LA :: Volume #8

#704: Right, is Divine Punishment

Bombards Yasukuni Shrine, when this was his past doggedly sincere idea, but since has been such not realistic and unattainable. But now has Azure Dragon this portable multipurpose to be possible circulation Recyclable Super Nuclear Bomb in the body, the desire tentacles of this almost all Chinese people may. 炮轰靖国神厕,这是他当年一腔热血时的想法,只是一直以来都是那么的不现实和遥不可及。而如今有青龙这个“便携式多功能可循环使用超级核弹”在身,这个几乎所有华夏人民的愿望触手可及。 Azure Dragon shot a look at his one eyes desolately, looked under one, did not say a word. 青龙冷淡的瞥了他一眼,又看了一眼下方,一言不发。 The person of her non- China, how also to have the hate of China to this place. But most made her repel for no reason took a life. 她非华夏之人,又怎会有华夏对这个地方的怨恨。而最令她排斥的则是无故杀生。 Faintness on her face represented her idea, the Feng Xiao eyebrow has selected, was obviously discontented: Miss Azure Dragon! I am also your present Master, you initially had complied appoint I will urge for 10,000 years, this several days, you such will not be obedient.” 她脸上的淡漠代表了她心里的想法,风逍眉毛一挑,明显不满起来:“青龙小姐!我好歹也是你现在的主人,你当初答应过会任我驱使10000年,这才十几天不到而已,你就这么不听话了。” Azure Dragon static shaking the head: Protection is my destiny, I am unable to achieve without the reason take a life.” 青龙静静的摇头:“守护是我的天命,我无法做到无理由杀生。” That, if here nobody, you can achieve?” Feng Xiao has thought said. “那么,如果这里没有人的话,你是不是就可以做到?”风逍想了一下说道。 Azure Dragon has not spoken, has not rejected. If can not take a life, then ruins this kind of place for her is not anything. 青龙没有说话,也没有拒绝。如果可以不杀生,那么毁掉这样一个地方对她来说并不算什么。 Feng Xiao coughed two clear to settle throat, then deeply inspired, Chaos Qi raise strongly, then fierce exuded one to bellow to under: Hah!!!” 风逍咳嗽两声清了清嗓子,然后深吸一口气,将混沌之气竭力的提起,然后猛的向下方发出一声大吼:“喝!!!” In the chivalric fiction novel has one type at the Inner Strength sound-transmission time named „the thousand li (500 km) sound-transmission merit, although is unable to achieve truly thousand li (500 km) remote, but also sufficiently makes the sound spread the terrifying the distance. This is Feng Xiao for the first time by Chaos Power sound-transmission, but his loud shout truly has actually achieved far of thousand li (500 km), even shakes his Azure Dragon at present becomes dark, from airborne directly has almost not planted. 武侠小说中有一种以内力传音的功夫名为“千里传音功”,虽然无法达到真正的“千里”之遥,但也足以让声音传出恐怖的距离。这是风逍首次以混沌之力传音,而他的这声大喝却真正达到了千里之远,甚至将他身边的青龙都震得眼前发黑,差点没从空中直接栽下去。 In addition Azure Dragon so cannot withstand, with, let alone under to Feng Xiao this acoustic source recent Yasukuni Shrine people, this loud shout just like a heaven-shaking thunderclap, shakes the larger part person obstinately turns on the ground, the eardrum wants to crack. 青龙尚且如此不堪,跟何况下方离风逍这个声源最近的靖国神厕中人,这声大喝犹如一个惊天霹雳,愣是将一大半的人震翻在地上,耳膜欲裂。 If he can promote Seventh Layer Chaos Secret Art, can fuse together with the breath of world, may draw support from the strength of world at any time, can the application of force in the world, naturally also be able to transmit any corner between world the sound at any time with ease. 