LA :: Volume #1

#70: Asura's Prestige (Last Part)

„The sixth child, contacts with Eldest Young Master and Second Brother quickly, making them send some brothers to come.” In the demon wolf No. 5 voice shivers completely, more than 20 individual one time has destroyed completely other side 1000 many HP/Life, but those who make him shock is other side has not hung unexpectedly. He also indistinctly thought that Demon Wolf Gang as if bumps into the sheet iron today. “老六,快联系大少爷和二哥,让他们多派些兄弟过来。”魔狼五号声音里满是颤抖,20多个人一次才灭掉了对方1000多的生命,而更让他震惊的是对方居然没挂。他也隐约觉得魔狼帮今天似乎碰上铁板了。 Revolving Xuanyuan departs, the second has killed two Mage and Archer, turns the body to evade several fireball techniques, catches Xuanyuan that flies back, immediately one Ice Splitting Slash second kills several to surround his Knight. 旋转的轩辕飞出,秒杀了两个魔法师和一个弓箭手,扭身躲过几个火球术,接住飞回的轩辕,立即一个冰破斩秒杀几个想来围堵他的盾卫 Feng Xiao starts to wield a sword recklessly, the elegant black form batters in the Demon Wolf Gang crowd like ghost, each Attack will carry off one or one crowd of HP/Life, the ding ding dang dang Item falling sound has not even stopped. After one minute, more than 40 people of Demon Wolf Gang only remaining were less than ten people, each one both legs tremble, shrink are not daring to go forward. In the demon wolf 5 th eye quickly spouts the fire, innumerable wants to rush, then innumerable by other side intrepidly frightens does not dare to go forward. 风逍开始肆意挥剑,飘逸的黑色身影如鬼魅般在魔狼帮人群中横冲直撞,每一次攻击都会带走一个或一群的生命,叮叮当当物品掉落声甚至没有停止过。一分钟后,原本40多人魔狼帮只剩下了不到十人,个个双腿打颤,畏缩着不敢上前。魔狼五号眼里都快喷出火来,无数次想冲上去,然后又无数次的被对方的强悍吓的不敢上前。 Crowd shocked being unable to restrain oneself that waits and sees, going all out cheers, several at heart quality strong points started to shiver both hands to turn on the camera. Maple Leaf Kuang Lan two shine, wishing one could of worship runs to hold his thigh. Yang Xiruo both hands grip tightly to look that this protects itself his man, the happiness in eye as if must melt. 观望的人群都被震撼的不能自已,拼命的欢呼起来,几个心里素质强点的已经开始颤抖着双手打开摄像机。枫叶狂澜两眼放光,崇拜的恨不得跑上去抱着他的大腿。杨夕若双手紧握看着这个保护他的男人,眼里的幸福仿佛要把自己融化。 Maple Leaf Lan Xing was soon happy, the small mouth of laughter had not closed, reveals two lovable small canine teeth. She changed the mind, if held this man, but also feared that doesn't have the gold coin?! 枫叶蓝星快要开心死了,嬉笑的小嘴一直没合上,露出两个可爱的小虎牙。她已经改变主意了,如果抓住了这个男人,还怕没金币吗?! Feng Xiao HP/Life also remaining more than 3000, he also no longer continues Attack, but is uses Asura great power Recovery slowly HP/Life, confronts with the Demon Wolf Gang person. 风逍生命还剩下3000多,他也不再继续攻击,而是使用修罗回天慢慢的回复生命,和魔狼帮的人对峙起来。 Get out of the way, get out of the way!” Disorderly footsteps sound, the crowd by crude pushing a channel, the demon wolf was brought a troop person to kill on the 3rd, the population has over a hundred people fully. His Level dropped Level 16 from Level 17, wishes one could to dismember a body Feng Xiao at heart, after resurrecting, immediately called all nearby help/gang numerous to clash. “闪开,都闪开!”