LA :: Volume #7

#694: Resurrection Array

Xuanyuan Wan'er was shocked, Feng Xiao was also shocked. This has the arrogant head, indifferent Slaughter God of iron will unexpectedly initiative has knelt. This is he this life first time kneels down to the person, non- is he is weak, because he had found compared with a dignity more important thing. Who said Slaughter God to be heartless, kneeling place Hentian, is still Slaughter God. 轩辕婉儿愣住了,风逍也愣住了。这个有着高傲头颅,钢铁意志的冷漠杀神竟然主动的跪了下去。这是他今生第一次给人下跪,非是他软弱,因为他找到了比尊严更重要的东西。谁说杀神无情,跪地的恨天,依然是杀神 If I have saved him, what you are willing to pay?” Feng Xiao lightly asked. “如果我救了他,你愿意付出什么?”风逍平淡的问道 Completely! Including my HP/Life!” Hentian reply without hesitation. “全部!包括我的生命!”恨天毫不犹豫的回答。 Even if after she wakes up, will lose the complete memory, even has forgotten your existence?” Feng Xiao asked. “即使她醒来之后会失去全部的记忆,甚至忘记了你的存在?”风逍问道。 So long as she can live!” “只要她可以活过来!” Good, remembers you have spoken words.” Feng Xiao shows a faint smile, places the ground Mei Yu gently, then calls Nuwa Stone, places the Mei Yu chest front. “好,记住你说过的话。”风逍微微一笑,将魅雨轻轻放在地上,然后唤出女娲石,放在魅雨的胸前。 Returns to your room, before I have not called you, cannot come out, cannot look to here.” Feng Xiao serious saying. “回到你的房间去,我没有叫你之前不能出来,更不能向这里看。”风逍严肃的说道。 Hentian was without hesitation, turns around to return to own room, peaceful did not send out slightly the sound. 恨天毫不迟疑,转身返回了自己的房间,安静的不发出丝毫动静。 Elder Brother Feng, good.” Breathing a sigh of relief of Xuanyuan Wan'er heavily, has smiled happily. 风哥哥,太好了。”轩辕婉儿重重的舒了一口气,开心的笑了起来。 But, does Elder Brother Feng have to think that whom makes start Lost Array? Is Xingxing (stars)?” Looks that Feng Xiao covers that Lost Array that she initially manufactured above Nuwa Stone, Wan'er makes noise to ask. Because this after all is unusual start Lost Array, will open a person to receive a person to lose all memories. “不过,风哥哥有没有想到让谁来发动失却之阵呢?是星星吗?”看着风逍把她当初制作的那个失却之阵罩在女娲石之上,婉儿出声问道。因为这毕竟是非正常启动的失却之阵,无论是启阵之人还是受阵之人都会失去所有记忆。 „It is not Xingxing (stars), I do not give up, there is a better candidate.” Feng Xiao said with a slight smile. “不是星星,我可不舍得,有一个更好的人选。”风逍微笑着说道 „? Is that?” Wan'er curious asking. “啊?那是?”婉儿好奇的问道。 Urging of normal Lost Array requirement mortal moves, but small does Lost Array that Wan'er makes have this limit?” Feng Xiao asked that although he knew the answer. “正常的失却之阵需要凡人之力催动,而婉儿造出来的小失却之阵有这个限制吗?”风逍问道,虽然他已经知道了答案。 Wan'er shakes the head: Does not have, so long as can shout name that goes forth to battle.” 婉儿摇头:“没有的,只要可以喊出阵的名字就可以。” Un, then......” Feng Xiao puts out Small Black Tortoise from the pocket, said with a smile: Small Black Tortoise, do not hide, do not think that I do not know you can turn into the person. Said that you are also young stage Saint Beast.” “嗯,那么……”风逍从口袋里拿出小玄武,笑眯眯的说道:“小玄武,别躲,不要以为我不知道你可以变成人。