LA :: Volume #8

#705: Right, is God

Feng Xiao stops finally in Japanese Country Capital Center place above, a face sneers looks under, then the straight falling body, has not greeted with Azure Dragon. Azure Dragon slightly one hesitant, not with. 风逍最终停在东瀛国首都中心的正上方,一脸冷笑的看着下方,然后直直的落下身体,没有和青龙打招呼。青龙稍一犹豫,没有跟下去。 Here named Emperor Palace, has the position that Japanese country highest authority is . Similar to the China country highest authority year to year is grasped in the hand of Long Family, the highest authority generation of Japanese country's was also grasped in the hand of Japanese country most formidable Tokugawa Clan, moreover does not know that has continued many generations. 这里名为天皇宫,是拥有东瀛国最高权力者所在的位置。如同华夏国最高权力常年被掌握于龙家之手,东瀛国的最高权力也世代被掌握于东瀛国最强大的德川家族之手,而且已经不知延续了多少代。 Here alert without a doubt stern incomparable, the fly that various infrared and microwave beam can let intrusion nowhere hides. To the average man, here is the restricted area that is unable to approach...... But also to average man. In the past Ye Huangtian can kill here indefinitely, let alone present Feng Xiao. In the crash process, he changed into the Blood Emperor Shadow Wind attire, when falls to the ground, the surroundings alarm bell writings, dozens muzzles have aimed at him, and fire without hesitation...... Whole body black clothes, surface ignorant/veiled black shawl, such attire requirement did not inquire, kills directly is the most correct choice. 这里的戒备毫无疑问的森严无比,各种的红外、微波射线能让一只闯入的苍蝇都无处遁形。对常人来说,这里是无法接近的禁地……但也只是对常人来说。当年叶皇天可以在这里杀个三进三出,更何况如今的风逍。坠落过程中,他已经换成了血皇影风的装束,落地之时,周围警铃大作,数十个枪口对准了他,并毫不犹豫的射击……全身黑衣,面蒙黑巾,这样的装束根本就不需要询问,直接射杀是最正确的选择。 But at this time, the Emperor Palace sitting room, Tokugawa Ichifusa stern-faced is listening to report hand/subordinate. Since World Martial Battle Grand Competition, his mood has not felt better, but the one by one bad news also pours. At this time, hears in this population to speak of Yasukuni Shrine to be destroyed by God, Tokugawa Ichifusa has stood fiercely, grasps his collar, wicked saying: What did you say?” 而此时,天皇宫内厅,德川一藤正一脸阴沉的听着手下的汇报。自从世界武斗大会之后,他的心情就没好过,而一个个坏消息也是接踵而来。此时,听到这人口中说到“靖国神厕”被天神毁灭,德川一藤猛的站了起来,一手抓起他的衣领,恶狠狠的说道:“你说什么?” That person of complexion turns white, hurries to beckon with the hand: Emperor your excellency appeases anger, Emperor your excellency certainly also heard a moment ago the God anger...... But, Divine Punishment real descends, the God ray lowered from the sky, carried off entire Yasukuni Shrine and in all people...... I have not lied absolutely, there everyone saw, absolutely true!” 那人脸色发白,慌忙摆手:“天皇阁下息怒,刚才天皇阁下一定也听到天神的愤怒了……可是,天罚真的降临了,天神的光芒从天空降下,将整个靖国神厕和里面的所有人都带走了……我绝对没有说谎,那里的每个人都看到了,千真万确啊!” The Tokugawa Ichifusa complexion becomes dark, no matter how Yasukuni Shrine were destroyed, was equal to the entire Japanese country face above fan slap. He just wants to suppress the sound of reprimanding, suddenly outside transmits a loud sound and sound of firearms chaotic fire. 德川一藤脸色发黑,不管靖国神厕是怎么被毁灭的,都是相当于在整个东瀛国脸上扇了一个又一个的耳光。