LA :: Volume #1

#84: Xiao Tongying

Ding, your Appraisal Skill failure, appraises the skilled enhancement.” “叮,你的鉴定术失败,鉴定熟练度提高。” Ding, your Appraisal Skill failure, appraises the skilled enhancement.” “叮,你的鉴定术失败,鉴定熟练度提高。” Ding, you appraise Golden Equipment successfully Gold dead spirit shield, appraises the skilled enhancement.” “叮,你成功鉴定出黄金装备黄金亡灵盾’,鉴定熟练度提高。” The Feng Yao show face smiles: Elder Brother, I appraised Golden Equipment finally.” 风瑶展颜一笑:“哥哥,我终于鉴定出黄金装备了。” Her Primary Level Appraisal Skill can only 50% probabilities appraise the silver equipment, appraises the Golden Equipment success ratio, only then 5%, but each equipment are most can only appraise five times, the words equipment that five times are defeated will damage. Therefore, each Golden Equipment appraises four times, finally has succeeded when 5 th, Primary Level Appraisal Skill Experience grew 5%. 她的初级鉴定术只能50%的概率鉴定出白银装备,鉴定黄金装备的成功率只有5%,而每件装备最多只能鉴定五次,五次都失败的话装备就会损坏。因此,每件黄金装备都鉴定四次,终于在第5件时成功了,初级鉴定术经验成长了5%。 Elder Brother, I appraise these silver equipment first, these many silver equipment, can certainly let my Appraisal Skill rise Medium Level.” Feng Yao not surprised Elder Brother can so many Golden Equipment and silver equipment, because from very small time starts, Elder Brother in her eyes is omnipotent. 哥哥,我先鉴定这些白银装备吧,这么多白银装备,一定能让我的鉴定术升到中级。”风瑶一点都不惊讶哥哥能有这么多的黄金装备和白银装备,因为从很小的时候开始,她眼里的哥哥就是无所不能的。 Feng Xiao nods. The Appraisal Skill promotion difficult basic reason lies in does not have the equipment that the place looks for that many to appraise, but bumps into the Luck value to have 70 many him fully, this issue was not the issue. 风逍点点头。鉴定术升级难的根本原因在于没有地方去找那么多可以鉴定的装备,可是碰到幸运值足有70多的他,这个问题就不是问题了。 Ding, you appraise silver equipment successfully Undead jade abstention, appraises the skilled enhancement.” “叮,你成功鉴定出白银装备‘死灵玉石戒’,鉴定熟练度提高。” Ding, your Appraisal Skill failure, appraises the skilled enhancement.” “叮,你的鉴定术失败,鉴定熟练度提高。” Ding, you appraise silver equipment successfully Undead randomly cloud hammer, appraises the skilled enhancement.” “叮,你成功鉴定出白银装备‘死灵乱云锤’,鉴定熟练度提高。” ............ ………… ............ ………… Ding, congratulates your Appraisal Skill promoted to Medium Level.” “叮,恭喜你的鉴定术升为中级。” Ding, entire world Player please note, the system update will soon start, please immediately offline in three minutes, will otherwise be withdrawn forcefully.” “叮,全世界玩家请注意,系统更新即将开始,请立即于三分钟内下线,否则将被强行退出。” Yao'er, our offline.” 瑶儿,我们下线。” , Un!” “嗯!” Rourou (soft), I walked, favors our families/home.” 柔柔,我走了,看好我们的家。” Un, Young Master.” “嗯,少爷。” Our families/home?” Shui Rourou muttered was reading, the happy craziness smiled. “我们的家?”水柔柔喃喃的念着,幸福的痴笑起来。 Feng Xiao comes out from game cabin, is just 3 : 00 pm. 风逍游戏舱里出来的时候,刚好是下午三点。 Big Brother Feng, you come out.” 风大哥,你出来啦。” Feng Xiao is moved to hold nearby Yang Xiruo that and loves dearly, saying of blame: How not to be obedient, you move like this can abrade the body.” 风逍又感动又心疼的抱起旁边的杨夕若,责怪的说道:“怎么又不听话,你这样移动会擦伤身体的。” Yang Xiruo feels warmth that he is embracing, crazy saying: I want to feel to Big Brother Feng side me.” 杨夕若感受着他怀抱的温暖,痴痴的说道:“我想一直可以都感觉的到风大哥就在我身边。” The Feng Xiao heart trembles, silently hugs to return to the room her. 风逍心一颤,默默的将她抱回房间。 