LA :: Volume #7

#696: Not kneeling world kneeling parents

Stands in occasionally has the night wind has blown in the balcony, Feng Xiao looks at the nighttime sky that round half a month, such as petrification was motionless. In a while, a lithe sound of footsteps resounds behind him, then a soft body grasped him in behind. 站在偶有夜风吹过的阳台上,风逍怔怔的看着夜空的那轮半月,如石化了般一动不动。没过多久,一个轻盈的脚步声在他背后响起,然后一个柔软的身体在后面抱住了他。 „Did Elder Brother, tell Yao'er?” Feng Yao gently said, comforts the heart that he is losing patience. 哥哥,都告诉瑶儿好吗?”风瑶轻柔的说道,抚慰着他烦乱的心。 Feng Xiao enclasps her backhandedly, then gently tells today's bitter experience to her. Recognizes each other from their fathers and sons, to him almost in he cherishes to perish, arrives to discover that again he is Chaos Body as well as with Eastern Emperor Liu Li the dialogue of...... Feng Yao static is listening, corners of the mouth actually by the paleness that among her unconsciousness bites. 风逍反手将她抱紧,然后轻轻的向她讲述起今天遭遇的一切。从他们父子相认,到他差点在他怀中亡去,再到发现他是混沌之体以及与东皇琉璃的对话……风瑶静静的听着,嘴角却被她无意识间咬的惨白。 He in many person eyes is that heartless, regards the human life such as worthlessly, can be oneself private grudges, but slaughters ten thousand to live heartlessly. But how Feng Yao can not know, his heartlessness only to the enemy, to own person, his incomparable heavy affectionate righteousness, for Adoptive Father can incarnation Blood Emperor Shadow Wind, be stained with the blood being innumerable, for her can incarnation Asura, slaughter Japan. But he had a deficit the entire four years of biological sons, in the situation that actually in he has not compensated with enough time actually faces disaster hardship that is unable to recall, his how not painful penetrating heart. She is unable to imagine, if after Feng Xiao lost him, will produce how extreme reaction. 他在很多人眼中都是那么无情,视人命如草芥,可以为一己私怨而无情屠戮万生。但风瑶又怎么会不知道,他的无情只对敌人,对自己身边的人,他无比的重情重义,为了义父可以化身血皇影风,沾血无数,为了她可以化身修罗,屠戮东瀛。而他亏欠了整整四年的亲生儿子,却在他还未来得及补偿的情况下却面临着无法挽回的灾厄,他如何不痛彻心扉。她无法想象,如果风逍失去了他之后会产生多么过激的反应 Elder Brother, your also we, we will never leave you. Even if for us, Elder Brother also wants to be happy, do not drop out us?” When the tragedy has been a foregone conclusion, she can only comforting like this. A Feng Xiao heart pain point, her heart can the ache ten points. 哥哥,你还有我们,我们永远都不会离开你。就算是为了我们,哥哥也要开心起来,更不要抛下我们,好吗?”当悲剧已成定局,她只能这样的宽慰。风逍的心痛一分,她的心就会疼痛十分。 Feng Xiao has pinched her small nose, said with a smile: Spoke any nonsense, how I will give up to drop out you. Felt relieved, in my dictionary has not been defeated two characters, in the world did not have anything is absolute, three years, I will certainly find to rescue the Xiao'er method.” 风逍捏了捏她的小鼻子,笑着说道:“说什么傻话,我怎么会舍得抛下你们呢。放心好了,我的字典里没有失败两字,世界上没有什么是绝对的,三年的时间,我一定会找到救霄儿的方法。” Un! I forever believe Elder Brother.” Feng Yao happy complying, then earnestly said: Elder Brother wants every day happily, Elder Brother giving up lets me, also these many do Sisters accompany Elder Brother to be together sad?” “嗯!