如果他可以将混沌决提升到第七层,就可以与天地之息融为一体,可随时借助天地之力,也可以随时施力于天地,自然也就可以将声音轻松传递到天地之间的任何一个角落。 Feng Xiao loudly exclaimed in the Japanese language: Your these Japanese Youngster are listening, I am your Eastern God, this buried Yasukuni Shrine of innumerable evil history to trigger my anger, I will lower the infliction from god to destroy here, all besotted, the sanction that all still will pay respect to stupid natives of Japan who together will receive to ascend the sky in Yasukuni Shrine!!” 风逍用东瀛语大吼道:“你们这些东瀛小子们听着,我是你们东方的天神,这个埋藏着无数罪恶历史的靖国神厕已经引起了我的愤怒,我将降下神罚将这里毁去,所有执迷不悟,所有依然在靖国神厕参拜的愚蠢东瀛人都将一起受到上天的制裁!!” „...... The sanction that all still pays respect to stupid natives of Japan who together will receive to ascend the sky in Yasukuni Shrine!!” “……所有依然在靖国神厕参拜的愚蠢东瀛人都将一起受到上天的制裁!!” ”...... Receives the sanction that ascends the sky together...... ” ”……一起受到上天的制裁……” Feng Xiao shouted one after another three, this complacent stop, then satisfies under looks becomes the somewhat chaotic crowd. 风逍接连喊了三遍,这才得意洋洋的停止,然后满意的看着下方变得有些混乱的人群。 Originally in the God involves the person to gush out in abundance, raises the head looks to the sky, chaotic discussion, what makes Feng Xiao almost vomit blood, unexpectedly nobody's departure, but gathers outside is directing to the sky. 原本在神厕中的人纷纷涌出,抬头看向上空,混乱的讨论着,但让风逍差点吐血的是,居然没有一个人的离开,而是聚在外面对着上空指指点点。 He believes firmly that they are unable to see clearly by the altitude that oneself and Azure Dragon currently is at absolutely. The Azure Dragon side comes excessively, lightly asked: What is a loudspeaker?” 他确信以自己和青龙目前所在的高度他们绝对无法看清。青龙侧过头来,平淡的问道:“什么是扩音器?” Feng Xiao stares, you asked that what this does make?” 风逍一愣,“你问这个做什么?” They said some people in sky with the loudspeaker practical joke, added that if found that to insult their entire Japan empire and Yasukuni Shrine person, will certainly he send to the court martial.” Azure Dragon desolate saying. “他们说有人在上空用扩音器恶作剧,还说如果找到那个侮辱他们整个东瀛帝国和靖国神厕的人,必将他送上军事法庭。”青龙冷淡的说道。 Feng Xiao: „......” 风逍:“……” The modern age after all was not in the ancient times, the so-called God demon already regarded as illusory by the modern people, the person of superstition will only despise for most people. When Feng Xiao by God the status shouted when this and other rampant words, must come is not their panic, but laughs angrily with. 现代毕竟不是古代,所谓神魔早已被现代人视为虚幻,迷信之人只会为大多数人所鄙视。当风逍以“神”的身份喊出这等猖獗之言时,得来的不是他们的恐慌,而是嗤笑与愤怒。 The Feng Xiao corners of the mouth have twitched several, then face was gloomy said: Immediately has destroyed to me here, I do not want to come one again time this place!” 风逍嘴角抽动了几下,然后阴沉着脸说道:“马上把这里给我毁了,我不想再来一次这个地方!” Azure Dragon indifferent shaking the head. 青龙冷漠的摇了摇头。 I said again, has destroyed here!” “我再说一遍,毁了这里!” „......” “……” Last, has destroyed here!!” “最后一遍,毁了这里!!” „......” With the change of his tone, Azure Dragon still does not have reaction, but the innermost feelings fluctuated to here hate for him again. She after all is the Saint, if unfounded slaughtering innocents, she may in have as if made by heaven is the Evil Dragon. “……”随着他语气的变化,青龙依然没有反应,但内心已经再为他对这里的怨恨而波动。