LA :: Volume #1

#73: One the war to become famous (Last Part)

Eldest child! Eldest child! Called the eldest child!” “老大!老大!呼叫老大!” Any matter Little Tian.” Feng Xiao has put through the Xiao Tian communication. “什么事小天。”风逍接通了萧天的通讯。 Eldest child, are you really Asura in that ranking?” “老大,你真的就是那个排行榜上的修罗?” Feng Xiao flipped the supercilious look, discontented saying: Person who your I can deceive people greatly? Won't you have to my a little confidence?” 风逍翻了翻白眼,不满的说道:“你老大我是会骗人的人吗?你不会对我这么一点信心都没有吧?” „, I did not confirm.” Xiao Tian explained hastily, suddenly a voice revolution, like taking the stimulant exclaimed: Eldest child, your was too strong, strong is not the person, I have to the heart that you lay prostrate in worship. Later so long as I stand to bellow I am the Asura brothers, it is estimated that a troop young beautiful woman will weep and wail to throw Ah...... Wahahahaha.” “不是不是,我只是确认一下而已。”萧天连忙解释,忽然话音一转,像吃了兴奋剂一样吼道:“老大,你丫的实在太强了,强的不是人啊,我连对你顶礼膜拜的心都有了。以后我只要站出去大吼一声‘我是修罗的兄弟’,估计一大群小美女就会哭着喊着扑上来啊…哇哈哈哈哈。” Feng Xiao crazy corona: I have no free time to listen to you to flatter here, said quickly has any matter.” 风逍狂晕:“我没空听你在这里拍马屁,快说有什么事情。” Xiao Tian as if has not heard Feng Xiao is impatient , to continue to exclaim: Eldest child, you goes to forum to have a look quickly, there is broadcasting your to select hundred people of video recording everywhere . Moreover the entire forum quick was insane, almost all posts were saying you. Small MM have also covered one ‚the Asura fans building, less than one hour has several million people of replies . Moreover the majority is small MM......” 萧天仿佛没听到风逍的不耐烦,继续吼道:“老大,你快去论坛看看啊,那里到处都在播放你一人挑百人的录像,而且整个论坛都快疯了,几乎所有的帖子都在说你啊。有一个小MM还盖了一个‘修罗粉丝楼’,才不到一小时就有几千万人跟帖啊,而且大部分是小MM……” Feng Xiao "Pa" has hung up the telephone. 风逍“啪”的挂断了电话。 Bored ~ “无聊~” Feng Xiao will never care how others want how to see, he only as one desires handles the matter that oneself want to handle. 风逍从来不会去关心别人怎么想怎么看,他只随心做自己想做的事情。 Elder Brother......” this time is the Feng Yao sound. 哥哥……”这次是风瑶的声音。 Quite fierce!” Feng Yao has only given the Elder Brother three characters. “好厉害!”风瑶只给了哥哥三个字。 Feng Xiao Hehe laughs foolishly, he most likes, obtains the praise of Younger Sister. 风逍嘿嘿傻笑,他最喜欢的,就是得到妹妹的夸奖。 Following three hours, in cutting of keeping killed with Xiao Tian has in bombing that the matter was all right to pass. 接下来的三个小时,就在不停的斩杀和萧天有事没事的轰炸中度过。 Meanwhile...... Remote state. 于此同时……遥远的国度。 United States country. 美利国。 A blonde hair man decides is staring at the present video recording, the eyebrow that wrinkles had not stretched. 一个金发男子定定的盯着眼前的录像,皱起的眉毛一直没有舒展过。 The gate was shoved open, a middle-aged man walked, looks at the son dedicated expression, shakes the head. 门被推开,一个中年男子走了进来,看着儿子专注的表情,不禁摇头。 William, so was long, but also is studying that video?” 威廉,都这么久了,还在研究那个视频吗?” blonde hair man squint, said slightly: I have no way not to pay attention to him, person duel hundred people, before placing, I do not believe that but now, this is the fact.” 金发男子微微斜眼,说道:“我没法不去关注他,一个人单挑百人,放在以前,我绝不相信,可现在,这是事实。” „The China country is a mysterious state, at the beginning of the game had a fierce character, is indeed shocking. However William, your attention should not place here, didn't you receive Profession Change Hidden Profession Hidden Quest recently? I believe quickly, you can also reach his level, even, surpasses him.” 华夏国是一个神秘的国度,游戏初期就出了一个如此厉害的人物,的确让人震惊。但是威廉,你的注意力不应该放在这里,你最近不是接到一个转职隐藏职业隐藏任务吗?我相信很快,你也可以达到他那种水平,甚至,超过他。” The blonde hair man ponders a meeting, has switched off the video. 金发男子沉思一会,关掉了视频。 Right, cannot indulge in other people's great strength. I should also try hard, before 50 levels, I can certainly step on him in the sole!” “没错,不可以沉溺于他人的强大。