LA :: Volume #1

#81: Feng Yao Profession Change

Elder Brother!” In Communication Tool transmits Feng Yao gently to have the joyful sound. 哥哥!”通话器里传来风瑶柔和中带着欣喜的声音。 Feng Xiao moves at heart, returns saying: „Does Yao'er, such happily complete Quest?” 风逍心里一动,回道:“瑶儿,这么高兴是不是完成任务啦?” Is Elder Brother! I was angry a moment ago did not eliminate near village small rabbit carefully, it has given then me a tooth, I have thought before Rabbit does not have the tooth.” “是的哥哥!我刚才一生气不小心消灭了村边的一只小兔子,然后它就送给了我一颗牙齿,我以前一直以为兔子是没有牙齿的。” Feng Xiao cold sweat. 风逍冷汗。 doesn't matter, completed Quest to be good, came to the city quickly, I led you to go to Profession Change.” 没关系,完成了任务就好,快到城市来,我带你去转职。” Un, I hand over Quest immediately, then arrives at your side.” Feng Yao happy hanging communication. “嗯,我马上就去交任务,然后到你那边去。”风瑶高兴的挂掉了通讯器。 Feng Yao only then the backpacks of 50 spaces have packed various grotesque teeth, she took inventory once more carefully, walks toward Novice Village Village Head there. 风瑶只有50个空间的背包装满了各种奇形怪状的牙齿,她再次细心的清点了一下,才向新手村村长那里走去。 This appearance, should be able to learn to help Elder Brother Appraisal Skill.” “这个样子,应该就能学到可以帮到哥哥鉴定术了吧。” Ding! World Announcement! World Announcement! Entire world Player please note, should general Player intense Requirements, Ying Luo updates " Rebirth » system, refresh time closure 0 : 00 am. At the appointed time will clear the currency exchange system and marriage system that Player expects for a long time ahead of time, the fashion installs the system pretty. Invited offline of Player in one hour.” 叮!世界公告世界公告!全世界玩家请注意,应广大玩家强烈要求,璎珞将对《轮回》系统进行更新,更新时间截止明日凌晨零点。届时将提前开通玩家期待已久的货币兑换系统、结婚系统,时尚靓装系统。请各位玩家于一小时内下线。” Ding! World Announcement......” 叮!世界公告……” Ding! World Announcement......” 叮!世界公告……” Whish! Rebirth seethed with excitement. 哗!轮回沸腾了。 Hand of God: Finally opened, prepares the fund rapidly, the true competition starts now!” 上帝之手:“终于开放了,迅速准备好资金,真正的竞争现在才开始!” Demon wolf- crazy: Quick, the preparation first exchanges gold coin, when the time comes buys the best equipment completely, constructs biggest Guild, recruits most people......” 魔狼—狂:“快,准备第一时间兑换金币,到时候全部买最好的装备,建最大帮派,招最多的人……” Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun: Expects for a long time, Heavenly Fiend Gang will certainly become first Guild!” 天煞风云:“期待已久,天煞帮必将成为第一帮派!” Scarlet Flame Burns the Heaven: Snort, time that we reverse.” 赤炎焚天:“哼,我们逆转的时刻到了。” Blood Domain Gang: No matter spends how much money, must equip to buy the equipment list.” 血域帮:“不管花多少钱,也要把装备榜上装备都买下来。” Soul Destroyer help/gang: Ahem!” 灭魂帮:“哼哼!” Money-grubbing: My empire, approached.” 见钱眼开:“我的帝国,来临了。” Knife: Hehe......” 小刀:“呵呵……” Feng Xiao sneers: Has not thought that such quickly opened the currency exchange, I also think that at least takes one month, Hehe, in this case, my plan as if can start ahead of time.” 风逍冷笑:“没想到这么快就开了货币兑换,我还以为至少要一个月呢,呵呵,这样的话,我的计划似乎可以提前开始了。” Lunatic!” 疯子!” Wind are few, I understand.” “风少,我明白。” „It is not this matter, you go to Swift Wind World the warehouse in store, beforehand all the equipment prepares.” “不是这件事情,你去‘风行天下’商店的仓库,把之前所有塞进去的装备都准备好。” Yes.” Lunatic has hung up Communication Tool, why he will never ask. “是。”疯子挂断了通话器,他从来不会问为什么。 Golden Equipment and silver that equipment these many have not appraised, should be able to let Yao'er Appraisal Skill rise one two-level.” Feng Xiao chuckled. “这么多未鉴定的黄金装备和白银装备,应该能让‘瑶儿’的鉴定术升个一两级吧。”