LA :: Volume #7

#686: Difficult of Duanmu

Feng Xiao has swept around one, sneers to say secretly: Constructs good, that...... Destroyed completely, was not you do not match, but was I do not allow you to live in such paradise!” 风逍扫了一眼四周,暗暗冷笑道:“建的不错嘛,那么……全部毁了吧,不是你们不配,而是我不允许你们居住这样的世外桃源!” He carries Small Black Tortoise from the pocket, lost on the ground: Small Black Tortoise, gives you ten seconds, gives to step on the flat land here!!” 他从口袋中拎出小玄武,丢在了地上:“小玄武,给你十秒钟的时间,把这里给踩成平地!!” In the Small Black Tortoise mouth exudes one not to know that is the crying out strangely sound of any meaning, the front leg lifts, must tread to the ground...... 小玄武口中发出一声不知道是什么含义的怪叫声,前脚抬起,就要向地面踏去…… Wait/Etc.!” Feng Xiao takes up from the ground Small Black Tortoise suddenly, sighed and said: Shakes lightly well, making them know that we came.” “等等!”风逍忽然一把将小玄武从地面上抄起,叹息一声说道:“轻震一下就好,让他们都知道我们来了。” Returns the ground Small Black Tortoise, in his brain flashes through a Young Lady form once more...... Wants obviously diligently forgets her, why actually could not achieve. Is because she is her first woman, is...... She now is a wife, similarly also lives here, why already then so, oneself are not willing her to receive any injury. 小玄武放回地面,他脑中再次闪过一个少女的身影……明明想要努力的将她遗忘,为什么却一直都做不到。是因为她是自己的第一个女人吗,还是……她现在已为人妻,同样也居住在这里,为何既便如此,自己还是不愿她受到任何的伤害。 The Small Black Tortoise front leg lifts lightly, then falling of heavily returns to the ground, the marble ground of its under foot crushes immediately, even presented dozens to spread a about ten meters tall and slender fissure, but the ground fiercely has also seethed with excitement. Small Black Tortoise Strength control good of, it was lets the entire Duanmu Mansion strenuous vibration merely, but that loud sound was no different than a thunderclap in the ear of Duanmu Family person, makes at the maximum speed run out from the room that they were panic-stricken completely. 小玄武前脚轻抬,然后重重的落回地面,它脚下的大理石地面顿时粉碎,甚至出现了几十道蔓延近十米的细长裂痕,而地面也随之剧烈沸腾了一下。小玄武力量控制的很好,它仅仅是让整个端木山庄剧烈震动了一下,但那声巨响在端木家人的耳中无异于一个炸雷,让他们全部惊慌失措的以最快速度从房间里冲出。 If there is earthquake, then here environment had decided the entire Duanmu Mansion only consequence was buried. 如果发生地震,那么这里的环境决定了整个端木山庄唯一的后果就是被埋葬。 Small Black Tortoise lies before the Feng Xiao foot, opens eyes of plump to look to gather this direction unceasingly the crowd that. But is a pity this earthquake because the instigator actually the build too small relations were neglected directly. Just vibration has subsided completely, a troop person surprised uncertain looks to stand still the black clothes person there, even cannot believe own eyes. 小玄武趴在风逍脚边,睁着圆滚滚的眼睛看着不断聚集到这个方向的人群。但可惜这个“地震”的始作俑者却因为体型太小的关系被直接忽略。刚刚的震动已经完全平息,一大群人惊疑不定的看着静立在那里的黑衣人,甚至不敢相信自己的眼睛 Duanmu Aristocratic Family easy and comfortable was very long, because here, although has taken to them many inconveniences, but also completely has actually isolated entry of bystander. Then...... Actually does this person appear here? 端木世家安逸了很久,因为这里虽然带给了他们诸多不便,但却也完全隔绝了外人的进入。