅牙兔们看到面前的打劫目标只派出个娇滴滴的美女来应付,简直把它们当成了可随意捏圆捏扁的软柿子,顿时暴跳如雷,挥舞着手中比它们尾巴还长的大棒又蹦又跳的冲了过去。 Feng Yao shows a faint smile, the slender jade referred to having pressed down the string gently, gentle provoked. The graceful zither music sends out from the strings, such as the deep valley clear spring, reverberates on the boundless lawn. 风瑶微微一笑,纤长的玉指轻轻的按上了琴弦,轻柔的撩拨起来。优雅的琴音从琴弦之间发出,,如幽谷清泉,回荡在无边的草地上。 This is...... Heavenly music?” The faintly recognizable zither music made Feng Xiao be enchanted by gradually. In reality Feng Yao zither technique, although is superb, but this transcending the mortal world, enters the soul the zither music, his first hearing. “这是……仙乐吗?”飘渺的琴音让风逍逐渐的迷醉了。现实中风瑶的琴技虽然出神入化,但这种超凡入圣、直入灵魂的琴音,他还是第一次听到。 Immortal sound drunk dream 仙音・醉梦 Similar immortal sound, listens in the ears of these Rabbit is actually the completely different feelings, their figure, eyes of torching is slowly gloomy, in the heart flood the intense sleepiness, the club fell the ground, the body also slowly but actually. 同样的仙音,听在那些兔子的耳朵里却是完全不同的感觉,它们的身形一顿,喷火的眼睛慢慢暗淡下来,心中泛起强烈的睡意,不知不觉间棒子已经落到地上,身体也慢慢倒了下去。 The present goal has not definitely been able to arouse their interests, they most want to do only has a matter-- sleep. 眼前的目标已经完全无法引起它们的兴趣,它们最想做的只有一件事情——睡眠。 Character name: Yao Dreams of Loving the Wind 人物名称:恋风瑶梦 Profession: Mage( Cleric) 职业:魔法师牧师 Guild: Does not have 帮派:无 Level: 15 等级:15 Pres­tige: 330, gold coin: 90 声望:330,金币:90 Basic Attributes: Strength: 1 st, Vitality: 125, Agility: 1 st, Intelligence (mind/spirit): 412, 基本属性:力量:1,体力:125,敏捷:1,精神:412, Fixed Attributes: Luck: 15 th, Perception: 5 固定属性:幸运:15,悟性:5 HP/Life: 1450 生命:1450 Magic/MP: 8850 魔法:8850 Attack: 2 攻击:2 Magic Attack: 825 魔攻:825 Defense: 130 防御:130 Accuracy: 1 命中:1 Evasion: 1 回避:1 Attack Speed: Slow 出手速度:慢 Movement Speed: 30 移动速度:30 reaction: 50 反应:50 Pet: Does not have 宠物:无 Mount: Does not have 坐骑:无 Fire Resistance: 5% th, Water Resistance: 5% th, Wind Resistance: 5% th, Lightning Resistance: 5% th, Earth Resistance: 5% th, Light Resistance: 15%, Dark Resistance:- 10%. 火系抗性:5%,水系抗性:5%,风系抗性:5%,雷系抗性:5%,土系抗性:5%,光系抗性:15%,暗系抗性:-10%。 Feng Yao sharing makes him be surprised to Feng Xiao Level 15 Attributes, her initial Vitality value is 50, afterward promotion points also completely added on Vitality, therefore to her 125 Vitality value but actually not big reaction, but she 402 Intelligence (mind/spirit) and almost crossed ten thousand Magic/MP values, was too scary. 风瑶共享给风逍15级属性让他大吃一惊,她的初始体力值为50,后来的升级点数也全部加在体力上面,因此对她的125的体力值倒没多大反应,可是她402的精神和差点过万的魔法值,也太吓人了吧。 Is attachment of Fuxi's Zither? Feng Xiao downward looks hastily. 难道是伏羲琴的附加的?风逍连忙往下看。 Skills: 技能: Self-recovery technique: Recovery 30% HP/Life. Consumes Magic/MP 50, Cooldown Time 5 seconds. 自愈术:回复自己30%的生命。消耗魔法50,冷却时间5秒。 Healing Skill: Recovery and in 5 meters range HP/Life of all teammates, Recovery quantity = Intelligence (mind/spirit) * 3, consumes Magic/MP 200, Cooldown Time 5 seconds. 治愈术:回复自己和5米范围内所有队友的生命,回复量=精神*3,消耗魔法200,冷却时间5秒。 The protection of light: Passive Skills, Light Resistance + 10%, 光之守护:被动技能,光系抗性+10%, Magic Recovery: Passive Skills, Magic/MP every second of automatic Recovery, Recovery quantity = Intelligence (mind/spirit) /10. 魔法回复:被动技能,魔法每秒自动回复,回复量=精神/10。 Sacred shield: Protects itself with the shield of sacred strength summon light, resists 30% physics and Magic/MP injuries. Consumes Magic/MP 50, duration 3 minutes, non- Skills Cooldown Time. 