杂乱的脚步声响起,人群被粗暴的挤开一条通道,魔狼三号带着一大群人重新杀了回来,人数足有上百人。他的等级已经从17级下降到了16级,心里恨不得把风逍大卸八块,复活之后立即召集所有附近的帮众冲了过来。 What a pity he has not seen Feng Xiao person of enemy dozens people of scenes, otherwise, he so will not be perhaps rash. 可惜他没有看到风逍一人敌数十人的情景,否则,或许他就不会这么莽撞。 Saw several people that uninjured Feng Xiao and only remains, demon wolf 3rd stares, at once bellows: Gives on me, has chopped him!” 看到毫发无伤风逍和自己这边仅剩的几人,魔狼三号一愣,旋即大吼:“都给我上,砍了他!” This Big Brother, I help you!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan sees the other side population to be too many, brandished Magic Staff to clash. “这位大哥,我来帮你!”枫叶狂澜对方人数太多,也挥舞着法杖冲了出来。 Feng Xiao drives back him, said: Thanks, but does not use, I cope.” He seemed to this very young man has had the favorable impression, when can in facing far formidable to be also willing to stand to help itself in own enemy, was feels emotion the person of righteousness. 风逍一手将他推回,说道:“谢谢,不过不用,我对付的了。”他对这个看上去很年轻的男子产生了好感,能在面临远强大于自己的敌人时还肯站出来帮助自己,是个有情有义的人。 Although before him, wants to be somewhat rash with the behavior of Demon Wolf Gang resistance, but this is also he young fearless and warm-blooded performance. 虽然他之前想要和魔狼帮对抗的行为有些莽撞,不过这也正是他年轻无畏与热血的表现。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan looks at this big incomparable man, regardless of imposing manner, ability and arrogance by far. He has drawn the Yang Xiruo clothes gently: Elder Sister Xiruo, who is this person?” 枫叶狂澜的怔怔的看着这个高大无比的男人,无论气势、能力、傲气都远胜自己。他轻轻的拉了拉杨夕若的衣服:“夕若姐姐,这个人是谁啊?” Is I...... Big Brother.” “是我……大哥。” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan is speechless, Elder Sister Xiruo is Elder Brother that Yang Aotian of no one not bird? 枫叶狂澜无语,夕若姐姐哥哥不是那个谁都不鸟的杨傲天么? Before Warrior and Knight were calling flushed, the Assassin of high velocity and high jump strength went round and round in the surrounding, looks for the opportunity of fatal striking. Meanwhile, the innumerable arrows and Magic/MP raid to him like the hail of bullets. 战士盾卫嗷嗷叫着前冲,高速度和高跳跃力的刺客则在外围绕来绕去,寻找致命一击的机会。同时,无数的弓箭和魔法如枪林弹雨般向他袭来。 Even if Feng Xiao HP/Life all completely not necessarily deals with now such Attack, he deeply inspired, coldly smiled. 即使风逍现在生命全满也不一定应付的了如此的攻击,他深吸一口气,冷冷一笑 Absolute Time Domain!” 绝对时间领域!” The world falls into tranquil, innumerable demon wolf before , to/clashes the posture, various arrows and Magic/MP that the rapid flight comes, the tumult and shock of crowd, frantic of Maple Leaf Kuang Lan, the worry and admire of Yang Xiruo, frames in this moment. 世界陷入平静,无数魔狼的前冲姿势,疾飞而来的弓箭和各种魔法,人群的骚动和震撼,枫叶狂澜的狂热,杨夕若的担心和爱慕,都在这一刻定格。 Feng Xiao avoids the Attack direction rapidly, after two seconds, arrived at the rear Mage group, Ice Splitting Slash has swept. 风逍迅速避开攻击的方向,两秒后已经来到了后方的魔法师群,一个冰破斩扫了过去。 Three. crosses, the people discovered panic-strickenly the Feng Xiao person's shadow vanishes from original place unexpectedly, innumerable Attack hit in the vacancy, but in the Demon Wolf Gang crowd actually broadcasts the sound that the pitiful yell sound and Item fall. 