那么……这个人究竟是怎么出现在这里的? Duanmu Family guard Strength reaction is quick, ten grasp the person of firearms to push the crowd, combined to make a gear in the front, the muzzle has pointed to Feng Xiao. 端木家的守卫力量反应很快,十个手持枪械的人挤开人群,并成一排挡在了前方,枪口直指风逍 Who you are, dares to excel at rushing to our Duanmu......” a whole face stern countenance young man to knit the brows to shout. His sound just fell, scolds the sound to transmit from him: Hong'er, shut up!!” “你是谁,竟敢擅闯我们端木……”一个满脸厉色的年轻男子皱眉喊道。他的声音刚落,一个呵斥声就从他后方传来:“鸿儿,住口!!” An age seemed 40 -year-old middle-aged people walked, stares Duanmu Wuhong one ruthlessly, Duanmu Wuhong had realized immediately own slip of the tongue, hastily ashamed lowering the head. 一个年纪看上去40来岁的中年人走了过来,狠狠的瞪了端木无鸿一眼,端木无鸿立刻意识到自己失口,连忙惭愧的低下头。 Third Patriarch, this person I saw...... He fell from the space a moment ago unexpectedly, absolutely true!” Young male servant somewhat terrified saying. 三家主,这个人我看到了……他刚才竟然是从天上掉下来的,千真万确!”一个小厮有些惶恐的说道。 The middle-aged people knit the brows fiercely, a face heavy is sizing up black clothes Feng Xiao. The other side look was too tranquil, goes to this place, facing ten muzzles, he actually startled look does not have, instead calmly visits them by a vision of similar taunt. Although has not spoken, has actually given him an inexplicable pressure. 中年人猛一皱眉,一脸沉重的打量着一身黑衣风逍对方的眼神太平静了,来到这个地方,面对十个枪口,他竟然一点惊慌的神色都没有,反而以一种类似嘲讽的目光静静看着他们。虽然没有说话,却给了他一股莫名的压力。 Who no matter you are, since you knew the Duanmu Mansion secret, that only then two choices, forever stays here, dies, only then the deceased person can keep the secret.” Middle-aged person face was gloomy said. “不管你是谁,你既然已经知道了端木山庄的秘密,那就只有两个选择,一个是永远留在这里,一个是死,只有死人才能保守秘密。”中年人阴沉着脸说道。 Feng Xiao eyes partly narrows the eyes, has not actually looked to him, but has swept peaceful crowd one, is hoarse the sound saying: Hasn't arrived in full? Really is the motion of your Duanmu Family slow?” 风逍眼睛半眯,却没有看向他,而是扫了安静的人群一眼,沙哑着声音说道:“还没到齐吗?你们端木家的行动真是慢啊?” The hoarse obscure sound, also this black attire, Duanmu Third Patriarch has thought suddenly very long had not presented fearful character, the hand and foot was suddenly icy cold, retrocedes to lose one's voice to call out: You are Blood Emperor Shadow Wind!!” 嘶哑晦涩的声音,还有这身黑色的装束,端木三家主忽然想到了一个已经很久没有出现过的可怕人物,一时间手足冰凉,后退一步失声叫道:“你是血皇影风!!” Feng Xiao has not spoken, the corners of the mouth reveal wipe gloomily. 风逍没有说话,嘴角露出一抹阴森。 Blood Emperor Shadow Wind the name is similar to startling thunderclap. Their complexions completely changed, fiercely shrinks including that several holding a spear/gun guard eye pupils. But the servant young male servant who that several originally prepare to watch the fun is two legs that frightens trembles, the subconscious retreat wants to flee from here immediately. 血皇影风”的名字如同一记惊雷。他们的脸色全部变了,连那几个持枪守卫都眼瞳猛缩。而那几个原本准备看热闹的下人小厮更是吓的两腿打颤,下意识的后退想要立即逃离这里。 In Duanmu Family who does not know the name of Blood Emperor Shadow Wind. He looks like a sharp blade, time and time again holds into south the heart of Four Great Aristocratic Family, whom never having to prevent. But they know, the Blood Emperor Shadow Wind ultimate objective is their Duanmu Family, if there is which a day to be found here by him, they must suffer was very likely the total destruction. 