我也该努力了,50级之前,我一定可以把他踩在脚底!” Japanese island country (Japan). 东瀛岛国。 Eight! You have not looked up slightly the information about that Chinese unexpectedly, is really one crowd of waste, the rice bucket!” Keeps the middle-aged person of small beard to fly into a rage, pointed on one crowd of black clothes faces that the nose was scolding to reveal the fear by him the expression, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe heavily. “八嘎!你们居然还没有查到丝毫关于那个华夏人的信息,真是一群废物,饭桶!”一个留着小胡子的中年人正在大发雷霆,被他指着鼻子骂的一群黑衣人脸上露出害怕的表情,大气都不敢喘。 Such fierce character, must be our Japan empire can have! Must find to me, then lets him for our great Emperor potencies. Otherwise, sent the killer to go to me to destroy him!” “这么厉害的人物,必须是我们东瀛帝国才能拥有的!一定要给我找到,然后让他为我们伟大的天皇效力。否则,就派杀手去给我毁了他!” Your mute!? Who can tell me the material of person.” “你们都哑巴了!?谁能告诉我那个人的资料。” A black clothes man has stood gingerly, said carefully: „The privacy system of game is unable to explain . Moreover, we arranged the person in China country's saying that Asura mysteriously appeared and disappeared, usually nobody can discover his whereabouts......” 一个黑衣男子战战兢兢的站了出来,小心说道:“游戏的保密系统根本无法破解,而且,我们安排在华夏国的人说那个修罗神出鬼没,平时根本没人能发现他的行踪……” Eight! My not requirement excuse!” Middle-aged person crack cursed gets up finally. “八嘎!我不需要借口!”中年人终于破口大骂起来。 Gives you again 15 days, if could not have checked that person of material you forever not to come back!” “再给你们15天的时间,如果还查不到那人的资料你们就永远别回来了!” Another room, Tokugawa Ichifusa unemotionally looks at the present video, long time, the corners of the mouth bring back wipe indifferently, thought aloud: Is very good, has not thought that the China country also presented and Blood Sakura equally formidable Character Long Wei unexpectedly, do not lose is too pitiful!” 另一个房间,德川一藤面无表情的看着眼前的视频,良久,嘴角勾起一抹淡然,自言自语道:“很好,没想到华夏国居然也出现了和血樱一样强大的人物——龙威,可别输的太凄惨!” United Kingdom country. 英吉国。 Hehe, he simply is a superhuman.” 呵呵,他简直是超人。” No, does not have any extraordinary, gives me the time, I can also achieve.” “不,没什么了不起,给我时间,我也可以做到。” Your ability, I have not suspected.” “你的能力,我从来没怀疑过。” France country. 法兰国。 Your how long can surpass him.” “你多久可以超过他。” One month, are most.” “一个月,最多。” Good, requirement anything you open the mouth freely, our France government can provide all for you, so long as you can defeat all people.” “好,需要什么你尽管开口,我们法兰政府可以为你提供一切,只要你能打败所有人。” Will not disappoint you.” “不会让你失望。” Korean country. 高丽国。 Appears briefly, does not need to pay attention.” “昙花一现而已,不用过于关注。” I also think.” “我也这么认为。” The Korean never thought oneself are very extremely arrogant. 高丽人从来不觉得自己很狂妄。 ...... …… The gloomy corner, a jet black diminutive form had discovered a video, after examining carefully, the corners of the mouth float off intense disdaining. 阴暗的角落,一个漆黑的矮小身影无意间发现了一个视频,细细看完后,嘴角浮起一丝强烈的不屑。 Xuanyuan Sword, mediocre.” 轩辕剑,不过如此。” At noon, Feng Xiao returns to the city with Xiruo and Feng Yao offline has the lunch together. Before, had the nutrition normal issue of game warehouse, simply has not had the lunch the necessity. At home were presently many Xiruo this member, her body must recuperate well. 中午时分,风逍回城和夕若风瑶一起下线吃午饭。以前,有了游戏仓的营养自动补给,根本没有吃午饭的必要。现在家里多了夕若这个成员,她的身体必须好好调养。 In the game is Yang Xiruo is happiest, because of there her can free running, be able to see the colorful flowers and plants, can see her Big Brother Feng. 在游戏里是杨夕若最开心的时候,因为那里她可以自由的奔跑,可以看见五颜六色的花草,可以看见她的风大哥 1 : 00 pm, Feng Xiao reappears to play, the first matter, fills from tomb three big pile of equipment of plundering the morning to Lunatic. 下午1点,风逍重新出现在游戏中,第一件事,就是把上午从墓地三层搜刮的大堆装备塞给疯子 Those who made his accident/surprise was, this Lunatic looked at his several eyes unexpectedly. 令他意外的是,这次疯子居然多看了他几眼。 Un, thinks Young Master my today's performance very overwhelming power?” Feng Xiao self-satisfied saying. “嗯,是不是觉得少爷我今天的表现很威猛?”