怎么说你也是个幼年期圣兽。” This was the second day of Small Black Tortoise birth, but it again cleverly is unable to learn the human race language completely. Although cannot understand the Feng Xiao words, when Feng Xiao and he exchanges with the thought it has understood completely, the body stands all of a sudden, then in unceasing enlargement yellow light difficult is fluctuating the shape, after tossing about long time/half of the day, the yellow light diverges finally, Small Black Tortoise also finally turned into one seemed less than two -year-old young boy. Although is the young child, but the skin is actually the rough brown color, side arriving Feng Xiao that he takes the trouble, hugs rubbing that his leg is keeping to rub, brown eyes visits him pitifully. 这是小玄武出生的第二天,但就算它再通灵也无法完全学会人类的语言。虽然听不懂风逍的话,但风逍用意念和他交流时它完全听懂了,身体一下子立起,然后在不断放大的黄光之中艰难的变幻着形态,折腾了半天之后,黄光终于散去,小玄武也终于变成了一个看上去不到两岁的小男孩。虽是小儿,但皮肤却是粗糙的土黄色,他费力的走到风逍身旁,抱着他的腿不停的蹭啊蹭,土黄色的眼睛可怜巴巴的看着他。 Un...... Excuse me, because you were just born, even if lost also only lost for day two days, did not have anything. Therefore you.” Feng Xiao somewhat embarrassed saying. Then holds his hand to place to cover on Nuwa Stone Lost Array, said to him: Come, shouted the Resurrection Array four characters...... Resurrection Array...... It is not right, is Resurrection Array, listens clearly, Resurrection Array......” “嗯……不好意思,因为你刚出生,就算丢也只丢了一天两天,没什么的。所以就你了。”风逍有些不好意思的说道。然后牵起他的手放在罩住女娲石失却之阵上,对他说道:“来,喊复生之阵四个字……复生之阵……不对,是复生之阵,听清楚,复生之阵……” Is sweating profusely has duplicated several that after Feng Xiao, Small Black Tortoise finally with it very tender voice has sent out four as before fuzzy phrases: Duplicate...... Fresh...... It............” 风逍满头大汗的重复了十几遍之后,小玄武终于用它很嫩的嗓音发出了四个依旧模糊的字眼:“复……生……之……阵……” When the last pronunciation in Small Black Tortoise mouth falls, the Lost Array suddenly fast rotation of golden, and brings the color light that Nuwa Stone soars to the heavens. The body of Mei Yu by clear color light complete package, the wound of left chest completely was healed in the flash. Feng Xiao and Xuanyuan Wan'er clear feeling Mei Yu lost the body of life-force to pour into new life force. 小玄武口中的最后一个字音落下时,金色失却之阵忽然快速的转动起来,并带起女娲石冲天的彩光。魅雨的身体被粼粼彩光完全的包裹其中,左胸的伤口在一瞬间就完全愈合。风逍轩辕婉儿都清晰的感觉到魅雨原本已经失去生机的身体在被注入新的生命力 Worthily is Nuwa Stone, although it is Dongfang (Eastern) ten big ancient Divine Artifact end, only then sole ability, but this coming back to life can be true Heaven Defying seizes the action of life, and speed such rapidness that becomes effective.” Feng Xiao acclaimed was saying. “不愧是女娲石,虽然它位列东方十大上古神器之末,而且只有单一的能力,但这复生之能是真正的逆天夺命之举,并且生效的速度如此之快。”风逍赞叹着说道。 Elder Brother Feng, after she wakes up, will fall forever in love with the man who first sees. Elder Brother Feng, you like damaging girl, should unable......” Xuanyuan Wan'er said with a smile. 风哥哥,她醒来后会永远爱上第一眼看到的男子。