我永远都相信哥哥。”风瑶开心的答应,然后又认真的说道:“不过哥哥要每天都开开心心才可以,难道哥哥舍得让我,还有这么多姐妹陪着哥哥一起难过吗?” Good...... I comply with Yao'er, but when does Yao'er plan to give to Elder Brother oneself?” On the face of Feng Xiao revealed the Feng Yao familiar badness to smile, a hand already trace pressed firmly between the fingers her right chest front to protrude a point that has pinched lightly. “好……我答应瑶儿就是啦,不过瑶儿打算什么时候把自己献给哥哥呢?”风逍的脸上露出了风瑶熟悉的坏笑,一只手已经不着痕迹的捏住她右胸前凸出的一点,轻捏了一下。 The body of Feng Yao is extremely sensitive, this gently one makes her whole body tremble lightly, in the mouth overflows charming incomparable soft moan. A Feng Xiao face satisfactory happy expression, Yao'er was probably getting more and more sensitive. If not the place is not right, I immediately ate certainly you...... Very late, first goes back to sleep.” 风瑶的身体太过敏感,这轻轻的一下让她全身轻颤,口中溢出娇媚无比的轻吟风逍一脸满意的笑意,“瑶儿好像越来越敏感了呢。如果不是地点不对,我一定马上把你吃了……很晚了,先回去睡觉吧。” Somewhat escapes the strength Feng Yao actually to bend down in his chest front has not set out, she raised the head looked at Feng Xiao one secretly, a hand actually quietly gripped in his hip to let the thing of her blushing heartbeat, making the breath of Feng Xiao all of a sudden rapid many times. Feng Yao is holding his body kneeling down slowly, after rubbing a meeting, lightly lags behind his pajamas, opens the fragrant lip, him already source of deep contained that desire sets up. 有些脱力的风瑶却伏在他胸前没有起身,她抬起头来偷偷看了风逍一眼,一只手却悄悄的握住了他胯间让她脸红心跳的东西,让风逍的呼吸一下子急促了很多倍。风瑶扶着他的身体慢慢的跪下,轻揉一会后拉下他的睡裤,张开香唇,将他已经立起的欲望之源深深含|入 The Feng Xiao body shakes crazily, is holding her small head movement slowly. From gentle, to the uncontrolled crudeness, Feng Yao with holding the charm light and shy both eyes softly watches him, fiery erupts in her mouth until the last group, and forms one from her throat inflow body. 风逍身躯狂震,扶着她的螓首缓缓的动作起来。从轻柔,到不受控制的粗暴,风瑶一直都用含着魅光和羞怯的双目柔柔看着他,直到最后一团火热在她口中爆发,并汇成一线从她的喉咙流入身体之内。 Does not know the take pity on families.” Saying that Feng Yao disguises to get angry. Because her throat was hit well painful. “一点都不知道怜惜人家。”风瑶假装嗔怒的说道。因为她的喉咙被撞得好痛。 Realized that his faint smile the vision, Feng Yao subconscious touching to own corners of the mouth, then moistens to piece by piece the hot and damp liquid, her innermost feelings shake flurriedly, runs away running off that also resembles: Elder Brother, I...... I slept first.” 察觉到他似笑非笑的目光,风瑶下意识的摸向自己的嘴角,然后沾到片片湿热的液体,她内心一震慌乱,逃也似的跑开:“哥哥,我……我先去睡觉了。” Agitated and heavy vented along with the desire together, looks that Feng Yao blushes to flee, the Feng Xiao corners of the mouth reveal warm smiling, said in a soft voice: Thank you, Yao'er.” 烦躁与沉重随着欲望一起发泄了出去,看着风瑶红着脸逃离,风逍嘴角露出一丝温暖的笑,轻声道:“谢谢你,瑶儿。” So long as there are her in the side, he believes that regardless of the big difficulty can step. 只要有她在身边,他相信无论多大的难关都可以迈过去。 Static goes back to own room, just opened the door, he to both eyes that on a pair of full flashed. Feng Xiao closes the door gently, sits in bedside said with a smile: „Was Xiao'er, Father awakens by noise you?” 