LA :: Volume #7

#687: Duanmu Xiao

Duanmu Xiong, you came finally.” The Feng Xiao tranquil complexion finally becomes fierce. Duanmu Xiong, current Duanmu Patriarch, was he initially led the Four Great Aristocratic Family powerhouse to chase after and never give up to Feng Xiaoyao, under five big experts besieged the Feng Xiaoyao severe wound, spelled was going home finally, has given Feng Xiao Heaven Smiting Blade, after leaving behind the last words , west let go. 端木雄,你终于来了。”风逍一直平静的脸色终于变得狰狞起来。端木雄,目前的端木家主,也是他当初带领四大世家的强者对风逍遥穷追不舍,五大高手围攻之下风逍遥重伤,拼着最后一口气回到家中,交给了风逍天诛刃,留下遗言后撒手西去。 The heart is no longer tranquil, he clenches jaws is thinking the cruelest torture method. 心不再平静,他咬牙切齿的想着最残忍的折磨方法。 Duanmu Xiong year and 50, but surface does not need only. He looked at one already by the Third Brother who Duanmu Wuhong holds, said in a low voice: You walk quickly!” Then the hand wields, shouts: Duanmu Five Absolutes Formation!” 端木雄年及50,但面净无须。他看了一眼已经被端木无鸿扶起来的三弟,低声道:“你们快走!”然后手一挥,喝道:“端木五绝阵!” His behind four people moved immediately, stands own position to encircle Feng Xiao separately in the middle, then drinks with Duanmu Xiong one lightly, five people simultaneously the sword, separately have twisted five completely different sword flowers, Feng Xiao all around blocks completely. Feng Xiao looked that was disinclined to look at one, both hands has simultaneously delimited a circle, received that five swords instantaneously completely in the hand, then wielded conveniently, five swords also departed, the sword hilt has hit the chest of their Master separately, they who hit spat blood to fly upside down. 他身后的四人立即动了起来,分别站好自己的方位将风逍围在中间,然后随着端木雄一声轻喝,五个人同时起剑,分别拧了五朵完全不同的剑花,将风逍的前后左右完全封死。风逍看都懒得看一眼,双手同时划了一个圈,瞬间将那五把剑全部收在手里,然后随手一挥,五把剑同时飞出,剑柄分别击中了它们主人的前胸,打的他们吐血倒飞出去。 Before the God, the human race wise style is laughable. If not Feng Xiao does not want to make them such easily die, their chest had been passed through. 在神面前,人类再高明的招式都是可笑的。如果不是风逍不想让他们这么容易就死,他们的胸口已经被贯穿。 After Duanmu Xiong falls to the ground, spouts a blood once more, the paralysis is unable to set out there again, he sighed silently, a face dismal say/way: Blood Emperor Shadow Wind really lives up to reputation, my Duanmu strongest Five Absolutes Formation so collapses at the first blow before you unexpectedly. Hehe...... Also good, if we have not guessed wrong, you should be the Feng Xiaoyao later generation, child report father enmity, perfectly justified, you begin. But the injustice has a debt to have main, asking you to let off here other people. My Duanmu Xiong can pledge to you, after you have killed me, my later generation will not ask you to murder those who have cheated them absolutely...... cough cough......” 端木雄倒地之后再次喷出一口鲜血,瘫在那里再也无法起身,他默然一叹,一脸悲凉道:“血皇影风果然名不虚传,我端木最强的五绝阵在你面前竟如此不堪一击。呵呵……也好,如果我们没有猜错,你应该就是风逍遥的后人吧,子报父仇,天经地义,你动手吧。但冤有头债有主,求你放过这里的其他人。