LA :: Volume #1

#68: Xuanyuan Jinglan

City movement is unable to use Infinite Space Gate, ascertains the Xiruo position, Feng Xiao displays Spirit of Wind rapidly and nimble and resourceful wind, Movement Speed has achieved astonishingly 90, such as gust, rushes to the life Profession Player area. 城市内部的移动无法使用无限空间门,问清楚夕若的位置,风逍迅速施展“风之灵”、“灵动之风”,移动速度达到了惊人的90,如一阵风般,向生活职业玩家区那边奔去。 But being fully occupied that at this time, huge life Player area pushed, two teams of people are confronting. 而此时,庞大的生活玩家区已经挤的人满为患,两队人正在对峙着。 Hands over that female, our Demon Wolf Gang can not haggle over with you.” The demon wolf clenches teeth to say on the 3rd. “交出那个女的,我们魔狼帮可以不和你们计较。”魔狼三号咬着牙说道。 accident/surprise meeting Yang Xiruo, demon wolf was wild with joy on the 3rd, asking the person to encircle her, prepared to push her to Eldest Young Master there takes undeserved credit to him. 意外的遇到杨夕若,魔狼三号欣喜若狂,叫人把她围了起来,准备把她挤到大少爷那里向他邀功。 Pulling does not dare absolutely, demon wolf No. 3 clear remembers that an own subordinate one time sexually harasses a female result by the burned black pitiful appearance of rumbling. But can actually with the body gradually compels her to a direction, if other side offline sends for in her offline place, if other side revolt-- that was easier to do, the justifiable defense, can pull casually. Thoughts evil and cruel. 拉扯是绝对不敢的,魔狼三号清楚的记得自己的一个下属一次调戏一个女的结果被轰的焦黑的凄惨模样。但却可以用身体一步一步的把她逼向一个方向,如果对方下线就派人在她下线的地点等,如果对方反抗——那更好办了,正当防卫,可以随便拉扯。心思可谓歹毒之极。 Has not thought that the halfway actually kills the Maple Leaf Group person, moreover takes the lead unexpectedly knows Yang Xiruo, has protected her. 没想到半路却杀出枫叶帮的人,而且带头的居然认识杨夕若,将她保护了起来。 Snort! Do not want to bully Elder Sister Xiruo!” Maple Leaf Lan Xing makes faces to demon wolf 3rd one group of people. “哼!别想欺负夕若姐姐!”枫叶蓝星向魔狼三号一帮人做个鬼脸。 The Demon Wolf Gang air/Qi extremely, actually does not dare to begin, one that in the city PK, gets rid of first regardless to wrong, was surely imprisoned by the broadsword Guard arrest. 魔狼帮气极,却不敢动手,城市里PK,先出手的一方无论对错,必定被大刀侍卫逮捕然后去坐牢。 Being childish of Maple Leaf Lan Xing face, white and tender small face powder toot toot lovable incomparable, at this time is digging the small mouth to stand before the Yang Xiruo body, an appearance of heroine. 枫叶蓝星一脸的稚气未脱,白嫩的小脸粉嘟嘟的可爱无比,此时正撅着小嘴站在杨夕若身前,一副女英雄的样子。 Your kid assumes any hero, has the skill and our Demon Wolf Gang goes to the open country to solve!” Demon wolf 3rd is here leader, he does not make the person ridicule on such giving up. Moreover him gathered more than 40 individuals, but other side only then Little Girl and several Maple Leaf Group members, to fear radically insufficient. “你个小P孩呈什么英雄,有本事和我们魔狼帮去野外解决!”魔狼三号是这里的带头人,他绝不就这么善罢甘休让人嘲笑。而且他这边已经聚集了40多个人,而对方只有一个小丫头和几个枫叶帮的成员,根本不足为惧。 