风逍嘿嘿一笑 Surpasses ordinary Player dozens times of Luck by him, hits the silver equipment and eats meal equally simply, Golden Equipment can also leave several every day, the majority is Death God Tomb three BOSS falls. There BOSS nobody and he snatches, moreover he studied intelligently-- fought a battle to force a quick decision, did not give the BOSS violent anger evolution the opportunity, 38 levels of BOSS exceeding level evolutions were not he can cope. 以他超出普通玩家数十倍的幸运,打白银装备和吃饭一样简单,黄金装备每天也能出好几件,大部份是死神墓地三层的BOSS掉落的。那里的BOSS没人和他抢,而且他学聪明了——速战速决,绝不给BOSS暴怒进化的机会,38级的BOSS越级进化绝不是他可以对付的了的。 Infinite Space Gate!” 无限空间门!” The white light flashes, Feng Xiao appeared in the Feng House hall, was studying to make the dessert Shui Rourou to have a scare. 白光一闪,风逍出现在了风楼大厅,把正在学习做点心的水柔柔吓了一跳。 Young Master, you came back.” Shui Rourou has smiled happily. 少爷,你回来了。”水柔柔开心的笑了起来。 „The cake that Little Darling, you make is quite attractive, can I eat one!” Looks the colorful egg point that on the table suspends, the Feng Xiao saliva flowed. “哇,小乖乖,你做的蛋糕好漂亮啊,我可不可以吃一个!”看着桌子上摆的五颜六色的蛋点,风逍口水都流了出来。 Naturally, I did to give Young Master eat, but my first doing, does not know that was delicious.” “当然可以,我做了就是为了给少爷吃的,不过我第一次做,不知道好不好吃。” „It is certainly delicious.” Feng Xiao takes up one to embellish the small cake of red cherry carefully, some did not hate to throw into the mouth. “一定很好吃。”风逍小心拿起一个点缀着红色樱桃的小蛋糕,有些不舍得丢进了嘴里。 „......!!” “……!!” „Is Young Master, delicious.” A Shui Rourou face anticipates visits him. 少爷,好不好吃。”水柔柔一脸期待的看着他。 Uh!! Delicious.” Feng Xiao swallows full mouth bitter and astringent flavor forcefully, squeezes out satisfaction of face diligently. !啊!好吃。”风逍强行咽下满口苦涩的味道,努力挤出一脸的满足。 This Little Girl, unexpectedly roasting stuck cake. 这个小丫头,居然把蛋糕给烤糊了。 On the Little Girl face shows joyful smiling face, Young Master, if likes, eats.” 小丫头脸上露出欣喜的笑容,“少爷,如果喜欢的话,就都吃掉吧。” On the Feng Xiao forehead flows off drop of cold sweat, said with a smile hastily: Cake, although is delicious, but does not have my Little Darling to be delicious.” Said that holds Shui Rourou, making her sit to oneself embraces, kisses toward that attractive small mouth. 风逍脑门上流下一滴冷汗,连忙笑道:“蛋糕虽然好吃,但是没有我的小乖乖好吃。”说完一把抱起水柔柔,让她坐到自己怀抱中,朝那诱人的小嘴吻去。 Wu...... Young Master......” Shui Rourou shouted one lowly, then wallowed in the happiness. 唔…少爷……”水柔柔低呼一声,便沉迷于甜蜜中。 Elder Brother, I to Heavenly Dragon Imperial City.” 哥哥,我到天龙皇城了。” Un, waits for me. I pass immediately.” “嗯,等我。我马上过去。” Feng Xiao loosens already kissed two-sided bright red Rourou (soft), twists her breast tip that curls upwards to set up to say gently: I had the matter to exit, Little Darling must look after itself well.” 风逍松开已经被吻的双面嫣红的柔柔,轻轻捻着她已经翘立起的乳|尖说道:“我有事要出去了,小乖乖要好好照顾自己。” Un......” the Shui Rourou whole body is numb, weak low mumble said. “嗯……”水柔柔全身酥麻,无力的低喃道。 Feng Xiao has closed the golden ray of Gold Wolf coverall, receives Asura Illusion, then after displaying Wind Barrier Wall covers own face, left Feng House. 风逍关闭了金狼套装的金色光芒,收起修罗幻,然后施展“风之壁障”遮住自己的脸后,才出了风楼 This nobody recognized me to come.” “这样就没人认出我来了吧。” Feng House in the Heavenly Dragon Plaza west side, is near to Profession Change, Feng Xiao arrived at the destination quickly. Otherwise, if lives in the position poor place, by big of Heavenly Dragon Imperial City area, runs for day not necessarily to arrive. 风楼就在天龙广场的西侧,离转职点非常近,风逍很快就到了目的地。否则,如果住在位置差一点的地方,以天龙皇城面积之大,跑一天都不一定到的了。 