静静的走回自己的房间,刚打开房门,他就对上了一双盈盈闪动的双目。风逍轻轻把门关上,坐在床边笑着说道:“霄儿,是爸爸把你吵醒了吗?” Long Xiao shakes the head, then sets out to throw to the Feng Xiao bosom, said gently: Father, you hug me to fall asleep.” 龙霄摇头,然后起身扑到风逍怀中,轻轻说道:“爸爸,你抱着我才可以睡着。” Haha, good, but today Father first time hugs you to rest.” Feng Xiao lies down on the bed, then almost touches the broken Xiao Xiao (little) body to hug this in the bosom. 哈哈,好,今天可是爸爸第一次抱你睡。”风逍躺到床上,然后把这个几乎一触即碎的小小身体搂在怀中。 The night all of a sudden becomes especially peaceful. In closing eyes fathers' and sons' chaotic heart simultaneously is unexpectedly tranquil at that moment, does not have other distracting thoughts again, but is the corners of the mouth belt smiles, static is enjoying among the fathers and sons warm warm. Because Feng Xiao knows, tonight perhaps is this life only time hugs own son to go to sleep peacefully, but Long Xiao also knows that perhaps this is this life only time goes to sleep in the Father bosom. 夜一下子变得格外安静。在闭上眼睛那一刻父子混乱的心竟同时平静下来,再也没有其他的杂念,而是嘴角带笑,静静的享受着父子之间的温暖温馨。因为风逍知道,今晚或许是他今生唯一一次抱着自己的儿子安然入睡,而龙霄也知道这或许是他今生唯一一次爸爸怀中入睡。 They leave near, Long Xiao blocked Chaos Power more will struggle. If Eastern Emperor Liu Li said, they must leave the farther the better. 他们离得越近,龙霄被封锁的混沌之力就会越挣扎。如东皇琉璃所说,他们必须离得越远越好。 Farther is far...... They do not want to think, but is enjoying this warm and short drawing close to silently. 越远是多远……他们不想去想,只是默默享受着这温暖而短暂的贴近。 Next morning, after Feng Xiao wakes up, does not have including breakfast, first has made a phone call to Long Wei, then brings Long Xiao to fly to the Long Family yard. 翌日清晨,风逍醒来后连早饭都没有,先是给龙威打了一个电话,然后带着龙霄飞向龙家大院。 The content of telephone only then short several characters, however was such several characters makes Long Wei be in a daze for several seconds, then in the shade has in the vision of straightening to telephone hurriedly, then entrained the running out door that he was not saying a word. 电话的内容只有短短几个字,然而就是这么几个字让龙威足足发呆了十几秒,然后在影有着发直的目光中匆忙打了电话,然后拽着他一言不发的冲出房门。 „Has Xiao'er, come Jinghua?” Above the upper air, Feng Xiao is looking straight ahead front, innermost feelings thoughts constantly welling up. 霄儿,来过京华吗?”高空之上,风逍直视着前方,内心思绪万千。 Does not have Oh. However I see on the television frequently. Although here is very lively, but I like the peaceful place. Therefore Duanmu Family Grandfather several times must bring I exit, I reject.” Long Xiao earnest replied. “没有。不过我在电视上经常看到。虽然这里很繁华,但我更喜欢安静的地方。所以端木家爷爷好几次要带我出去的时候,我都拒绝了。”龙霄认真的回答道。 Feng Xiao shows a faint smile first, has been then startled, because he thought indistinctly Long Xiao these words as if are suggesting anything. 风逍先是微微一笑,然后又怔了一下,因为他隐约觉得龙霄的这句话似乎是在暗示着什么。 Father, where can you lead me to go to?” 