Distant place a person of being sweating profusely ran over, Maple Leaf Lan Xing eyes one bright, moving forward to meet somebody of jumping: Second Brother, you came finally, this fellows bully me, Wuuu ~~ 远处一个满头大汗的人跑了过来,枫叶蓝星眼睛一亮,蹦蹦跳跳的迎了上去:“二哥,你终于来了,这帮家伙欺负我,呜呜~~” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan subconscious withdraws two steps, if were not and Big Brother plays a finger guessing game to lose, he does not dare to mix this Little Ancestor matter absolutely-- did others bully you? You did not bully others our family to burn the high-grade incense. 枫叶狂澜下意识的退后两步,如果不是和大哥猜拳输了,他绝对不敢来掺和这个小祖宗的事情——别人欺负你?你不欺负别人我们全家就烧高香了。 Wiped cold sweat on the head secretly, Maple Leaf Kuang Lan has not dared to reveal the slight suspicion and discontented, face saying with overpowering momentum: Who was eats the bear heart leopard to dare to bully my Younger Sister!” 偷偷的抹了一下脑袋上的冷汗,枫叶狂澜不敢露出丝毫的怀疑和不满,一脸气势磅礴的说道:“是谁吃了熊心豹子胆敢欺负我妹妹!” They!” A small hand stretches out a white and tender tender finger to point at the Demon Wolf Gang member who one crowd of face belts are despising, is they bullies me, with Elder Sister Xiruo!” “他们!”一只小手伸出一根白嫩嫩的手指指着一群脸带鄙视的魔狼帮成员,“就是他们欺负我,和夕若姐姐!” Demon Wolf Gang disdains looks at Maple Leaf Kuang Lan: Is this reinforcement who Little Girl moves in? Also thinks the big weaponry, originally a person. 魔狼帮不屑的看着枫叶狂澜:这就是小丫头搬来的救兵?还以为多大阵仗呢,原来才一个人。 „Are you Little Lan?” Yang Xiruo recognized Maple Leaf Kuang Lan, on the face has shown a somewhat stiff smile. Elder Brother has not gotten online now, Big Brother Feng temporarily has not caught up, but facing coming to help her Lanlan (blue) and Little Lan, she will not choose offline to run away absolutely. “你是小澜?”杨夕若认出了枫叶狂澜,脸上露出一丝有些僵硬的微笑。哥哥现在还没有上线,风大哥又暂时没有赶过来,而面对前来帮助她的蓝蓝小澜,她绝对不会选择下线逃走。 The Ximen Family clan, why you are not willing to let off us, we have made the mistake anything. 西门家族,为什么你们就是不肯放过我们,我们到底做错了什么。 Elder Sister Xiruo, is really Elder Sister Xiruo.” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan ran happily: Long time no see, heard that you by Ximen Family bewildered driving out, I was also worried, could not see you again...... Is unfair to Elder Sister Xiruo, I should not raise.” Looks at some Yang Xiruo changes the complexions, Maple Leaf Kuang Lan shuts up hastily. 夕若姐姐,真的是夕若姐姐。”枫叶狂澜高兴的跑了过去:“好久不见了,听说你被西门家莫名其妙的赶了出去,我还担心以后再也见不到你了……啊,对不起夕若姐姐,我不该提起的。”看着杨夕若有些变化的脸色,枫叶狂澜连忙闭嘴。 doesn't matter, Lanlan (blue), Little Lan, two years did not see you to be long was so big, I almost did not recognize you.” Yang Xiruo in a tone with gratified saying. 没关系,蓝蓝,小澜,两年不见你们都长这么大了,我差点都认不出你们。”杨夕若语带欣慰的说道。 Father has no free time to look that you acknowledge as relatives here! Ximen Eldest Young Lady, the little darling and we sees Eldest Young Master, then kowtows to admit mistakes, perhaps Eldest Young Master for a while tenderheartedly will have put you!” Demon wolf No. 3 mean saying, although he is only the Ximen Kuang High Level house slave, purity that but he and Yang Xiruo gratitude and grudges he knows, even if in entire Ximen Family, this is not the secret. “老子没空看你们在这里认亲!西门大小姐,乖乖和我们去见大少爷,然后磕头认错,说不定大少爷会一时心软放了你!”魔狼三号阴狠的说道,虽然他只是西门狂手下的高级家奴,但他和杨夕若的恩怨他知道的一清二楚,即使在整个西门家,这也不是秘密。 Yang Xiruo bites the lower lip tightly, said angrily: I am not Ximen Eldest Young Lady, which quarter since me drove out, I forever am surnamed Yang! Ximen this dirty surname, does not use for parts on me!” 