LA :: Volume #1

#76: Sword God

The azure clothes man is silent. 青衣男子沉默。 His speed reminds me of a person to come, can meet I 50 moves of People Wind Spirit Sword Saint only Feng Xiaoyao.” “他的速度让我想起一个人来,一个唯一能接我50招的人——风魂剑圣风逍遥。” On, blocks his all motion positions together.” A tiger of move of disastrous defeat is unable to maintain his arrogance repeatedly, six people divide six directions to attack to Feng Xiao, is mixing with howling sound of the wind. “一起上,封锁他所有移动方位。”一招惨败的虎一再也无法维持他的傲慢,六个人分六个方向向风逍攻来,夹杂着呼啸的风声 The Feng Xiao figure has not moved, when the sword air/Qi approached his body, he still does not have any to move the meaning. Five sword fists have almost simultaneously hit him, but sends out unexpectedly is the pointed weapons impact noise. 风逍身形未动,甚至剑气已经逼近他的身体时,他依然没有任何要动意思。五剑一拳几乎同时击中了他,但发出的居然是兵刃撞击声。 Remnant shade! 残影! Ka and ka...... Pa! “咔、咔……啪! Rapidness that too the fight finished, the people of quick letting tiger group are absolutely terrified, an instance, five weapons break completely, but did not have on the tiger face of weapon to suffer slap solid. 战斗结束的太快,快的让虎组的人毛骨悚然,一个瞬间,五件兵器全部断裂,而没有武器的虎一脸上结结实实挨了一个耳光 You, were too weak!” Saying that a Feng Xiao face regrets. “你们,太弱了!”风逍一脸惋惜的说道。 Plays with you simply is the waste time. Returns to your cozy nests to have a life of Riley well, little comes out to lose the face of Chinese!” Ridicule that Feng Xiao is relentless. “和你们玩简直是浪费时间。回你们的安乐窝好好去享清福吧,少出来丢华夏人的脸!”风逍毫不留情的讥讽。 Nobody can be more arrogant than him. 没有人可以比他更傲慢。 Was insulted by this, words that the face whitens of tiger group six human spirits, have not refuted, a moment ago if other side chopped is not their weapon, but is their bodies, they only then by result of flash second of killing. 受此侮辱,虎组六人气的脸色苍白,却没有丝毫反驳的言辞,如果刚才对方砍的不是他们的兵器,而是他们的身体,他们只有被一瞬间秒杀的结果。 The strength differed was too big, he had the qualifications of despising. 实力相差太大了,他有蔑视的资格。 Azure clothes man frowned: Words, were extreme.” 青衣男子皱了皱眉头:“言辞,过激了。” Bye, small young tigers.” Feng Xiao arrogant abandoning a few words, turn around to vanish in the curtain of night. “再见,小虎仔们。”风逍傲慢的撇下一句话,转身消失在夜幕中。 Chop suey that dog raises!” Was torn the self-respect a tiger vision to be mean completely, sinister and ruthless scolded one. “狗养的杂碎!”被完全撕裂自尊的虎一目光阴狠,阴毒的骂了一句。 You said what!!!!” The Blood Emperor Shadow Wind form appears again, is only this time, his sound gloomy is similar to from nine quiet hells. “你说什么!!!!”血皇影风的身影再次出现,只是这次,他的声音阴沉的如同来自九幽地狱。 A tiger whole body has fought a cold war ruthlessly, does not control self has drawn back one step, other side scary vision straight thrust his whole body, as if must tear his body. 虎一全身狠狠的打了一个冷战,不自禁的退了一步,对方骇人的目光直刺他的全身,仿佛要撕裂他的身体。 You- again- Said one by one that spreads!” The Feng Xiao anger arrived at the unstoppable edge, nobody can insult his Adoptive Father, dares to insult his Adoptive Father person, must die entirely. “你—再—说—一一遍!”风逍的怒火已经到了不可遏止的边缘,没有人可以侮辱他的义父,敢侮辱他义父的人,统统要死。 The gloomy and cold aura lets all people such as the dropping ice hole, five people withdraw on own initiative several steps, protects the tiger after behind, some short tiger six said solemnly: Shadow Wind, I expressed the apology for our eldest child's words, we also no longer traced you, said goodbye, how?” 阴冷的气息让所有人如堕冰窟,五个人自觉的退后几步,将虎一护在身后,个子矮些的虎六沉声说道:“影风,我为我们老大刚才的言辞表示道歉,我们也不再追踪你,就此别过,如何?” When the China tiger group so vexed, but faces the enemy who is unable to be a worthy opponent, they can only be submissive, temporarily slow soldier. 华夏虎组何时这么窝囊过,可是面对无法匹敌的敌人,他们只能低声下气,暂时缓兵。 Replied their, was a tiger pitiful yell sound. 回答他们的,是虎一的惨叫声。 The tiger six voices have not fallen, the body of Feng Xiao changed to together the remnant shade, moves to the tiger instantaneously one behind, a foot kicked him airborne. 