LA :: Volume #7

#697: Such walked......

Feng Xiao obeys the support of Baobao and Chu Yingying finally draws Long Xiao to stand up from the ground, Baobao cannot bear ask finally: Elder Brother, who this Little Brother is, long quite lovable.” 风逍终于顺从宝宝楚颖颖的扶持拉着龙霄从地上站起,宝宝终于忍不住问道:“哥哥,这个小弟弟是谁,长的好可爱。” He is not your Little Brother,” Feng Xiao said with a smile, then Long Xiao draws before own, Xiao'er, this is your Grandmother, this is your Little Aunt.” “他不是你的小弟弟,”风逍笑着说道,然后将龙霄拉到自己身前,“霄儿,这是你的奶奶,这是你的小姑姑。” Grandmother, Little Aunt...... I called Xiao'er.” 奶奶,小姑姑……我叫霄儿。” “Ah!” Baobao small mouth opened slightly, reveals face lovable surprised. “啊!”宝宝小口微张,露出一脸可爱的惊讶。 Xiao'er...... Is this your son?” Chu Yingying reaction must unable to withstand compared with it Long Wei, the lip shivers almost could not speak. 霄儿……这是你的儿子吗?”楚颖颖反应比之龙威还要不堪,嘴唇颤抖的都几乎说不出话来。 Un, is my biological son. Today four years old two months, the birthday is on May/five months 7, his Mother is Beiming Family only daughter Beiming Yudie.” Feng Xiao said with a slight smile. “嗯,是我的亲生儿子。今天四岁零两个月,生日是五月七号,他的妈妈北冥家的独女北冥语蝶。”风逍微笑着说道 Baobao lovable eyes stares big eldest child, tenderly said: „Is he Elder Brother Little Baobao? Am I a paternal aunt? Did I become the paternal aunt really?” 宝宝可爱的眼睛瞪大老大,娇声道:“他是哥哥小宝宝?那我是姑姑?我真的当姑姑了吗?” Un, Father said, you are my Little Aunt.” A Long Xiao face asks for happy smiling cleverly. “嗯,爸爸说,你是我的小姑姑。”龙霄一脸乖巧讨喜的笑着。 Wu! Wa! I became the paternal aunt, Mother I become the paternal aunt Yay! Mother...... Do I my candy, the also toy give Elder Brother Little Baobao to play to be good?” 唔!哇!我当姑姑了耶,妈妈我当姑姑了耶!妈妈……我把我的糖果,还有玩具都给哥哥小宝宝玩好不好?” Chu Yingying excited almost helpless, looks that Long Xiao long time/half of the day could not say. Huge pleasantly surprised is linking one, making her almost think oneself are having a dream. Long Xiao extends both hands, crisply said: Grandmother, hugs......” 楚颖颖激动的几乎手足无措,看着龙霄半天都说不出来。巨大的惊喜一个连着一个,让她几乎认为自己是在做梦。龙霄伸出双手,脆声道:“奶奶,抱……” Chu Yingying hastily face affection holds the body of his Xiao Xiao (little), tight hugging in own bosom, how the tears stops cannot stop: „...... Xiao'er had the child, was my little grandson...... When I Grandmother......” 楚颖颖连忙一脸慈爱的抱起他小小的身体,紧紧的搂在自己怀里,眼泪怎么止都止不住:“……逍儿有孩子了,是我的小孙儿……我当奶奶了……” Resounded a thorn to have keen ears the long brake sound. That car(riage) starts is too quick, stops almost hits on nearby dragon dance stone carving. But can the safe and sound hurricane come here character general can it be that. The vehicle door was almost broken open, an aged form stepped in laughed heartily. Long Wei ran hastily, saying of half blame: Father, how you drives.” 身后响起了一声刺耳尖长的刹车声。那辆车开的实在太快,停的时候差点撞到旁边的舞龙石雕上。但能安然无恙的狂飙到这里的人物又岂是一般。车门几乎是被砸开,一个老迈的身影在哈哈大笑中迈了出来。龙威连忙跑了过去,半责怪的说道:“爸,你怎么自己开车来啦。” Hahahaha, I heard that my grandson is willing to go home, can I not have a look anxiously?” 