LA :: Volume #1

#82: Once strongest water law

Little Girl, on signs your name on this paper, were you noble Cleric?” Tian Fa takes to a Feng Yao wrinkled paper. 小丫头,在这张纸上上签上你的名字,你就是一名高贵的牧师了?”天法拿给风瑶一张皱巴巴的纸。 wait a moment, do not sign first.” Feng Xiao stops Feng Yao that must sign, changes Tian Fa said with a laugh: Tian Fa Instructor, said that transfers Cleric to transfer Cleric? Does not understand to be accommodating. You cannot look that puts out what Hidden Profession to come in the share that we are as close as brothers?” 等一下,先别签。”风逍制止要签名的风瑶,转向天法笑嘻嘻的说道:“天法导师,说转牧师就转牧师啊?一点都不懂得变通。难道你就不能看在我们亲如兄弟的份上拿出个什么隐藏职业来?” Is the father as close as brothers with you? You have a dream! Tian Fa flipped the supercilious look: Hidden Profession? You think that transfers Hidden Profession with eating meal that simply! Heavenly Dragon Continent on such several Hidden Profession, father lives for several thousand years to the present is also only ordinary Earth Attribute demon Instructor.” 老子跟你亲如兄弟?你做梦的吧!天法翻了翻白眼:“隐藏职业?你以为转隐藏职业跟吃饭那么简单!天龙大陆就那么几种隐藏职业,老子活了几千年到现在还只是一个普通的土系导师而已。” Che! Feng Xiao despises visits him, „are you insufficient to mix this situation? You look at others Tian Zhan Instructor, is Hidden Profession is the war-god revolution axis, looks at Tian Xiu again, is Hidden Profession is Divine Artifact is Hexagram Scroll, has a look at you again, tch tch ~~ no wonder such does not have the status in this crowd of Instructor.” Feng Xiao face sorrowful shaking the head, looked that were many for several points to pity to his vision. 切!风逍鄙视的看着他,“你不至于混到这个地步吧?你看人家天战导师,又是隐藏职业又是战神转轴,再看天修,又是隐藏职业又是神器又是六芒卷轴的,再看看你自己,啧啧~~怪不得在这群导师里这么没地位。”风逍一脸悲哀的摇了摇头,看向他的目光已经多了几分怜悯。 Tian Fa remains unmoved, saying of being without turning a hair: Youngster, before your this move of father 3000, does not eat, little here wastes the argument, must transfer on the revolutions, does not transfer to draw, father mang.” Said that a love the appearance of bird , to continue to deal with front long team. 天法不为所动,面不改色的说道:“小子,你这招老子3000年前就不吃了,少在这里浪费口舌,要转就转,不转拉到,老子忙的很。”说完一幅爱鸟不鸟的样子,继续应付面前的长队。 Eh...... Ok, Yao'er you sign first, this old man is not very good To dupe.” 呃……算了,瑶儿你先签字吧,这老头不是很好忽悠。” Feng Yao smiles, held the Magic/MP pen to sign own name, the white paper turned into a white light to drill into Feng Yao Vitality rapidly, a holy ray sent out from her, is written in water. 风瑶抿嘴一笑,执起魔法笔签上了自己的名字,白纸迅速化成一道白光钻入风瑶体力,一圈圣洁的光芒从她身上发出,转瞬即逝。 Elder Brother, I turned for the better.” Feng Yao gentle visits him to say. 哥哥,我转好了。”风瑶轻柔的看着他说道。 Un, now we exit to hit small Monster to play, making me have a look at your Fuxi's Zither might.” “嗯,现在我们出去打小怪物们玩,让我看看你的伏羲琴的威力。” Facial color tranquil Tian Fa Instructor that hates at heart, unexpectedly dares saying that father anything does not have, added that the father does not have the status, snort/hum! Who said that the father does not have Hidden Profession, but the father does not transfer to you.” 面色平静的天法导师心里那个恨啊,“居然敢说老子什么都没有,还说老子没地位,哼!谁说老子没有隐藏职业,可老子就是不给你转。” Old Man Tian Fa, asked a question.” Suddenly initiates the code to Tian Fa that goes to return. 天法老头,问个问题。”去而复返的冷不丁的对天法发起密语。 Any issue said quickly, father that many time have not served you.” “什么问题快说,老子没那么多时间伺候你。” Hehe, why can you tell me Water Mage compared with other Magic/MP Profession weak that many.” Feng Xiao very earnest asking. 呵呵,你能不能告诉我为什么水系魔法师会比其他魔法职业弱那么多。”风逍很认真的问道。 Tian Fa hand, turns the head to ask: You are not Mage, asked this doing.” 天法的手一顿,转过头来问道:“你又不是魔法师,问这个干嘛。” Curious, curious, although I am not Mage, but you also know that my also four Profession can transfer, sooner or later will suit my Mage Profession, to make formidable Mage to first understanding as far as possible it.” Saying that Feng Xiao face loyalty does not jump. “好奇,好奇而已,虽然我不是魔法师,但你也知道的,我还有四个职业可以转,早晚会有一个适合我的魔法师职业,要想做一个强大的魔法师总要先尽可能的了解它吧。”风逍脸不红心不跳的说道。 