杨夕若紧咬下唇,愤然说道:“我不是什么西门大小姐,从我被赶出去起的哪一刻起,我就永远姓杨!西门这个肮脏的姓氏,不配用在我身上!” Usually delicate and weak Xiruo suddenly erupts, pouring lets understand that her person has gawked. Maple Leaf Kuang Lan knows indistinctly the processes of something, see the Demon Wolf Gang stance at this time, has guessed at heart almost, to looked at this crowd of greedy person one eyes that he of Ximen Family clan loathing despised extremely, ridiculed: Originally is the Ximen Family dog, more than 40 grown men join up to bully two girls, really worthily is the Ximen Family clan in legend.” 平时柔柔弱弱夕若忽然爆发,倒让了解她的人都愣了一下。枫叶狂澜隐约知道一些事情的经过,此时看到魔狼帮的架势,心里已经猜了个7788,原本就对西门家族极其厌恶的他藐视的看了这群饿狼一眼,讥讽道:“原来是西门家的狗,40多个大男人联合起来欺负两个女孩子,真不愧是传说中的西门家族啊。” The demon wolf No. 3 complexion changes suddenly, mean saying: You are any thing, dares to come to take care our Ximen Family matter.” 魔狼三号脸色骤变,阴狠的说道:“你又是什么东西,敢来管我们西门家的事情。” Third Brother, he clearly knows we are the Ximen Family clans also dares to be so rampant, must take advantage, first searched the details to say again.” Demon wolf No. 5 reminded at the same time. Initially he in Novice Village was because has not found the other side details to be defeated by the match, afterward by Ximen Kuang cursed, being made him hate goes all the way to the bone to initially that with the dark gold/metal Jujian man, but usually moved was also more careful. “三哥,他明知道我们是西门家族的还敢这么嚣张,必有所依仗,先探好底细再说。”一边的魔狼五号提醒道。当初他在新手村就是因为没摸好对方底细而被对手击败,后来更是被西门狂大骂一顿,让他对当初那个拿暗金巨剑的男人恨之入骨,不过平时行动也小心了许多。 The demon wolf disdains on the 3rd: Can again strong our Ximen Family? other side is only several kids of not knowing good from bad.” 魔狼三号不屑:“再强能强过我们西门家吗?对方只是几个不知好歹的小P孩。” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan sneers: Ximen Aristocratic Family was the dirtiest family of recognition, the Ximen Family dog, everybody can chop has fed the fish.” 枫叶狂澜冷笑:“西门世家是公认的最肮脏的家族,西门家的狗,人人都可以剁了喂鱼。” Naked insult! 赤裸裸的侮辱! In the demon wolf 3rd eye can spout the fire, the short of breath instead smiles, takes out own Two-Handed Sword that brushes: Youngster, plants, in report, making Grandfather know what Grandfather kills is.” 魔狼三号的眼中都能喷出火来,气急反笑,刷的取出自己的双手剑:“小子,有种,报上名来,让爷爷知道爷爷杀的是什么人。” Wants PK in the city? Good, my Xuanyuan Jinglan accompanies!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan said, one is interweaving the green light and golden light Magic Staff appeared in the hand. “想在城市里PK吗?好,我轩辕惊澜奉陪!”枫叶狂澜说完,一把交织着绿光与金光的法杖已经出现在手中。 Gold wind jade stick: Level 15 Golden Equipment. Effect: Magic Attack + 110, Intelligence (mind/spirit) + 20, Vitality + 10, Movement Speed + 5. Wind Attribute Magic/MP injury addition 20%, the Wind Attribute Magic/MP time reduce 30%. 黄金风玉杖:15级黄金装备效果:魔攻+110,精神+20,体力+10,移动速度+5。风系魔法伤害加成20%,风系魔法施法时间减少30%。 Xuanyuan two character, Demon Wolf Gang person simultaneously look changes. 轩辕”二字一出,魔狼帮的人齐齐色变。 Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family, is northern Four Great Aristocratic Family: Dongfang (Eastern), Ximen, Nangong and Beiming leader. 