哈哈哈哈,我听说我孙儿愿意回家了,我能不急着过来看看吗?” Before Feng Xiao arrives at the old person body, ashamed said: Is unfair to Grandfather, was I makes you be worried......” 风逍走到老人身前,惭声道:“对不起爷爷,是我让您老人家担心了……” The racket of Long Tianwen big hand on his shoulder, over the face red light said: Whole family said anything to sorry, was our these elders owes you to be many, so long as you are willing to come back to be better than anything. Has your this Grandfather, I can not have regretted starting off finally, Hahahaha!” 龙天问大手在他肩膀上一拍,满面红光道:“一家人说什么对不起,是我们这些长辈欠了你很多,只要你肯回来就比什么都好。有你这声‘爷爷’,我终于可以没有遗憾了的上路了,哈哈哈哈!” Long Wei shakes the head with a smile: Father, you are hale and hearty, to starting off. Moreover, today not only your grandson comes, but also has brought your great-grandson.” 龙威笑着摇头:“爸爸,你老当益壮,离上路还远着呢。而且,今天不光你的孙子而来,还带来了你的曾孙。” The Long Tianwen old eyes stares, shouts greatly: What did you say?” 龙天问老眼一瞪,大喊道:“你说什么?” Does not need Long Wei to reply, his old eyes already staring stubbornly , was hugged by Chu Yingying on bosom Long Xiao, then rushed quickly, shivers the both arms to snatch from the Chu Yingying bosom him. 不用龙威回答,他的老眼已经死死的盯在被楚颖颖抱在怀里的龙霄身上,然后快步冲了上去,颤抖着双臂将他从楚颖颖怀中抢过。 Youngster, you name.” 小娃娃,你叫什么名字。” I called Long Xiao...... Are you my Great-Grandfather?” “我叫龙霄……你是我的曾爷爷吗?” Long Xiao...... Dragon flying highest heaven, good! Good! Good! Hahahaha!! My this old man already dozens years not such happy, Hahahaha!” 龙霄……龙飞九霄,好!好!好!哈哈哈哈!!我这个老头子已经几十年没这么开心过了,哈哈哈哈!” Long Tianwen is hugging own great-grandson, in eyes that smiles overflowed the old tears. Indeed, Long Wei dozens years had not seen the father to be so happy, but he is so. 龙天问抱着自己的曾孙,直笑的眼睛里溢出了老泪。的确,龙威已经几十年没见父亲这么高兴过,而他自己又何尝不是如此。 The Long Family four generations reunite for the first time, these defend the Long Family person in hidden place all infect is moved to tears. This sentiment boundary, Feng Xiao wants to smile, how actually unable to smile. Only can silent looks. His some cannot think, if this old person knows after Long Xiao destiny, how meets distressed. 龙家四代首次团聚,那些守在暗处的龙家之人无不被感染的热泪盈眶。此情此境,风逍想笑,却怎么都笑不出来。只能沉默的看着。他有些不敢去想如果这个老人知道龙霄的命运之后会是怎样的痛心。 Long Family yard already very long not such lively, the cordial atmosphere continued to be very long, is doping the belly laughter sound of whole families. After having had the Long Family four generations of first family reunion dinners, Long Family yard finally peaceful. 龙家大院已经很久没这么热闹过,热烈的气氛持续了很久,掺杂着老少的开怀大笑声。吃过龙家四代第一次团圆饭后,龙家大院终于安静了下来。 Somewhat tired Long Xiao goes off in the Chu Yingying bosom finally. Baobao is sizing up this subordinate with her sparkling eyes unceasingly, seems observing a small doll. Then she asked suddenly: Mother, when can I live Little Baobao to Elder Brother?” 有些累了的龙霄终于在楚颖颖怀中睡去。宝宝用她亮晶晶的眼睛不断打量着这个小人儿,仿佛在观察一个小洋娃娃。