LA :: Volume #1

#74: The murder is bloodless

Big Brother Feng, you come out.” Feng Xiao just came out from game cabin, heard Xiruo soft sound. 风大哥,你出来啦。”风逍刚从游戏舱出来,就听到了夕若柔柔的声音 Xiruo partly lies down on the sofa, blurred eyes looks to his direction, in the eye is rippling the vague appearance. 夕若半躺在沙发上,迷离的眼睛看向他的方向,眼中荡漾着若有若无的神采。 Once, she thinks that she had not loved the right, even if fell in love to a boy, did not have the slight expectation and courage. However, when this man appears in her side time and time again, gave her to be pleasantly surprised time and time again, has given her fresh hope, has given her the warmth of family/home, that expectation in her heart, made a fresh start germination slowly. 曾经,她以为自己已经没有爱了权利,纵然对一个男孩子一见钟情,却也没有丝毫的奢望和勇气。然而,当这个男子一次一次的出现在她的身边,一次一次的给她惊喜,给了她生的希望,给了她家的温暖,她心中的那份奢望,重新开始慢慢的发芽。 Really is not obedient, moves from the room, does not fear the abrasion body!” “真是不听话,又从房间里移出来,就不怕擦伤身体吗!” In the Yang Xiruo screams, she had been hugged around the middle, gentle back room. Feng Yao static looks most loves Elder Brother and new Sisters that on the face has been hanging smiling, also worry. 杨夕若的惊呼声中,她已经被拦腰抱起,温柔的送回了房间。风瑶静静的看着最爱的哥哥和新的姐妹,脸上一直挂着浅浅的笑,还有一丝的担忧。 Today, was 7 th. 今天,是七号了呢。 The supper time, passes by in warm atmosphere quietly. Feng Xiao gently puts down bowl and soup ladle, in vision that in Yang Xiruo does not abandon, went out of the room. 晚餐时间,在温馨的气氛中悄然过去。风逍轻轻的放下碗和汤勺,在杨夕若不舍的目光中,走出了房间。 Feng Xiao recited backwards from the end both hands, looked up to the starry sky, in the eye is glittering the innumerable complex rays, resembled the recollection, resembled to recall, resembles the pain, resembled the hatred, resembled confusedly, resembled firmly. 风逍倒背双手,仰望星空,眼中闪烁着无数复杂的光芒,似回忆,似缅怀,似痛苦,似仇恨,似迷茫,似坚定。 Each month this time, he will stand in the balcony, looks at the sky the waning moon, until midnight. 每个月的这个时候,他都会站在阳台上,看着天空的残月,直到午夜。 The time passes by quietly, Yang Xiruo went to sleep. Entire simultaneously clothes that Feng Yao is holding several folding, side static arriving Feng Xiao. 时间悄然过去,杨夕若已经睡下。风瑶抱着几件叠的整整齐齐的衣服,静静的走到风逍身边。 Elder Brother, comes back earlier.” 哥哥,早点回来。” Yao'er, should not be worried about me, sooner rests.” Feng Xiao has pinched her small nose gently. 瑶儿,不要担心我,早些睡。”风逍轻轻的捏了捏她的小鼻子。 Un!” Feng Yao smiled faintly, gentle changed clothes for him, finally a mask gentle and careful cover on his face. “嗯!”风瑶浅笑,温柔的为他换下身上的衣服,最后将一个面罩轻柔而细心的罩在他的脸上。 Light kiss of Feng Xiao on the Feng Yao face, the body turned into together the remnant shade, across opening the window, sneaks in the boundless view of night. 风逍风瑶脸上轻吻一下,身体已经化成一道残影,穿过打开的窗户,潜入茫茫夜色中。 Feng Yao returns to the room, static looks that Xiruo I see rest the posture of still pitying gracefully, does not have the slight sleepiness. 风瑶返回房间,静静的看着夕若我见犹怜的优雅睡姿,却没有丝毫睡意。 ...... …… Four months, have been finally one's turn us, do not know that who this time can be.” In the Nalan Yishuo eye flashes through the pain, fear and helplessness. “四个月了,终于又轮到我们了,不知这次会是谁呢。”纳兰一朔眼中闪过痛苦,恐惧和无奈。 The gate was shoved open suddenly, sees Grandfather in the room, Nalan Yihong is still surprised, hurries to: Grandfather, you here, are how quicker leave, what Shadow Wind must kill is the Nayue Mountain Village person, so long as left here, will not have the danger.” 