LA :: Volume #1

#80: Climbs to 30 levels

The Feng Xiao game time crosses for six hours, he does not have to continue to practice the level again, but accompanies two girls to kid around in Feng House. After all the majority of time in Death God Tomb, he accompany two truly to care that his girl's time were too less, making him produce inevitably guilty. 风逍的游戏时间已经过了六个小时,他没有再去继续练级,而是在风楼里陪着两个女孩嬉闹。毕竟大部分时间都在死神墓地,他陪两个真正关心他的女孩的时间真的太少了,让他不可避免的产生愧疚。 Eldest child, you fortunately?” In Communication Tool broadcasts Xiao Tian some sounds of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. “老大,你还好吧?”通话器里传来萧天有些幸灾乐祸的声音。 Feng Xiao wishes one could Little Brother that throws down eldest child to escape to throw Pacific Ocean to go this, saying of face baleful aura: I am very good, good serious, moreover I your older sister's Communication Tool shielding.” 风逍恨不得把这个丢下老大逃跑的小弟扔到太平洋去,一脸煞气的说道:“我很好,好的不得了,而且我把你姐的通话器给屏蔽了。” „...... What? Have you shielded my Big Sister Communication Tool? Ended ended, you then may hold the hornet's nest, I estimated around your family that any chaotic shade, my Big Sister has killed now. The eldest child, Earth is unsafe, you hurry sparks to maintain life importantly.” Xiao Tian as if saw the eldest child by the scene that full Capital City chases down, has paid silent tribute for him at heart three. “什什什……什么?你屏蔽了我老姐通话器?完了完了,你这下可捅了马蜂窝了,我估计要不是你家周围那个什么乱影阵,我老姐现在已经杀过去了。老大,地球不安全,你还是赶紧回火星保命要紧。”萧天仿佛已经看到了老大被满京城追杀的情景,心里为他默哀了三声。 Is short there takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, father did not believe unable to govern this woman!” Feng Xiao said with clenched jaws, feels weak at heart, calm a mood said: Little Tian, your several jin (0.5 kg) several two my clear very much, said that looks for my anything matter.” “少在那里幸灾乐祸,老子就不信治不了这个女人!”风逍咬牙切齿的说完,心里一阵发虚,镇定了一下情绪说道:“小天,你心里有几斤几两我清楚的很,说吧,找我什么事。” Eldest child is wise!” “老大英明!” Nonsense, knows that you do not have good intention that to care about me specially.” “废话,就知道你没那么好心专门来关心我。” Eldest child, does not have the means that I was really too painful!” “老大,没办法,我实在是太痛苦了啊!” You have not seen Bingkuai (ice cube) that pitiful Attack Power, before him was inferior in the element ball that Novice Village uses, now is I doubts two people to eat Experience basically! We lord knows when cannot follow your footsteps according to this speed! Therefore the eldest child, hurries to lead us, making us feel to sit the pleasant sensation of rocket!” Xiao Tian pitiful saying, has not shed bitter tears on difference. “你没看到冰块那可怜的攻击力啊,连他之前在新手村用的元素球都不如,现在基本就是我一人打怪两人吃经验!照这个速度我们猴年马月也跟不上你的脚步啊!所以老大,赶紧来带带我们吧,让我们感受一下坐火箭的快感!”萧天可怜兮兮的说道,就差没痛哭流涕了。 Leads you? You and Little Bing how many levels?” “带你们?你和小冰多少级?” Level 10!” 10级!” Level 10? Level 10 I bring, your greatly my 24 levels! The Level phase difference surpasses Level 10 you not only Experience also divides is less, Experience that but also you doubt completely will also be given to eat by me.” Feng Xiao you are the tone of idiot. 10级10级我带个屁啊,你老大我24级!等级相差超过10级你们不但一点经验也分不到,而且你们打怪的经验也会全部被我给吃了。”风逍一副你是白痴的语气。 Such Ah...... That bye-bye, I went to trample Little Bing.” “这样啊……那拜拜,我去把小冰踹了。” Feng Xiao is speechless, once oneself did not have use value goods immediately not the bird. 风逍无语,自己一旦没了利用价值这货马上就不鸟了。 