LA :: Volume #1

#75: Frightening

Dispersed, was safe.” Nalan Yishuo waves, on the face is not happy not sadly. “都散了吧,已经安全了。”纳兰一朔挥一挥手,脸上无喜无悲。 Grandfather, you...... All right?” Asking that Nalan Yihong is worried about. 爷爷,你……没事吧?”纳兰一鸿担心的问道。 Hehe, all right, actually I already expected this result, this can make our Four Great Aristocratic Family not have Blood Emperor Shadow Wind of strength of resisting, he wants to kill anyone, nobody can block.” 呵呵,没事,其实我早就料到这个结果了,这就是能让我们四大世家毫无招架之力的血皇影风啊,他想杀谁,没人拦得住。” Nayue Mountain Village situated in a Jinghua City suburb clear water lakeside, compared with is lonesome and quiet and covert. Under cover of curtain of night, a jet black form is leading the way to Dongfang (Eastern), speed quick astonishment. 纳月山庄位于京华市郊外一个清水湖边,比较幽静和隐蔽。夜幕的掩盖下,一个漆黑的身影向东方前行着,速度快的惊人。 Feng Xiao transferred at will has handed over Flying Feather Blade, slowing the tempo of desirably, the corners of the mouth brought back wipe the ridicule. Inferior does so tracing also want also to overtake my Blood Emperor Shadow Wind? 风逍随意的转了转手中的飞羽刃,刻意的放慢了速度,嘴角勾起一抹讥讽。如此蹩脚的跟踪术也想也追上我血皇影风 Continued one kilometer, Feng Xiao arrived on a soft lawn, suddenly stopped the footsteps. 继续前行了一公里,风逍来到一片软软的草地上,忽然停下了脚步。 Your six, come out, you like eating my buttocks following dust.” Feng Xiao solemnly said. “你们六个,出来吧,还是你们喜欢吃我屁股后面的灰尘。”风逍沉声道 Snort!” “哼!” With one stuffy, six person's shadows brushing appears from the darkness the figure, encircles Feng Xiao all round in the middle. 随着一声闷哼,六个人影“刷”的从黑暗中显出身形来,把风逍团团围在中间。 Six person surface sink like water, even if under the dark curtain of night, can still clear sees the God in their eyes light. Meanwhile, six formidable Inner Qi closely have locked Feng Xiao. 六个人面沉如水,即使在黑暗的夜幕下,依然能清晰的看到他们眼中的神光。同时,六道强大的气机已经紧紧的锁定了风逍 „Are you Blood Emperor Shadow Wind? Mediocre!” First spoke seemed the eldest child of lead, his first few words made Feng Xiao frown greatly. “你就是血皇影风?不过如此!”先说话的似乎是带头的老大,他的第一句话就让风逍大皱眉头。 „Are the people of your tiger group such supercilious? That was really too disappointing.” Feng Xiao sneers, if a moment ago were not he slows the tempo desirably, these six people do not know where was flung. “你们虎组的人都是这么目中无人吗?那真是太令人失望了。”风逍冷笑,刚才如果不是他刻意放慢速度,这六个人已经不知道被甩到了哪里。 Each country, has its most tyrannical mysterious existence, each of them, is the elite in elite, most powerhouse in powerhouse, only the reassignment of Ac­cepts highest officer, only carries out most secret toughest Supreme Level Quest. 每个国家,都有其最强横神秘的存在,他们每个人,都是精英中的精英,强者中的最强者,只接受最高首长的调动,只执行最隐秘难度最高的超级任务 Ancient Martial Tiger Squad, Esper Dragon Squad, Sniper Hawk Squad, Shadow Phoenix Squad, the China four most mystical organizations, they are not restrained any system formidable, was not transferred highest officer outside anybody, their responsibility, protects the country, with the safety of highest officer. They formidable and arrogant, status is aloof, although before almost never exposes the person, but actually nobody dares to suspect that their tyrannical strengths, four groups establish for several hundred years, nobody knows that their true strengths strong, nobody dares to have tiny bit provoking to them. 古武虎组,异能龙组,狙击鹰组,暗影凤组,华夏四个最强大最神秘的组织,他们不受制于任何体系,不受最高首长外的任何人调动,他们的职责,是保护国家,和最高首长的安全。他们强大、高傲、地位超然,虽然几乎从不暴露人前,但却没有人敢怀疑他们强横的实力,四组成立数百年,没有人知道他们真正的实力有多强,更没有人敢对他们有一丝一毫的招惹。 