LA :: Volume #1

#78: Most trash Profession

Ximen Kuang just like a gotten angry greedy person, going all out falls can see the thing that one crowd hand/subordinate keeps silent, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe heavily. 西门狂犹如一头发怒的饿狼,拼命的摔着可以看到的东西,一群手下噤若寒蝉,大气都不敢喘一下。 Is the waste, these many people linked a person unable to cope!” “都是废物,这么多人连一个人都对付不了!” Eldest Young Master, that person too......” 大少爷,那个人实在太……” Shut up! The father does not want to listen to anything to give a pretext, immediately enters to play to look for Ximen Xi to me, if that cheap person and that called Asura, female gave me to shame ruthlessly, male saw one time to kill one time!” “闭嘴!老子不想听什么借口,马上给我进游戏去找西门夕若那个贱人和那个叫修罗的,女的给我狠狠羞辱,男的见一次杀一次!” Yes, Eldest Young Master.” One group of people hurry to draw back, Ximen Kuang cruel Ximen Family is well-known, nobody dares to touch his mildew head at this time. “是,大少爷。”一帮人慌忙退下,西门狂的残暴西门家人人皆知,没人敢在这个时候触他霉头。 Sitting of Ximen Kuang heavily on the chair, he does not have to think oneself spend Demon Wolf Gang that a huge amount of manpower have organized, has not praised the stepping-stone that became others has praised. 西门狂重重的坐在椅子上,他没想到自己花了大量人力组织成的魔狼帮,还没扬名就成了别人扬名的踏脚石。 It seems like, only has first to attain the Construction of Guild command to recall my Demon Wolf Gang reputation.” The Ximen Kuang left hand index finger knocks on gently is striking the table, then lifts own left hand slowly, in the eye flashes through mean. “看来,唯有第一个拿到建帮令才能挽回我魔狼帮的声名。”西门狂左手食指轻轻叩击着桌子,然后慢慢抬起自己的左手,眼中闪过阴狠。 Beautiful hand, actually by that lowly person destroying!!” “多美丽的手啊,却被那个小贱人给毁了!!” On Ximen Kuang who has a high and respected position for a long time skin maintains extremely good, but his left hand on the wane only remains two fingers. 长期养尊处优的西门狂手上皮肤保养得极好,只是他的左手凋零的只剩两根手指。 The Ximen Family juniors get online almost at the same time, they mutually to looking at one, have sent out the helpless forced smile, diverges in abundance seeks for own goal. 西门家的子弟几乎在同一时间上线,他们互相对看了一眼,均发出无奈的苦笑,纷纷散去寻找自己的目标。 Fifth Brother, do you have to think before that Asura us , has probably seen?” The demon wolf draws to say on the 6 th on the 5 th. “五哥,你有没有觉得那个修罗我们以前好像见过?”魔狼六号拉着五号说道。 Demon wolf 5 th said: Before I had also suspected, but I thought that was we are oversuspicious.” 魔狼五号道:“之前我也怀疑过,不过我觉得是我们多疑了。” But, I thought that has the suspicious place. Not only Skills some similar, but also side Eldest Young Lady, will have that matter fortunately?” Saying of No. 6 doubts. “可是,我觉得有很多可疑的地方。不但技能有一些相似,而且都是在大小姐身边,会有那么凑巧的事情吗?”六号疑惑的说道。 Relax, absolutely is not the same person, before that calls Wind Spirit, although two Skills have that little resembles, however his Attack Power rotten must die, my half, less than one week grow to Asura that abnormal degree, possibly? Have not thought that practices the level quickly.” The demon wolf on the 5 th some are slightly impatient, the fast outdoors run. “放心吧,绝对不会是同一个人,之前那个叫风魂的虽然有两个技能有那么一点点像,但是他的攻击力烂的要死,连我的一半都不到,不到一个星期成长到修罗那种变态的程度,可能吗?别多想了,快去练级吧。”魔狼五号略有些不耐烦了,快速向野外跑去。 The demon wolf has pondered on the 6 th slightly, has not felt relaxed, left to follow. 魔狼六号微微思考了一下,还是没有释然,动身跟了上去。 ...... …… Lies on Feng Xiao game cabin, looks the face that he brings to smile safely evilly, in the Feng Yao eye is glittering infatuated. Also static after watching a meeting, satisfied standing up, having the faint smile to clean up his disorderly room. 趴在风逍游戏舱上,看着他安然中带着邪笑的脸,风瑶的眼中闪烁着痴迷。又静静的看了一会后,才满足的站起身来,带着浅笑收拾他凌乱的房间。 The withered bloodstain makes Feng Yao whole body fierce shivering, nocturnal clothing in hand drop on the ground. Picking up that she hurries, the examination of tossing about, the pray is own misconception. 一点干枯的血迹让风瑶全身剧烈的颤抖,手中的夜行衣跌落在地上。她慌忙的捡起,翻来覆去的查看,祈祷是自己的错觉。 The fissures and bloodstains of innumerable dependents let her heart in the drop blood, she rather dies 10,000 times not to hope him by an injury. 无数碎小的裂痕和血迹让她的心在滴血,她宁愿自己死10000次也不愿他受一点伤害。 Is, is who has injured my Elder Brother. 是谁,是谁伤了我哥哥 The graceful holy look was hated to replace instantaneously, that is one type wishes one could its killing palpitation. Had not discovered including her, at this time, in her eye, is glittering unexpectedly the strange red ray. 优雅圣洁的眼神瞬间被仇恨所代替,那是一种恨不能将其杀之的悸动。连她自己都没有发现,此时,她的眼中,竟闪烁着诡异的红色光芒。 A: Will the angel, kill people? A:天使,会杀人吗? B: How possible, the angel is good, the benevolent and holy synonym. B:怎么可能,天使可是善良、仁慈与圣洁的代名词。 A: If some people have injured compared with her HP/Life more important thing? A:那如果有人伤害了比她生命更重要的东西呢? B( silent long time): May, after all, everyone have the thing that oneself protect, has the insurmountable bottom line. B(沉默良久):或许会吧,毕竟,每个人都有自己守护的东西,都有自己不可逾越的底线。 Feng Yao returns to normal diligently own mood, the start clean clothes bloodstain on silently, the Elder Brother clothes, she never makes the bystander bribe, will not draw support from some impersonal forces the things. 风瑶努力平复自己的心情,默默的开始清洗衣服上的血迹,哥哥的衣服,她从来不让外人染指,更不会借助一些非人力的东西。 The cleaning, the drying up, sews all openings carefully, Feng Yao folds it, returns the original position, is bringing a face was unhappy, lies down game cabin. 洗净,吹干,缝补好所有的裂口,风瑶才小心的将它折叠起来,放回原来的位置,带着一脸的不开心,躺进了游戏舱 Feng Yao already 11 levels, but she studies Appraisal Skill Quest not to complete, because of 30 Monster of belt teeth, was too difficult to look, until now, she will has completed half, remaining several Monster, will be getting more and more untraceable. 风瑶已经11级,但她学习鉴定术任务还是没有完成,因为30种带牙的怪物,实在太难找了,直到现在,她才堪堪完成了一半,剩下的几种怪物,将越来越难以找寻。 Feng Yao is not very happy, the present small tiger no longer is also lovable, she redials the string, played her not the zither music that was cruel enough to play. 风瑶的心情很不好,眼前的小老虎也不再可爱,她重拨琴弦,弹奏出了她一直不忍心弹奏的琴音。 Demon sound. Purgatory! 魔音.炼狱! Has not been knowing in Feng Xiao that Death God Tomb slaughters, own for a while was careless to own treasure Younger Sister has brought entire one week of bad mood. But she before him is always a face warm faint smile, never raised the matter that anything made him puzzle. 正在死神墓地厮杀的风逍还不知道,自己的一时粗心给自己的宝贝妹妹带来了整整一周的坏心情。但她在他面前从来都是一脸温馨的浅笑,从来不提起什么让他困扰的事情。 Level Experience of demand is getting more and more huge, in addition are many to have eaten the Experience child in such an arrangement, even if jumps over Level 15 to doubt, Feng Xiao also this humble one noon 3 : 00 difficult rose 24 levels, but Xiao Xiao (little) also arrived at Level 21. 