LA :: Volume #1

#72: One the war to become famous (First Part)

Receives Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family Patriarch to make Little Brother, how attractive idea. 轩辕世家家主小弟,多么诱人的想法啊。 cough cough.” Feng Xiao settles the throat clear, saying of righteousness words: I, although fierce incomparable, unparalleled in the world, but I am quite always low-key, moreover likes acting alone, will therefore not receive Little Brother.” 咳咳。”风逍清了清嗓子,义正言辞的说道:“我这个人虽然勇猛无匹,天下无双,但我这个人一向比较低调,而且喜欢独行,所以不会收小弟的。” Yang Xiruo is speechless, did this also call low key? In the city a person selects the Demon Wolf Gang hundred people, it is estimated that the entire world can know. 杨夕若无语,这还叫低调?城市中一人挑魔狼帮百人,估计全世界都会知道了吧。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan shows the disappointed expression, but the face color/look on worship is stronger. Fierce, arrogant, acts alone, this is the genuine chivalrous person. Idol, idol! 枫叶狂澜露出失望的表情,不过脸上的崇拜之色更加浓烈。勇猛,孤傲,独行,这才是真正的大侠啊。偶像,偶像啊! „......” “不过……” What?” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan as if saw the hope. “不过什么?”枫叶狂澜似乎看到了希望。 I admire your courage, thanked you to rescue my family/home Xiruo, therefore, if after you, bumps into matter that anything could not solve, can ask me to help, perhaps I can help on.” Feng Xiao said with a slight smile. “不过我佩服你的勇气,更感谢你救了我家夕若,所以,如果你以后碰到了什么解决不了的事情,可以找我帮忙,或许我可以帮的上。”风逍微笑着说道 Un! Thanks Aunt Big Brother.” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan chuckled, obtains the matter that a strong person's commitment is asks unable to strive, does not attend to Yang Xiruo changes the red tender face, shouted after Aunt Big Brother said goodbye, ran to look for Elder Brother to practice the level. “嗯!谢谢大哥大嫂。”枫叶狂澜嘿嘿一笑,得到一个强人的承诺是求都求不来的事情,不顾杨夕若变红的娇颜,又喊了一句“大哥大嫂再见”后,就跑去找哥哥练级去了。 Asura, has become his yearning and goal. 修罗,成了他的向往和目标。 Feng Xiao is a little speechless, this Youngster really does not have the brain, unexpectedly did not ask how can find him. 风逍有点无语,这小子果然没大脑,居然也不问怎么才能找到他。 Feng Xiao the stir that first time assumes an awe-inspiring pose to cause surpasses his imagination, in the meantime, almost all people have thought of a name: Asura. 风逍的第一次发威造成的轰动远超他的想象,同时,几乎所有人都从中想到了一个名字:修罗 The most direct reason, is his these formidable and nobody has seen Skills, making them think in this Rebirth ranking naturally only Hidden Profession. 最直接的理由,是他那些强大而又无人见过的技能,让他们理所当然的想到了这个轮回排行榜上唯一的隐藏职业 Xiruo, this is I in " Rebirth » family/home, is very magnificent.” Feng Xiao is somewhat small self-satisfied saying. 夕若,这就是我在《轮回》的家,很壮观吧。”风逍有些小得意的说道。 Wa...... Really too......” the Yang Xiruo expression and Feng Xiao first time saw when the expression is exactly the same, opens the big or small mouth unable to speak. 哇……真是太……”杨夕若的表情和风逍第一次看到时的表情如出一辙,张大小嘴说不出话来。 Walks, we go.” Passing through the gate time, he has set to Yang Xiruo the Feng House jurisdiction for may come and go out freely. “走,我们进去。”进门的时候,他已经把风楼的权限对杨夕若设为可自由出入。 