LA :: Volume #1

#89: Feng Yao Fuxi

Feng Xiao no longer rubbish, putting on airs to Master Zhang Tian good a ritual: Master Zhang Tian, troubled.” 风逍不再废话,装模作样的对张天师行了一礼:“张天师,麻烦了。” Good, two please stand.” “好,两位请站好。” Emperor Sir, bye, Princess Shui Yue said goodbye......” “皇帝大人,再见,水月公主再见……” Princess Shui Yue sees him looks like to oneself, stared his one eyes ruthlessly, the anger almost could not bear erupt. chuckled that Feng Xiao does not care about muddily, ruthlessly stared at a meeting in her chest. 水月公主见他向自己看来,狠狠的瞪了他一眼,怒火差点忍不住喷发出来。风逍浑不在意的嘿嘿一笑,狠狠的在她胸部盯了一会。 Feels his naked vision, Princess Shui Yue subconscious protecting lives in the chest, on the face flood blushes, occurred simultaneously at heart ashamed and resentfully, wishes one could to sliver 800 to feed the turtle Feng Xiao. 感受到他赤裸裸的目光,水月公主下意识的护住胸部,脸上泛起一层红晕,心里羞愤交加,恨不得把风逍切成800块喂乌龟。 Vast of part of great bear symbol law is spatial!” “天罡符法之渺空!” As Master Zhang Tian drinks lightly, yellow Talisman Paper by crumb, three people of bodies slowly turns into the remnant shade, vanishes on the spot. 随着张天师一声轻喝,一张黄色的符纸被捏碎,三人的身体慢慢的化成残影,消失在原地 Anticipates you to be able smooth completion Quest, for my daughter, for I can find reward your excuse.” Heavenly Dragon Emperor looks at the place that they vanish, muttered said. “期待你能顺利的完成任务,为了我的女儿,也为了朕可以找到封赏你的借口。”天龙皇帝看着他们消失的地方,喃喃说道。 Snort! Provokes Immortal Beast unexpectedly, really overreaches oneself.” Princess Shui Yue is angry wrinkled nose. “哼!竟然去招惹仙兽,真是不自量力。”水月公主生气的皱了皱鼻子。 Heavenly Dragon Emperor strange looked at own daughter one eyes, as if since she was hiding the truth from that day secretly after looks for Wind Spirit, she becomes very easy vitality/angry, moreover appearance that everywhere cannot pass with him. 天龙皇帝奇怪的看了自己的女儿一眼,似乎自从她那天瞒着自己偷偷的去找风魂后,她就变得很容易生气,而且处处和他过不去的样子。 The white light flashes, the Feng Xiao brother and sister discovered oneself have been on a long-drawn-out green small hillside, although the scenery does not appear shocking, but everywhere is passing fresh, to person a completely relaxed feeling. 白光一闪,风逍兄妹发现自己已经处于一个悠绿色的小山坡上,风景虽不显得惊艳,但处处透着清新,给人一种心旷神怡的感觉。 Two, this is a Heavenly Dragon Imperial City West 100 kilometers position, ability of this poor Daoist is only restricted in this. Two only need defer to the indication on map to continue to head west again, about after two day, can arrive.” “两位,这是天龙皇城西方100公里的位置,贫道的能力只限于此。两位只需再按照地图上的标示继续西行,大约两日后就可以到达。” Two days?” Feng Xiao has pondered over. Compared to the hugeness of Heavenly Dragon Continent, two days of traveling schedules are not too truly far, if so left own time only remaining five days. “两天?”风逍琢磨了一下。相对于天龙大陆的巨大,两天的行程确实不算太远,但这样的话留给自己的时间就只剩下五天了。 Good, many thanks Priest open/stretch!” “好吧,多谢张道长!” Slight effort. So, wishing the Wind Spirit brave warrior all smooth, this poor Daoist said goodbye!” “举手之劳而已。如此,祝风魂勇士一切顺利,贫道告辞!” The white light flashes through, Master Zhang Tian turned into remnant shade to vanish, returns to Heavenly Dragon Imperial City. 白光闪过,张天师化成残影消失,回天龙皇城去了。 Elder Brother, here is quite comfortable, I never know the air also to be able such nice-smelling.” Feng Yao is holding the arm of Feng Xiao, excited is sizing up all around, the breath of being infatuated with here fresh air. 哥哥,这里让人好舒服啊,我从来不知道空气也可以这么好闻。”风瑶抱着风逍的胳膊,兴奋的打量着四周,陶醉的呼吸着这里新鲜的空气。 Un, to be honest before , I the sphere of action in game am very limited, is not good to change for the better to transfer the entire mainland, for these days made us play all the way!” Feng Xiao looks all around, in the foreheads floats light enjoyment, compared to Death God Tomb gloomy moist . Moreover the aura of death heavy environment, here without doubt is the fairyland. “嗯,老实说之前我在游戏里的活动范围很有限,都没怎么好好转转整个大陆,这几天就让我们玩个够吧!”