LA :: Volume #7

#688: At this moment, you called Long Xiao!

You regard as important to this child probably very much, then, if I have killed this child, you can show the expression that makes me enjoy very much, Hehe, is really the anticipation.” Feng Xiao cruel smiling, while approaches his several points Flying Feather Blade, satisfaction looks at they nearly desperate look. “你们好像对这个孩子很看重啊,那么,如果我杀了这个孩子,你们会不会露出让我很享受的表情呢,呵呵,真是期待啊。”风逍一边残忍的笑着,一边将飞羽刃又靠近他几分,满意的看着他们近乎绝望的眼神。 Blood Emperor Shadow Wind! If you dare to injure Xiao'er, I make trouble will not let off you!!” Duanmu Xiong is red eyes to say. 血皇影风!你要是敢伤了霄儿,我做鬼都不会放过你!!”端木雄赤红着眼睛说道。 Right, I really am the anticipation.” The Feng Xiao sneering sound holds up Flying Feather in hand. “是吗,那我真是期待啊。”风逍冷笑声举起手中的飞羽 Does not want!!” “不要!!” Thump, Duanmu Lie heavily knelt on the ground, this once Duanmu Patriarch, the father of present Duanmu Patriarch, the life is arrogant, the life only knelt parents' old person such to kneel in front of Feng Xiao...... Feng Xiao is startled immediately. 扑通”一声,端木烈重重跪在了地上,这个曾经的端木家主,如今的端木家主之父,一生孤傲无匹,一生只跪过父母的老人就这么跪在了风逍面前……风逍顿时怔住。 Is my Duanmu Family has eyes but fails to see, is my Duanmu Family damn, but he is only a child, he not wrong! Asked you to let off him, traded to be good with my this short remaining life, I asked you!!” Old person's filled with grief pain was asking, then dangled fully is the head of white hair, knocking of heavily in the chilling ground...... How whatever they pull are not willing to get up. “是我端木家有眼无珠,是我端木家该死,但他只是一个孩子,他没有错啊!求你放过他,用我这条老命来换好不好,我求求你了!!”老人悲怆的苦求着,然后垂下满是白发的头颅,重重的磕在冷硬的地面上……任凭他们怎么拉扯都不肯起来。 Great-Grandfather! Great-Grandfather you are quick, he will not injure my, believes Xiao'er, he will not injure really my.” 曾爷爷曾爷爷你快起来,他不会伤害我的,相信霄儿,他真的不会伤害我的。” Duanmu Xiao has made the anxious sound finally, but this sound falls in the Feng Xiao ear, each pronunciation heavily is provoking his heartstrings, his heart trembles to swing slightly, does not know why will present such reaction because of this child's voice. 端木霄终于发出了急急的声音,而这个声音落在风逍耳中,每一个字音都重重的撩拨着他的心弦,他的心轻微颤荡着,不知道为什么会因为这个孩子的声音而出现这样的反应 Yes, are you so self-confident I not to kill you?” Feng Xiao is gloomy the sound to say. “是么,你就那么自信我不会杀你?”风逍阴森着声音说道。 Un! You will certainly not injure my, the under the heavens people want to injure me, you cannot.” Duanmu Xiao raised the head, bright such as eyes of bright star has the naive happy expression to visit him, was welcoming Flying Feather Blade, he did not have a fearing intent. Feng Xiao lowered the head to come to see this immature small face, the heart is starting fierce fluctuating, fluctuates again, an inexplicable feeling is attacking his innermost feelings unceasingly, making his heart fierce shivers...... “嗯!你一定不会伤害我的,就算全天下的人都想伤害我,你也不会的。”端木霄抬起头来,亮如璨星的眼睛带着天真笑意看着他,迎着飞羽刃,他没有一丝的惧意。风逍低下头来看着这张稚嫩的小脸,心脏开始剧烈的起伏,再起伏,一种莫名的感觉不断的冲击着他的内心,让他的心剧烈的颤抖…… Xiao'er......” 霄儿……” Slight twittering, Beiming Yudie faintly awakening, she as if had a nightmare finally, in the nightmare that black clothes person has robbed her son, placed on the blade his throat...... 一声轻微的呢喃,北冥语蝶终于幽幽醒转,她似乎做了一场噩梦,噩梦中那个黑衣人抢走了她的儿子,把刀放在他的喉咙上…… The people awoke, the nightmare has not actually awaked. Her first saw that by Duanmu Xiao that Feng Xiao kidnaps, sad shouts one, struggled to consider the strategic place in the past, actually stubbornly held on by several female servant. 人醒了,噩梦却没有醒。她第一眼就看到被风逍劫持住的端木霄,悲戚的呼喊一声,挣扎着想要冲过去,却被几个女仆死死拉住。 