LA :: Volume #7

#698: Xiao'er, returns

The Feng Xiao vision has looked at the direction that the helicopter flies from, completely vanishes until that sunspot in the line of sight. Southern Duanmu Aristocratic Family, there perhaps is really the most appropriate place. Is place of birth that he is familiar with, can leave him is very very far, the north and south are separated by. 风逍的目光一直看着直升机飞离的方向,直到那个黑点完全消失在视线之中。南方的端木世家,那里或许真的是一个最合适的地方。即是他熟悉的出生地,又可以离他很远很远,南北相隔。 Merely one day of...... Such walked. 仅仅一天的时间……就这么走了。 He has turned around, strong said with a smile: Father, mother, I wants to go back first...... Can Baobao, go to Elder Brother there to play?” 他转过身来,强笑着说道:“爸,妈,我想先回去了……宝宝,要去哥哥那里玩吗?” Wants! I thought Elder Sisters.” Baobao was laughing heartily stretching out the arms, was hugged by Feng Xiao in the bosom. “要!我想姐姐们了。”宝宝欢笑着张开双臂,然后被风逍抱在怀中。 Goes to Xiao'er, we know that you have many matter requirement to do., Goes home to have a look.” The Long Wei nod said, the vision visits him profoundly. “去吧逍儿,我们知道你有很多的事情需要去做。有空的时候,就多回家看看吧。”龙威点头道,目光深邃的看着他。 Feng Xiao nods: „The words that my meeting, you have free time also go to my there to have a look, in them also has not seen the parents-in-law.” 风逍点头:“我会的,你们有空的话也去我那里看看,她们之中还有很多没见过公婆呢。” Hints to Long Wei and Chu Yingying one by one with the look, Feng Xiao held Baobao to turn around to fly finally to the upper air. 用眼神向龙威楚颖颖一一示意,风逍终于抱着宝宝转身飞向了高空。 Above the remote sky, hears one not to have any depressing big weeping sound finally again...... 遥远的天空之上,终于传来一声再也没有任何压抑的大哭声…… „...... I do not want to leave Father...... Wuuu...... Wuaaah!!! I do not want to leave Father!!” “……我不想离开爸爸……呜呜……呜哇哇哇!!!我不想离开爸爸!!” Long Xiao puts in the Long Tianwen bosom, what that sad incomparable immature weeping sound lets never know the tears is shade nose thick turning sour, the heart is needle hurting. At this time in front of Father, he has not used in camouflage desirably finally, but own emotion thorough release, rending of crying. 龙霄扑在龙天问怀中,那悲戚无比的稚嫩哭声让从来不知眼泪为何物的影都鼻子浓浓的发酸,心更是针扎的疼。此时没有在爸爸面前,他终于不用在刻意的伪装,而是把自己的情感彻底的释放出来,哭的撕心裂肺。 Father is his only idol. From first time sees Asura in Rebirth World, this talent youngster has regarded own idol and goal him, but also lifted the small fist saying that with Mother must exceed him. Afterward, according to Mother reaction, also he clue that used extremely high wisdom one one wisp to implicate, he described one to let his shocking story...... Therefore, he knows, he unexpectedly is his father. 爸爸是他唯一的偶像。从第一次在轮回世界见到修罗,这个天才少年就把他当成了自己的偶像与目标,还和妈妈举着小拳头说要超越他。后来,根据妈妈反应,还有他用极高的智慧一丝一缕牵连起的线索,他描绘出了一个让他震惊的故事……于是,他知道,他竟然是他的亲生父亲。 The own only idol is own family member, for him, this is a how happy matter. 自己唯一的偶像是自己的亲人,对他来说,这是多么幸福的一件事。 Last night, he went off in the bosom of Father. He likes that feeling very much, likes liking very much very much, wants to rest really very much in the warmth that Father gives...... But the destiny, lets him only with Father to be together day. 