LA :: Volume #7

#695: The dim light of night fills the air

When Feng Xiao returns to the home, curtain of night already descends, when Feng Yao they were also laughing and playing were saying perhaps when Feng Xiao this time went out will bring new Sisters, they wait for actually was not only two new Sisters, also his one four -year-old son. 风逍返回家中时,夜幕已经降临,当风瑶她们还嬉笑着说着风逍这次出门说不定又会带来新的姐妹时,她们等待的却不仅仅是两个新的姐妹,还有他一个已经四岁的儿子。 In Feng Xiao family/home also therefore chaotic entire evening. 风逍的家里也因此混乱了整整一个晚上。 Feng Yao once hated Beiming Yudie compared with Feng Xiao, because she once ruthlessly injured Elder Brother that she most loved. But after knowing whole story, she did not have the slight disaffection to her again, only remaining gratitude. 风瑶曾经比风逍更怨恨北冥语蝶,因为她曾经狠狠的伤害了她最爱的哥哥。但在知道了其中的原委之后,她对她再也没有了丝毫的不满,只剩下感激。 The numerous beautiful encirclement, Feng Xiao repeatedly is actually distracted, the dinner also eats eats does not know the taste. He puts down the chopsticks suddenly, pulls up to sit in his Long Xiao: Xiao'er, Father leads you to go to a place.” 众美环绕,风逍却频频走神,晚饭也吃得食不知味。他忽然放下筷子,拉起坐在他身边的龙霄:“霄儿,爸爸带你去一个地方。” Looks at his back, facing various smiling faces of Sisters, how Feng Yao unable to smile. 看着他的背影,面对姐妹们的各种笑脸,风瑶怎么都笑不起来。 Father, where can you lead me to go to?” 爸爸,你要带我去哪里?” Goes to Rebirth World, is the world of that game.” “去轮回世界,也就是那个游戏的世界。” „! I forgot to bring my small game cabin.” “啊!我忘记带我的那个小游戏舱了呢。” doesn't matter, Father has the means to make your body go in directly, believes?” 没关系,爸爸有办法让你的身体直接进去,相信吗?” Un! Believes, because Father is fiercest!” “嗯!相信,因为爸爸是最最厉害的!” After letting Long Xiao enters Nine Black Space, Feng Xiao entered Rebirth World. Then transmitted itself once god of thunder forbidden area directly. Because here will not have the appearances of other Player generally. 龙霄进入九黎空间后,风逍进入了轮回世界。然后直接把自己传送到了曾经的雷神禁区。因为这里一般不会有其他玩家的出现。 Emits from Nine Black Space Long Xiao, when he sizes up the surroundings curiously, Feng Xiao puts out that flute, has placed the mouth, when resounds the first note, Eastern Emperor Liu Li appeared before his body. 龙霄九黎空间放出,在他好奇打量周围的时候,风逍拿出那支长笛,放在了嘴边,在响起第一个音符的时候,东皇琉璃就已经出现在他的身前。 A Eastern Emperor Liu Li appearance, vision on falling cannot help but on Long Xiao, after short silence, blocked from the iris of her face to rock gently, as if linked her in should not present in the world child for this, but amazed. 东皇琉璃一出现,目光就不由自主的落在龙霄身上,短暂的沉默后,遮住她面部的彩帘轻轻的晃动了一下,似乎连她都在为这个不应该出现在世上的孩童而惊诧不已。 I long ago realized that also another small Chaos Power appear here world, originally this is not the misconception.” Eastern Emperor Liu Li said slowly, this is the variable that surpasses her to expect. But what this does have Chaos Body the appearance of child to mean similarly? She knits the brows thinks lightly. “我很久之前就察觉到还有另一股微小的混沌之力出现于这个世界里,原来这并不是错觉。”东皇琉璃徐徐说道,这又是一个超出她预想的变数。而这个同样拥有混沌之体的孩童的出现又意味着什么?她皱眉轻思。 You should understand my purpose in coming, the third condition, is my request...... Saves his life.” Feng Xiao gets hold of the Long Xiao novel, anxious and dignified saying. Although he has an inexplicable repel to Eastern Emperor Liu Li, but will actually not suspect her great strength. “你应该明白我的来意,第三个条件,也是我的请求……救他性命。”风逍握紧龙霄的小说,紧张而凝重的说道。虽然他对东皇琉璃有一种莫名的排斥,但却不会怀疑她的强大。 But if including her not to have the means...... 但如果连她都没有办法的话…… Is very simple.” “很简单。” What method is?” A Feng Xiao vision hold, excited asking. “是什么方法?”风逍目光一盛,激动的问道。 