LA :: Volume #1

#77: Emperor Sword Purple Sun

Feng Xiao felt that own body passed out slowly, he somewhat understood finally why Adoptive Father will take meeting the Ye Huangtian 50 moves as in the past arrogantly. 风逍感觉自己的身体已经慢慢失去了知觉,他总算有些了解为何当年义父会以接了叶皇天50招为傲。 A half minute passed by, his body seems not own, the consciousness also starts to blur slowly. 半分钟过去了,他的身体仿佛已经不是自己的,意识也开始慢慢模糊起来。 Mixes... dun... Secret Art...” “混…沌…诀…” In a vague sound in Feng Xiao consciousness resounds, has awakened his clear understanding, his whole body shakes, the residual consciousness is lucky Chaos Secret Art, restored motion ability of right hand reluctantly. Palm, light red sharp blade thorn ruthlessly approaches own thigh. 一丝若有若无的声音在风逍意识里响起,唤醒了他的一丝清明,他全身一震,残留的意识强行运起混沌诀,勉强恢复了右手的行动能力。手掌一番,浅红的利刃狠狠的刺向自己的大腿。 The fierce ache makes the consciousness of Feng Xiao consciousness is incomparable, he loudly shouts, Chaos Power covers entirely the whole body, breaks through the imposing manner oppression of Ye Huangtian instantaneously, the speed displays the pinnacle, turns into the remnant shade to wield the Flying Feather thorn together to Ye Huangtian. 剧烈的疼痛让风逍的意识变得清醒无比,他大喝一声,混沌之力布满全身,瞬间冲破叶皇天的气势压迫,速度发挥到极致,化成一道残影挥动飞羽刺向叶皇天 No person can make me such admit defeat! 从来没有人可以让我这么吃瘪! World martial learn/study, only quickly broken, Sword God, how making me have a look at you to explain my wind general speed. 天下武学,唯快不破,剑神,让我看看你如何破解我风一般的速度。 Inner Qi was broken, on the face of Ye Huangtian ancient well without ripples reveals to be astonished, but returned to a flash normal, in the hand does not know that were when many air/Qi of sending out dignity purple ancient Jian. 气机被破,叶皇天古井无波的脸上露出讶异,但转瞬恢复了平静,手中不知何时已经多了一把散发威严之气的紫色古剑。 Feng Xiao Flying Feather was near at hand, Ye Huangtian does not dodge not to evade, holds the right hand of sword in a flash, weaves an airtight purple sword net slightly instantaneously, the cover to the Feng Xiao whole body. 风逍飞羽已近在咫尺,叶皇天不闪不避,执剑的右手微微一晃,瞬间织出一张密不透风的紫色剑网,罩向风逍全身。 Feng Xiao as if thinks innumerable say/way bone-chilling cold sword air/Qi straight thrust his whole body, other side, only then a sword, makes him feel that has innumerably brandishes the sword together, closes off his way completely, only then proceeds again slightly a point, must be strangled to death. 风逍仿佛觉得无数道凛冽的剑气直刺他的全身,对方只有一把剑,却让他觉得有无数把剑一起挥舞,将他的去路完全封锁,只有再稍往前一分,必被绞杀。 Feng Xiao startles greatly, the rapid side moves, but has slightly, a left body severe pain, the left arm and left chest had been carved the innumerable say/way by the sword air/Qi the wound. 风逍大骇,迅速侧移,但稍有不及,左边的身体一阵剧痛,左臂和左胸已经被剑气刻下无数道浅浅的伤口。 Ye Huangtian holds the purple sword to relax the hands to stand, as if has not moved. 叶皇天手执紫剑垂手而立,仿佛从来没有动过。 Feng Xiao pants, turned the difficult situation at heart. 风逍气喘吁吁,心里已经翻起惊涛骇浪。 A move, merely one move injured itself. 一招,仅仅一招就伤了自己。 A sword, transforms the innumerable sword shades, but each sword shade, is containing the tyrannical sword air/Qi, letting the person is unable Dodge, unable to resist, do not say that approaches his body. 一把剑,幻化无数的剑影,而每一道剑影,都蕴藏着强横的剑气,让人无从闪避,无从抵挡,更不要说靠近他身体。 Does not pay attention to the innumerable tiny wounds, in the Feng Xiao once more tight handshake light , if no thing Flying Feather, he has decided to spell again one time, by speed that he shocks everybody, bets Sword God to make a move without enough time. 毫不理会无数细小的伤口,风逍再次紧握手中轻若无物的飞羽,他已经决定再拼一次,以他惊世骇俗的速度,来赌剑神来不及出手。 