只是,她毕竟是圣,如无理由的滥杀无辜,她或许会在不知不觉间有一天成为恶龙。 Big Brother, do you want to ruin here really very much?” Wants cursed Azure Dragon in Feng Xiao one immediately, a soft and tender sound resounds in the heart, Feng Xiao is startled immediately. 大哥哥,你真的很想毁掉这里吗?”就在风逍想要大骂青龙一顿时,一个柔柔嫩嫩的声音在心中响起,风逍顿时一惊。 He covers the ear hastily, was saying at heart: Gaia, you...... Can you appear in this world?” 他连忙捂住耳朵,在心里说道:“盖亚,你……你可以出现在这个世界?” Why not?” “为什么不可以呢?” Along with resounding of sound, the Gaia snow white form floated in front of Feng Xiao, the white lovable skirt clothes, snow white hair, also that is hanging up the lovable happy expression tender face that familiar. Feng Xiao does not know, originally Gaia can appear in this world unexpectedly. 随着声音的响起,盖亚雪白的身影已经漂浮在风逍面前,白色的可爱裙裳,雪白的发丝,还有那张挂着可爱笑意的嫩颜都是那么的熟悉。风逍一直都不知道,原来盖亚竟可以在这个世界出现。 Gaia usually little spoke, because of her must the silent attachment in Feng Xiao within the body, restore own Strength with the aid of his Chaos Power. For a long time, she had not the small harvest. 盖亚平时很少说话,因为她必须静默的依附在风逍体内,借助他的混沌之力恢复自己的力量。这么长时间以来,她已经有了不小的收获。 Looks that Feng Xiao and Azure Dragon bring the astonished face, Gaia to crack into a chuckle obviously, the vision changes, said gently: I can feel is scattering many dissociation air of sin to here, perhaps should not exist like Big Brother said. Since Big Brother wants to ruin here, that Gaia helped Big Brother ruin here.” 看着风逍青龙明显带着惊愕的脸,盖亚嘻嘻一笑,目光转向下方,轻轻说道:“我可以感觉的到这里飘散着很多游离的罪恶之气,或许真的像大哥哥说的那样不应该存在。既然大哥哥想要毁掉这里,那盖亚就帮大哥哥把这里毁掉好了。” The elusive sound falls, her tender lip moves lightly, the both arms open, snow white hair and white skirt clothes suddenly calm, but dances, along with pronouncing unstressed of Gaia, is dazzlingly bright, Feng Xiao subconscious raises the head that the deep blue sky changes looks, discovered the innumerable sturdy white light beams are falling from the remote upper air...... 空灵的声音落下,她嫩唇轻动,双臂张开,雪白的发丝白色的裙裳忽然间无风而舞起,随着盖亚的轻念,原本蔚蓝的上空变的白亮起来,风逍下意识的抬头看去,发现无数根粗壮的白色光柱正从遥远的高空落下…… Judgment of the Hope Goddess!” 希望女神之裁决!” Yasukuni Shrine, are innumerable is directing above native of Japan complete/even shua shua is exuding a panic-stricken shout, opens panic-stricken eyes to look that like the disaster the light beam that falls from the sky, makes reaction that escapes radically without enough time...... 靖国神厕,无数正指点着上空的东瀛人齐刷刷的发出一声惊恐的喊声,睁大着惊恐的眼睛看着如灾难般从天空降下来的光柱,根本来不及做出逃跑的反应…… Chi~ ~~~~~~ 哧~~~~~~~ Entire Yasukuni Shrine by bright meteor shower complete coverage, the upper air looked at white full one piece finally, in the entire 100,000 square meters scopes could not find once the Yasukuni Shrine trace again. The crowd beyond Yasukuni Shrine range looks the white meteor shower and completely dumbfoundedly airborne drops unceasingly covered Yasukuni Shrine in the meteor shower that a panic-stricken character cannot shout. 