Mother! Mother do not cry, he said that he will not injure my, really!” Duanmu Xiao is comforting Mother with a smile. 妈妈妈妈不要哭,他说他不会伤害我的,真的!”端木霄笑着安慰着妈妈 Mother...... Flying Feather Blade in Feng Xiao hand falls from palm, such as a piece of red feather falls on the ground gently, his world turns into blank one piece suddenly. 妈妈……风逍手中的飞羽刃从掌心滑落,如一片赤色的羽毛般轻轻落在地上,他的世界忽然间变成空白一片。 This is...... Her son? 这是……她的儿子吗? Is her son...... 是她的儿子…… Why her son can move my heartstrings, must injure his time, why my body can try hard to resist my wish, why my heart shakes such fiercely...... Why I can hear him slightly to the heartbeat that almost does not have. 她的儿子为什么可以撩动我的心弦,要伤他的时候,为什么我的身体会努力的抗拒我的意愿,为什么我的心抖得这么厉害……为什么我可以听到他轻微到几乎不存在的心跳。 Feng Xiao squatting lower part of the body slowly, static visits him, Duanmu Xiao has also turned around, smiling looks at each other with him, the eyebrow bends, the corners of the mouth bring back slightly, are similar to a lovable naive doll that smiles. 风逍缓缓的蹲下身来,静静的看着他,端木霄也转过身来,一脸笑意的和他对视,眉毛弯起,嘴角微微勾起,笑的如同一个可爱天真的洋娃娃。 „Are you big this year?” Feng Xiao feels his face gently, the sound is light like the gentle breeze. “你今年多大了?”风逍轻轻摸着他的脸,声音更是轻如柔风。 I this year four years old...... Four years old two month Oh.” Duanmu Xiao was smiling faintly the reply. “我今年四岁了……四岁零两个月。”端木霄浅笑着回答。 Duanmu Family is shocked up and down completely, Beiming Yudie is dizziness, because Feng Xiao used his original voice...... His sound, she will never forget. 端木家上下全部愣住,北冥语蝶更是一阵眩晕,因为风逍用回了他本来声音……他的声音,她永远都不会忘记。 „Can that who tell me your Mother is?” “那,可以告诉我你妈妈是谁吗?” Duanmu Xiao with has slightly pointed at vision complete delay Beiming Yudie, said with a smile: She is my Mother, is in the world best Mother. Mother usually most likes growing flowers, because the flower blooms brings in many attractive butterflies, Mother likes looking that the butterfly dances in the air in the wind. Mother said with me often, she is one is closed the butterfly in basket, longs for the wind, again is actually not able to dance in the air in the cool breeze.” 端木霄用小手指了一下目光完全呆滞的北冥语蝶,笑着说道:“她是我的妈妈,也是世界上最好的妈妈妈妈平时最喜欢养花,因为花开引来好多漂亮的蝴蝶,妈妈喜欢看蝴蝶在风中飞舞。妈妈经常和我说,她是一只被关在笼子里的蝴蝶,渴望风,却再也无法飞舞在清风里。” You called...... Xiao'er?” “你叫……霄儿?” Un...... On is the rain, is that rain in Mother name, getting down is similar...... What meaning this similar isn't character?” Duanmu Xiao head slightly crooked, seems having doubts this similar character. “嗯……上为雨,是妈妈名字里的那个雨,下为肖……唔,这个肖字是什么意思呢?”端木霄脑袋微歪,似乎在疑惑这个“肖”字。 When does not know, Duanmu Wuji had been pushed the wheelchair to come here, static looks at a face naive happy expression Duanmu Xiao, his each few words, make his surging emotions fluctuate. He understands him very much, does not understand him very much. But at this time, he is first time sees such earnest expression on his face. 不知何时,端木无极已经被人推着轮椅来到了这里,静静的看着一脸天真笑意的端木霄,他的每一句话,都让他心潮起伏。他很了解他,又很不了解他。而此时,他是第一次在他脸上看到这么认真的表情。 Blood Emperor Shadow Wind...... The corners of the mouth of Duanmu Wuji reveal bitter and astringent smiling, the innermost feelings fierce is twitching. 血皇影风……端木无极的嘴角露出苦涩的笑,内心更是剧烈的抽搐着。 Here person...... Is good to you?” Feng Xiao gentle asking. He had many words to want with him saying that were more...... “这里的人……对你好吗?”风逍轻柔的问道。他有很多话想和他说,很多很多…… Un, they very good is very good to me!” “嗯,他们都对我很好很好!” Why you think that I won't injure you? I have killed many people, aren't you afraid?” “你为什么会认为我不会伤害你呢?