LA :: Volume #1

#83: Doubts of Xuanyuan Wan'er

Little Tian, hurries to return to the city with Little Bing to Feng House comes, loses my this to you tattered.” 小天,赶紧和小冰回城到‘风楼’来,把我这身破烂丢给你。” Tattered? Tattered you also feel all right to me...... Wait wait/Etc. etc., my anything had not said, I go back immediately.” Xiao Tian has scratched head cold sweat, almost in Asura equipment of most flashy history throwing. “破烂?破烂你还好意思给我……啊,等等等等,我什么都没说,我马上回去。”萧天擦了擦头上的冷汗,差点把史上最拉风修罗装备给扔了。 When Feng Xiao brings Feng Yao arrives at Feng House, to the system Requirements offline time also remains for a half hour. Feng Yao likes the family/home in this game, moreover becomes integrated with Rourou (soft) quickly, but looked that makes him thick to Feng Xiao the expression of faint smile such as the city wall old face also one red. 风逍风瑶来到风楼时,离系统要求下线时间还剩半小时。风瑶非常喜欢这个游戏中的家,而且和柔柔很快打成一片,只是看向风逍的似笑非笑的表情让他厚如城墙的老脸也不禁一红。 Looks at two girls' cheerful expressions, Feng Xiao heart is in flood the infinite warmth. 看着两个女孩的欢快表情,风逍心底泛滥出无限的温馨。 Elder Brother Feng, your Younger Sister...... No, is Elder Sister Feng Yao, she good......” 风哥哥,你妹妹……不,是风瑶姐姐,她好……” What's wrong Wan'er, what my Younger Sister does she have not to be right?” Listens to strangeness in Xuanyuan Wan'er sound, Feng Xiao to stare slightly. “怎么啦婉儿,我妹妹她有什么不对吗?”听出轩辕婉儿声音中的怪异,风逍微微一愣。 Elder Brother Feng, I cannot completely understand her unexpectedly.” If she has the body, then her eyebrow closely presses certainly together, thinks diligently is letting her puzzled matter. 风哥哥,我居然看不透她。”如果她有身体,那么她的眉毛一定是紧紧挤在一起的,努力的思索着让她大惑不解的事情。 Couldn't completely understand? Is refers to not being able to completely understand her memory?” “看不透?是指看不透她的记忆?” Un!” Xuanyuan Wan'er very serious saying: „, Quite is really strange.” “嗯!”轩辕婉儿很郑重的说道:“真的,好奇怪。” The Feng Xiao eyebrow selects, asks: Can't be been few by the person who you see through the memory?” He remembered itself initially also by Xuanyuan Wan'er to be seen through to remember, but afterward presented marvelous Soul Magic to keep her from completely understanding itself. 风逍眉毛一挑,问道:“难道不能被你看穿记忆的人很少?”他想起自己当初也是可以被轩辕婉儿看穿记忆,只是后来出现了一个奇妙的灵魂魔法才让她无法看透自己。 „It is not few, almost does not have. Cannot by me be completely understood consciousness only has three situations.” “不是很少,是几乎没有。不能被我看透意识的只有三种情况。” Three situations?” “三种情况?” Un, one type has with Xuanyuan Sword of heyday same greatly or existence of more formidable Strength.” “嗯,一种是拥有和全盛时期的轩辕剑相同巨大或者更强大力量的存在。” Is more formidable than Xuanyuan Sword also of heyday? Has this existence? But Xuanyuan Sword in legend strongest Strength Ah---- perhaps, Eastern Emperor's Bell that is listed first has the possibility.” Feng Xiao thinks. “比全盛时期的轩辕剑还有强大?有这种存在吗?轩辕剑可是传说中的‘最强力量啊——或许,只有排名第一的东皇钟才有可能。”风逍想到。 „The second type, has like Elder Brother Feng and Purple Thunder Qilin compared with existence of I more formidable soul Strength.” “第二种,就是像风哥哥紫雷麒麟这样拥有比我更强大的灵魂力量的存在。” My soul is Strength more formidable than you? How possible.” Feng Xiao somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, my Soul Magic can only be used to see clearly some information, can see clearly the memory ability to have no way to compare with you.” “我的灵魂力量比你强大?怎么可能。”风逍有些哭笑不得,“我的灵魂魔法只能用来洞察一些信息而已,和你能洞察记忆的能力根本没法比。” No, your soul Strength is absolutely more formidable than me, you have Chaos Body, moreover Soul Magic that has be lost. But Soul Magic in soul Strength is most formidable. Your soul Strength has not awakened, but hidden shrinks in your within the body is protecting your soul not by any external factor disturbance.” Xuanyuan Wan'er answered. “不,你的灵魂力量绝对比我强大,你拥有混沌之体,而且还拥有本已经失传的灵魂魔法灵魂魔法可是灵魂力量中最强大的。只是你的灵魂力量没有觉醒而已,只是隐缩在你的体内保护着你的灵魂不受任何的外来因素干扰。”轩辕婉儿解释道。 Is this? That third type?” “是这样吗?那第三种呢?” „The third type, yes...... Yes......! Is impossible, is absolutely impossible. Elder Brother Feng, I want possibly to be because the Xuanyuan Sword Sealed several tens of thousands years cause my ability to drop, therefore are unable to see through the complete people.” “第三种,是……是……啊!不可能,绝对不可能的。风哥哥,我想可能是因为轩辕剑被封印数万年导致我的能力有所下降,所以才无法看穿全部人。” Feng Xiao hear strangeness in Xuanyuan Wan'er sound, but had not asked again. But has laid down the seed of suspicion at heart. 风逍听出了轩辕婉儿声音中的怪异,不过也没有再问。但心里已经埋下了怀疑的种子。 „Who my is Yao'er? Can make formidable incomparable Xuanyuan Sword unable to completely understand unexpectedly, moreover obtained the inheritance of Fuxi's Zither, is similar to I obtains the inheritance of Xuanyuan Sword to be ordinary.” “我的瑶儿到底是什么人呢?竟能让强大无比的轩辕剑也看不透,而且还得到了伏羲琴的传承,如同我得到轩辕剑的传承一般。” Can really be Fairy. 会不会真的是仙女呢。 Ding, Player Howling Sky Single Sword and ice request enters Feng House, permits.” “叮,玩家啸天一剑’、‘冰’请求进入风楼,是否允许。” Permits!” Feng Xiao and Rourou (soft) and Feng Yao greeted, then comes out to greet. “允许!”风逍柔柔风瑶打了个招呼,便出来迎接。 „, The eldest child, gives me quickly, I want!” “哇,老大,快给我,我要!” The Feng Xiao whole body shakes, raises at heart a chill, did not withdraw on own initiative three steps. Xiao Tian Chen Bing is also whole body trembles, puts aside a safe distance rapidly. 风逍全身一震,心里升起一阵恶寒,不自觉的退后了三步。萧天身边的陈冰也是全身一颤,迅速移开一段安全距离。 Xiao Tian stares, partly makes a sound reaction to come, scratches the head saying: Eldest child, do not visit me with this vision, I want your Undead coverall.” 萧天一愣,半响才反应过来,挠挠头道:“老大,不要用这种眼光看我,我只是想要你的死灵套装而已。” The voice just fell, one pile of equipment pound on Xiao Tian. 话音刚落,一堆装备砸到萧天身上。 These two swords also gave you, hurried to give the father to Level 30!” A Undead Wolf King dead spirit sword and Golden Wolf's Fang Sword pound on him. “这两把剑也给你了,赶紧给老子到30级!”一把死灵狼王亡灵剑和黄金狼牙剑又砸到他身上。 Complacent picking takes Xiao Tian suddenly eyes of Undead coverall one brightly, the tears almost class comes out. 