虎六话音未落,风逍的身体已经化作一道残影,瞬间移动到虎一身后,一脚将他踢到了空中。 From beginning to end, nobody sees clearly his movement, let alone the consciousness of making a move and resisting. 自始至终,没有人看清楚他的动作,更别说出手和招架的意识。 the next moment, Feng Xiao shifted in other five people of calling out in alarm sounds once more, transfers to a tiger point of descent instantaneously, kicks once more body that he falls airborne, while convenient has given him resounding slap, trades a pitiful yell of other side. 下一刻,风逍已经在其他五人的惊叫声中再次移位,瞬间移到虎一的落点,将他下落的身体再次踢到空中,顺带给了他一个响亮的耳光,换来对方的一声惨叫。 Transmits two fist winds of howling, Feng Xiao does not return, the left hand wields backward, kacha downloads two people wrists/skills, simultaneously the body sticks out suddenly, across rushing to tiger one three people, one tiger in whereabouts kicks once more. 身后传来两道呼啸的拳风,风逍头也不回,左手向后挥出,“咔嚓”卸掉两人的手腕,同时身体暴起,穿过奔向虎一的三人,将下落中的虎一再次踢飞。 A foot, two feet, three feet, four feet...... The tiger is similar to a balloon kick around by Feng Xiao, from beginning to end has not moistened the ground. 一脚,两脚,三脚,四脚……虎一如同一个气球般被风逍踢来踢去,自始至终没有沾到地面。 The kacha skeleton break sound and chilly cold pitiful yell sound make the people of tiger group realize thoroughly what is no use and desperate, they gave up the revolt and rescuing, dull looks at the violent anger Blood Emperor and devastated team leader. 咔嚓的骨骼断裂声和凄冽的惨叫声让虎组的人彻底体会到了什么叫无助和绝望,他们放弃了反抗和解救,呆呆的看着暴怒的血皇和被蹂躏的队长。 leaf hasn't brother, gotten rid?” The black clothes man knits the brows to say. “叶兄,还不出手吗?”黑衣男子皱眉说道。 The voice has not fallen, the cyan form has projected together. 话音未落,一道青色的身影已经射出。 Hehe, can who old leaf attaches great importance, making me unable to bear want to experience.” 呵呵,能让老叶如此重视的人,让我也忍不住想要见识下了。” With a heavy metal fricative, a silver sniper's rifle appears in the hand. It has one name that makes the common people be panic at the news. 随着一声沉重的金属摩擦声,一杆银色的狙击枪出现在手中。它有一个让世人闻风丧胆的名字。 Zero! 零! Length two meters, 88 kilograms in weight, whole body flood magnificent and cold silver light. Entire China can use its person to have a Person Sniper God Xiao Ying. 长两米,重88公斤,全身泛着华丽而冷冽的银光。全华夏可以使用它的人只有一个人——狙神萧鹰 The Feng Xiao form stopped the movement, huge has locked in his body to Inner Qi that letting him suffocated together firmly. 风逍的身影停止了移动,一道庞大到让他窒息的气机已经牢牢的锁住了他的身体。 A tiger body fell the ground finally, the joint of whole body has broken innumerably, the extremely feeble feeling that the severe pain brought has kept him from sending out the pitiful yell. 虎一的身体终于落到了地上,全身的关节断裂了无数,剧痛带来的极度虚弱感已经让他无法发出惨叫。 Eldest child!” Five people of sorrowfully shouted ran, looks at his pitiful appearance, in their eyes reveals the hatred that was unable to conceal. Suddenly, the tiger six send out one to call out in alarm: Leaf...... leaf Shou!!” “老大!”五人悲呼一声跑了过去,看着他凄惨的模样,他们眼中都露出了无法掩饰的仇恨。忽然,虎六发出一阵惊呼:“叶……叶首!!” Four people of hearing this whole bodies tremble, turns head hastily, immediately simultaneously prostrates oneself, ashamed and joyful shouting: leaf Shou!” 四人闻言全身一颤,连忙回头,随即齐齐拜倒,惭愧又欣喜的喊道:“叶首!” Wears the long unlined close-fitting gown, the man static float of back long sword in airborne, both eyes shut tightly, on the face is not happy not sadly, clothes sleeve moves with the wind, floating, if immortal. Although in the dark night is unable to see his appearance, but can achieve Lingyun to idly spend, entire China only has one person. 一个身着长衫,后背长剑的男子静静的漂浮在空中,双目紧闭,脸上无喜无悲,衣袂随风而动,飘飘若仙。虽然黑夜中无法看到他的容貌,但能做到“凌云虚度”的,全华夏只有一人。 Sword God Ye Huangtian. 剑神叶皇天 You bring the tiger to leave.” Sword God opens the mouth finally, but Feng Xiao pressure has not reduced. “你们带虎一离开。”剑神终于开口,但风逍身上的压力没有丝毫减轻。 