LA :: Volume #7

#689: Vanishing

Her Younger Brother immediately investigates that to call the boy of wind, finally discovered that he is only a not any background and ability person, does not have the parents, only has Younger Sister. The there is still one relative will appear in their family/home supplies the living expenses once for a while to them. Her father is furious immediately, ordering the butterfly must leave him, and asked man extremely to get married with that but her Younger Brother combined threats with inducements he to leave the next day, and shaming ruthlessly he...... He does not know, actually that was called the boy of wind to have the method that the innumerable types made him die pitifully, but for that was called the girl of butterfly, his difficult enduring has gotten down, because he was Younger Brother of butterfly.” “她的弟弟立即去调查那个叫风的男孩,结果发现他只是一个没有任何背景和能力的人,没有父母,只有一个妹妹还有一个亲戚会时不时的出现在他们家给他们供给生活费。她的父亲顿时震怒,责令蝶必须离开他,并与那个叫极的男子成婚,而她的弟弟则在第二天威逼利诱他离开,并狠狠的羞辱了他……他不知道,其实那个叫风的男孩子有无数种让他凄惨死去的方法,但为了那个叫蝶的女孩,他艰难的忍下了,因为他是蝶的弟弟。” Duanmu Family a delay of person completely face, how what they will unable to listen to Long Xiao to narrate is anything...... These matters they do not have one person to know unexpectedly, except for Duanmu Wuji, their nobody knows from the start before Beiming Yudie, there is still one called wind lover. 端木家的人全部一脸的呆滞,他们又怎么会听不出龙霄所讲述的是什么……只是,这些事他们竟无一人知道,除了端木无极,他们压根无人知道北冥语蝶之前还有一个叫“风”的恋人。 They force the butterfly to leave the wind, but always delicate docile butterfly this time actually exceptionally firm, how not to be willing to obey, but her father, how also will become Patriarch Younger Brother will allow her to marry one not to have the influence in the future, cannot to the person who they will bring the benefit...... Therefore, is refusing to compromise, calling the girl short of breath of butterfly to launch a psychological attack to faint, after delivering to the hospital, obtains one to let their shocking news...... She was pregnant.” “他们逼迫蝶离开风,但一向柔弱温顺的蝶这次却异常的坚决,怎么都不愿顺从,但她的父亲,还有将来会成为家主弟弟又怎么会允许她嫁给一个没势力,不能给他们带来利益的人……于是,在僵持之中,叫蝶的女孩子气急攻心昏了过去,送到医院后,却得到一个让他们震惊的消息……她怀孕了。” In the brain of Duanmu Lie blasts out loudly, the vision shivers looks at Long Xiao, also is hugging him, calm Blood Emperor Shadow Wind, heart beat almost must jump out the throat. By his astuteness, how can also unable to guess correctly anything indistinctly...... He forces himself not to think in that direction, he believes that certainly not real. 端木烈的脑中轰然炸开,目光颤抖的看着龙霄,还有正抱着他,一脸平静的血皇影风,心脏跳动的几乎要跳出喉咙。以他的精明,又岂会不能隐约猜到些什么……只是,他逼迫自己不往那个方向想,他相信那一定不是真的。 Originally, she was pregnant at that time...... Feng Xiao is meditating at heart, that night being able not help under river bank starry sky, has not thought that let him and she unexpectedly had the common child. 原来,她那时候怀孕了……风逍在心里默念着,那一夜在河畔星空下的情不自禁,没想到竟然让他和她有了共同的孩子。 „The father and Younger Brother of butterfly want to compel her to wipe out the child, but she would rather die. Helpless her Younger Brother looked for that to call man extremely, told him all. Those who let him be overjoyed, he to the butterfly sentiment root deep type, was in a crazy crazy degree, he said him not to care, so long as she can be willing to marry him, he is willing to withstand all, even can help her conceal all...... He is really an unreasoning passion to the incurable person. Once such man is moved, life-long until death faithful.” “蝶的父亲和弟弟想逼她把孩子打掉,但她宁死不愿。她的弟弟无奈去找了那个叫极的男子,告诉了他一切。让他喜出望外的是,他对蝶情根深种,已经到了一种痴狂的程度,他说他不在意,只要她能甘愿嫁给他,他愿意承受一切,甚至可以帮她隐瞒所有……他真的是一个痴情到无可救药的人。