LA :: Volume #7

#684: I am a selfish woman

Un, if Elder Brother wanted me, because of the invasion of Colored Flame Power, but five internal organs entirely burned. When Elder Brother Chaos Secret Art achieves the Sixth Layer boundary, Elder Brother will become the God who will exceed the ordinary God, will not fear all natural elements and destiny elements, will not fear Colored Flame, such ability also only then Elder Brother such Chaos Body can have. Adoptive Father has not certainly thought, Elder Brother has not feared the flame very much long time ago, therefore...... Elder Brother can want me actually very much long time ago. However, since initially Elder Brother complied with Adoptive Father to mean what he says Oh,” Feng Yao to nip on his ear with the tooth lightly, then exudes very lightly very light laughter sound. “嗯,如果哥哥要了我的话,就会因彩焰之力的侵入而五脏俱焚。而当哥哥混沌决达到第六层的境界,哥哥就会成为超越普通神的神,不会惧怕所有的自然元素与命运元素,也就不会惧怕彩焰,这样的能力也只有哥哥这样的混沌之体才可以有。只是义父一定没想到,哥哥很早就已经不怕火焰,所以……哥哥其实很早就可以要了我的。不过,既然当初哥哥答应了义父就一定要说话算数、”风瑶用牙齿在他的耳朵上轻咬了一下,然后发出很轻很轻的嬉笑声。 A Feng Xiao innermost feelings anger upwells. If not Xuanyuan Wan'er also here, his certainly Feng Yao falling down ruthlessly, then...... Spanks. 风逍内心一阵火气上涌。如果不是轩辕婉儿还在这里,他一定会把风瑶狠狠的扑倒,然后……打屁股。 also Oh, can the means make Elder Brother enter Chaos Secret Art Sixth Layer actually quickly, Elder Brother want to listen?” 还有,其实有一个办法可以让哥哥很快就进入混沌决第六层,哥哥想听吗?” Feng Xiao: A bit faster said with me, otherwise I may want......” 风逍:“快点和我说,不然我可要……” Feng Yao looked at Wan'er one secretly, said in a small voice: Actually very simple, Wan'er has the strength of complete Xuanyuan, if Elder Brother and Wan'er Dual Cultivation...... Hee hee, Elder Brother I took a bath!” 风瑶偷偷的看了婉儿一眼,小小声道:“其实很简单的呢,婉儿有着全部的轩辕之力,如果哥哥婉儿双修的话……嘻嘻,哥哥我洗澡去了!” In the Feng Xiao stunned vision, Feng Yao such as the butterflies flutter generally, opened the door to walk. 风逍错愕的目光中,风瑶如小蝴蝶一般飘开,打开房门走了出去。 Feng Xiao after entire one second of difficult ideological struggle, quiet Xuanyuan Wan'er will have hugged, separates on she tender long both legs straddles on in her screams, then starts to make an effort tears her clothes...... 风逍经过了整整一秒的艰苦思想斗争后,一把将沉静的轩辕婉儿抱了过来,在她的惊呼声中分开她嫩长的双腿跨|坐在自己身上,然后开始用力的撕扯起她的衣服…… After ten seconds, Xuanyuan Wan'er recovers finally, looks at Feng Xiao timidly said that is sweating profusely: Elder Brother Feng, you want to make anything...... This posture, is good to feel ashamed.” 十秒钟后,轩辕婉儿终于回过神来,看着满头大汗的风逍怯声说道:“风哥哥,你想做什么……这个姿势,好羞人。” Rips your clothes!” Feng Xiao subconscious shouting, head sweat drippings, how because unable to untie Wan'er clothes by his Strength unexpectedly. “撕你衣服!”风逍下意识的喊道,头上大汗淋淋,因为以他的力量竟然怎么都解不开婉儿身上的衣服。 But, my clothes are the strength of Xuanyuan, only if I remove, otherwise does not take off.” Xuanyuan Wan'er in a daze said. “可是,我的衣服是轩辕之力所化,除非我自己去掉,否则是脱不下来的。”轩辕婉儿迷迷糊糊的说道 Feng Xiao awkward calling a halt, is then serious said: That Wan'er take off!” 