Four organizations are led by four people separately, these four person each people have the strength of shocking everybody, was called the China four Gods. And leader Ye Huangtian of tiger group, is the China four God's heads, is lets the world for the man who it shivers, in the past because of a commitment, shouldered the China tiger group. 四个组织分别由四个人带领,这四个人每个人都有着惊世骇俗的实力,被人称为华夏四神。其中虎组的领导者叶皇天,为华夏四神之首,是个让世界为之颤抖的男人,当年因为一个承诺,担负起了华夏虎组。 But these six people, are the people of China tiger group, everyone, has tyrannical incomparable ancient martial arts. 而这六人,正是华夏虎组的人,每个人,都有着一身强横无比的古武术。 Six people of simultaneously stare, the person of lead smiles haughtily: Shadow Wind, you as if know are very many! Since knows that we are the tiger groups, stops revolting, the little darling and we go back Ac­cepts to punish....... You think naively you alone can cope we.” 六人齐齐一愣,带头的人狂傲一笑:“影风,你似乎知道的挺多啊!既然知道我们是虎组的,就停止反抗,乖乖和我们回去接受发落。还是……你天真的认为你一个人可以对付的了我们。” The China tiger group, each is the elite in elite. These person of supercilious, the status is aloof, never runs into the match who could be a worthy opponent, the ordinary people does not pay attention, this time organized to send six people, has made these members feel to make a fuss over a trifling matter. 华夏虎组,每一个都是精英中的精英。这些人心高气傲,地位超然,从未遇到过可以匹敌的对手,平常人根本不放在眼里,这次组织派了六个人,已经让这些成员觉得小题大做。 In 100 meters distant place the small woods of not too cover, azure clothes middle-aged man shaking the head of gently: These Youngster are all supercilious, is supercilious, from thinking oneself are most peak must exist, should make them suffer setbacks.” 100米远处的一个不太茂密的小树林里,一个青衣中年男子轻轻的摇了摇头:“这些小子们个个心高气傲,目中无人,自觉得自己已经是最顶端得存在,是该让他们受受挫了。” The black clothes middle-aged man at the same time said with a smile: You affirmed that they will lose?” 一边的黑衣中年男子笑道:“你那么肯定他们会输吗?” Azure clothes man nodded slightly. 青衣男子微微点头 They are arrogant, Feng Xiao is the Lord of arrogant soaring to the heavens, his coldly smiled, the contempt of other side and has made him arrive at the bottom to their seal aberrations arrogant. 他们高傲,风逍更是个傲的冲天的主,他冷冷一笑,对方的轻视和傲慢已经让他对他们的印象差到最低点。 Feng Xiao slowly stretches out a finger, makes a movement of disdaining: Depends on you, licks the shoes not to match to me!” 风逍慢慢的伸出一个手指,做出一个不屑的动作:“就凭你们,连给我舔鞋都不配!” Six people of hearing this discolorations. 六人闻言色变。 These usually keep aloof, by Lord who countless people look up, how could to have received the tiny bit insult. 这些平时高高在上,受无数人仰视的主,何曾受过一丝一毫的侮辱。 You must pay the price for your arrogance!” A tiger complexion black resembles of lead just crawled from the coal pile, his right hand has held up his weapon-- long sword, the figure moves, such as ghost has attacked to Feng Xiao, the long sword sways, points to the other side heart. Their Quest, capture alive, can not kill unless it is absolutely essential, but the tiger one moved the real anger, puts out this order completely. “你要为你的狂妄付出代价!”带头的虎一脸色黑的像刚从煤堆里爬出来,他右手已经擎出他的武器——长剑,身形一动,如鬼魅般向风逍攻了过来,长剑挥洒,直指对方心脏。他们的任务,是生擒,不到万不得已不得击毙,可虎一已经动了真怒,完全把这个命令置之脑后。 Other five people of figure have not moved, in their opinion, an eldest child person can solve, simply does not need that they make a move. 其他五人身形未动,在他们看来,老大一个人就可以解决,根本没有他们出手的必要。 the next moment, their expressions turned completely amazed. 下一刻,他们的表情全部变成了惊诧。 