LA :: Volume #1

#87: Seven big renewal

The China first military region yard. 华夏第一军区大院。 Xiao Tian been anxious reads the magazine, at the same time is Feng Xiao pays silent tribute. 萧天正惴惴不安的看着杂志,一边为风逍默哀。 Oh, the pitiful eldest child, does not know that will be suffered any appearance by my abnormal Big Sister.” “唉,可怜的老大,不知道又会被我那变态老姐折磨成什么样子。” The door was opened gently by closing gently. 门被轻轻推开又被轻轻的关上。 Xiao Tian shot a look at will, after seeing is Xiao Tongying, brushes has stood. 萧天拿眼随意瞥了一下,看到是萧瞳影后,刷的站了起来。 My mother, can't Sun come out from the west side? Big Sister opens the door today does not trample with the foot unexpectedly, is it possible that oppresses the eldest child was too crisp?” “我的娘啊,太阳不会从西边出来了吧?老姐今天开门居然不是用脚踹的,莫非是把老大凌虐的太爽了?” Elder sister, you came back.” Xiao Tian was saying cautiously, then waits for her dissolute charming smile. “姐,你回来了。”萧天小心翼翼的说着,然后等待她放肆的媚笑。 Un.” Xiao Tongying has complied with one scared witless. “嗯。”萧瞳影魂不守舍的应了一声。 Xiao Tian has gawked, after pondering over one also will have any plot, careful asking: Elder sister, you exit today probably puts on isn't this clothes?” 萧天愣了一下,琢磨了一会是不是又有什么阴谋后才小心的问道:“姐,你今天出去的时候好像穿的不是这身衣服?” Wants...... Wants you to manage!” Red that the face of Xiao Tongying brushes, the facial expression becomes somewhat cramped, the pain astringent feeling in the throat transmitting lets her sound very unnatural. “要……要你管!”萧瞳影的脸刷的通红,神情变得有些局促,喉咙里传来的痛涩感让她的声音很不自然 Xiao Tian is thorough, he had not seen from infancy to maturity Elder Sister shows this expression. His doubt gathers round Xiao Tongying to rove, as to determine that she is oneself. 萧天彻底傻眼,他从小到大从来没有看到过姐姐露出这种表情。他狐疑的围着萧瞳影转来转去,似乎想确定她到底是不是本人。 Elder sister, you...... Are you all right? Is the face so red? Moreover, your lip also is very probably red, moreover as if a little swelling......” “姐,你……你没事吧?脸怎么这么红?而且,你的嘴唇好像也很红啊,而且似乎有点肿胀……” Xiao Tongying becomes angry out of shame, loudly exclaimed to him: Dead Little Tian, the matter of old lady does not need you to manage, rolls one side to me.” 萧瞳影恼羞成怒,冲着他大吼道:“死小天,老娘的事不用你管,给我滚一边去。” A seemingly familiar flavor mixes the Xiao Tongying familiar fragrance to throw to the Xiao Tian face on, he unconscious smelled smelling with the nose, the complexion becomes is quite suddenly strange, hesitant long time/half of the day careful saying: Elder sister, your mouth has a very strange flavor probably, like...... Like......” 一股貌似熟悉的味道混着萧瞳影熟悉的香味扑到萧天脸上,他不自觉的用鼻子嗅了嗅,脸色忽然变得极为古怪起来,犹豫了半天才小心的说道:“姐,你嘴里好像有股很奇怪的味道,就像……就像……” Bang! 砰! Xiao Tian was trampled to fly by a foot. 萧天被一脚踹飞出去。 Bang! 砰! The gate of Xiao Tongying room was closed ruthlessly. 萧瞳影房间的门被狠狠关上。 Xiao Tian distressed crawls since the ground, muddily does not care patted not to have the dust that all day by Xiao Tongying, when the target used, made him exercise a greatly strengthened resistance to hit ability actually. 萧天狼狈的从地上爬起,浑不在意的拍了拍身上并不存在的尘土,整天被萧瞳影当靶子用,硬是让他练就一身极强的的抗击打能力 Vision strange looks to the direction of Elder Sister room, Xiao Tian touches the head to think, before unifying all her sorts exceptionally and reaction, he draws the conclusion that makes him almost jump: 目光怪异的看向姐姐房间的方向,萧天摸了摸脑袋思索起来,结合她之前的种种异常和反应,他得出一个让他差点跳起来的结论: Big Sister, fell to the enemy! 