LA :: Volume #1

#88: Prepares to start

Next day, after Feng Xiao has had the breakfast, then and Feng Yao early entered the game, no longer the limit game time, these practice the level crazily certainly are almost entire day online, but own superiority certainly will also be weaken, this had also decided before he cannot look like, like that idled. 第二天,风逍吃过早饭后,便和风瑶早早的进入了游戏,不再限制游戏时间,那些练级狂们一定是几乎全天在线,而自己的优势也一定会减弱许多,这也决定了他不能像以前那般懈怠了。 After Yang Xiruo Feng Xiao has fed the breakfast, slowly is roared is continue enter the sleep. 杨夕若风逍喂过早饭后,又被慢慢哄着继续进入了睡眠。 Ding, welcome to enter " Rebirth » world, the major renewals have fully been completed, many mysticalness waited for that your exploration, wish you to play happily.” “叮,欢迎进入《轮回》世界,各大更新已全部完成,更多的神秘等待您的探索,祝您游戏愉快。” When position previous offline that Feng Xiao and Feng Yao get online Swift Wind World the warehouse in store. 风逍风瑶上线的位置正是上次下线时的“风行天下”商店的仓库。 Yao'er, do you want to accompany I make Ice GrassQuest really ‚? This Quest is not the general bad risk, the match is casual to be able the second to kill my Immortal Beast!” 瑶儿,你真的要陪我去做‘冰凌草’的任务吗?这个任务可不是一般的凶险,对手可是随便一下都能秒杀我的仙兽!” Feng Xiao said oneself following game plan with Younger Sister. But Feng Yao naturally is somewhat small tenacious must with him together. Elder Brother where, oneself must where, this is the habit that she forms since childhood. Even if cannot obtain any Experience, even if very bad risk. 风逍已经和妹妹说了自己接下来的游戏计划。而风瑶自然是有些小固执的要和他一起。哥哥在哪里,自己就要在哪里,这是她从小就养成的习惯。即使不能获得任何经验,即使非常凶险。 Relax Elder Brother, encounters danger my certain earliest possible time to escape or return to the city, will not implicate Elder Brother absolutely.” Feng Yao replied while chuckling, gives the gentle look that he has felt relieved. “放心吧哥哥,遇到危险我一定第一时间逃跑或者回城,绝对不会拖累哥哥的。”风瑶轻笑着答道,给了他一个放心的温柔眼神。 Un! Is certainly careful, if my treasure Yao'er will hang me to go crazy.” Feng Xiao traces her gently such as poem such as the face of dream. “嗯!一定要小心,要是我的宝贝瑶儿挂掉了我会发疯的。”风逍轻轻的摸了摸她如诗如梦的脸。 Feng Yao sweet smiles: Knows!” 风瑶甜甜一笑:“知道啦!” Good, Yao'er, you here continue to practice Appraisal Skill with remaining equipment now, I return to Feng House and Rourou (soft) overcome greeting, then goes to imperial palace.” “那好,瑶儿,你现在在这里用剩下的装备继续练鉴定术,我回风楼柔柔打下招呼,然后去皇宫一趟。” Rourou (soft)?” The careful eyebrow of Feng Yao willow tree-like has selected selecting gently, the beautiful lip bends small curve. 柔柔?”风瑶杨柳般的细致眉毛轻轻挑了挑,绝美的嘴唇弯起一个小小的弧度 Goes, Elder Brother!” “去吧,哥哥!” I come back immediately.” Pretends not to see the Feng Yao slightly strange expression, Feng Xiao to run away also resembles ran. “我马上回来。”装做没有看见风瑶略显怪异的表情,风逍逃也似的跑了出去。 Elder Brother is really, how several years ago to urge him not to be willing, now actually the females of system do not let off...... However that timid girl the appearance or the disposition, play in the game to Elder Brother the warm bed girl really good yeah.” Thinking aloud that Feng Yao stuns the world. 哥哥真是的,前几年怎么劝他都不肯,现在却连系统的女子都不放过……不过那个怯弱的女孩子无论是长相还是性格,给哥哥做游戏里暖床丫头真的不错哎。”风瑶语出惊人的自言自语道。 Young Master...... Ah...... Does not want......” 少爷……啊……不要……” Shui Rourou both hands tight is raising own maidservant skirt, fresh-faced double cheek red must drop to bleed, under the skirt covers between two legs, a hand in fast is acting. 水柔柔双手紧紧的提着自己的侍女裙,粉嫩的双颊红的似要滴出血来,裙子掩盖下的两腿中间,一只手正在快速的动作着。 „...... Therefore, Rourou (soft), I could leave some time, remembers that must favor the family/home.” Feng Xiao feels soft and moistness in the hand transmitting, said with an evil smile. “……所以,柔柔,我可能要离开较长的一段时间,记得要看好家。”风逍感受着手上传来的柔软和湿润,邪笑着说道 Un......” Shui Rourou ambiguous replied, clenches teeth not to be let she shy incomparable voice by own emanation diligently. “嗯……”水柔柔含糊的答应一声,努力咬牙不让自己发出让她害羞无比的声音。 