等级所需求的经验越来越庞大,再加上多了一个吃经验的拖油瓶,即使是越15级打怪,风逍在下午三点才艰难的升到了24级,而小小也到了21级 In the Level ranking, Hentian Level 22, third is still Hand of God, already Level 20. From third in the future completely is Level 20, the Level disparity, has not pulled open, all people are waiting for opening of currency exchange. 等级排行榜上,恨天已经22级,第三名依然是上帝之手,已经20级。从第三名往后全部是20级,等级的差距,还是没有拉开,所有人都在等待着货币兑换的开放。 Eldest child, called the eldest child!” In Communication Tool broadcasts the Xiao Tian sound. “老大,呼叫老大!”通话器里传来萧天的声音。 I am an eldest child, please answer!” “我是老大,请回话!” I faint! The eldest child, we arrived in city, moreover prepared Profession Change, Only......” “我晕!老大,我们已经到了城市,而且准备转职了,只是……” Very quick, transfers on the revolutions, do not tell me you unable to find the Profession Change point!” Here Feng Xiao always to blush, initially his Profession Change time has made mistake obstinately. “挺快的嘛,转就转啦,别告诉我你找不到转职点!”说到这里风逍老脸红了一下,当初他转职的时候愣是摆了个大乌龙。 „, The eldest child, you are not about to urge that Bingkuai (ice cube), he wants Profession Change that most trash unexpectedly Water Mage!” The Xiao Tian sound takes an anxiety. “不是的,老大,你快过来劝劝那个冰块啊,他居然要转职那个最垃圾的水系魔法师啊!”萧天的声音带上一丝焦急。 Profession Change Water Mage? 转职水系魔法师 Feng Xiao one dull, slowly has thought of couple days ago a noisy very ominous event. 风逍一呆,慢慢想到了前几天闹的很凶的一个事件。 Along with countless person Profession Change, had the person who did not know the circumstances of the matter to choose Water Mage, but, is similar to the same day Tian Fa to Feng Xiao description such, this Profession was trash Profession, moreover thorough of trash, in a complete mess. 随着无数人转职,有很多不知情的人选择了水系魔法师,但是,如同当日天法风逍描述的那样,这个职业是个垃圾职业,而且垃圾的彻彻底底,一塌糊涂。 And regardless of other reasons, is only the Attack aspect makes the water law through trash Profession. Similarly has 100 Magic Attack, even if Attack weak Wind Mage, chants 0.3 second of release most Low Level relatively wind blade technique may cause 160 foundation damage. But Water Mage chants 0.5 second of release icy cold technique can only create 50 foundation injuries and 2% freezing Effect. Has missed three times fully, do not mediate high attack Method and dry method compares. But 2% that it supplements freezes Effect almost to ignore, meets BOSS completely to disregard. 且不论其他的原因,光是攻击方面就让水法成为一个彻头彻尾的垃圾职业。同样拥有100点魔攻,即使攻击相对较弱的风系魔法师,咏唱0.3秒释放最低级的“风刃术”可造成160的基础伤害。而水系魔法师咏唱0.5秒释放的“冰凌术”只能造成50点基础伤害和2%的冰冻效果。整整差了三倍,更不要说和高攻的雷法与火法比。而它附带的2%的冰冻效果几乎可以忽略不计,遇到BOSS更是可以完全无视。 A Water Attribute only big highlight-- „the water sleek/moist technique, Primary Level may restore 10 HP/Life for oneself every second, but relative Cleric Primary Level can the team restore Intelligence (mind/spirit) × 3 instantaneously HP/Life Healing Skill, appears laughable and pale. 水系唯一的一大亮点——“水润术”,初级可为自己每秒恢复10点生命,可相对牧师初级就可以全队瞬间恢复“精神×3”生命的“治愈术”,却显得可笑而苍白。 The water law, has become «Rebirth» most trash, is basest and lowest, most receives Profession that repels. 