LA :: Volume #8

#706: We are the person, is not domestic animal!

Feng Xiao has flown the Long Family yard place above, then straight racing, Tokugawa Ichifusa from opening in the window has thrown directly, the head was well-grounded to fall to go fall flat on one's face, has blocked his whole body veins with Chaos Power while convenient temporarily, making him the whole body worn out and aching be incapable within certain amount of time, the strength of continually standing did not have. 风逍一直飞到龙家大院的正上方,然后快速降下,将德川一藤从打开的窗户里直接扔了进去,脑袋着地摔了个狗吃屎,顺便用混沌之力暂时封锁了他全身筋脉,让他一定时间内全身酸软无力,连站立的力气都没有。 That room is a side room in Long Family yard, inside anything does not have. The place when here usually is the Long Wei pressure is oversized is used to calm the mind. 那间屋子是龙家大院里的一间偏房,里面什么都没有。这里平时是龙威压力过大时用来静心的地方。 The bone of Tokugawa Ichifusa whole body was almost broken, he clenches teeth to go all out to crawl, actually discovered own gearing moves the finger unexpectedly difficultly incomparable. 德川一藤全身的骨头几乎被摔断,他咬着牙拼命想爬起,却发现自己竟连动动手指都困难无比。 Mother, I just noticed that probably had east anything flying westward to come in...... Die'er, did you see?” 妈妈,我刚刚看到好像有什么东西飞进来了……蝶儿,你看到了吗?” This is a Young Lady sound, Tokugawa Ichifusa believes, this is this whole life has heard the most delightful sound, was somewhat crazy, immediately, is a very sweet Young Lady sound that under this environment listens resounds: Un, is actually Elder Brother comes, above.” 这是一个少女的声音,德川一藤相信,这是他这辈子听到过的最悦耳的声音,在这种环境下都听的有些痴了,随即,又是一个很甜的少女声音响起:“嗯,其实是哥哥来啦,就在上面。” „? Elder Brother...... Elder Brother where?” “啊?哥哥……哥哥在哪里?” Oh...... Originally by Die'er discovering, that does not hide.” This is a voice of young man, in the sound brings obvious favoring to drown. Tokugawa Ichifusa wants to have a look at that little girl long anything appearance suddenly very much, is actually what kind of Young Lady can send out to the sound that letting the person unknowingly is infatuated with so delightfully. But facing such Young Lady, who can not favor to drown she. “唉……原来已经被蝶儿给发现了,那就不藏了。”这是一个年轻男人的声音,声音里带着明显的宠溺。德川一藤忽然很想看看那个小女孩长的什么样子,究竟是怎样的少女才能发出如此悦耳到让人不知不觉陶醉的声音。而面对这样的少女,谁又会不宠溺着她呢。 Squeak-- 吱—— The gate was shoved open slowly, a tall and straight person's shadow stepped, then gate by closing of heavily. Tokugawa Ichifusa difficult raises the head, the vision sees his face from his under foot, the complexion flash becomes fierce. 门被缓缓推开,一个挺拔的人影迈了进来,然后门又被重重的关上。德川一藤艰难的抬头,目光从他的脚下看到他的脸,脸色一瞬间变得狰狞。 Long Wei!!” The hate, makes his sound seriously be twisted virulently. Although he usually frequently mood *, but * is not equal to losing control, he will maintain the consciousness brains in any condition by himself, but in front of Long Wei, his whole body each cell will be shaking, that because of fearing, because will hate. 龙威!!”怨恨、恶毒让他的声音被严重扭曲。虽然他平时经常情绪*,但*并不等于失控,他会一直让自己在任何状态下保持清醒的头脑,但在龙威面前,他全身每一个细胞都在抖,那不是因为怕,而是因为恨。 