风逍得意的说道。 Lunatic looked that is disinclined to visit him, coldly said: Does not have the interest.” 疯子看都懒得看他,冷冷说道:“没兴趣。” Did not have the interest you just to peep I to do!” “没兴趣你刚偷看我干嘛!” I am estimating your Asura Illusion to sell how much money.” “我在估量你的修罗幻能卖多少钱。” „......” “……” Really is insensitive. Ok, disagreement Lunatic lowers oneself to the same level.” “真是不解风情。算了,不和疯子一般见识。” Before practicing the level, he has not forgotten to go home to have a look at oneself Little Darling. Sexually harasses Shui Rourou, has become the Feng Xiao daily required course. 练级之前,他没忘记回家看看自己的小乖乖。调戏水柔柔,已经成了风逍每天的必修课。 Repairs...... Repairing...... Asura!!” Feng Xiao that flashy does not have the actor of natural justice to fight after the morning is well-known, a young female student unknowingly saw just Feng Xiao that walks from Feng House, immediately with seeing mountain of gold called uncontrolled, simultaneously two eyes turned into the core completely. “修……修……修罗!!”风逍的那身拉风的没天理的行头经上午一战已经是人人皆知,一个小女生不经意看到了刚从风楼里走出来的风逍,立即跟看到金山似的不受控制的叫了出来,同时两只眼睛完全变成了心型。 Feng Xiao helpless curling the lip, Infinite Space Gate returned to Death God Tomb three , to continue to kill the four directions greatly. 风逍无奈的撇撇嘴,一个“无限空间门”返回了死神墓地三层,继续大杀四方。 After one -and-a-half hours,...... 一个半小时后…… Ding, congratulates the Player Wind Spirit promoted to 23 levels......” “叮,恭喜玩家风魂升为23级……” Ding, your Pet Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin promoted to Level 19......” “叮,你的宠物幽冥五行圣麒麟升为19级……” After four hours,...... 四个小时后…… Along with resounding of system prompt sound, 38 levels of silver BOSS Undead Chief Knight pour under Absolute Time Domain and Dragon Flame Cleaving. 随着系统提示音的响起,一个38级的白银BOSS死灵盾卫队长倒在绝对时间领域龙炎斩下。 Ding, your today's game time already over eight hours, please offline in one hour, will otherwise be withdrawn by the system forcefully.” “叮,你今天的游戏时间已经超过八小时,请在一小时内下线,否则将被系统强行退出。” Ding, your Pet Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin promoted to Level 20......” “叮,你的宠物幽冥五行圣麒麟升为20级……” Ding, your Pet request is separated from contract space to evolve, permits?” “叮,你的宠物请求脱离‘契约空间’进行进化,是否允许?” What? Evolution?” “什么?进化?” If the first evolution is Luck, is sparks hits Earth, then the second evolution can only to describe with not be possible the understanding. 如果说第一次进化是幸运,是火星撞地球,那么第二次进化就只能用不可理解来形容了。 Because Xiao Xiao (little) this goods have not hit Monster from the start, has withdrawn inside the Feng Xiao body sleeps eats Experience. 因为小小这货压根就没打过一只怪物,一直都是龟缩在风逍身体里边睡大觉边吃经验 Feng Xiao displays Space Gate to return to own room rapidly, has emitted Xiao Xiao (little). 风逍迅速施展空间门返回自己的房间,放出了小小 Xiao Xiao (little) evolution and first time completely same, the body grows up in the white ray slowly, after and returns to the primitive 0 levels of primitive shapes, grows to the Level 20 condition once more. 小小的进化过程和第一次完全相同,身体在白色的光芒中慢慢长大,并重新回归原始0级的原始形态后,再次成长到20级的状态。 Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin: Seven levels of Pet, 0 levels. Attributes: HP/Life 200, Magic/MP 300, Attack 100, Magic Attack 150, Defense 100. 幽冥五行圣麒麟:七级宠物,0级。属性:生命200,魔法300,攻击100,魔攻150,防御100。 Level 20 Attributes: 20级属性: Netherworld Five Elements Saint Qilin: Seven levels of Pet, Level 20. Attributes: HP/Life 600, Magic/MP 900, Attack 300, Magic Attack 450, Defense 300. 幽冥五行圣麒麟:七级宠物,20级属性:生命600,魔法900,攻击300,魔攻450,防御300。 Xiao Xiao (little) Attributes after evolution turned one time once more, moreover grew little, arrives at the leg of Feng Xiao to be curved reluctantly. 进化后的小小属性再次翻了一倍,而且个头也长了一点点,勉强到风逍的腿弯。 Is the strength of Qilin is awakening slowly?” Feng Xiao pinches the chin to ponder. “难道是麒麟之力在慢慢觉醒?”风逍捏着下巴思考起来。
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