水法,成了《轮回》最垃圾,最卑微,最受排斥的职业 Therefore, transferred Water Mage Player to start innumerably to the Ascension Group strong protest, the fierce resistance and railed at the forum maintains entire the day a night, Ascension Group has not withstood the pressure finally, after soliciting Ying Luo agreement, then the issue announced: After all Profession Change Water Mage Player can delete the number, immediately establishes new account, but not by one month of limit, but only limits on July 6, was the day before yesterday, crossed this time Profession Change Water Mage or has not deleted the number to practice on this day again, will not have the second opportunity, only the energy forever was the water law or deletes the number one month later reconstructed again. 于是,无数转了水系魔法师玩家开始向飞天集团强烈抗议,剧烈的抗争与谩骂在论坛上维持了整整一天一夜,飞天集团终于没顶住压力,征得“璎珞”同意后,便发布公告:所有转职水系魔法师玩家都可以删号后立即重新建立新的账号,而不受一个月的时间限制,但仅限7月6号这天,也就是前天,过了这个时间转职水系魔法师或者这一天没有删号重练的,都将没有第二次机会,只能永远是水法或者删号一个月后再重建。 Therefore, after on July 6, China «Rebirth» almost did not have water law Profession Player. 于是,7月6号这天之后,华夏的《轮回》几乎没有了水法这一职业玩家 Feng Xiao reorganized clue slightly, displayed Infinite Space Gate to return to the Heavenly Dragon Imperial City Profession Change square. 风逍略微整理了一下头绪,施展无限空间门返回了天龙皇城转职广场。 Heavenly Dragon Plaza is bustling and filled with people, the appearance of Asura has caused the innumerable gazes and scream, the square that made noise is in a tumult, waits and sees the character in this legend, but actually nobody dares to go forward, cuts to kill hundred people heartlessly is Asura establishes the prestige, establishes the ominous name. 天龙广场人头攒动,修罗的出现引起了无数的注视和尖叫,原本喧闹的广场更加骚动起来,都争相观望这个传说中的人物,但却无人敢上前,无情斩杀百人为修罗立下威名,也立下凶名。 A person's shadow hits to him, Feng Xiao laughed, came a hug ruthlessly with other side, although had the matter to be all right to hit the fart over the two days to talk nonsense, but true meeting is one month ago. 一个人影向他撞来,风逍哈哈一笑,和对方来了一个狠狠的拥抱,虽然这两天有事没事打屁扯淡,但真正的见面已经是一个月之前了。 On the Chen Bing stiff face also shows a smile, this is as handsome as the monster different man, the skin is the tender white letting woman envies. 陈冰僵硬的脸上也露出一丝微笑,这是个英俊到妖异的男人,皮肤更是嫩白的让女人嫉妒。 Eldest child, although looked innumerable in the video, but sees the honorable person to keep me from today enduring palpitation Ah... in heart... How you can bully the person like this, appeared to snatch up my crest of wave.” Xiao Tian two shining looks at the equipment of Feng Xiao whole body, wishes one could to pull down to put on completely. “老大,虽然在视频上看了无数遍,可今天见了真人还是让我更是无法忍受心中的悸动啊……你怎么可以这样欺负人,一出现就把我的风头全抢光了。”萧天两眼放光的看着风逍全身的装备,恨不得全部扒下来自己穿上。 Words that you want, when you arrived at Level 20 throw except for the mask and cloak clothes to you.” “你想要的话,等你到了20级除了面具和披风这身衣服就扔给你了。” When your Level 20, the young master affirmed already Level 30, Gold Wolf coverall, entire Gold, tch tch! 等你20级,小爷肯定已经30级了,金狼套装,全黄金啊,啧啧 „Did old eldest child you say really?” An excitement of Xiao Tian face, loving looks at Feng Xiao, wishes one could to hug him to kiss two. “老老老大你说真的?”萧天一脸的激动,含情脉脉的看着风逍,恨不得抱着他亲上两口。 Hahaha! Sees not to have Bingkuai (ice cube), I already said that absolutely followed the eldest child to be popular drank spicily, right.” Xiao Tian heavily is patting the shoulder of Chen Bing, letting success go to the head laughs, as if saw oneself by numerous MM admire scene of vision surrounding. “哇哈哈哈!看到没冰块,我早就说说跟了老大绝对吃香的喝辣的,没错吧。”萧天重重的拍着陈冰的肩膀,得意忘形的大笑起来,仿佛已经看到自己被众MM爱慕的目光包围的情景。 