Tian Fa has hesitated a meeting, said: This matter is not considered as in Heavenly Dragon Continent the secret, looked that tells you also to might as well in the share that you cry out for technical skills.” 天法沉吟了一会,说道:“这件事情在天龙大陆也不算是秘密,看在你求知若渴的份上告诉你也无妨。” Tian Fa no longer pays attention to the front Profession Change crowd, reorganized the clue, starts tranquilly narrated. 天法不再去理会前面转职的人群,整理了一下头绪,开始平静的叙说起来。 Several tens of thousands years ago, Heavenly Dragon Continent had presented a prehistoric catastrophe, big demon who called Demon Monarch......” “数万年前,天龙大陆曾经出现过一次史前浩劫,一个叫魔君的大魔头……” What?! Also is Demon Monarch......” “什么?!又是魔君……” Do not interrupt!! cough cough...... Demon Monarch leads its Three Great Demon God, ten big Protector from the unknown space arrives at Heavenly Dragon Continent, Heavenly Dragon Continent life apply carbon who does, people have no means to make a living. In order to eliminate Demon Monarch, Heavenly Dragon Continent most formidable Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Earth, Light, and Dark seven * the God collaborated at that time together, launched with Demon Monarch heaven-shaking moved the place to the war, the fight has continued for three days three nights.” “别打岔!!咳咳……魔君带领它手下的三大魔神、十大护法从未知的空间来到天龙大陆,搞的天龙大陆生灵涂炭,民不聊生。为消灭魔君,当时天龙大陆最强大的水、火、风、雷、土、光、暗七*神共同联手,与魔君展开了惊天动地的对战,战斗持续了三天三夜。” But, Demon Monarch is extremely really formidable, the fire, wind, thunder and earth, light and dark six * God one by one was killed by Demon Monarch, finally only then most formidable Water Attribute method God Shui Cangqiong guaranteed the life at that time, but his final whole body supernatural power by the Demon Monarch seal, was escaped in a panic, afterward nobody again saw him. Perhaps, he ran away an extremely secret place concealment, perhaps, he died. But what is strange, since Shui Cangqiong is missing, the side that the Heavenly Dragon Continent water element suddenly changes is inactive, with was more difficult, the wonderful difference that for this reason, various Water Attribute kind of Magic/MP Effect that the exchange of Water Attribute element changes change is incomparable, therefore, cultivates the Water Attribute Magic/MP person to start to be getting fewer and fewer, until today, although Water Mage this Profession has not vanished, but Heavenly Dragon Continent almost already nobody Profession Change this Profession.” “但,魔君实在太过强大,火、风、雷、土、光、暗六*神一一魔君击毙,最后只有当时最强大的水系法神水苍穹保得性命,但他最终全身法力被魔君封印,仓皇逃脱,后来就没有人再见到他。或许,他逃到了一个极为隐秘的地方隐匿,也或许,他已经死了。但诡异的是,自从水苍穹失踪后,天龙大陆的水元素忽然变的极不活跃起来,与水系元素的交流变的困难了许多,因为这个原因,水系各类魔法效果变的奇差无比,于是,修炼水系魔法的人开始越来越少,直到今天,虽然水系魔法师这个职业还没有消失,但天龙大陆几乎已经没有人转职这个职业了。” Innumerable generation of formidable Mage have been exploring the water element the reason that is hard to exchange, result that but cannot believe that what only recognition is: Water element exceptionally has certainly very big relations with disappearance Shui Cangqiong. Perhaps, only then found him to explain all these. Several tens of thousands years, nobody has discovered his trace, even he is dies does not know exactly.” “无数代的强大魔法师一直探索着水元素难以交流的原因,但都没有可以信服的结果,唯一公认的是:水元素的异常一定与消失的水苍穹有很大的关系。或许,只有找到他本人才能解释这一切吧。只是数万年了,无人发现他影踪,甚至连他是死是活都不知道。” Originally Water Attribute Magic/MP has the reason weakly.” Feng Xiao ponders secretly. “原来水系魔法弱真的有原因。”风逍暗忖。 Tian Fa Instructor, you just said, once Water Attribute method God was strongest? Whether this could say, once Water Attribute Magic/MP was strongest.” 天法导师,你刚刚说,曾经的水系法神是最强的?这是不是可以说,曾经的水系魔法最强。” A Tian Fa slightly thinking, said: In some sense, it can be said that. According to the Heavenly Dragon annals record, had Water God and Fire God and the refined appearance competition same level Intelligence (mind/spirit) strength at that time, is Water God wins. Moreover at that time in the mainland practice the Water Attribute Magic/MP person to be most--, but, is not absolute, Water Attribute Magic/MP person who because can study the Shui Cangqiong like that unpredictable boundary, very few.” 