Shadow Wind, vanished from original place, tiger Attack falls on the vacancy, in he is in a daze, in his hand sword blade simultaneously of long sword succeeded in giving up five unexpectedly, the fracture is neat, the lengths of five sword edges are astonishing similar, as if undergoes the precision measuring. 影风,从原地消失了,虎一的攻击落在空处,在他发愣间,他手中长剑的剑刃竟齐齐断成了五节,断口整齐无比,五节剑刃的长度更是惊人的相似,仿佛经过精确测量般。 Snort! Overreaches oneself.” “哼!不自量力。” The Shadow Wind sound resounds from five people, five people have turned around panic-strickenly. Standing that Feng Xiao coldly in them behind not far away, ridicule visits them. 影风的声音从五人背后响起,五人惊骇的转过身来。风逍正冷冷的站在他们身后不远处,讥讽的看着他们。 Five people hold breath cold air, surprised uncertain visits him. If other side initiated Attack a moment ago, the opportunity that they maintain life is minimal. 五人都倒吸一口凉气,惊疑不定的看着他。如果刚才对方发起攻击,他们保命的机会微乎其微。 Look, this surmounts the speed of bullet.” The azure clothes man looks that at the same time falls into the surprised black clothes man to say. “看,这就是超越子弹的速度。”青衣男子看着一边陷入惊讶的黑衣男子说道。 Indeed.” black clothes man sigh with emotion saying, is one's turn the speed, perhaps you are not a match.” “的确。”黑衣男子感慨的说道,“轮到速度,或许连你也不是对手。” Good. On the skill, he is far inferior I, by the speed, believes in the world nobody to be able compared with on he. Moreover, I cannot even feel on him flowing of aura, does his speed, what way with stimulate to movement?” The azure clothes man knits the brows to think. “不错。论功力,他远不及我,论速度,相信世界上没有人可以比的上他。而且,我甚至感受不到他身上气息的流动,他的速度,到底是用什么方式催动起来的?”青衣男子皱眉想到。 First do not think these, you did not fear that your Youngster hand/subordinate were given to solve by him?” eyes that black clothes man said with a smile, partly narrows unknowingly projects scary bright light, the condor in sharp wilderness as if. “先别想这些,你就不怕你手下的小子们被他给解决了?”黑衣男子笑眯眯的说道,半眯的眼睛不经意间射出骇人的精光,锐利的仿佛荒漠中的秃鹰。 Has nothing to be worried that he except for Four Great Aristocratic Family, is the damn person who kills.” The azure clothes man said lightly. “没什么可担心的,他除了四大世家,杀的都是该死之人。”青衣男子淡淡说道。 Oh? It seems like you to him are not the general understanding.” ?看来你对他不是一般的了解。” Entire one year. He scheduled murder place I will go each time, I am unable to prevent the homicide person each time, I track him to be thrown off each time, his strength, nobody was clearer than me.” “整整一年了。他每次预定的杀人地点我都会去,每次我都无法阻止他杀人,每次我跟踪他都会被甩掉,他的实力,没有人比我更清楚了。” Can who you so are careful, never has.” “能让你如此上心的人,从未有过。” Looks at his figure, most over 30 years old, so the rare talent, I am unable not to pay attention. Oh, kills him to be easy, captures alive him, is too difficult. This time, really made me feel embarrassed.” Azure clothes man face the color/look of sigh, he got up has pitied heart, but other side touched the bottom line of country, making him fall into being in a dilemma. “看他身形,最多不超过30岁,如此奇才,我无法不去关注。唉,杀他容易,生擒他,太难。这次,真是让我为难了。”青衣男子一脸的叹息之色,他起了怜才之心,只是对方已经触动了国家的底线,让他陷入了两难。 As far as I know, three years ago, from the corrupt official, to the grafty and evil person, Blood Emperor Shadow Wind only kills the extremely wicked person. Why for the past three years specifically aims at southern Four Great Aristocratic Family, is it possible that did these not law-abiding family make what to break his taboo the matter?” “据我所知,三年前,上至贪官,下至奸邪,血皇影风只杀极恶之人。近三年来又为何专门针对南方四大世家,莫非这些不安分的家族做了什么触犯他禁忌的事情?”
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