LA :: Volume #7

#685: Duanmu Mansion

Feng Xiao laughed, embraces her in the chest front: How my Yiyi will be also selfish, even if initially you lost the pure and chaste not to be willing to disclose Duanmu Family was, obviously your innermost feelings actually how good strong. Duanmu Family so treats you, you actually still pay these many for Duanmu Family, had insisted is so long, how can this call selfishly?” 风逍哈哈一笑,将她揽在胸前:“我的伊伊又怎么会自私呢,当初你即使丢失贞洁都不愿意透露端木家的所在,可见你的内心其实是多么的善良坚强。端木家如此待你,你却依然为了端木家付出这么多,坚持了这么久,这怎么能叫自私呢?” Duanmu Yiren shakes the head, anxious saying: I am the selfish woman, then after long insistence, I am willing to discard to live me to raise my family for my happiness. I know me, even to block cannot block you, instead becomes your psychological burden...... I only hope, you can let off innocently these......” 端木伊人摇摇头,紧张的说道:“我本来就是自私的女人,那么久的坚持之后,我还是愿意为了自己的幸福而舍弃生我养我的家族。我知道我即使想拦也拦不住你,反而会成为你的心理负担……我只希望,你能放过那些无辜的……” You could rest assured that I only kill this person of killing, other person of I will let off, at least I am also not a true devil.” The Feng Xiao smile, is comforting the heart of Duanmu Yiren. “你放心,我只杀该杀之人,其他人我会放过的,至少我还不是一个真正的恶魔。”风逍微笑,宽慰着端木伊人的心。 He only kills Duanmu Family all people, from this generation, to the previous generation, arrives at the previous generation again. The best result, is makes the bloodlines of Duanmu Family cut off in light of this! After this is also his Adoptive Father dies, he establishes makes Duanmu Family withstand the pledge of disaster of extermination! 他只杀端木家内部的所有人,从这一代,到上一代,再到上上一代。最好的结果,是让端木家的血脉就此断绝!这也是他义父死后,他所立下的让端木家承受灭门之灾的誓言! But the Duanmu Family family property, is grasped by the country. 端木家的家业,就由国家来掌握吧。 His firm tone makes Duanmu Yiren not speak again, static is listening to him in his chest front with own heartbeat. She is not does not want to prevent, but is unable to stop, does not want therefore to make him become fed up, otherwise she does not know after oneself, how should live. She prays and is believing best Big Brother and Elder Sister Yudie also is most intelligent the lovable young emperor certainly to be all right. 他坚决的语气让端木伊人没有再说话,静静的靠在他胸前听着他和自己的心跳。她不是不想阻挡,而是无法阻拦,更不想因此而让他生厌,否则她不知道自己以后该怎么生活下去。她祈祷和相信着自己最善良的大哥语蝶姐还有最聪明可爱的小皇帝一定会没事。 Feng Xiao returns to the room, nocturnal clothing that will not have passed through for a long time again has put in Monster Refining Pot. Then before his right hand slowly extends, according to above the glass of window...... For a long time, his complexion prudent receives to reach behind the back, knits the brows to rack one's brains. 风逍回到房间,将许久没有再穿过的夜行衣放入了炼妖壶之中。然后他的右手缓缓前伸,按在了窗户的玻璃之上……许久之后,他脸色慎重的收回手,皱眉苦思着。 Chaos Power still exists, although as if entered the step to arrive at Sixth Layer, but the Chaos Qi density and intensity absolutely do not have what change, not only that but also lost the decomposition and restore ability. 混沌之力依然存在,虽然似乎已经进阶到第六层,但混沌之气的密度和强度却完全没有什么改变,不仅如此,还失去了分解与修复的能力 Gives up affectation? 难道是返璞归真? Feng Yao pushed the door to walk, saw a Feng Xiao face stared blankly looks at own both hands, has thought immediately of anything. Before she arrives at the Feng Xiao body, said in a soft voice: Elder Brother, I forgot to tell you yesterday, in Heaven Realm about the record of Chaos Power, Chaos Power enters the step from Fifth Layer to Sixth Layer the time, Chaos Power will have the change on nature like the evolution, these days Chaos Power will only entrust with its Master Strength, body and spirit and speed, but its characteristics will vanish completely, is similar to the deep sleep is ordinary, waits for it to wake up, Elder Brother completely will become another person...... Should be the God is right.” 