LA :: Volume #7

#693: Hentian kneels

Hentian turns a deaf ear, direct jumps high more than ten meters high, crosses the Mei Yu body overhead to divide to Feng Xiao. Feng Xiao Chaos Power is too weak, cannot get rid of the aura suppression of Hentian, clenches teeth fiercely, loudly shouts, Xuanyuan raises up, golden light that sticks out suddenly protects the Feng Xiao whole body...... Hentian one hits hard dividing ruthlessly to fall above the light covers, however definitely is unable to resist transmits from the hand vigorously, making him such as be hit hard, flying upside down of body heavily, Doomsday Yellow Springs also lets go to depart, after he falls to the ground inserts falls on him on hand. 恨天充耳不闻,直接高高跃起十米多高,越过魅雨的身体当头向风逍劈下。风逍混沌之力太弱,根本摆脱不了恨天的气息压制,猛一咬牙,大喝一声,轩辕竖起,暴起的金芒护住风逍全身……恨天的一下重击狠狠的劈落在光罩之上,然而一股完全无法抗拒的大力从手上传来,让他如遭重击,身体重重的倒飞出去,末日黄泉也脱手飞出,在他落地之后插落在他手边。 Hentian!” Mei Yu anxious shouts one, must charge into the Hentian direction. However Hentian of both hands oozing of blood jumps from the ground unexpectedly directly, pulls up the ground Doomsday Yellow Springs cold expression to clash to Feng Xiao, a both hands wrong stroke, the blood-color light arc cuts the air to shoot at Feng Xiao together. 恨天!”魅雨焦急的大喊一声,就要冲向恨天的方向。然而双手渗血的恨天竟直接从地上跳起,拔起地上的末日黄泉冷着脸风逍冲来,双手一错一划,一道血色光弧划破空气射向风逍 A cut feeling welcomed directly, Feng Xiao brandished Xuanyuan, divided directly to that Daoguang arc...... The Strength light arc that in a fierce impact noise, Doomsday Yellow Springs forms cut off by Xuanyuan directly, then silent dissipates, but Hentian follows, such as insane punctured generally to him. 一种被切割的感觉正面迎来,风逍挥舞轩辕,直接劈向那道光弧……一声剧烈的撞击声中,末日黄泉形成的力量光弧被轩辕直接砍断,然后无声消散,而恨天紧随其后,如疯了一般向他刺来。 The Feng Xiao lifting sword silently welcomed, although he almost did not have Strength now, what he grasped was strongest Strength Xuanyuan, even if facing Slaughter God ultimate killed the reason that Doomsday Yellow Springs has not defeated! 风逍默默的举剑相迎,虽然他现在几乎没有了力量,但他所掌握的是最强力量轩辕,即使面对杀神的终极杀器末日黄泉也没有败的理由! Dang!! 当! One the staggered sound of similar metal hit, Feng Xiao and Hentian draw back respectively one step, then also forwards, double sword once more heavily hits together...... 一种类似金属撞击的交错声,风逍恨天各退一步,然后同时向前,双剑再次重重的撞击到一起…… Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Surging of energy initiated the energy of small range to destroy. Hentian this time strength from him and Doomsday Yellow Springs, but Feng Xiao completely takes advantage of the strength of Xuanyuan, but by his current condition , can only display Xuanyuan some small ability. 能量的激荡引发了小范围的能量破坏。恨天此时的战力来自他本身与末日黄泉,而风逍则全部依仗轩辕之力,但以他目前的状况,也仅能发挥出轩辕的小部分能力 Also is a loud sound, two people in energy surges simultaneously to fly upside down, in the Mei Yu screams, her hut collapses unexpectedly directly, buries all that she has been familiar with. 又是一声巨响,两人在能量激荡中同时倒飞出去,在魅雨的惊呼声中,她自己的那间小屋竟直接倒塌,掩埋了她熟悉的一切。 Do not hit, you stop quickly!” Mei Yu anxious is shouting. A Feng Xiao Xuanyuan place, the double hand-held sword, almost escaped the strength, but Hentian actually immediately stands up, reckless to/clashes to him. What Feng Xiao cannot understand the outcome that he wants is, merely pure wants to defeat itself? “不要打了,你们快停下来啊!”