风哥哥,你那么喜欢祸害女孩子,应该不会……”轩辕婉儿笑着说道 Feng Xiao changes Small Black Tortoise of small turtle will throw into the pocket, before arriving by the Mei Yu body of color light encirclement, resigned-looking say/way: Ai, the difficult office, who I not to enter the hell to enter the hell, such being the case, that I.” 风逍将变回小乌龟的小玄武丢进口袋,走到被彩光环绕的魅雨身前,一脸无奈道:“哎,难办啊,我不入地狱谁入地狱,既然如此,那就我吧。” Xuanyuan Wan'er covering the mouth chuckle. Feng Xiao touches own face, was waiting for Mei Yu wakes up. He asked suddenly: Wan'er, what can this also cause to punish to Nuwa Stone? For example seal and so on.” 轩辕婉儿掩口轻笑。风逍摸了摸自己的脸,等待着魅雨醒来。他忽然问道:“婉儿,这样会不会对女娲石也造成什么惩罚?比如封印之类的。” Xuanyuan Wan'er shakes the head: Not, but, Ten Great Divine Artifacts in the Lost Array post- three years is unable to use after Nine Heavens Array or within once more, builds the method or Lost Array Nine Heavens cannot, no matter.” 轩辕婉儿摇头:“不会的,但是,十大神器在经过九天之阵或者失却之阵后三年之内都将无法再次使用,连筑成九天之法或失却之阵都不能,不管是哪一个。” Three years......” “三年……” Really has the limit, if otherwise collection complete/even following five Divine Artifact, how could it not be can resurrect this to resurrect infinitely again that...... Although within three years Nuwa Stone is unable to use, Lost Array is unable to build, therefore is impossible to start Kongtong Seal Eternal Life Array. But his also eight years of life, three years can definitely wait. 果然不是没有限制的,否则如果集齐后面五神器,岂不就可以无限的复活这个再复活那个……虽然三年之内女娲石无法使用,失却之阵也就无法筑成,所以也就不可能发动崆峒印永生之阵。但他还有八年的寿命,三年完全可以等。 The color light starts slow divergence, Lost Array in revolving starts the fast reduction, until completely vanishes does not see, but Nuwa Stone also starts becomes gloomy. When the color light vanishes, when all belong to is tranquil, Nuwa Stone changes that not any color light seven color stones. Feng Xiao takes from the Mei Yu chest front Nuwa Stone, at this time, Mei Yu has opened her eyes, the water glare billowing beautiful eye was seeing that his moment flashed extremely beautiful ray. 彩光开始缓慢的散去,旋转中的失却之阵开始快速的缩小,直到完全消失不见,而女娲石也开始变得暗淡。当彩光消失,一切都归于平静时,女娲石又变回了那个没有任何彩光的七彩石头。风逍女娲石魅雨的胸前拿下,也就是在这时,魅雨睁开了她的眼睛,水光潋滟的美目在看到他的那一刻闪动了一下极美的光芒。 You called Mei Yu, I called Feng Xiao, is willing to be my woman?” Feng Xiao looks at her eyes said with a slight smile, since and hugs from the ground her. Mei Yu looked at this time when his vision and initially Qi Yue looked at him exactly the same. “你叫魅雨,我叫风逍,愿意做我的女人吗?”风逍看着她的眼睛微笑着说道,并将她从地上抱起。魅雨此时看他的目光和当初泣月看他时一模一样。 Wants!” In her both eyes reveals pleasantly surprised, on face the sunset glow proliferates. Although she lost actually the memory, was still actually retaining her disposition. Although first time sees Feng Xiao, moreover his age obviously be smaller than on is several years old her, but her eyes on the love in he, were good to imagine Big Sister same to love him well. “愿意!”她双目中露出惊喜,脸上红霞遍布。她虽然失却了记忆,却依然保留着她的性格。虽然第一次看到风逍,而且他的年纪明显要比她小上好几岁,但她一眼就恋上了他,好想像个大姐姐一样好好的疼爱他。 