Chaos only may save its one, if he survives, the only method rescues is you dies.” Eastern Emperor Liu Li tranquil say/way. 混沌只可存其一,若要他存活,唯一的方法救是你死。”东皇琉璃平静的道。 Feng Xiao at present one dark, just comes pleasantly surprised will shortly vanish into thin air, the body had a dilutedness of creakying unexpectedly. 风逍眼前一暗,刚刚的来的惊喜顷刻间化为乌有,身体竟有了一种摇摇欲坠的无力感。 No, Father cannot die, if Father has an accident, I and my Mother, also many aunts will be quite sad, Father cannot have an accident!” Long Xiao is shaking Feng Xiao's hand anxiously was shouting. By the wisdom of his Heaven Defying level, Feng Xiao and conversations of Eastern Emperor Liu Li short several words sufficiently make him understand. He starts to understand that mysterious Strength that oneself have is anything, understands finally why will induce to nearness of Father, knew the origin of oneself pain indistinctly--, because had improper Chaos, this type Chaos only should appear on his Father, but he also had this type Chaos. “不,爸爸不可以死的,如果爸爸出事,我和我的妈妈,还有好多姨姨都会好伤心,爸爸不可以出事的!”龙霄晃着风逍的手焦急的喊着。以他逆天级的智慧,风逍东皇琉璃短短几句话的交谈就足以让他明白很多。他开始明白自己拥有的那种神奇的力量是什么,也终于明白为什么自己会感应到爸爸的靠近,也隐约知道了自己痛苦的来源——因为自己有了不该有的“混沌”,这种“混沌”原本只应该出现在他的爸爸身上,而他却也有了这种“混沌”。 Has brought the pain to oneself, gives Father, has brought the pain to Mother. Feels the Feng Xiao heart pain, on the face of Long Xiao full is being the tear stains...... If have not existed in this world, that this good. 给自己带来了痛苦,也给爸爸,给妈妈带来了痛苦。感受着风逍的心痛,龙霄的脸上已经满是泪痕……如果自己没有存在于这个世界上,那该多好。 Without any other methods?” Feng Xiao weak asking. “没有任何别的方法了吗?”风逍无力的问道。 Eastern Emperor Liu Li not hesitant jogging small head, slowly said: His present Chaos Power was blocked by Kunlun Mountain Mirror Strength completely, will thus not repulse with your Strength, but that Chaos Power will grow to the degree that Kunlun Mountain Mirror is unable to suppress one day automatically. At that time, even if you exhaust your Chaos Power to try to suppress, he also met every second has the possibility of dying. If not leave accident/surprise, at his Chaos Power growth, Kunlun Mountain Mirror are most can only block for three years. In the three years within, he cannot appear in this Chaos Power sufficient world, moreover must the farther the better to you, otherwise......” Eastern Emperor Liu Li looked at face whiten Feng Xiao one, has not said. Can make him show this expression, person who perhaps also only then he most cares about. 东皇琉璃没有犹豫的轻摇螓首,缓声道:“他如今的混沌之力昆仑镜力量完全封锁,从而不会与你的力量相斥,但总有一天那股混沌之力会自动成长到昆仑镜无法压制的程度。到那个时候,即使你耗尽自己的混沌之力试图去压制,他也会每秒都有死去的可能。而如果不出意外的话,以他的混沌之力的增长速度,昆仑镜最多只能封锁三年。这三年之内,他不能出现在这个混沌之力充足的世界,而且要离你越远越好,否则……”东皇琉璃看了脸色苍白的风逍一眼,没有说下去。能让他露出这种的表情的,或许也只有他最关心的人。 Originally, he had son. The Chaos bloodlines, are the Long Family bloodlines, had decided he can only have one life-long, has not thought, the destiny actually played a brutal joke with him. 原来,他已经有了儿子。无论是混沌血脉,还是龙家血脉,都决定了他终生只能有一子,没想到,命运却和他开了一个如此残酷的玩笑。 „, also does not have other can extend this time method.” Feng Xiao clenches teeth to ask. “那么,还有没有别的可以延长这个时间的方法。”风逍咬着牙问道。 „...... Has!” “……有!” Said!” “说!” In world, only has Feng Xiao to dare to Eastern Emperor Liu Li by this tone speech. Eastern Emperor Liu Li not any sign of anger, sound still light like water: One is the blessing of Five Element Saint Qilin, not only can make his complete immunity five be the strength of element, and has certain operation five is element ability, but can also strengthen Saint Power of Kunlun Mountain Mirror, making its protection deadline grow for at least a half year. Two promote within three years Chaos Secret Art for you to the Seventh Layer highest boundary......” 