昨天夜里,他在爸爸的怀中睡去。他很喜欢那种感觉,很喜欢很喜欢,真的很想就那么在爸爸给的温暖中一直睡下去……但命运,却让他只能和爸爸相处一天的时间。 The Long Tianwen tears, he is pressing the Long Xiao latter backache sound said: Is your Great-Grandfather is useless, if my this can trade your life the old bones, I without hesitation jumps from here......” 龙天问老泪纵横,他按着龙霄的后背痛声道:“是你曾爷爷没用,要是我这把老骨头能换你的命,我会毫不犹豫的从这里跳下去……” Wuaaaaah! I do not want to leave Father ............ 呜哇哇哇哇哇!我不想离开爸爸…………” The Long Xiao big weeping sound continued for a long time is very very long, the helicopter of smooth flight sprinkled sadly. 龙霄的大哭声持续了很久很久,平稳飞行的直升机洒下一路悲戚。 Father...... Mother, Xiao'er is impossible to accompany you for a lifetime, that...... You must be familiar with Xiao'er from now on not in day...... 爸爸……妈妈,霄儿不可能陪你们一辈子,那么……你们一定要从现在开始习惯霄儿不在身边的日子…… After dozen minutes, Feng Xiao brings Baobao to return to the home, just opened the door, Baobao cheers slightly to run: Elder Sister Yao'er, Elder Sister Rourou...... Eh? Are you Elder Sister Bing Xue'er?? This Elder Sister...... also this Elder Sister...... How hasn't Baobao seen you?” 十几分钟后,风逍带着宝宝返回家中,刚打开家门,宝宝就欢呼着小跑了进去:“瑶儿姐姐,若若姐姐……?你是冰雪儿姐姐?啊?这位姐姐……还有这位姐姐……宝宝怎么没有见过你们啊?” Hee, they were for these days just by Oh... that Elder Brother deceived...” “嘻,她们是这几天刚刚被哥哥骗回来的哦……” The arrival of Baobao leads immediately here atmosphere. Feng Xiao deeply takes a breath, returns to normal own mood, was having a face sluggish smile, then worked as their surface to hug around the middle Beiming Yudie, obscenely smiling ran in own room, bang closed the door. 宝宝的到来立即把这里的气氛带动起来。风逍深吸一口气,平复自己的情绪,然后带着一脸懒散的微笑走了过去,然后当着她们的面把北冥语蝶拦腰抱起,淫笑着跑进自己的房间,“砰”的把门关上。 The females look at each other in blank dismay, then the blushing chuckle gets up. 众女面面相觑,然后都红着脸轻笑起来。 Loses Beiming Yudie to the bed on, Feng Xiao followed close on to throw, in an instant in her screams her clothes bright light that dug up. Beiming Yudie is his first woman, five years have not seen, her body did not have initially slightly obviously shy, but becomes the mature sex appeal, chest high tall and straight gets up, the slender waist only endures grasps, the buttocks under waist perfectly round large, two snow white slender beautiful legs in anxiety restless is interlocking. 北冥语蝶丢到床上,风逍紧跟着扑了上去,转眼间就在她的惊呼声中把她的衣服扒的精光北冥语蝶是他的第一个女人,五年未见,她的身体已经没有了当初的稍显青涩,而是变得成熟性感,胸部高高挺起,纤腰仅堪一握,腰下的臀部则浑圆肥大,两条雪白修长的美腿在紧张中不安的交错着。 Wind...... Can this......” “风……这样会不会……” doesn't matter, they have been used.” Feng Xiao swallows the saliva ruthlessly, threw her body. 没关系,她们已经习惯了。”风逍狠狠咽下口水,扑到了她的身上。 But...... Wu......” Her following sound had been stopped up with the lip by Feng Xiao completely. The full chest had also made an effort to hold by two hands, grasps to pinch various ashamed shapes. “可是……唔……”她后面的声音被风逍用嘴唇全部堵了回去。饱满的胸部也已经被两只手用力抓住,抓捏成各种羞耻的形状。 