这样的男子一旦动情,终生至死不渝。” Duanmu Xiong changes Duanmu Wuji, shivers sound to ask: Ji'er...... Is this real? Real?” 端木雄转向端木无极,颤抖着声音问道:“极儿……这是真的吗?是真的吗?” Duanmu Wuji straight sitting above his wheelchair, closed eyes had not opened, has not replied his father. Duanmu Xiong does not dare to ask again, because he feared that oneself gets that fearful answer. 端木无极端正的坐在他的轮椅之上,闭合的眼睛一直没有张开,也没有回答他的父亲。端木雄没敢再问下去,因为他怕自己得到那个可怕的答案。 Younger Brother of butterfly went home, told her her child to wipe out, otherwise they made the person kill that to call the boy of wind immediately, if she did not marry that to call man extremely, they not only will wipe out her child forcefully, will let kill that the person was quietly to call the boy of wind.” “蝶的弟弟回到家中,告诉她她的孩子必须打掉,否则他们立即让人杀了那个叫风的男孩,而如果她不嫁给那个叫极的男子,他们不但会强行打掉她的孩子,也会让人悄无声息的杀了那个叫风的男孩。” Butterfly is sobbing the entreaty, requested that they do not injure the winds and their children. But her father and Younger Brother actually such as devil general rejection. Therefore, she uses the blade to arrive at oneself throat, if they have injured any, she death without hesitation before them. But, they looked for that to call man extremely, but he said...... He does not think that she was injured, he wants Ac­cepts her child, but, they must conceal his family, otherwise they are absolutely impossible to agree.” “蝶哭泣着哀求,请求她们不要伤害风和他们的孩子。但她的父亲和弟弟却如恶魔一般的拒绝。于是,她用刀抵着自己的喉咙,如果他们伤害了其中任何一个,她会毫不犹豫的死在他们面前。无奈之下,他们又去找了那个叫极的男子,而他说……他不想她受到伤害,他愿意接受她的孩子,只是,他们必须隐瞒着他的家族,否则他们是绝对不可能同意的。” !!!! !!!! The clear sky thunderclap, Duanmu Lie falls down softly, both eyes does not have the appearance again. 晴空霹雳,端木烈软倒在地上,双目再无神采。 Therefore, they go back to tell butterfly, they can allow her to retain the child, will not injure that to call the boy of wind, but the condition is she must marry extremely, and can never meet with the wind, forever keeps Duanmu Family.” “于是,他们回去告诉蝶,他们可以允许她留住孩子,也不会去伤害那个叫风的男孩,但条件是她必须嫁给极,并永远不能与风见面,永远留在端木家。” !! Clear skeleton sound, Feng Xiao eye socket completely cracks, the double fist almost grips to bleed, until today, he finally understands why Beiming Yudie will frame him, why also will abandon him to go, marries into Duanmu Aristocratic Family. 咯!咯!清脆的骨骼声,风逍目眦尽裂,双拳几乎攥出血来,直到今天,他才终于明白北冥语蝶为什么会陷害他,又为什么会弃他而去,嫁入端木世家 Beiming...... In his hatred, many two clear phrases. 北冥……他的仇恨里,又多了两个清晰的字眼。 Benefit! All are the benefits! Then...... I must make you not have a thing in the world, turn into the beggar in roadside!! 利益!一切都是利益!那么……我要让你们一无所有,变成路边的乞丐!! Therefore, to protect wind, to protect their children, she in weeping bitterly complied with their arrangement...... Afterward, she was tearing the heart, worked as his surface to frame to be put in prison him. Then, she was put under house arrest in the family/home, was waiting for marries that to call man extremely. She altogether runs away three times, wanted to find the wind then to flee from, the place that went to her family member forever unable to find with him, but three times she wept bitterly is going back...... Because she knows that was very easy to find them by ability of his family, but the consequence is he as well as their children by her family member injury...... She cannot!” “于是,为了保护风,更为了保护他们的孩子,她在痛哭中答应了他们的安排……后来,她撕裂着心,当着他的面将他陷害入狱。然后,她被软禁家中,等待着嫁给那个叫极的男子。这其中,她一共逃出去三次,想要找到风然后和他一起逃离,去一个她家人永远找不到的地方,但三次她都痛哭着回去……因为她知道以他家族的能力很容易就可以找到他们,而后果将是他以及他们的孩子都被她的家人伤害……她不能!” Is only, how that time she knows, actually that was called the boy of wind to protect him and her ability. The wind cannot to know his ability, therefore...... They have separated like this, henceforth, that was called the girl of butterfly to marry that to be called person extremely, and observes the pledge never to go out of their families.” “只是,那时候的她又怎么会知道,其实那个叫风的男孩有保护他自己和她的能力。