天地之间,也只有风逍敢对东皇琉璃以这种口气说话。东皇琉璃没有任何着怒的迹象,声音依然平淡如水:“一为五行圣麒麟的祝福,不但可以让他完全免疫五系元素之力,并拥有一定的操纵五系元素能力,还可以增强昆仑镜圣力,让它的保护期限增长至少半年。二为你在三年之内将混沌决提升到第七层的最高境界……” Wait/Etc., Wan'er and I have said that if my Chaos Power achieves strongly, he will immediately write off!” Feng Xiao breaks her to say. “等等,婉儿和我说过,如果我的混沌之力达到最强,他就会马上被抹杀!”风逍打断她说道。 Eastern Emperor Liu Li shakes the head, vision somewhat slight twinkle: No...... That is normally. His Chaos Power blocked these days is equal to does not exist, will not repulse with your Chaos Power. If you can achieve the Chaos Secret Art highest boundary in his Chaos Power blocked these days, you can promote Kunlun Mountain Mirror ability by Chaos Power directly, can make the time limit that it blocks promote once more for about a half year.” 东皇琉璃摇摇头,目光有些轻微的闪烁:“不……那是正常情况下。他的混沌之力被封锁的这段时间相当于并不存在,也就不会与你的混沌之力相斥。如果你可以在他的混沌之力被封锁的这段时间内达到混沌诀最高境界的话,你就可以直接以混沌之力提升昆仑镜能力,可以让它封锁的时限再次提升半年左右。” These?” Feng Xiao light asking. “就这些?”风逍淡淡的问道。 Eastern Emperor Liu Li: „......” 东皇琉璃:“……” Xiao'er, we walk.” Hand of Long Xiao, Feng Xiao somewhat desolate has turned around, prepares offline. Here always stays for one second, the Long Xiao HP/Life short several points. 霄儿,我们走吧。”拉着龙霄的手,风逍有些落寞的转过身去,准备下线。在这里每多呆一秒,龙霄生命就会短几分。 This time is I am not able to help you, the flute of your Eastern Emperor can also sound one time again.” “这次是我无法帮你,你的东皇之笛还可以再吹响一次。” Transmits Eastern Emperor Liu Li faintly recognizable such as the immortal sound of smoke, Feng Xiao has not turned head, sends in Nine Black Space Long Xiao, then offline. 身后传来东皇琉璃飘渺如烟的仙音,风逍没有回头,将龙霄送入九黎空间,然后下线 God of thunder forbidden area sound of the wind slowly, bringing the Eastern Emperor Liu Li seven color bead curtains to rock slightly, is reflecting the gorgeous seven colors variegated. Her static stay a meeting, faintly sighed then said: Why so many variables, will my computation omit what?” 雷神禁区风声缓缓,带起东皇琉璃七彩珠帘轻微晃动,反射着绚丽的七彩斑斓。她静静的停留了一会,幽幽一叹道:“为什么会有这么多的变数,难道我的计算遗漏了什么吗?” Your fathers and sons can only save its one eventually, because can let your coexistent methods is only is impossible to complete.” “你们父子终究只能存其一,因为唯一能让你们共存的方法是根本不可能完成的。” Her body light dance, vanishes in yellow glow in the midair. She knows is impossible to complete only method, is their fathers' and sons' Chaos Secret Art achieves Seventh Layer, such they can coexist in the world. But by the Long Xiao current condition, even if has achieved Second Layer, the only consequence is Kunlun Mountain Mirror is unable to block, he momentarily possibly loses HP/Life, but achieves Third Layer, he must die without doubt. 她身体轻舞,在一线黄芒中消失在半空之中。她所知道的“不可能完成”的唯一方法,就是他们父子的混沌决都达到第七层,那样他们就可以共存于天地间。但以龙霄目前的状况,即使是达到了第二层,唯一的后果就是昆仑镜无法封锁,他随时可能失去生命,而达到第三层,他必死无疑。 Only if...... 除非…… there's one more thing Eastern Emperor Liu Li has deceived Feng Xiao. If he promotes Chaos Secret Art to the Seventh Layer highest boundary, although not will repulse with Long Xiao blocked Chaos Power, but not ability will also promote Kunlun Mountain Mirror Saint Power. Because the Strength principle of Saint Equipment is Chaos Secret Art is hard to break. But Eastern Emperor Liu Li said that but wants to take this to urge that as the reason he can reach the Chaos Secret Art peak in the shortest time. 还有一件事东皇琉璃欺骗了风逍。若他将混沌决提升到第七层的最高境界,虽然不会与龙霄被封锁的混沌之力相斥,但也并无能力提升昆仑镜圣力。因为圣器力量法则是混沌诀都难以打破的。