整个靖国神厕终于被光明流星雨完全覆盖,高空看去白盈盈一片,整整100000平方米的范围之内再也找不到曾经靖国神厕的痕迹。靖国神厕范围之外的人群全部目瞪口呆看着空中不断落下的白色流星雨和在流星雨中被覆盖的靖国神厕,惊恐的一个字都喊不出来。 After ten seconds of type, Gaia takes back own both hands, then grinning looks at Feng Xiao, resembling is waiting for his praise. Without covering up of white glow, once belonged to the Yasukuni Shrine region to reappear in them at present, what made them panic-stricken was extremely, then turned into the bare land unexpectedly completely, the remaining white energy incited sound on the ground, but their once Intelligence (mind/spirit) props and were in disappears without a trace that people such as the air vanished completely generally. 十秒种之后,盖亚收回自己的双手,然后笑嘻嘻的看着风逍,似是在等待他的夸奖。没有了白芒的遮掩,曾经属于靖国神厕的区域重新出现在他们眼前,但令他们惊恐万分的是,那么竟完全变成了光秃秃的土地,残余的白色能量在地上“滋滋”响动,但他们曾经的精神支柱和身在其中的人们全部如空气一般消失的无影无踪 Divine Punishment! Really is Divine Punishment Ah...... A moment ago that sound was not practical joke, real!” Middle-aged person panic-stricken shouting. His sound awakens innumerably, in startled yelling, fleeing that they also resemble insanely, 天罚!真的是天罚啊……刚才那个声音不是恶作剧,是真的啊!”一个中年人惊恐的喊道。他的声音惊醒无数,在惊慌的喊叫之中,他们疯也似的逃离, Suddenly, Yasukuni Shrine encounters the Divine Punishment news to spread over the entire Japan at the extremely quick speed, and earliest possible time mounts the major media the front page headlines. Under promotions of major media, almost all natives of Japan knew during this news, the most Japanese country also therefore falls into to be scared--, because the most native of Japan heard God to lower warning of Divine Punishment, has not thought that actually really occurred. 一时间,靖国神厕遭到天罚的消息以极快的速度传遍整个东瀛,并第一时间登上各大媒体的头版头条。在各大媒体的推动之下,几乎所有的东瀛人都知道了这一消息,大半个东瀛国也因此陷入恐慌之中——因为大半的东瀛人听到了“天神”要降下天罚的示警,没想到竟然真的发生了。 Thought that they start to be anxious, God existed, but part even starts to kneel to worship to the day, and muttered before oneself has done the wicked matter confessed to God. 他们开始惴惴不安的想到,天神原来真的存在,而一部分甚至开始跪地向天朝拜起来,并喃喃自语为自己以前做过的恶事向天神忏悔。 Let matter that Feng Xiao has not thought , after this matter occurred, the Japanese country believes in Catholicism person suddenly/violently to increase up and down, gradually becomes their national religions. But existence of Yasukuni Shrine also their gingerly cancels from the historical textbook. But originally the Yasukuni Shrine site in a short time stood erect a big sacred statue. The statue is one cannot see clearly the appearance, lifts up high the both arms, was demonstrating the God near the man who the world and brings salvation to all living things stance. Henceforth, this God becomes the object who countless natives of Japan have paid respect, becomes their Intelligence (mind/spirit) props on behalf of Yasukuni Shrine. 风逍没有想到的事,这件事情发生之后,东瀛国上下信奉天主教的人暴增,逐渐的成为他们的国教。而靖国神厕的存在也被他们战战兢兢的从历史课本上抹去。而原来靖国神厕的所在地在很短的时间内矗立起了一座高大神圣的雕像。雕像为一个看不清面目,高举双臂,展示着神临天下和普度众生姿态的男子。从此,这个“天神”成了无数东瀛人参拜的对象,代表靖国神厕成为他们的精神支柱。 