风瑶推门走了进来,看到风逍一脸发怔的看着自己的双手,马上就想到了什么。她来到风逍身前,柔声道:“哥哥,我昨天忘记告诉你了,在天界关于混沌之力的记载中,混沌之力第五层进阶到第六层的时候,混沌之力会像进化一样发生质上的变化,这段时间混沌之力只会赋予它的主人力量、体魄和速度,而它的特性会全部消失,就如同沉睡一般,等它醒来,哥哥就会完全成为另外一个人……啊,应该是神才对。” become God? To be honest, Feng Xiao does not have the preparation of no become God, does not have the become God desire. He asked: How long will this condition continue?” 成神吗?老实说,风逍并没有什么成神的准备,也没有成神的欲望。他问道:“这种状况会持续多久?” Feng Yao has thought that shook the head: I do not know. According to the record of Heaven Realm, possibly several days, possible several weeks, may be able several years. This is nobody can determine actually.” 风瑶想了一下,摇了摇头:“我也不知道。根据天界的记载,可能几天,也可能几个星期,也有可能会几年。这个其实是没有人可以确定的。” The Feng Xiao complexion sank slightly, revolved Chaos Power, the body suddenly several centimeters from place float up. He immediately long breathing a sigh of relief of: doesn't matter, so long as Strength, body and spirit and speed had not been affected, moreover can still float spatially good.” 风逍脸色稍沉,运转了一下混沌之力,身体忽然从地上浮起十几厘米。他顿时长长的舒了一口气:“没关系,只要力量、体魄、速度没有受到影响,而且依然可以浮空就好。” Elder Brother, do you go to Duanmu Family today?” Feng Yao comprehended the meaning in his words immediately, asking of care. 哥哥,你今天就去端木家吗?”风瑶立即领会到了他话中的含义,关心的问道。 Un, immediately goes, I have not wanted to wait again.” Feng Xiao from airborne lowers, vision cannot help but looked to the south. “嗯,马上就去,我已经不想再等下去了。”风逍从空中降下,目光不由自主的看向了南方。 Feng Yao nods with a smile: Good, I first give Elder Brother to prepare food, back and forth a time must for a long time.” 风瑶笑着点头:“好吧,那我先去给哥哥准备食物,来回一次要好久的。” Feng Yao naturally knows, this is the Feng Xiao biggest concern. Regardless of he is to wrong, will achieve any degree, she will follow forever him, then static he came back. 风瑶自然知道,这是风逍最大的心事。无论他是对错,会做到什么程度,她都会永远顺着他,然后静静的等他回来。 Feng Xiao beckons with the hand: Does not need to prepare, I should quick be able to come back. Now I am one month do not eat the thing should not to relate, do not forget me now also reluctantly is half God...... However, Yao'er, are you now a true God?” 风逍摆摆手:“不用准备啊,我应该很快就可以回来。现在我就是一个月不吃东西应该都没有关系,别忘了我现在也勉强算是个半神了……不过话说回来,瑶儿,你现在算不算是个真神呢?” Feng Yao lightly smiled, dexterous according to the Feng Xiao chest front: This point is unimportant, I only know that I am Elder Brother Yao'er.” 风瑶轻轻一笑,轻巧的依在风逍胸前:“这一点都不重要的,我只知道我是哥哥瑶儿。” She knows, although her present Strength only then initially 50% when Heaven Realm many, but also goes far beyond the ordinary true God. She likes making that delicate and weak, regardless of will make anything to think of Elder Brother first, will want to depend upon Elder Brother Feng Yao. 她自己知道,她如今的力量虽然只有当初在天界时的一半多一点,但也远远超过普通的真神。只是,她更喜欢做那个柔柔弱弱,无论做什么都会先想到哥哥,想要依靠哥哥风瑶 That...... Yao'er, you know why Wan'er initially had not appeared in the world, but appeared in the Eastern Emperor's Bell world? Since Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan can several years ago know that Rebirth World will appear, he definitely knows anything.” Feng Xiao asked that he has wanted to know the issue of answer, more understands Rebirth World, he is the goal that the confused this world presents, is really only pure to provide the world spiritual energy to oneself? “那……瑶儿,你知道婉儿当初为什么没有出现在人间,而是出现在东皇钟的世界里了?轩辕黄帝既然可以在十几年前就知道轮回世界会出现,那他一定知道些什么。”