LA :: Volume #1

#69: Asura's Prestige (First Part)

A fierce noise and called out in alarm the sound to attract all person attention, the people looked askance to look to the origin of tumult, instantaneous, all people fell into the delay, but in the Yang Xiruo eye revealed the pleasant surprise and worship that was unable to conceal, the tears of also jump. 一阵剧烈的吵闹声和惊叫声吸引了所有人视线,众人纷纷侧目看向骚动的来源,瞬间,所有的人都陷入了呆滞,而杨夕若的眼中露出了无法掩饰的惊喜和崇拜,还有跳跃的泪花。 A whole body fills the man of air/Qi of withering, the hand grasps the dark golden great sword, unexpectedly slowly has fluttered the packed like sardines waiting and seeing crowd, fell side Yang Xiruo. 一个全身充满肃杀之气的男人,手握暗金色巨剑,竟缓缓的飘过拥挤不堪的观望人群,落到了杨夕若身边。 The surface glosses over has the black mask of blood-color demon mark and sharp fang, the neck hangs the red necklace, the hand grasps the length approximately one -and-a-half meters golden great sword, the back throws over flood the white golden ray light and lively cloak, the left and right hands middle finger is wearing one respectively flood the monster different black and white ray ring, the whole body is turning round a monster different armor of black and white interaction, is bringing the Death Qi encirclement whole body of faint trace. 面遮饰有血色魔纹、尖锐獠牙的黑色面具,颈挂红色项链,手握长约一米半的金色巨剑,背披泛着白金色光芒的轻灵披风,左右手中指各戴一枚泛着妖异的黑色与白色光芒的戒指,全身覆着一层黑白相间的妖异盔甲,带着丝丝的死亡之气环绕周身。 This person of appearance, that flashy to not having the actor of natural justice and as callous has almost forgotten the breath that all people on the scene shocked as the extreme aura, looks that this man who was similar to God descends to earth. In the eyes of woman has filled innumerable small Xingxing (stars), but in the eyes of man is intense admire and envy. 此人一出现,那身拉风到没天理的行头和冷酷到极点的气息几乎把在场的所有人震撼的忘记了呼吸,怔怔的看着这个如同天神下凡的男子。女人的眼里充满了无数的小星星,而男人的眼里则是强烈的艳羡和嫉妒。 Comes the person to flutter by Nimble Dance Feng Xiao of crowd, at this time baleful aura, wear a look of coldly is staring at present Demon Wolf Gang. 来人正是以“灵动之舞”飘过人群的风逍,此时面带煞气,冷冷的盯着眼前的魔狼帮 Big Brother Feng......” Yang Xiruo shouted one lightly, finally could not bear throw to his bosom, that she was wronged were too many were too many, found shoulder that has been able to depend upon, she is unable to conceal oneself frailty again, recklessly wept bitterly. 风大哥……”杨夕若轻呼一声,终于忍不住扑到他的怀里,她受的委屈实在太多太多了,找到了可以依靠的肩膀,她再也无法掩饰自己的脆弱,肆意的痛哭起来。 Xiruo, do not cry, nobody can bully you again.” The Feng Xiao needle grips same hurting at heart, his pinching gently small nose of Yang Xiruo, comforted in a soft voice. 夕若,不要哭,没人可以再欺负你。”风逍心里针扎一样的疼,他轻轻的捏捏了杨夕若的小鼻子,轻声的安慰道 Yang Xiruo gently un, stopped the sob slowly, but holds both hands of Feng Xiao not to relax slightly, although is first time hugs him on own initiative, but he cherishes that warm and safe feeling makes her be enchanted by. 杨夕若轻轻的“嗯”了一声,慢慢停止了哭泣,可是抱着风逍的双手丝毫没有放松,虽然是第一次主动抱他,但他怀中那种温暖和安全的感觉让她迷醉不已。 Wa! this Big Brother, your quite cool Oh!” The Maple Leaf Lan Xing eyes Venus braves, to gather round roving that the body of Feng Xiao non-stop, as if in looking at the gorilla in zoo, lovable small mouth also often emanation whoa. 哇!这位大哥哥,你好酷!”