天法略一思索,说道:“从某种意义上讲,可以这么说。据天龙史册记载,当时拥有同等精神力的水神火神、风神比试,都是水神获胜。而且当时大陆上修行水系魔法的人最多——但,也不是绝对,因为能把水系魔法修习到水苍穹那般变幻莫测境界的人,少之又少。” Unpredictable?” “变幻莫测?” Right! Water Attribute does not have Fire Attribute and Thunder Attribute high attack, does not have Wind Attribute fast Method and range, does not have the protection and control environment of Earth Attribute, but it has other entire department no powerful advantages.” “对!水系没有火系雷系高攻,没有风系的快速施法和范围,没有土系的守护和控制环境,但它有着其他全系都没有的强大优势。” Water, melting the rain may the wet myriad things, melting the dew may moisten life-force, melting big wave may submerge the earth, melting the fog may block the sky, melting the snow may cover the world, melting the ice may freeze the myriad things, asked among the world, except for the water, also that type of element can achieve so unpredictably.” “水,化雨可均湿万物,化露可滋润生机,化涛可淹没大地,化雾可遮天蔽日,化雪可覆盖天地,化冰可冻结万物,试问天下间,除了水,还有那种元素可以做到如此变幻莫测。” But must achieve the situation to be so easier said than done, the person who only then can integrate the water element Intelligence (mind/spirit) truly, can display other Magic/MP institute unreachable Acmes cough cough Water Attribute Magic/MP, a little said that how you probably knew a matter on the line.” “但要做到如此地步谈何容易,只有能真正把精神融入水元素的人,才能把水系魔法发挥到其他魔法所不能达到的极致——咳咳,有点说多了,你大约知道怎么一回事就行。” Un, I was probably clearer, Tian Fa Instructor you, behind you that face was quickly green.” Feng Xiao is pondering over the Tian Fa words, while drew Feng Yao to get out of the way. “嗯,我大概明白一些了,天法导师你快忙吧,你后面那位脸都绿了。”风逍一边琢磨着天法的话,一边拉着风瑶走开了。 Once water law, was strongest!” “曾经的水法,最强!” Tian Fa Instructor does not know the explanation that own having no intention, accomplished has shocked the world in the China different functions history strongest Ice Emperor. 天法导师不知道自己的一番无意的解释,造就了震撼世界的华夏异能史上最强的冰皇 But at this time, he is facing a complexion not too normal white clothing man. 而此时,他正面对着一个脸色不太正常的白衣男子。 White clothing man that hates, arranged several hours of team to be one's turn his Profession Change with great difficulty finally, has not thought that front this was responsible for the old man back of Profession Change passing away suddenly, motionless as if in thinking anything, but the slender female who the man and that by him not far away, could not see clearly the appearance blocked from the appearance swayed. other side is system Profession Change Instructor, he can only endure. He endures, he endures, he continues to endure, almost endured the Ninja turtle. Finally, after five minutes, that two people left, he could not bear again. 白衣男子那个恨啊,好不容易排了几个小时队终于轮到他转职,没想到前面这个负责转职的老头忽然背过身去,一动不动似乎在想什么,而他旁边不远处,一个看不清面貌的男子和一个遮住容颜的窈窕女子晃来晃去。对方是系统转职导师,他只能忍。他忍,他忍,他继续忍,差点都忍成忍者神龟了。终于,五分钟后,那两个人离开了,他再也忍不住了。 You are standing silly doing, gives the father quickly Profession Change!” “你傻站着干嘛,快给老子转职!” Father? 老子? Except that several old fart and that slightly did not die the also person to dare in front of oneself to say the father a moment ago unexpectedly! 除了那几个老不死和刚才那个小不死居然还有人敢在自己面前自称老子! Tian Fa whiz has turned around, stares at the white clothing man to say wickedly: Dares to disrespect to father, your this whole life do not think, when Mage.” 天法嗖的转过身来,恶狠狠地盯着白衣男子说道:“敢对老子不敬,你这辈子都别想当魔法师了。” The white clothing man is about to have cried, entreated hastily: Is unfair to Instructor, I was a moment ago excited for a while, your Sir are massive, do not haggle over with this humble one, makes Mage is in my reality vainly hopes for Ah......” 白衣男子快哭了,连忙哀求道:“对不起导师,我刚才只是一时激动,你大人大量,不要和在下计较了,做魔法师可是我现实中梦想啊……” „It is not good! You did not have the opportunity.” “不行!你没机会了。” I knelt down to you.” “我给你跪下了。” „It is not good!” “不行!” Tomorrow I am filial piety your 1000 gold coins!” “明天我孝敬您老1000金币!” „It is not good!” “不行!” 2000 gold coins!” “2000金币!” Deal!” “成交!” „......” “……”
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