正得意洋洋的捡取死灵套装的萧天忽然眼睛一亮,眼泪差点流出来。 My heavens! Unexpectedly once presented the equipment in equipment ranking!” A Xiao Tian greedy person throws the food, two sword solid protecting under the body, simultaneously around anxious looking, for fear that some people snatched with him. “我的天哪!居然是曾经出现在装备排行榜上的装备啊!”萧天一个饿狼扑食,把两把剑严严实实的护在身下,同时紧张的望了望四周,生怕有人跟他抢了。 Once some people's 200,000 RMB at the forum received a sword, unexpectedly all arrived in my hand now, my Xiao Tian spring, approaches finally! Hahaha!” Xiao Tian cannot bear laugh wildly. Feng Xiao and Chen Bing disdain throws the look that despises to him. “曾有人在论坛上出200000RMB收其中一把剑啊,现在居然全都到了我手里,我萧天的春天,终于来临啦!哇哈哈哈!”萧天忍不住狂笑起来。风逍陈冰都不屑的向他投去鄙视的眼神。 Level 20 Monster that Little Bing, I hit is a soldier, therefore has not fallen the equipment of Mage, all Mage Golden Equipment are over 30 levels, therefore, you must squeeze the Little Tian use value well, earlier arrives at Level 30.” 小冰,我打的20级怪物都是士兵,所以没有掉落魔法师的装备,所有的魔法师黄金装备都是30级以上的,所以,你要好好压榨小天的利用价值,早点到30级。” Chen Bing difficult squeezes a smiling face, nodded. 陈冰艰难的挤出一丝笑容,点了点头 Little Bing, a also matter must tell you.” Feng Xiao looks at Chen Bing, earnestly said: Once Water Mage, was strongest.” 小冰,还有件事必须要告诉你。”风逍看着陈冰,认真的说道:“曾经的水系魔法师,最强。” Chen Bing eyes one bright, vision brilliant visits him, waiting as follows. 陈冰眼睛一亮,目光灼灼的看着他,等待下文。 Feng Xiao shows a faint smile, told Chen Bing Tian Fa to the words that he said. 风逍微微一笑,把天法对他说的话原原本本的告诉了陈冰 Chen Bing is silent, long time, he said one to let Feng Xiao and Xiao Tian dumbfounded words. 陈冰沉默,良久,他说出一句让风逍萧天目瞪口呆的话。 Water, is my second HP/Life, I must explore its pinnacle.” “水,是我的第二生命,我一定要探索到它的极致。” The scene falls into silent. 现场陷入沉默。 Xiao Tian straight check looks at Chen Bing entire one minute, actually seems studying him is oneself, then has doubts looked at Sun of space. 萧天直勾的看着陈冰整整一分钟,仿佛在研究他究竟是不是本人,接着又疑惑的看了看天上的太阳。 Eldest child, Sun came out from the west side today, Bingkuai (ice cube) one time said over ten characters unexpectedly! „” “老大,今天太阳是不是从西边出来了,冰块居然一次说了超过十个字!“” To be honest, I also thought where should have problems.” Feng Xiao also doubts looked at Sun of space. “老实说,我也觉得应该哪里出了什么问题。”风逍也疑惑的看了看天上的太阳。 Snort!” Chen Bing disregards two people strange vision, coldly snorted, does not say a word. “哼!”陈冰无视两人怪异的目光,冷哼一声,不发一言。 Little Tian, Little Bing, you come.” Feng Yao drew Shui Rourou to walk from the hall, the sound gentle brought to be noble and graceful, the physique of movement was faintly recognizable, if immortal. 小天,小冰,你们来啦。”风瑶拉着水柔柔从大厅里走了出来,声音柔和中带着高贵和优雅,移动的身姿飘渺若仙。 Yao...... Younger Sister Yao'er!” “瑶……瑶儿妹妹!” The Xiao Tian whole body shivers, cannot believe has rubbed eyes, the vision brilliant looks at Feng Yao, is taking to one's heels to run to her. 萧天全身颤抖,不敢相信的揉了揉眼睛,目光灼灼的看着风瑶,撒丫子向她跑去。 Bang!. 砰!-30。 Xiao Tian was trampled by a foot, distressed crawls from the ground, a face suffering from injustice looks at Feng Xiao. 