LA :: Volume #1

#85: The method of succuba

Younger Brother Feng, we arrived, but also remembers that this we do leave behind the innumerable recollections the places?” The Xiao Tongying double bracelet chest, is holding two groups of heavy fullness, the coquettish look such as the silk looks at Feng Xiao, giggle has smiled, bringing chest front mighty waves to be turbulent. 风弟弟,我们到了,还记得这个我们留下无数回忆的地方吗?”萧瞳影双臂环胸,托着两团沉甸甸的饱满,媚眼如丝的看着风逍,咯咯的笑了起来,带起胸前的一阵波涛汹涌。 Remembers, naturally remembers.” The Feng Xiao full cold sweat, is really this place, this takes to him the innumerable pitiful recollections the place. “记得,当然记得。”风逍满头冷汗,果然又是这个地方,这个带给他无数悲惨回忆的地方。 This is the dark small woods in suburbs, because extremely gloomily appears some ghosts air/Qi densely, has the appalling legend, almost nobody dares to arrive in this. Does not know that from which day, here became Xiao Tongying has actually oppressed the Feng Xiao treasure trove. Once the mood is not feeling well, here will spread a man pitiful cry, frightens the pedestrian who occasionally passed by to start running away at once, said whoever happens to come that in the woods has the injust devil. 这是城郊的一片幽暗的小树林,由于太过阴暗显得有些鬼气森森,更有着许多令人毛骨悚然的传说,几乎没有人敢到这里面来。不知道从哪一天起,这里却成了萧瞳影凌虐风逍的宝地。一旦心情不爽,这里就会传出一个男人凄惨的叫声,吓得偶尔路过的行人拔腿就跑,逢人就说树林里有冤死鬼。 Younger Brother Feng, knows why I do call you to come today?” The Xiao Tongying happy expression does not reduce, vision brilliant visits him, in the eye that attracts is flashing the strange brilliance. 风弟弟,知道我今天为什么叫你来吗?”萧瞳影笑意不减,目光灼灼的看着他,魅惑的眼中闪动着诡异的光彩。 Feng Xiao hair that makes an effort to raise unable to flutter, expression that a face is unafraid of death: Thousand faults are the Little Brother mistakes, must kill to hack entirely according to your convenience, Only......” The Feng Xiao face broke down, is only the Little Brother clothes right, you cross will start to my this wear time clothes to show mercy.” 风逍用力一扬飘不起来的头发,一脸视死如归的表情:“千错万错都是小弟的错,要杀要剐悉听尊便,只是……”风逍脸垮了下来,“只是小弟的衣服没错啊,你过会下手的时候对我这身才穿过一次的衣服手下留情。” At the same time was saying, Chaos Qi raised secretly, the situation to did not escape immediately, cannot incautiously be covered the dead gate absolutely again. 一边说着,混沌之气暗暗提起,情况不对马上逃跑,绝对不能再被一不小心扣住死门了。 Previous time is the spoken time by her suddenly direction but actually, then has carried on a brutal devastation. 上次就是正在说话的时候被她冷不丁一指点倒,然后进行了一场惨无人道的蹂躏。 Xiao Tongying the income eye that in the Feng Xiao petty action is scrupulous in one's work, the corners of the mouth flood smiles craftily. 萧瞳影风逍的小动作一丝不漏的收入眼中,嘴角泛起一丝诡笑。 Little Rascal, dares such long not to visit me unexpectedly, unexpectedly dares to shield my telephone conversation at the game, unexpectedly feared that sees me. Unexpectedly specially remains unmoved to my this appearance, unexpectedly...... 小坏蛋,居然敢这么久不去看我,居然敢在游戏屏蔽我的通话,居然那么怕见到我。居然对我这身特意的打扮不为所动,居然…… The old ladies do not dig up your skin today, I am not surnamed Xiao! 