Chaos Secret Art, requested that you are quicker breakthrough, enabling me to cure this delicate girl. 混沌诀,请求你快些突破吧,让我可以治好这个柔弱的女孩。 Elder Brother.” Feng Yao grasps him from behind, said gently: You must accompany Younger Sister Xiruo, her too requirement you.” 哥哥。”风瑶从后面抱住他,轻轻说道:“你要多陪陪夕若妹妹,她太需要你了。” You must accompany me, because of my requirement you.” Feng Xiao holds her link in the front both hands. “你也要多陪陪我,因为我更需要你。”风逍抓住她环在前面的双手。 Naturally, I have accompanied side Elder Brother.” The hand of Feng Yao tightened, is breathing his flavor greedily. “当然啦,我一直都陪在哥哥身边。”风瑶的手紧了紧,贪婪的呼吸着他身上的味道。 In Feng Yao room unceasing transmitting su su the Feng Xiao heart that the sound of putting on clothes, listens to is itchy difficult to scratch with the finger. Used long time, Feng Yao to change into dressing up of ordinary home girl, depressed the light and lively air/Qi of whole body, simultaneously wore one to block from sun hat of entire face, this satisfied went out does grocery shopping. 风瑶的房间里不断的传来“簌簌”的穿衣服的声音,听的风逍心痒难搔。用了好长时间,风瑶才换成一个普通居家女孩的装扮,压下全身的轻灵之气,同时戴了一个遮住整个面部的遮阳帽,这才满意的出门买菜。 According to learning from another's mistakes, if Feng Yao goes out directly, the passer-by rammer and traffic accidents and men and women will bid good-bye, girl to commit suicide and sell the probability that forgetting of thing will receive money to increase the several fold. 根据前车之鉴,如果风瑶直接出门,路人撞杆、交通事故、男女分手、女孩自杀、卖东西的忘记收钱的概率都会增加数倍。 „......” Feng Yao just walked shortly, was eliminated 300 years of ringtone to make a sound by the time. “叮铃铃……”风瑶刚走没多久,一个被时代淘汰300年电话铃声响了起来。 Any matter, Little Tian.” Feng Xiao answered the telephone. “什么事,小天。”风逍接起了电话。 That side telephone silent a meeting, suddenly resounds a charming laughter. 电话那边沉默了一会,忽然响起一阵妩媚至极的笑声。 Younger Brother Feng, thinks that Elder Sister doesn't have?” 风弟弟,想姐姐没有啊?” The Feng Xiao nerve tightens suddenly, large beads of sweat dripped down. 风逍的神经骤然绷紧,一颗斗大的汗珠滴了下来。 Haha... Haha... Originally is Elder Sister Tongying, does not know that looks for Little Brother to have any important matter, if no I have hung first, I and Yao'er are just busy.” 哈哈哈哈…原来是瞳影姐姐,不知找小弟有什么要紧事,没有的话我先挂了,我和瑶儿正忙呢。” Right? That is just not Younger Sister Yao'er that walked from your family.” “是吗?那刚刚从你家里走出去的难道不是瑶儿妹妹吗。” That is...... That is......” Feng Xiao is crazy, this woman will not defend in my family/home entrance. “那是……那是……”风逍狂汗,这女人不会是守在我家门口吧。 Elder Sister asks you to have important matter, a bit faster comes out, otherwise has met me to make Younger Sister Yao'er lead me to come up Oh, but when the time comes in your family left any accident/surprise my irresponsible Oh.” Sound that the monster flatters must drop the water leakage to come, may pass to the Feng Xiao ear to make him fight a cold war ruthlessly. 姐姐找你有要紧事,快点出来嘛,不然过会我就让瑶儿妹妹带我上去了,不过到时候你们家里出了点什么意外我可一点都不负责。”妖媚的声音似要滴出水来,可传到风逍耳朵里却让他狠狠的打了一个冷战。 Threat, naked threat. 威胁,赤裸裸的威胁。 Feng Xiao clenching teeth ruthlessly, finally...... Compromised. 风逍狠狠的一咬牙,终于……妥协了。 Rummages through chests and cupboards, finally has discovered the most suitable clothes-- one set of heavy/thick cowboy clothes. Feng Xiao does not like putting on the Lord of jeans wear, particularly the burning hot midsummer, is for security, he endured. 