I know that you hate me, was similar to initially I hated you to be the same.” The Long Wei advantage regards looks to lie to bend down in Tokugawa Ichifusa of under foot, has fought for dozens years, this is their first true independent meetings. He knows, no matter the choice of Tokugawa is anything, oneself won, the Tokugawa Ichifusa result only then two, dies, Tokugawa Clan also quickly destroys, two do not die for him, but must become Long Family slave, the entire Japan becomes China slave. “我知道你恨我,就如同当初我恨你一样。”龙威居高视下的看着趴伏在脚下的德川一藤,斗了几十年,这是他们第一次真正的独立会面。他知道,不管德川的选择是什么,自己已经胜了,德川一藤的结果只有两个,一个是死,德川家族也很快跟着毁灭,二为他不死,但必须成为龙家的“奴隶”,连带整个东瀛都成为华夏的“奴隶”。 Right, I wished one could to eat uncooked your meat! Once my Tokugawa in view of Long Family was because must aim at China, from 14 years of that day, I constantly do not want to be cut to pieces you. Do not think that I do not know, Sword God Ye Huangtian not your pulling strings of your China and tacitly consented to is impossible to make such matter!” Saying of Tokugawa Ichifusa face hatred. He knows himself, since arrived here, the possibility of not having walked, in the heart does not have a fear, only hated itself unable to repay that to suffer he several years of hate. “对,我恨不得生吃了你的肉!曾经我德川针对龙家是因为要针对华夏,但从14年那天时,我就无时无刻不想将你千刀万剐。不要以为我不知道,你们华夏剑神叶皇天没有你的指使和默许绝不可能做出那样的事!”德川一藤一脸怨毒的说道。他知道自己既然已经来到了这里,就没有走出去的可能,心中没有一丝的恐惧,只恨自己无法偿还那折磨了他十几年的恨。 „......” Long Wei narrows eyes to sneer: You have any qualifications to hate me, the past years was my Long Family later generation who who harmed is exploded falls the cliff bottom, almost therefore was killed including my husband and wife. If not the day pities my Long Family to return me 21 years later Long child, my Long Family was also never recurring now, without you to our, because, will not have your today's fruit. All, all stem from your vicious heart!” “呵……”龙威眯着眼睛冷笑:“你有什么资格怨恨我,当年是谁害的我龙家后人被炸落崖底,连我夫妻都差点因此而丧命。如果不是天怜我龙家在21年后送还我龙子,我龙家如今也已经绝后,没有你对我们的因,就不会有你今天的果。一切,皆是源于你狠毒的心!” The Long Wei trend goes, a foot kicks above the chest of Tokugawa Ichifusa, making his pain the complexion twist fiercely, but has not exuded any pitiful yell sound actually. 龙威走向前去,一脚踢在德川一藤的胸口之上,让他痛的脸色剧烈扭曲,但硬是没发出任何惨叫声。 This foot, is almost kicked by Xiao'er that you killed for the past years, only depended on this point, our Long Family should want your Tokugawa complete life!” “这一脚,是为当年差点被你害死的逍儿踢的,仅凭这一点,我们龙家本就该要了你们德川全部的性命!” His forward one step, is a foot tramples in his chest front, kicked him directly rolled three. Long Wei at this time on the dignified face full is the fearful angry look, hates the sound said: This foot, kicks for Xiao'er, you can aim at me time and time again, but why you aim at Xiao'er once again, although you have not injured to arrive at him, but has actually killed he most important person, lets his sad white hair, makes our Long Family withstand the piercing pain up and down completely, this point, you are die ten times unable to compensate my son!” 他又向前一步,又是一脚踹在他胸前,将他直接踢得滚了三圈。