爸爸,你要带我去哪里?” Will know immediately.” “马上就会知道了。” In a while, he from airborne lowered, falls before the Long Family yard. Here still guards sternly, in all directions is the dark piles. His upper air lowered has alarmed periphery all guards, when they were shocked, actually nobody came out to stop. Because can defend here is the Long Family internal death is loyal, some qualifications know that who the Long Family future successor will be. 没过多久,他从空中降下,落在了龙家大院前。这里依然守卫森严,四处都是暗桩。他的高空降下惊动了周围所有的守卫,他们震惊之余,却没有一个人出来阻拦。因为能守在这里的都是龙家内部的死忠,有资格知道龙家未来的继承人是谁。 Long Wei early he one step returned to here, continuously anxious seat in entrance. Had the previous lesson, he does not dare to bring the shade now in the side, but makes him arrive at beyond the Long Family range the car(riage). Saw that Feng Xiao came, he put in order the complexion half step to move forward to meet somebody, that child but who he pulled made his vision be startled. 龙威早他一步回到了这里,一直焦急不安的等在门口。有了上次的教训,他现在连影都不敢带在身旁,而是让他把车开到龙家范围之外。看到风逍真的来了,他整了整脸色快步迎了上去,但他所牵的那个小孩子让他的目光怔了一下。 Has not waited for the Long Wei opens the mouth, Feng Xiao to stop the footsteps, stoops to say to Long Xiao: Xiao'er, he is Grandfather, called Grandfather.” 没等龙威开口,风逍停下脚步,弯身对龙霄说道:“霄儿,他是的爷爷,叫爷爷。” Grandfather!” Long Xiao raises to come to see Long Wei, very clearly very resounding shouting. 爷爷!”龙霄扬起头来看着龙威,很清脆很响亮的喊道。 Footsteps fierce stop of Long Wei, such as was struck by lightning by the day stays there generally. His squatting lower part of the body, extends both hands that shivers to support the Long Xiao emaciated shoulder, flutters to ask: What did you shout me a moment ago?” 龙威的脚步猛的停止,如被天雷劈中一般呆在那里。他蹲下身来,伸出颤抖的双手扶住龙霄瘦弱的肩膀,颤声问道:“你刚才喊我什么?” Long Xiao eyebrow one curved, once more clear shouting: Grandfather, I called Long Xiao.” Then has entrained Feng Xiao's hand lightly: He is my Father.” 龙霄眉毛一弯,再次清脆的喊道:“爷爷,我叫龙霄。”然后轻拽了一下风逍的手:“他是我的爸爸。” Long……Xiao......” the Long Wei both eyes flash was been fuzzy by the tears, he looks at the face of Long Xiao, is pronouncing unstressed his name, suddenly raises head laughed heartily: Long Xiao...... Long Xiao...... Originally my Long Family also had the later generation, Hahahaha...... The heaven treats my Long Family not thin Ah...... Hahahaha!!” 龙……霄……”龙威双目一瞬间被泪水模糊,他看着龙霄的脸,轻念着他的名字,忽然仰头哈哈大笑起来:“龙霄……龙霄……原来我龙家已经又有了后人,哈哈哈哈……上天待我龙家不薄啊…哈哈哈哈!!” The surroundings have several aura become the disorder get up, because the people of these Long Family have not seen Long Wei to be so rude. Their vision as centralized as the body of Long Xiao, because this unexpectedly is their Long Family Little Master. 周围有十几道气息变得紊乱起来,因为这些龙家之人还从来没有见过龙威如此失态过。他们的目光不由的集中到龙霄的身上,因为这竟是他们龙家小主人 The bitterness and astringency on Feng Xiao face flashes past, but exchanges to be smiling immediately. 风逍脸上的苦涩一闪而过,但马上又换上一脸微笑。 The Long Wei high shout has spread over the entire Long Family yard, a rapid sound of footsteps transmits, Chu Yingying draws Baobao to appear in the entrance, then sheds tears to here quickly arrived, is accompanying Baobao Elder Brother! Elder Brother went home finally......” jumping for joy sound. 龙威的高喊声传遍了整个龙家大院,一阵急促的脚步声传来,楚颖颖拉着宝宝出现在门口,然后一路洒泪的向这里奔来,伴着宝宝哥哥哥哥终于回家了……”的雀跃声。 