Feng Xiao room sound-insulated Effect also calculates, certainly completely squeal that but is unable to prevent a woman. Beiming Yudie that body all of a sudden filled up subconscious sends out resounding moan, in clear passing to living room in the ear of everyone. 风逍的房间隔音效果还算可以,但绝无法完全阻挡一个女人的尖叫声。身体被一下子填满的北冥语蝶下意识的发出一声高亢的呻吟,清晰的传到客厅里每一个人的耳中。 A moment ago...... Is Elder Brother is bullying that attractive Elder Sister?” Hears Baobao curious asking of sound. “刚才……是哥哥在欺负那位漂亮姐姐吗?”听到声音的宝宝好奇的问道。 The surface sinks to the water a Azure Dragon finger ball, half meter thick ice walls block together fully in the gate. Immediately, inside does not have what sound to transmit again. 面沉入水的青龙手指一弹,一道足有半米厚的冰墙封死在门上。顿时,里面再也没有什么声音传来。 Beiming Yudie was manipulated various postures by Feng Xiao forcefully, she uses the hand to cover oneself face, bashfully blushes does not dare to visit him. Feng Xiao is acting fiercely while obscenely smiling asked: Die'er, comfortable?” 北冥语蝶风逍强行摆弄成各种姿势,她用手捂着自己的脸,羞赧的根本不敢去看他。风逍一边剧烈动作着一边淫笑着问道:“蝶儿,舒服吗?” Does not want...... Do not speak with me!!” “不要……不要和我说话!!” Eh...... Right, I brought Xiao'er to look that before his Grandfather Grandmother also Great-Grandfather went, they like Xiao'er very much.” “额……对了,我之前带霄儿去看他的爷爷奶奶还有曾爷爷去了,他们都很喜欢霄儿。” In the Beiming Yudie mouth only then goes all out depressing moan, is unable to reply him, does not have the thoughts to think other matter. 北冥语蝶口中只有拼命压抑的呻吟,根本无法回答他,更没有心思去想别的事。 Xiao'er wants to return to Duanmu Family, my Grandfather led him to go back now. Helicopter that rides, in the evening, should be able to arrive.” 霄儿想回端木家,我爷爷现在已经带他回去了。坐的直升机,傍晚之前应该能到达。” "Ah?" Beiming Yudie obvious being shocked, under several hits that but in Feng Xiao aggravates suddenly, she arrived at the words of mouth to turn into being obsequious moan completely. “啊?”北冥语蝶明显的愣住,但在风逍忽然加重的几个撞击之下,她到了嘴边的话全部变成了媚人的呻吟 Xiao'er said that he wants to treat in Duanmu Family again for three years. Comes him to report back Duanmu Family the graciousness of raising, two came him saying that he does not want to rely on the parents. Three come......” the Feng Xiao movement to speed up suddenly, Beiming Yudie plentiful body hit such as in the wind suspends the willow tree, in the mouth sends out one louder after another tender cry, three come...... Xiao'er said that does not want to affect our sexes...... Hehe, Xiao'er this child was really too understands his father's thoughts.” 霄儿说他想在端木家再待三年。一来他想回报端木家的养育之恩,二来他说他一点都不想依赖父母。三来呢……”风逍的动作骤然加快,把北冥语蝶丰满的身体撞击的如风中摆柳,口中发出一声高过一声娇|啼,“三来呢……霄儿说不想影响我们的夫妻生活……嘿嘿,霄儿这孩子真是太了解他老子的心思了。” My Father and Grandfather also agreed, they said should not tie up like Xiao'er this talent side the parents, but must learn to leave the parents to come from me to be informed and experienced, can a quicker growth.” “我爸爸爷爷也都同意,他们说像霄儿这种天才不应该被拴在父母身边,而是要学会离开父母来自我历练,这样才可以更快的成长。” One group fiery in within the body explosion of Beiming Yudie, making her simultaneously reach the life second desire peak in resounding charming moan. The slender waist that bends/bow shivered hangingly for a long time weak falling. On the Beiming Yudie face blushes has not drawn back, heavily is panting for breath. 