魅雨焦急的呼喊着。风逍轩辕支地,双手扶剑,已经几乎完全脱力,但恨天却又马上站起,不顾一切的向他冲来。风逍看不懂他想要的究竟是什么,难道仅仅是单纯的想要打败自己? However, although I am now exhausted, but will not defeat! Will not run away! 但是,虽然我现在筋疲力尽,但也绝不会败!更不会逃! He uses once more fully, welcomed the Doomsday Yellow Springs that blood-color sword to puncture sharp...... In that flash that two swords soon once more will collide, he saw suddenly on Hentian that stiff incomparable face appeared unexpectedly has wiped the strange happy expression, he shook the hand of sword to loosen suddenly, the red light vanished in the flash, Doomsday Yellow Springs in hand along with his letting go, but fell to, in the eye pupil that the Xuanyuan sword point in Feng Xiao enlarged unceasingly the straight straight thrust has approached the body of Hentian...... 他再次倾尽全力,迎着末日黄泉血色的剑尖刺了过去……就在两剑即将再次碰撞的那一刹那,他忽然看到了恨天那僵硬无比的脸上竟出现了一抹怪异的笑意,他握剑的手忽然松开了,红光在一瞬间消失,手中的末日黄泉随着他的松手而向下方掉落,轩辕的剑尖在风逍不断放大的眼瞳之中直直刺向了恨天的身体…… Like this finished...... 就这样结束了吧…… Can die in person hand that in I am unable to defeat, I also calculate is not injust, the life can mark the period finally, but again goal that my requirement does not pursue the survival. 能死在一个我无法战胜的人手中,我也算死的不冤,人生终于可以画上句号,而我也不需要再去追求生存的目的。 I once laughable insistence, laughable hatred, such dissipation. Enable me to extricate, enabling her to be free. 我曾经可笑的坚持,可笑的仇恨,就这样的消逝吧。让我可以解脱,让她可以自由。 He has closed eyes slowly, but before eyes closes completely, he saw indistinctly quickly to the shadow that almost cannot see clearly...... 他慢慢的闭上了眼睛,但在眼睛完全闭上之前,他隐约看到了一道快到几乎看不清的影子…… ! 噗! Pointed weapons enter the sound of body to pass to near the ear, however, on the body has not actually transmitted the ache, even does not have any to have the touch that he has opened eyes, saw that he is familiar to cannot the familiar back. She opens both hands to keep off him in firmly behind, a section of golden sword blade puts from her left back. 一声兵刃入体的声音传到耳边,然而,身体上却没有传来疼痛,甚至没有任何该有的触感,他睁开了眼睛,看到了那个他熟悉到不能再熟悉的背影。她张开着双手将他牢牢挡在身后,一截金色的剑身从她左方的后背穿出。 His eyes are gloomy a while ago, Feng Xiao grasps the right hand also slight vibration of sword...... Xuanyuan turns into golden light to be taken back by Feng Xiao together, Mei Yu finally but actually, has also fallen down in the vision of two men. 他眼前一阵天昏地暗,风逍握剑的右手也轻微的抖动起来……轩辕化成一道金芒风逍收回,魅雨也终于倒了下去,在两个男人的目光中倒在地上。 Although she has the Slaughter God bloodlines, is actually a weaponless girl. But before , he will soon puncture to the Hentian body that flickers, the speed that she displays makes Feng Xiao completely not see clearly. This is one type the thing that called the kinship, making her display the speed marvelously in that moment. 她虽有着杀神血脉,却是一个手无寸铁的女孩子。但之前他即将刺到恨天身体那一瞬,她表现出来的速度却让风逍都完全没有看清。这是一种叫亲情的东西,让她在那一刻发挥出了奇迹般的速度。 Mei Yu!” Feng Xiao first reaction comes compared with Hentian, he holds her upper body hastily, making her rest the head in his left arm, is flurried subconscious hand according to her left chest, diligently wants to pour into Chaos Power to her. 