他刚想狠斥之声,忽然外面传来一声巨响和枪械混乱射击的声音。 What's the matter?” Tokugawa Ichifusa gloomy expression asked. “怎么回事?”德川一藤阴着脸问道。 I have a look immediately.” “我马上去看看。” Wait/Etc....... Did you just have to see Satou?” Tokugawa asked him to ask, he thought that matter some were not as if right. Usually if had such big matter, Satou meets first asks him to report, will not make him know this news to the present. In addition, he realized indistinctly entire Emperor Palace was more peaceful, as if all of a sudden has been short of many people. “等等……你刚刚有没有看到佐藤?”德川叫着他问道,他觉得事情似乎有些不对。平时若出了这么大的事,佐藤一定会第一时间找他报告,绝不会让他到现在才知道这个消息。除此之外,他隐约察觉到整个天皇宫都安静了许多,仿佛一下子少了很多人。 His intuition is fearful, received referring to of Long Wei to regard, the ambush immediately quietly evacuated with various method one by one in the Long Family people of Tokugawa. 他的直觉是可怕的,接到了龙威的指视,原本潜伏在德川家的龙家人都已经在第一时间用各种方法一一悄悄撤离。 Has not seen.” That person lowers the head the reply. After the loud sound, out of the door starts to resound the chaotic gunshot sound, is mixing indistinctly also with the startled call . Moreover the acoustic source approaches obviously more and more, in Tokugawa Ichifusa heart restless was expanded the several fold all of a sudden, he grasps the pistol in drawer, loudly exclaimed: Goes to have a look quickly what's the matter!” “没有看到。”那人低着头回答。巨响之后,门外开始响起混乱的枪击声,隐约还夹杂着惊慌的呼声,而且声源明显越来越靠近,德川一藤心中的不安一下子被扩大数倍,他抓起抽屉里的手枪,大吼道:“快出去看看是怎么回事!” Yes!” That person hurries to turn around, but has not opened the door to exit with enough time, that firm incomparable steel gate unexpectedly such as the explosion generally attacked smashing, in which piece of fragment flies directly his body belt, hits on his behind wall, then loses consciousness. “是!”那人慌忙转身,但还未来得及打开房门出去,那面坚固无比的钢化门竟如爆炸一般被冲击的粉碎,其中的一片碎片直接将他的身体带飞出去,撞到他身后的墙壁上,然后人事不省。 The black clothes person puts down the right foot that just the general's family directly trampled to fly, arriving both hands swaggering grasp the spear/gun, in front of complexion big change Tokugawa Ichifusa, ridiculed: It seems like, the defense of your Tokugawa is also mediocre.” 黑衣人放下刚刚将门直接踹飞的右脚,大摇大摆的走到双手握枪,脸色大变的德川一藤面前,讥讽道:“看来,你们德川家的防守也不过如此。” Who are you?” Tokugawa Ichifusa solemnly asked. Although he is pointing at other side with the pistol at this time, but heart does not have any security sense. Is his foot tramples rottenly also wants on the hard three points of doors compared with the fine iron, Tokugawa Ichifusa knows that the strength of this person is the true terrifying level. Through was trampled the rotten door, Tokugawa saw out of the door is lying down lying this way and that firearms and body everywhere...... Strongest wolf eyes and leopard teeth including that two army. “你是谁?”德川一藤沉声问道。虽然他此时以手枪指着对方,但心底却没有任何的安全感。仅仅是他一脚踹烂比精铁还要硬上三分的房门,德川一藤就知道这个人的实力是真正的恐怖级。通过被踹烂的房门,德川看到了门外横七竖八躺着满地的枪械与身体……包括那两个军中最强的狼眼豹牙 Under hail of bullets as well as the heavily indestructible impediment so amazingly quick intrudes here, will he fear the pistol? 