枫叶蓝星双眼金星直冒,围着风逍的身体不停的转来转去,仿佛在看动物园里的大猩猩,可爱的小嘴里还不时的发出惊叹声。 This Big Brother, your this actor sells me to be what kind of! Told you Oh, this was my first time goes shopping in others hand...... un un, a gold coin what kind of...... My this is the first time does losing proposition.” “这位大哥哥,你这身行头卖我怎么样!告诉你,这可是我第一次在别人手里买东西……嗯嗯,一个金币怎么样……我这可是头一次做亏本生意呢。” The Maple Leaf Kuang Lan crazy corona, rapidly has pulled anxious to stir up trouble Younger Sister, the doubts looked at Feng Xiao: „Are you Yang Aotian?” 枫叶狂澜狂晕不已,迅速扯过唯恐天下不乱的妹妹,疑惑的看了一眼风逍:“你是杨傲天?” „It is not!” “不是!” Big Brother!” Maple Leaf Lan Xing shoves open the blocking line of sight Maple Leaf Kuang Lan, being haunted by the ghost jumped: Sold to me your thing, you are cruel enough to notice that in the world most lovable Lanlan (blue) is sad?” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan honk her lovable small mouth, you were not agreeing that I cry the appearance that gives you to look. 大哥哥!”枫叶蓝星一把推开遮挡视线的枫叶狂澜,阴魂不散的跳了出来:“把你东西卖给我啦,难道你忍心看到天底下最可爱的蓝蓝伤心吗?”枫叶狂澜嘟着她的可爱小嘴,一副你不同意我就哭给你看的样子。 Disregarded the Maple Leaf Lan Xing expression, Feng Xiao has touched the hair of Yang Xiruo gently, the gentle minute of split-ring his both hands, dragging the great sword to walk toward the Demon Wolf Gang person. 无视枫叶蓝星的表情,风逍轻轻抚摸了一下杨夕若的头发,温柔的分开环着他的双手,拖着巨剑向魔狼帮的人走去。 Audience complete silence, Feng Xiao sound of footsteps moderately, but everyone on the scene as if thought that steps in own heart, including own heartbeat, becomes with a sound of footsteps frequency. 全场鸦雀无声,风逍的脚步声不轻不重,但在场的每一个人都仿佛觉得是踩在自己心上,连自己的心跳,都变得和脚步声一个频率。 Imposing manner! This is the imposing manner in legend!” “气势!这就是传说中的气势啊!” Any imposing manner, obviously is mean-spirited, snort/hum!” Disregarded Maple Leaf Lan Xing discontented saying, the eyeball started rumble to transfer, the corners of the mouth of rhombus slowly shows a strange smile. “什么气势,明明是小气,哼!”被无视的枫叶蓝星不满的说道,眼珠子已经开始咕噜咕噜转了起来,菱形的嘴角慢慢的露出一丝诡异的微笑。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan withdraws rapidly two steps, he was too familiar with Younger Sister this expression, he as if saw Younger Sister to turn into one to reveal two small canine teeth once more, a top sharp corner/horn, the hand took the small devil of small steel fork. 枫叶狂澜迅速退后两步,他对妹妹这个表情实在太熟悉了,他仿佛看见妹妹再次变成了一个露出两颗小虎牙,头顶尖尖角,手拿小钢叉的小恶魔。 This Big Brother, your very Luck stared by my Younger Sister, but also please ask fortunately......” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan to meditate at heart, looked that had one to pity to the Feng Xiao vision. “这位大哥,你很幸运的被我妹妹盯上了,还请自求多福吧……”枫叶狂澜心里默念,看向风逍的眼光已经带了一丝怜悯。 This Little Girl, initiates the wind to come compared with Demon Wolf Gang that crowd of person fearful many. 这个小丫头,发起飙来远比魔狼帮那群人可怕的多。 Demon wolf 3rd appeared from Feng Xiao starts not to speak a few words, because he felt that oneself as if stubbornly was locked by together the cold aura, lets him such as the dropping ice hole. Although cannot see other side eyes, but actually clear felt that vision is similar to the sword same points to his heart. 魔狼三号从风逍出现开始就没说一句话,因为他感觉自己似乎被一道冷冽的气息死死锁定,让他如堕冰窟。虽然看不到对方眼睛,但却真切的感到那道目光如同剑一样直指他的心脏。 