三秒一过,人们惊骇的发现风逍人影竟从原地消失,无数的攻击打在空处,而魔狼帮的人群里却传来惨叫声和物品掉落的声音。 teleport! This is the ideas of all people. 瞬移!这是所有人的想法。 The demon wolf No. 3 tooth is about to have bitten, breathless loudly exclaimed: Gives me to disperse, do not make him concentrate Attack. Knight stops up do not make him move, Assassin sneak attacks from behind, Archer gives my shooting ruthlessly.” 魔狼三号牙都快咬碎了,气急败坏的大吼道:“都给我分散开,不要让他集中攻击盾卫上去堵住不要让他行动,刺客从后面偷袭,弓箭手给我狠狠的射。” Quick, Mage withdraws, his goal is Mage!” “快,魔法师退后,他的目标是魔法师!” Against tall blood thick Knight and frailest Mage anything has not distinguished in the Feng Xiao eye, is one sword second kills, the strategy that surrounds radically is a joke. The Ice Splitting Slash Attack range lets these Warrior and Knight as well as Assassin did not have near body to turn into the corpse, but the Archer Attack majority is MISS, to him most threatening is Mage, is his priority target. 防高血厚的盾卫风逍眼里和最脆弱的魔法师没什么区别,都是一剑秒杀,围堵的策略根本是个笑话。冰破斩攻击范围让这些战士盾卫以及刺客还没近身就化成尸体,而弓箭手攻击大部分是miss,对他最有威胁的就是魔法师,也是他的首要目标。 Asura Yama's Wave!” 修罗冥王波!” He calculates that the Attack distance, has just been able not to affect the crowd that surrounds. The demon wolf that wells up innumerably fell into various abnormal states. Feng Xiao fills next bottle of big Recovery potions rapidly, HP Recovery to 2000 , periphery does not pay attention to the demon wolf that turns into the waste firewood, the straight line rushes to the Mage direction. 他算好了攻击距离,刚好可以不波及围观的人群。无数涌过来的魔狼都陷入了各种异常状态。风逍迅速灌下一瓶大回复药水,生命回复到2000,也不理会周围变成废柴的魔狼,直线向魔法师的方向奔去。 The Demon Wolf Gang scattered tactic brings not the small trouble to Feng Xiao, he attacks each time to person many places, these people will disperse rapidly, letting him only to solve, but centralized has not actually stopped in Attack, the innumerable retreat capers are sideways hides avoid his Attack Speed to sell at a discount greatly. Drank next bottle of big Recovery potions once more, HP/Life Recovery will to 1000. The speed of Asura great power cannot follow the innumerable resembles stray bullets to hit his Attack. 魔狼帮的分散战术给风逍带来不小的麻烦,每次他攻向人多的地方,那些人都会迅速分散,让他只能一个一个的解决,但集中在身上的攻击却没有停止,无数次后退跳跃侧身的躲避让他的攻击速度大打折扣。再次喝下一瓶大回复药水,生命堪堪的回复到了1000。修罗回天的速度跟不上无数像流弹般击中他的攻击 Crowd that surrounds inevitable was brought disaster, several bad luck even was hung, but most criticizes several, does not have one person to dare to go forward or run away, such fight, only then may see in the movie, nobody is willing to leave. 围观的人群不可避免的受到了殃及,有几个倒霉的甚至被挂掉,但都最多暗骂几句,无一人敢上前或者逃走,这样的战斗,只有在电影里才有可能看到,没有人愿意离开。 It seems like, I need to go to Profession Change Archer!” Feng Xiao Wind Wheel Slash second kills two Fire Mage. His long-distance Attack is only restricted in this, moreover also 10 seconds of Cooldown Time. Skills that Asura Illusion brings Underworld Soul Breaker, although formidable, actually somewhat strict restriction on use. “看来,我有必要去转职弓箭手!”风逍一个“风轮斩”秒杀两个火系魔法师。他的远程攻击仅限于此,而且还有10秒的冷却时间修罗幻所带的技能冥魂破”虽然强大,却有些严格的使用限制。 