Shui Rourou induces to Young Master must come back, immediately comes out to greet, saw that was being pulled the girl of small hand by Feng Xiao, on the face of Rourou (soft) one gloomy, feels relaxed immediately, looks at Feng Xiao to say secretly: Young Master, you came back.” 水柔柔感应到少爷要回来,马上出来迎接,看到被风逍牵着小手的女孩,柔柔的脸上一黯,又马上释然,偷偷看着风逍说道:“少爷,你回来了。” Un. Rourou (soft), this is I to Elder Sister that you look, later she can accompany you frequently.” “嗯。柔柔,这是我给你找的姐姐,以后她可以经常陪你。” Although over 99% Player in open country, but has had to meet the troublesome possibility in Heavenly Dragon Plaza Yang Xiruo, her charm, is she biggest source of trouble. 虽然99%以上的玩家都在野外,但一直在天龙广场杨夕若还是有遇到麻烦的可能,她的魅力,就是她最大的祸源。 Your good this Elder Sister, you to be quite attractive, and Princess is equally attractive. Ah...... I called Shui Rourou, was the Young Master maidservant.” “你好这位姐姐,你好漂亮啊,和公主一样漂亮。啊……我叫水柔柔,是少爷的侍女。” The gentle sound has caused the Xiruo favorable impression and loving tenderly, her lightly smiled, grabs the hand of Rourou (soft) and she talks. 轻柔的声音引起了夕若的好感和怜爱,她轻轻一笑,抓着柔柔的手和她交谈起来。 Quick, their exchanges no longer restrict, two similarly delicate girls, have too many common languages, that big flower garden of Feng House backyard, gradual became two girls' paradises. 很快的,她们的交流就不再拘束,两个同样柔弱的女孩,有着太多的共同语言,风楼后院的那一大片花圃,逐渐的成为了两个女孩的乐园。 Looks girl who two kid around happily, Feng Xiao has felt the feeling of satisfaction at heart, his loud shouting: Xiruo, Rourou (soft), I walked first.” 看着两个开心嬉闹的女孩,风逍心里充满了满足感,他大声的喊道:“夕若,柔柔,我先走了。” Two girls immediately stopped playing noisily, ran up to front of Feng Xiao. 两个女孩立即停止了玩闹,跑到了风逍面前。 Young Master, remembers that comes back to look at Rourou (soft).” This was Rourou (soft) first time is so bold, said, face one red, ran off unexpectedly. 少爷,记得多回来看柔柔。”这是柔柔第一次这么大胆,说完后脸一红,竟跑开了。 Big Brother Feng, you really will damage the girl.” Yang Xiruo said with a smile. 风大哥,你真是会祸害女孩子。”杨夕若浅浅笑道。 Right?” Feng Xiao touches own face, suddenly saying of face hope: „Does that have to damage you?” “是吗?”风逍摸了摸自己的脸,忽然一脸期盼的说道:“那有没有祸害到你?” Ah---- the Yang Xiruo face becomes is suddenly redder than Rourou (soft), after long time/half of the day, blushes to run off. 啊——杨夕若脸忽然变得比柔柔还红,半天后才红着脸跑开。 Feng Xiao smiled, brings some to return to Death God Tomb reluctant to part. 风逍会心一笑,带着些恋恋不舍返回了死神墓地 The Feng House back garden, two did not have the constrained girl again thorough opened the heart, was relating the heart small secret mutually. 风楼的后花园,两个再也没有了拘束的女孩彻底的敞开了心扉,互相诉说着心底的小秘密。 „...... Elder Sister Xiruo, Young Master...... Has to bully you?” “……夕若姐姐,少爷……有没有欺负过你?” Bullies?” On Yang Xiruo face flood sunset glow, sound low saying: Un...... Has bullied, yesterday...... I who he also pinches quite hurt......” “欺负?”杨夕若脸上泛起红霞,声音低低的说道:“嗯……欺负过,昨天……他还捏的我好疼……” If these words had listened to by Feng Xiao, it is estimated that a death of killing had. 如果这句话被风逍听过,估计一头撞死的死都有了。 