LA :: Volume #1

#67: Sexually harasses Princess

Shui Yue lightly let out a breath, said to the following several complexion strange young court eunuches: Lifts me to Sir Wind Spirit in front, I want......” 水月轻呼一口气,对后面几个脸色怪异的小太监说道:“抬我到风魂大人面前,我要……” Don't four young court eunuches and four young palace maids one thump, secretly thought want with other side PK? However they do not dare saying that four people obedient and honest lifted in front of Princess Feng Xiao, then returned the entrance under the order of Princess, looked at each other in blank dismay. 四小太监、四小宫女心里一咯噔,暗道不会是想和对方PK吧?不过他们可不敢说出来,四个人老老实实的把公主抬到了风逍面前,然后在公主的命令下退回门口,面面相觑。 Feng Xiao grinning looks at Shui Yue, the self-satisfied color/look on face does not conceal, clenches jaws, hundred flowers that on the face that Shui Yue hates also smiles bloom. 风逍笑嘻嘻的看着水月,脸上的得意之色毫不掩饰,把水月恨的更加咬牙切齿,脸上也笑的更加百花绽放。 Does not know that Princess has any secret to tell, must such short distance be able to say.” The first time such short distance looks at Princess Shui Yue, the bonus is Feng Xiao also has some heartbeats to speed up slightly, not only long outstandingly beautiful woman, but also her skin, the tender newborn baby, as if gently pinches to pinch the water leakage likely. “不知公主有什么秘密吩咐,要这么近距离才能说。”第一次这么近距离的看水月公主,饶是风逍也有稍微有些心跳加快,不仅长的天姿国色,而且她的皮肤,柔嫩的像初生婴儿,仿佛轻轻一捏就能捏出水来。 Such skin, in the reality should be is impossible to exist.” Feng Xiao secretly thought. “这样的皮肤,现实中应该是不可能存在的吧。”风逍暗道 This palace several words want to say with Rourou (soft).” Princess Shui Yue lightly smiled, unexpectedly from sedan chair. This action the following four young court eunuch, heavy that four young palace maids frighten, actually does not dare to act rashly. “本宫有几句话想和柔柔说。”水月公主轻轻一笑,竟从轿子上走了下来。这一举动把后面的四小太监,四小宫女吓的不轻,却又不敢轻举妄动。 Really, Princess Shui Yue gets sick greatly beginning recovers, the whole body is incapable, just walked several steps one not to be steady falls down forward. Feng Xiao in great surprise, goes forward hastily one step, grasps Shui Yue that will soon have fallen to the ground. 果然,水月公主大病初愈,全身无力,刚走几步就一个不稳向前扑倒。风逍大惊,连忙上前一步,抱住了即将倒地的水月 Ding, Player Wind Spirit has carried on the harassment to you, you can request that the system summon heavenly thunder carries on the third-level penalty to him, punishes?” “叮,玩家风魂’对你进行了骚扰,你可以请求系统召唤天雷对他进行三级惩罚,是否惩罚?” On the Shui Yue face shows the smile satanically, replied: Yes!” Suddenly the whole body shivers, because she feels a hand cover on her chest. 水月脸上露出恶魔般的微笑,答道:“是!”忽然全身颤抖,因为她感觉一只手正罩在她的胸上。 Ding, Player Wind Spirit has carried on the serious harassment to you, you can request that the system summon heavenly thunder carries on the first-level penalty to him, chooses the first-level penalty?” “叮,玩家风魂’对你进行了严重骚扰,你可以请求系统召唤天雷对他进行一级惩罚,是否选择一级惩罚?” Yes!” The Princess Shui Yue somewhat weak reply, matter has somewhat gone beyond her expectation, she goes all out wants to struggle, but the whole body is incapable, but Master of hand does not have the meaning that must put aside slightly. “是!”水月公主有些无力的回答,事情有些超出了她的预料,她拼命的想挣扎,可是全身无力,而手的主人也没有丝毫要移开的意思。 Third-level punishment: The summon heavenly thunder its bang hard coke, simultaneously lulls 10 seconds. 三级处罚:召唤天雷将其轰成焦炭,同时麻痹10秒。 Second-level punishment: The summon heavenly thunder its bang hard coke, simultaneously lulls 1 minute, and destroys its some equipment. 二级处罚:召唤天雷将其轰成焦炭,同时麻痹1分钟,并破坏其部分装备。 First-level punishment: The summon heavenly thunder its bang carbon residue, Level random drops 1-2 levels, equips random to fall 2-5. 一级处罚:召唤天雷将其轰成碳渣,等级随机下降1-2级,装备随机掉落2-5件。 