一团火热在北冥语蝶的体内爆炸,让她同时在一声高亢的媚吟中达到人生第二次欲望巅峰。弓起的纤腰悬空颤抖了好久才无力的落下。北冥语蝶脸上红晕未退,重重的喘息着。 Xiao'er...... Went back Duanmu Family really?” The Beiming Yudie haunching body diligently, lies in his chest front said. 霄儿……真的回去了端木家?”北冥语蝶努力的撑起身体,趴在他胸前说道。 Un, because he draws Grandfather to walk suddenly, therefore did not have said with you with enough time.” “嗯,因为他忽然拉着爷爷要走,所以没来得及和你说。” But, can he have the danger there? After all......” “可是,他在那里会不会有危险?毕竟……” Sees her to disperse strength under the condition not to display any extreme reaction in climax from now on, the Feng Xiao little stretch/leisurely one breath, then said with a smile: Felt relieved, by the Xiao'er intelligence and ability, who can bully him. Moreover my Grandfather goes with him personally, by his status, only if Duanmu Family wants to vanish from China, otherwise does not dare to bully Xiao'er. Let alone...... When you forgot us to carry off Xiao'er yesterday their reaction? Although Xiao'er is not Duanmu one's own, but these years sentiment was not false...... But Xiao'er is also because wants to go back there to their sentiments. When he and Grandfather arrive there time, he with the video phone with you will say that immediately face to face, should not be worried.” 见她在高|潮过后散力的状态下并没有表现出什么过激的反应,风逍小舒一口气,然后笑着说道:“放心好了,以霄儿的聪明才智,有谁能欺负得了他。而且我爷爷亲自和他一起去,以他的身份,除非端木家想从华夏消失,否则绝不敢欺负霄儿。更何况……你忘了昨天我们带走霄儿时他们的反应了吗?虽然霄儿不是端木亲生,但这几年的感情不是假的……而霄儿也是因为对他们的感情才想回去那里去。等他和爷爷到那里的时候,他会马上用视频电话当面和你说的,不要担心。” Un......” Beiming Yudie blurry light should, be naked the attractive body to paste tightly with him, suddenly anxious saying: Bad...... My sound certainly was heard a moment ago by them, what to do, what to do!” “嗯……”北冥语蝶迷迷糊糊的轻应一声,将赤裸诱人的身体与他贴紧,忽而又紧张的说道:“糟了……刚才我的声音一定被她们听去了,怎么办,怎么办啊!” Feng Xiao beckons with the hand hastily, saying that face loyalty does not jump: doesn't matter doesn't matter, you come before actually, they every night are together with me...... cough cough, therefore they will not care. Die'er must be familiar with be able......” 风逍连忙摆手,脸不红心不跳的说道:“没关系没关系,其实你来之前,她们每天晚上都是一起和我……咳咳,所以她们根本不会在乎的。蝶儿也要习惯才可以……” “Ah!” Beiming Yudie stared wide-eyed visits him, sees Feng Xiao blushes shamelessly, she holds *, purses the lips a little girl who suddenly Feng Xiao secretly stands to act like a spoiled brat likely general saying: Wind...... Are you in order to convenient play a dirty trick to these many Sisters comply to pack off Xiao'er, how otherwise you do not dare to say one with me at that time!” “啊!”北冥语蝶瞪大眼睛看着他,直把风逍看到老脸发红,她忽然一把抓住风逍又偷偷立起的*,撅着嘴像个小姑娘撒娇一般的说道:“风……你是不是为了能方便对这么多姐妹使坏才答应把霄儿送走的,不然你当时怎么不敢和我说一声!” This......” Feng Xiao smiles embarrasedly. “这个……”风逍讪讪一笑。 