Can trample Feng Xiao not to be worried Little Bing as for him really actually, Xiao Tian are most pays lip service, must make him drop out the brothers really he unable to do absolutely, 至于他会不会真把小冰踹了风逍倒是一点都不担心,萧天最多只是嘴上说说而已,真要让他抛下兄弟他是绝对干不出来的, Heavenly Dragon Imperial Palace. 天龙皇宫 Imperial Father, why must deliver to side that Big Bastard Rourou (soft), she is your daughter, you ordered to summon her!” Princess Shui Yue makes an effort is shaking the arm of Heavenly Dragon Emperor, half vitality/angry partly acts like a spoiled brat. 父皇,为什么要把柔柔送到那个大坏蛋身边,她可是你的女儿啊,你就下令把她召回来吧!”水月公主用力的晃着天龙皇帝的胳膊,半生气半撒娇。 Heavenly Dragon Emperor forced smile: Clever daughter, I orders now, Rourou (soft) she is not willing to come back! Oh, was I have misjudged, before Rourou (soft), has followed side you, has never contacted the young man of outside, this time she made her defend side a outstanding man, unavoidably had the feelings, this also no wonder she.” 天龙皇帝苦笑:“乖女儿啊,朕现在就是下令,柔柔她也不肯回来啊!唉,是朕失算了,柔柔之前一直都跟在你身边,从未接触过外界的年轻男子,此次她让她守在一个如此优秀的男子身边,难免产生情愫,这也怪不得她。” Is he outstanding? Thinks that by Feng Xiao discourteous that Princess Shui Yue was clenched recklessly jaws. Except that long selects him attractively is a big hoodlum, big sexual harasser, big bastard. 他优秀?想到被风逍肆意非礼那一幕,水月公主就咬牙切齿。除了长个好看点他就是个大流氓,大色狼,大混蛋。 Princess Shui Yue calms down with great difficulty, asked: She likes that Wind Spirit, she will not listen to your order, you are her half father!” 水月公主好不容易才稳定情绪,问道:“就算她喜欢上那个风魂,她也不会不听你的命令啊,你可是她的半个父亲唉!” Heavenly Dragon Emperor shakes the head with a smile: Dāng a female first to one male sentiment root deep type, then her world completely will be that person. The daughter, the person who waits for which day you to have itself to admire, perhaps you can be clearer.” 天龙皇帝笑着摇头:“当一个女子初次对一个男子情根深种,那么她的世界将会完全属于那个人。女儿啊,等哪一天你有了自己心仪的人,或许你就可以明白一些了。” „Can sentiment, turn into this appearance a person really?” Princess Shui Yue is confused. “感情,真的可以把一个人变成这个样子吗?”水月公主迷茫。 But Imperial Father, initially why you must deliver to his there Rourou (soft).” Remembers own Younger Sister to be under the despotic power of that bastard for a long time, she hates wants to hit the person. “可是父皇,当初为什么你要把柔柔送到他那里去。”一想起自己的妹妹要长期处于那个坏蛋的淫威之下,她就恨的想打人。 Initially, I delivered to the Wind Spirit side her......” “当初,我把她送到风魂身边……” Initially, Imperial Father made me be your maidservant, was thinks that can know your trend at any time, because Imperial Father said that you are an extremely uncommon person--, but, about your matter, my anything had not said with him, initially only said you had a little, had that little bad, other anything had not said.” “当初,父皇让我做你的侍女,是想可以随时知道你的动向,因为父皇说你将是一个极为不凡的人——不过,关于你的事情,我什么都没有和他说,当初只说了你有那么一点,有那么一点点坏,别的真的什么都没有说。” Feng Xiao pinches the Rourou (soft) in short supply small face gently, said with a smile: Said doesn't matter, I also do not have any shameful matter, but this senior emperor knows unexpectedly I am very uncommon, un, this looked by him, is really the wisdom.” Feng Xiao self-satisfied Hehe has smiled. 风逍轻轻捏捏柔柔紧张的小脸,笑道:“说了也没关系,我又没什么见不得人的事情,不过这老皇帝居然知道我很不凡,嗯,这都被他看出来了,真是睿智啊。”风逍得意的嘿嘿笑了起来。 Yang Xiruo covers the mouth chuckle: This brothers several, one by one narcissism.” 杨夕若掩嘴轻笑:“这兄弟几个,一个比一个自恋。” ...... …… Following several days, the Feng Xiao goal is very unitary: Soon will rush to Level 30, then completes Ice Grass Quest. 