风逍环顾四周,眉宇间浮上淡淡的享受,相对于死神墓地阴暗潮湿而且死气沉沉的环境,这里无疑是仙境。 Yao'er, I must look, but Immortal Beast, if there is dangerous words to escape, yes?” 瑶儿,我要找的可是仙兽,万一有危险的话一定要逃跑,明白吗?” Around Immortal Beast territory Monster, absolutely are not general fierce. 仙兽领地周围的怪物们,绝对不是一般的厉害。 Knows Elder Brother!” Feng Yao very earnest reply. She is willing to accompany him to go to hell with a smile, is actually not willing to become his burden. “知道啦哥哥!”风瑶很认真的回答。她愿意笑着陪他下地狱,却决不愿意成为他的累赘。 Walks!!” “走吧!出发!” Heavenly Dragon Imperial Palace. 天龙皇宫 You came back! Delivered to them?” “你回来了!把他们送到了吗?” Is emperor.” Master Zhang Tian respectful replied to Heavenly Dragon Emperor. “是的皇上。”张天师恭敬的对天龙皇帝答道。 Emperor dignified nod, said: Good, you get down, making Doctor Huang come to see me.” 皇帝威严的点点头,道:“好,你下去吧,让黄御医进来见朕。” Yes!” Master Zhang Tian complied with one to draw back, after a while, Doctor Huang then hurried walked. “是!”张天师应了一声退下,过了一会,黄御医便急急忙忙的走了进来。 „The emperor, summons the old minister comes for......” a Doctor Huang face cautiously, in the spoken language is passing some inexplicable worry. “皇上,召老臣来可是为了……”黄御医一脸的小心翼翼,言语里透着些莫名的担忧。 Right, the drug efficacy dissipated.” That tone that Matsushita has raised tightly, the complexion of emperor gradually becomes pale, the breath becomes does not have the rule to get up. “没错,药效消散了。”松下一直紧提的那口气,皇上的脸色逐渐变得苍白,呼吸也变得没有规律起来。 Doctor Huang helpless puts out compounded drug, shivers to begin to assume in the emperor hand. After the emperor received, immediately accepts in the entrance, tranquil several have breathed, the complexion finally becomes normal. 黄御医无奈的拿出一颗丹药,颤抖着手呈到皇帝手上。皇帝接过后立刻纳入口中,平静了几下呼吸,脸色终于变得正常起来。 „The emperor, why bother you are, although this medicine is wonderful, actually takes overdrawing life force as the price, continue like this, your HP/Life are most only remaining one weeks......” “皇上,你这是何苦,此药虽奇,却是以透支生命力为代价,如此下去,您的生命最多只剩下一周……” The emperor beckoned with the hand to stop Doctor Huang saying that a tranquility and ease of face: My drives to stay for a long time to have no intention remnantly, I only hope that can maintain the consciousness brains uses this final time to confess to my daughter, the Heavenly Dragon Imperial City future disaster, may shoulder completely on her!” 皇帝摆摆手制止了黄御医说下去,一脸的平静和悠然:“朕之残驱久留无意,朕只希望可以保持清醒的头脑来用这最后的时间向我女儿交代好一切,天龙皇城未来的劫难,可全部担负在她身上啊!” Doctor Huang sighed, no longer spoke, but on the face passed the sadness that is unable to conceal. 黄御医叹息一声,不再说话,只是脸上透着无法掩饰的悲戚。 Everybody all think after the emperor took Qilin Blood, incurable illness recover completely, face glowing with health. Actually does not know what he takes is takes consuming surplus life force as the price receiving in exchange best Intelligence (mind/spirit) condition banned drugs. 人人皆以为皇上服用了麒麟之血后绝症痊愈,容光焕发。却不知他服用的是以消耗剩余的生命力为代价换取最佳精神状态的禁药。 Feng Xiao and Feng Yao are similar to a pair are in love the sweetheart, pulls to take steps their journey. All the way is the languages of Feng Yao cheerful sounds of nature, is mixing with the man and Young Lady laughing heartily. 风逍风瑶如同一对热恋中的情人,牵着手进行着他们的旅程。一路上都是风瑶欢快的天籁之语,夹杂着男人和少女的欢笑。 Until they meet one crowd to carry stick to block the way to take by force-- 直到他们遇到一群扛着棍子拦路打劫的—— Rabbit! 兔子 Demon Transformation bao tooth rabbit: Level 15, HP/Life 500. One type small and weak, but has Rabbit that violence favors, take pedestrian who taking by force to pass by the road to happily, but as if has not succeeded, instead frequently becomes the taken by force object. 