神圣之盾:以神圣之力召唤光明之盾保护自己,抵御30%的物理和魔法伤害。消耗魔法50,持续时间3分钟,无技能冷却时间 Sacred arrow: In order to contain the sacred arrow Attack single enemy of Light Attribute element, has the effect to Dark Attribute Monster. Attack Power is equal to Magic Attack × 110%, consumes Magic/MP 30, non- Skills Cooldown Time. 神圣之箭:以蕴含光系元素的神圣之箭攻击单个敌人,对黑暗系怪物有奇效。攻击力等于魔攻×110%,消耗魔法30,无技能冷却时间 These are Cleric basic Skills, but Feng Xiao does not know, the sacred shield has Level 30 to learn Skills, but Feng Yao Level 15 automatically comprehended unexpectedly. 这些是牧师的基本技能,只是风逍不知道的是,神圣之盾是只有30级才能学会技能,而风瑶居然15级就自动领悟了。 Equipment: 装备: Novice gauze clothes( white): Equipment condition: Females. Effect: Defense + 5. 新手纱衣(白):装备条件:女性。效果:防御+5。 Novice embroidered shoes( white): Equipment condition: Females. Effect: Does not have. 新手绣花鞋(白):装备条件:女性。效果:无。 Fuxi's Zither: ancient Divine Artifact, has recognized the Lord. Adds the day silk to generate the musical instrument by the jade. The zither music can make the will of the people feel tranquil auspicious, has to control the myriad things mind mysterious Strength. 伏羲琴:上古神器,已认主。以玉石加天丝所制出之乐器。其琴音能使人心感到宁静祥和,拥有能支配万物心灵之神秘力量 Effect: Intelligence (mind/spirit) + Level × 20, Intelligence (mind/spirit) + x %( x = Level), Magic/MP + 100%, Luck + 10. Sleep, confusion, dizziness and frightened condition immunity. Entire ability drop condition immunity. 效果:精神+等级×20,精神+x%(x=等级),魔法+100%,幸运+10。睡眠、混乱、眩晕、恐惧状态免疫。全能力下降状态免疫。 Feng Xiao has swallowed a saliva ruthlessly. This Attributes additional also...... Too ruthless. 风逍狠狠的咽了口口水。这属性附加的也……太狠了吧。 Especially Attributes of that entire ability drop condition immunity, making him envy. 特别是那个全能力下降状态免疫的属性,让他嫉妒不已。 If I had this Attributes, the Xuanyuan Sword unique skill did not need that many scruples.” “如果我有了这个属性,轩辕剑的绝招也没必要那么多顾忌了。” Skills: Immortal sound drunk dream: Awakens the hope of goal to sleep by the illusory faintly recognizable zither music, certain probability makes the goal enter the deep sleep. Effect: Makes the goal fall into deep sleep condition, only if the zither music stops, otherwise is unable to awaken in the any/random way. After the zither music stops , the goal will enter over 10 seconds ordinary sleep condition. The success ratio regards the other side mental tenacious degree to decide, foundation success ratio 80%. The range is all can hear the zither music, and was determined by the user thought as the lifeform of enemy. When plays consumes 30 Magic/MP every second. 技能:仙音・醉梦:以虚幻飘渺的琴音唤醒目标对睡眠的渴望,一定的概率让目标进入沉睡。效果:使目标陷入“深度睡眠”状态,除非琴音停止,否则无法以任意方式唤醒。琴音停止后目标将进入10秒以上的普通“睡眠”状态。成功率视对方心智坚韧程度而定,基础成功率80%。范围为所有可以听到琴音且被使用者意念判定为敌人的生物。弹奏时每秒消耗30魔法 Immortal sound the might pinnacle of drunk dream, may make the goal fall into, only if died, otherwise never may awaken permanent sleep condition. 仙音・醉梦的威力极致,可使目标陷入除非死亡,否则永不可唤醒的“永久睡眠”状态。 Feng Xiao is dumbfounded. 风逍目瞪口呆。 Ultra-large range, the superelevation probability, the appendaged mode of Supreme Level terrifying, is this Fuxi's Zither might?” “超大范围,超高概率,超级恐怖的附加状态,这就是伏羲琴的威力吗?” Extremely rare deep sleep. Compared with ordinary sleep condition, deep sleep condition not only the duration is long, but also after receiving Attack will relieve immediately, will be an extremely terrifying appendaged mode. If group war which side has bumped into this zither music unfortunately, that weaponry did not need to hit. 极为罕见的“深度睡眠”。