LA :: Volume #1

#66: Choice of Shui Rourou

Princess Shui Yue slightly one selects the eyebrow, said indifferently: If this palace orders you to hand over her.” 水月公主微一挑眉,淡然道:“若是本宫命令你把她交出来呢。” Oh, show pistil show pistil, this secret envoy only listens to emperor's order, moreover......” Feng Xiao arrives in front of Shui Rourou slowly, looks that she slightly flurried eyes said: Since she said I Young Master since that day, she was my, nobody can rob her, Princess, you cannot.” ,骚蕊骚蕊,本密使只听皇帝的命令,而且……”风逍缓缓走到水柔柔面前,看着她略显慌乱的眼睛说道:“从她称我‘少爷’的那天起,她就是我的了,没有人可以抢走她,公主,你也不能。” The Rourou (soft) whole body shakes, raises the head welcomed to the Feng Xiao vision, although could not see his eyes, but she can feel the meaning in his vision clearly. 柔柔全身一震,抬头迎向了风逍的目光,虽然看不到他的眼睛,但她能清楚的感觉到他目光里的含义。 She...... Was his...... 她……是他的了…… Good overbearing man. 好霸道的男人。 Even if Princess Shui Yue the temperament is good, at this time somewhat is also annoyed, from infancy to maturity, no person dares to speak with her like this, on the somewhat pale face has covered red, wishes one could to jump immediately from the sedan chair, a foot tramples to fly this extremely arrogant man. 水月公主即使脾气再好,此时也不禁有些恼火,从小到大,从来没有人敢和她这样说话,有些苍白的脸上蒙上了一层红色,恨不得立即从轿子上跳下去,一脚踹飞这个狂妄的男人。 Has thought Imperial Father to his thinking highly and about his guess, Princess Shui Yue depresses the anger stiffly, said: Sir Wind Spirit, Shui Rourou follows this palace more than ten years, this palace cannot leave her, she cannot leave this palace, but also asked Sir Wind Spirit to spare and not punish too severely, let our Sisters reunion.” 想到了父皇对他的器重和关于他的猜测,水月公主硬生生压下火气,说道:“风魂大人,水柔柔跟随本宫十多年,本宫离不开她,她也离不开本宫,还请风魂大人高抬贵手,让我们姐妹团聚。” Princess......” Shui Rourou excited is moved to tears, does not control self shouted. 公主……”水柔柔激动的热泪盈眶,不自禁的喊了出来。 Four young court eunuches, four young palace maid complexions change in again, it is estimated that the time long point has to evolve the possibility of chameleon, they have not thought certainly Princess not only has not been angry, instead somewhat meaning of request. 四小太监,四小宫女脸色一变在再,估计时间久点都有进化成变色龙的可能,他们绝没想到公主不但没有生气,反而有些请求的意味。 Senior Secret Envoy in this legend, is not simple, it seems like must propagandize well, is not wonderful provoking that otherwise which heavens does not enlarge ones vision by some chance to him. 这个传说中的密使大人,不简单啊,看来回去要好好宣传宣传,否则万一哪天哪个不开眼的招惹到他就不妙了。 Feng Xiao laughs, mindless saying: „Can't you leave Rourou (soft)? Can't Rourou (soft) leave you? I look not necessarily, you did not have Rourou (soft) are not the palace maid who also piled in heaps, appoint you do choose? Visits you behind that eight girls, is all as pretty as a flower, multi- Rourou (soft) are not many, few Rourou (soft) many. But my Rourou (soft), must say cannot leave, is I am right.” 风逍嘻嘻一笑,没心没肺的说道:“你离不开柔柔柔柔离不开你?我看不见得吧,你没有了柔柔不是还有成堆的宫女任你挑选吗?诺,看你身后那八位姑娘,个个如花似玉,多柔柔一个不多,少柔柔一个不少。而我就柔柔一个,要说离不开的,是我才对吧。” Eight girls? Four young court eunuches, four young palace maid almost dizziness. 八位姑娘?四小太监,四小宫女差点眩晕。 Must say that Rourou (soft) could not leave you not necessarily, my Darling Rourou ate here drinks fragrant rests soundly soundly, also under the heavens best Young Master bullied...... cough cough, is accompanying her, compares here with an imperial palace of your assorted custom wicker basket simply is the fairyland.” “要说柔柔离不开你就更不见得了,我的乖乖柔柔在我这里吃嘛嘛香喝嘛嘛香睡嘛嘛香,还有全天下最好的少爷欺……咳咳,陪着她,和你那杂七杂八的规矩一箩筐的皇宫比起来我这里简直就是仙境啊。” Feng Xiao receives Asura Illusion, winked eyes to Shui Rourou. The instant brilliance lets Shui Rourou and Shui Yue has being out of sorts of moment. 