Elder Brother, I here!” 哥哥,我在这里!” white veil obstructs the surface to be difficult to keep off the skin, if creamy, the glowing countenance is bright-colored, what is most beckoning is her whole body sends out one peerless grace and bearing that making her look like probably Fairy Maiden from Nine Heavens, the eyes class hopes, even if has been familiar with Feng Xiao of her peerless grace and talent to look at lose the spirit. 白纱遮面难挡肤若凝脂,容光明艳,最让人心动的是她浑身散发出来的一种绝世风情,让她看起来好像是来自九天之外的仙子,秋波流盼中,即使已经习惯她风华绝代的风逍都看得神为之夺 Yao'er, how you recognize me to come.” Feng Xiao ran protected her in the past in the bosom, for fear that she was attacked by the crowd. 瑶儿,你是怎么认出我来的。”风逍跑过去将她护在怀中,生怕她受到人群的冲击。 In this world, compared with my more familiar Elder Brother, including Elder Brother Oh, I had not certainly seen that Elder Brother first has recognized.” Feng Yao mischievous is winking eyes. “这个世界上,一定没有比我更熟悉哥哥,包括哥哥自己,我看到哥哥的第一眼就认了出来。”风瑶调皮的眨着眼睛 Un! I believe. Because, Yao'er is also part of my body.” Feng Xiao grasps her gently. “嗯!我相信。因为,瑶儿也是我身体的一部分。”风逍轻轻的抱住她。 Elder Brother......” 哥哥……” Walks, we go to Profession Change, that the old man who called Tian Fa perhaps still remembered me.” “走吧,我们去转职,那个叫天法的老头说不定还记得我。” Feng Xiao is embracing the Yao'er soft willow waist, squeezed through crowd one after another, quick arrived at the Profession Change point. Although played opened nearly 20 days, but every day still unceasing emerged innumerable new Player, therefore in front of each Profession Change Instructor long team must describe with the terrifying. 风逍揽着瑶儿柔软的柳腰,挤过一波又一波的人群,很快就来到了转职点。虽然游戏已经开放了近20天,但每天仍不断的涌入无数的新玩家,所以每个转职导师前面的长队依然要用恐怖来形容。 According to this speed, before Profession Change, definitely early was kicked offline by the system. Walks, behind Yao'er, we go.” “照这个速度,转职之前肯定早被系统踢下线了。走,瑶儿,我们去后面。” Un.” Feng Yao clever is holding his arm, the plentiful chest is often provoking his nerve. “嗯。”风瑶乖巧的抱着他的手臂,丰满的胸部不时撩拨着他的神经。 Old Man Tian Fa, walks a back door, does not have the issue!” Feng Xiao grinning to the Tian Fa Instructor code. 天法老头,走个后门,没问题吧!”风逍笑嘻嘻的对天法导师密语到。 Old Man Tian Fa? Goes through the motions?” The Tian Fa Instructor almost violent walks, no person dares such to call him. Also goes through the motions, the father makes you not have the gate to walk. 天法老头?走后门?”天法导师差点暴走,从来没有人敢这么称呼他。还走后门,老子让你没门可走。 Tian Fa curls upwards the beard to turn head, sees is Feng Xiao, a lot of fire swallowing down of stiffly. 天法翘着胡子回头,一看到是风逍,一肚子火硬生生的吞了下去。 Originally is your Youngster, early knows that your Youngster is definitely uncommon, has not thought that unexpectedly so is about to have become Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy, lived several thousand years of old bones to let your three points including my this. Is this little girl wants Profession Change, said that transfers any Profession.” “原来是你小子啊,早知道你小子肯定不凡,没想到居然这么快当上了天龙密使,连我这活了几千年的老骨头都得让你三分。是这位小姑娘要转职吧,说吧,转什么职业。” Yao'er, you must transfer any Profession.” 瑶儿,你要转什么职业。” Cleric!” 牧师!” Why chooses this Profession?” “为什么选这个职业?” Like this I can protect Elder Brother.” Feng Yao tight grabs the Elder Brother arm. “这样我就可以保护哥哥啦。”风瑶紧紧的抓着哥哥手臂。 You, always any matter Think of Tian Fa me old...... Grandfather, transfers Cleric Profession.” “你啊,总是什么事情都为我着想——天法老……爷爷,转牧师职业。” Yao'er, I owe you too to be really many am too many. 瑶儿,我欠你的实在太多太多。
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