魅雨!”风逍恨天首先反应过来,他连忙抱起她的上身,让她枕在他的左臂上,慌乱间下意识的将手按在她的左胸,努力的想向她注入混沌之力 There, is the position of heart. Feng Xiao's hand shivered, do not say that he almost did not have Chaos Power at this time, even if there are, he did not have restore fusion ability, is unable to restore her body. 那里,是心脏的位置。风逍的手颤抖了,不要说他此时已经几乎没有了混沌之力,即使有,他也已经没有了修复融合的能力,无法修复她的身体。 Hentian squatting lower part of the body, in his both eyes presented since birth biggest panic-stricken finally. Looks at her to well up the wound of blood crazily, his body has swayed several, how actually unable to make the sound. 恨天终于蹲下身来,他的双目之中出现了有生以来最大的惊恐。望着她狂涌着鲜血的伤口,他的身体摇晃了几下,却怎么都发不出声音。 Hentian...... You so are how silly...... You are cruel enough...... Let me lose...... The only family member......” Mei Yu makes the weak sound, started gloomy both eyes confused looks at the place above, perhaps this time world is dim one piece. 恨天……你怎么那么傻……你就忍心……让我失去……唯一的亲人吗……”魅雨发出虚弱的声音,已经开始暗淡的双目迷茫的看着上方,或许她此时的世界已经是昏暗一片。 I...... Why you must such do!” Hentian is moving the lip, makes the painful sound. “我……你为什么要这么做!”恨天喏动着嘴唇,发出痛苦的声音。 Why must such do...... Because you are my only family member...... You very painstakingly are very bitter...... I have known...... Because you also guessed correctly...... These save us...... And trains the murderer who your person truly kills our family brutally...... You are not willing to acknowledge...... Because...... Retaliates human race is supports you to grow up with the reason of Ac­cepts brutal training, when you discovered that supports your reason since childhood unexpectedly is being a huge lie...... How you can Ac­cepts...... You start not to know oneself survive for anything...... Even lost living desire...... You so are how silly...... You are not also I...... In this world also I am caring about you...... How you are cruel enough......” “为什么要这么做……因为你是我唯一的亲人……你心里很苦很苦……我一直都知道……因为你也猜到了……那些救我们……并残酷训练你的人才是真正杀害我们全家的凶手……只是你不愿意去承认……因为……报复人类是支撑你长大和接受残酷训练的理由,当你发现那个从小支撑着你的理由竟是一个天大的谎言……你又如何能接受……你开始不知道自己生存是为了什么……甚至失去了活着的欲望……你怎么这么傻……你不是还有我吗……这个世界上还有我在关心你……你怎么忍心……” Said off and on that long words, the Mei Yu complexion starts palely like the paper, weakly to almost will immediately vanish including the breath. Feng Xiao takes back own hand, sighing of heavily. If were yesterday's he, he can rescue her immediately, but now...... 断断续续说了那么长的话,魅雨的脸色开始惨白如纸,连呼吸都已经微弱到几乎马上就会消失。风逍收回自己的手,重重的叹了一口气。如果是昨天的他,他可以马上将她救回,但现在…… I...... I...... Sorry, sorry!” Hentian will bury in the knees. This iron common man revealed his delicate side finally, in both eyes has flowed off the tears of lamentation. “我……我……对不起,对不起!”恨天将头埋在膝间。这个铁一般的男子终于露出了他柔弱的一面,双目之中流下悔恨之泪。 We are the family members, how you can...... Is unfair to me...... I know to today, originally Hentian will also burst into tears...... In the past no matter you pain how, pain how...... Has not shed the tears......” “我们是亲人,你又怎么会……对不起我呢……我到今天才知道,原来恨天也会流泪……当年你不管多么的痛,多么的苦……都没有流过眼泪呢……” „...... Does not want...... Called me...... Elder Sister?” Both eyes of Mei Yu are getting more and more lax, each character that in mouth overflows is that difficult. “还是……不愿意……叫我一声……姐姐吗?”