龙威此时威严的脸上满是可怕的怒色,恨声道:“这一脚,也是为逍儿踢的,你可以一次一次的针对我,但为什么你又一次针对逍儿,虽然你没有伤到他,但却害死了他最重要的人,让他伤心白发,也让我们龙家上下全部承受刺骨之痛,这一点,你就是死上十次都无法补偿我的儿子!” This foot withstood pains of more than 20 years of losing a child wife for me......” “这一脚是为了我承受了20多年丧子之痛的妻子……” This foot for me similarly painful too long father and mother......” “这一脚是为了我同样痛苦了太久的父亲和母亲……” This foot for me!!” “这一脚是为了我自己!!” Last foot falls, trod directly above his chest, Tokugawa Ichifusa was similar to a rubber ball is kicked to roll to make a round trip, painful on the facial features including face twisted in one. 最后一脚落下,直接踏在了他的胸口之上,德川一藤如同一个皮球般被踢得滚来覆去,痛的连脸上的五官都拧在了一起。 Puts aside from his body the foot, Long Wei soft sigh of relief, desolate saying: to become king defeats the invader, the defeated must withstand the humiliation the consciousness, your very Luck...... Now, should discuss your matter.” 将脚从他的身上移开,龙威轻舒一口气,冷淡的说道:“成王败寇,败者就要有承受屈辱的觉悟,你很幸运……现在,该谈谈你的事了。” Tokugawa Ichifusa difficult raising the head, clenches teeth to say dark: Long Wei, we anything does not talk about, I have not defeated in your hand, but defeats in your son hand...... Now, since fell to your hand, I had not planned that can live going back, you did not need rubbish, has killed me, nobody knows that is I who you killed.” 德川一藤艰难的抬起头,咬着牙阴阴说道:“龙威,我们已经没什么好谈的了,我没有败在你手上,而是败在你儿子手里……现在,既然已经落到你手里,我就没打算能活着回去,你不用废话了,杀了我吧,没有人会知道是你杀的我。” The Long Wei side is excessive, lightly said: „Do you that want dead? Our Long Family indeed should be cut to pieces you, Xiao'er also wishes one could to tear into shreds you directly. But the reason made us not kill you temporarily...... Do you that want dead really? Did not have wife, not to have the later generation like your this type, symbolized already did not have the sorrowful man including the man, if I were you, I will also look at the pale life and death. But if I told you, Ye Huangtian had not killed your daughter in the past, will you also strive for dying?” 龙威侧过头,平淡的说道:“你就那么想死么?我们龙家的确应该将你千刀万剐,逍儿也恨不得将你直接撕碎。但有一个理由却让我们暂时不会杀了你……你真的那么想死?像你这种没有了妻子、没有后人,连男人象征都已经没有了的悲哀男人,如果我是你,我也会看淡生死。但如果我告诉你,叶皇天当年并没有杀你的女儿,你还会求着去死吗?” Tokugawa Ichifusa that pair turned into dead grey eyes to contract fiercely, he stayed the long time, does not know the strength of which coming, put out a hand to hold the Ye Huangtian bottom of pants leg suddenly stubbornly, shivered the sound to ask: What did you say? You said again, said again!” 德川一藤那双变成死灰色的双眼剧烈的收缩了一下,他呆了半晌,不知哪来的力气,忽然伸出手来死死抓住叶皇天的裤脚,颤抖着声音问道:“你说什么?你再说一遍,再说一遍!” His reaction in expected of Long Wei, but this is also the result that he wants. Long Wei desolate saying: Your Japan can start to the baby who was just born cruelly, inhuman, with animal what strange/different! But our Chinese cannot achieve, because we are the person! In the past when Ye Huangtian first time intruded your Tokugawa Clan stole your daughter, when second time intruded then claimed that has made her die not entire corpse...... You think, coming out of his real doing? The Sword God life only kills this person of killing, kills you are because hates, he has no reason to go to a baby girl to start like you heartlessly!! He takes away your daughter, to let you realized that anything is the mourning female and never recurring pain!” 