接下来几天,风逍的目标很单一:早日冲到30级,然后完成冰凌草任务 Several days are written in water, but for serveral days, numerous Guild eldest children had extremely numerous confusing. 十几天的时间转瞬即逝,而这些天,众多帮派老大有了极多的迷惑。 First, first Construction of Guild made to appear the quick two weeks, «Rebirth» did not have the slight Construction of Guild sound, afterward, these Guild eldest children racked brains to find an excuse for Master that Construction of Guild made: Gold coin is insufficient. Must establish Guild light to purchase the Construction of Guild station at least to take hundreds of thousands gold coins, big point Guild even wants dozens even several million gold coins. 首先,第一块建帮令已经出现快两周,《轮回》却没有丝毫建帮的动静,后来,这些帮派老大绞尽脑汁替建帮令的主人找了个借口:金币不足。要建立一个帮派光购买建帮驻地就至少要十几万金币,大点的帮派甚至要几十甚至几百万金币。 Another matter of confusing, " Rebirth » first shop, the first auction room, after the first restaurant establishes, has not actually started doing business, even does not have the tiny bit sound from the start. People natural and gives to press down a reason: Does not have the gold coin, does not have the source of goods, does not have the material. 另一件迷惑的事情,《轮回》第一家店铺,第一家拍卖行,第一家酒楼建立之后,却从来没有开业过,甚至压根没有一丝一毫的动静。人们理所当然的又给按上一个理由:没金币,没货源,没材料。 The third doubts: After Asura since fights Demon Wolf Gang alone, then goes into hiding, nobody has seen again also him, but his Level actually such as rides the rocket , to promote fast, already other Player distant casting off. 第三个疑惑:修罗自从独战魔狼帮后,便销声匿迹,再也没有人见过他,但他的等级却如坐火箭般,飞快的提升,已经将其他玩家远远的甩开。 Vast China several hundreds of millions Player, nobody can nose to the Asura trend unexpectedly! Where he hides, usually where practices the level? 泱泱华夏数亿玩家,居然没人可以查探到修罗的动向!他藏在什么地方,平时又是在哪里练级的呢? Those who most make them have doubts, after the Pet ranking opens, in the Pet ranking started to present four Pet one after another, but they discovered surprisedly, ranked first was still Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin, moreover its Grade rose seven levels from five levels unexpectedly. 最让他们疑惑的是,自宠物排行榜开放后,宠物排行榜上开始相继出现了四只宠物,但他们惊奇的发现,排名第一的依然是幽冥五行圣麒麟,而且它的品级居然由五级升到了七级。 Has what to let the mystique or the gem that Pet evolves? 难道有什么能让宠物进化的秘法或者宝石? Death God Tomb three. 死神墓地三层。 Ding, congratulates Player Wind Spirit Level Up is Level 30, HP/Life + 20, Magic/MP + 10, Strength + 1, Vitality + 1, Agility + 1, Intelligence (mind/spirit) + 1, Luck + 1, 5 Attributes points can assign.” “叮,恭喜玩家风魂等级升30级,生命+20,魔法+10,力量+1,体力+1,敏捷+1,精神+1,幸运+1,有5点属性点可以分配。” ...... Finally Level 30.” Feng Xiao is moved to tears, for these days almost online practices the level, now saw that these Undead Mage had the impulsion of vomit. “呼……终于30级了。”风逍热泪盈眶,这几天几乎在线就是练级,现在一看到这些死灵魔法师就有呕吐的冲动。 Feng Xiao has taken off the silver Undead equipment of whole body rapidly, exchanged the golden light shining Gold Wolf equipment, Attributes has promoted a scale once more. 风逍迅速脱下了全身的白银死灵装备,换上了金光灿灿的金狼装备,属性再次提升了一个档次。 