然后她忽然问道:“妈妈,我什么时候可以给哥哥小宝宝?” Chu Yingying has made a movement of keeping silent first, then said low voice: This...... You asked your Elder Brother.” 楚颖颖先做了一个噤声的动作,然后小声说道:“这个……你自己去问你哥哥。” What that Elder Brother now and Father is Grandfather making?” Baobao also low voice said that in order to avoid awakens by noise the Xiao Xiao (little) child of this sleeping soundly. “那哥哥现在和爸爸爷爷在做什么呢?”宝宝也小声说道,以免吵醒这个熟睡的小小孩。 They, in discussing the matter between men.” Chu Yingying said with a slight smile. “他们啊,在谈男人之间的事。”楚颖颖微笑着说道 Listened to Feng Xiao to narrate after he went to Duanmu Family, all that had and Long Xiao origin, Long Wei was silent, Long Tianwen said with a hearty laugh: Good Duanmu Aristocratic Family, helping us train talent Long child of 800 intelligence quotient...... Was cheap they. The also Beiming Family girl, is really a rare good girl, matches to be my Long Family wife. Only......” The Long Tianwen old eyes narrows the eyes suddenly, looks at Feng Xiao saying: Xiao'er, I look your expression does muffled, what concern have?” 风逍讲述了他去端木家后发生的一切和龙霄的来历,龙威沉默下来,龙天问哈哈大笑道:“好一个端木世家,帮我们培养了一个800智商的天才龙子……算是便宜他们了。还有北冥家的丫头,真是一个难得的好女孩,配做我龙家媳妇。只是……”龙问天忽然老眼一眯,看着风逍说道:“逍儿,我看的出你表情沉闷,是不是有什么心事?” Long Wei also nods to look to him. Coming out that he looks, Feng Xiao has been forcing oneself to look cheerful. 龙威也点点头看向了他。他看的出来,风逍一直都是在强颜欢笑。 Feng Xiao let out a long relaxed breath, said: You are my family member, I did not have anything to be good to conceal the truth your. Xiao'er he...... Most can also live for four years.” 风逍长长舒了一口气,说道:“你们是我的亲人,我也没什么好瞒你们的了。霄儿他……最多还能活四年。” what!?” Long Wei and Long Tianwen simultaneously fiercely have stood up from the seat the body, the movement extremely fierce Long Tianwen body sways almost must throw down. 什么!?”龙威龙天问同时从座位上猛的站起了身来,动作太过剧烈的龙天问身体摇晃间几乎要摔倒。 What incurable illness was Xiao'er has had?” Long Wei knits the brows to ask: If so, our Long Family uses will detain completely also him.” “是不是霄儿得了什么绝症?”龙威皱眉问道:“如果是这样的话,我们龙家就算倾尽全部也会把他留住。” Feng Xiao mirthless smile, I pour hope what he results is the incurable illness, like this I can rescue him with the innumerable methods...... But all these are the dogs | Destiny that mother raises, between I and Xiao'er, can only save its Ah!! 风逍惨笑一声,“我倒多么希望他得的是绝症,这样我就可以用无数种方法救回他……但这一切都是狗|娘养的天命,我和霄儿之间,只能存其一啊!! When Long Tianwen goes out of that depressing room, the old face of his red light whole face is pale one piece, including footsteps also heavy was similar to fills the lead to be ordinary. 龙天问走出那间压抑的房间时,他原本红光满脸的老脸已经是惨白一片,连脚步也沉重的如同灌了铅一般。 Feng Xiao and they said all that can say, although he had not explained that Chaos Body is anything and means anything, but his meaning they understood completely. After pleasantly surprised, is bolt from the blue that a bang withstand/top. 风逍和他们说了可以说的一切,虽然他没有解释混沌之体是什么和意味着什么,但他的意思他们完全的懂了。惊喜之后,是一个轰顶的晴天霹雳。 Xiao'er does he know?” Long Wei asked. 霄儿他知道吗?”