在枪林弹雨以及重重坚不可摧的阻隔下如此神速的闯入这里,他会怕手枪? Whose I was you knew quickly, but before again this, you must walk with me. You should rejoice, if my early day arrived here, you now is a corpse!!” Feng Xiao said, the form in a flash, appeared like teleport in the Tokugawa Ichifusa shocking vision before him, a hand has seized his pistol, another hand seized his neck. “我是谁你很快就知道了,不过再这之前你必须和我走一趟。你应该庆幸,如果我早一天来到这里,你现在已经是一具尸体!!”风逍说完,身影一晃,已在德川一藤震惊的目光中如瞬移般出现在他面前,一只手夺过他的手枪,另一只手掐住了他的脖子。 „Are you Chinese?” Tokugawa Ichifusa has not struggled, suppresses the sensation of asphyxia to say. “你是华夏人?”德川一藤没有挣扎,强忍着窒息感说道。 Right, anticipates to the following destiny very much?” Feng Xiao low and deep saying, the hand tightened several points. “没错,是不是对自己接下来的命运很期待呢?”风逍低沉的说道,手又紧了几分。 A Tokugawa Ichifusa face suppresses red, but he actually sneers: I do not know how you come, but the whereabouts has exposed now, soon the army will catch up. When the time comes......” 德川一藤一张脸憋得通红,但他却冷笑起来:“我不知道你是怎么进来的,但现在你的行踪已经暴露,用不了多久军队就会赶过来。到时候……” When the time comes they will be annihilated, do you believe? You are best to pray that they select slowly, if they come now, your loss may not be general was big.” Feng Xiao disdains to smile, is disinclined to look that the Tokugawa Ichifusa flash becomes the delay look, is dragging his body leisure going out Emperor Palace. “到时候他们会全军覆没,你信么?你最好祈祷他们慢点来,如果他们现在就来的话,你的损失可就不是一般的大了。”风逍不屑一笑,懒得去看德川一藤一瞬间变得呆滞的眼神,拖着他的身体慢悠悠的走出天皇宫 Really, he just trod palace gate, four ambush balls divide four directions to shoot at his about temples separately. The bullet speed returns the accuracy, was proving all they ambush the expert truly. If not Japanese Emperor is kidnapped, they disdain four people simultaneously to make a move radically...... Meanwhile, before Feng Xiao body, is innumerable the spear/gun to him, if no scruples Tokugawa Ichifusa, these spears/guns early had been taken away the rifle bolt. 果然,他刚一踏出宫门,四颗狙击弹分四个方向分别射向他的左右太阳穴。无论是子弹速度还准确度,无不证明着他们是真正的狙击高手。如果不是东瀛天皇被劫持,他们根本不屑四人同时出手……同时,风逍身前已经是无数把枪对着他,如果不是顾忌德川一藤,这些枪早已经被扣动枪机。 The Feng Xiao right hand loosens Tokugawa Ichifusa, then both hands also hold up, clamps about in that four ambush balls the fingers separately, then lost reverse, simultaneously the right hand copies, once more raises Tokugawa Ichifusa of body also decline place. 风逍右手松开德川一藤,然后双手同时举起,将那四颗狙击弹分别夹到左右手指间,然后反向丢了回去,同时右手一抄,将身体还没落地的德川一藤再次提到手中。 Has one to have 500 people of teams merely at present fully, surroundings certain also more armies encircle entire Emperor Palace, watertight. Four ambush balls by him simultaneously easy meeting in the hand, this makes the Japanese army of concentrating on complete are looked to come into sight, immediately, these calm servicemen looked ashen most probably with amazement, remaining half direct scared. They have remembered that fearful and real legend -- 14 year ago China Ye Huangtian once was welcoming the hail of bullets in Emperor Palace uninjured has killed indefinitely, the hearsay he can keep off the bullet with the sword, but at present this kidnaps the Tokugawa Ichifusa person to catch the ambush ball with the hand unexpectedly directly...... Is he a person? 