A half year has not seen, Chu Yingying was obviously thin and pale, several even appeared with the Young Lady not different face on old condition. Looks at her whole face tear stains, wants to approach the movement facial expression that does not dare to approach, the nose of Feng Xiao surged bitter. Long Xiao, he has been kneeling suddenly, ashamed said, shouted this life first time to shouting of birth parents: Father, mother, child is unfair to you!” 半年未见,楚颖颖明显憔悴了很多,原本几与少女无异的脸上甚至出现了苍老之态。看着她满脸泪痕,想靠近又不敢靠近的动作神情,风逍的鼻子涌起了酸涩。拉着龙霄,他忽然跪了下去,惭声道,喊出了今生第一次对亲生父母的呼喊:“爸,妈,孩儿对不起你们!” The sons may two kneel, kneels for the world, kneels for the parents. He has never knelt the world, now finally kneels before the parents. Only is a father truly, he knows own once action gave them to cause the big damage. 男儿可两跪,一跪为天地,一跪为父母。他从未跪过天地,如今终于跪在父母面前。只有真正身为人父,他才知道自己曾经的举动给了他们造成多大的伤害。 Long Xiao also hurries to kneel down, both eyes graceful looks at his one's own Grandfather, excessively young Grandmother, there is still one as lovable as the extreme paternal aunt. 龙霄也慌忙跟着跪下,双目盈盈的看着他的亲生爷爷、过分年轻的奶奶,还有一个可爱到极点的姑姑。 Long Wei was shocked, Chu Yingying was also shocked, including Baobao also there. They have a dream are hoping he goes home, was expecting this stubborn child one day can call them Father and Mother, but never dares to think such rapidness that on this day comes unexpectedly, the huge pleasant surprise makes them be caught off guard. 龙威愣住了,楚颖颖了也愣住了,连宝宝也愣在那里。他们做梦都盼着他回家,奢望着这个倔强的孩子有一天可以叫他们一声“爸爸”、“妈妈”,但从未敢想到这一天竟然来的如此之快,巨大的惊喜让他们措手不及。 Chu Yingying hurries to want him to help up, to shiver the sound saying: Xiao'er, you are quick...... You have not been unfair to us, is we are the parents is unfair to you, when you were born we have not protected you, more than 20 years completely a day has not worked as parents' responsibility...... Also lets your sad white hair...... Is we are unfair to your Ah...... Can hear you to call this mother...... You know me happily......” 楚颖颖慌忙间想要将他扶起,颤抖着声音道:“逍儿,你快起来……你没有对不起我们,是我们做父母的对不起你,在你出生时我们没保护好你,20多年没尽过一天当父母的责任……还让你伤心白发……是我们对不起你啊……能听到你叫这一声‘妈’……你知道我有多高兴吗……” Baobao hastily is also drawing the Feng Xiao's hand arm, saying that loves dearly: Elder Brother, you are about to be good......” 宝宝也连忙拉着风逍的手臂,心疼的说道:“哥哥,你快起来好不好……” No! The parents grant me HP/Life, I actually only give the parents to bring the pain, the thousand faults are the child mistakes, was clearly has become aware child to today, please before forgiving child frivolous ignorant.” He to a ground heavily buckle, Long Xiao hastily then has also knocked on the ground. “不!父母赐予我生命,我却只给父母带来痛苦,千错万错都是孩儿的错,孩儿到今天才算是明悟了,请原谅孩儿之前的轻狂无知。”他向地上重重一扣,龙霄也连忙跟着在地上磕了一下。 Long Wei and Chu Yingying smiled, to see gratified that the mist in other side eye and restored justice. They saw, Long Family welcomed finally new day. 龙威楚颖颖相视一笑,都看到了对方眼中的水雾和拨云见日的欣慰。他们已经看到,龙家终于迎来了新的一天。
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