与普通的睡眠状态相比,深度睡眠状态不但持续时间长,而且不会在受到攻击后立即解除,是一种极为恐怖的附加状态。如果群战的时候哪方不幸碰到了这种琴音,那仗也不用打了。 But permanent sleep, was determined by Feng Xiao as brutal condition directly, no matter HP/Life many, Level is high, one, but the move, must die. 而“永久睡眠”,被风逍直接判定为“惨无人道的状态”,不管生命多少,等级多高,一但中招,必死。 Crafty sound confuses the God: Provokes the heartstrings of goal by the zither music that strange not distinguishes, certain probability causes its mind out-of-control, cannot distinguish friend and foe. Effect: Makes the goal fall into absolute confusion condition, cannot distinguish friend and foe to carry on Attack, only if the zither music stops, otherwise is unable to relieve in the any/random way. After the zither music stops , the goal will enter over 5 seconds ordinary confusion condition. The success ratio regards the other side mental tenacious degree to decide, foundation success ratio 80%. The range is all can hear the zither music, and was determined by the user thought as the lifeform of enemy. When plays consumes 30 Magic/MP every second. 诡音・迷神:以诡异莫辨的琴音撩拨目标的心弦,一定概率使其心神失控,敌我不分。效果:使目标陷入“绝对混乱”状态,敌我不分进行攻击,除非琴音停止,否则无法以任意方式解除。琴音停止后目标将进入5秒以上的普通“混乱”状态。成功率视对方心智坚韧程度而定,基础成功率80%。范围为所有可以听到琴音且被使用者意念判定为敌人的生物。弹奏时每秒消耗30魔法 Crafty sound confuses the might pinnacle of God, may make the goal fall into, only if died, otherwise never dissoluble insanity condition. 诡音・迷神的威力极致,可使目标陷入除非死亡,否则永不可解除的“疯魔”状态。 Demon sound purgatory: In order to come from the demon sound of hell to bring back the recollections of goal to all frightened experiences, causes the goal such as the dropping abyss, loses to the hope of survival. 魔音・炼狱:以来自地狱的魔音勾起目标对所有恐惧经历的回忆,使目标如堕深渊,失去对生存的渴望。 Effect of demon sound made Feng Xiao unable to bear tremble. 魔音的效果风逍忍不住战栗了一下。 Effect: Autonomy! 效果:自残! Certain probability causes its mind out-of-control, falls into specially autonomy condition, launches Attack that is relentless to oneself. Only if the zither music stops, otherwise is unable to relieve in the any/random way. The success ratio regards the other side mental tenacious degree to decide, foundation success ratio 80%. The range is all can hear the zither music, and was determined by the user thought as the lifeform of enemy. When plays consumes 50 Magic/MP every second. 一定概率使其心神失控,陷入特殊的“自残”状态,对自己展开毫不留情的攻击。除非琴音停止,否则无法以任意方式解除。成功率视对方心智坚韧程度而定,基础成功率80%。范围为所有可以听到琴音且被使用者意念判定为敌人的生物。弹奏时每秒消耗50魔法 Demon sound the might pinnacle of purgatory, may make the goal falls into specially wild condition. In ten minutes launch heartless Attack to oneself, until death continuous, after resurrecting , the condition still continues. 魔音・炼狱的威力极致,可使目标陷入特殊的“狂暴”状态。十分钟内对自己展开无情的攻击,至死不休,复活后状态依然持续。 Fuxi's Zither that at this time on Feng Yao the music is overwhelmed with emotion, turned into the sharp blade that has been in a flash then overwhelmed in the Feng Xiao eye at this time, moreover is the sharp blade of true killing without showing blood. 此时风瑶手上乐声销魂的伏羲琴,此时在风逍眼里已经变成了弹指间即可断魂的利刃,而且是真正的杀人不见血的利刃。 Worthily is Ancient Ten Great Divine Artifacts, really might is incomparable . Moreover, this certainly is also not its complete might.” “不愧为上古十大神器,果然威力无匹,而且,这一定还不是它的全部威力。” Feng Xiao traces itself by Xuanyuan Sword Seal, one is strongest Strength, one is to control the mind. ancient Divine Artifact, really each is existence of Heaven Defying. 风逍摸了摸自己被封印的轩辕剑,一个是最强力量,一个是控制心神。上古神器,果然每个都是逆天的存在。
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