我杀过很多人,你不害怕吗?” Why can be afraid? Because I know, even if world all people want to injure me, you will not injure my.” Duanmu Xiao vision graceful visits him, on the face still the belt smiles, corner of the eye actually drop of clear downhills slowly, fell on Feng Xiao's hand. “为什么要害怕呢?因为我知道,就算天下所有的人都想要伤害我,你也不会伤害我的。”端木霄目光盈盈的看着他,脸上依然带笑,眼角却有一滴晶莹缓缓的滑下,落在了风逍的手上。 Feng Xiao wipes gently the tear stains on his face, your full name called Duanmu Xiao, right?” 风逍将他脸上的泪痕轻轻拭去,“你全名叫端木霄,对吗?” Un!” “嗯!” Feng Xiao nodded, shook the head, then gently hugs him, a feeling of sharing the same roots in heart warm surging. Feng Xiao to him, was saying to all people: Duanmu this surname does not use for parts you on the body, only then the entire China most honored surname matched on you. From today...... No, starting from this moment, your name Called Long Xiao!” 风逍点了点头,又摇了摇头,然后轻轻的将他抱起,一种血脉相连的感觉在心中暖暖的涌起。风逍对着他,也对着所有人说道:“端木这个姓氏不配用你在身上,只有全华夏最尊贵的姓氏才配的上你。从今天……不,是从这一刻开始,你的名字叫——龙霄!” Duanmu Family high and low complete silence, this suddenly , the bewildered accident just like a staggering blow pounds down ruthlessly, let them until now the mattress dizziness general not being able to find east, west, south, and north. 端木家上下鸦雀无声,这场突如其来,又莫名其妙的变故犹如一记闷棍狠狠砸下,让他们至今都褥眩晕一般的找不到东西南北。 Long Xiao...... Dragon...... Originally unexpectedly is so. I have made the mistake, but did finally right.” Duanmu Wuji talked to oneself in a low voice, the corners of the mouth reveal the mournful mirthless smile. 龙霄……龙……原来竟是如此。我做错了,但终于还是做对了。”端木无极低声自语,嘴角露出凄然的惨笑。 Blood Emperor Shadow Wind, you...... What do you mean! Xiao'er, what's all this about?” Restored some strengths Duanmu Xiong to struggle is sitting up from the ground, strenuous asking. 血皇影风,你……你是什么意思!霄儿,这是怎么回事?”恢复了些许力气的端木雄挣扎着从地上坐起,吃力的问道。 Beiming Yudie is covering the lip with the hand, the tears in eye such as the rain, vision crazy looks to hold her son's Feng Xiao, flickers does not hate to leave. 北冥语蝶用手捂着嘴唇,眼中的眼泪如雨而下,目光痴痴的看着抱着她儿子的风逍,一瞬都不舍得离开。 I do not need to explain with the person who your can die immediately, but, saw that you raise in Xiao'er such big share, I can leave behind your in which one, leaves behind Duanmu bloodlines!” “我没必要和你们这些马上就会死的人解释,不过,看到你们把霄儿养到这么大的份上,我可以留下你们的其中一个,也算是留下一丝端木血脉!” No!” Duanmu Xiao-- should be waving that Long Xiao makes an effort, then a face entreaty looks at Feng Xiao: Makes me tell a story? Then, what you want to make, is good?” “不!”端木霄——应该是龙霄用力的挥手,然后一脸哀求的看着风逍:“让我讲一个故事好吗?然后,你想做什么都可以,好不好?” Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, do you listen to a Xiao'er lecture of story?” 爷爷,曾爷爷,你们都听霄儿讲一个故事好吗?” Duanmu Xiong and Duanmu Lie subconscious nod, such as they of falling scheme also can only nod at this time. 端木雄端木烈下意识的点头,此时如陷迷阵的他们也只能点头。 Feng Xiao also nod gently, he had guessed correctly indistinctly what he wants to narrate is anything. 风逍也轻轻的点头,他隐约猜到了他想要讲述的是什么。 Duanmu Xiao closes eyes to reorganize train of thought gently, quick is opening, then started the leisurely description with his immature sound. 端木霄轻轻闭上眼睛整理着思绪,很快就睁开,然后用他稚嫩的声音开始了轻缓的描述。 The story that I must tell starts from a very beautiful campus. At that time spring, weather, the gentle breeze is most pleasant. In that campus, was called the boy of wind to be called the girl of butterfly to fall in love to one, and started to pursue her, to having her of many pursuer, asking the boy of wind not to pursue girl's Experience very much obviously, but he was too perfect, asking the Die'er girl same to unrequited love him with many girls secretly. His pursue makes her very happy, but she because actually family's reason withstands the pain to reject him time and time again...... But finally, she could not reject oneself heart, called the boy of wind with that in the same place, has become a pair the lover who made the person marvel. At that time, called boy is 17 years old of wind, on big one, but called girl is 20 years old of butterfly, is person who big four must graduate immediately.” “我要讲的故事是从一个很美的校园开始。