我端木雄可以向你发誓,你杀了我之后,我的后人绝对不会找你寻仇……咳咳……” Feng Xiao these absolutely heavy, in Duanmu Xiong the internal organs caused heavy losses, the breastbone also broke several. 风逍的这一下绝对不轻,端木雄内腑已被重创,胸骨也断了几根。 Feng Xiao sneers, before arriving at his body slowly, that four have a big shock with the middle-aged person of sword, but actually sets out unable, can only be red eyes to visit him to approach Duanmu Xiong. They follow since childhood side Duanmu Xiong, is his loyal guard, since the master and servant are also the friends. 风逍一声冷笑,缓缓走到他身前,那四个拿剑的中年人纷纷大惊失色,但却连起身都不能,只能红着眼睛看他走近端木雄。他们从小跟在端木雄身边,是他的忠心护卫,既是主仆亦是朋友。 You think that your such a few words I will let off other people? You think, so long as killed your one to make up for me and my Younger Sister these years grief and hatreds? Laughable, is really laughable...... Has saying that your moral courage is good, I change the mind to give you happily. You could rest assured that all your family members will go to reunite with you immediately!” Feng Xiao has held up Flying Feather Blade in hand slowly. “你以为你这样一句话我就会放过其他人?你以为只要杀了你一个就能弥补我和我妹妹这些年的伤痛和恨意?可笑,真是可笑……不得不说,你的气节还算不错,我就改变主意给你个痛快吧。你放心,你的所有家人都会马上去和你团聚!”风逍缓缓的举起了手中的飞羽刃 Master!!” 主人!!” Bang!” “砰!” Do not injure my Big Brother!” “别伤我大哥!” Uncle!!” “大伯!!” Stop!!!” “住手!!!” Feng Xiao Flying Feather Blade falls that flickers, several shout also resounds, Duanmu Wuhong fierce before rushing to the Duanmu Xiong body, protects on his body, but a sound of gunfire also resounds...... But finally, old, but air/Qi full drank to cover all sounds greatly, shook their eardrum to buzz. 风逍飞羽刃落下的那一瞬,几声大喊同时响起,端木无鸿猛的冲到端木雄身前,护在他的身体上,而一声枪声也同时响起……而最后,一声苍老但中气十足的大喝盖过了所有的声音,震得他们耳膜嗡嗡作响。 The Feng Xiao movement anchors, the left hand stretches out, held that almost to paste the ambush ball of own forehead stiffly. 风逍的动作停住,左手伸出,硬生生的抓住了那颗几乎贴到自己脑门的狙击弹。 Master, do not pass! The old servants asked you!” “老爷,不要过去啊!老奴求你了!” Father! We walk quickly, do not pass!” “爸!我们快走,不要过去!” Makes way, be not blocking me!” “让开,别拦着我!” Bang, entrains his old person to be thrown down by him stubbornly backhandedly on the ground. “砰”的一声,一个死死拽着他的老人被他反手摔倒在地上。 The corners of the mouth of Feng Xiao reveal to sneer once more. But the paralysis is surprised in ground Duanmu Xiong and Duanmu Third Patriarch completely, looks to the sound direction, then panic-stricken saw that old person face was gloomy walked. Beforehand that loud shout is sends out by him, his at this time with a middle-aged person of being panic-stricken, is this generation of Second Patriarch, his desperately draws the old person to want from the dense say/way to run away, was actually worked loose by him. 风逍的嘴角再次露出冷笑。而瘫在地上的端木雄端木三家主全部大吃一惊,看向声音的方向,然后惊恐的看到一个老人阴沉着脸走了过来。之前的那声大喝就是由他发出,他的身后此时跟着一个惊慌失措的中年人,正是这一代的二家主,他死命的拉着老人想要从密道逃走,却被他挣脱。 Father...... How you came, walks quickly! The Second Brother, you......” Duanmu Xiong clenches teeth to shout said. “爸……你怎么来了,快走啊!二弟,你……”端木雄咬着牙呼喊道。 Duanmu Second Patriarch helpless shaking the head: I cannot block him, therefore can only accompany him to come together.” 