老姐,沦陷了! Moreover, the mouth also made the person exploding. 而且,嘴巴还让人给爆了。 My biological mother, which Big Brother this is, your is God descends to earth simply, unexpectedly can conquer this situation my Big Sister...... It is not good, I must tell immediately the father, it is estimated that father excited three days will unable to fall asleep.” “我的亲娘啊,这到底是哪位大哥啊,你丫的简直就是天神下凡,居然能把我老姐征服到这个地步……不行不行,我必须马上跟老爹说去,估计老爹会兴奋的三天睡不着吧。” In the room, Xiao Tongying feels own fragrant lip gently, on the face shows the sad as happy expression, long time, muttered to think aloud: Even if we cannot in the same place, you also never forget me.” 房间里,萧瞳影轻轻摸着自己的香唇,脸上露出似悲戚似幸福的表情,良久,喃喃自言自语道:“即使我们不能在一起,你也永远不会忘记我了吧。” Elder Brother, you come back! Eh?” Saw on Feng Xiao was ripped clothes, Feng Yao obviously has gawked. 哥哥,你回来啦!?”看到风逍身上被撕得一条条的衣服,风瑶明显的楞了一下。 cough cough, popular beggar attire, I also hurry back this year fashionably.” Feng Xiao coughs two to change topic hastily: Yao'er, when you come back, Xiruo awoke.” 咳咳,今年流行乞丐装,我也赶回时髦。”风逍连忙干咳两下岔开话题:“瑶儿,你什么时候回来的,夕若醒了没有。” I just came back, Younger Sister Xiruo has not awaked. Elder Brother, why you exited a moment ago, you do not have Oh that the important matter will not go out.” A Feng Yao still face strange is taking a look at him, has almost not borne smile. A light rose fragrance passes to her nose. “我刚回来,夕若妹妹还没有醒。哥哥,你刚才为什么出去啊,你可是没重要的事情都不会出门的。”风瑶依然一脸的怪异的打量着他,差点没忍住笑出来。一股淡淡的玫瑰香味传到她鼻子里。 Eh? This flavor, probably is Sister Tongying.” Feng Yao moves slightly at heart, probably understands that was how a matter. ?这个味道,好像是瞳影姐的。”风瑶心里微动,同时也大概明白是怎么一回事了。 Definitely had been bullied by Sister Tongying, pitiful Elder Brother. However Elder Sister Tongying is more pitiful, likes Elder Brother obviously, actually feared own cannot be joined to Elder Brother too old, can only attract the Elder Brother attention with this way......” “肯定又被瞳影姐欺负了,可怜的哥哥。不过瞳影姐姐更可怜,明明喜欢哥哥,却怕自己的年龄太大配不上哥哥,只能用这种方式来吸引哥哥的注意力……” I a moment ago...... Uh, hasn't Xiao Tongying that woman said with you?” “我刚才……,萧瞳影那个女人没有和你说吗?” No, my anything does not know, Oh, I know Elder Brother, you were caught to play by Elder Sister Tongying!” Feng Yao laughs. “没有啊,我什么都不知道,,我知道啦哥哥,你又被瞳影姐姐抓出去玩了!”风瑶嘻嘻笑了起来。 The Feng Xiao helpless flipping supercilious look, that woman had not said with Yao'er, she just started to be suspended one by her. 风逍无奈的翻了翻白眼,原来那个女人根本就没有和瑶儿说,自己刚开始就被她摆了一道。 Remembers in the quiet forest at that moment, Feng Xiao thought that own blood as if must seethe with excitement, depresses the anger hastily: This matter is unimportant, I return to the room to rest first a meeting.” Said that runs away runs back own room that also resembles, stays behind Feng Yao that smiles secretly. 想起幽林中那一刻,风逍觉得自己的血液仿佛又要沸腾起来,连忙压下火气:“这件事情不重要,我先回房休息一会。”说完逃也似的跑回自己的房间,留下偷偷直笑的风瑶 In I have seen in female, can be joined to Elder Brother, only then Younger Sister Xiruo and Elder Sister Tongying, I must help Elder Sister Tongying......” “在我见过的女子中,可以配得上哥哥的只有夕若妹妹瞳影姐姐了,我要不要帮帮瞳影姐姐呢……” That woman, is really seductress that a beautiful results in does not make sense!” Returns to the room, Feng Xiao unable to bear remember in forest, the whole body is dry and hot. “那个女人,真是一个美得不像话的妖精!”