Ding, your collection complete/even 5 / 6 Gold Wolf coverall, demonstrates some coverall Attributes: Movement Speed + 5, the physical injury reduces 50, Critical Attack + 5%.” “叮,你集齐5/6金狼套装,显示部分套装属性:移动速度+5,物理伤害减免50,暴击+5%。” Character name: Wind Spirit 人物名称:风魂 Profession: Asura Magic Warrior 职业:修罗魔武士 Guild: Does not have 帮派:无 Level: 30 等级:30 Pres­tige: 3610 gold coins: 4490 声望:3610金币:4490 Basic Attributes: Strength: 431, Constitution: 311, Agility: 697, Intelligence (mind/spirit): 281, 基本属性:力量:431,体质:311,敏捷:697,精神:281, Fixed Attributes: Luck: 72 nd, Perception: 50 固定属性:幸运:72,悟性:50 HP/Life: 9320 生命:9320 Magic/MP: 7520 魔法:7520 Attack: 1578 攻击:1578 Magic Attack: 562 魔攻:562 Defense: 985 防御:985 Accuracy: 837 命中:837 Evasion: 805 回避:805 Attack Speed: Ordinary 出手速度:普通 Movement Speed: 60 移动速度:60 reaction: 147 反应:147 Pet: Does not have 宠物:无 Contract summon: Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin( Xiao Xiao (little)) 契约召唤:幽冥五行圣麒麟小小 Mount: Does not have 坐骑:无 Fire Resistance: 30% Water Resistance: 30% Wind Resistance: 75% Lightning Resistance: 140% Earth Resistance: 30% Light Resistance: 10% Dark Resistance: 10% Death Attribute resistances: 30% 火系抗性:30%水系抗性:30%风系抗性:75%雷系抗性:140%土系抗性:30%光系抗性:10%暗系抗性:10%死亡系抗性:30% HP/Life self-recovery: 311 Magic/MP self-recovery: 281 生命自动恢复:311魔法自动恢复:281 Level ranking: 等级排行榜: First: Hidden Name, Level 30 Asura, does not have Guild 第一名:姓名隐藏,30级修罗,无帮派 Second: Hentian, 28 levels of Warrior, do not have Guild 第二名:恨天,28级战士,无帮派 Third: Hand of God, 26 levels, Lightning Mage, does not have Guild 第三名:上帝之手,26级,雷系魔法师,无帮派 Fourth: Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun, 26 levels, Assassin, does not have Guild 第四名:天煞风云,26级,刺客,无帮派 Fifth: Howling Moon, 26 levels, Archer, does not have Guild 第五名:啸月,26级,弓箭手,无帮派 Sixth: Demon wolf- crazy, 25 levels, Knight, does not have Guild 第六名:魔狼—狂,25级,盾卫,无帮派 Seventh: Rainbow Nichang, 25 levels, Archer, does not have Guild 第七名:彩虹霓裳,25级,弓箭手,无帮派 Eighth: Hand of Doomsday, 25 levels, Fire Mage, does not have Guild 第八名:末日之手,25级,火系魔法师,无帮派 Ninth: Scarlet Flame Burns the Heaven, 25 levels, Warrior, does not have Guild 第九名:赤炎焚天,25级,战士,无帮派 Tenth: Maple Leaf Kuang Lan, 25 levels, Wind Mage, does not have Guild 第十名:枫叶狂澜,25级,风系魔法师,无帮派 The Level ranking almost does not have anything to change . Moreover the Level disparity starts gradual pull, can push the Level ranking in China several hundreds of millions Player, does not have one is the simple character. 等级排行榜几乎没什么变化,而且等级的差距开始逐渐的拉开,能在华夏数亿玩家中挤上等级排行榜的,没有一个是简单人物。 Pres­tige rank Feng Xiao was still first, the equipment rank did not have the slight change, making Feng Xiao fully realize precious of Immortal Equipment and Spiritual Equipment. 声望排行风逍依然稳居第一,装备排行无丝毫变化,让风逍充分意识到了仙器灵器的珍贵。 But these ten days, Xiao Tian and Chen Bing rose Level 20, low attacking of Chen Bing have made their practicing level speed sell at a discount greatly, moreover for this reason, nobody is willing to form a team to practice the level with them. 而这十天来,萧天陈冰才升到了20级,陈冰的低攻让他们的练级速度大打折扣,而且因为这个原因,没有人愿意和他们组队练级。 However Chen Bing still does not have any regret, unremittingly is exploring, he has believed Water Mage has certainly own superiority. 不过陈冰依然没有任何的后悔,努力的探索着,他一直坚信水系魔法师一定有属于自己的优势。 But the one who lets some Feng Xiao collapses is his treasure Yao'er, was ten days passed, her trouble Quest has still not completed, three days ago time she had found 29 teeth, but the 30 th type actually could not find. Did not give up Quest to this situation Feng Yao willingly, diligently is seeking. 而让风逍有些崩溃的是他的宝贝瑶儿,又是十天过去了,她的麻烦任务依然没有做完,三天前的时候她已经找到29种牙齿,而第30种却是怎么也找不到了。任务到了这个地步风瑶一点都不甘心放弃,努力的寻找着。 Then, should make Ice Grass Quest. The reward is a territory, even if were Immortal Beast resists me also to do!” “接下来,该去做冰凌草任务了。奖励可是一块领地啊,即使是和仙兽对抗我也干了!”
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