那时尚在春天,无论是天气,还是和风都是最怡人的。在那个校园里,有一个叫风的男孩对一个叫蝶的女孩一见钟情,并开始追求她,对有着很多很多追求者的她来说,叫风的男孩子很明显没有追女孩子的经验,但他实在太完美了,叫蝶儿的女孩同很多女孩子一样偷偷暗恋着他。他的追求让她很幸福,但她却因为家里的原因忍着痛苦一次又一次的拒绝他……但最后,她拒绝不了自己的心,和那个叫风的男孩在一起,成了一对让人惊羡的恋人。那时,叫风的男孩17岁,在上大一,而叫蝶的女孩20岁,是大四马上就要毕业的人。” Feng Xiao silently looks that similarly is looking at her Beiming Yudie. Five years have not seen, this time she did not have that time innocent, in the foreheads to pass maturely and pities the wound lightly, but her look is still like that gentle...... He fuzziness slowly, as if saw in the past her at present to his smiling, gentle light is kissing him, gentle acts like a spoiled brat to him...... Once she that perfect, making the person want forever falling to the enemy in her gentleness. 风逍默默的看着同样在看着她的北冥语蝶。五年未见,此时的她已经没有了那时的天真烂漫,眉宇间透着成熟与淡淡怜伤,但她的眼神依然是那般的温柔……他眼前慢慢的模糊,仿佛看到了当年她对他的笑,温柔的轻吻着他,温柔的对他撒娇……曾经的她是那么的完美,让人想要永远的沦陷于她的温柔之中。 Called some girl own worries of butterfly, does not dare to tell calls the boy her family of wind. Afterward, after short time, she attended friendship dance parties of various respected families, there, asked man extremely first time to see her......” “叫蝶的女孩有些自己的顾虑,一直都不敢告诉叫风的男孩她的家庭。后来,很短的时间以后,她去参加一个各大家族的联谊舞会,在那里,一个叫极的男子第一次看到了她……” Duanmu Wuji has a slight sigh. 端木无极发生一声轻微的叹息。 Extremely is an inborn both legs disabled person, but he always does not feel inferior, he makes everybody focus attention on to him with oneself ability, and is identified as next Patriarch of his family. Haughty he has thought which female does not have to be joined to him...... But sees that moment of butterfly, he thinks that oneself saw Fairy of space, by her deep attraction, was enchanted by...... When she to giving regards of his politeness, he is unexpectedly helpless, even starts to feel inferior. He thought that disabled cannot be joined to such Fairy.” “极是一个天生双腿残疾的人,但是他从来都不自卑,他用自己的能力让大家对他瞩目,并被确认为他的家族的下一任家主。狂傲的他一直都认为没有哪个女子配得上他……但看到蝶的那一刻,他以为自己看到了天上的仙女,被她深深的吸引,迷醉……当她向他礼貌的问好的时候,他竟然手足无措起来,甚至开始自卑。他觉得残废的自己配不上这样的仙女。” From that date, he asked the girl of butterfly to long to that gets sucked into her shadow to be individually uncorrectable. Finally, he discusses marriage to the family that the butterfly is, and proposed, so long as can marry him the butterfly, the family that he is willing to provide their requirement all for them.” “从那天起,他对那个叫蝶的女孩子朝思暮想,深陷她的影子中不可自拔。终于,他向蝶所在的家族提亲,并提出只要能将蝶嫁给他,他所在的家族愿意为他们提供他们需要的一切。” To family that the butterfly is, this is the enticement that definitely is unable to resist. Therefore, Younger Brother of butterfly-- was called the cloud boy and her father very happy raised this matter to her, the butterfly has rejected, and confessed her to have the person of liking finally, and must forever with him in the same place.” “对蝶所在的家族来说,这是一个完全无法抗拒的诱惑。于是,蝶的弟弟——一个叫云的男孩子和她的父亲很高兴的对她提起了这件事,蝶拒绝了,并终于坦白她已经有了喜欢的人,并要永远和他在一起。” Beiming Yudie covers own lip not to be cried to make noise by oneself diligently, her tears moistened very big piece the ground. 北冥语蝶捂着自己的嘴唇努力不让自己哭出声,她的眼泪已经将地面打湿很大一片。
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