魔化龅牙兔:15级,生命500。一种弱小但却有暴力倾向的兔子,以打劫过路的行人为乐,不过似乎从来没有成功过,反而经常成为被打劫的对象。 Skills: Eats my stick: Wields begins the club attack enemy, certain probability creates 1 second of dizziness. 技能:吃我一棒:挥动手中的棒子打击敌人,一定的概率造成1秒的眩晕。 Floating rabbit: Level 15, HP/Life 480. Rabbit that one type likes dancing, but as if nobody appreciates. 飘飘兔:15级,生命480。一种喜欢跳舞的兔子,不过似乎没什么人欣赏。 Skills: Rabbit dance: Recovery surrounding partner 100 HP/Life. 技能:兔子舞:回复周围伙伴100的生命 Is Rabbit!” In the Feng Xiao eye emits vicious vision, wishes one could to grasp to bake immediately. “又是兔子!”风逍眼中冒出凶狠的目光,恨不得马上抓来烧烤。 Feng Yao strange looks at Elder Brother reaction, cannot bear ask: Elder Brother, your very repugnant Rabbit?” 风瑶的奇怪的看着哥哥反应,忍不住问道:“哥哥,你很讨厌兔子吗?” Far more than is repugnant, initially in Novice Village but I quilt...... cough cough, is a little in any case repugnant and that's the end!” Feng Xiao prompt receiving was quiet. „If known Asura that my solemn «Rebirth» is listed first had been killed by one Rabbit second unexpectedly, the first illustrious name may all destroy.” “何止是讨厌,当初在新手村的时候我可是被……咳咳,反正有点讨厌就是了!”风逍及时的收住了嘴。“如果被人知道我堂堂《轮回》排名第一的修罗居然被一只兔子秒杀过,一世英名可就全毁了。” This.” Feng Yao very natural has believed him, then immediately is hostile to Rabbit that these liked very much, because Elder Brother dislikes them. “这样啊。”风瑶很自然的相信了他,然后马上对这些原本很喜欢的兔子敌视起来,因为哥哥讨厌它们。 Elder Brother, does not need you to make a move, I expelled these to make Elder Brother repugnant Rabbit good.” Feng Yao has grasped the small fist lightly. 哥哥,不用你出手,我来赶走这些让哥哥讨厌的兔子好了。”风瑶轻握了一下小拳头。 Un! Let me experience the Yao'er power and prestige.” When Feng Yao comes out from Novice Village Level 15, Feng Xiao was too not worried about her security. “嗯!让我见识一下瑶儿的威风。”风瑶新手村出来时已经15级,风逍并不太担心她的安全。 Feng Yao lightly smiled, flood the seven chord length qins of gentle white light are appearing in the bosom. zither body steadily is not wide, was hugged by Feng Yao a person of zither when the bosom presents the astonishing harmony, as if Fuxi's Zither should belong to Feng Yao to be ordinary. 风瑶轻轻一笑,一把泛着轻柔白光的七弦长琴出现在怀中。琴身不长不宽,被风瑶抱在怀里时一人一琴呈现惊人的和谐,仿佛伏羲琴本就应该属于风瑶一般。 „Is this Fuxi's Zither in legend?” Feng Xiao stared in a big way eyes. On the zither a faintly recognizable white ray is flooding the attraction and mysticalness, making him have one type such as to wash the feeling of spring breeze. “这就是传说中的伏羲琴?”风逍瞪大了双眼。琴上一层飘渺的白色光芒充斥着吸引和神秘,让他有一种如沐春风的感觉。 Moreover own mind, unexpectedly in seeing its flash, the ten points that changes put down Jingning, making in his heart no longer have the tiny bit negative mood. 而且自己的心灵,竟在看到它的那一瞬间,变的十分平静宁和,让他心中不再存在一丝一毫的负面情绪。 Fuxi's Zither, unexpectedly is really Fuxi's Zither, originally before , is not the misconception.” Xuanyuan Wan'er absent-minded thinking aloud, as if saw any inconceivable matter. 伏羲琴,竟然真的是伏羲琴,原来之前都不是错觉。”轩辕婉儿失神的自言自语,仿佛看到了什么不可思议的事情。 Then I could not completely understand that her reason, is really because she is......” “那么我看不透她的原因,果然是因为她是……” Why she and Fuxi's Zither will appear...... After I that person loses into Rebirth, Heaven Realm exactly what happened......” “为什么她和伏羲琴会出现……我被那个人丢入轮回道后,天界到底发生了什么事情……” Elder Brother Feng has his all...... But Elder Brother Feng Younger Sister, is actually, will have why also...... Her all......” 风哥哥有他的一切……而风哥哥妹妹,究竟是谁,为什么又会有……她的一切……” Wait/Etc....... She is...... She is......” “等等……难道她是……难道她是……” „!!!!” “!!!!”
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