龙威问道。 Knows.” Feng Xiao replied. “知道。”风逍答道。 How do you prepare to do?” “你准备怎么做?” Feng Xiao shakes the head, looks to hoodwink gloomy sky: „If not because I have the reason that too cannot die, I want to settle itself really very much directly. But...... Now I can do is seeks for that not to know hope whether has...... These days, satisfies Xiao'er all desires.” 风逍摇摇头,看着蒙着一层阴暗的天空:“如果不是因为我有太多不能死的理由,我真的很想直接了结自己。但……如今我能做的就是寻找那不知是否存在的希望……这段时间,满足霄儿的一切愿望。” Long Wei nods, has not spoken again. If makes him choose, he will choose Feng Xiao similarly. He is not selfish, but was the reason that he cannot die are too really many. 龙威点点头,没有再说话。如果让他选择,他同样会选择风逍。非他自私,而是他不能死的理由实在太多了。 When whole families three people walk, Long Xiao was waiting for them in the courtyard. In front of arriving Feng Xiao that he jumps, happy was calling Father. From his face, cannot see slightly sad and to the destiny disaffection. 当老少三人走出来的时候,龙霄已经在院子里等着他们。他蹦蹦跳跳的来到风逍面前,开心的叫着“爸爸”。从他的脸上,看不出丝毫的悲伤与对命运的不满。 „Does Xiao'er, where tell Father to go to play now?” Feng Xiao caresses his small head to ask. 霄儿,告诉爸爸现在想去哪里玩?”风逍抚着他的小脑袋问道。 Where goes to?” Long Xiao eyes bright, happy asking. “去哪里都可以吗?”龙霄眼睛一亮,开心的问道。 Un!” Feng Xiao nodded with a smile: You want to go to the space, Father will also lead you to go.” “嗯!”风逍微笑着点头:“就算你想去天上,爸爸也会带你去。” Long Xiao wants not to think, said with a laugh: I want the place that went to me born, because there was very peaceful, the air made people feel quite comfortably, moreover there person was cares about and likes the Xiao'er person, although I quite liked Father, but I want to return to there very much, but also wants to treat there.” 龙霄想都没想,笑嘻嘻的说道:“我想去我出生的地方,因为那里很安静,空气让人感觉好舒服,而且那里的人都是关心和喜欢霄儿的人,虽然我好喜欢爸爸,但我很想回到那里去,还想一直待在那里。” Long Wei and Long Tianwen are obvious one surprised. Feng Xiao said gently: „Does Xiao'er want to return to there really?” 龙威龙天问都明显一愕。风逍轻轻说道:“霄儿真的想回那里吗?” Un! Ok? Father.” Asking of Long Xiao face hope. “嗯!可以吗?爸爸。”龙霄一脸渴望的问道。 Feng Xiao not hesitant, said with a slight smile: Good, I have said that where no matter Xiao'er wants to go, Father will promise you.” 风逍没有犹豫,微笑着说道:“好,我说过,不管霄儿想去哪里,爸爸都会答应你。” Long Wei and Long Tianwen silent there. If they are the average people, the first matter that they can do immediately prevents. But astute such as they have guessed correctly anything indistinctly. 龙威龙天问沉默在那里。如果他们是普通人,他们会做的第一件事就是马上阻止。但精明如他们已经隐约猜到了什么。 The Long Tianwen trend goes to hold Long Xiao, Xiao'er, when do you want to go to Duanmu Family?” 龙天问走向前去将龙霄抱起,“霄儿,你想什么时候去端木家?” Un...... Now goes! I quite think there.” Long Xiao said with a smile. “嗯……现在就去!我好想那里。”龙霄笑着说道 Good...... Let alone such simple matter, even if the difficult request, your Great-Grandfather were at cost of the life also to complete. Then, makes Great-Grandfather deliver you to pass, who I must have a look there person to dare but actually with my Long Family person to be discontented.” “好……别说这么简单的事,就算再难的请求,你曾爷爷拼了老命也会去完成。