翻箱倒柜,终于找出了最适合的衣服——一套厚重的牛仔衣。风逍是个不喜欢穿牛仔装的主,尤其是炎热的盛夏,可是为了安全,他忍了。 Helter-skelter after changing the clothes, ruthlessly is tight pants with the waistband, the political ability obviously feels at ease. 七手八脚的换完衣服后,又用腰带把裤子狠狠的扎紧,才略显心安。 That leisure clothes of previous putting on, actually by that woman with the unpredictable clever trick digging up light, his smooth losing in the small woods, as for that how he goes home only then he knows. 上次穿的那身休闲衣,硬是被那个女人用变幻莫测的诡计给扒光,把他光溜溜的丢在小树林里,至于他是怎么回家的那就只有他自己知道了。 Looks in mirror, black such as the half length hair natural powder of ebony in head, ancient Rome statue outline distinct delicate and pretty cheeks, is joined to sharp such as the callous double pupil of hawk and fine-looking such as the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards of blade, even more appears outstanding, but uncommon noble manner. A slightly personal strong and forceful jeans wear sets off the fine-looking perfect build, is increases the infinite charm and boldness. 看着镜子里的自己,黑如乌木的半长头发潇洒的散于头上,古罗马雕像般轮廓分明的俊美脸颊,配上锐利如鹰的冷酷双眸及英挺如刃的剑眉,越发显出卓而不凡的高贵气质。一身略显贴身的劲挺牛仔装衬出英挺完美的体型,更是增添无穷魅力和魄力。 Oh, I must study Yao'er to wear a hat, how otherwise may make other men live.” Feng Xiao narcissism touches own face. “唉,我是不是也要学瑶儿戴个帽子呢,不然可让其他男人怎么活呀。”风逍自恋的摸摸自己的脸。 Softly arrived at the Feng Yao room, Xiruo entered sleeping soundly, her emaciated Constitution had decided she must maintain over 12 hours sleep every day. At her on the forehead kiss, Feng Xiao left the room gently, after closing the door gently, a face solemn and stirring walked. 轻手轻脚的来到风瑶房间,夕若已经进入了酣睡,她的孱弱体质决定了她每天必须保持12小时以上的睡眠。轻轻在她额上一吻,风逍离开了房间,轻轻关上门后,才一脸悲壮的走了出去。 Said: Who I do not go to hell to go to hell.” For the peace of my treasure small nest, the young master was ready for any sacrifice. 佛曰:“我不下地狱谁下地狱。”为了我的宝贝小窝的安宁,小爷豁出去了。 Walks out of the door, then sees graceful, the temperament tall Jue powder clothes female. Her faint smile looked at Feng Xiao one, treads the refined charming broken step to walk toward him. Moth lifts loftily, then sees her to float the raised tender body curve from afar slenderly, during the swings beautiful must make the will of the people tremble. 一走出家门,便看到一个风姿绰约,气质高绝的粉衣女子。她似笑非笑的看了风逍一眼,踏着雅致迷人的碎步向他走来。蛾首高雅地抬地,远远便看见她修长浮凸的娇躯曲线,摇摆间美得让人心颤。 Feng Xiao tranquil under has breathed, cautiously walked. 风逍平静了下呼吸,才小心翼翼的走了过去。 Haha, Elder Sister Tongying, Haha, the weather is good today.” Feng Xiao has hit Haha. 哈哈,瞳影姐姐,哈哈,今天天气不错。”风逍打了个哈哈 Xiao Tongying arrives in front of him slowly, the beautiful gorgeous tenderness has a nightmare to map in the Feng Xiao eye, the instant Fang magnificent makes Feng Xiao also one have a dizzy spell. 萧瞳影慢慢走到他面前,美艳丽的娇魇映入风逍眼中,刹那的芳华让风逍也不禁一阵头晕目眩。 That is one as if there is face of angel general charm, is similar to creamy skin tender and delicate like the water, passes is annoying blushing of person daydream lightly. The tender and beautiful alluring cherry lips curved show is exquisite, but plump and smooth skinned, has increased several points of charming sex appeal slightly, a pair of pupil bewitches to seize the soul, that inborn looked at two then mind to fall into enemy hands enchantingly. 