风逍收起修罗幻,向水柔柔眨了眨眼睛。刹那的光彩让水柔柔水月都有片刻的失神。 You......” “你……” Good Princess Shui Yue do not lose one's temper, I am only Xiao Xiao (little) Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy, how dares with the Princess bucket. On right Princess many that I am bigger, you led eight husky fellows by the population, but me only has a pretty weak man and a more pretty woman...... Ok, today I have acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, simply naturally. Such good, so long as Rourou (soft) is willing to go back with you, I do not stop, if Rourou (soft) does not agree with and you goes back, but also asked Princess to respect the choice of Rourou (soft), but also Rourou (soft) was free.” “好了水月公主不要动怒,我只是一个小小天龙密使,怎么敢和公主斗。论权利公主比我大的多,论人数你带了八个彪形大汉,而我这边只有一个娇滴滴的弱男子和一个更娇滴滴的弱女子……算了,今天我认栽了,索性就大方点。这样好了,只要柔柔肯和你回去,我绝不阻拦,如果柔柔不同意和你回去,还请公主尊重柔柔的选择,还柔柔自由。” Are you pretty? Our husky fellow? Four young court eunuches and four young palace maids looked at their thin arm thin leg, has with the heart that Feng Xiao goes all out. 你娇滴滴?我们彪形大汉?四小太监、四小宫女看了一眼自己的细胳膊细腿,跟风逍拼命的心都有了。 The chest of Princess Shui Yue air/Qi fluctuates suddenly, the double breast shivers all over, wishes one could to throw in Sky Water Lake to feed the fish him. What is Rourou (soft) is free, was I imprisons my good Sisters to be inadequate. 水月公主气的胸部急剧起伏,双乳乱颤,恨不得把他扔到天水湖中去喂鱼。什么叫还柔柔自由,难道是我禁锢了我的好姐妹不成。 Princess Shui Yue is quickly tranquil, beautiful eye ruthlessly stares at Feng Xiao eyes saying: „Did Sir Wind Spirit say takes seriously? So long as Rourou (soft) does want this palace to lead her to go back?” 水月公主很快平静下来,美目狠狠的盯着风逍眼睛说道:“风魂大人所说当真?只要柔柔愿意本宫就可以带她回去吗?” Will never break a promise!” Feng Xiao said with a laugh, simultaneously held the Shui Rourou small hand, with the finger in her palm flexure flexure, her annoyed trembles lightly. “决不食言!”风逍笑嘻嘻的说道,同时抓住了水柔柔的小手,用手指在她的手心挠了挠,惹的她一阵轻颤。 Good!” Princess Shui Yue relaxed, Rourou (soft) and she is from infancy to maturity greasy in together good Sisters, even if other side good also to arrive at the sentiment of they several years of Sisters to Rourou (soft) again. “好!”水月公主松了一口气,柔柔和她是从小到大都腻在一起的好姐妹,即使对方柔柔再好也抵不过她们十几年的姐妹之情。 Elder Brother Feng, you are bad!” In Sea of Consciousness hears the Xuanyuan Wan'er laughter sound. 风哥哥,你好坏啊!”意识海里传来轩辕婉儿的嬉笑声。 Undeserved, my absolute fair fair, where also went bad!” “冤枉啊,我绝对的公平公正,又哪里坏了!” Added that is not! Elder Brother Feng, beginning to be interested in the opposite sex Young Lady is most ignorant, is easiest to impulse, you are compelling Younger Sister Rourou to make a choice of being in a dilemma!” Xuanyuan Wan'er dramatical saying. “还说不是!风哥哥,情窦初开的少女是最无知,最容易冲动的,你这是在逼柔柔妹妹做一个两难的选择呢!”轩辕婉儿有声有色的说道。 Eh? Does Wan'er know? Is it possible that has Wan'er begun to be interested in the opposite sex?” Feng Xiao surprised asking. 婉儿是怎么知道的?莫非婉儿情窦初开过?”风逍惊奇的问道。 I...... My where has, before these are, knows in the Elder Brother Feng memory. Snort, paid no attention to you.” Xuanyuan Wan'er said that did not have sound, no longer pays attention to Feng Xiao. “我……我哪有,这些都是以前在风哥哥的记忆里知道的。哼,不理你了。”轩辕婉儿说完就没有了声音,不再理会风逍 Rourou (soft), leaves that Big Bastard quickly, goes back with this palace.” Princess Shui Yue said to Rourou (soft) with a smile, as if saw Rourou (soft) returned to side her. However is quick she not to smile, because she saw on the Rourou (soft) face unexpectedly hesitant. 柔柔,快离开那个大坏蛋,和本宫回去吧。”水月公主笑着向柔柔说道,仿佛看到了柔柔已经回到了她身边。不过很快她就不笑了,因为她居然在柔柔脸上看到了犹豫。 