回到房间,风逍又忍不住想起林中的一幕幕,全身燥热起来。 Estimate which man could not have borne her enticement--, if the temperament good point to be again perfect.” “估计没哪个男人会忍得住她的诱惑吧——要是脾气再好点就完美了。” Crossed for a long time, under Feng Xiao calms down anger in the body, will open the crack in a door to look at one to put on Feng Yao that the variegated butterfly juggled secretly, retracting room. 过了好久,风逍才平息下自己身体里的火气,打开门缝偷偷看了一会穿花蝴蝶般忙里忙外的风瑶,又缩回房间。 Has a look at " Rebirth » forum, it is estimated that this renewal forum must certainly explode,” “看看《轮回》论坛吧,估计这一更新论坛肯定要爆了吧,” Really, Feng Xiao just opened forum, front several post that make the blood boil hit rates make Feng Xiao be out of control to suspect oneself looked to spend eyes. 果然,风逍刚一打开论坛,前面几个帖子那令人发指的点击量让风逍禁不住怀疑自己是不是看花了眼睛 The «official announced: Rebirth seven big renewals: First: Around the world clears the mutual exchange system of realistic currency and game coin, the exchanging rate/lead is scheduled 1 RMB = 1 gold coin = 100 silver coins = 10000 copper coins. Exchange business by world ten big money pool guarantee, absolutely fair fair, Player may exchanged in the local bank or through the network. 《官方公告:轮回七大更新!》:第一:全世界范围内开通现实货币与游戏币的相互兑换系统,兑率为预定的1RMB=1金币=100银币=10000铜币。兑换业务由世界十大银行联合担保,绝对公平公正,玩家可在当地银行或者通过网络等进行兑换。 Second: Opening marriage system. The lovers after the Heavenly Dragon Imperial Palace registration and pays certain gold coin, may in the Heavenly Dragon Imperial City center church carry on the grand wedding, after the wedding ended, both sides may established for the husband and wife status. The husband and wife may induce to the other side position at any time, when forms a team to doubt the gold coin has certain addition, and when Level differs over ten levels still may divide equally the Experience value, sentimental extremely deep husband and wife also possibly sends out the heart to have jointly attacking Skills of cleverness. In addition, marriage system also more mysteries waited for that Player unearths, the concrete marriage flow and laws please refer to play Heavenly Dragon Imperial City «Marriage Principle». 第二:开启结婚系统。情侣在天龙皇宫登记并缴纳一定金币后,可在天龙皇城中心教堂进行盛大的婚礼,婚礼结束后双方可既定为夫妻身份。夫妻双方可随时感应到对方的位置,组队打怪时金币有一定的加成,并且等级相差超过十级时仍可均分到经验值,感情极深的夫妻还有可能发出心有灵犀的合击技能。此外,结婚系统还有更多奥秘等待玩家去挖掘,具体的结婚流程和法规请参照游戏中天龙皇城的《婚姻法则》。 Third: Opens the female to install the system pretty. Numerous MM Player, you whether thought own Profession armor is extremely stodgy, thought that loses the magnificent equipment unable to show your charm sincerely-- «Rebirth» installs the system pretty, can make you solve these difficulties absolutely. In game, so long as equips various type pretty attires that purchases from the special store, on during you equipment originally will thoroughly fuse newly to install pretty, moreover Attributes not any change. When replaces installs pretty, only need meditate an original equipment from pretty installing to separate, can fuse new pretty to install. After studies and voting decision repeatedly, at present only promotes the female to install the system pretty. 第三:开启女性靓装系统。