Precisely...... Young Master is so bad, Elder Sister Xiruo is also attractive, certainly will be bullied by Young Master......” “就是嘛……少爷那么坏,夕若姐姐又漂亮,一定会被少爷欺负的……” Is Ah...... He that bad, good......” the Yang Xiruo look did not have the focal distance gradually. “是啊……他是那么的坏,又是那么的好……”杨夕若的眼神逐渐没有了焦距。 Death God Tomb three, god of plague Feng Xiao once more descends, Undead Knight and Mage greeting did not hit to throw immediately. 死神墓地三层,瘟神风逍再次降临,死灵盾卫魔法师立即招呼不打就扑了上来。 Oh, your this group of people are Monster, except for looking like person other is the pigs. If you to learn deploy troops and form lines unite Attack in addition, sends 30 to be able casually direct travelling that I hit.” Feng Xiao sighed, while bored killed these not to approach not to attack Monster that in the meantime, is thinking deeply about today's first PK slowly. “唉,你们这群人系怪物,除了长的像人其他都是猪。你们要是学会排兵布阵加上联合攻击,随便派出来30个就能把我打的直接跑路。”风逍一边感叹,一边无聊的砍杀着这些不靠近就不攻来的怪物,同时,也慢慢的思索着今天的第一次PK。 The conclusion that draws is: Oneself is too weak. 得出的结论是:自己是还是太弱了。 About 100 Level 16 people, almost compelled me to put forth all Skills, formidable life force and formidable resiliency of Asura that great power if not for the Asura Illusion in addition held, I estimated that died several.” “100个16级左右的人,几乎逼我使出了所有的技能,而且若不是修罗幻加持的强大生命力修罗回天的强大恢复力,我估计都已经死了好几遍了。” also Attack range! Ice Splitting Slash copes with Monster that this crowd attacks silly is very crisp, to the person of long brain, once disperses is hard to play Area of Effects Effect. If I can achieve Xuanyuan Exterminating Form Dead Soul Annihilation that Wan'er said a sword broken ten thousand people of boundary......” 还有攻击范围!冰破斩对付这群傻攻的怪物都是很爽,对长脑子的人来说,一旦分散就难以起到群攻效果。如果我可以达到婉儿所说的轩辕灭式——亡魂寂灭一剑破万人的境界……” What is most important is Defense, although Vitality is extremely high, is the whole body silver equipment, but these Level 16 Warrior can break my Defense, those who made one have a headache was these Mage.” “最重要的还是防御,虽然体力极高,又是全身白银装备,但这些16级战士还是能破我防御,更令人头疼的是那些魔法师。” Ok, does not think that practices the level diligently, must sooner untie the Xuanyuan seal!” “算了,不想了,努力练级,一定要早些解开轩辕的封印!” Even if became anomaly that everybody dreads, Feng Xiao is dissatisfied. Or he will not always have satisfies, every time arrives at a goal, he will continue to try hard to seek for a higher goal. 即使已经成为人人畏惧的变态,风逍也还是不满足。或者说,他从来都不会有满足的时候,每到达一个目标,他都会继续努力寻找更高的目标。 Heavenly Dragon Continent each corner...... 天龙大陆的各个角落…… Mei Yu looks at facial expression silent Hentian, the chuckle asking: Hentian, this person, how compares with you.” 魅雨看着神情默然的恨天,轻笑着问道:“恨天,这个人,和你比起来如何。” Hentian is silent, long time, said: Defense, he is inferior to me \; On Attack, I am inferior to him \; On Evasion, I am inferior to him \; On movement reaction, we are the same, must hit, I do not have the odds of success, but, is only temporary.” 恨天沉默,良久后才说道:“论防御,他不如我\;论攻击,我不如他\;论回避,我远不如他\;论身法反应,我们半斤八两,真要打起来,我没有胜算,但,只是暂时。” Mei Yu covers mouth to smile suddenly: Hentian, saw you one time to speak these many words rarely, it seems like that this assuming an awe-inspiring pose Asura to your touching very big Oh.” 