Snort!” “哼!” Eye of Asura, opens!” 修罗眼,开!” Feng Xiao used him to bear useless Eye of Asura finally, because the control is not good to affect other people. 风逍终于使用了他一直忍住没用的修罗之眼,因为控制不好就会殃及到其他人。 Really such as Feng Xiao expects, all people in his line of sight range, including surrounding the crowd, on the face has revealed the fear completely. 果然如风逍所料,他视线范围里的所有人,包括围观的人群,脸上全部露出了恐惧。 They as if saw ocean of blood, the purgatory of skeleton, the desperate abyss, all they most frightened matters start one by one to appear in the mind, shivering of that thorough soul made them forget all, wants to move, actually discovered whole body shivered was uncontrolled, even many people already whole body weak kneed down. Even if they start to be harvested the consciousness and courage that HP/Life has not resisted by a black shadow, stays behind at heart, only then endless fear. 他们仿佛看到了血的海洋,骷髅的炼狱,绝望的深渊,所有他们最恐惧的事情开始一一在脑海中出现,那种深入灵魂的颤抖让他们忘记了一切,想移动,却发现全身已经颤抖的不受控制,甚至不少人已经全身瘫软的跪倒在地。即使他们开始被一个黑色影子收割生命也没有丝毫对抗的意识和勇气,心里留下的,只有无尽的恐惧。 Feng Xiao behind not affected people amazed looks at the present scene: Innumerable demon wolves stopped Attack, shows panic-stricken desire expression certainly, the body fierce is shivering, even if were killed by the Asura sharp blade one by one second, does not have slight reaction. 风逍身后未受影响的人们惊诧的看着眼前的情景:无数的魔狼停止了攻击,露出惊骇欲绝的表情,身体剧烈的颤抖着,即使被修罗的利刃一个个的秒杀,也没有丝毫反应 „After endless fear condition vanishes, Demon Wolf Gang lost more than 20 individuals once more, all Warrior, Knight and Assassin consumption completely. “无尽的恐惧”状态消失后,魔狼帮再次损失了20多个人,所有的战士盾卫刺客消耗殆尽。 Is doomed with Assassin of Asura resistance is a sorrow, their high Evasion and high Accuracy were disregarded under Feng Xiao superelevation Evasion and superelevation Accuracy basically. 修罗对抗的刺客注定是个悲哀,他们的高回避、高命中风逍的超高回避、超高命中下基本被无视。 Underworld Soul Breaker!” 冥魂破!” Four white ghosts depart from Asura Illusion, attacks separately to behind four is putting double ripple fire Archer, does not have accident/surprise, the second kills completely, in the meantime, after they died the body to raise a same white ghost, was absorbed in Asura Illusion instantaneously. 四个白色的幽魂从修罗幻里飞出,分别攻向身后四个正放着“双连射”的弓箭手,毫无意外,全部秒杀,同时,他们死后的身体升起一个同样的白色幽魂,被瞬间吸收到修罗幻里。 The Feng Xiao movement does not stay, like the wind, is sideways the wind blade and fireball that immediately evades several to fly, flushes away to final several Mage. 风逍的身法毫不停留,迅即如风,侧身躲过数道飞来的风刃和火球,向最后的几个魔法师冲去。 Along with the gradual reduction of Demon Wolf Gang population, the Feng Xiao pressure reduces greatly, has been able to avoid the overwhelming majority with ease Attack, but these Mage Movement Speed insufficiently looked in his eyes radically, several sprints can solve one with ease. 随着魔狼帮人数的逐渐减少,风逍压力大减,已经能轻松的避开绝大部分的攻击,而那些魔法师移动速度在他眼里根本不够看,几个冲刺就能轻松解决一个。 Bang!” Wind Wheel Slash Cooldown Time crosses, revolving Xuanyuan departed once more, has carried off last Mage HP/Life. “砰!”