老娘今天不扒你一层皮,我就不姓萧! Younger Brother Feng, some Elder Sister where you said is so bad, Elder Sister was too long has not seen somewhat thinks you.” On the face of Xiao Tongying has hung up grievance, a being victimized young wife's appearance. 风弟弟,姐姐哪有你说的那么坏,姐姐就是太久没见有些想你了。”萧瞳影的脸上挂上了委屈,一副受屈小媳妇的样子。 The tender however alluring expression makes Feng Xiao enhance vigilance, the footsteps do not control self in the future will have drawn back two steps. 娇然欲滴的表情让风逍更是提高了警惕,脚步不自禁的往后退了两步。 Younger Brother Feng...... You look at Elder Sister.” 风弟弟……你看着姐姐嘛。” Attractive chanting in a low voice lets Feng Xiao unconscious raising the head, immediately, he such as was struck by lightning, the nosebleed almost spews out. 诱人的低吟让风逍不自觉的抬起头,顿时,他如遭雷击,鼻血差点喷涌而出。 Xiao Tongying charming both eyes as if must drop the water leakage to come, her two hands hold in the two full double breasts, slowly is extruding to the middle, deeply does not see the bottom the gully to take shape together slowly. 萧瞳影娇媚的双目仿佛要滴出水来,她的两只手托在自己两只饱满的双乳,慢慢的向中间挤压着,一道深不见底的沟壑慢慢成型。 „Is Elder Sister attractive?” 姐姐漂亮吗?” Floats...... Attractive.” Feng Xiao can hear the swallowing sound in oneself throat obviously. “漂……漂亮。”风逍能明显听到自己喉咙里的吞咽声。 „Is the chest of Elder Sister big?” 姐姐的胸部大吗?” The Xiao Tongying right hand picks up chest front snow-white suet-like grand breasts gently, making Feng Xiao as if fully understand the heavy feeling. 萧瞳影右手轻轻托起胸前雪白羊脂般豪|乳,让风逍仿佛充分体会了沉甸甸的感觉。 Feng Xiao is blurred, if crazy nod, eyes closely is staring at the hugeness of her chest front. 风逍迷离若痴的点点头,眼睛紧紧盯着她胸前的巨大。 Blurred look deep place, actually limpid incomparable. 迷离的眼神深处,却清澈无比。 Unexpectedly wants to cope with me with the same method, when really I am Xiaobai! Today, looked how the young master repays your this wicked female beforehand obligation cardinal virtue! 居然想用同一种手段对付我,真当我是小白啊!今天,看小爷怎么报答你这个恶女之前的大恩大德! The face of Xiao Tongying is getting more and more near to Feng Xiao, the light rose fragrance floats, making he unconscious light smell. At heart is actually even more vigilant. 萧瞳影的脸离风逍越来越近,淡淡的玫瑰香味飘来,让他不自觉的轻嗅。心里却是愈加警惕。 „Do you trace Elder Sister to be good?” Xiao Tongying grasps his hand, slowly approaches own chest according to going. “那你来摸摸姐姐好不好?”萧瞳影抓起他的手,缓缓的向自己胸部按去。 What...... What?” Feng Xiao has not thought absolutely this woman said this words unexpectedly, for a while there, whatever she grabbed oneself hand according to the float up raised exquisite body. “什……什么?”风逍绝对没有想到这女人居然说出这种话,一时楞在那里,任由她抓着自己的手按上浮凸玲珑的身体。 In the instance that Feng Xiao is in a daze, the Xiao Tongying left hand suddenly dispatches, if speed quickly lightning, point to his right rib. Feng Xiao eyes flashed a bright glint, clear saw clearly the path of that finger movement, the corners of the mouth has revealed a funniness, transported 10% Chaos Qi to protect there, did not dodge does not evade, whatever she selected in the rib next three cuns (2.5 cm) positions. 