他的反应龙威的意料之中,而这也是他想要的结果。龙威冷淡的说道:“你们东瀛可以残忍到对一个刚出生的婴儿下手,灭绝人性,同禽兽何异!但我们华夏人做不到,因为我们是人!当年叶皇天第一次闯入你德川家族时劫走你女儿,第二次闯入时便声称已经让她死无全尸……你以为,他真的做的出来么?剑神一生只杀该杀之人,杀你们是因为恨,他没有理由像你们一样丧尽天良去对一个女婴下手!!他带走你的女儿,就是为了让你体会一下什么是丧女、绝后之痛!” Lip unceasing trembling of Tokugawa Ichifusa, he clutches the tight Long Wei bottom of pants leg, flutters to exclaim: My daughter, if has not died, she now where...... Where told me her!!” 德川一藤的嘴唇不断的哆嗦,他揪紧龙威的裤脚,颤声吼道:“我女儿要是没死,那她现在在哪里……告诉我她在哪里!!” Long Wei looked at his one eyes, said slowly: In the past Ye Huangtian brought back to your daughter to me...... I have saying that you have a good daughter, at that time hated goes all the way to the bone me and my father to your Tokugawa clearly is knowing that she is in your daughter's situation still very much likes her, but my withstood the pain of several years losing a child, the Intelligence (mind/spirit) dejected wife is conquered by her, hugs her not to endure to drop, but also was insisting must receive to be own daughter...... My father after the awkwardness, complied finally, because she was only one was just born the shortly after baby, we do not need to involve on her the hatred. Therefore, she has become my Long Wei adopted daughter, grows up in the most superior environment since childhood, we have not made her receive any grievance, even had decided that will make her marry my only son in the future...... Before this, except for me and my father and my son, as well as Ye Huangtian, the fifth person has not known that this matter, including my wife, but your daughter she does not know!” 龙威看了他一眼,缓缓说道:“当年叶皇天将你女儿带回给我……我不得不说,你有一个好女儿,就连当时对你德川家恨之入骨的我和我的父亲在明知道她是你女儿的情况下依然很喜欢她,而我那承受了数年丧子之痛,精神颓然的妻子更是被她征服,抱着她不忍放手,还坚持着要收做自己的女儿……我父亲在为难之后,终于还是答应了,因为她只是一个刚出生没多久的婴儿,我们没必要把仇恨牵扯到她身上。于是,她就成了我龙威的义女,从小就在最优越的环境中长大,我们也从来没有让她受过任何委屈,甚至已经决定让她将来嫁给我唯一的儿子……一直到这之前,除了我和我的父亲、我的儿子,以及叶皇天,没有第五个人知道这件事,包括我的妻子,而你女儿她自己更不知道!” Tokugawa Ichifusa such as one after another was divided by heavenly thunder continuously, his both eyes became empty. Pleasantly surprised, lamentation, vacant and painful...... Complex emotions interweave in his chest cavity chaotic. 德川一藤如被一道又一道的天雷连续劈中,不知不觉间,他的双目已经变得空洞。惊喜、悔恨、茫然、痛苦……各种复杂的情感在他胸腔中混乱交织。 This is the differences of our Chinese and your native of Japan.” Long Wei coldly said. Tokugawa harms them to lose Long child, but they are actually not able the daughter to Tokugawa to start, instead fosters to grow up her...... Because they are the person, has the humane domestic animal. “这就是我们华夏人与你们东瀛人的区别。”龙威冷声道德川害他们失去龙子,但他们却无法对德川家的女儿下手,反而将她抚养长大……因为他们是人,不是没人性的畜生。 „...... I am the domestic animal...... I am the domestic animal...... I am the domestic animal......” the Tokugawa Ichifusa delay was thinking aloud, he recovered suddenly, both hands held the foot of Long Wei to beg: My daughter she where...... Let me see my daughter, asked you...... Let me see my daughter...... So long as you make me see one side my daughter...... You proposed that any condition I promise you...... I asked you, asked you Long