Was good, little plays treasure. Little Bing, you determined that wants Profession Change Water Mage?” Feng Xiao changes Chen Bing to ask. “好了,少耍宝。小冰,你确定要转职水系魔法师?”风逍转向陈冰问道。 Yes!” Chen Bing nods. “是!”陈冰点点头。 Even if it is most trash Profession?” “即使它是最垃圾的职业?” It, non- trash.” “它,不垃圾。” Oh?” Feng Xiao has smiled, said: Although in reality you are Ice Attribute different functions, but this does not represent you in the game to display the superiority in this aspect, even so, can you transfer the water law?” ?”风逍笑了,说道:“虽然现实中你是冰系异能者,但这并不代表你可以在游戏里发挥这方面的优势,即使如此,你还是要转水法?” Yes!” Chen Bing firm nod. “是!”陈冰坚定的点头。 Good, I support you!” Feng Xiao smiles the racket the shoulder of Chen Bing, although he cold and proud, but to recognizing the thing has astonishing rigid, is similar to he to the friendship rigid general. “好,我支持你!”风逍笑着拍拍陈冰的肩膀,他虽然冷傲,但对认定的事物有着惊人的执着,就如同他对友情的执着一般。 Hey, won't the eldest child, Bingkuai (ice cube) be able to look on the bright side of thing you unable to look on the bright side of thing? This is recognition most trash Profession!” Xiao Tian has not thought the persuasive speaker who invited turned into the supporter, anxious. “喂喂,老大,冰块想不开你不会也跟着想不开吧?这可是公认的最垃圾的职业啊!”萧天没想到请来的说客变成了支持者,急了起来。 Little Tian, does not have most trash Profession, only then most formidable Player! Moreover......” Feng Xiao was saying to Xiao Tian: „Will Ying Luo, as the God of fair and omnipotent network, allow this kind of not balanced Profession to appear really? Perhaps, this Profession hides any secret perhaps, is also letting Little Bing, excavates to be water own superiority, I believe that Little Bing certainly.” 小天,没有最垃圾的职业,只有最强大的玩家!而且……”风逍对着萧天说道:“璎珞,作为公平、无所不能的网络之神,真的会允许这样一个不平衡的职业出现吗?或许,这个职业隐藏着什么秘密也说不定,就让小冰,来发掘属于水法自己的优势吧,我相信,小冰一定可以。” Xiao Tian opened mouth to continue anything, but saw the Chen Bing firm look, finally has not consoled again. 萧天张张嘴想继续说些什么,可是看到陈冰坚定的眼神,终于没有再劝解。 Finally, Chen Bing Profession Change Water Mage, Xiao Tian Profession Change Warrior. 最终,陈冰转职水系魔法师,萧天转职战士 The sword, is Xiao Tian other half HP/Life. 剑,是萧天的另一半生命 Was good, Profession Change finished, walks, I lead you to go to a good place.” “好了,转职完毕,走,我带你们去一个好地方。” Feng Xiao leads two brothers to rush to own Feng House, everywhere one visit pedestrian allows to pass through, following on the heels Xiao Tian has walked tall, attractive MM of resembles two sides throws the coquettish look, almost all was actually disregarded, hates the tooth to be itchy him, wishes one could immediately to dig up Feng Xiao that actor. 风逍带着两兄弟向自己的风楼奔去,所到之处行人纷纷让路,跟在后面的萧天挺直了腰杆,不停的像两边的漂亮MM抛媚眼,却几乎全被无视,把他恨得牙痒痒,恨不得立即把风逍那一身行头扒下来。 Before arriving at the Feng House gate, the Xiao Tian chin almost falls on the ground, has revealed the surprised color/look including Chen Bing. 来到风楼门前,萧天下巴差点掉在地上,连陈冰都露出了惊奇之色。 Eldest child, is really this your family? You determined that you are not Intelligence (mind/spirit) confused...... Hey not to hit, I cannot believe, my mother, wants big several times compared with my family/home!” “老大,这真是你家?你确定你不是精神错乱……喂喂别打,我只是不敢相信,我的娘啊,比我的家还要大好几倍啊!” Walked, goes in does not know.” Is disinclined to be wordy with this goods, “走,进去不就知道了。”懒得和这货罗嗦,
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