就在风逍发愣的瞬间,萧瞳影左手忽然递出,速度快若闪电,点向他右肋之下。风逍眼中精光一闪,清晰的看清了那根手指运动的轨迹,嘴角露出一丝好笑,运起一成的混沌之气护在那里,不闪不避,任由她点在肋下三寸的位置。 Chaos Secret Art also by no means disorderly may break, the Feng Xiao rib next three cuns (2.5 cm) are equal to his Qi Gate are, once were broken, whole body Chaos Power temporarily will then clear, turns into an average person. But Xiao Tongying, in the world only knows this secret person. Also got what one deserves he initially to rescue the time hand of Shadow Angel not to be dishonest, ruthlessly was poked by she one finger/refers there, then under a mask by her grasping. From then on, his miserable live started--, because she knew his status, is equal to the handle that holding has most been able to make him obey obediently. 混沌诀也并非无章可破,风逍的肋下三寸正是相当于他的“气门”所在,一旦被破,全身混沌之力便会暂时散尽,变成一个普通人。而萧瞳影,正是世界上唯一知道这个秘密的人。也活该他当初救暗影天使的时候手不老实,被她无意间狠狠的一指戳在那里,然后被她一把抓下的面罩。从那以后,他的悲惨生活就开始了——因为她知道了他的身份,相当于抓住了最能让他乖乖就范的把柄。 Whenever thinks about that evening, Feng Xiao wishes one could to cover oneself in the quilt cries loudly. 每当想起那个晚上,风逍就恨不得把自己捂在被子里大哭一场。 The slender jade refers to the heavily stamp on Feng Xiao Qi Gate, Feng Xiao shows a self-satisfied smile, but Xiao Tongying is also a smile of face, smiles strange incomparable. 修长的玉指重重的戳在风逍气门上,风逍露出一丝得意的微笑,而萧瞳影也是一脸的微笑,笑的诡异无比。 Quick, Feng Xiao could not smile. 很快,风逍就笑不出来了。 Thin such as the steel needle of ox hair, effortlessly across the air/Qi of that matter light wonton, accurate in the Feng Xiao rib next three cuns (2.5 cm), simultaneously resounds the Xiao Tongying pleasing to the ear laughter. 一根细如牛毛的钢针,毫不费力的穿过那层薄薄的馄饨之气,准确无误的扎在风逍的肋下三寸,同时响起萧瞳影银铃般的笑声。 Ah...... Rubber ball that you......” Feng Xiao is similar to discouraged , the whole body becomes soft, could not mention a strength again. 啊……你……”风逍如同一只泄了气的皮球,浑身变得软绵绵的,再也提不起一丝力气。 „After incurred......” this is Feng Xiao by a Xiao Tongying foot trampled upside-down , the first idea, his hated Ah---- own head to really be by the donkey is kicked, this astute woman like seductress, how also possibly to cope with itself with the same method, the beforehand all, were acting in a play unexpectedly. “又中招了……”这是风逍萧瞳影一脚踹倒后第一个想法,他心里的那个恨啊——自己的脑袋真是被驴踢了,这个精明的像狐狸精一样的女人,又怎么可能用同一种方法对付自己,之前的一切,居然都是在演戏。 Hee hee hee hee......” Xiao Tongying happily has smiled, looked how to the Feng Xiao vision to be looking little sheep that treats butchers. “嘻嘻嘻嘻……”萧瞳影得意的笑了起来,看向风逍的目光如何在看一只待宰的小绵羊 Little Rascal, wants to revolt a moment ago unexpectedly, is more and more does not pay attention to Elder Sister?” Xiao Tongying smiles visits him, the charming sound makes Feng Xiao feel for no reason be afraid. 小坏蛋,刚才居然还想反抗,是不是越来越不把姐姐放在眼里啦?”萧瞳影嘻笑的看着他,娇媚的声音让风逍无端的感到不寒而栗。 Elder Sister Tongying, you have forgiven me.” Feng Xiao quickly cried, the helpless entreaty said. 瞳影姐姐,你就饶了我吧。”风逍都快哭出来了,无奈的哀求道。 