风逍问出了他一直想知道答案的问题,越是了解轮回世界,他越是迷茫这个世界出现的目的,难道真的只是单纯的为了给自己提供天地灵气? I do not know, Elder Sister Fuxi does not know...... But I knew from the Elder Sister Fuxi memory, initially the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan soul inexplicably had vanished entire one week, when he presents again time, he in absent-minded has been always talking how like this......’, several days later, he completely has given Elder Brother Strength, oneself completely vanished. I think that he definitely knew anything during that time......” “我不知道,伏羲姐姐也不知道……但我从伏羲姐姐的记忆里得知,当初轩辕黄帝的灵魂曾经莫名消失过整整一个星期,等他再次出现的时候,他一直在失神叨念着‘怎么会这样……’,几天之后,他就把力量全部给了哥哥,自己完全消失了。我想他那段时间一定知道了什么……” Un...... Perhaps, he entered that world during that time, but Wan'er also appeared in the world has that world...... Knows perhaps all Karma, only have Eastern Emperor Liu Li. She wants to make anything.” Feng Xiao frowns saying that he believes the Eastern Emperor Liu Li not wicked kind, but since she said that the hope was on him, is actually not why willing to tell him these actually to hide anything. “嗯……或许,他那段时间进入了那个世界,而婉儿也是一出现在人间就被带到了那个世界……知道其中一切因果的,或许只有东皇琉璃。她到底想要做什么。”风逍皱着眉头说道,他相信东皇琉璃绝非恶类,但既然她说把希望系在了他身上,为什么却迟迟不愿意告诉他这其中究竟隐藏着什么。 The group cloud blocks out the sun. When Feng Xiao departs the main house gate, sky did not have Sun, a dense muffled piece. Feng Xiao does not abandon looked own family/home, then calm flying to the south. 群云蔽日。当风逍飞出家门时,天空已经没有了太阳,黑压压的沉闷一片。风逍不舍的回望了一下自己的家,然后一脸平静的飞向南方。 In the family/home has Azure Dragon to assume personal command, he does not need to be worried about the security. Passed today, in his heart that giant stone can put down finally. At his present speed, the flight only requirement three hours of not standing can still reach the destination. 家里有青龙坐镇,他丝毫不用担心安全。过了今天,他心头上那块巨石终于可以放下。以他如今的速度,不停歇的飞行只需要三个小时就可以到达目的地。 After having solved the Duanmu Family matter, did all really finish? He can not have worrying and person again in the same place? Feng Yao myth passing, mysterious Rebirth World, does not have the number system in oneself mission, he knows that perhaps oneself destiny was unable to control by oneself completely. Some matters, even if do not want to go facing also to involuntary faces. 只是,解决了端木家的事情之后,一切就真的结束了吗?他就可以再无牵挂的和身边的人在一起了吗?风瑶神话般的过往,神秘的轮回世界,无数系在自己身上的使命,他知道自己的命运或许已经不能由自己完全掌控。有些事情,纵然自己不想去面对也必须身不由己的去面对。 Moreover he also felt, the unknown disaster was inevitable, for all people of his side, he cannot try to evade again. He has decided to soak starting tomorrow in Rebirth World, savings world spiritual energy silently. 而且他也感觉到了,未知的大难必至,为了他身边的所有人,他不能再试图逃避。他已经决定从明天起一直泡在轮回世界之中,默默的积蓄天地灵气。 From the China capital, has flown the China mother river, arrives at the China south again, his cloud penetration, has not stood still. After three hours, he stopped in the sky finally, then opened Long Wei to his road map, after examining carefully a meeting, the corners of the mouth reveal wipes the strange happy expression, the body straight from the sky to fall. 华夏首都,飞过华夏的母亲河,再到华夏的南方,他一路穿云而过,未曾停歇。三个小时后,他终于在上空停了下来,然后打开了龙威给他的路线图,细看了一会后,嘴角露出一抹怪异的笑意,身体直直的从天空坠下。 Although here is subtropics. But had the flavor of tropics. The jungle proliferates, sparsely inhabited . Moreover the sheer precipice finds at everywhere, the person who perhaps only then likes exploring to seek novelty will come here. Feng Xiao under is several very ordinary huts, outside the room has in several sluggish mountains the resident, listless is busy at work. But the south of these huts, are deeply does not see the bottom together the cliff. 这里虽然是亚热带。但已经有了热带的味道。丛林遍布,人烟稀少,而且悬崖峭壁随处可见,或许只有喜欢探险猎奇的人才会来到这里。风逍的正下方是几间很普通的小屋,屋外有着几个懒散的山里居民,无精打采的忙活着。而这些小屋的南方,是一道深不见底的断崖。 