Yes!” The dignified sound keeps them from producing tiny bit disobeying, five people no longer spoke a few words, lifts the weak tiger one, several rises vanish in the curtain of night. “是!”威严的声音让他们无法产生一丝一毫的违逆,五个人不再多说一句话,抬起瘫软的虎一,几个起落消失在夜幕中。 Feng Xiao coldly looks at the present man, the cold sweat of whole body has soaked his nocturnal clothing. In Sword God like the sea boundless boundless imposing manner, he thought that oneself like a boat of fluttering, momentarily possibly was attacked and sunk or wrecked by the ocean waves. 风逍冷冷的看着眼前的男人,全身的冷汗已经湿透了他的夜行衣。在剑神的如大海般磅礴无边的气势下,他觉得自己就像一个飘荡的小船,随时可能被海浪击沉或击毁。 Feng Xiao suppresses in internal organs of vitality churning forcefully, coldly said: Has not thought that the this humble one trivial killer, has alarmed Sword God unexpectedly, really feels extremely flattered.” 风逍强行压住气血翻腾的内腑,冷冷说道:“没想到在下区区一个杀手,竟然惊动了剑神,真是受宠若惊。” Was moved the finger quite to be difficult by Feng Xiao of imposing manner suppression completely, said, has panted, welled up one to the fresh blood pressure of throat forcefully. 被气势完全压制的风逍动下手指都极为困难,说完后已经是气喘吁吁,强行将一口涌到喉咙的鲜血压了下去。 You...... Is this year has tracked my person......” “你……就是这一年来一直跟踪我的人吧……” Sword God has still not spoken, even has not opened including eyes. Nobody knows that he is thinking anything, or is waiting for anything. 剑神依然没有说话,甚至连眼睛都没有睁开。无人知道他在想什么,抑或是在等待什么。 Sword God Ye Huangtian, China four God's heads, the God common man . The life crazy sword, becomes aware the sword, dedicated in Jian, 16 years old then the swordsmanship becomes aware to nobody may and peak. 17 years old make a debut, 17 years old kill the four directions, 17 years old of defeat world does not have the rival, 17 years old become world-famous, the life challenge are innumerable, slaughters innumerably, never has the defeat. 剑神叶皇天,华夏四神之首,神一般的男人。一生痴剑,悟剑,执着于剑,16岁便将剑道悟至无人可及的巅峰。17岁出道,17岁大杀四方,17岁战败天下无敌手,17岁扬名天下,一生挑战无数,杀戮无数,从未有败绩。 13 years ago Ye Huangtian goes to Japan, by one person of strength date slaughter thousand people, extinguished armor to congratulate whole families. The latter alone war Japan ten big experts, kill five people, wounds five people, returns to China safely, has deterred the common people, making the world shiver. Is called „the Dongfang (Eastern) myth and „the person of China closest God. 13年前叶皇天远赴东瀛,以一人之力日屠千人,灭甲贺满门。后独战东瀛十大高手,击毙五人,击伤五人,安然返回华夏,震慑了世人,让世界颤抖。被称作“东方的神话”、“华夏最接近神的人”。 Now 45 -year-old he, the strength is also formidable to any situation, nobody knows. 如今45岁他,实力又强大到了什么地步,无人知道。 But...... 但…… Heroic sad beautiful woman pass/test, even if the fetter of Sword God also inescapable this truth. Twenty years ago, he and Long Wei has fallen in love with then Shadow God Chu Yingying together, loves is individually uncorrectable, but Chu Yingying has finally chosen Long Wei. Ye Huangtian closes up for this reason for one year, after going out , is still persistent, side Chu Yingying that constantly secretly does not protect in marry. In Long Family is attacked, because he has a low opinion of the enemy for a while, killed Chu Yingying just born personally 30 minutes of son's life, has engraved the life-long biggest sin, pain and shame on his heart, induced afterward conquering by killing Japan. 英雄难过美女关,纵然是剑神也无法逃脱这一真理的束缚。二十几年前,他和龙威一起爱上了当时的影神楚颖颖,爱的不可自拔,但最终楚颖颖选择了龙威叶皇天为此闭关一年,出关后依然痴心不改,无时无刻不暗暗守护在已经结婚的楚颖颖身边。然而在一次龙家遇袭中,他因为一时轻敌,亲手断送了楚颖颖刚出生30分钟的儿子的性命,在他心上刻上了终生最大的罪孽、痛苦和耻辱,也诱发了后来的血洗东瀛。 For mistake that to make up for oneself is unable to recall, he gave up the holding a sword world, goes on an expedition the four directions, took on the leader of China tiger group, protected Long Family life-long. 为弥补自己无法挽回的错误,他放弃了仗剑天下,征战四方,担起了华夏虎组的领导者,终生守护龙家 This is all information that Feng Xiao knows about Ye Huangtian. 这是风逍知道的关于叶皇天的一切信息。
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