端木二家主无奈的摇头:“我拦不住他,所以只能陪他一起来。” Bastard! I lived for a lifetime for Duanmu Family, how can destroy beyond one in the manpower.” Duanmu Lie explodes drinks one, the invisible pressure makes the three son still atmosphere under this sentiment boundary not dare to breathe heavily. He looks to Feng Xiao, shouted lowly: „Are you Blood Emperor Shadow Wind?” “混蛋!我活了一辈子都是为了端木家,怎能毁在一个外人手里。”端木烈爆喝一声,无形的威压让此情此境下的三个儿子依然大气都不敢喘。他看向风逍,低喝道:“你就是血皇影风?” Right.” Feng Xiao accordingly, a left hand ball, was grasped the ambush rim in hand the original route to fly upside down lightly by him. Brings garret above 30 meters away a clear pitiful yell sound. “没错。”风逍淡淡应声,左手一弹,被他抓在手中的狙击弹沿着原来的路线倒飞回去。带起30米外的阁楼之上一声清晰的惨叫声。 The Duanmu Lie complexion twitched, only this, he knows that Duanmu Family is absolutely impossible to resist this person. His calm face said: It seems like our Duanmu Family offended should not the person of offending, but you can seek for the report father enmity painstakingly our these many years, explained that you were feel emotion the person of righteousness, such being the case, our life traded a life, repaid your father's life with my life, let off my Duanmu Family innocent person, how?” 端木烈脸色抽搐了一下,仅此一手,他就知道端木家绝无可能对抗此人。他沉着脸说道:“看来我们端木家无意间得罪了不该得罪的人,但你能为了报父仇苦苦寻找了我们这么多年,说明你是个有情有义之人,既然如此,我们一命换一命,用我的命来偿还你父亲的命,放过我端木家的无辜之人,如何?” Father, you walks quickly!” Duanmu Xiong strenuous puts out a hand, ruthlessly was actually stared one by Duanmu Lie. “爸,你快走!”端木雄吃力的伸出手来,却被端木烈狠狠的瞪了一眼。 Feng Xiao looked at this year about 80, hoary-headed, but still arrogance ice old person eyes however, suddenly laughed heartily, then a face ridiculed: You are any thing, has any qualifications and my father life trades a life, has any qualifications and I discusses the condition, you match!!” 风逍看了这个年近80,白发苍苍,但依然傲气凌然的老人一眼,忽然哈哈大笑起来,然后一脸讥讽道:“你算是什么东西,有什么资格和我父亲一命换一命,有什么资格和我谈条件,你配吗!!” You!” The Duanmu Lie body has swayed fiercely. Old person who keeps aloof from infancy to maturity, when had been shamed the so naked ridicule. “你!”端木烈身体剧烈摇晃了一下。一个从小到大都高高在上的老人,何时被人如此赤裸裸的讥讽羞辱过。 Heh...... The goal of my this time coming is very simple, that is makes your Duanmu Family henceforth never recurring. Then, first starts from your this old man, I must make your three waste sons know, my father was killed by the personal enemy actually cannot revenge is any taste!!” “嘿……我这次来的目的很简单,那就是让你们端木家从此绝后。那么,就先从你这个老头子开始吧,我要让你这三个废物儿子知道,自己的父亲被仇人杀死却不能报仇是什么滋味!!” The Duanmu Lie whole body shivers, on his three son faces all reveals the desperate color/look. His second son gets hold of the fist, finally explodes drinks one to charge into Feng Xiao suddenly, a fist pounds to his face. Feng Xiao stretches out a hand finger stop on his fist, then one group, Second Patriarch such as piece of fallen leaves flew gently immediately, rolled several to anchor the body on the ground, actually again cannot crawl. 