Feng Xiao, figure original place vanishes slightly suddenly, together red light if quickly lightning, straightly shoots Ye Huangtian right arm. 风逍微微一顿,身形忽然原地消失,一道红光快若闪电,直射叶皇天右臂。 China Ten Great Divine Weapon is ranked third Emperor Sword Purple Sun, is this life must take the thing. 华夏十大神兵排行第三的帝剑紫阳,是他今生的必取之物。 Howling sound of the wind has blown from the ear, Feng Xiao has promoted the pinnacle the speed. Suddenly, an extremely dangerous aura transmits from his right-- that is not Sword God the aura of bring, made him have close to the feeling of death. 呼啸的风声从耳边吹过,风逍已经把速度提升到了极致。忽然,一股极度危险的气息从他的右侧传来——那绝不是剑神的带来的气息,却让他有临近死亡的感觉。 Although Feng Xiao startled is not chaotic, revolves instantaneously complete Chaos Qi, displays the pinnacle Chaos Power, reversed the body surrounding space stiffly...... 风逍虽惊不乱,瞬间运转全部的混沌之气,将混沌之力发挥到极致,硬生生的扭转了自己身体周围的空间…… Ye Huangtian saw makes one that he shocks...... Blood Emperor Shadow Wind that the speed is quickly difficult to distinguish to the naked eye, completely violates the physical rule unexpectedly, the speed of instantaneously to being equal to turns back, vanishes in the dark curtain of night, in that flash that he turns back, a silver bullet danger touched and went his leg to be curved. 叶皇天看到了令他震惊的一幕……速度快到肉眼难辨的血皇影风,竟完全违背物理规则,瞬间以等同的速度折返,消失在黑暗的夜幕中,就在他折返的那一刹那,一颗银色的子弹险险的擦过了他的腿弯。 The object of any movement, wants to stop or the counter motion, needs the speed drop to the inertia cushion process of zero, the speed is on the other hand faster, the cushion requirement distance is bigger, the time is longer. But Feng Xiao completely has actually violated this principle, looks like unexpectedly bumps into the light of mirror together suddenly, original fast had been reflected instantaneously. 任何运动的物体,想要停止或反向运动,都必须要有一个速度降到零的惯性缓冲过程,相对来说,速度越快,缓冲需要的距离越大,时间越长。而风逍却完全违背了这一原则,竟像一道忽然碰到镜子的光,瞬间被原速反射了回去。 Ye Huangtian static stayed a meeting, sighed, received Purple Sun Sword, before the floating body returned to him, position that hid. 叶皇天静静的呆了一会,叹息一声,收起了紫阳剑,飘身返回了他之前藏身的位置。 Old Xiao, you have not really borne make a move.” 老萧,你果然还是没忍住出手了。” A delay of Xiao Ying face, cannot believe looks at own both hands. Long time, somewhat desolate saying: Worthily is the person who makes you attach great importance. 20 years, I let slip finally a time--, moreover is so near position.” 萧鹰一脸的呆滞,不敢相信的看着自己的双手。良久,才有些落寞的说道:“不愧是让你如此重视的人。20年了,我终于失手了一次——而且是如此近的位置。” „Not willingly words also next, he is an arrogant person, will not change his attitude because of our appearances. Next time when will appear, certainly also specially will remind the position that he must present.” “不甘心的话还有下次,他是个高傲的人,绝不会因为我们的出现而改变他的作风。下次出现时,一定还会特意提醒他要出现的位置。” Feng Xiao has a dizzy spell, finally tumbles in a stretch of open land, big mouth panting heavily. that reversed space, has almost exhausted his all Chaos Power. 风逍一阵头晕目眩,终于跌倒在一片荒地上,大口的喘着粗气。刚才的那一下逆转空间,几乎耗尽了他的所有混沌之力 The rule of retrogradation world, can only achieve by his Chaos Secret Art First Layer reluctantly, yesterday he to pull space between him and Maid Liu single-handed, seems like relaxed, actually has actually consumed his most Chaos Power. 逆反世界的规律,以他混沌诀第一层只能勉强做到,昨天他以单手拉扯他与刘保姆之间的空间,看似轻松,其实却消耗了他大半的混沌之力 Sword God and Sniper God also send out, has not been honored is comes to me specially.” Feng Xiao sits well in the place, Recovery slowly the strength, wound is healing at the naked eye obvious speed. 剑神狙神同时出动,没那么荣幸是特意冲着我来的吧。”风逍端坐在地,慢慢的回复着力气,身上的伤口正以肉眼可见的速度愈合着。 