He understands indistinctly, this imposing manner and pressure, will only appear in the true murder such as the person of hemp. 他隐约明白,这种气势和威压,只会出现在真正杀人如麻的人身上。 Feng Xiao approaches step by step, the demon wolf withdrew on the 3rd unexpectedly subconsciously two steps. When reaction comes wolf face one red one black, braced oneself to forward two steps. 风逍一步步逼近,魔狼三号竟下意识的退后了两步。反应过来时狼脸一红一黑,又硬着头皮向前走了两步。 You are any thing, dares to mix our Demon Wolf Gang matter!” Thinks own more than 40 people, demon wolf 3rd courage strong. “你是什么东西,敢来掺和我们魔狼帮的事情!”想到自己这边的40多人,魔狼三号的胆气不禁壮了起来。 The other side imposing manner is strong, is a person . Moreover, perhaps is only a flower trellis. This is the idea of Demon Wolf Gang person, is the idea of person majority of surrounding. 对方气势再强,也不过是一个人,而且,说不定只是个花架子。这是魔狼帮人的想法,也是大部分围观的人的想法。 Flame of Fire!” Feng Xiao has gotten angry, has also used including unnecessary Support Skill. 火之炎!”风逍是真怒了,连不必要的辅助技能也用了出来。 A fire dragon of light red emerges out of thin air, surrounds the body of Feng Xiao to circle persuasively. 一条浅红的火龙凭空出现,环绕着风逍的身体婉转盘旋。 Maple Leaf Lan Xing cheers immediately: Few and they are wordy, hits quickly hits quickly!” 枫叶蓝星立即欢呼起来:“少和他们啰嗦,快打快打!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan stands immediately right Feng Xiao, the green Wind Attribute element starts to agglutinate. 枫叶狂澜立即站到风逍右边,绿色的风系元素开始凝集。 Does not use you!” Feng Xiao shoves open Maple Leaf Kuang Lan, body does not have running out of omen, the speed makes one be flabbergasted. The demon wolf did not have reaction with enough time on the 3rd, a fire dragon has entangled his body, instantaneous was addicted to crazily three times. “不用你!”风逍一把推开枫叶狂澜,身体毫无预兆的冲出,速度令人咋舌。魔狼三号还没来得及反应,一条火龙已经缠上了他的身体,瞬间狂嗜了三次。 - 1950 ,- 3902 ,- 3889 -1950,-3902,-3889 Three huge figures appear in the demon wolf 3rd head, the demon wolf 3rd this volume of blood support, only then 900 Two-Handed Sword Warrior, have the expression that cannot believe that turns into a white light, returned to the Recovery live point to resurrect, simultaneously fell potions and hand Two-Handed Sword in everywhere. 三个巨大的数字出现在魔狼三号的头上,魔狼三号这个血量撑死只有900的双手剑战士,带着不敢相信的表情,化成一道白光,返回复活点复活去了,同时掉落了满地的药水和手中的双手剑 Ding, you XX were killed by Player......” “叮,你被玩家XX杀死……” Did this person call XX? This is on the 3rd demon wolf turns into the only idea before white light. 难道这个人叫XX?这是魔狼三号化成白光前的唯一想法。 Had formidable incomparable complete Eye of Soul, so long as Feng Xiao does not want, nobody can obtain his information in any way. 拥有了强大无比的完全型灵魂之眼,只要风逍不愿意,无人可以以任何方式获得他的信息。 Audience complete silence. 全场鸦雀无声。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan swallowed a saliva ruthlessly, cannot believe has rubbed eyes. By the best quality goods equipment of his whole body, the damage of causing are most also 700, but at present this fills the baleful aura man, unexpectedly Attack-- broken ten thousand! 枫叶狂澜狠狠的吞了口口水,不敢相信的揉了揉眼睛。以他全身的极品装备,造成的伤害最多也就700,而眼前这个充满煞气的男人,居然一次攻击——破万! Patted, patted!” Maple Leaf Lan Xing nimble and resourceful small eyes turned into $ at this time, in the hand carried the camera excitedly jumps and jumps. “拍下来了,拍下来了!”