Hee hee, Blood Emperor Shadow Wind also will ask others for help, Elder Sister is really good accident/surprise.” Xiao Tongying has squatted in his side, beautiful eye unscrupulous scanning his body. “嘻嘻,原来血皇影风也会求人啊,姐姐真是好意外呢。”萧瞳影在他身边蹲了下来,美目肆无忌惮的扫描着他的身体。 Feng Xiao flipped the supercilious look. Can not beg for mercy? Falls in the consequence to here woman hand is not simple can describe pitifully. If some choices, oneself rather go to be chopped ten sword eight swords by Sword God. 风逍翻了翻白眼。能不求饶吗?落到这里女人手里的后果不是简单的凄惨所能形容的。如果有的选择的话,自己宁愿去被剑神砍上十剑八剑的。 Now knows that begs for mercy? Late!” The face of Xiao Tongying brushes sank, stands up suddenly, a foot kicked his buttocks. “现在知道求饶啦?晚了!”萧瞳影的脸刷的沉了下来,猛然站起身来,一脚踢上了他的屁股。 Aiyo!” The body of Feng Xiao firm like the tortoise shell that Chaos Secret Art moistens, an ordinary heel will not become any ill feeling to other party, screaming that but he very much will coordinate, eyes will actually glance to her clear such as the beautiful leg of jade and she extends pink color/look underwear that the leg will flash past instant. 哎哟!”风逍的身体被混沌诀滋润的坚如龟壳,普通的一脚跟本不会给他造成什么不适的感觉,不过他还是很配合的叫出声来,眼睛却瞟向她晶莹如玉的美腿和她伸腿刹那一闪而过的粉红内裤 Xiao Tongying as if no to realize oneself were exposed completely, still bitterly scolded while was kicking the body of Feng Xiao. 萧瞳影仿佛并没察觉自己已经完全走光,依然恨恨的边骂边踢着风逍的身体。 Your Little Rascal, asking you such for a long time not to visit me! I kick you, kicks you......” “你个小坏蛋,叫你这么久不去看我!我踢死你,踢死你……” „...... I called you to hide me, looked that you did not grow the memory steadily......” “……我叫你躲着我,看你长不长记性……” „...... Unexpectedly also dares to shield my telephone conversation, have the ambition to eat the leopard's guts......” “……居然还敢屏蔽我的通话,吃了雄心豹子胆了……” Loudly calling out of Feng Xiao “Ah”, because this foot clamped Inner Strength, solid kicking on waist. 风逍“啊”的大叫一声,因为这一脚夹上了内力,结结实实的踢在腰上。 Elder Sister Tongying, I do not dare, has forgiven me......” 瞳影姐姐,我再也不敢了,饶了我吧……” Doesn't dare? Your that time did not say, which vice minister memory also there is, I kicked you well......” am fiercely kick, the tip small sandals only kicked Feng Xiao to attract the cold air/Qi. “不敢了?你那次不是这么说,又有哪次长记性了,我踢死你才好……”又是一阵猛踢,尖头小凉鞋踢得风逍只吸冷气。 I do not dare......” “我不敢了……” Makes you exit to engage in love affairs......” “让你出去勾三搭四……” I do not dare!” “我再也不敢了!” Makes you peep my underwear!” “让你偷看我的内裤!” „...... I do not dare, saves a life Ah!! “……我真的不敢了,救命啊!! Makes you call such loudly......” “让你叫这么大声……” I must kill you!!” “我要杀了你!!” Un?” Xiao Tongying has anchored soon whereabouts feet suddenly, as if heard any amusing matter. “嗯?”萧瞳影忽然停住了即将下落的小脚,仿佛听到了什么好玩的事情。 Little Rascal, what did you say a moment ago?” Xiao Tongying two release the excited ray, winks looks at Feng Xiao, as if sees the mouse the kitty. 小坏蛋,你刚才说什么?”萧瞳影两眼释放出兴奋的光芒,一眨不眨的看着风逍,仿佛一只看到耗子的猫咪。 I...... My anything had not said.” Feng Xiao cold sweat hualala, from did not blurt out that moment a moment ago carefully, he knows that was finished. “我……我什么都没说。”