那么,就让曾爷爷送你过去,我倒要看看那里的人谁敢对我龙家的人不满。” Thanks Great-Grandfather.” Long Xiao has pulled his flowered white beard, has smiled happily. “谢谢曾爷爷。”龙霄扯了扯他的花白胡子,开心的笑了起来。 Rapidness that too departure of Long Xiao has, is too sudden. After dozen minutes, when a small military helicopter descends before the Long Family big front gate, Chu Yingying still does not have reaction to come. 龙霄的离去发生的太快,太突然。十几分钟后,当一家小型军用直升机降落在龙家大院门前时,楚颖颖依然没有反应过来。 Why can Xiao'er go to Duanmu Family? I did not agree, I cannot make my grandson treat in others family/home! What to do some people bully him, what to do he has fallen ill...... How you can such depend on Xiao'er.” Chu Yingying anxiously said. 霄儿为什么要去端木家?我不同意,我不能让我的孙儿待在别人家里!有人欺负他怎么办,他生病了怎么办……你们怎么可以这么依着霄儿。”楚颖颖急声道 Long Wei has patted her shoulder, shook the head saying: If there is such one day, I can explain with you.” 龙威拍了拍她的肩膀,摇了摇头道:“如果有那么一天,我会和你解释的。” Chu Yingying: „......” 楚颖颖:“……” Xiao'er, this small turtle gives you. If some people must bully you, you make it pat him.” Feng Xiao admits in Small Black Tortoise the Long Xiao Xiao Xiao (little) pocket, then warns to the capitellum that it reveals: Gives my little darling listens to the Xiao'er words, if Xiao'er were bullied, even if you are Black Tortoise I must cook down pot turtle soup you!” 霄儿,这只小乌龟给你。如果有人要欺负你的话,你就让它把他拍死。”风逍小玄武放进龙霄小小口袋里,然后对它露出来的小头警告道:“给我乖乖的听霄儿的话,要是霄儿被欺负了,就算你是玄武我也要把你熬成一锅乌龟汤!” The head of Small Black Tortoise shrank shrinking, before flexure moved two next, claws to indicate to comply hastily. 小玄武的脑袋缩了缩,连忙挠动了两下前爪表示答应。 Long Xiao tapped the head of Small Black Tortoise to express own good intentions, then looks at Feng Xiao saying: Father, making Mother do not blame Xiao'er, do not think Xiao'er. Xiao'er every day meets through the video phone and Father Mother.” 龙霄拍了拍小玄武的脑袋来表达自己的善意,然后看着风逍说道:“爸爸,让妈妈不要怪霄儿,也不要太想霄儿霄儿每天都会通过视频电话和爸爸妈妈见面的。” Feng Xiao shows the smile, said: I can with your Mother say that Father will look after your Mother.” 风逍露出微笑,说道:“我会和你妈妈说的,爸爸会照顾好你妈妈的。” Shade, asked you.” Saw that the Long Tianwen look hints, Long Wei sighed. “影,拜托你了。”看到龙天问的眼神示意,龙威叹声道 The shade nods, jumps onto has driven seat. Long Tianwen also drew Long Xiao to enter the helicopter, then heavily drew in the cabin door. The helicopter takes off quickly, airborne sprinkles Long Xiao loud shouting: „...... Father said goodbye...... Grandfather said goodbye...... Grandmother said goodbye...... Little Aunt said goodbye...... Xiao'er has thought your......” 影点点头,跃上了驾驶座位。龙天问也拉着龙霄进了直升机,然后重重的把舱门拉上。直升机很快就起飞,空中洒下龙霄大声的呼喊:“……爸爸再见……爷爷再见……奶奶再见……小姑姑再见……霄儿会一直想你们的……” Such...... Walked?” Chu Yingying looks that the sky slowly changes the small sunspot, muttered discussed. “就这么……走了?”楚颖颖看着天空慢慢变小的黑点,喃喃念道。
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