轩辕世家,为北方四大世家:东方西门南宫北冥的领导者。 Duanmu Aristocratic Family, is southern Four Great Aristocratic Family: Shangguan (superior), Sima, Ouyang and Nalan leader. 端木世家,为南方四大世家:上官司马欧阳纳兰的领导者。 Before 1000, Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family lost has protected the millenniums China first Divine Armament Xuanyuan Sword. Since then, Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family start decline slowly, moreover gradual is silent in the historical arena, but under its decline also makes it eagerly anticipate Four Great Aristocratic Family start slowly to present Yang Wei to get up to it cloudy. But to today. Although Four Great Aristocratic Family in clear(ly) respectful, but has listed as it in secret with the position of equality. 1000年前,轩辕世家丢失了守护千年的华夏第一神兵轩辕剑。自此之后,轩辕世家慢慢的开始没落,而且逐渐的在历史舞台上沉默下来,而它的没落也使得它引领下的四大世家慢慢的开始对它阴奉阳违起来。而到了今天。四大世家虽然明里恭敬,但暗中已经将其列为与自己平等的位置。 But, the pressure that for several thousand years accumulate still makes Four Great Aristocratic Family not dare to act rashly, because nobody knows that silent Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family is hiding any huge strength, after all, it once hoodwinked the public in entire China. 但,数千年来积累的威压依然让四大世家不敢轻举妄动,因为没人知道沉默中的轩辕世家是不是隐藏着什么巨大的实力,毕竟,它曾在整个华夏一手遮天。 Third Brother, is the Xuanyuan Family person, what to do?” Demon wolf No. 5 careful asking. “三哥,是轩辕家的人,怎么办?”魔狼五号小心的问道。 What what to do? Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family? According to chopping does not harm!” The demon wolf on the 3rd was cruel-hearted, the person who at this time surrounds are getting more and more, cannot retreat, otherwise weak Demon Wolf Gang reputation, affects later Construction of Guild to start a career. “什么怎么办?轩辕世家怎么了?照砍不误!”魔狼三号狠了狠心,此时围观的人越来越多,决不能退却,否则就会弱了魔狼帮的名头,影响以后的建帮立业。 Golden Equipment! He certainly is the person in Level ranking.” Demon wolf on the 6 th startled and envy, with is Mage he, on Gold Magic Staff to Maple Leaf Kuang Lan drools. 黄金装备!他一定是等级排行榜上的人。”魔狼六号又惊又羡,同为魔法师的他,对枫叶狂澜手上的黄金法杖垂涎不已。 In Level ranking? Xuanyuan Jinglan, Maple Leaf Group...... You are Maple Leaf Kuang Lan!” Saw Wind Attribute element that the other side body starts to condense, demon wolf No. 3 startled call out. 等级排行榜上的?轩辕惊澜,枫叶帮……你是枫叶狂澜!”看到对方身体开始凝聚起的风系元素,魔狼三号惊叫出来 The Maple Leaf Kuang Lan name shouted, the crowd that waited and saw made noise immediately, countless people made the broken head to want before had a look at the expert in Level ranking to grow superhuman. 枫叶狂澜的名字一喊出,观望的人群顿时喧闹起来,无数人挣破脑袋想靠前看看等级排行榜上的牛人是不是长了三头六臂。 Can on the Level ranking, be possible to be the characters in legend, usually absolutely is hard to see! Can enter first ten in several hundreds of millions China Player, is not the common cow | Compels to achieve. 能上等级排行榜的,可都是传说中的人物啊,平时绝对难以见到!能在数亿华夏玩家中进入前十,绝不是一般的牛|逼可以做到。 