而东皇琉璃如是说,只是想以此为理由催促他能够在最短的时间内达到混沌诀顶峰。 Just came out from game cabin, Feng Xiao Duanmu Yiren was holding heavily is kissed, she jumped for joy was saying: Good, I listened to Elder Sister saying that you have only solved several Attack your guards, other people forgave completely...... I really quite happy.” 刚从游戏舱中出来,风逍就被端木伊人抱着重重的吻了一下,她雀跃着说道:“太好了,我听姐姐说你只解决了几个攻击你的守卫,其他人全部都饶过了……我真的好高兴。” Feng Xiao smiled, said: If not because of Xiao'er, I perhaps......” 风逍笑了笑,说道:“如果不是因为霄儿,我说不定……” Added that you know before , I saw you are bringing Elder Sister and Xiao'er come back am I surprised? Like having a dream...... No wonder Elder Sister always that sad, moreover to Elder Brother continuously that desolate, originally you and Elder Sister really have like this passing. But Xiao'er unexpectedly you and Elder Sister child, I will faint at that time.” Duanmu Yiren happily said. Today without doubt is she happiest one day, because that has pressed the heavy burden on her heart today in disappears without a trace that vanishes. “还说呢,你知道之前我看到你带着姐姐霄儿回来的时候我有多么惊讶吗?就像做梦一样……怪不得姐姐总是那么的忧伤,而且对哥哥一直都是那么的冷淡,原来你和姐姐竟然有这样的过往。而霄儿竟然还是你和姐姐的孩子,我当时都会晕过去了。”端木伊人开心的说道。今天无疑是她最开心的一天,因为那一直压在她心上的重担就在今天消失的无影无踪 Out of the window the dim light of night has filled the air, Feng Xiao said with a smile: Was very late, earlier rests.” 窗外已经夜色弥漫,风逍笑着说道:“很晚了,早点睡吧。” Xiao'er?” 霄儿呢?” He immediately came out.” Feng Xiao footsteps somewhat heavy going out door. “他马上就出来了。”风逍脚步有些沉重的走出房门。 Looks at his back, the Duanmu Yiren excited faculties is cancelled little, because she felt one to constrain. 看着他的背影,端木伊人的兴奋心情一点点被抹去,因为她感受到了一股压抑。 Long Xiao without doubt became numerous female focal point, because he seems drops from the clouds became the Feng Xiao son, their preparation does not have from the start. Long Xiao uses his naive intelligent belt their laughter. Feng Xiao is depending on the wall, static visits him, the corners of the mouth belt smiles, in heart stabbing pain. 龙霄无疑成为了众女的焦点,因为他仿佛是从天而降成为了风逍的儿子,她们压根一点准备都没有。龙霄用他的天真聪颖一次次的带起她们的笑声。风逍依着墙壁,静静的看着他,嘴角带笑,心中刺痛。 He now is a father, but oneself this father in disguised form is actually competing for HP/Life with him. Among the fathers and sons only may save its one. 他现在已经是一个父亲,而自己这个父亲却在与他变相的争夺着生命。父子之间只可存其一。 The curtain of night lowers completely, Feng Family Villa finally restored peacefully. Long Xiao entangles must rest with Father. Feng Xiao is holding this delicate Xiao Xiao (little) body lightly, has looked he is bringing happily smiles goes off, because this is first day that he and Father reunite. 夜幕完全降下,风家别墅终于恢复了安静。龙霄缠着要和爸爸一起睡。风逍轻抱着这个弱不禁风的小小身体,一直看着他带着幸福的笑浅浅睡去,因为这是他和爸爸团聚的第一天 Feng Xiao sleepiness, he has not looked at Long Xiao to be very long silently, has thought that lightly sighed, goes down the bed, calmly arrives to sprinkle the moonlight the balcony. 风逍没有一丝的睡意,他默默的看了龙霄很久,想了很多,轻叹一声,走下床来,静静走到洒满月光的阳台。 Closes that moment of door in him gently, Long Xiao light close eyes opens slowly, no use looks covers the door that lightly. He reunites with Father finally, but takes to Father only has the pain...... 在他轻轻合上房门的那一刻,龙霄轻闭的眼睛缓缓张开,无助的看着轻掩的房门。他终于与爸爸团聚,但带给爸爸的却只有痛苦…… He wants such to leave this world very much, making Father extricate. But if forever goes off in light of this, Father or Mother sad...... He even thinks, if initially had not appeared in this world this good. 他很想就这么离开这个世界,让爸爸解脱。但如果就此永远睡去,无论是爸爸还是妈妈都会更加的难过……他甚至想,如果自己当初没有出现在这个世界上该多好。
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