众多MM玩家,你是否觉得自己的职业装甲太过死板,是否觉得厚重而失华丽的装备无法展现你的魅力——《轮回》的靓装系统,绝对可以让你解决这些困扰。游戏中,只要装备从特殊商店购买来的各式靓装,你身上原本的装备就会彻底融合到新靓装之中,而且属性没有任何变化。更换靓装时,只需默念一声原装备就会从靓装中分离,可以融合到新的靓装中去。经多次研究和投票决定,目前只推出女性靓装系统。 Fourth: Opens the shop rental system. Temporarily does not have Player of condition purchase shop to be possible through payment certain gold coin to rent the store, the price decides by the shop size and position quality. 第四:开启店铺租赁系统。暂时没有条件购买店铺的玩家可通过缴纳一定金币来租用商店,价格由店铺大小和位置好坏而定。 Fifth: Removes the game online time restriction. After majority of Player intense Requirements, after game renewal, will limit no longer the game online time. Game time, although may enter half sleep condition, but suggested intensely all Player while normal game should every day maintains four hours of sleep. Moreover, uses gaming helmet system of Player when the hunger to remind. 第五:取消游戏在线时间限制。经大部分玩家强烈要求,游戏更新后将不再限制游戏在线时间。游戏的时候虽可进入半睡眠状态,但强烈建议所有玩家在正常游戏的同时最好每天保持四小时的睡眠。另外,使用游戏头盔玩家在饥饿时系统将进行提醒。 Sixth: Opens the Mount system. Player may purchase Mount in the Heavenly Dragon Imperial City south Mount store, can Capture Skill catch horse class Monster becomes own Mount. Except for Mage and Assassin Profession, other Profession can fight on Mount. Mount besides may increase Movement Speed, some special Mount may also carry on the addition to Master Attributes. Certain formidable Mount have Skills, may assist Master to fight. 第六:开启坐骑系统。玩家可在天龙皇城南部的坐骑商店购买坐骑,也可以“捕捉术”捕捉马类的怪物成为自己的坐骑。除了魔法师刺客职业,其他所有的职业都可以在坐骑上进行战斗。坐骑除了可增加移动速度外,一些特殊的坐骑还可对主人属性进行加成。某些强大的坐骑还具有技能,可辅助主人进行战斗。 Seventh: Opens the Mount ranking. The Grade distribution and Pet of Mount are the same, are divided first-level and second-level...... Seven levels and eight levels, Spiritual Level, Immortal Level, Divine Level, Supreme Divine Level and Saint Level. One to four levels is only addition Movement Speed Mount, over five levels will have certain probability to have Skills. Each Player can only have Mount, therefore obtains the special Mount probability to be lower than Pet. 第七:开启坐骑排行榜。坐骑品级分布与宠物相同,分为一级、二级……七级、八级、灵级仙级神级超神级圣级。一到四级为只加成移动速度坐骑,五级以上将有一定的概率拥有技能。每个玩家只能拥有一只坐骑,因此得到特殊坐骑的概率要低于宠物 Mount? 坐骑 Feng Xiao had big interest. If can fight immediately, that feeling should be quite good. Does not know that can ride the same horse with Yao'er. 风逍有了很大的兴趣。如果可以在马上战斗,那种感觉应该相当不错吧。不知道能不能和瑶儿骑同一匹马。 Feng Xiao continued to glance over other posts, majority was some does not have the speculation and conception of nutrition. 风逍又继续浏览了一下其他的帖子,大部分都是一些没营养的推测和构想。 The «after currency exchange clears, first Guild the luck of the draw......» 《货币兑换开通后,第一帮派花落谁家……》 «Removes the game time restriction, the Level differentiation will be getting more and more serious 《取消游戏时间限制,等级分化将越来越严重!》 «Suspicion about Pet List First Qilin Twice Grade Promotion» 《关于宠物榜第一的麒麟两次品级提升的猜想》 «Demon wolf- crazy, 200,000 RMB receive the Immortal Equipment Undead protection shield in equipment ranking......» 《魔狼—狂,200000RMB收装备排行榜上的仙器死灵守护盾……》 «Heavenly Fiend Gang: 300,000 RMB purchase the first Construction of Guild command, the price may discuss in person discontentedly 天煞帮:300000RMB收购第一块建帮令,价格不满可面议!》 Do 200,000 receive Immortal Equipment? Do 300,000 receive a Construction of Guild command? Feng Xiao how being flabbergasted head, these Guild were also too crazy. 