仅仅是眼前就有一支足有500人的队伍,周围一定还有更多军队将整个天皇宫团团围住,水泄不通。四颗狙击弹被他同时轻而易举的接在手中,这一幕让全神贯注的东瀛军队完完全全的看到眼中,顿时,这些镇定的军人大半被骇然面如土色,剩下的一半则直接傻眼。他们想起了那个可怕而真实的传说——14年前华夏叶皇天曾迎着枪林弹雨在天皇宫发无伤的杀了个三进三出,传闻他可以用剑挡子弹,而眼前这个劫持住德川一藤的人竟然直接用手接住了狙击弹……他还是人吗? You are trembling probably.” Feng Xiao hoarse the sound is sneering saying that actually nobody dares to reply him...... Because he radically is not a person. “你们好像在发抖啊。”风逍嘶哑着声音冷笑道,却没有一个人敢回答他……因为他根本就不是一个人。 Goes back to tell everyone, I am God Emissary, because your native of Japan wrong things are too many, therefore I grasp your Emperor to train training, after he comes back, he can turn over a new leaf......” the Feng Xiao corners of the mouth one, grasps the hand of Tokugawa Ichifusa tightly one. In front of these Japanese servicemen suddenly such as rocket generally straight flying to the upper air, until completely vanishes in their lines of sight. “回去告诉每一个人,我是天神使者,因为你们这些东瀛人错事太多,所以我抓你们的天皇去调教调教,等他回来后,他一定会洗心革面的……”风逍嘴角一咧,抓回德川一藤的手一紧。当着这些东瀛军人的面忽然如火箭一般直直的飞向高空,直到完全消失在他们的视线之中。 Pa! pa...... The chaotic firearms landing sound gets up, several person servicemen sit directly falls down, eyes also look at anything no upper air. If this is not the dream, that was they have met True God. 啪!……混乱的枪械落地声响起,有几个人军人直接坐倒在地上,眼睛还怔怔的看着什么都没有的高空。如果这不是梦,那就是他们遇到了真正的神 His his he...... He is really not a person.” Although senior official of lead from keeping cool, but on the forehead full is the cold sweat. “他他他……他果然不是人。”带头的长官虽然强自保持镇定,但额头上已经满是冷汗。 Emperor is taken prisoner, is a big bomb bombardment in the Japanese border, is startled the mighty waves to be innumerable. Those present too were at that time many, even if this matter wants to conceal the truth not possible. In addition True God carried off by one, in their subconscious does not dare to conceal, but also obedient through the media spreads over the nation the words that Feng Xiao just before leaving spoke, recombination beforehand Yasukuni Shrine is extinguished, in the Japanese border once more in an uproar a piece. Various about God the hearsay starts to spread, the innumerable Catholicism believers also started taking the opportunity wantonly to spread Catholicism at this time. 天皇被掳,又是一个大炸弹轰击在东瀛国境内,惊起波涛无数。当时在场的人实在太多,这件事即使想瞒住都不可能。再加上是被一个“真正的神”带走,他们潜意识里不敢去隐瞒,还乖乖的把风逍临走时所说的话通过媒体传遍全国,再结合之前靖国神厕被灭,东瀛国境内再次哗然一片。各种版本的关于“天神”的传闻开始传开,无数天主教的教徒也在这个时候开始借机大肆传扬天主教 The position that brings before several hundred meters sky are at Tokugawa Ichifusa desolately, Feng Xiao said to Azure Dragon: Goes back.” 德川一藤带到数百米上空之前自己所在的位置,风逍冷淡的对青龙说道:“回去。” Azure Dragon has not spoken, both hands start to tie, her speed was faster, after three seconds, formation completes, the next second returned to China again, Feng Family sky. 青龙没有说话,双手开始结阵,这次她的速度快了很多,三秒之后阵法完成,再下一秒已经回到了华夏境内,风家的上空。 Was good, you can go home.” Feng Xiao turns around, raises Tokugawa Ichifusa to fly to the Long Family direction. “好了,你可以回家了。”