Hentian shuts tightly both eyes in own hut, from beginning to end has not opened eyes, has not moved the body. Because he feared that oneself rash action will affect Asura to retrieve Mei Yu . When mortgages a house outside resounds the Asura shout, his eyes fierce opening, at the maximum speed flushed. 恨天在自己的小屋里紧闭双目,自始至终都没有睁开过眼睛,也没有移动过身体。因为他怕自己的妄动会真的影响到修罗救回魅雨。当房外响起修罗的喊声时,他的双眼猛的睁开,以最快的速度冲了出去。 He sees his Elder Sister face faint smile according to the Feng Xiao shoulder, on the face is he has not seen the happy expression. Although on the clothes of chest bloodstained, but her complexion showed that she fully restored. He has smiled, although that very stiff happy expression flashes passes, but he indeed smiled. 他看到他的姐姐一脸浅笑的依在风逍肩上,脸上是他从来没有见过的幸福笑意。胸口的衣服上虽然血迹斑斑,但她的脸色证明她已经完全的恢复。他笑了,虽然那很僵硬的笑意只是一闪即逝,但他的确是笑了。 Hentian, she came back, but lost has remembered completely.” Feng Xiao said with a slight smile, then also said to Mei Yu: He called Hentian, was your......” 恨天,她回来了,但失去了全部记忆。”风逍微笑着说道,然后又对魅雨说道:“他叫恨天,是你的……” I called Hentian!” Hentian chilling interruption Feng Xiao words. Feng Xiao has not said again, he understood the meaning of Hentian. “我叫恨天!”恨天冷硬的打断风逍的话。风逍没有再说下去,他明白了恨天的意思。 His surface is heartless, but actually is actually a son of true heavy affectionate righteousness. 他面似无情,但其实却是一个真正重情重义的男儿。 His tone makes Mei Yu as if very much not adapt, she shrank the body, then returns saying: Your good Hentian, I am......” 他的口气让魅雨似乎很不适应,她缩了一下身体,然后回道:“你好恨天,我是……” Do not give regards to me,” Hentian cold sound breaks once more, „, because you are my mistress, he is my Master.” “不要向我问好,”恨天再次冷声打断,“因为你是我的主母,他是我的主人。” He can abandon actually the Slaughter God dignity to kneel down for Elder Sister, will not actually violate oneself have spoken each few words. He did not regret, has not thought must regret. 他可以舍却杀神的尊严为了姐姐而下跪,却绝不会违背自己说过的每一句话。他不后悔,也没想过要后悔。 Mei Yu: „......” 魅雨:“……” Feng Xiao nods: You are free, but did not have her, you later must look after itself well, particularly own life. After a period of time I can look for you, then to you inquired about demon the matter.” 风逍点点头:“你是自由的,只是没有了她,你以后要好好照顾自己,尤其是自己的命。过一段时间我会来找你,然后向你打听关于‘魔’的事。” Hentian nodded slightly, then no longer said a character. Stands is similar to a stiff stone carving there. Until Feng Xiao is bringing Mei Yu turns around to depart, he opens eyes, completely does not abandon looks at the Elder Sister back. Although she did not have the memory, but did not have the fetters, obtained the happiness. also anything can compared with this better result. 恨天微微点头,然后不再说一个字。站在那里如同一具僵硬的石雕。直到风逍带着魅雨转身离去的时候,他才睁开眼睛,满是不舍的看着姐姐的背影。虽然她没有了记忆,但也没有了羁绊,得到了幸福。还有什么能比这更好的结局。 Slaughter God, is doomed the lonely life. 杀神,注定要孤独一生。 He has turned around, getting out of the way silently. He not worries finally again. 他转过身去,默默的走开。他终于再无牵挂。 