Can escapes from the life under Sword God and Sniper God two manpower, extraordinary, is really extraordinary.” Feng Xiao Hehe laughs foolishly two, unknowingly pulled the chest front wound, immediately the pain must look fierce. “能在剑神狙神两人手下逃出性命,了不得,真是了不得。”风逍呵呵傻笑两声,不经意间扯动了胸前的伤口,顿时痛得龇牙咧嘴。 Leader Sniper God Xiao Ying of China hawk group, hawk general eyes, the leopard general reflection nerve, beyond the kilometer takes the person life, never lets slip. 华夏鹰组的领导者狙神萧鹰,鹰一般的眼睛,豹一般的反射神经,千米之外取人性命,从未失手。 I hear a fuzzy sound to awaken me probably . Moreover, probably is the Wan'er sound...... , certainly was the misconception.” “我好像听到一个模模糊糊的声音将我唤醒,而且,好像是婉儿的声音……呼,一定是错觉了。” Feng Yao tosses about is unable to go to sleep, jumps at heart crazily. Sound that because Elder Brother does not have, this time, beforehand any time is longer. 风瑶翻来覆去的无法入睡,心里狂跳不已。因为哥哥还是没有回来的声音,这次,比以前的任何一次都要久。 Feng Yao tosses and turns in the endless suffering and pray. 风瑶在无尽的煎熬和祈祷中辗转反侧。 pa-” a slight landing sound resounds in the balcony, after a while, the next door has resounded a slighter closing sound. —”一声轻微至极的落地声在阳台响起,过了一会,隔壁响起了一声更轻微的关门声。 On the Feng Yao face has emitted joyful smiling, gently holds the Xiruo soft body to go to sleep peacefully. 风瑶脸上冒出了欣喜的笑,轻轻的抱着夕若柔软的身体安然入睡。 Looks the wound on own body proliferating, on the Feng Xiao face reveals a faintness. 看着自己身体上遍布的伤口,风逍脸上露出一丝淡漠。 17 wounds! Even if you are Sword God, I must give back to you one after another! 17道伤口!纵然你是剑神,我也要一道一道的还给你! ............ ………… Little Darling, always do not visit me, eats quickly.” Feng Xiao smilingly visits her. 小乖乖,不要老是看我,快吃啊。”风逍笑眯眯的看着她。 Un!” Shui Rourou light un , to continue to manipulate the egg in plate to flog, is thinking at heart: Young Master, you think so others, getting down how others eat. “嗯!”水柔柔轻嗯一声,继续摆弄盘里的蛋挞,心里在想:少爷,你这么看人家,人家怎么吃的下去。 „The Ding! Princess Shui Yue maidservant requested to enter, permitted?” 叮!水月公主侍女请求进入,是否允许?” Princess Shui Yue? Won't have lost heart?” Feng Xiao looks that similarly is looking at his Shui Rourou. 水月公主?不会还没死心吧?”风逍看着同样在看他的水柔柔 Permits!” Feng Xiao drew her to walk. “允许!”风逍拉着她走了出去。 Servants little moon pay a visit Senior Secret Envoy and water supple Princess, presents the life of Princess Shui Yue to return water supple Princess to keep the Princess mansion commodity especially.” Saying of young maidservant not inferior non- throat. Four young court eunuches lifted the big pile to tidy up good Item. “奴婢小月拜见密使大人和水柔公主,特奉水月公主之命送还水柔公主留在公主府的物资。”小侍女不卑不吭的说道。身后四个小太监抬了大堆收拾好的物品 Water supple Princess?” Feng Xiao strange looks at Shui Rourou, isn't will say you?” “水柔公主?”风逍奇怪的看着水柔柔,“不会是说你吧?” Shui Rourou lowered the head, shy one will say: I am Younger Sister that Princess Shui Yue recognizes, is father-- daughter who emperor Sir recognizes, therefore they called me Princess. However I usually serve Princess Shui Yue, therefore, is the maidservant is quite suitable I.” 水柔柔低下头,扭捏了一会才说道:“我是水月公主认的妹妹,又是父——皇帝大人认的干女儿,所以他们都叫我公主。不过我平时都是侍候水月公主的,所以,还是侍女比较适合我。” „Are you really Princess?!” Feng Xiao stared in a big way eyes, my mother, Heavenly Dragon Emperor delivered Princess to be the maidservant to me unexpectedly, what meaning was he? The favor is also insufficient to deliver the daughters. “你真的是公主?!”风逍瞪大了双眼,我的娘啊,天龙皇帝居然送个公主给我当侍女,他是什么意思啊?恩宠也不至于把女儿都送上门吧。 No wonder yesterday Princess Shui Yue for a maidservant and I win life and death, her Younger Sister that originally I snatch. 怪不得昨天水月公主会为了一个侍女和我争得你死我活的,原来我抢的她妹妹啊。 