门被忽然推开,看到爷爷还在房间,纳兰一鸿大吃一惊,慌忙冲了进来:“爷爷,你怎么还在这里,快些离开,影风要杀的是纳月山庄的人,只要出了这里,就不会有危险了。” Nayue Mountain Village, Nalan Aristocratic Family in the Jinghua headquarters, Second Brother Nalan Yishuo that being in power artificial present Nalan Aristocratic Family Patriarch Nalan turns over, he has two grandsons: Nalan Yihong, Nalan Yixuan. 纳月山庄,纳兰世家京华的总部,掌权人为现在纳兰世家家主纳兰一归的二弟纳兰一朔,他有两个孙子:纳兰一鸿,纳兰一轩 Nalan Yishuo beckons with the hand, said by tranquil sound: All people have not left, the protection here, how I can leave. Moreover, people who Shadow Wind kills each time will not be the too important character, his goal, wants to make us frightened, making us desperate.” 纳兰一朔摆摆手,以平静的声音说道:“所有的人都没有离开,守护在这里,我又怎么能离开。而且,影风每次杀的人都不会是太重要的人物,他的目的,就是想让我们恐惧,让我们绝望啊。” Where our Four Great Aristocratic Family offended Shadow Wind, must so treat us.” Nalan Yihong clenches jaws. “我们四大世家到底哪里得罪影风了,要如此的对待我们。”纳兰一鸿咬牙切齿。 Does not know, nobody knows.” Shaking the head of Nalan Yishuo pain. Three years, Blood Emperor Shadow Wind will have killed a Four Great Aristocratic Family person every month, moreover time extraordinary fixed-- each month 7 th midnight 11.50. Each time before the motion, he will transmit to hunt and kill the information of goal in a variety of ways, making other side taste completely frightened--, because, no matter how careful, the strict protection, Blood Emperor Shadow Wind has not let slip, always in scheduled place scheduled time accurate carries off HP/Life, the people can notice that be only one is flashing red light Flying Feather. “不知道,没人知道。”纳兰一朔痛苦的摇了摇头。三年了,血皇影风每个月都会杀一个四大世家的人,而且时间出奇的固定——每月7号的午夜11.50分。每次行动之前,他都会以各种方式传递出猎杀目标的信息,让对方尝尽恐惧——因为,不管多么的小心,多严密的守护,血皇影风都从来没有失手过,总是在预定的地点预定的时间准确的带走一条生命,人们所能看到的,只有一把闪着红光的飞羽 Nayue Mountain Village everyone clearly remembered yesterday's scene. 纳月山庄的每个人都清楚的记得昨天的情景。 Was married into Nalan Yiping of Ximen Family clan to send to carry out the secret Quest Liu( Maid Liu) yesterday to run up to Nayue Mountain Village unexpectedly totteringly, said whoever happens to come: Blood Emperor Shadow Wind soon descends Nayue Mountain Village, will carry off one should not existence HP/Life.” 被嫁入西门家族的纳兰一萍派出去执行秘密任务的刘氏(刘保姆)昨日竟跌跌撞撞的跑到了纳月山庄,逢人就说:“血皇影风即将降临纳月山庄,带走一条不该存在的生命。” Regardless of others and she said anything, makes anything to her, her not slightly reaction, but non-stop is repeating the same words, finally, faints finally. After waking up, then completely lost the motion consciousness, turned into a penetrating thorough vegetable. 无论别人和她说什么,对她做什么,她都没有丝毫反应,只是不停的重复着同一句话,最后,终于昏倒在地。醒来后,便完全失去了行动意识,变成了一个彻头彻底的植物人。 Hong'er, several points.” 鸿儿,几点了。” 11 : 30.” “11点半了。” Convenes rapidly also keeps all people in inside the mountain villa, the complete set arrives at the hall, we cannot be scared by the Blood Emperor reputation, cannot sit waiting for death, all people gather the same place, looked how he starts.” Nalan Yishuo stands up, the skeleton exudes the pa pa sound. “迅速召集还留在山庄里的所有人,全部集合到大厅,我们不能被血皇的名声吓破了胆,更不能坐以待毙,所有人聚到一起,看他怎么下手。”纳兰一朔站起身来,骨骼发出的响声。 Yes, Grandfather.” “是,爷爷。” ...... …… In the Nayue Mountain Village hall has been filled with person, actually extraordinary peace, several leads is taking inventory the population intensely. 纳月山庄的大厅里挤满了人,却出奇的安静,几个带头的正紧张的清点着人数。 Second in command, population many, all here.” Jintang main is reporting respectfully. “二当家,人数一个不少,全在这里。”