风逍一脸尴尬的停手,然后一脸严肃道:“那婉儿自己脱掉!” „, Does not want!” “啊,不要!” A bit faster takes off!” “快点脱掉!” Does not want!” “不要不要!” Little darling Wan'er, takes off the clothes to be good, we so were ripe.” “乖乖婉儿,脱掉衣服好不好,我们都这么熟了。” Wu...... Does not want.” 呜……不要。” I have......” “那我只好……” Wu...... Elder Brother Feng does not want...... Wan'er...... Wan'er has not prepared......” 唔…风哥哥不要……婉儿……婉儿还没有准备好……” ............ ………… ............ ………… Took away Xuanyuan Wan'er first kiss, a hand back and forth is teasing her two very outstanding snow breasts in the Wan'er timid protests, another extends to her legs directly is wreaking havoc. The chest of Wan'er is very exquisite, is only full grasps, but such as the sharp bamboo shoots general smooth very curl upwards, being unable to put down that Feng Xiao holds appreciatively. 夺去了轩辕婉儿初吻,一只手在婉儿怯怯的抗议声中来回挑逗着她的两只挺翘雪乳,另一手直接伸到她腿间肆虐着。婉儿的胸部很小巧,仅盈一握,但如尖笋一般圆滑挺翘,直把风逍把玩的爱不释手。 Under a dozen minutes of offensive, Xuanyuan Wan'er was defeated thoroughly, tenderly pants, whatever Feng Xiao acts. Then blushes to remove own complete clothes under the Feng Xiao language offensive finally, has demonstrated the white jade common perfect body to him. 十几分钟的攻势之下,轩辕婉儿彻底败下阵来,娇|喘吁吁的任由风逍施为。然后在风逍的语言攻势下终于红着脸褪去了自己的全部衣服,向他展示了自己白玉一般的完美身体。 Must recompense hoped Feng Xiao holds the tender buttocks of Wan'er, the pressure to own body, until passes through her tender body in delightful tender cry slowly, under the body sprinkles to bring the beautiful flower petal of golden bright red indistinctly. 得偿所愿的风逍抱起婉儿的娇臀,缓缓压向自己的身体,直到在一声悦耳的娇|啼中贯穿她柔嫩的身体,身下洒下艳红中隐约带着金色的美丽花瓣。 The time is midnight, this is the second bath that Feng Yao takes tonight, because had washed the bath her feeling ashamed spot by one piece that Feng Xiao makes in confusion. She by just wants to say good night in the Feng Xiao gate gently, actually surprisedly heard Elder Brother breathes heavily thickly with Wan'er sob joyful delightful shouts...... 时间已经是半夜,这是风瑶今天晚上洗的第二次澡,因为原本已经洗好澡的她羞人部位又被风逍弄的一片狼藉。她靠在风逍的门上刚想轻轻的说晚安,却惊讶的听到了哥哥的粗喘与婉儿似哭泣似快乐的悦耳呼喊…… Elder Brother Feng, was too quick, is the slow point good...... Wan'er...... Was dying......” 风哥哥,太快了,慢点好不好……婉儿……要死了……” Wu...... Quite comfortable, Elder Brother Feng is about a point to be good...... Again quickly...... Makes an effort to make me......” 唔……好舒服,风哥哥再快一点好不好……再快一点……用力弄我……” .................. ……………… Feng Yao covers the lip, retreat several steps of being red in the face. Elder Brother unexpectedly really Wan'er eating...... Moreover Wan'er is quite bold.! Bad, just certainly also made Elder Sister Fuxi hear, Wu...... 风瑶捂住嘴唇,面红耳赤的后退几步。哥哥竟然真的把婉儿给吃了……而且婉儿好大胆呢。啊!糟了,刚刚一定也让伏羲姐姐听到了,呜… Forgot that said with Elder Brother, after Chaos Secret Art achieves Sixth Layer, as if will have one from the person to the process of God. These days within Chaos Power will lose its unique element temporarily, only pure allocation Strength. 