Feng Xiao wants to break the head unable to think that actually Duanmu Patriarch is that brain to does not shift from the area north of the Great Wall Duanmu Aristocratic Family to such a place unexpectedly, moreover under inconceivable cliff. From the sky, under the cliff only then a white piece, anything cannot see. Who can think that mysterious Duanmu Aristocratic Family hides, by the cliff that several huts and residents also completely are Duanmu Family suppose, is used to aid to pass in and out the Duanmu Aristocratic Family person and confuses other people line of sight. But was these should not present the hut here to make Long Wei discover Duanmu Family was, is more exposed the words that on the map left with Long Wei. 风逍想破脑袋也想不出来端木家主究竟是那根脑筋不对竟将端木世家从塞北转移到这么一个地方,而且还是不可思议的断崖之下。从上空看下去,断崖下方只有白茫茫的一片,什么都看不到。谁又能想到神秘的端木世家就隐藏其中,断崖旁边那几个小屋和居民也全部是端木家所设下,用来接应进出端木世家的人和迷惑他人视线。而也是这几个不应该出现在这里的小屋让龙威发现了端木家的所在,用龙威在地图上所留下的话来说就是欲盖弥彰。 The Feng Xiao speed crashes at the extremely quick speed, falls into under the cliff, has not brought to anybody's attention. Under the cliff, is inevitably different. 风逍的速度以极快的速度坠落而下,落入悬崖之下,没有引起任何人的注意。断崖之下,必然另有洞天。 Duanmu Mansion, will have closed Duanmu Xiao face the expression on own room is getting more and more painful. Never before two hours starts, he discovered in own body has several aura frightened such as general chaotic is dashing, as to break through his body to escape, moreover dashes along with flowing of time is getting more and more fierce, lets his whole body each spot from the ache, to severe pain, to being in deep sorrow...... That is a five main internal organs (entrails) can twist the rotten pinnacle pain. 端木山庄,一直将自己关在自己房间里的端木霄脸上的表情越来越痛苦。从不到两个小时前开始,他就发现自己的身体里有几道气息如受惊一般混乱的冲撞着,似乎想要冲破他的身体逃脱出去,而且随着时间的流动也冲撞的越来越剧烈,让他全身每一个部位从疼痛,到剧痛,到痛不欲生……那是一种五脏六腑都会绞烂的极致痛苦。 You...... Came...... Right......” his whole body was soaked by the cold sweat, the delicate body trembles in the pain, but the corners of the mouth actually show the happy expression, you...... Finally came...... Good......” “你……来了……对吗……”他全身被冷汗浸湿,娇弱的身体在痛苦中瑟瑟发抖,但嘴角却露出笑意,“你……终于来了……太好了……” Suddenly, the ground shivered in a loud sound fiercely, he clenches teeth not to drop down by oneself body, but the agony of his whole body also in this moment suddenly complete disappearance. 忽然之间,地面在一声巨响中剧烈的颤动了一下,他咬着牙没让自己的身体倒下,而他全身的痛苦感也在这一刻忽然完全的消失。 Outside the room transmits chaotic is shouting, Duanmu Xiao stands up slowly own body, has opened the door tranquilly, the vision that...... 房间外传来混乱的呼喊着,端木霄缓缓站起自己的身体,拉开了房门,目光是那么的平静…… Returns to consciousness just before dying? Good, I have certainly been able to complete me to want, certainly...... Unties this improper knot, improper resentment. 回光返照吗?太好了,我一定可以完成我想要的,一定可以……解开这不该有的结,不该有的怨。 Feng Xiao has from the sky exchanged nocturnal clothing, has blocked from own face, the incarnation becomes deters Dongfang (Eastern) murder bloodless Blood Emperor once more, after passes through layer upon layer the fog, he saw the Duanmu Mansion complete picture, had the long-term shock. 风逍在空中换上了夜行衣,遮住了自己的面部,再次化身成威慑东方杀人无血的血皇,在空中穿过层层云雾后,他看到了端木山庄的全貌,有了长时间的震惊。 The place that actually Duanmu Family found? Why is also, migrated here with any method. 端木家究竟是怎么找到的这个地方?又是为什么,用什么方法迁移到了这里。 The position that he drops is just Duanmu Mansion center. Young male servant who the black clothes person who this such as God drops from the clouds generally makes several swept the floor directly silly there, the opening mouth was similar to saw in the world the most inconceivable matter. 他落下的位置刚好是端木山庄的正中。这个如天神一般从天而降的黑衣人直接让几个正在扫地的小厮傻在了那里,张大嘴巴如同看到了世界上最不可思议的事。
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