After flying from the line of sight of Hentian, the Feng Xiao intention moved, bringing Mei Yu to vanish together, arrived at Nine Black Space. When he just appeared, he heard a sounds of nature summon. 飞离恨天的视线后,风逍心念一动,带着魅雨一起消失,来到了九黎空间。就在他刚刚出现的时候,他听到了一句天籁般的呼唤。 Father!” 爸爸!” Throwing that Long Xiao jumps to his bosom, face delighted smiling, then curious asking: Father, who this good attractive is Auntie?” 龙霄蹦蹦跳跳的扑到他的怀中,一脸欢欣的笑,然后又好奇的问道:“爸爸,这位好漂亮的阿姨是谁呀?” Mei Yu bends the waist to say hastily: I called Mei Yu...... Are you his child?” 魅雨连忙弯腰道:“我叫魅雨……你是他的孩子吗?” Mei Yu Auntie good...... I called Long Xiao, un, he was my Father.” The Long Xiao leaning back smiling face said. His happy expression infected innermost feelings soft Mei Yu, has smiled, then has hit Feng Xiao lightly: Originally he had the child, but point doesn't matter.” 魅雨阿姨好……我叫龙霄,嗯,他是我的爸爸。”龙霄仰着笑脸说道。他的笑意感染了内心柔软的魅雨,也跟着笑了起来,然后轻打了风逍一下:“原来他已经有孩子了,不过一点都没关系的。” Feng Xiao such as is like the first awakening after a dream, his squatting down body, holds Long Xiao to say hastily: Xiao'er, do you have to think where is uncomfortable?” 风逍如大梦初醒,他连忙蹲下身体,扶着龙霄说道:“霄儿,你有没有觉得哪里不舒服?” No, I 1 : 00 matter does not have now.” “没有啊,我现在一点事情都没有。” Shaking the head that Feng Xiao does not feel relieved, shuts both eyes lightly, holds Chaos Power that the both hands of his shoulder were emerging just to gather slowly, the information that obtained made him slightly be startled. 风逍不放心的摇头,轻闭双目,扶着他肩膀的双手缓缓涌入刚刚聚集起来的混沌之力,得到的信息让他小吃一惊。 Elder Brother Feng, the Xiao'er body has the Kunlun Mountain Mirror aura,......” 风哥哥,霄儿身上有昆仑镜的气息,难道……” Un, Kunlun Mountain Mirror recognizes Xiao'er for the Lord, moreover blocks Xiao'er Chaos Power with its Strength firmly, keeping them from injuring the body of Xiao'er again.” “嗯,昆仑镜霄儿为主,而且用它的力量霄儿混沌之力牢牢封锁,让它们无法再伤害霄儿的身体。” Ah...... This said......” 啊……这是不是说……” No...... Along with the growth of Xiao'er, his Chaos Body will absorb Chaos Qi spontaneously, one day will go to the Kunlun Mountain Mirror Strength beyond control situation. Xiao'er can only say that did not have temporarily dangerously.” “不……随着霄儿的成长,他的混沌之体会自发的吸收混沌之气,总有一天会达到昆仑镜力量无法控制的地步。霄儿只能说是暂时没有危险了。” „......” “……” Wind, was Xiao'er completely good?” Sees him to open eyes, Beiming Yudie anxious asking. At this time she is unable to inquire about that who Mei Yu is, but where here is. “风,霄儿是不是完全好了?”见他张开眼睛,北冥语蝶焦急的问道。此时她根本无法去问及魅雨是谁,而这里又是什么地方。 Feng Xiao nods, said with a slight smile: Xiao'er is stronger, he who we imagine has been all right.” 风逍点点头,微笑着说道:“霄儿比我们想象的还要坚强,他已经没事了。” Shouting that Long Xiao jumping for joy, then said to Mother: Look, I was all right.” 龙霄一声雀跃的呼喊,然后对妈妈说道:“看吧,我真的没事了呢。” Beiming Yudie loves dearly holds Long Xiao, saying that has a lingering fear: Is all right well, scared to death Mother really......” 北冥语蝶心疼的抱起龙霄,心有余悸的说道:“没事就好,真的吓死妈妈了……”
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