忘记和哥哥说了,混沌决达到第六层之后似乎会有一个从人到神的过程。这段时间之内混沌之力会暂时失去它的特殊之处,只会单纯的赋予力量 Feng Yao blushes in the Feng Xiao gate advance party for a long time, the footsteps returned to own room finally gently. 风瑶红着脸在风逍门前站了好久,终于脚步轻轻的返回了自己的房间。 Along with Feng Xiao and Xuanyuan Wan'er time and time again, has light golden light to spread to Feng Xiao within the body from their intercourse spots unceasingly, is only the ray is too pale, they had not discovered. 随着风逍轩辕婉儿的一次又一次,不断有淡淡的金芒从他们的交|合部位传入风逍的体内,只是光芒实在太淡,他们谁都没有发现。 This is a genuine protracted war, Wan'er, although is the new flowered just blossoming, but because her body has the strength of complete Xuanyuan, carrying capacity not ordinary Young Lady may compare. That makes the strange pleasant sensation that she almost must fly let she finally thorough being enchanted by in desire ocean, early had forgotten blushes bashfully, under the body of Feng Xiao, or has reached the desire peak time and time again...... 这是一场真正的持久战,婉儿虽然是新花初绽,但由于她身具完全的轩辕之力,承受力绝非普通少女可比。那让她几乎要飞起来的陌生快感让她终于彻底的迷醉在欲望的海洋,早已经忘记了羞赧,在风逍的身下,或身上一次又一次的达到了欲望的巅峰…… Finally, before dawn, has almost collapsed Wan'er weak kneeling bends down on the bed, whatever Feng Xiao behind holds her tender buttocks to act in her fiercely. When Feng Xiao again in Wan'er within the body releases, string fierce jumping in his heart breaks. 终于,凌晨时分,已经几乎虚脱了的婉儿无力的跪伏在床上,任由风逍在她身后抱着她的娇臀剧烈动作着。当风逍再一次在婉儿体内释放时,他心中的一根弦猛的蹦断。 Movement stagnation of Feng Xiao, dizziness dizzy there...... So is simple? Chaos Sixth Layer boundary? 风逍的动作停滞,头晕晕的愣在那里……就这么简单?混沌第六层的境界? But, why does not have what unusual feeling, instead thought that what has probably been short of? 可是,为何却没有什么异样的感觉,反而觉得好像少了些什么? Feng Xiao was also tired, he does not have to go to think again, Wan'er body turn over, wipes the clear saliva that among her corners of the mouth unconsciousness flows out, hugs her calmly to go off. In the dream, in his mind still flutters Feng Yao has been speaking each few words. Repeats she myth passing. That night made him understand too many things, his requirement reorganization of slowly in dream, digestion. 风逍也已经倦了,他没有再去多想,将婉儿的身体翻过,擦去她嘴角无意识间流出的晶莹口水,抱着她静静睡去。梦中,他的脑海里依然飘荡着风瑶说过的每一句话。复述她神话般的过往。这一夜让他明白了太多的东西,他需要在梦中慢慢的整理,消化。 Next morning, when Feng Xiao wakes up, Xuanyuan Wan'er already not on bed, but that piece by piece red flower petal and full bed in confusion is proving night of crazy. Feng Xiao has called one lightly Wan'er, has not actually been replied, but heard obviously became somewhat loud panting sound. His chuckled, has not called her finally again. Yesterday evening blurry was overthrown by him, and has made that the unrestrained action, such reaction completely within the Feng Xiao anticipation. 第二天早上,当风逍醒来时,轩辕婉儿已经不在床上,但那片片红色花瓣与满床的狼藉证明着一夜的疯狂。风逍轻唤了一声“婉儿”,却没有得到回音,只是听到了明显变得有些粗重的喘息声。他嘿嘿一笑,终于没有再叫她。昨天晚上迷迷糊糊的被他推倒,而且还做出了那么放|浪的举动,这样的反应完全在风逍意料之内。 