风逍冷汗哗啦啦的,从刚才不小心脱口而出那一刻,他就知道完蛋了。 Was finished. 真的完蛋了。 Qiang! 呛! A shining short sword appears on Xiao Tongying, is the Shadow Angel Weapon Spinning Rain Blade. 一把明晃晃的短刀出现在萧瞳影手上,正是暗影天使的武器——旋雨刃 The Feng Xiao supercilious look turns, almost fainted. 风逍白眼一翻,差点昏了过去。 Xiao Tongying white jade the right hand is taking white jade-like Spinning Rain Blade, gently is gesticulating on the face of Feng Xiao, on the face is actually one tender however the expression that wants to sob. 萧瞳影白玉的般的右手拿着白玉般旋雨刃,轻轻的在风逍的脸上比划着,脸上却是一副娇然欲泣的表情。 Little Rascal said a moment ago unexpectedly must kill Elder Sister, was really makes Elder Sister sad, is too not obedient, therefore......” on the Xiao Tongying face has shown the small smile satanically: Elder Sister must teach you today well.” 小坏蛋刚才居然说要杀了姐姐,真是太让姐姐伤心了,太不听话了,所以……”萧瞳影脸上露出了小恶魔般的微笑:“姐姐今天一定要好好管教你。” Feng Xiao closes eyes simply, did not say a word. Begs for mercy before this woman, purely is waste of energy. 风逍索性闭上眼睛,一言不发。在这个女人面前求饶,纯粹是白费力气 Scolding...... 叱…… Feng Xiao the waistband that turns from the bottom cuts off with great difficulty. 风逍好不容易从箱底翻出来的腰带被割断。 Hiss...... 嘶啦…… The coat knot was truncated completely falls...... 上衣扣子全部被削落…… The pants were slivered one piece by piece...... 裤子被切成一片片…… ...... …… The Feng Xiao pent-up anger rubs upward flees, immediately helpless flipping supercilious look. This woman seems nemesis that his Accuracy is doomed, can the ghosts and gods not measure each time virtually impossible to guard against technique his entire is very miserable, oneself even already being used to it slowly. 风逍的心火蹭蹭的往上窜,随即又无奈的翻了翻白眼。这个女人仿佛是他命中注定的克星,每次都能鬼神莫测防不胜防的手法将他整的很惨,自己甚至都已经慢慢的习惯了。 Looks at Feng Xiao perfectly to pinnacle stature, on the Xiao Tongying face flashes through blushes, is suppressing moving restlessly in heart, shook Spinning Rain Blade in hand: Little Rascal, but must kill Elder Sister.” 看着风逍完美到极致的身材,萧瞳影脸上闪过红晕,强忍着心中的躁动,晃了晃手中的旋雨刃:“小坏蛋,还要不要杀姐姐了。” Feng Xiao is not first time is used the clever trick to dig up the light clothes by her, unshackles simply, loudly exclaimed: Your this abnormal female, sex maniac......” 风逍已经不是第一次被她用诡计扒光衣服了,索性放开手脚,大吼道:“你这个变态女,色|情狂……” Qiang! 呛! In the grounds between Spinning Rain Blade insertion Feng Xiao two legs ruthlessly, only has a difference to Little Feng Xiao. 旋雨刃狠狠的插入风逍两腿间的地面上,离小风逍只有一线之差。 Feng Xiao frightens is frightened out of one's wits, immediately obedient a few words did not say, but has used various posture OOXX Xiao Tongying at heart. 风逍吓得魂飞魄散,立刻乖乖的一句话不说,不过心里已经把萧瞳影用各种姿势OOXX了个遍。 Said that how to say?” Xiao Tongying pulls up Spinning Rain Blade, the expression on face is even more charming. “说呀,怎么不说啦?”萧瞳影拔起旋雨刃,脸上的表情愈加妩媚起来。 Feng Xiao closes eyes, did not say a word, was trying to find the solution of withdrawing at heart secretly. 风逍闭上眼睛,一言不发,心里暗暗想着脱身的办法。
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