LA :: Volume #7

#683: Multi-colored Flame

However Fuxi Maiden actually therefore almost lost all Strength. Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, is Fuxi Maiden, reason that their souls and consciousness can the freedom in the world all because of the support of their immortal strength, if did not have Strength, their final souls will immediately also dissipate. In order to protect oneself, Fuxi Maiden attached to the body of newborn Rainbow Phoenix own soul, but she actually did not endure to eliminate existence of newborn Rainbow Phoenix, only allowed own soul to invade in the Rainbow Phoenix soul to be very small part. Therefore...... In that newborn baby body, Rainbow Phoenix and Fuxi Maiden are sharing a soul, Rainbow Phoenix is seven, Fuxi Maiden is three, usually is leading the consciousness and body by Rainbow Phoenix, but that part of Fuxi Maiden only will then gain the freedom in the Rainbow Phoenix dream, but still cannot control the body......” “而伏羲女却因此几乎失去了所有的力量。无论是轩辕黄帝,还是伏羲女,他们的灵魂与意识之所以能自由于人间皆是因为他们仙力的支撑,若没有了力量,他们最后的灵魂也会马上消散。为了保护自己,伏羲女将自己的灵魂依附到了新生彩凤的身上,但她却不忍剥夺新生彩凤的存在,只允许自己的灵魂侵入了彩凤的灵魂之内很小一部分。于是……在那个新生婴儿身体里,彩凤伏羲女共用着一个灵魂,彩凤为七,伏羲女为三,平时都是由彩凤主导着意识和身体,而伏羲女的那部分只有在彩凤的梦中才会获得自由,但依然不能控制身体……” Feng Yao is still face temperate gently beautiful smiling, but the corner of the eye, a clear waterdrop falls along her cheeks slowly. 风瑶依然是一脸温和柔美的笑,但眼角,一颗晶莹的泪滴沿着她的脸颊徐徐滑落。 Xuanyuan Wan'er stays there thoroughly, Feng Xiao completely is also shocked. The disaster has initiated a kinship tragedy of chilly beautiful, but friendship between Rainbow Phoenix and Fuxi Maiden makes them as if listen to a beautiful myth. Drops Rebirth for the other side sweet, is willing to cancel for other side own exists...... 轩辕婉儿彻底呆在那里,风逍也完全惊呆。灾难引发了一个凄美的亲情悲剧,而彩凤伏羲女之间的情谊让他们仿佛在听一个美丽的神话。一个为了对方甘堕轮回,一个为了对方甘愿抹去自己的存在…… Wan'er, do you blame me?” Yao'er is shaking the hand of Wan'er, asked gently. 婉儿,你怪我吗?”瑶儿握着婉儿的手,轻轻问道。 No...... How I will blame you, you are my Elder Sister Yao'er, is Aunt Cai'er that I most like, you were willing to make that big sacrifice for Mother, how I will blame you......” Wan'er to constrain the sob, shaking the head of effort. “不……我怎么会怪你,你是我的瑶儿姐姐,也是我最喜欢的彩儿阿姨,你为了妈妈甘愿做那么大的牺牲,我又怎么会怪你……”婉儿压抑着哭泣,用力的摇头。 Yao'er, afterward.” The Feng Xiao semi-closure eyes was saying, if this is not says by Feng Yao personally. He will only regard a beautiful and illusory myth. The fact, is such being hard makes the person believe unexpectedly. Hears here, Feng Xiao was also clearer. The newborn baby who that Fuxi Maiden makes is similarly by Feng Yao that Adoptive Father picks...... Also understood finally why she tears in the dream will fall the pillow covering frequently, why will be recognized the Lord by Fuxi, why does not fear the fire, why after dying, can see all, why can also the miracle rebirth. 瑶儿,后来呢。”风逍半闭着眼睛说道,如果这不是由风瑶亲口说出。他只会当成一个美丽而虚幻的神话。事实,竟然是如此的难以让人置信。听到这里,风逍也明白了许多。那个伏羲女制造出来的新生婴儿就是同样被义父捡回来的风瑶……也终于明白了她为什么经常会在梦中泪落枕巾,为什么会被伏羲认主,为什么不怕火,为什么死后可以看到一切,又为什么会神迹般的重生。 Fuxi Maiden appeared in that moment of world, Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan induced her existence, and hurried hurrying, only had actually discovered by the Xiao Xiao (little) baby who the red light covered...... When Elder Brother, Wan'er, can you be able to imagine Fuxi Maiden to feel Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan in the side how excited? She is actually not able to lead oneself body and soul, is unable to exchange with him......” 伏羲女出现在人间的那一刻,轩辕黄帝就已经感应到了她的存在,并匆忙的赶去,却只发现了一个被红光笼罩的小小婴儿……哥哥,婉儿,你们可以想象得到伏羲女感受到轩辕黄帝就在身边时是多么的激动吗?只是,她却无法主导自己的身体和灵魂,根本无法与他交流……” Millenniums racking one's brains, 50,000 years of suffering, she felt oneself husband finally existed...... Yes, her time excitement did not have what language to describe, except for Feng Yao, nobody can realize truly. 