风轮斩冷却时间一过,旋转的轩辕再次飞出,带走了最后一名魔法师生命 The fight continued less than merely for two minutes, Demon Wolf Gang only remaining several people, completely have been similar to looked that Monster looks at own match, was alarmed and afraid is not daring to go forward. Feng Xiao static standing there, HP/Life fast Recovery, near the ear can only also hear, only has the Maple Leaf Kuang Lan cheers and Maple Leaf Lan Xing chirp chirp twitter twitter. 战斗仅仅持续了不到两分钟,魔狼帮只剩下了十几个人,全部如同看怪物般看着自己的对手,惊惧着不敢上前。风逍也静静的站在那里,生命快速的回复着,耳边唯一能听到的,只有枫叶狂澜的欢呼声和枫叶蓝星叽叽喳喳 Big Brother Feng.” Yang Xiruo walked gently, grasped Feng Xiao left arm. 风大哥。”杨夕若轻轻的走了过来,抱住了风逍的的左臂。 God man, Fairy woman, the people have had the similar idea: Only then such man can be joined to such woman, only then such woman can be joined to such man. 天神般的男子,仙女般的女人,人们都不由的冒出了同样的想法:只有这样的男人才能配得上这样的女人,也只有这样的女人才能配得上这样的男人。 Demon wolf No. 3 occurred simultaneously alarmed and afraid, the whole body shivers, he did not have slightly and courage of other side resistance, 5 th and was killed by the second on the 6 th completely, oneself also only remaining comes some Assassin and Archer, the insufficient families hit radically. 魔狼三号惊惧交加,全身颤抖,他已经没有了丝毫和对方对抗的勇气,五号和六号全部被秒杀,自己这边也只剩下而来一些刺客弓箭手,根本不够人家打的。 Possibly how to have the so formidable person, is NPC? No! Is BUG? 怎么可能会有如此强大的人,是npc?不!是bug吗? Those who made him with all puzzled was, initiates to attack on own initiative from him now, unexpectedly does not have the guard to catch him! 更令他和所有不解的是,从他主动发起进攻到现在,居然没有卫兵来抓他! Our Demon Wolf Gang has acknowledged that the punishment is deserved today, has to plant to leave the name, when our Demon Wolf Gang from now from report ~ answered ~ demon wolf No. 3 from depressing the fear in heart, at heart only remaining thoughts of escaping, but before this, he must know the other side details. “我们魔狼帮今天认栽了,有种留下名字,我们魔狼帮今后自当报~答~”魔狼三号强自压下心中的恐惧,心里只剩下逃跑的念头,但这之前,他必须要知道对方的底细。 The corners of the mouth that under Asura Illusion reveals bend a curve of taunt, he stretches out a middle finger slowly, disdainfully said: Idiot!” 修罗幻下露出的嘴角弯起一个嘲讽的弧度,他慢慢的伸出一只中指,不屑的说道:“白痴!” You!” “你!” Bang! 砰! The demon wolf the ruthless words has not said on the 3rd, again was killed by the Wind Wheel Slash second. 魔狼三号狠话还没说出口,就再次被风轮斩秒杀。 The Demon Wolf Gang member who Feng Xiao is disinclined to pay attention to these to frighten two legs that become tender again, holds the hand of Yang Xiruo to walk outward, crowded crowd unexpectedly initiative made way a road for them. 风逍懒得再去理会那些吓的两腿发软的魔狼帮成员,牵着杨夕若的手向外走去,拥挤的人群竟主动的为他们让开了一条路。 The Yang Xiruo small hand non-stop seeps out in short supply cold sweat, this type gazed at and happy feeling by the people, making her almost forget the heartbeat. 杨夕若的小手不停的渗出紧张的冷汗,这种被众人注视和幸福的感觉,让她几乎忘记了心跳。 Hey! Big Brother, do not walk first!” Maple Leaf Lan Xing shortly greatly the gold coin must fly, front runs up to hastily opens the arm to block their ways. 喂!大哥哥,你先别走!”枫叶蓝星眼看着大把的金币要飞了,连忙跑到前面张开手臂拦住他们的去路。 