只是风不能让人知道他的这种能力,所以……他们就这样分开了,从此,那个叫蝶的女孩嫁给了那个叫极的人,并遵守誓言永不走出他们的家族。” On the face of Long Xiao appeared has wiped the flushed, his breath shortness several points, but immediately returned to normal, was continuing his narration. At half absent-minded condition Feng Xiao and Duanmu Family people have not noted. 龙霄的脸上出现了一抹潮红,他的呼吸急促了几分,但马上又恢复正常,继续着他的讲述。只是处于半失神状态的风逍端木家的人都没有注意到。 The day , the wedding night, that was called man extremely to enter the new home, actually discovery butterfly static standing before the window, formal clothes were thrown by her on the ground, in the hand are taking a very sharp blade. She said that she does not want to be moved by any man again, no matter who touches her, she death will settle everything, does not hesitate.” “那一天,新婚之夜,那个叫极的男子进了新房,却发现蝶静静的站在窗前,身上的礼服被她丢在地上,手上拿着一把很尖利的刀。她说她不想再被任何男人碰触,不管是谁碰她,她都会一死了之,绝不犹豫。” The absent-minded Feng Xiao innermost feelings tremble, looked that becomes to the Beiming Yudie vision gentle. Has anything to be able own woman to preserve own pure and chaste threaten with deaths makes a man be moved. Feels his vision, Beiming Yudie affectionately is staring at him with the dim tearful eyes, was expressing until death the faithful determination to him. 失神的风逍内心一颤,看向北冥语蝶的目光变得更加柔和。有什么能比自己的女人为了保住自己的贞洁而以死相逼更让一个男人感动。感受着他的目光,北冥语蝶用朦胧的泪眼脉脉凝视着他,向他表达着至死不渝的决心。 In front of the butterfly, unreasoning passion extremely always makes him lose itself, even makes him feel inferior. He promises her after painful struggling, so long as she does not want, he will never offend her, only asked her do not injure themselves...... For him, he is expected Fairy that truly, but cannot be touched, can have her is the biggest happiness, so long as can see her every day, he infinitely has satisfied. He to the mirror was saying often oneself are very silly, but will say immediately also he wants very much. He thinks, she will never leave herself.” “在蝶面前,极的痴情总是让他迷失自己,甚至让他自卑。他在痛苦的挣扎之后答应她只要她不愿意,他永远不会去触犯她,只求她不要伤害自己……对他来说,他是真正可望而不可触及的仙女,能拥有她已经是最大的幸福,只要每天能看到她,他就已经无限的满足了。他经常对着镜子说自己很傻,但马上又会说他很愿意。他以为,她永远都不会离开自己。” Nine months later, the butterfly has given birth to a son. The premature birth of this child has not caused extremely the suspicion of family, because convinced Saint Doctor Huang in family extremely, for the stability and life of family extremely, Saint Doctor Huang before the child birth was very long very much definite said that he was the day falls the lucky embryo, must be born ahead of time. But that child one month can say a word, making family extremely absolutely not have the suspicion, and believes that this is the heaven bestows the talent bloodlines of their family . The butterfly with part of her name, unifies with part of wind name, and has used the sound of wind name, names for him is-- clouds.” “九个月后,蝶生下了一个儿子。这个孩子的过早出生并没有引起极家族的怀疑,因为极说服了家族里的黄医圣,为了家族的安定和极的一生,黄医圣在孩子出生很久之前就很确定的说他是天降福胎,必会提前出生。而那个孩子一个多月就可以言语,让极的家族完全没有了怀疑,并相信这真的是上天赐给他们家族的天才血脉。蝶用她名字的一部分,与风名字的一部分结合起来,并用了风名字的音,为他取名为——霄。” Feng Xiao raises the head face upwards, forcibly Long Xiao in enclasping bosom. 风逍抬头仰天,用力的抱紧怀中的龙霄 „Hasn't Xiao'er, been willing to call Father?” Feng Xiao has selected his small tip of the nose, the eye socket slowly becomes hot and damp. 霄儿,还不愿意叫一声爸爸吗?”风逍点了一下他的小鼻头,眼眶慢慢变得湿热。 Father!” Long Xiao clear loud shouting, then closely grasps his neck, endured for a long time tears to flow off finally: Wuuu...... Father, you came finally, you met Mother and Xiao'er finally, you know how long Xiao'er waited, waited painstakingly......” 