Stretched oneself, opens the door. Uneven shua shua of enchanting females of room after hearing opening the door sound goes to him the vision, lightly shot a look at his one eyes including Azure Dragon, tranquil vision regulations strangely. 伸了个懒腰,打开房门。一屋子的莺莺燕燕在听到开门声后齐刷刷的把目光投向他,连青龙都淡淡的瞥了他一眼,平静的目光实则怪异至极。 Eh...... On my face has what thing?” Feng Xiao touches own face to say. “额……难道我脸上有什么东西?”风逍摸了摸自己的脸说道。 The Feng Yao lowering the head chuckle, Bing Xue'er and a Yang Xiruo face blushes, Lin Ying and Duanmu Yiren unemotionally, Azure Dragon is looked that again has not looked at his one eyes. On the Chen Bing'er silent face presents being astonished color/look, in the morning arrived here her not to know that had anything. Shui Rourou sees everybody not to speak, finally bites the lip, said low voice: Young Master, yesterday evening was...... Is which Elder Sister in the Young Master room? Sound...... Big.” 风瑶低头轻笑,冰雪儿杨夕若一脸红晕,林樱端木伊人面无表情,青龙更是看都没有再看他一眼。陈冰儿沉默的脸上出现讶色,清晨才来到这里的她并不知道发生了什么。水柔柔见大家都没有说话,终于咬了咬嘴唇,小声说道:“少爷,昨天晚上是……是哪个姐姐少爷房间里?声音……好大呢。” Feng Xiao under foot one soft, has almost not come to a stop, but well in his face thick-skinned like city wall, on the face has not presented any awkward expression actually. But immediately, in his mind has resounded the Xuanyuan Wan'er suffering from injustice sound: Wuaa! Blamed Elder Brother Feng, Wan'er not to have face to see the person, Wuuu...... Elder Brother Feng, Wan'er had a mortal hatred of you...... Wuuu ~~ 风逍脚下一软,差点没有站稳,但好在他脸皮厚如城墙,脸上硬是没出现什么尴尬的表情。但马上,他的脑海里响起了轩辕婉儿委屈的声音:“呜哇!都怪风哥哥,婉儿没脸见人了,呜呜……风哥哥,婉儿恨死你了……呜呜~~” Wan'er that being all right, actually they and my such time wanted fierce many compared with Wan'er.” Feng Xiao said hastily. “没事的婉儿,其实她们和我那样的时候比婉儿要厉害的多了呢。”风逍连忙说道。 Elder Brother Feng knows to bully me, Wuuu ~~ Xuanyuan Wan'er has cried unexpectedly, she yesterday was one including the girl who first kiss has not lost, actually overnight so unrestrained human body, but also made them hear completely, wishing one could that she blushed bashfully covered the face to escape, the farther the better of running away. 风哥哥就知道欺负我,呜呜~~”轩辕婉儿竟真的哭了出来,她昨天还是一个连初吻都没有失去的女孩子,却在一夜之间如此放|浪形骸,还让她们全部都听到了,她羞赧的恨不得捂着脸逃开,逃的越远越好。 Clever Wan'er, is all right, comes out to meet to be good with your Elder Sisters?” “乖啦婉儿,真的没事的,出来和你的姐姐们见个面好不好?” I do not want, to kill me not to want! Wu~ ~ will bully me......” “我不要,打死我都不要!呜~~就会欺负我……” „......” “……” Facing their vision, Feng Xiao is simply thick the facial skin, when anything has not heard, changes the topic hastily: Treasure, today's breakfast is quite early sumptuous.” 面对她们的目光,风逍干脆厚着脸皮当什么都没听到,连忙岔开话题道:“宝贝们早啊,今天的早饭好丰盛啊。” But, we have not started to prepare the breakfast.” Shui Rourou opens big eyes to ask. “可是,我们还没有开始准备早餐呢。”水柔柔睁着大眼睛问道。 „......” Feng Xiao turns around immediately: I thought that I should rest a meeting again.” “……”风逍立即掉头:“我觉得我应该再去睡一会。” During the breakfast, the females have not mentioned yesterday evening matter finally again. First time drinks to ice the attractive expression that the fruit juice on the Bing Xue'er face shows unceasingly enjoys very much likes very much. „Really tasty, probably makes Lan'er also drink.” 早饭期间,众女终于没有再提起昨天晚上的事。第一次喝冰镇果汁的冰雪儿脸上不断露出很享受很喜欢的诱人表情。“真的很好喝,好像让蓝儿也喝到。” Feng Xiao raises the head asked: Xue'er, Little Lan'er?” 风逍抬头问道:“雪儿,小蓝儿呢?” Today is her first day officially takes office, went back very much long time ago. Right, is that good strange thing that uses.” Bing Xue'er refers to the room door that opened, following the direction that her jade refers, Feng Xiao saw exquisite game cabin, the complexion is slightly surprised. “今天是她第一天正式上任,很早就回去了。对啦,是用的那个好奇怪的东西。”冰雪儿指了指打开的房间门,顺着她玉指的方向,风逍看到了一个小巧的游戏舱,脸色稍愕。 Is I lets Bing'er comes the time brings. Because Little Lan'er said that she must go to there very much long time ago, is really quite clever.” Feng Yao said with a smile. “是我让冰儿来的时候带回来的。因为小蓝儿说她必须很早就到那里去,真是好乖呢。”风瑶笑着说道 This.” “这样啊。” Although present Bing Lan'er is equal to a Player status actually, but her status will therefore not change, is still City of Snow and Ice Empress Bing Lan. Feng Xiao wants to have a look to sit well Lan'er actually really very much at this time in throne can be what kind of lovable heroic bearing. 虽然现在的冰蓝儿其实是相当于一个玩家身份,但她的地位并不会因此而改变,依然是冰雪之城冰蓝女皇风逍倒是真的很想看看此时端坐在皇位上的蓝儿会是怎样一副可爱的英姿。 Feng Xiao puts down the cup in hand, has said to silent Duanmu Yiren in a soft voice: Yiyi, comes with me, I had the words and you said.” Then he set out, moved toward the balcony direction. 风逍放下手中的杯子,对一直沉默的端木伊人轻声道:“伊伊,跟我来一下,我有话和你说。”然后他起身,走向了阳台方向。 Duanmu Yiren faintly sighed, came on this day finally...... 端木伊人幽幽一叹,这一天终于还是来了吗…… Above balcony, Feng Xiao static looks at the sky of out of the window, light shadow still real existence, making his innermost feelings cover constraining of being able hardly be removed. Hears behind sound of footsteps, he has turned around, said directly: Yiyi, I prepare Duanmu Family today.” 阳台之上,风逍静静的看着窗外的天空,淡淡的阴影依然真实的存在着,让他的内心蒙上了挥之不去的压抑。听到身后的脚步声,他转过身来,直接说道:“伊伊,我今天准备去端木家。” Un, earlier comes back.” Duanmu Yiren gives a calm smile to him. “嗯,早点回来。”端木伊人冲着他淡然一笑。 Duanmu Yiren reaction stems from Feng Xiao to be unexpected completely, his said with a smile: Yiyi, how don't you prevent me now?” 端木伊人反应完全出乎风逍意料之外,他笑着说道:“伊伊,你现在怎么不阻止我了呢?” Duanmu Yiren raised the head, affectionately looks at his eyes: I am not Miss Duanmu, even started to forget that family, I am only your woman, why I want family that for that I soon forget, but causes my only man's burden. I keep the secret for them to the present, showed extreme tolerance...... I am a selfish woman.” 端木伊人抬起头,脉脉的看着他的眼睛:“我已经不是什么端木大小姐,甚至已经开始忘记那个家族,我只是你的女人而已,我为什么要为了那个我快要遗忘的家族,而造成我唯一男人的负担。我为他们保守秘密到现在,已经仁至义尽……我是个自私的女人。”
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