LA :: Volume #7

#692: Kunlun Mountains recognizes the Lord

After several minutes, Feng Xiao finally restored some strengths, he stands up to hold Long Xiao, to Beiming Yudie said with a smile: We go home now, certainly will find the means to cure Xiao'er completely.” 几分钟后,风逍终于恢复了些许力气,他站起身来抱起龙霄,对北冥语蝶笑着说道:“我们现在回家,一定会找到办法完全治好霄儿的。” Although such short time he only restored few Chaos Power, but he was unable to wait again, one second cannot wait. He hopes that present can look like in Rebirth World like that uses Infinite Space Gate, returns to the home instantaneously. 虽然这么短的时间他只恢复了很少的混沌之力,但他已经无法再等下去了,一秒都等不下去。他多么希望如今的自己能像在轮回世界那般使用无限空间门,瞬间返回家中。 The sky somewhat is still cloudy, Feng Xiao this flying is not high, is not quick, in the entire flight, he remained many Chaos Power bit by bit to lose. 天空依然有些阴沉,风逍这次飞的并不高,也不算快,飞行过程中,他原本就所剩不多的混沌之力一点一点损耗着。 In the heart bitter and astringent Beiming Yudie did not say a word, tight was hugging her man. Now, he is her only dependence. 心中苦涩的北冥语蝶一言不发,紧紧的抱着她身边的男人。现在,他是她唯一的依靠。 After one hour, the irresistible weakness feeling raids, the Feng Xiao body sways fiercely, the eye becomes dark a while ago, then body straight crashes. Before landing, he exhausts the final strength to call Monster Refining Pot, has fed in Nine Black Space Beiming Yudie and Long Xiao. 一个多小时后,不可抗拒的乏力感袭来,风逍身体剧烈摇晃,眼前一阵发黑,然后身体直直的坠落下去。在落地之前,他用尽最后的力气唤出炼妖壶,将北冥语蝶龙霄送进了九黎空间 A dull thumping sound, is the freely falling body condition Feng Xiao heavily to fall from the upper air in the ground, not having his whole body skeleton that Chaos Power protects oneself to want, almost falls the powder including the consciousness, he has struggled two, then finally fainted. Before fainting, he hears a female surprised shout of indistinctly. Her sound is very as if familiar, but she shouted seemed-- Asura!” 一声闷响,从高空呈自由落体状态的风逍重重摔在地面上,没有混沌之力护身的他全身骨骼欲断,连意识都几乎完全摔散,他挣扎了两下,然后终于昏了过去。昏倒之前,他隐约听到一个女子惊讶的呼喊声。她的声音似乎很熟悉,而她喊的似乎是——“修罗!” Nine Black Space, Beiming Yudie enclasps still stupor Long Xiao, static sitting on the ground. This time she simply does not have the thoughts to look at the surrounding space, does not have the thoughts to think where here is, how she arrived here. Although here jet black piece, but she is not afraid, because is Feng Xiao anxious wants her to come. Only what she is afraid is Xiao'er in bosom leaves her to go suddenly. 九黎空间,北冥语蝶抱紧依然昏迷的龙霄,静静的坐在地上。此时的她根本没有心思去看周围的空间,也没有心思去想这里是哪里,她又是怎么来到这里的。虽然这里漆黑一片,但她一点都不害怕,因为是风逍焦急的要她进来的。她唯一害怕的是怀中的霄儿忽然离她而去。 Then, in the peace, Long Xiao faint(ly) has opened eyes unexpectedly, although his vision is gloomy, but was no different in the Beiming Yudie eye saw in the world the most beautiful stars. 然后,在安静之中,龙霄幽幽睁开了眼睛,他的目光虽然暗淡,但在北冥语蝶眼中无异于看到了世界上最美丽的星辰。 Xiao'er, you awoke finally, but also is trapped/sleepy?” She said gently. 霄儿,你终于醒了,还困吗?”她轻轻说道。 The Long Xiao corners of the mouth show the smile, replied Mother with a lighter sound: Mother, should not be worried about me, my matter does not have...... In the dream, I felt Father to give my warmth a moment ago, heard some people to summon me.” 龙霄嘴角露出微笑,用更轻的声音回答妈妈:“妈妈,不要担心我,我一点事情都没有……刚才在梦中,我感受到了爸爸给我的温暖,又听到有人在召唤我。” Summoned you? Is who?” Beiming Yudie is smiling asking. “呼唤你?是谁呢?”北冥语蝶微笑着问道。 „...... Is one type is very subtle, very mysterious feeling, I feel, it in my side......” “……是一种很微妙,很神奇的感觉,我感觉的到,它就在我身边……” At this moment, the dark space sparkles suddenly one group of dazzling white rays, that rolls white glow to hike up from a space corner slowly, has fluttered before the body of Long Xiao. Revolving slowly is changing. That is one seems very ordinary mirror, the pro and con are the mirror surface, the edge have very complex pattern. In the mirror surface, Long Xiao saw the pale face. 就在这时,黑暗的空间忽然闪耀起一团耀眼的白色光芒,那团白芒从空间的一个角落缓缓飘起,一直飘到龙霄的身前。慢慢的旋转翻动着。那是一面看上去很普通的镜子,正反两面都是镜面,边缘有着很复杂的花纹。在镜面之中,龙霄看到了自己苍白的脸。 Is you are summoning me?” “是你在呼唤我吗?” I called Long Xiao, can tell me your name?” “我叫龙霄,可以告诉我你的名字吗?” Kunlun Mountain Mirror? Hee...... Really is the mirror. However, you are the good mysterious mirror.” 昆仑镜?嘻……真的是镜子呢。不过,你是好神奇的镜子。” You want to make me your Master...... Does not want, I do not want, when Master, if you do want with me in the same place, that to become with me the friend are good? Can say the good friend of intimate conversation?” “你想让我成为你的主人……才不要,我才不要当主人,如果你想和我在一起,那就和我成为朋友好不好?可以说悄悄话的好朋友,好吗?” A Kunlun Mountain Mirror surrounding white light twinkle, then unexpectedly glistening, mysterious dazzling. If the meteor dissipates, it turned into white glow to inject the Long Xiao forehead in a flash, making his body surface float off light white glow. In white glow, his body floats off from the bosom of Beiming Yudie unexpectedly slowly, then slowly returns to the ground floating...... 昆仑镜周围的白光一阵闪烁,然后竟更加的闪亮,也更加的神秘耀眼。如流星消逝,它一瞬间化成一线白芒射入了龙霄的眉心,让他的身体表面浮起一层淡淡白芒白芒之中,他的身体竟慢慢从北冥语蝶的怀中浮起,然后慢慢的飘回地面…… ................................................................................................ …………………………………………………………………………………… Quite tired, never has such tired, good to want such to rest...... 好累,从来都没有这么累过,好想这么一直睡下去…… No...... Xiao'er I saved him. 不……霄儿在等我救他。 His fierce opening eyes, is looking the female who secretly he rests the posture had a scare. 他猛的睁开眼睛,把正在偷偷看着他睡姿的女子吓了一跳。 You...... You awoke.” Had been discovered by him own peeping, the female face floated the sunset glow, the heartbeat also sped up several points. But his face is too perfect, her vision is always attracted, looked earnestly time and time again, even makes her have kiss the impulsion of secretly. “你……你醒了。”被他发现了自己的偷窥,那女子脸浮红霞,心跳也加快了几分。但他那张脸实在太完美,她的目光总是被吸引,认真的看了一次又一次,甚至让她有偷偷亲吻的冲动。 You are...... Mei Yu?” Feng Xiao surprised shouting, then shakes the head, confirmed finally this is not the illusion. “你是……魅雨?”风逍惊讶的喊道,然后晃晃头,总算确认这不是幻觉。 Un, for a long time has not seen, I also think that you forgot me.” Mei Yu said with a smile, vision cannot help but stayed a meeting on the hair of his white. “嗯,这么长时间没见,我还以为你把我忘记了呢。”魅雨笑着说道,目光不由自主的在他白色的头发上停留了一会。 Sitting up of some Feng Xiao hard sledding, this discovered oneself are lying on a soft bed, the pink bed sheet was moistened the full soil the clothes to smear the big piece by him. He has swept this room, although is somewhat crude, the thing is also few, but tidies up is very neat, moreover this obviously is a room of woman. 风逍有些费力的坐起,这才发现自己正躺在一张松软的床上,粉色的床单被他沾满泥土的衣服弄脏大片。他扫了一眼这个房间,虽然有些简陋,东西也很少,但收拾的很整洁,而且这明显是一个女人的房间。 Mei Yu knows that he is thinking anything, hesitant one said: This is my room.” 魅雨知道他在想什么,犹豫了一下说道:“这是我的房间。” „Do you live in this place?” Feng Xiao blurted out, but regretted immediately. Although he initially once had discovered Hentian and Mei Yu the courtyard, has not actually entered the room to look, thinks that they are covering their ears and eyes. Now, his really some do not hope a Ac­cepts so beautiful woman, moreover is China Fairy list the beautiful woman of extremely unexpectedly can live is so crude. “你就住这种地方?”