枫叶蓝星灵动的小眼睛此时已经变成了$型,手里扛着摄像机兴奋的又蹦又跳。 Feng Xiao is disinclined to speak, the figure sticks out suddenly once more, charges into the Demon Wolf Gang crowd, in their dumbfounded visions, a piece of gorgeous ice flower bursts. 风逍懒得说话,身形再次暴起,冲向魔狼帮的人群,在他们目瞪口呆的眼光中,一片绚丽的冰花破裂开来。 4202,4199,2100,2132,4232...... 4202,4199,2100,2132,4232…… Five Demon Wolf Gang members, have not gotten rid with enough time, was killed by one sword second. 五个魔狼帮成员,还未来得及出手,就被一剑秒杀。 Shock! 震撼! „...... This also too......” “靠……这也太……” This is how possible!!” “这怎么可能!!” „Is he NPC?” “难道他是NPC?” „...... The Fifth Brother, I was dazzled......” “……五哥,我是不是看花了眼……” Fifth Brother, what to do, this person, simply is a anomaly.” The demon wolf No. 6 eyelid jumps, felt that as if annoyed should not the person of annoying. “五哥,怎么办,这个人,简直是个变态。”魔狼六号眼皮直跳,已经感觉到似乎惹上了不该惹的人。 The demon wolf almost the violent walks on the 5 th: What to do anything, is gawking doing, chops him to me quickly! He is fierce is also a person!” 魔狼五号差点暴走:“什么怎么办,都愣着干什么,快给我砍他!他再厉害也是一个人!” Demon Wolf Gang, reaction but is actually very as if awakening from a dream rapid, immediately the group good lineup, Knight and Warrior before, Archer, Mage, Assassin to circle at the speed to the enemy behind. This is Demon Wolf Gang hits strong BOSS or the group war will use, today actually uses to cope with Player, regardless of today's victory or defeat, the Demon Wolf Gang reputation decides however suffers setbacks. 魔狼帮如梦方醒,反应倒很迅速,马上组好阵型,盾卫战士在前,弓箭手在中,魔法师在后,刺客以速度绕到敌人后方。这是魔狼帮打超强BOSS或者群战的时候才会用到,今天却用在对付一个玩家,无论今日胜败,魔狼帮的名头定然受挫。 Demon Wolf Gang round Attack, Feng Xiao does not hide does not evade, the speed of first flushing does not reduce, straight moving forward to meet somebody. 魔狼帮的一轮攻击袭来,风逍不躲不避,前冲的速度丝毫不减,直直的迎了上去。 MISS , MISS ,- 67 , MISS , MISS ,- 47 ,- 66 , 135 ,- 146 ,- 202 , + 154...... MISS,MISS,-67,MISS,MISS,-47,-66,,135,-146,-202,+154…… Feng Xiao slightly frowned. Although his Defense by far ordinary Player, but compared with own strong Attack Power, missed, if one time facing too many people, will have the danger. 风逍微微皱了皱眉头。虽然他的防御远胜普通玩家,但与自己的超强攻击力相比,还是差了许多,如果一次面对太多人,还是会有危险。 Asura is to discard HP/Life and Defense Attack, calculated on Defense Skill to be able only also only has the body of Asura. Demon Warrior is Attack and resistance, but most times, the resistance appears somewhat pale. Although Feng Xiao various is the resistance is extremely high, in injury that but Demon Wolf Gang brings to Feng Xiao, what is highest forces the Magic/MP injury of Accuracy, naturally, obstinately also several silly bird Lightning Mage have no complain and regret adds the blood for him. 修罗为舍弃生命防御攻击,唯一算的上防御技能的也只有修罗之躯。魔武攻击和抗性,但在很多时候,抗性显得有些苍白。虽然风逍的各系抗性都极高,但魔狼帮风逍带来的伤害中,最高的还是强制命中魔法伤害,当然,也有几个傻鸟雷系魔法师愣是无怨无悔的为他加血。 Along with the enhancement of Level, match the great strength of more and more, Feng Xiao Defense also gradually has become his mechanical damage , after having been doomed him, must Profession Change Knight Profession offset the insufficiency on his Defense. 随着等级的提高,对手的越来越强大,风逍防御也逐渐成了他的硬伤,也注定了他以后必须转职一个盾卫职业来弥补他防御上的不足。
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