How Little Sister, wants to spend a gold coin to buy my actor?” Feng Xiao looks at this many 15-16 years old little girl, some saying of pondering. “怎么了小妹妹,又想花一金币买我的行头?”风逍看着这个最多十五六岁的小姑娘,有些玩味的说道。 „.” Little Sister the resembles rattle-drum of head swayed, Big Brother, you were really too fierce, I worshipped dead you, were we friend to be good?” “没有没有。”小妹妹的头摆的像拨浪鼓,“大哥哥,你真是太厉害了,我崇拜死你了,我们做朋友好不好?” Is the friend?” The Feng Xiao look is strange, is not good! Your eyes tells me and you are the friend to suffer a loss!” “做朋友?”风逍眼神古怪起来,“不行!你的眼睛告诉我和你做朋友会吃亏!” How can!” Lan Xing discontented honk small mouth: Others are the entire universe are most lovable most are obedient cleverly, wants to be the friend with you......” “怎么会!”蓝星不满的嘟起小嘴:“人家是全宇宙最可爱最听话最乖巧的,就是想和你做朋友嘛……” The Maple Leaf Kuang Lan cold sweat braves, he will be worried about to listen to have by the danger that own sweat will be drown to death again. Lovable? Good, calculates reluctantly. Are you obedient? Are you clever? That entire world was clever Baobao! 枫叶狂澜冷汗直冒,他担心再听去会有被自己的汗水淹死的危险。可爱?好吧,勉强算吧。你听话?你乖巧?那全世界都是乖宝宝了! I am not friend with Little Girl!” Feng Xiao said with a chuckle. “我不和小丫头做朋友!”风逍嘿嘿笑道 Others where small......” some Little Girl vitality/angry, tilts the head has thought a meeting, suddenly excited saying: Like this was good, I make your two, this can not be the friend also to be able with you.” “人家哪里小了……”小丫头有些生气了,歪着头想了一会,忽然兴奋的说道:“这样好了,我做你的二房吧,这样就可以不做朋友还能跟着你了。” Feng Xiao: „......” 风逍:“……” Yang Xiruo: „......” 杨夕若:“……” Crowd: „......” 人群:“……” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan frightens scared shitless, shoves open Younger Sister that is prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements hastily, face embarrassed red: Sorry Big Brother and sister-in-law--, Elder Sister Xiruo, Little Sister does not know the immensity of heaven and earth young innocent, she said that any do not care!” 枫叶狂澜吓得屁滚尿流,连忙推开语不惊人死不休的妹妹,一张脸窘的通红:“对不起啊大哥和大嫂——啊不,夕若姐姐,小妹妹年纪轻不懂事不知天高地厚,她说什么你们千万不要放在心上!” You said that who is innocent!” Little Girl two eyes smile crescent moon. “你说谁不懂事!”小丫头的两只眼睛笑成弯月。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan has fought a shiver ruthlessly, immediately shuts up, does not dare to speak a few words again. 枫叶狂澜狠狠的打了一个寒战,马上闭嘴,不敢再说一句话。 Family education is quite strict.” Feng Xiao thinks. “家教好严啊。”风逍不禁想到。 We walk.” No longer pays attention to the entanglement of Little Girl, Feng Xiao draws Xiruo to walk toward Feng House. Stays behind crowd that look at each other in blank dismay, several people even slowly followed, where wants to have a look at this Slaughter God common character to go. “我们走吧。”不再理会小丫头的纠缠,风逍拉着夕若风楼走去。留下面面相觑的人群,有几个人甚至慢慢的跟了上来,想看看这个杀神一般的人物要去哪里。 Hey! your this bastard! I hate you!” Maple Leaf Lan Xing was angry. 喂!你这个坏蛋!我恨你!”枫叶蓝星真的生气了。 Feng Xiao strong from depressing vicious tendencies, just slaughtered made him have the intense bloodthirsty impulsion excitedly. 风逍强自压下身上的戾气,刚刚杀戮的兴奋让他又有了强烈的嗜血冲动。 Feng Xiao shot a look at a distant place to tag along after their crowd innumerably, said: Xiruo, I lead you to go to a place.” 