那是一张仿佛有天仙一般魅力的脸,如同凝脂般的肌肤娇嫩如水,透着淡淡惹人遐思的红晕。娇艳欲滴的樱唇弯秀小巧,但微微丰润,更增添了几分妩媚性感,一双眸子勾魂夺魄,那股天生的妖娆让人多看了两眼便心神失守。 A pale pink tight-fitting ultra-short one-piece dress she enchanting irritable stature hollow incisiveness, under the exquisite jade neck, pair of strong double breast proudly must break the clothes, under tender slender willow waist, a full clear outstanding buttocks bulge perfect curve. White and tender smooth slender jade leg exposition outside, adds infinitely enchanting. 一身淡粉色的紧身超短连衣裙将她妖娆火爆的身材凹陷的淋漓尽致,玲珑的玉颈下,一对坚挺傲然的双乳似要破衣而出,柔嫩纤细的柳腰下,饱满圆润的翘臀凸起一个完美的弧度。白嫩光滑的修长玉腿暴露在外,更添无限妖娆。 Xiao Tongying faint smile sizes up Feng Xiao, in the eye is flashing through the extraordinary splendor, has flung softly bright such as the waterfall black hair at will, such nonchalant movement has shown her infinitely charming with sexy bearing and charming temperament. 萧瞳影似笑非笑的打量着风逍,眼中闪过异彩,随意的甩了甩柔亮如飞瀑的黑发,这样不经意的动作更展现了她无限妩媚和风情万种 Feng Xiao lowered the head hastily, does not dare to look straight ahead the appearance of her flawless fault again, meditated at heart „should not be swindled, she was Devil...... Do not be swindled, she is Devil......” 风逍连忙低下头,不敢再去直视她毫无瑕疵的容颜,心里默念“不要上当,她是魔鬼……不要上当,她是魔鬼……” This does not lower the head importantly, by the neckband of low chest, a pair of plentiful pure white gigantic double breast appears at present, smooth and tender soon drop launches, especially middle that say/way deep cleavage and indistinct two pink color/look small cherries, are the incomparable enticement. 这一低头不要紧,透过低胸的领口,一对丰满洁白的硕大双乳出现在眼前,滑|嫩的快要滴下水来,特别是中间那道深深的乳沟和隐隐约约的两只粉红色小樱桃,更是无比的诱惑。 Younger Brother Feng, attractive?” The gentle sound resounds in the ear. 风弟弟,好看吗?”柔媚的声音在耳边响起。 Attractive, attractive.” The Feng Xiao vision is blurred, has swallowed a saliva ruthlessly, the chest of Xiao Tongying, without doubt is he has seen most greatly most. “好看,好看。”风逍目光迷离,狠狠的咽了口口水,萧瞳影的胸部,无疑是他见过最大最挺的。 ah no no no no......” Feng Xiao almost jumped, I meant that Elder Sister Tongying is really attractive today, cough cough, does not know that Elder Sister Tongying called Little Brother to have any matter.” 啊不不不不……”风逍差点跳了起来,“我是说瞳影姐姐今天真好看,咳咳,不知瞳影姐姐小弟来有什么事情。” Come, Younger Brother Feng, follows me, leading you to go to an amusing place.” Xiao Tongying laughs, grasps Feng Xiao's hand. “来,风弟弟,跟我走,带你去一个好玩的地方。”萧瞳影嘻嘻一笑,抓起风逍的手 Was the amusing place......” Feng Xiao has almost cried, wished one could the space to fall down a big bomb to block the road immediately. “又是好玩的地方……”风逍差点哭了出来,恨不得天上马上掉下个大炸弹把路都封死。 He does not dare to work loose, the consequence that because escapes will be more serious, can only , whatever Xiao Tongying drags him to go forward. 他不敢挣脱,因为逃跑的后果会更严重,只能任由萧瞳影拖着他前进。 The slender jade leg that pair of as if white jade carves is attacking his eyeball unceasingly, making him unable to bear be uneasy or unsettled in mind, 一双如白玉雕成的修长玉腿不断冲击着他的眼球,让他忍不住心荡神驰, If own waist was carved by this pair of jade the both legs closely link toward can be what kind of being overwhelmed with emotion. 如果自己的腰被她这双玉琢般的双腿紧紧地环往会是何等的销魂。 Feng Xiao read hence, awakens suddenly, meditated hastily „should not be swindled, she was Devil...... Do not be swindled, she is Devil......” 