风逍脱口而出,但马上就后悔了。虽然他当初曾经无意间发现了恨天魅雨所住的院子,却没有进房间看过,以为他们只是在掩人耳目。如今,他实在有些不愿接受如此一个美人,而且还是位列华夏仙女榜的绝顶美人竟然会住的这么简陋。 Mei Yu does not mind smiles, said: Has been used to it, here is very at least peaceful, some people will not disturb us.” 魅雨丝毫不介意的一笑,说道:“已经习惯了,至少这里很安静,不会有人来打搅我们。” We? Feng Xiao is startled, then asked: Hentian?” 我们?风逍一怔,然后问道:“恨天呢?” He in the game, possibly will not come out for these days. This is also good, perhaps otherwise you must hit.” Mei Yu covers the mouth smiles, in the heart is actually faint sigh. Has never defeated Hentian was frustrated in the Asura hand continually, the real world or the game world are so. This is almost unable for him Ac­cepts. Therefore he has been going all out to promote itself, is going all out to seek for Asura. If makes him know that Asura here, he certainly without hesitation will reveal his Doomsday Yellow Springs Sword. “他在游戏里,这几天可能都不会出来。这样也好,否则你们说不定又要打起来呢。”魅雨掩口一笑,心中却是幽幽叹息。从未败过的恨天修罗手中连遭挫败,无论是现实世界还是游戏世界都是如此。这对他来说几乎是无法接受的。所以他一直在拼命提升着自己,也在拼命寻找修罗。如果让他知道修罗就在这里,他一定会毫不犹豫的亮出他的末日黄泉剑 Was right, why will you fall from the space, do have injured?” Asking that Mei Yu cares about. “对了,你为什么会从天上掉下来,有没有受伤?”魅雨关心的问道。 „...... Because I hear Fairy to summon me, therefore I fell from the space.” Feng Xiao said with a slight smile, simultaneously silently is restoring the strength. “……因为我听到一个仙女在召唤我,所以我就从天上掉下来了。”风逍微笑着说道,同时默默的恢复着力气。 Originally fiercest Asura so will not be proper.” Suddenly thinks that time he to own infringement, the Mei Yu complexion was obviously red. “原来最最厉害的修罗也会这么不正经。”忽然想到那次他对自己的侵犯,魅雨的脸色明显红了一下。 How long do I faint?” Feng Xiao asked. “我昏过去多久?”风逍问道。 Very short time, several minutes. You...... Will think hungry?” “很短的时间,就几分钟的。你……会不会觉得饿?” Feng Xiao stared at her to look some little time, until looking her over the face sunset glow moving away vision said with a smile: Thank you...... Hentian is really the good good fortune, has your such Elder Sister.” 风逍盯着她看了好一会儿,直到看的她满面红霞的移开目光才笑着说道:“谢谢你……恨天真是好福气,有你这样的姐姐。” Mei Yu shakes the head gently, said with a smile: Was needless to say with me thanks, let alone you were Asura, is puppy Little Cat falls I also such to do from the space.” 魅雨轻轻摇头,微笑道:“不用和我说谢谢,别说你是修罗,就是小狗小猫从天上掉下来我也会这么做的。” Also will bring to your room?” Feng Xiao said with a smile. “也会带到你自己的房间来吗?”风逍笑眯眯的说道 The Mei Yu look is startled, could not speak unexpectedly for a while. Including her thought clearly, why not to see his stupor in the past she such worry, then not the hesitant hard sledding towed him to own room, static visits him. 魅雨神色一怔,竟一时说不出话来。连她自己都想不明白,为什么看到他昏迷过去她会那么的着急,然后一点都不犹豫的费力将他拖到自己的房间,静静的看着他。 We can meet quickly again. Now I must walk, has very important matter to do.” Feng Xiao gets out of bed, stretch/leisurely lived oneself body. With time of Mei Yu speech in he restored some Chaos Power, rescues the Xiao'er matter he not to dare to delay, because he possibly has the HP/Life danger anytime. “我们很快就可以再次见面的。只是现在我必须走了,有很重要的事情要做。”风逍下床,舒活了一下自己的身体。和魅雨说话的时间里他已经恢复了些许的混沌之力,救霄儿的事他不敢耽搁,因为他随时都可能有生命危险。 „Do you want to walk?” Mei Yu blurted out, quick has blushed for the excited tone. “你要走?”魅雨脱口而出,很快又为自己激动的语气脸红了一下。 