金堂主恭敬的汇报着。 Good! Let all people be ready in full battle array, pays attention all around sound, also, do not disperse.” Nalan Yishuo serious is issuing the order. “好!让所有的人严阵以待,留意好四周的动静,还有,千万不要分散。”纳兰一朔郑重的下达着命令。 Yes, second in command.” The gold/metal, wood, water, fires and earth five owners go into action immediately, complete people strongly to business hall, Nalan Family elite outside, owner, Nalan Yishuo and two Young Master tight encirclements in the middle. “是,二当家。”金、木、水、火、土五堂堂主立即行动起来,把全部人集中到了大厅中央,纳兰家的精英在外,堂主在中,将纳兰一朔和两个少爷紧紧的围在中间。 The hall falls the needle to hear, can only indistinct hears the different frequencies the heartbeats. Time one minute one second of past, the heartbeats of these people were also getting quicker and quicker, shake in sword even firearms the hand of Nalan Family elite also to start to emit the cold sweat. 大厅落针可闻,只能隐约的听到不同频率的心跳声。时间一分一秒的过去,这些人的心跳也越来越快,握着刀剑甚至枪械的纳兰家精英的手上也开始冒出冷汗。 Formidable Nalan Aristocratic Family Jinghua station, actually with more than 200 people of weaponry, with trepidation is guarding against a person, but they do not have any to think slightly the exaggeration or the shame, because of other side, are Blood Emperor Shadow Wind. 强大的纳兰世家京华驻地,却以200多人的阵仗,提心吊胆的提防着一个人,但他们没有任何丝毫觉得夸张或惭愧,因为对方,是血皇影风 The time has aimed at 11.4 19, still does not have any sound, all people slightly relaxed, such weaponry, opportunity that even if Blood Emperor Shadow Wind has not started. 时间已经指向了11.419,依然没有任何的动静,所有人都微微松了一口气,如此的阵仗,即使血皇影风也没有下手的机会吧。 Hehe, I looked that Shadow Wind will not come, our encircles all round in the same place, is ready to be set off, even if he is the deity does not dare to clash rashly.” Jintang Lord laughed, has eased up the tense atmosphere in hall. 呵呵,我看影风不会来了,我们这样团团围在一起,一触即发,就算他是神仙也不敢贸然冲进来。”金堂主哈哈一笑,缓和了大厅里的紧张气氛。 Yes, I also thought so.” Wooden owner also let out a long relaxed breath, suddenly felt that breeze has fluttered from his tip of the nose, tracing nose that he has doubts, strange asking: Eh? Obviously here closes will have much the wind solid? The Jintang Lord, do you have to feel?...... Jintang Lord?...... Jintang Lord?...... Ah---- gold/metal Jintang Lord, Jintang Lord!!” “是啊,我也这么觉得。”木堂主也长长舒了一口气,忽然感觉一丝微风从他鼻尖飘过,他疑惑的摸了摸鼻子,奇怪的问道:“?这里明明关的很严实怎么会有风呢?金堂主,你有没有感觉到?……金堂主?……金堂主?……啊——金金堂主死了,金堂主死了!!” The call of wooden owner just like a thunderclap, shakes silly all people at the scene, only thought backbone flood cold air/Qi-- under halls, silent atmosphere, airtight defense and 200 people of eyelids that shuts tightly silent massacres one to be encircled in middle owner-- this, is the Blood Emperor Shadow Wind terrifying? 木堂主的呼声犹如一个炸雷,将所有人震得傻在当场,只觉得脊梁骨泛起一股股冷气——紧闭的大厅、寂静的氛围、密不透风的防守、200人的眼皮底下无声无息的杀掉一个被围在中间的堂主——这,就是血皇影风的恐怖吗? The wooden owner courage wants to crack, sits falls down, he does not think clearly, before why for several seconds, with the person who spoke, unexpectedly silent death under his nose . Moreover the body could not see a scar and bloodstain. 木堂主肝胆欲裂,一屁股坐倒在地上,他怎么也想不明白,为何几秒前还和自己说话的人,竟就在他眼皮底下无声无息的死了,而且身上看不出一丝的伤痕和血迹。 Eastern Blood Emperor, the murder is bloodless. Can with not keep the blood not to keep the wound of mark who the person died, can be called in the genuine blood the ruler. 东方血皇,杀人无血。能用不留血不留痕的伤口让人死亡的人,才能称得上真正的血中帝皇。
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