风逍一念至此,猛然惊醒,连忙默念“不要上当,她是魔鬼……不要上当,她是魔鬼……” Without a doubt, this is the world outstanding person who inverts all living things, ten years ago on colorful crown Capital City, is, her evil reputation, actually distant has covered her colorful name, actually arrived 27 years old not to marry by the appearance of her beautiful woman can see all. 毫无疑问,这是一个颠倒众生的人间尤物,十年前就艳冠京城,可是,她的恶名,却远远的盖过了她的艳名,以她沉鱼落雁的容颜却到了27岁都没嫁出去就可以看出一切。 Her father biggest desire, is earlier marries her-- not for her happiness, because since this woman grew up the post- for 20 years he to overflow a day of peaceful life. Starting from 20 -year-old her father from her starts to take care of innumerable youth outstanding to be on intimate terms with her, but, the result of groom's family is without exception pitiful, was not dug up light the clothes to lose to the avenue on, took blade full Capital City is pursuing running, also is put the aphrodisiac then to throw into some suburb pigsty...... Even several is turned into the court eunuch who could not look on the bright side of thing to come hardly thoroughly. Arrived afterward, Capital City young men discussed the Xiao Tongying look changes, one hear of being on intimate terms objects were she without delay make a getaway. 她老爹最大愿望,就是早点把她嫁出去——不是为了她的幸福,而是因为自从这女人长大后20年来他就没过过一天安稳日子。从她20岁开始她老爹就开始张罗无数的青年俊杰跟她相亲,但无一例外,男方的结局凄惨无比,不是被扒光衣服丢到大街上,就是被人拿着刀满京城追着跑,还有的被下了春药然后丢进郊外某个猪圈……甚至有几个想不开想硬来的被彻底变成了太监。到后来,京城的青年男子谈萧瞳影色变,一听相亲对象是她就二话不说逃之夭夭。 All the way, Xiao Tongying does not say a word, but non-stop to look that the little white sheep look looks at Feng Xiao, absolutely terrified that other side looks. 一路上,萧瞳影不发一言,只是不停的以看小白羊的眼神看着风逍,把对方看的毛骨悚然。 Elder Sister Tongying, where we must go, you looked at the day not early, all the way what to do ten thousand met villain to be possible.” Feng Xiao pitiful saying. 瞳影姐姐,我们到底要去哪里了,你看天也不早了,万一路上遇到坏人可怎么办啊。”风逍可怜兮兮的说道。 doesn't matter Younger Brother Feng, Elder Sister will protect your, come, smiles one to Elder Sister.” The soft and smooth sound made the Feng Xiao bone crisp half, revealed a ratio to cry reluctantly also the ugly smiling face. 没关系风弟弟,姐姐会保护你的,来,给姐姐笑一个。”柔腻的声音让风逍骨头酥了一半,勉强露出一个比哭还难看的笑容。 Elder Sister Tongying, my family/home Yao'er went home unable to find me to worry, you looked that we went back earlier.” 瞳影姐姐,我家瑶儿回家找不到我会着急的,你看我们是不是早点回去。” Relax clever Younger Brother, I and Younger Sister Yao'er have said.” Xiao Tongying eyes smiles the crecent moon. “放心啦乖弟弟,我和瑶儿妹妹说过了。”萧瞳影双眼笑成新月。 ...... …… Elder Sister Tongying, do you have to think today puts on was extremely young?” 瞳影姐姐,你有没有觉得今天穿的太过年轻了?” Un?!!! Was your meaning I am very old??!!” “嗯?!!!你的意思是我很老了??!!” „, The Elder Sister Tongying angel person, how does not appear old......” “不是不是,瞳影姐姐天仙化人,怎么会显得老……” ...... …… Elder Sister Tongying, you look at sexual harasser that many......” 瞳影姐姐,你看色狼那么多……” Hee hee, coming me to castrate one.” “嘻嘻,来一个我阉一个。” ...... …… Elder Sister Tongying, where we must go.” Feng Xiao is about to cry. 瞳影姐姐,我们到底要去哪里啊。”风逍快哭了。 Goes to the amusing place.” “去好玩的地方。” Feng Xiao collapse. 风逍崩溃。 ...... …… After ten minutes, Feng Xiao did not have the strength of speech. 十分钟后,风逍已经没有了说话的力气。
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