Snort! I know!” Beiming Yudie has hit his lightly, then blushes saying: You before that bad, now grew up is such bad...... I remember that we just started in the same place, to the evening, your idea has tried to deceive in that small woods me, then pushed over me on the ground said that must nurse...... Each time attracts here is good to hurt......” “哼!我就知道!”北冥语蝶轻打了他一下,然后红着脸说道:“你以前就是那么的坏,现在长大了还是这么坏……我记得我们刚开始在一起的时候,到了晚上,你都想法设法把我骗到那个小树林里,然后把我按倒在地上说要吃奶……每次都把我这里吸的好疼……” „......” Feng Xiao blushes to scratch the head: „Was I so bad at that time?” “……”风逍红着脸挠挠头:“我那时候有那么坏吗?” Naturally has.” Beiming Yudie reluctantly by him, then happy shuts eyes: Can the gentle breeze in the same place, really quite happy...... Xiao'er is so intelligent, certainly has own idea, is good to long for the freedom, I truly should not tie up him in the side, that makes his free does the matter that oneself like. However passes meets him to make the call the time my certainly good Xiao Xiao (little) saying that his, had Father and Grandfather, unexpectedly did not listen to the Mother words, was really mischievous.” “当然有啦。”北冥语蝶懒懒的靠在他身上,然后幸福的闭起眼睛:“能和风在一起,真的好幸福……霄儿那么聪明,一定有自己的想法,又好渴望自由,我确实不应该一直把他拴在身边,那就让他自由的去做自己喜欢的事吧。不过过会他来电话的时候我一定好小小的说他一顿,有了爸爸爷爷,居然就不听妈妈的话了,真是淘气。” Un!” Feng Xiao is smiling nod, at heart breathing a sigh of relief of slowly. “嗯!”风逍微笑着点点头,心里缓缓的舒了一口气。 ...... Xiao'er, your meaning I understand completely, you return to Duanmu Family Little Young Master, that Father also similarly can change yesterday ago Asura...... How Father will disappoint you. ……霄儿,你的意思我全部明白,你回归成端木家小少爷,那爸爸也同样可以变回昨天之前的修罗……爸爸又怎么会让你失望。 also...... Wind, what you had not told me Xiao'er to result is any sickness, why he met asking that......” Beiming Yudie pants on that day. 还有……风,你一直都没有告诉我霄儿得的是什么病,为什么他那天会……”北冥语蝶气喘吁吁的问道。 Is heart attack, yesterday that day almost wanted the Xiao'er life, now was completely good. You can ask that your Sisters, your omnipotent man can cure any incurable illness with Immortal Technique.” Feng Xiao said with a laugh. “是突发性心脏病,昨天那一天差点要了霄儿的命,现在已经完全好了。你可以去问下你的姐妹们,你无所不能的男人可是可以用仙法治好任何绝症的。”风逍笑嘻嘻的说道 Un, I have asked that Younger Sisters said that so long as that person has not died, you can make him improve completely...... The wind, can you really be the deity of space?” “嗯,我问过了,妹妹们都说只要那个人没死,你就可以让他完全的变好……风,你会不会真的是天上的神仙呢?” Haha...... Was incautiously said by you right!” 哈哈……被你一不小心说对了!” „......” “……” Beiming Yudie can see his smiling, his self-satisfaction, cannot see his heart pain. He can revive the person of any/random not dying, actually only could not save his biological son. 北冥语蝶可以看到他的笑,他的得意,去看不到他心底的痛。他可以救活任意一个未死之人,却惟独救不了他的亲生儿子。 ( The dragon matter comes to the end, next time will present time was the ending of book. The following several chapters of plots are quite loose...... Un, solves some trivial matters.) (龙小朋友的事告一段落,下次出现的时候就是书的结尾了。接下来的几章情节比较散……嗯,都是解决一些琐事。)
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