端木烈全身颤抖,他的三个儿子脸上无一不露出绝望之色。他的二儿子握紧拳头,终于爆喝一声忽然冲向风逍,一拳砸向他的面部。风逍伸出一根手指挡在他的拳头上,然后轻轻一拨,二家主顿时如一片败叶般飞了出去,在地上滚了数圈才停住身体,却再也爬不起来。 Jun'er!” Duanmu Lie sorrowfully shouted, but at this time, Feng Xiao also finally held up Flying Feather, thorn in a panic-stricken desperate chilly shout to Duanmu Lie...... 均儿!”端木烈悲呼一声,而这时,风逍也终于举起飞羽,在一片惊恐绝望的凄喊声中刺向了端木烈…… Xiao'er, comes back, do not pass!” 霄儿,回来,不要过去!” Little Young Master, comes back Ah!! there to have villain quickly!” 小少爷,快回来啊!!那里有坏人!” Perhaps is the day does not hope from the person, was one shouts has broken the Feng Xiao movement. This is one is having the female sound of weeping voice, this sound makes the Feng Xiao look complex incomparable, various mood in chest cavity chaotic is interweaving, crossed some little time returned to normal. 也许是天不从人愿,又是一声呼喊打断了风逍的动作。这是一个带着哭腔的女子声音,这个声音让风逍的眼神变得复杂无比,各种情绪在胸腔中混乱的交织着,过了好一会才恢复平静。 Hears this to shout, Duanmu Lie, also present three Patriarch such as hear the thunderclap, looks by the panic-stricken incomparable look to the origin of sound. 听到这个呼喊着,端木烈,还有如今的三个家主如闻霹雳,以惊恐无比的眼神看向声音的来源。 That is wipes slightly very small form, the height even is inferior to the Feng Xiao leg to be long very much. He makes an effort to run to here, on the face is having the inexplicable happy expression, but his with a person of troop, has the male to have the female, has always has few, to chase him does not give a thought to the life runs to here. Pursues in the forefront, was that once let his rending female. 那是一抹很小很小的身影,身高甚至不及风逍腿长。他用力向这边跑着,脸上带着莫名的笑意,而他的身后跟着一大群的人,有男有女,有老有少,全都为了追赶他不顾命的向这边跑来。追在最前面的,是那个曾经让他撕心裂肺的女子。 Calm such as stone Duanmu Lie has revealed extremely the startled color/look, he almost roared is shouting greatly: Xiao'er, do not come!!” Running that then goes all out to the Duanmu Xiao direction, was actually used a foot check by Feng Xiao, falling down of old body heavily on the ground. But he actually completely cannot give a thought to severe pain, strongly shouts is making Duanmu Xiao go back. 沉稳如石的端木烈露出了极度的惊慌之色,他几乎是咆哮着大喊道:“霄儿,不要过来!!”然后拼命的跑向端木霄的方向,却被风逍用脚一勾,苍老的身体重重的扑倒在地上。但他却完全顾不上身上的剧痛,竭力的呼喊着让端木霄回去。 So long as Duanmu Xiao, Duanmu Family is hopeful, so long as Duanmu Xiao also, even if Duanmu Family vanishes into thin air, will have that day of rising. If linked him also dead, then Duanmu Family on true ending. 只要端木霄还在,端木家就有希望,只要端木霄还在,即使端木家化为乌有,也会有重新崛起的那一天。如果连他也死了,那么端木家就真正的完了。 Duanmu Lie was received the eyeground with his three sons' expressions by him, making him understand completely this child in the Duanmu Family weight/quantity, he smiled cruelly, the body departed suddenly, grasped Duanmu Xiao in the hand, then flew, short Flying Feather Blade pasted above his nape of the neck. 端木烈与他三个儿子的表情被他收入眼底,让他完全明白了这个小孩子在端木家的分量,他残忍一笑,身体骤然飞出,将端木霄抓在手中,然后又飞了回来,短短的飞羽刃贴在了他的脖颈之上。 