If the gold coin is insufficient, goes to Swift Wind World that side to look for Lunatic, I have confessed.” Feng Xiao's hand was moistened completely, his movement is fiercer. “如果金币不够用的话,就去‘风行天下’那边找疯子,我都已经交代过了。”风逍的手已经被完全打湿,他的动作更加剧烈起来。 Ah......” Shui Rourou is unable to bear again, exudes a charming cry, double carries with the hand in the chest front skirt also fell, reveals the trembling tender and delicate twin peaks. 啊……”水柔柔再也无法忍住,发出一声娇媚至极的叫声,双手提在胸前的裙子也掉了下来,露出颤巍巍的娇嫩双峰。 Feng Xiao extracts the right hand, slowly wipes on the liquid on hand Shui Rourou soft breasts, said: Looks after itself well, cannot think I think changed thin, otherwise I will punish your Oh like today.” 风逍抽出右手,慢慢的把手上的液体抹到水柔柔嫩|乳上,说道:“好好照顾自己,不许想我想的变瘦了,否则我会像今天一样惩罚你。” Shui Rourou tenderly panted nods, body slowly soft, pours on Feng Xiao. 水柔柔娇|喘着点头,身体慢慢的软了下去,倒在风逍身上。 Feng Xiao chuckled, hugs around the middle her, has put on inside room own bed, after helps sluggishly she reorganizes the good clothes, gently touches the lip of her brilliant red saying: Rourou (soft), I first walked, the words that the man wants to come in may certainly not probably open the door, especially that called Howling Sky Single Sword, understood, Little Darling?” 风逍嘿嘿一笑,拦腰将她抱起,放到了里间自己的床上,慢吞吞的帮她整理好衣服后,轻轻抚摸她红艳的嘴唇说道:“柔柔,那我先走了,男人想进来的话可一定不许开门,特别是那个叫啸天一剑的,明白了吗,小乖乖?” Oh, was right.” Feng Xiao fierce inserts her small mouth the finger, mixes her fragrant tongue saying: Usually accompanies your Elder Sister Xiruo, she likes very much your.” ,对了。”风逍猛的把手指插入她的小嘴里,搅动着她的香舌说道:“平时多陪陪你夕若姐姐,她很喜欢你的。” Shui Rourou nodded, thinks him to point on the residual liquid flavor diligently. 水柔柔点了点头,努力不去想他手指上残留的液体的味道。 Feng Xiao continued to linger on the body of her soft jade-like, the racket, left behind a face not to abandon and tenderly panting Shui Rourou. 风逍继续在她软玉一般的身体上流连了一番,才拍拍屁股走人,留下一脸不舍和娇|喘水柔柔 Displays Wind Barrier Wall, Feng Xiao very low-key arrives at Heavenly Dragon Imperial Palace across the stream of people, then to act as though nobody present through all guards, arrived at destination-- governing study room. 施展“风之壁障”,风逍很低调的穿过人流来到天龙皇宫,然后旁若无人的通过所有守卫,来到了目的地——御书房。 Emperor, I must use taking advantage of Master Zhang Tian...... Oh, Princess Shui Yue also, hello/you good.” Calling out that Feng Xiao comes straight to the point, but sees partly lies down in emperor Princess Shui Yue, slightly accident/surprise. “皇帝,我要借张天师一用……,水月公主也在,你好啊。”风逍开门见山的叫道,不过看到半躺在皇帝身边的水月公主,稍微意外了一下。 The body of Princess Shui Yue is still passing not too healthy paleness, sees Feng Xiao to come, first is astonished, then coldly snorted ruthlessly, turned head not to visit him. 水月公主的身体依然透着不太健康的苍白,见到风逍进来,先是惊愕,然后狠狠的冷哼了一声,扭头不去看他。 Wind Spirit, you came, what matter looks for Master Zhang Tian behavior?” Is teaching Heavenly Dragon Emperor of technique of daughter Emperor to be broken, just about to the violent anger, sees the person is Wind Spirit, immediately exchanged a face to be temperate. 风魂,你来了,找张天师所为何事?”正在传授女儿帝王之术的天龙皇帝被打断,刚要暴怒,见到来人是风魂,马上换上了一脸温和。 Feng Xiao the taking in eye that in his expression change is scrupulous in one's work, in heart some secret suspicions. 风逍将他的表情变化一丝不漏的收进眼中,心中暗暗有些怀疑。 Heavenly Dragon Emperor so will be why good to oneself, even some meanings of flattering. Merely is because have rescued his life? 天龙皇帝为什么会对自己那么好,甚至有些巴结的意思。难道仅仅是因为自己救过他的命吗? Emperor, I looked under the map, the stalactite cave is quite remote to Heavenly Dragon Imperial City, arrives there requirement very long time, therefore help of my requirement Master Zhang Tian Talisman Technique.” “皇帝,我看了下地图,钟乳洞离天龙皇城极为遥远,到达那里需要很长的时间,所以我需要张天师符咒术的帮忙。” Oh? Is it possible that do you prepare to leave to seek for Ice Spirit Grass? Good, my horse uploads him to come.” The emperor puts out Talisman/Spell that Master Zhang Tian gives, meditated two. ?莫非你准备动身去寻找冰灵草?好,朕马上传他进来。”皇帝拿出一张张天师给的符咒,默念了两声。 