But if makes them know that he is only pure Chinese does not know actually will make what feelings. 但如果让他们知道他其实只是一个纯正的华夏人不知会做何感想。 Thank you, lovable Little Gaia.” Feng Xiao bent the waist said with a smile. Even if although Azure Dragon does not hope, he can also make the Qilin Fury condition Xiao Xiao (little) destroy the city, or simple Dead Soul Annihilation, but Little Gaia initiative appeared still makes him be moved ruthlessly. Although she is a God, although does not have any contradiction cancelled innumerable HP/Life, has compared with a human race purer mind. “谢谢你,可爱的小盖亚。”风逍弯下腰来笑着说道。虽然即使青龙不愿,他也可以让麒麟怒状态的小小来毁城,或者干脆一个亡魂寂灭,但小盖亚的主动出现依然让他狠狠的感动了一把。她虽是神,虽然没有任何抵触的抹去了无数的生命,却有着比人类更纯净的心灵。 Gaia digs the lip, unhappily said: Does not want Big Brother to thank me, so long as Big Brother can be happy, Gaia makes anything.” 盖亚撅起嘴唇,不高兴的说道:“才不要大哥哥谢我,只要大哥哥可以开心,盖亚做什么都可以的。” She secretly a kiss on the Feng Xiao face, then face blushed red turns into the empty body to return to Feng Xiao within the body. Feng Xiao has traced lightly just by the place that she bites, turns the head to look angrily at Azure Dragon: You initially had said that appoint I urge for 10,000 years to turn out as said that your Saint Beast is actually the generation of failing to keep one's word.” 她在风逍脸上偷偷一吻,然后脸红红的化成虚体返回风逍体内。风逍轻摸了一下刚刚被她咬到的地方,转头怒视青龙:“你当初说过任我驱使10000年的话到底算不算话,还是你一个圣兽其实是言而无信之辈。” Azure Dragon shakes the head, tranquilly said: I never go back on word. But I will not do to violate the matter of principle, other any matters I will not reject you.” 青龙摇头,平静的说道:“我从不食言。但我不会做违背原则的事,其他的任何事我都不会拒绝你。” Ruthless batch of her Feng Xiao just wants to disregard another's feelings very much, but has thought requirement will rely also on her to return to China. Has to endure temporarily. At present looks like, this should powerful incomparable portable multipurpose may circulation Recyclable Super Nuclear Bomb operate is not such freedom. 风逍刚想很不留情面的狠批她一顿,但想到过会还需要依赖她返回华夏。只好暂时忍了下来。目前看来,这个原来应该强悍无比的“便携式多功能可循环使用超级核弹”操纵起来并不是那么的自由。 Ok, does not lower oneself to the same level with your woman, comes with me.” Feng Xiao entrains her to fly to southeast. He comes the goal of Japan naturally is not simple to destroy Yasukuni Shrine, this is only he conveniently for it. “算了,不和你一个女人一般见识,跟我来。”风逍拽起她向东南方向飞去。他来东瀛的目的自然不是简单的为了摧毁靖国神厕,这只是他随手为之。 But this action conveniently in entire Dongfang (Eastern), particularly China has actually caused the huge stir, making the Japanese country dirty. What is Divine Punishment? That day after day is punishing the evil countless Japan country. 而他这一随手的举动却在整个东方,尤其是华夏引起了巨大的轰动,让东瀛国灰头土脸。何为天罚?那是连天都在惩罚罪恶累累的东瀛国。 This...... This is the eldest child does certainly! No wonder the eldest child makes me read the news, satisfied a craving!” Xiao Tian excited straight rubbing hands, he actually has not then thought that makes his excited in behind. “这……这一定是老大做的!怪不得老大让我看新闻,太过瘾了!”萧天激动的直搓手,然后他却没想到,更让他激动的在后面。
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