Un, I must go home immediately. Next time will meet I certainly well to thank your.” Feng Xiao apologetically said, then concentrates Intelligence (mind/spirit) to summon Beiming Yudie in Nine Black Space, suddenly his ear moved, turns the head to look to out of the window. Along with it, a sound resounds at the same time. “嗯,我必须马上回家。下次见面我一定会好好感谢你的。”风逍歉意的说道,然后集中精神想要呼唤九黎空间中的北冥语蝶,忽然他耳朵一动,转头看向了窗外。随之,一个声音在同一时间响起。 Who is in inside!” Outside the room resounds the Hentian somewhat gloomy sound. “是谁在里面!”房外响起恨天有些阴沉的声音。 He heard the male voice in Mei Yu room, if not because that is the Mei Yu room, he already intruded. 他听到了魅雨房中的男子声音,如果不是因为那是魅雨的房间,他早已闯入。 Mei Yu tarries obviously, on the face presents the startled color/look, is caught off guard to the appearance of Hentian. Feng Xiao under foot one wrong, the body pulls out black Phantom Shadow to appear outside the room together Hentian the front. Even if his present Strength is almost in debt, is not the necking in person. 魅雨明显呆住,脸上出现惊慌之色,对恨天的出现措手不及。风逍脚下一错,身体拉出一道黑色的幻影出现在房外恨天的面前。即使他现在力量几乎亏空,也绝不做缩头之人。 Hentian both eyes flash through together red ray, he did not have saying that an idle talk, in the hand the red light flashed, Doomsday Yellow Springs has grasped in both hands, was pinching red light arc dividing ruthlessly to Feng Xiao. 恨天双目闪过一道赤色的光芒,他没有多说一句废话,手中红光一闪,末日黄泉已经握于双手,然后挟着一道红色光弧狠狠的劈向风逍 Usually Hentian has loafed in Rebirth World, effort continuously wants get stronger...... But after get stronger? What can oneself make? Oneself living what is the goal? What is the goal of life? 平时恨天一直都在轮回世界游荡,一直的努力想要变强……但变强之后呢?自己能做什么?自己活着的目的是什么?人生的目标又是什么? Every time survives for day, he will be many a confusedness. Looks at Rebirth World human race of all forms, he knows that oneself and they can never be a kind of person , will never integrate among them. He seems not the person of this world, was repelled by the world. 每生存一天,他都会多一份迷茫。看着轮回世界形形色色的人类,他知道自己和他们永远都不会是一类人,也永远不可能融入到他们之间。他就仿佛不是这个世界的人似地,被世界所排斥。 The time winds through slowly, he could not find the direction more and more, defeats Asura this goal to start to go pale. Because the people have the goal therefore to survive, but he just like does not have the direction good-for-nothing. The hatred of childhood, insisted, after entering genuine society deterioration slowly, until vanished slowly. He starts to think that oneself existence is a mistake, is a burden. If do not exist, then she can feel at ease looks for own home to return, many people can also go on living relieved, does not need to be worried about this again grim Slaughter God. 时间慢慢流过,他也越来越找不到方向,就连击败修罗这个目标都开始淡去。人因为有目标所以才生存,而他就犹如一具没有方向的行尸走肉。儿时的仇恨、坚持,在进入真正的人世间后慢慢的变质,直到慢慢消失。他开始觉得自己的存在是个错误,是个累赘。如果自己不存在,那么她可以安心的去找自己的归宿,很多人也可以安心活下去,不用再担心他这个“冷面杀神”。 The Feng Xiao rapid retreat, evades a Hentian sword, then calls Xuanyuan, keeps off before the body. Doomsday Yellow Springs and his previous time in Hentian hand saw very big difference. Although the contour has not changed, but the blood-color ray almost arrived under the stimulation of movement of blood of Hentian slaughtering intensely dazzlingly, the invisible pressure depressing his whole body somewhat is also stiff, such as was diverted vigorously firmly general. 风逍迅速后退,躲过恨天的一剑,然后唤出轩辕,挡在身前。恨天手中的末日黄泉和他上次所见有了很大的不同。外形虽未变化,但血色光芒在恨天杀戮之血的催动下已经几乎强烈到刺眼,无形的威压也压抑的他全身都有些僵硬,如被大力牢牢牵制住一般。 Hentian, stop!” Mei Yu anxious ran room, kept off in front of Hentian: He was just injured, cannot fight.” 恨天,住手!”魅雨焦急的跑出了房间,挡在恨天面前:“他刚刚受伤,不能战斗的。”
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