200000收一件仙器?300000收一个建帮令?风逍咋了咋舌头,这些个帮派也太疯狂了吧。 Post so forth has numerous number, Feng Xiao was disinclined to look again, has closed the forum, then gave Lunatic to telephone. 诸如此类的帖子多不胜数,风逍懒得再看,关闭了论坛,然后给疯子打了电话。 Xiao Tongying...... How will this woman cope with me?” Bored lying down on the bed, in the brain the Xiao Tongying beautiful body can hardly be removed. 萧瞳影……这个女人会怎么对付我呢?”无聊的躺在床上,脑中萧瞳影绝美的身体挥之不去。 Elder Brother, came out to eat meal!” The Yao'er gentle sound has broken letting one's thoughts wander of Feng Xiao, he shows a faint smile, after discovering one set of normal point clothes, casually goes out of the room. 哥哥,出来吃饭了!”瑶儿温柔的声音打断了风逍的乱想,他微微一笑,随便找出一套正常点的衣服后才走出房间。 The dinner carries on the Feng Yao somewhat strange vision, Feng Xiao is at heart fishy, without delay, finished eating in a hurry, carries the bowl to run away to the Feng Yao room, feeds his Younger Sister Xiruo. 晚饭在风瑶有些怪异的目光中进行,风逍心里有鬼,二话不说,匆匆吃完后就端起碗来逃到风瑶房间,去喂他的夕若妹妹去了。 Elder Brother is certainly fishy! What this afternoon he and did Elder Sister Tongying exactly have?” On the face of Feng Yao beautiful this world has hung up the ponder certainly, simultaneously left ear slightly slanting, is listening attentively to the voice in nearby room. 哥哥一定有鬼!今天下午他和瞳影姐姐到底发生了什么呢?”风瑶美绝人寰的脸上挂起了沉思,同时左耳微斜,倾听着旁边房间里的声音。 Big Brother Feng, later will not feed the food to me, I can.” A Yang Xiruo hand closely grabs his lower hem corner, only then she can feel him like this really in oneself side. 风大哥,以后不会给我喂饭了,我自己可以的。”杨夕若一只手紧紧的抓着他的衣角,只有这样她才能真实的感觉到他就在自己身边。 Just spoke these words, Yang Xiruo on a regret, this type is made her be enchanted by the feeling that he spoiled, she quite feared that lost because of own a few words. 刚说完这句话,杨夕若就一阵后悔,这种被他溺爱的感觉让她迷醉,她好怕因为自己的一句话而失去。 Do not let one's thoughts wander, your present body is too weak, must pay attention to rest well, the words that wants to recover completely at least take one month, also, the time of later playing cannot over five hours.” “别乱想啦,你现在的身体还太弱,要注意好好休息,想完全复原的话至少要一个月,还有,以后游戏的时间也不许超过五个小时。” The sound of Feng Xiao blame makes Yang Xiruo happy, she opens the small mouth to suck in him to deliver to the spoon of mouth gently, after satisfactory eating, there are has not given full expression stretches out fragrant tender delightful small tongue, sucks to add to bite gently. She does not know own this nonchalant movement has arousing how, at least Feng Xiao instantaneously was provoked * commits suicide by fire, what are more is the gentleness of innermost feelings. 风逍略带责怪的声音让杨夕若甜蜜无比,她轻轻的张开小嘴吮吸他送到嘴巴的饭勺,美美的吃下去后,有意犹未尽似的伸出香嫩甜美的小舌头,轻轻地吮吸添噬。她不知道自己这个不经意的动作有多么的撩人,至少风逍被瞬间撩拨得*焚身,但是更多的是内心的温柔。 Recently probably more and more is unable to control own desire. Feng Xiao sighed secretly. 最近好像越来越无法控制自己的欲望了。风逍暗叹。 Can break through? 是要突破了吗? Today Feng Xiao very early has lain down on the bed, but tossing about is actually hard to go to sleep, the full brain is the Xiao Tongying wonderful body. 今天风逍很早的就躺倒了床上,可是却翻来覆去难以入眠,满脑子都是萧瞳影美妙的身体。 Similarly losing sleep, also Xiao Tongying. 同样失眠的,还有萧瞳影
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