魅雨的双目越来越涣散,口中溢出的每一个字都是那么艰难。 Hentian raised the head, trembling sound said: Elder Sister! Elder sister......” 恨天抬起头来,颤声道:“姐姐!姐……” He learned murder since childhood, knows how to kill with the quickest method an enemy. Passes through the sword of heart from the left chest, making him know that she did not have any opportunity of returning alive. 他从小就学会了杀人,知道怎样将一个敌人用最快的方法杀死。从左胸贯穿心脏的一剑,让他知道她已经没有了任何生还的机会。 The corners of the mouth of Mei Yu pull gently, that is gratified smiling. Because this is her first time hears him to shout Elder Sister, although hears in the HP/Life final time, but she was very satisfied. 魅雨的嘴角轻轻扯动,那是一个欣慰的笑。因为这是她第一次听到他喊“姐姐”,虽然在生命的最后时刻才听到,但她真的已经很满足了。 Asura……please……take care of……Hen……tian…… 修罗……求你……照顾……恨……天…… Last character falls, her both eyes do not have the appearance finally again, eyes closed slowly, that hand also heavily that has tried to lift dangles. 最后一个字落下,她的双目终于再无神采,眼睛缓缓的闭合,一直试图抬起的那只手也重重垂下。 Hentian looking up head, going all out clenches teeth not to be made the sound by oneself, but corner of the eye flowing off of tears to become share/thigh, whatever his how enduring patiently is unable to stay behind. 恨天仰起头,拼命的咬着牙不让自己发出声音,但眼角的泪成股的流下,任凭他如何的忍耐都无法留下。 Looks that does not have the tender face of blood-color again, Feng Xiao shook the head, sighed gently. 看着那张再无血色的娇颜,风逍摇了摇头,轻轻叹了一口气。 Hentian, don't you hate me?” Feng Xiao asked. 恨天,你不恨我吗?”风逍问道。 Hentian of leaning back head as if has not heard him to say anything, both hands grip tightly, in shivering is constraining the sob. When he finally restores to be quiet, he lowered the head, coldly said: Why hates you, the one who kills Elder Sister is I, is not you.” 仰着头的恨天仿佛没有听到他说什么,双手紧握,在颤抖中压抑着哭泣。当他终于恢复平静时,他低下头来,冷冷的说道:“为什么恨你,害死姐姐的是我,不是你。” His sound arrives coldly fearfully, almost did not have any color existence. But his look is empty incomparable, unexpectedly seems eyes of deceased person. 他的声音冷到可怕,几乎没有了任何感情色彩的存在。而他的眼神更是空洞无比,竟仿佛是死人的眼睛 „After you, how prepares to do?” Feng Xiao asked. “那你以后准备怎么做?”风逍问道。 Kills the demon.” Hentian mechanical reply. “杀魔。”恨天机械般的回答。 Feng Xiao holds the body of Mei Yu, sighed: She was killed by me eventually, I will help you bury her well, you feel at ease. But your life trades with your Elder Sister life, therefore, do not die.” 风逍抱起魅雨的身体,叹息道:“她终究是被我杀死的,我会帮你把她好好安葬,你安心去吧。但你的命是用你姐姐的命换来的,所以,别死。” Hentian has turned around, silent trend entrance direction. He does not know , can also come here again. He was taunting oneself name. Hentian...... Actually what this hate is oneself, because of own insufficient strong, he lost the last family member. 恨天转过身来,静默的走向门口的方向。他不知道以后还会不会再来到这里。他嘲讽着自己的名字。恨天……其实最该恨的是自己,因为自己的不够坚强,他失去了最后一个亲人。 The tears fall once more, he is a person, is not the demon. It is not the beast, how also not to have the sentiment. He has wanted to expel from his side Mei Yu, because he is implicating her, making her have no time to care about itself. But he knows, he has relied on her actually-- only family member, only Elder Sister. 