风逍转身,提着德川一藤飞向龙家方向。 Flies in the airborne broken wind, this feeling and makes the airplane to be completely different, perhaps the average person is broken to the world the life to be also hard to realize. Without doubt, this aspect words Tokugawa Ichifusa is Luck, his eyes times open, closed, diligently wants to confirm oneself have not waked up in the dream. 在空中破风而飞,这种感觉和做飞机完全不同,普通人或许穷极一生也难以体会到。无疑,这方面来讲的话德川一藤幸运的,他的眼睛一次次张开,一次次闭合,努力的想确认自己是不是还在梦中未醒来。 You...... Person.” When this in Feng Xiao intrudes can maintain completely calm Tokugawa Ichifusa in has been flustering at this moment finally, the terrifying that this person displays has far exceeded the category of person. “你到底……是不是人。”这个在风逍闯入时都能保持着完全冷静的德川一藤在此刻终于慌了,这个人所表现出来的恐怖已经远远超出了人的范畴。 I am Chinese.” Feng Xiao coldly said. “我是华夏人。”风逍冷声道 Where can you lead me to go to?” “你要带我去哪里?” Long Family.” 龙家。” „......!!” “……!!” You are the Long Wei son!” The Long Family two characters made him think, but what first thought was that even/including four Gods collaborates to defeat the child of Long Wei. Continually is called God person can defeat, his strength is True God. “你是龙威的儿子!”龙家二字让他想到了很多,而首先想到的是那个连四神联手都击败的龙威之子。连被称作“神”的人都能击败,他的实力岂不是才是真正的神 Feng Xiao shot a look at his one eyes lightly, said with a cold laugh: You have guessed right, but if you is a smart person should not say, because this will make you die is quicker.” 风逍淡淡的瞥了他一眼,冷笑一声道:“你猜对了,但如果你是个聪明人的话就不应该说出来,因为这会让你死的更快。” Long Wei son...... Long Wei son...... Hahahaha! Long Family has destroyed my Tokugawa lineage/vein, actually resulted in own Long'er, I was not willingly! I am not willing!!” Tokugawa Ichifusa unwilling is bellowing. Hatred between he and Long Wei from mutual disaffection, again to 22 years ago thorough stimulation, again to 14 years ago clenching jaws. Tokugawa Ichifusa has even prepared to make Long Family restless with own life. Has not thought that destiny actually caring for Long Family time and time again. 龙威的儿子……龙威的儿子……哈哈哈哈龙家毁了我德川一脉,却得回了自己的龙儿,我不甘心!我不甘心!!”德川一藤不甘的大吼着。他与龙威之间的仇恨由相互的不满,再到22年前的彻底激发,再到14年前的咬牙切齿。德川一藤甚至已经准备用自己的一生去让龙家不安。没想到,命运却一次又一次的眷顾龙家 How is not willing, although you have the astute brains, but eventually is a waste, person of the side has 50% is the Long Family people does not know. But under the chair that you usually sit already was also installed the invisible bomb...... You every day sits on the bomb does not know, heh......” “不甘心又如何,你虽然有着精明的头脑,但终究是个废物,连自己身边之人有一半是龙家人都不知道。而你平时坐的椅子下面也早已被装上了隐形炸弹……你连自己每天都坐在炸弹上面都不知道,嘿……” The Tokugawa Ichifusa complexion fluctuates unceasingly, thinks that the Blood Sakura secret appears in China, thinks Satou is missing with the beforehand Emperor Palace strange peace for no reason, his complexion the black resembles carbon, clenched teeth saying: You talked nonsense!!” 德川一藤的脸色不断变幻,想到血樱秘密出现在华夏,想到佐藤的无故失踪和之前天皇宫诡异的安静,他的脸色已经黑的像碳,咬牙道:“你胡说!!” Feng Xiao coldly snorted, was again disinclined to open the mouth. 风逍冷哼了一声,再也懒得开口。
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