端木家中又有谁不知血皇影风之名。他就像是一把尖利的刀,一次又一次的捅入南方四大世家的心脏,从来没有谁可以阻挡。而他们更知道,血皇影风的最终目标是他们端木家,如果有哪一天被他找到这里,他们所要遭受的很有可能是灭顶之灾。 However on this day such suddenly approached unexpectedly. 然而这一天竟就这么忽然来临了。 At once, always in peaceful Duanmu Mansion in all directions resounds Blood Emperor Shadow Wind came the panic-stricken shout. Is such a name, made inside the mountain villa thoroughly randomly become a piece. 一时之间,一向安静的端木山庄里四处响起“血皇影风来了”的惊恐呼喊声。仅仅是这么一个名字,就让山庄里彻底乱成了一片。 The default of Feng Xiao makes the Duanmu Third Patriarch whole body emit the cold sweat, how not to have thought that he had suddenly found this place. But as one of the Duanmu Family Patriarch, he cannot escape...... But Blood Emperor Shadow Wind must kill anyone, who can escape? 风逍的默认让端木三家主全身都冒出冷汗,怎么都没想到他竟然找到了这个地方。但作为端木家家主之一,他不能脱逃……而血皇影风要杀谁,谁又能逃脱的了? The chaotic sound of footsteps approaches from each aspect, is more than 30 fully-armed manpower hold the machine gun gingerly Feng Xiao encircles in the middle, not far away, several sniper's rifles have locked his temples, but has not ordered, they have not begun...... Also does not dare to begin. The Duanmu Mansion area is not big, because is also almost impossible to have the foreign enemy, therefore guards Strength is not very strong, today is also the first use. 混乱的脚步声从各个方面逼近,又是30多个全副武装的人手持机枪战战兢兢的将风逍围在中间,不远处,几架狙击枪已经锁定了他的太阳穴,但没有命令,他们没有动手……也不敢动手。端木山庄面积不算大,也因为几乎不可能有外敌,所以守卫力量不是很强,今天也是第一次动用。 Feng Xiao has still not moved, because person were too few. He is disinclined one by one to look, he stands here, waits for the Duanmu Family words matter person to appear one after another. If they have not appeared like this, they later do not have the face when again Duanmu Family Master. 风逍依然没动,因为人太少了。他懒得去一个个找,他就站在这里,等着端木家的话事人一个接一个的出现。如果这样他们还不出现的话,他们以后也没脸再当端木家主人了。 Does Blood Emperor Shadow Wind fear the spear/gun? If he fears the spear/gun, how also to ride roughshod under Four Great Aristocratic Family Strength, legend his speed quickly like ghost, even surpasses the bullet, the ordinary bullet do not want to moisten before his body. The Duanmu Third Patriarch tooth trembles, he retrocedes fiercely one step, waves saying: Opens fire!” 血皇影风怕枪吗?如果他怕枪,又怎么会在四大世家力量之下横行无忌,传说他的速度快如鬼魅,甚至超过子弹,普通子弹根本别想沾到他的身前。端木三家主牙齿打颤,他猛的后退一步,挥手道:“开枪!” The sound falls, sound of gunfire resounding one after another, this is also Duanmu Mansion these years first time resounds with the sound of gunfire. Some timid domestic servants hide in the sound of gunfire in a covert place as far as possible, as if smelled the flavor that the end approached. At this moment, the Duanmu Family life or death with their what does/works, anything cannot compare own life to be important. They did not have to like small on television does not give a thought to the life to lift the small club to bring death purely. Domestic servant who they can only make the minor matter, the important matter that these relate to the family life or death is handled by their great people. 