Master Zhang Tian like the ghost towering appearance before the emperor, the body slightly is sloppily dressed, he cups one hand in the other across the chest to say hastily: „The emperor, does not know that what matter so worries?” 张天师鬼魅般突兀的出现在皇帝面前,身上略显衣冠不整,他连忙拱手说道:“皇上,不知何事如此着急?” Hehe,” emperor beckoned with the hand, says with a smile: Master Zhang Tian, my not important matter, Wind Spirit brave warrior requirement borrows your Talisman Technique transmission to the Imperial City West.” 呵呵,”皇帝摆了摆手,笑道:“张天师,朕并无要事,风魂勇士需要借用你符咒术传送至皇城西方。” Originally is this.” Master Zhang Tian has scratched head cold sweat, he gives Talisman Paper of emperor usually only will then be used at the crucial moment, teleport that therefore is burning with impatience comes, has not thought the emperor unexpectedly to such select the matter has used last. “原来是这样。”张天师擦了擦头上的冷汗,他给皇上的符纸平时只有在紧急时刻才会被使用,所以才心急火燎的瞬移过来,没想皇帝居然为了这么点事情就使用了最后一张。 „The Wind Spirit brave warrior, I understands your meaning, we now.” Master Zhang Tian puts out Talisman Paper. 风魂勇士,我明白你的意思,我们现在就出发吧。”张天师拿出一张符纸 First wait a moment, but also invited Master Zhang Tian and I meets individual first, we must go together.” Feng Xiao has thought of also in Swift Wind World Feng Yao. “先等一下,还请张天师和我先去接个人,我们要一同前往。”风逍想到了还在“风行天下”的风瑶 Oh? Does not know that person whether in Heavenly Dragon Imperial City, if can shift it in this poor Daoist.” ?不知那人是否在天龙皇城,如果在的话贫道可以将其转移过来。” What? Shifts the Imperial City internal person casually, this also too...... Abnormal!” Feng Xiao stared wide-eyed. This Skills is simply brutal, can pass on playing the person casually. “什么?将皇城内部的人随便转移,这也太……变态了吧!”风逍瞪大了眼睛。这个技能简直惨无人道啊,能把人随便传着玩。 Master Zhang Tian died the innumerable brain cells approximately to find out anomaly the meanings of two characters, shook the head saying: Uses this law to by other side agree, otherwise is unable to succeed.” 张天师死了无数脑细胞才大致摸清“变态”两个字的含义,摇摇头说道:“施展此法须经对方同意,否则无法成功。” Oh, so that's how it is.” Feng Xiao has balanced finally at heart. ,原来如此。”风逍总算心里平衡了些。 You and she said that my name, she will agree.” “你和她说我的名字,她就会同意的。” Good! This poor Daoist start now,” Master Zhang Tian puts out another Talisman Paper. “好!贫道现在就开始,”张天师又拿出另一张符纸 Banning of part of great bear symbol law breaks the space!” “天罡符法之禁断空间!” Talisman Paper was shattered, the red light clears, quick, such as the dream such as the imaginary form appears in the front. 符纸破碎,红光散尽,很快,一个如梦如幻的身影出现在面前。 Elder Brother!” Disregarded existences of other people, Feng Yao first runs grasped the Feng Xiao's hand arm in the past. 哥哥!”无视其他人的存在,风瑶第一时间跑过去抱住了风逍的手臂。 A Feng Yao appearance, generation of grace and talents of made the entire governing study room for it bright, mental extremely firm Heavenly Dragon Emperor not steerable present short being out of sorts certainly. Princess Shui Yue is taking a look at this woman secretly, Feng Yao just looks like to her, two people vision interlocking, expresses an exclamation. 风瑶一出现,绝代的风华让整个御书房为之一亮,心智极坚的天龙皇帝也不可控制的出现了短暂的失神。水月公主偷偷打量着这个女人,风瑶刚好向她看来,两人目光相接,都不禁发出一声惊叹。 The pupil of autumn waters such as the quiet and beautiful billowing ocean waves, to the person beautiful of shock, such as the snow such as jade glazed frost skin, the cherry lips that exquisite such as cancels, excellent peerless jade nose, whole body does not have one is not beautiful certainly this world. Princess Shui Yue has made the comparison with oneself secretly, the disheartened discovery, oneself can exceed only her, only then ice crystal snow white skin. 秋水的眸子如清幽潋滟的碧波,给人一种震撼的绝美,如雪如玉的凝霜肌肤,精巧如勾的樱唇,秀挺绝伦的瑶鼻,全身上下无一处不是美绝人寰。水月公主偷偷拿自己做了一下比较,丧气的发现,自己唯一能胜过她的,只有冰晶雪白的皮肤。 Feng Yao sighed, the beautiful woman who so the ice sculpture jade carves, does not know who can match on. 风瑶则是感叹,如此冰雕玉琢的美人,不知谁可以配的上。
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