千年的苦思,50000年的折磨,她终于自己感受到了自己丈夫的存在……是啊,她那时的激动心情已经没有什么语言可以描绘,除了风瑶,也没有人可以真正的体会。 Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan has discovered quickly this point, even understood quickly how this baby comes. At that moment, he uses the soul brand mark to direct Adoptive Father to pick that baby...... That year, Elder Brother three years old.” Feng Yao radiant star crazy visits him, is from that moment on, her destiny complete change. 轩辕黄帝很快就发现了这一点,甚至很快明白了这个婴儿是怎么来的。当下,他用灵魂烙印指引义父将那个婴儿捡回……那一年,哥哥三岁了。”风瑶璀璨星目痴痴的看着他,也是从那一刻起,她的命运完全的改变。 Elder Brother, I do not have the genuine parents, once I was Seven Colored Phoenix, present I am one with the HP/Life body that the immortal strength made......” 哥哥,我没有真正的父母,曾经的我是七彩凤凰,现在的我是一个用仙力制造出来的生命体……” Yao'er,” Feng Xiao interrupts her words, is stroking her face said with a slight smile: I have said many times, regardless of my Yao'er is anything, even if the present is the young pig, grass and butterflies, you forever are my Yao'er, no one can claim from my side you, you not.” 瑶儿,”风逍打断她的话,抚摸着她的脸微笑着说道:“我说过好多次了,无论我的瑶儿是什么,哪怕现在是小猪、小草、小蝴蝶,你都永远是我的瑶儿,谁都不可以把你从我身边夺走,你自己也不可以。” Hee hee, Elder Brother can be the young pig.” Feng Yao gentle light has hit his, happy tranquilness. “嘻嘻,哥哥才会是小猪呢。”风瑶温柔的轻打了他一下,一脸幸福的恬静。 That afterward, Father and Mother how, do they now where, quickly tell me to be good?” Wan'er anxious saying. “那后来的,爸爸妈妈到底怎样了,他们现在在哪里,快告诉我好不好?”婉儿焦急的说道。 Your father he...... To promote Chaos Power, must have simultaneously takes in seven nature elements and three big destiny elements ability. Although Elder Brother has the body of entire department, but Soul Power has not actually opened, to let Elder Brother early has Soul Power, in Elder Brother eighth that year, he has given Elder Brother own Soul Power completely, making Elder Brother achieve Chaos Secret Art First Layer successfully, but he...... Forever dissipated.” “你父亲他……想要提升混沌之力,就必须有着同时吸纳七大自然元素与三大命运元素的能力哥哥虽然有着全系的身体,但灵魂之力却迟迟没有开启,为了让哥哥及早的拥有灵魂之力,在哥哥八岁那年,他将自己的灵魂之力全部给了哥哥,让哥哥成功达到了混沌决第一层,而他自己……永远的消散了。” The Feng Xiao whole body trembles, enclasps the soft body of Wan'er. Unexpected, Xuanyuan Wan'er does not have extreme reaction, but is empty the look is asking: That Mother?” 风逍全身一颤,将婉儿的柔软身体抱紧。出乎意料,轩辕婉儿却没有过激的反应,而是空洞着眼神问道:“那妈妈呢?” „After Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan dissipation, your mother she dies by heartbreak, if not because worries you who has still not been falling, she early as you like the father went. Wan'er, but also remembers we in Rebirth World first time does meet? At that time, because you Fuxi's Zither recognized me to advocate peace I did not fear that the Soul Fire reason has had the suspicion to my status, and came with me meets. At that time, my bewildered sad crying. That is because, your mother had finally found you......” 轩辕黄帝消散后,你母亲她伤心欲绝,如果不是因为牵挂着依然没有下落的你,她早已经随你父亲而去。婉儿,还记得我们在轮回世界的第一次见面吗?那时,你因为伏羲琴认我为主和我不怕灵魂之火的原因对我的身份产生了怀疑,并现身与我相见。那时,我莫名其妙的悲伤落泪。那是因为,你的母亲终于找到了你……” Mother......” Xuanyuan Wan'er is pronouncing unstressed. Originally and Mother continuously that near, but, why had not realized, is what! 妈妈……”轩辕婉儿轻念着。原来自己和妈妈一直都是那么的近,只是,为什么自己一直都没有察觉到,为什么! Afterward, I presented accident/surprise, in that flickers, my deep sleep that I died several years of Strength woke, and entrusts with my new HP/Life. Fenghuang (Phoenix) Rebirth From the Ashes legend is by no means ficticious, but my Strength wants to awaken, the only condition was dead one time. Actually, after I died the next second to live, the later six months, I was at the depth deep sleep condition of similarly having played dead, but my Strength also slow awakening during half year, until recovered completely.” “后来,我出现了意外,在我死亡的那一瞬,我沉睡了十几年的力量醒了过来,并赋予我新的生命凤凰浴火重生的传说并非子虚乌有,而我的力量想要觉醒,唯一的条件就是死亡一次。