声音落下,枪声接连的响起,这也是端木山庄这些年来第一次响起枪声。一些胆小的家仆在枪声中将自己尽可能藏在一个隐蔽的地方,仿佛已经闻到了末日来临的味道。此时此刻,端木家的存亡与他们何干,什么都比不上自己的命重要。他们还没有单纯到像电视上的小喽啰一样不顾性命的举着小棍棒去送死。他们只是只能做小事的家仆,那些关系到家族存亡的大事就由他们大人物去处理吧。 Feng Xiao initially did not fear the bullet is because he can avoid the hail of bullets easily, but now he did not have the avoidance necessity, although his Chaos Secret Art has not entered the step to arrive at Sixth Layer officially, but is Chaos Secret Art Fifth Layer Strength sufficiently makes his body block the ordinary ambush ball under the condition of not guarding against merely perfectly. 风逍当初不惧子弹是因为他能轻易的躲避枪林弹雨,而如今他已经没有了躲避的必要,虽然他的混沌决还没有正式进阶到第六层,但仅仅是混沌决第五层力量都足以让他的身体在毫无防备的状况之下完美挡住普通的狙击弹。 During gunshot he is entirely still, these bullets when will contact his body automatically by Chaos Power Defense, letting him only to feel by the touch of moderate hit. His clothes do not have good luck that was ejected bullet holes. 在枪击之中他纹丝不动,那些子弹在接触到他身体的时候会自动被混沌之力防御,让他仅能感受到被中度撞击的触感而已。只是他的衣服却没那么好运,被击出一个又一个的弹孔。 After three seconds, the sound of gunfire stopped, they completely are also scared, several hold a gun to guard panic-stricken even fell the ground including the spear/gun. Shaking all over that even/including Yixiang calm Duanmu Third Patriarch startles, stares the big eyeball almost to explode eye socket. 三秒钟后,枪声停止了,他们也全部傻眼,几个持枪守卫甚至惊恐的连枪都掉到了地上。连一向镇定的端木三家主都骇的全身发抖,瞪大的眼珠几乎要爆眶而出。 Blood Emperor Shadow Wind is still a smile of face, the body under the impacts of these many bullets has not moved unexpectedly slightly. His body does not have slight bloodstain, covers entirely under the black clothes bullet hole to reveal to send the lossless skin. But his under foot, is scattering bullet everywhere. 血皇影风依然是一脸的微笑,在这么多子弹的冲击之下身体竟然丝毫没有动弹。他的身上没有丝毫的血迹,布满黑衣的弹孔之下露出毫发无损的皮肤。而他的脚下,散落着满地的子弹。 Is he a person? Is the God? Is the ghost!? 他是人?是神?是鬼!? Ding~ ~~ 叮~~~ Also is a bullet falls from the Feng Xiao forehead, hits in the ground, exudes the clear sound. 又是一枚子弹从风逍额头上掉落下来,打在地面上,发出清脆的响声。 Hehe...... Hehehehe, this is you first Attack my, therefore does not calculate that I slaughtered innocents.” His gloomy and cold smiled one, the body such as ghost vanished generally, got up along with a it pitiful yell sound, has spread over entire Duanmu Mansion...... Next second, is another pitiful yell sound gets up...... 嘿嘿……嘿嘿嘿嘿,这可是你们先攻击我的,所以就不算我滥杀无辜了。”他阴冷的笑了一声,身体如鬼魅一般消失,随之一声惨叫声响起,传遍了整个端木山庄……下一秒,又是另一声惨叫声响起…… Duanmu Third Patriarch only thought that at present the person's shadow in a flash, keeps off three guards before his body almost simultaneously maintains the original posture is falling down, protruding of eye socket exaggeration, whole body could not see a scar. 端木三家主只觉得眼前人影一晃,挡在他身前的三个守卫就几乎同时保持着原来的姿势倒在了地上,眼眶夸张的凸出,全身上下看不出一丝伤痕。 The black shadow rocks every time one time, has a person to fall down. The Feng Xiao slowing down speed desirably, solutions, enjoy panic-stricken that is harvesting the HP/Life pleasant sensation and their fast enlarged. 