Rourou (soft), you must return to the imperial palace, no longer accompanied me?” Feng Xiao looks at Shui Rourou eyes, saying of face affection. 柔柔,你真的要回皇宫,不再陪我了吗?”风逍看着水柔柔眼睛,一脸深情的说道。 I...... I......” Shui Rourou am utterly confused, side is this whole life to she best Sisters, side knows for several days, and bullies his Young Master frequently, facing this should the simple choice, she be at a loss unexpectedly. “我……我……”水柔柔心乱如麻,一边是这辈子对她最好的姐妹,一边是才认识几天并且经常欺负他的少爷,面对这个本应简单至极的选择,她竟然无所适从。 No wonder some sage has said: Beginning to be interested in the opposite sex Young Lady, is in the life the intelligence quotient minimum time, it is estimated that held her hand to arrive at the cliff saying that we flew,” she also with jumping. 难怪某位圣人说过:情窦初开的少女,是一生中智商最低的时候,估计牵着她的手来到悬崖边说“我们飞吧,”她也会跟着跳下去。 Rourou (soft), you how?” Shui Yue frowned: What does he force your?” 柔柔,你怎么了?”水月皱了皱眉头:“他是不是胁迫你什么?” „......” Rourou (soft) has not beckoned with the hand hastily, makes excuses partly makes a sound said: Princess, I want to keep side Young Master, otherwise meets nobody helps him look after the house deeply......” her to lower the head, does not dare to look at Feng Xiao eyes, does not dare to look at Shui Yue eyes, thinks itself, is really in the world worst person. “没有没有……”柔柔连忙摆手,支支吾吾半响才说道:“公主,我想留在少爷身边,否则会没有人帮他看家……”她深深的低下头去,不敢看风逍眼睛,更不敢看水月眼睛,觉得自己,真是天底下最坏的人。 Including her thought that own reason, the looking after the house words, casually hire inferiorly come to achieve personally. 连她自己都觉得自己的理由蹩脚之极,看家的话,随便雇个人来就可以做到。 Rourou (soft)......” the Princess Shui Yue whole body flood the dilutedness, does not know why was several years of Sisters to compare one with her to be only together unexpectedly several days of bad men. 柔柔……”水月公主全身泛起无力感,不知道为什么和她做了十几年姐妹的自己居然比不过一个只相处几天的坏男人。 Has not tasted has been in love with the feeling Princess Shui Yue naturally unable to understand the Shui Rourou complex emotion. Her breathing a sigh of relief of bitterly, although vitality/angry, has not blamed the meaning of Rourou (soft), but anger completely as centralized as Feng Xiao on, quite some feelings of clenching jaws. 没有尝过爱恋感觉的水月公主自然无法了解水柔柔的复杂心情。她恨恨的舒了一口气,虽然生气,却没有丝毫责怪柔柔的意思,而是将怒火全部集中到风逍身上,颇有些咬牙切齿的感觉。 „Does Rourou (soft), disagree this palace to go back really?” 柔柔,真的不和本宫回去吗?” Is unfair to Princess, you forever are Rourou (soft) most own person, is Young Master he...... He......” words have exported, Shui Rourou confident to Shui Yue vision, but behind she could not be justified, she does not understand oneself are remains because of Young Master anything, does not know that is only the subconscious does not want to leave him. “对不起公主,你永远是柔柔最亲的人,可是少爷他……他……”话已出口,水柔柔坦然对上了水月的目光,只是后面她怎么也说不下去了,她自己都不明白自己是因为少爷的什么而留下来,不知道那只是潜意识的不想离开他。 I understood.” The Shui Yue show face smiles: Rourou (soft), we many years of Sisters, this palace knows certainly that your disposition, doesn't matter, we later are still best Sisters, this palace welcome you to return to side this palace at any time.” The hundred flowers that on the face smiles bloom, at heart clenching jaws that Feng Xiao hates, does not know that he has caused any monster technique, unexpectedly makes her so be dead set on to him. “我明白了。”水月展颜一笑:“柔柔,我们多年的姐妹,本宫当然知道你的性格,没关系,我们以后依然是最好的姐妹,本宫随时欢迎你回本宫身边。”脸上笑的百花绽放,心里把风逍恨的咬牙切齿,不知道他使了什么妖术,居然让她对他如此死心塌地。 Princess Shui Yue sighed, not the willingly preparation started a journey to return to the palace, suddenly in the brain the miraculous glow flashed, has thought renovated the Feng Xiao clever trick. 水月公主叹息一声,不甘心的准备起驾回宫,忽然脑中灵光一闪,想到了一个整治风逍的诡计。
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