风逍瞥了一眼远处无数尾随着他们的人群,说道:“夕若,我带你去一个地方。” Big Brother, this Big Brother, shouted...... Finally threw off that Little Ancestor.” What this time pursues is the elegant raging tide. 大哥,这位大哥,呼……终于甩掉那个小祖宗了。”这次追上来的是风雅狂澜。 Little Lan, helped me a moment ago thank you.” Yang Xiruo has made several gently by the small hand who Feng Xiao grips, has not succeeded, whatever he is grasping, shy saying. 小澜,刚才谢谢你们帮我。”杨夕若轻轻的挣了几下被风逍握住的小手,没有成功,只有任由他握着,略带羞涩的说道。 Does not need to thank does not need to thank, I had not helped a moment ago, has not depended entirely on this Big Brother.” A Maple Leaf Kuang Lan face frantic looks at Feng Xiao: Big Brother, does not know how to call.” “不用谢不用谢,刚才我也没帮什么忙,还不是全靠这位大哥。”枫叶狂澜一脸狂热的看着风逍:“大哥,不知怎么称呼。” Feng Xiao Asura Illusion, has thought long time/half of the day replied: Asura!” 风逍正了正修罗幻,想了半天才答道:“修罗!” „, You are really Asura in that legend, so is no wonder fierce!” The Maple Leaf Kuang Lan look is more scalding hot, Big Brother Asura, I am your faithful fans and adorer, asking you to receive me to make Little Brother.” “哇,你果然就是那个传说中的修罗,怪不得这么厉害!”枫叶狂澜的眼神更加灼热起来,“修罗大哥,我是你的忠实粉丝和崇拜者啊,求你收我做小弟吧。” Yang Xiruo almost faints, Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family future Patriarch, will ask others to receive him to make Little Brother unexpectedly. 杨夕若差点晕倒,轩辕世家的未来家主,居然求着别人收他做小弟 Big Brother Feng, he called Xuanyuan Jinglan, is Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family decided but not yet announced future Patriarch.” Yang Xiruo said to the Feng Xiao code. 风大哥,他叫轩辕惊澜,是轩辕世家内定的未来家主。”杨夕若风逍密语道。 Oh, is he, really lives up to reputation.” ,原来是他,果然名不虚传啊。” Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family this generation altogether has two male two females, the eldest son calls Xuanyuan Jingyun, warm the scholarly, the wisdom is steady, but to the ancient martial arts slightly interest, wholeheartedly in the investment trade, naturally is actually not able to inherit the position of Patriarch, is good does not care about these because of him. The second son is this Xuanyuan Jinglan at present, this Youngster pure is bringing looking down on the world . Moreover the heart non- city mansion, does not have any plans, but martial arts is actually a rare rare talent. 轩辕世家这一代共有两男两女,大儿子叫轩辕惊云,温尔儒雅,睿智稳重,但却对古武术没有丝毫兴趣,一心投入商业之中,自然也无法继承家主之位,好在他也并不在乎这些。二儿子就是眼前这个轩辕惊澜,这小子纯真中带着玩世不恭,而且心无城府,没什么心机,但武术方面却是个百年难遇的奇才。 The daughter is very mystical, almost never makes an appearance, occasionally appears also blocks from the double cheek, it is said that has seen her long anything appearance except for family member nobody. But the youngest daughter is all day being in chaotic situation Xuanyuan Lanlan that in family/home does. Matter one that she makes has not been heaven-shaking moves. Distiller and under laxative to whole family ** minor matter, a time, because curious is compelling a man and a woman two domestic servants' oo XX unexpectedly before her, a also time to test in the family/home the firm degree of ballistic-protected vehicle does not know which actually from steals several jin (0.5 kg) blasting explosive to explode playing, does not dare to sleep several days that in the family/home frightens. 