爸爸!”龙霄清脆的大声喊道,然后紧紧的抱住他的脖子,忍了许久的泪水终于流下:“呜呜……爸爸,你终于来了,你终于来接妈妈霄儿了,你知道霄儿等了多久,等的多苦吗……” This is a normal four -year-old child's weeping sound, he is intelligent, is spirited, but eventually is only a four -year-old child. 这是一个正常四岁孩子的哭声,他再聪颖,再神气,但终究只是一个只有四岁的孩子。 His summon just like a sharp blade is gouging their hearts ruthlessly. Duanmu Lie is swaying turning around, points at Duanmu Wuji trembling sound to ask: Ji'er, you solid replied me, was this real!” 他的这声呼唤犹如一把锋利的刀狠狠的剜着他们的心脏。端木烈摇晃着转过身,指着端木无极颤声问道:“极儿,你老实回答我,这是不是真的!” Duanmu Wuji extraordinary tranquility, his air vent of gently, quietly said: Xiao'er said that a character not wrong, he is really a talent......” 端木无极出奇的平静,他轻轻的出了一口气,静静的说道:“霄儿说的,一个字都没有错,他真的是个天才……” !” In Duanmu Lie mouth a fierce blowout blood, collapses once more on the ground, the domestic servants who is at a loss completely hurry to hold steadily him, what to do look at each other in blank dismay is not knowing should. “噗!”端木烈口中猛的喷出一口鲜血,再次瘫倒在地上,完全六神无主的家仆们慌忙将他扶稳,面面相觑着不知该怎么办。 Haha, Haha...... Hahahaha! Actually my Duanmu has made any evil, why must so punish our Duanmu Family!” Duanmu Lie pitiful smiling, muddy old tears to become share/thigh flowing off. Pride and hope of Duanmu Family, on entire family downward looking, if HP/Life talent Xiao'er, unexpectedly is others' son, this is the how big satire. 哈哈,哈哈……哈哈哈哈!我端木究竟造了什么孽,为什么要如此惩罚我们端木家!”端木烈凄惨的笑着,浑浊的老泪成股的流下。端木家的骄傲与希望,全家族上下视若生命的天才霄儿,居然是别人的儿子,这是多么大的讽刺。 The gale has blown together suddenly, blows completely Beiming Yudie person, Feng Xiao is holding Long Xiao, a hand enclasps her in her however vision crazily, gently said: Die'er, follows me? Also nobody can separate us again.” 一道强风忽然吹过,将北冥语蝶身边的人全部吹开,风逍一手抱着龙霄,一只手在她痴然目光中将她抱紧,轻柔的说道:“蝶儿,跟我走,好吗?再也没有谁可以把我们分开了。” Beiming Yudie! Do not forget when you initially entered my Duanmu Family pledge that distributes!” Duanmu Wuhong rises to blush, saying of eye socket completely crack. 北冥语蝶!别忘记你当初进我端木家时所发下的誓言!”端木无鸿涨红着脸,目眦尽裂的说道。 Pledge? Is what pledge?” Feng Xiao said in a soft voice. “誓言?是什么誓言?”风逍柔声说道 I...... I had pledged at that time, life-long cannot leave Duanmu Family, otherwise my family must be hit by the total destruction.” Beiming Yudie both hands closely grab him, somewhat anxious restless saying. “我……我当时发过誓,终生不能离开端木家,否则我的家族必遭受灭顶之灾。”北冥语蝶双手紧紧抓着他,有些紧张不安的说道。 Pledge...... Die'er, are you willing for me, to violate this pledge? Wants?” Feng Xiao asked with a smile. “誓言……蝶儿,你愿意为了我,违背这个誓言吗?愿意吗?”风逍笑着问道。 In Beiming Yudie star releases the beautiful ray, she jumps into the Feng Xiao bosom fiercely, said while sobbing: Wants! So long as can the gentle breeze in the same place, regardless of makes my Ac­cepts how big penalty I want!” 北冥语蝶的星目中释放出绝美的光芒,她猛地扑入风逍怀中,泣声道:“愿意愿意!只要能和风在一起,无论让我接受多么大的惩罚我都愿意!” The moving away line of sight of Duanmu Wuji pain, she must walk, forever leaves itself. She most beautiful side, only will forever be that person. 端木无极痛苦的移开视线,她要走了,永远的离开自己。她最美的一面,永远只会属于那个人。 Feng Xiao is holding another side of her rebound gully, puts down Xiao'er, face quiet saying: Now should solve our matters, your Duanmu Family has killed my father, claims my lover and my only son, I will not keep you again!” 风逍抱着她跳回沟壑的另一边,放下霄儿,一脸沉静的说道:“现在该解决我们的事情了,你们端木家杀了我的父亲,夺走我的爱人和我唯一的儿子,我不会再留你们!” Father!” A clear sound has stopped by calling him, is drawing his lower hem corner, smiling Long Xiao. Immediately, vicious tendencies that he just gave birth to almost abate completely. 爸爸!”一个清脆的声音喊住了他,是正拉着他衣角,一脸笑意的龙霄。顿时,他刚刚生出的戾气几乎全部消退。
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