黑色的影子每晃动一次,就有一个人倒在地上。风逍刻意的放缓速度,一个一个的解决,享受着收割生命的快感和他们被快速放大的惊恐。 Ghost...... Ghosts!” In a person's threw the ground hand spear/gun, dying escaping of backward. How Feng Xiao will allow him to escape, the hand wields, has been gripped the bullet in hand to fly by him, has passed through his nape of the neck...... “鬼……鬼啊!”一个人将手中的枪丢到了地上,没命的向后逃跑。风逍又怎会允许他逃脱,手一挥,一颗一直被他攥在手中的子弹飞了出去,贯穿了他的脖颈…… In an instant several people have been killed violently, how even nobody sees clearly them to be killed. The Duanmu Third Patriarch whole body feels cold, unceasing retreat, then fierce pushes already has been scared Duanmu Wuhong, loudly shouted: Hong'er walks quickly, brings your Grandfather and Xiao'er runs away through the dense say/way together, so long as they have not died, our Duanmu Family is hopeful!” 转眼之间已经十几人毙命,甚至没有人看清他们是怎么被杀死的。端木三家主全身发冷,不断的后退,然后猛的一推已经吓傻了的端木无鸿,大喝道:“鸿儿快走,带你爷爷霄儿一起通过密道逃走,只要他们还没死,我们端木家就有希望!” His footsteps, then fierce charges into the Feng Xiao position. In these ancient families mostly has studied the ancient martial arts of family, the skill far supernormal person, but he did not have to thinking oneself infallible self-confidently the Blood Emperor Shadow Wind match. Therefore makes a move completely not to give a thought to the life the fighting method. 他脚步一顿,然后猛的冲向风逍的位置。这些古老家族之中大都修习过家族的古武术,身手远超常人,但他还没有自信到自以为是血皇影风的对手。所以一出手就完全是不顾命的打法。 Feng Xiao has cut a throat of person with Flying Feather Blade once more, feels behind sound of the wind, his sneers, the backhand grasps, already accurate held his nape of the neck, has raised him directly. 风逍再次用飞羽刃切割了一个人的喉咙,感受到身后的风声,他一声冷笑,反手一抓,已经准确无误的抓住了他的脖颈,将他直接提了起来。 Outside Duanmu Third Patriarch eyeball raised, fierce is struggling. But immobilizes the hand of his throat hardly like the iron claw, no matter how what he struggles does not help matters. 端木三家主眼球外凸,剧烈的挣扎着。但钳制住他喉咙的手硬如铁爪,任他如何挣扎都无济于事。 Lets loose my Father!” “放开我爸爸!” Lets loose my Third Brother!” “放开我三弟!” Duanmu Wuhong just thinks reckless rushing, thunder drinks greatly in him behind resounds, simultaneously together sword light from right trapezius thorn to Feng Xiao. 端木无鸿刚想不顾一切的冲上去,一声响雷般的大喝在他身后响起,同时一道剑光从右斜方刺向了风逍 Feng Xiao disdains to smile, the backhand falls, body pounding of Duanmu Third Patriarch ruthlessly on the ground, falls the crack his shoulder bone directly. Then has blocked that sword with the palm directly. The sword point then borrowed the strength to rebound at his palm point, Master of sword also came to a stop before him, glares angrily at each other. His takes the middle-aged person of sword with four similarly, each one facial colors are calm. 风逍不屑一笑,反手一摔,将端木三家主的身体狠狠的砸在地上,直接将他的肩骨摔裂。然后直接用手掌挡住了那把剑。剑尖在他掌心一点便借力反弹了回去,剑的主人也在他面前站稳,怒目相向。他的身后跟着四个同样拿剑的中年人,个个面色沉稳。 In this firearm time, sword type of cold weapons had almost been abandoned. But regarding the genuine expert, the sword the lethality goes far beyond the spear/gun most times. 在这个热兵器时代,剑这种冷兵器已经几乎被遗弃。但对于真正的高手来说,剑在很多时候杀伤力远远超过枪。
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