Wei......” “……我是畜生……我是畜生……我是畜生……”德川一藤呆滞的自言自语着,他忽然回过神来,双手抱着龙威的脚乞求道:“我的女儿她在哪里……让我见见我的女儿,求求你……让我见见我的女儿……只要你让我见我女儿一面……你提出什么条件我都答应你……我求求你,求求你了龙威……” Looks that is mean and deceitful, Tokugawa Ichifusa under inhabitants unexpectedly was never begging him by the so base and low stance, Long Wei sighed gently, before arriving at the gate, the general's family opened a seam gently: If you care about your daughter, then your eyes recognize her...... I am deceiving you, you feel.” 看着阴狠、狡诈,从未居人之下的德川一藤竟以如此卑微的姿态乞求着他,龙威轻轻一叹,走到门前,将门轻轻打开一条缝:“如果你真的那么在乎自己的女儿,那么你就该一眼就认出她……是不是我在骗你,你自己去感受吧。” Gate pulled up that moment, Tokugawa Ichifusa eyes earliest possible time looked to out of the door, the Long Wei latter half a word words he had not heard completely. In the line of sight presented three people, carries to him, the whole body black clothes man, he knows that this is such as God brings the child of here Long Family him generally. But in front of him two little girl, a wear blue white check skirt, the appearance arrived at the extreme delightfully, the Tokugawa vision stays one to leave on her, then looked to standing in her left little girl, she wore the snow white Princess skirt, seemed is only several years old, actually grew a Elf common beautiful appearance, at this time excited exerted was winking eyes, a face laughed heartily looks at the present man...... 门被拉起的那一刻,德川一藤眼睛已经第一时间看向门外,龙威的后半句话他已经完全没有听到。视线之中出现了三个人,一个是背对他,全身黑衣的男子,他知道这是如天神一般将他带来这里的龙家之子。而他面前的两个小女孩,一个穿着蓝白格子裙,长相甜美到极点,德川的目光在她身上停留了一会就离开,然后看向站在她左边的小女孩,她穿着雪白公主裙,看上去只有十几岁,却长了一张精灵一般绝美的容颜,此时正兴奋的眨着眼睛,一脸欢笑的看着眼前的男子…… Elder Brother, Mother also agreed that now I have gone to school, has Die'er to accompany me quite happily, I.” She was saying happily, each character, the rap of each delightful note heavily in his heart of hearts, making his heart fierce is shivering. 哥哥,妈妈现在也同意我去上学了,有蝶儿陪我,我真的好高兴。”她开心的说着,每一个字,每一个悦耳的音符都重重的敲击在他的内心深处,让他的心剧烈的颤抖着。 Un, that is good, Elder Brother will go to look frequently secretly your.” Feng Xiao is smiling return. He has felt the back vision. “嗯,那就好,哥哥会经常去偷偷看你的。”风逍微笑着回到。他已经感受到了背后的目光。 also Oh...... Mother makes me ask you, when can I live Little Baobao to Elder Brother?” Baobao winked lovable big eyes, a face hopes visits him. 还有哦…妈妈让我问你,我什么时候可以给哥哥小宝宝呢?”宝宝眨了眨可爱的大眼睛,一脸期盼的看着他。 This......” Feng Xiao had food stuck in the throat by this issue obviously, he made excuses one slightly to be able said with a smile: Waits for Baobao grow up a point to be good again.” “这个……”风逍明显被这个问题噎住,他支吾了一小会才笑着说道:“等宝宝再长大一点就好。” The Long Family bloodlines and Chaos bloodlines had decided he can only have one life-long, but he is not cruel enough to attack Baobao enthusiasm. 龙家血脉与混沌血脉都决定了他终生只能有一子,但他是在不忍心打击宝宝的“热情”。 Real?” Baobao has patted under small hand happily, said with a laugh: I must grow up in a big hurry, then gives Elder Brother to live many Little Baobao, each must with Little Xiao'er...... Is more lovable than Little Xiao'er!” “真的吗?”宝宝高兴的拍了下小手,笑嘻嘻的说道:“那我一定要快快长大,然后给哥哥生好多小宝宝,每一个都要和小霄儿……啊,比小霄儿还可爱!”
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