Top grade penalty: The summon heavenly thunder its bang carbon residue, Level random drops 2-5 levels, equips all falls., 特级惩罚:召唤天雷将其轰成碳渣,等级随机下降2-5级,装备全部掉落。、 The penalty along with the difference and difference of harassment degree, Female Player was harassed may choose the bitter experience degree following penalty freely, for example, receives the second-level harassment can choose to carry on the third-level or second-level penalty, but cannot choose first-level. 惩罚随骚扰程度的不同而不同,女性玩家遭骚扰是可自由选择遭遇程度以下的惩罚,比如,受到二级骚扰的可以选择进行三级或二级惩罚,但不能选择一级。 Feng Xiao was describing in the hand the abundant shape, suddenly top of the head kacha resounded a bolt from the blue, then a purple heavenly thunder straight line rumbled...... 风逍正描绘着手中丰盈的形状,忽然头顶“咔嚓”响起一个晴天霹雳,然后一个紫色的天雷直线轰了下来…… Bang-- 轰—— Feng Xiao has not lived any reaction with enough time, huge thunder and lightning already accurate bombardment in his head, immediately those present astonished covering mouth, but Feng Xiao by whole body of thunder and lightning bombardment...... 风逍没来得及生起任何反应,巨大的雷电已经准确无误的轰击在他的头上,顿时在场的人都惊愕的捂上了嘴巴,而风逍更是被雷电轰击的全身…… ...... Comfortable incomparable, in the top of the head emits 400000 green digit. ……舒坦无比,头顶上冒出400000的绿色数字。 What the green digit represents is-- injury absorption. 140% Thunder Attribute resistances can let Feng Xiao not by the injury of any Thunder Attribute Attack, instead can absorb injury 40%. 绿色数字代表的是——伤害吸收。140%的雷系抵抗能让风逍不受任何雷系攻击的伤害,反而能吸收伤害的40%。 The chins of four young court eunuches and four young palace maids all fall on the ground. Princess Shui Yue is also astonished, shock looks at perfect Feng Xiao, suddenly a numb feeling transmits from the chest, the weak body obviously was incapable. 四小太监、四小宫女的下巴全部掉落在地上。水月公主也是一脸愕然,震惊的看着完好无损的风逍,忽然一阵酥麻的感觉从胸部传来,原本无力的身体更显无力。 This little girl looks like pretty, started too to be also ruthless, such being the case, I ruthlessly selected.” Feng Xiao is without turning a hair, after by the heavenly thunder shells, still standing proudly original place, powerful, the four young palace maid dizziness of looking. But the hand of hideaway under Shui Yue body started the activity. “这个小姑娘看起来娇滴滴的,下手也太狠了吧,既然如此,那我就更狠点好了。”风逍面不改色,被天雷轰击后依然傲立原地,威风凛凛,看的四小宫女一阵目眩。而隐藏在水月身下的手已经开始活动起来。 The chest of Shui Yue does not have Xiruo to be so big, is softer than Xiruo, under pinched Feng Xiao almost comfortably to call, endured not to stop on makes an effort more and more. Princess Shui Yue shames the anger to want, actually to be certainly incapable of struggling, does not dare to cry out, can only bend down in the Feng Xiao body takes office he to humiliate, however wants to sob tenderly. 水月的胸部没有夕若那么大,却比夕若更加柔软,一捏之下风逍差点舒服的叫了出来,忍不住手上越来越用力。水月公主羞怒欲绝,却无力挣扎,又不敢叫唤出来,只能伏在风逍身上任他欺凌,娇然欲泣。 Two fingers are away from light gauze clothes pin to live in a bud, pulls gently, Shui Yue moaned, a drop of eye waterdrop to Feng Xiao on. Feng Xiao at heart one startled, thought own as if some went too far, has to take back the hand resentfully, then holds her imperial carriage Shui Yue that sobbed in a soft voice. 两指隔着薄薄的纱衣夹住一颗蓓蕾,轻轻一扯,水月呻吟一声,一滴眼泪滴到了风逍手上。风逍心里一惊,觉得自己似乎有些太过分了,只好悻悻的收回了手,然后把轻声抽泣的水月扶回了她的銮驾。 Starts a journey to return to the palace.” Princess Shui Yue makes more dignified diligently, looked that seems is looking at the absolutely irreconcilable personal enemy to the Feng Xiao vision that own sound changes, wishes one could to sliver 1008 with the vision him. “起驾回宫。”水月公主努力使自己的声音变的威严一些,看向风逍的眼光似乎是在看不共戴天的仇人,恨不得用眼光将他切成1008块。 