Ah!! saw Duanmu Xiao to Blood Emperor Shadow Wind, Duanmu Lie exuded the desperate roaring sound, struggled is wanting to approach. Beiming Yudie saw that that blood-color short blade has placed on the neck of Duanmu Xiao, immediately the whole body in a flash, fainted in panic-stricken unexpectedly directly, was supported by her behind two female servant. 啊!!”看到端木霄到了血皇影风手里,端木烈发出绝望的咆哮声,挣扎着想要靠近。北冥语蝶看到那血色的短刃放在了端木霄的脖子上,顿时全身一晃,在惊恐中竟直接昏了过去,被她身后的两个女仆扶住。 Your these waste! Bastards! I do not make you bring Xiao'er to walk!! Do you do! If Xiao'er had an accident, I want you to be buried along with the dead completely!” Always calm Duanmu Lie strongly is whooshing. “你们这些废物!混蛋!我不是让你们带霄儿走吗!!你们都是干什么的!霄儿要是出了事,我要你们全部陪葬!”一向沉稳的端木烈竭力的嘶吼着。 Is unfair to the master...... But before Little Young Master , is very clever, but ran suddenly, we......” “对不起老爷……可是小少爷之前还很乖的,可是忽然就跑了出来,我们……” Shut up!! Goes to rescue Ah!! Xiao'er quickly “闭嘴!!快去把霄儿救回来啊!! Once more those who let Feng Xiao be astonished, these do not have what fight ability obviously, does not have the person of what weapon or firearms youngster, for this was held under duress by him unexpectedly reckless to/clashes to him, although clearly knows that other side was Blood Emperor Shadow Wind, clear(ly) knows brings death, but to retrieve their hope, they did not want the life. 风逍再次讶异的是,这些明明没有什么战斗能力,更没有什么武器或枪械的人为了这个被他挟持住的少年竟然不顾一切的向他冲来,虽然明知道对方血皇影风,明知道是送死,但为了救回他们的那一丝希望,他们真的连命都不要了。 But this also makes Feng Xiao know that the value of this child, he has kicked near a foot Small Black Tortoise foot, Small Black Tortoise is understanding immediately, the front leg lifts falls, the earth trembles loudly, a spacious gully forms in the screams before the Feng Xiao body, after the formation, has more than three meters widths fully, deeply does not see the bottom, the length is scary, entire Duanmu Mansion by this gully cutting in half stiffly. 而这也更让风逍知道这个小孩子的价值,他踢了脚边的小玄武一脚,小玄武立即会意,前脚一抬一落,大地轰然震颤,一道宽大的沟壑在惊呼声中形成在风逍身前,成型后足有三米多宽,深不见底,长度更是骇人,整个端木山庄都被这道沟壑硬生生的切成两半。 The final hope such was isolated, they lie in the gully edge, wails. If were Duanmu Family hope Little Young Master were also dying completely, then Duanmu Family really ended. 最后的希望就这么被隔离,他们趴在沟壑边缘,嚎啕大哭。如果系着端木家全部希望的小少爷也死了,那么端木家就真的完了。 This is not a simple child...... Feng Xiao thinks silently, he leaves his such near obviously, actually almost cannot feel existence of any life force, that emaciated life force perhaps only suffices to support the grass of roadside, but he unexpectedly living station here, is staring fearless big eyes, such as non- personally sees, he cannot even believe. 这不是一个简单的孩子……风逍默然想到,他明明离他如此之近,却几乎感受不到任何生命力的存在,那丝孱弱的生命力或许只够支撑的起路边的一株小草,而他竟然活生生的站在这里,瞪着毫无畏惧的大眼睛,如非亲眼所见,他甚至不敢相信。 Was own Chaos Power transformation makes the spirit sleep also abate, was this child some any special Constitution. 是自己的混沌之力蜕变让灵觉也消退了,还是这个孩子有些什么特殊的体质 Moreover he called Xiao'er, with the same name, was actually the Duanmu surname that he hated. 而且他叫霄儿,和自己一样的名,却是他怨恨的端木的姓。
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