萧天被一脚踹了回去,狼狈的从地上爬起来,一脸委屈的看着风逍 You had Liu Eldest Young Lady, later cannot have the idea of my family/home Yao'er!” Feng Xiao keeps off in front of Feng Yao, saying of righteousness words, a five Good Elder Brother stance. “你都有刘家大小姐了,以后不许打我家瑶儿的主意!”风逍挡在风瑶面前,义正言辞的说道,一幅五好哥哥的姿态。 Eldest child, you beat with a club affectionate couple! As the saying goes, rather tears down ten temples......” “老大,你这是棒打鸳鸯!俗话说的好,宁拆十座庙……” Little Tian, your Elder Sister, how had not heard her sound recently.” Feng Xiao was disinclined to listen to him rubbish, is without turning a hair to ask let his fearful and apprehensive issue. 小天,你姐姐呢,最近怎么没有听到她的动静。”风逍懒得听他废话,面不改色问了一个让他心惊胆战的问题。 My Elder Sister? In she is playing every day. She said that she has been doubting the practice knife skill. Once I have not heard her to think aloud that carefully must cut somebody penis.” Xiao Tian said that pities looked at Feng Xiao one. “我姐姐?她每天都在游戏里啊。她说她一直在打怪练习刀法。有一次我还不小心听到她在自言自语说要切某人JJ。”萧天说完,怜悯的看了风逍一眼。 The Feng Xiao cold sweat braves, Feng Yao covers the mouth chuckle, Shui Rourou is staring vacant big eyes, obviously does not know that cuts penis is any meaning. 风逍冷汗直冒,风瑶掩嘴轻笑,水柔柔瞪着茫然的大眼睛,显然不知道“切JJ”是什么意思。 cough cough, the matter of dejected big beautiful woman we no matter first, everybody has the matter busy matter, is all right offline, I bring my family/home Yao'er to exit to stroll. Rourou (soft), favors the family/home, I have not allowed not to let sexual harasser surnamed Xiao infiltrate.” Said that is drawing the Feng Yao small hand, ran not to have the shade very much. 咳咳,萧大美女的事情我们先不管,大家有事忙事,没事下线吧,我带我家瑶儿出去逛逛。柔柔,看好家,没我允许别让姓萧的色狼钻进来。”说完拉着风瑶的小手,很快跑没影了。 Xiao Tian looks at the direction that Feng Xiao vanishes, saying that despises: Eldest child added that must tidy up my Elder Sister, you looked, heard my Elder Sister name to run away in fear.” 萧天看着风逍消失的方向,鄙视的说道:“老大还说要收拾我姐姐,你看,一听到我姐姐的名字就吓跑了。” „Does Young Master fear that person very much? Is she very fearful?” Shui Rourou weakly asked. 少爷很怕那个人吗?她是不是很可怕啊?”水柔柔弱弱的问道 Fearful? Not is only fearful, simply is...... Ok, cannot teach people bad things pure little girl. Younger Sister Rourou, your family Young Master walked, Big Brother Xiao accompanies you to play.” Xiao Tian two shine. “可怕?岂止是可怕啊,简直就是……算了,不能教坏纯洁的小女孩柔柔妹妹,你家少爷已经走了,萧大哥来陪你玩吧。”萧天两眼放光。 Does not want, snort/hum!” Shui Rourou no longer pays attention to him, turned around to return to oneself room research cakes and pastries. “才不要,哼!”水柔柔不再理会他,转身回到自己房间研究糕点去了。 Oh!” Xiao Tian is dejected: In eldest child forever glorious, my this was charmed myriad Young Lady ultimate male only to make the green leaf?” “唉!”萧天垂头丧气:“在老大的光芒万丈下,难道我这个迷倒万千少女的终极型男就只能做绿叶了吗?” Chen Bing does not show due respect for the feelings very much nodded. 陈冰很不给面子的点了点头
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