眼泪再次滑落,他是人,不是魔。不是兽,又怎么会真的没有感情。他一直想把魅雨从他身边赶走,因为他拖累着她,让她无暇顾及自己。而他更知道,他其实已经依赖上了她——唯一的亲人,唯一的姐姐 Xuanyuan Wan'er appears side Feng Xiao, she grabs the Feng Xiao's hand arm, anxious saying: Elder Brother Feng, we revive her to be good, was Wan'er has harmed her, Wan'er did not want her dead...... Elder Brother Feng, we can revive her.” 轩辕婉儿出现在风逍身边,她抓着风逍的手臂,急急的说道:“风哥哥,我们救活她好不好,是婉儿害了她,婉儿不要她死……风哥哥,我们可以救活她的。” Walked several far Hentian whole bodies to shake, the footsteps in shivering stop, he turns around to return fiercely, tight grabs the Feng Xiao clothes: What she said is real, told me, real!?” 已经走了十几步远的恨天全身一震,脚步在颤抖中停止,他猛的转身返回,紧紧的抓着风逍的衣服:“她说的是不是真的,告诉我,是不是真的!?” The Feng Xiao look becomes extremely complex, he has thought that said slowly: That was initially you Lost Array that uses HP/Life to trade...... I am a selfish person, I feared very much which day my person will present accident/surprise......” 风逍的眼神变得极其复杂,他想了一下,缓缓说道:“那是当初你用生命才换来的失却之阵……我是个自私的人,我很怕哪一天我身边的人会出现意外……” No!” Xuanyuan Wan'er makes an effort to shake the head, entreats saying: Elder Brother Feng asked you to save her, otherwise Wan'er will not feel for a lifetime at ease. But Wan'er believes very much, Elder Brother Feng is so fierce, certainly can protect person, what making them not receive to injure, doesn't Elder Brother Feng believe itself?” “不!”轩辕婉儿用力摇头,哀求着说道:“风哥哥求你救救她吧,不然婉儿一辈子都不会安心的。而婉儿很相信,风哥哥那么厉害,一定可以保护好身边的人,让她们再也不受到什么伤害,风哥哥难道不相信自己吗?” Feng Xiao is startled slightly, static looks that in the bosom lost the aura Mei Yu, did not say a word, the heart culmination person battled. 风逍稍稍一怔,静静的看着怀中已经失去气息的魅雨,一言不发,心中天人交战。 Between he and her meeting by chance each time is accident/surprise, without one time desirably or is prepared, resembles Accuracy to be doomed general. Except China Martial Battle Grand Competition that time, their first meet in the open country, and has initiated with the Hentian first showdown, second time at the random collision of real world, third time in Country of Dead Earth Heaven Swallow Forbidden Area, the present is the fourth time...... Each time that short, but this short meeting by chance made him remember this both strong and delicate female, will remember often her. 他与她之间的相逢每次都是意外,没有一次是刻意或者有准备的,就好像命中注定一般。除去华夏武斗大会那次,他们第一次相遇是在野外,并引发了与恨天的第一次对决,第二次是在现实世界的偶然碰撞,第三次是在土殇之国吞天禁地,如今是第四次……每次都是那么的短暂,但这短暂的相逢让他记住了这个既坚强又柔弱的女子,甚至会不时想起她。 He acknowledged that he starts nicely to be conquered by her strength, but these brief meets, he is unable to achieve to her sentiment with his person same level altitude. 他承认他开始被她的坚强善良征服,但这几次简短的相遇,他对她的感情根本无法达到与他身边的人同等的高度。 Bang! 嘭! A heavy item struck the place the heavy sound, kneeling of Hentian heavily before him, this knelt down was too heavy, knees inserting ruthlessly underground, the blood that the surrounding soil started unexpectedly slowly seep out was incarnadine. 一声重物击地的重响,恨天重重的跪在了他面前,这一下跪的实在太重,双膝狠狠的嵌入地下,周围的泥土竟开始被慢慢渗出的鲜血染红。 Asked you...... Saves her.” He lowers the head, sends out the entreaty of grief. “求你……救她。”他低着头,发出伤痛的哀求。
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