魅雨忽然捂着嘴笑了起来:“恨天,难得见你一次说这么多话,看来这个发威的修罗对你的触动很大。” Woman, shut up!” “女人,闭嘴!” Oh, becomes angry out of shame, this also very rare Oh.” A Mei Yu not fear expression. ,恼羞成怒啊,这也很少见。”魅雨没有一丝害怕的表情。 Snort.” Hentian coldly snorted, no longer spoke. “哼。”恨天冷哼一声,不再说话。 Deeply does not see the bottom HP/Life, powerful incomparable Attack, rapid such as the movement of wind, gorgeous formidable Skills, Rule the World imposing manner...... Asura.” Hand of God was talking over silently. “深不见底的生命,强悍无匹的攻击,迅疾如风的身法,绚丽强大的技能,君临天下的气势……修罗。”上帝之手默默念叨着。 „Who can be?” “会是什么人呢?” Is a fearful person, I really do not understand how he achieves! The same game, same going all out practices the level, moreover our also strongest team, our disparities so will be why big!” The Hand of Doomsday sound is tranquil, but inside is hiding the intense unwillingness. “是个可怕的人,我真是不明白他是怎么做到的!一样的游戏,一样的拼命练级,而且我们还有最强的团队,为什么我们的差距会这么大!”末日之手声音平静,但里面隐藏着强烈的不甘。 My Attack leaves Critical Attack to be able thousand, but he leaves Critical Attack directly unexpectedly over ten thousand, he Level 22! Attack broken ten thousand that is the situation that Level 50 may have. If possible I want to catch to interrogate the interrogation him really well.” “我的攻击暴击才能过千,而他出暴击居然直接上万,他才22级啊!攻击破万那可是50级才有可能出现的情况。如果可以的话我真想把他抓来好好盘问盘问。” Does not use that excitedly, although he formidable, but is not without a peer, Attack strong, but Defense is not odd, several levels of Warrior can break his Defense. Moreover, in the video recording can see that he once had in the fight two stops Attack, one time is the Demon Wolf Gang person confronts, one time is fully Dodge, if I had not guessed, he perhaps in Recovery HP/Life. Otherwise, Asura not in Demon Wolf Gang altogether eliminated in he 20,000 many HP/Life processes to take nine times medicines also to be able not dead. Over 20,000 HP/Life, do you possibly think?” Hand of God eyes flashed a bright glint. “不用那么激动,他虽然强大但并不是不可匹敌,攻击超强,但防御不算离谱,十几级的战士都可以破他防御。而且,在录像里可以看到他在战斗中曾经有两次停止攻击,一次是和魔狼帮的人对峙,一次则是全力闪避,如果我没有猜测,他或许是在回复生命。否则,修罗也不会在魔狼帮一共消灭了他20000多的生命的过程中才吃九次药还能不死。超过20000的生命,你认为可能吗?”上帝之手眼中精光一闪 He can the duel 100 people, actually absolutely not be 200 people of matches, do not say over a thousand people, over ten thousand people.” “他可以单挑100人,却绝对不会是200人的对手,更不要说上千人,上万人。” And...... If makes me direct this fight, victory and defeat also in unknown.” “而且……如果让我来指挥这场战斗,胜负还在未知。” Therefore, is only his words, is not fearful.” “所以,只是他一个人的话,不可怕。” Asura formidable to very big shock that major Guild create, strengthened sought for the Hidden Profession faith. But the Demon Wolf Gang fame suffers a disastrous decline, degenerates into the stepping-stone that Asura to become famous thoroughly. Demon wolf- crazy is being more dead than alive day of air/Qi, is unable to co-exist with Asura. 修罗的强大给各大帮派造成的很大的震撼,也更加坚定了寻找隐藏职业的信念。而魔狼帮的名气一落千丈,彻底沦为修罗扬名的踏脚石。魔狼—狂更是气的一佛出世二佛升天,跟修罗誓不两立。
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