Four young court eunuches put down the thing, bows to say goodbye with the young maidservant. 四个小太监把东西放下,和小侍女一起躬身告辞。 Little Darling, you, since is the daughter of emperor, why he does want to give to me to be the maidservant you?” 小乖乖,你既然是皇帝的干女儿,为什么他要把你送给我当侍女?” Because...... Because......” the Shui Rourou small hand has twisted the lower hem corner, catches the eye saying: Imperial Father said that you are very fierce, only then I match to be your maidservant, added that you will certainly like me, added...... Added that wants my anything to listen your.” “因为……因为……”水柔柔小手绞了绞衣角,抬眼说道:“父皇说你很厉害,只有我才配做你的侍女,还说你一定会喜欢我,还说……还说要我什么都听你的。” Am I very fierce? Un, this was discovered by you. Good, to repay your appreciation for being recognized, your daughter I impolite accepting. 我很厉害?嗯,这都被你发现了。好吧,为了报答你的知遇之恩,你的女儿我就不客气的收下了。 Has the matter to be all right to sexually harass Princess seems a good choice, a Feng Xiao suddenly face bad smiles. 有事没事调戏公主似乎是个不错的选择,风逍忽然一脸的坏笑。 Shui Rourou subconscious protecting lives in the chest, although will not succeed each time. 水柔柔下意识的护住胸部,虽然每次都不会成功。 Few...... Young Master, Elder Sister Xiruo?” Shui Rourou revolutions diligently topic. “少……少爷,夕若姐姐呢?”水柔柔努力的转开话题。 That young lazybones have not gotten out of bed, but quick will accompany your.” “那个小懒虫还没起床,不过很快就会来陪你的。” You said that who is young lazybones!” Yang Xiruo that just got online grinning walked from the back garden. “你说谁是小懒虫!”刚刚上线的杨夕若笑嘻嘻的从后花园走了出来。 Xiruo, do you get up? Has the breakfast not to have.” Feng Xiao comes up to hold on her hand hastily, another hand trace has traced in her soft buttocks. 夕若,你起来啦?吃过早饭没。”风逍连忙上去拉住她的手,另一只手不着痕迹的在她柔软的臀部摸了一下。 Yang Xiruo light “Ah”, reddens all over the face, works loose Feng Xiao's hand gently, runs up to side Shui Rourou. 杨夕若“啊”一声,满脸通红,轻轻挣脱风逍的手,跑到水柔柔身边。 Younger Sister Rourou, we plant flowers, pay no attention to this Big Bastard.” Said that white his eyes, two girls look like two butterflies to fly to the backyard. 柔柔妹妹,我们去种花,不理这个大坏蛋。”说完白了他一眼,两个女孩像两只蝴蝶般向后院飞去。 Originally Xiruo also has mischievous side!” Feng Xiao chuckled. “原来夕若也有调皮的一面啊!”风逍嘿嘿一笑 Eldest child, that is Asura you?” In Communication Tool broadcasts the Yang Aotian sound. “老大,那个修罗是你?”通话器里传来杨傲天的声音。 Un, thought that your big space does not have two ground unparalleled. Right Aotian, how you had not gotten online yesterday.” “嗯,是不是觉得你老大天上无二地上无双啊。对了傲天,你昨天怎么没上线。” Opposite silent, after a while said: Eldest child, Ruoruo depended on you to protect.” 对面沉默,过了一会才说道:“老大,若若就靠你来保护了。” Hehe, you put 100 hearts, I make certainly her happy.” He understands that the meaning of Yang Aotian, did not have the extra worries, revenge important matter of expansion he can have no scruples. 呵呵,你放100个心,我一定让她幸福。”他明白杨傲天的意思,没有了后顾之忧,他就可以毫无顾忌的展开的复仇大计。 Practices the level to practice the level!” Even if Feng Xiao 100 do not prefer, he must go to the ghost air/Qi dense Death God Tomb, only then there, most suits him to practice the level the place. “练级练级!”纵然风逍100个不情愿,他还是必须去鬼气森森的死神墓地,只有那里,才是最适合他练级的地点。 Can put Xiao Xiao (little)?” Feng Xiao has thought a meeting, gave up this idea, because this goods put the estimate not to display anything to affect, but must disperse Intelligence (mind/spirit) to protect it. “要不要把小小放出来呢?”风逍想了一会,还是放弃了这个想法,因为这货放出来估计也不会发挥什么作用,还得分散精神保护它。 Death God Tomb three started to resound sorrowful roar of laughing wildly and countless poor man of man. 死神墓地三层又开始响起了一个男人的狂笑和无数可怜人的哀吼
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