Four young court eunuches and four young palace maids do not know obviously what happened, only saw Princess Shui Yue as if very much yearns for has lain a meeting in the Heavenly Dragon Senior Secret Envoy bosom, was held in the sedan chair, recombination beforehand Princess reaction, the idea unexpectedly extraordinary consistency of eight people: Between Princess and Senior Secret Envoy have adultery, definitely has adultery. 四小太监、四小宫女显然不知道发生了什么事,只看到水月公主似乎很留恋的在天龙密使大人怀里趴了一会,然后被扶到轿子里,再结合之前公主反应,八个人的想法竟出奇的一致:公主密使大人之间有奸情,绝对有奸情 After Princess Shui Yue departs ashamed and resentfully, Shui Rourou has lowered the head does not dare to look at Feng Xiao. Feng Xiao's hand a moment ago those who did do her to look in the Princess chest front is the clear, surprised covering mouth does not dare to shout, to his badly also had a brand-new understanding. 水月公主羞愤离去后,水柔柔一直低着头不敢看风逍。刚才风逍的手公主胸前干什么她看的是一清二楚,惊讶的捂住嘴巴不敢喊出来,对他的坏又有了一个全新的认识。 Dares to bully including Princess, the heavenly thunder penalty is also invalid to him, can also what person be worse than him? 公主都敢欺负,天雷惩罚又对他无效,还有什么人可以比他更坏吗? Lifts her exquisite chin gently, Feng Xiao looks that her eyes said: Why didn't choose and Princess Shui Yue a moment ago goes back?” 轻轻抬起她小巧的下巴,风逍看着她的眼睛说道:“刚才为什么不选择和水月公主回去?” I...... I do not know.” Shui Rourou, some do not dare to look straight ahead his eyes shy. “我……我不知道。”水柔柔害羞不已,有些不敢直视他的眼睛 Really is my Darling Rourou.” Feng Xiao smiles, suddenly has kissed on her lip gently. “真是我的乖乖柔柔。”风逍一笑,忽然在她的嘴唇上轻轻吻了一下。 Come, Rourou (soft), has our compassion breakfasts.” “来,柔柔,吃我们的爱心早餐。” Shui Rourou caresses had been kissed the lip lightly, for a while fell into the delay unexpectedly, in the heart disorderly incomparable, but she feels clearly, she likes this feeling, what in the heart are most is the inexplicable joy and satisfaction. She crazy has smiled one, followed. 水柔柔轻抚着被吻过的嘴唇,一时竟陷入了呆滞,心中杂乱无比,但她清楚的感觉到,自己喜欢这种感觉,心中最多的是莫名的欣喜和满足。她痴痴的笑了一声,跟了上去。 Although Feng Xiao will not think hungry, but he is every morning will accompany Shui Rourou to have the breakfast, when he likes looks at her to eat meal shyly, does not dare to make the too big sound the lovable appearance. 虽然风逍不会觉得饿,但他还是每天早上都会陪水柔柔吃早餐,因为他喜欢看她吃饭时羞羞怯怯,不敢发出太大声响的可爱模样。 Although is only the system girl, but I have still had the acquisitive instinct to her, does not know that is good to be bad.” Looks that often steals a glance looks to own Shui Rourou, Feng Xiao somewhat strange thought. “虽然只是系统女孩,可我依然对她产生了占有欲,不知是好是坏呢。”看着不时偷眼看向自己的水柔柔,风逍有些怪异的想到。 Big Brother Feng...... Big Brother Feng, you in city, some people must bully me.” Communication Tool broadcasts the Xiruo anxious sound suddenly, Feng Xiao brushing standing up, on the face the blue vein braves, strong vicious tendencies gush out from heart. 风大哥……风大哥,你在不在城市里,有人要欺负我。”通话器忽然传来夕若焦急的声音,风逍“刷”的站起,脸上青筋直冒,一股浓烈的戾气从心底涌出。 Young Master, how?” Shui Rourou looks at Feng Xiao that stands up suddenly, weakly asked. 少爷,怎么了?”水柔柔看着忽然站起的风逍,弱弱的问道 Has the matter, must exit, Rourou (soft), you eat meal first.” “有事,要出去一下,柔柔,你先自己吃饭。” Un!” “嗯!” Feng Xiao anchors footsteps that must leave suddenly, turns head to say to Rourou (soft): Perhaps, later will have Elder Sister to accompany you, like this you will not think lonely.” 风逍忽然停住要离开的脚步,回头对柔柔说道:“或许,以后会有一个姐姐陪着你,这样你就不会觉得寂寞了。” „...... Un!” “……嗯!” City movement is unable to use Infinite Space Gate, ascertains the Xiruo position, Feng Xiao displays Spirit of Wind rapidly and nimble and resourceful wind, Movement Speed has achieved astonishingly 90, such as gust, rushes to the life Profession Player area. 城市内部的移动无法使用无限空间门,问清楚夕若的位置,风逍迅速施展“风之灵”、“灵动之风”,移动速度达到了惊人的90,如一阵风般,向生活职业玩家区那边奔去。
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