Demon wolf 3rd disrespecting to Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family has triggered the Maple Leaf Kuang Lan anger thoroughly, he receives beforehand looking down on the world, does not pay attention to the vision that noises and countless people of surrounding worship, a face with deep veneration looks at the present Demon Wolf Gang member. As future Xuanyuan Family main him, knows that anything should do, anything should not do, to defend the Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family dignity, even if in the city also refuses to balk with PK of other side. 魔狼三号对轩辕世家的不敬彻底引起了枫叶狂澜的愤怒,他收起之前的玩世不恭,毫不理会外围的喧闹和无数人崇拜的目光,一脸肃然的看着眼前的魔狼帮成员。做为未来轩辕家主的他,知道什么该做,什么不该做,为了维护轩辕世家的尊严,即使和对方在城市里PK也在所不惜。 The lip moves slightly, small storm recited completes, right hand Magic Staff wields lightly, released the past to the Demon Wolf Gang crowd. 嘴唇微动,一个小型风暴已经吟唱完成,右手法杖轻挥,向魔狼帮的人堆里释放过去。 Little Lan, does not want!” Yang Xiruo keeps off in front of Maple Leaf Kuang Lan rapidly, stops Magic/MP that he will soon have released. 小澜,不要!”杨夕若迅速挡在枫叶狂澜面前,制止了他即将释放的魔法 Little Lan, do not impulse, like this you guard grasps-- sorry, was Elder Sister has implicated you, you brought Lanlan (blue) to leave first, some people will help my.” 小澜,不要冲动,这样你会被卫兵抓起来的——对不起,都是姐姐连累了你,你先带蓝蓝离开,会有人来帮我的。” „It is not good! Nobody can bully my Elder Sister Xiruo, nobody can disrespect to our Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan bypasses Yang Xiruo, ruthlessly is staring at the Demon Wolf Gang person. “不行!没有人可以欺负我的夕若姐姐,更没有人可以对我们轩辕世家不敬!”枫叶狂澜绕过杨夕若,狠狠的盯着魔狼帮的人。 Maple Leaf Lan Xing that watches the fun in side had seen Elder Brother must make a move, immediately excited yelled: Second Brother, hits them, makes an effort to hit them, they who hits everywhere look for the tooth......” 一直在旁边看热闹的枫叶蓝星见到哥哥又要出手,立即一脸兴奋的大叫道:“二哥,打他们,用力打他们,打的他们满地找牙……” Xuanyuan Family Youngster, has to plant to attack, making Grandfather have a look at the Xuanyuan Clan person is the cowards!” The demon wolf sneers on the 3rd, so long as other side initiates Attack, oneself can initiate the justifiable defense, not only will not be grasped, but can also the violent leave his equipment, while convenient insulted Maple Leaf Group. 轩辕家小子,有种就攻过来啊,让爷爷看看轩辕家族的人是不是都是孬种!”魔狼三号冷笑不已,只要对方发起攻击,自己这边就可以发起正当防卫,不但不会被抓,而且还可以暴出他的装备,顺带侮辱一下枫叶帮 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan is also uneasy, he has by his present strength can self-confidently the duel other side 5 people, but other side actually more than 40 individuals, in addition Maple Leaf Group several people, is not the other side match. 枫叶狂澜也是忐忑不安,以他现在的实力他有自信可以单挑对方5个人,但对方却有40多个人,加上枫叶帮的几个人,也绝不是对方的对手。 Own Younger Sister? Ok, she except for will make fun of person and the collection gold coin, remaining will only court disaster. 自己的妹妹?算了吧,她除了会捉弄人和收集金币,剩下的只会惹祸。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan clenches teeth ruthlessly, even if drops out the Level ranking, cannot escape is Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family is shamed. 枫叶狂澜狠狠一咬牙,罢了,即使掉出等级排行榜,也不能逃跑为轩辕世家蒙羞。 Whish-- 哗—— Looks quickly......” “快看……” That person will fly......” “那人会飞……”
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