大女儿很神秘,几乎从不露面,偶尔出现也是遮住双颊,据说除了家人没有人见过她长什么样子。而小女儿就是整天把家里搞的鸡飞狗跳的轩辕蓝蓝。她做的事情没有一件不是惊天动地。烧房子、给全家人下泻药**还是小事,一次因为好奇竟逼着一男一女两个家仆在她面前ooxx,还有一次为了测试家里防弹车的坚固程度硬是不知道从哪偷来几斤炸药来炸着玩,把家里吓的好几天没敢睡觉。 Reason that this time played «Rebirth» Xuanyuan Clan had maple leaf such a Guild name, because Xuanyuan Lanlan was playing a maple tree leaf at that time, then ordered entire family to in the name of maple leaf, the entire family both olds and youngs did not have from top to bottom obstinately dared not to comply-- except for that Elder Sister not on the scene. 这次玩《轮回轩辕家族之所以起了“枫叶”这么一个帮派名,只是因为轩辕蓝蓝当时在玩一片枫树叶子,然后就命令全家都必须以枫叶为名,全家族从上到下老老少少愣是没一个敢不答应的——除了那个不在场的姐姐 The Xuanyuan Lanlan always biggest hobby is the collection money, no one knows she who usually anything does not lack collects that much money to do. Because her two Elder Brother actually her hobby suffered loss, no matter solemn Xuanyuan Family Young Master goes out does not go out unexpectedly does not have one cent-- does not have the card, even if usually hides solid, by the nose of Lanlan (blue) smelling-- her nose is probably inborn is used for hears money. 轩辕蓝蓝平生最大的爱好就是收集钱,谁也不知道平时什么都不缺的她收集那么多钱干什么。她的两个哥哥却因为她的这个爱好吃尽了苦头,堂堂的轩辕家少爷不管出门还是不出门的时候身上都居然没有一分钱——更没有卡,即使平时藏得严严实实,也会被蓝蓝的鼻子给嗅出来——她的鼻子好像天生就是用来闻钱的。 «After Rebirth» is published, the Xuanyuan Lanlan interest had the shift suddenly, started to like in the collection game the shining gold coin, the reason was the gold coin is more attractive than RMB. Therefore, almost every day, the Xuanyuan Family first batch send the game gold coins in several hundred people of hand to be given to plunder by her, no must be punished. Everyone after being worried, once the currency exchange opens family's money to be all used to change into the gold coin by her. 轮回》问世后,轩辕蓝蓝的兴趣忽然发生了转移,开始喜欢上了收集游戏中金灿灿的金币,理由是金币比rmb好看。于是,几乎每天,轩辕家第一批派到游戏里的数百人手中的金币都会被她给搜刮一遍,没有的还要受处罚。每个人都在担心一旦货币兑换开放后家里的钱会不会全被她用来换成金币。 Appearance that remembers keeping silent of Xuanyuan Jinglan in front of Xuanyuan Lanlan, some Feng Xiao actually understanding legends Xuanyuan Second Young Lady the names of Devil, some pitying looked at Xuanyuan Jinglan. 想起轩辕惊澜轩辕蓝蓝面前一副噤若寒蝉的样子,风逍倒是有些理解传说中的轩辕二小姐魔鬼之名了,不禁有些怜悯的看了一眼轩辕惊澜 Has a look at my Younger Sister, has a look at your Younger Sister again, the disparity, this called the disparity!” “看看我妹妹,再看看你妹妹,差距啊,这就叫差距啊!” ( A evening's also chapter, calculates that today's renewal with yesterday same was 10,000 characters. The day after tomorrow, this book must fall from the new book list at the latest, how therefore the brothers make me treat two days of ^^ in the new book list again) (晚上还有一章,算来今天的更新和昨天一样是10000字。最迟后天,这本书就要从新书榜上掉下来了,所以兄弟们让我再在新书榜上待两天如何^^)
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