其实,我死之后的下一秒就已经活了过来,之后的半年里,我处于一直类似假死的深度沉睡状态,而我的力量也在这半年之中缓慢的觉醒,直到完全复苏。” The right hand of Feng Yao stretches out, one group of multi-colored flame ignites in her palm, is the dark room reflects the multi-colored brilliance that rocked unceasingly. Her said with a smile: Elder Brother, Wan'er, attractive?” 风瑶的右手伸出,一团彩色的火焰在她掌心燃起,为暗色的房间映上了一层不断晃动的彩色光辉。她笑着说道:“哥哥,婉儿,漂亮吗?” also anything can be more direct than the present fact, present Multi-colored Flame made the brain of Feng Xiao chaotic for a long time very be very long, then gripped Yao'er that only to burn him slowly the hand of Multi-colored Flame, felt creamy that is having the warm touch, said with a slight smile: Un, is very attractive, later prepared food requirement not to use the natural gas.” 还有什么可以比眼前的事实更直接,眼前的彩色火焰风逍的大脑混乱了很久很久,然后把他缓缓的握住瑶儿那只燃烧着彩色火焰的手,感受着那滑腻中带着温暖的触感,微笑着说道:“嗯,很漂亮,以后做饭都不需要用天然气了。” Elder Brother you bully me.” Feng Yao digs the lip, disguises to get angry has hit on him lightly. Then was saying to obviously absent-minded Wan'er: Wan'er, you want certainly to know that your Mother where is right? Actually, when my Strength awakens completely, existence of Elder Sister Fuxi because of by the repel of my Strength is cancelled. But before I regain consciousness that minute, I belong to Rainbow Phoenix that some memories also to restore, how I will make Elder Sister Fuxi leave me, therefore, I have held on her, does not make her depart, and will belong to her some soul complete fusions with my Strength in my soul, although uses the same body similarly, same soul, but the way was actually turned into the present fusion by the beforehand joint. But in this case, although she is still not able to control the body like me, is unable to exchange with me, because actually with me fuses together, but not by the repel of Colored Flame Power, moreover can see all that I see, hear all that I hear, can feel my feeling completely......” 哥哥你又欺负我。”风瑶撅起嘴唇,假装嗔怒的在他身上轻打了一下。然后对着明显失神的婉儿说道:“婉儿,你一定想知道你妈妈在哪里对吗?其实,当我的力量完全觉醒的时候,伏羲姐姐的存在原本会因为受我力量的排斥而被抹去。但在我苏醒前的那一分钟,我属于彩凤的那部分记忆也全部恢复,我又怎么会让伏羲姐姐离开我呢,于是,我拉住了她,不让她离去,并用我的力量将属于她的那部分灵魂完全的融合到我的灵魂之中,虽然同样还是使用同一个身体,同一个灵魂,但方式却由之前的接合变成了现在的融合。而这样的话,虽然她依然无法像我一样控制身体,也无法与我交流,但却因为和我融为一体而不受彩焰之力的排斥,而且可以看到我所看到的一切,听到我所听到的一切,也能完全感受到我的感觉……” Feng Xiao:( ⊙ o ⊙)...!!!! 风逍:(⊙o⊙)…!!!! Wan'er, when I think you, Elder Sister Fuxi also in visiting you, when you spoke, Elder Sister Fuxi was also hearing your voice...... I think that she now is certainly good to hear you to shout she Mother, for this summon, she waited painstakingly the millenniums, degenerated for ten thousand years......” 婉儿,当我看着你的时候,伏羲姐姐也在看着你,当你说话的时候,伏羲姐姐也在听着你的声音……我想她现在一定好想听到你喊她一声妈妈,为了这声呼唤,她苦等了千年,又堕落了万年……” Mother......” Xuanyuan Wan'er gently calls one lowly, both eyes once more by tears filled, she jumps into the Feng Yao bosom fiercely, is shouting in the sob: Mother...... Mother...... Mother! Mother! Mother......” 妈妈……”轩辕婉儿轻轻的低唤一声,双目再次被眼泪盈|满,她猛地扑入风瑶怀中,在哭泣中呼喊着:“妈妈……妈妈……妈妈妈妈妈妈……” The nose of Feng Xiao somewhat turns sour, but relatively speaking...... Feng Xiao made an effort to rub own nose...... According, Fuxi Maiden that Yao'er said can see all that Yao'er sees, hear all that Yao'er hears...... This, but can also be able to feel the feeling of Yao'er completely!! 风逍的鼻子有些发酸,但相比而言……风逍用力揉了揉自己的鼻子……照瑶儿所说的,伏羲女可以看到瑶儿所看到的一切,听到瑶儿所听到的一切……这也就罢了,还能能完全感受到瑶儿的感觉!! This issue may a little be big. Oneself just teased Yao'er time,...... Feng Xiao shakes the head hastily, meditated 100 crime, the crime, flatter more tofu...... The old buddhist monks absolutely do not have any other ideas.” 这问题可就有点大了。自己刚刚逗弄瑶儿的时候,岂不是……风逍连忙晃晃脑袋,默念了100遍“罪过,罪过,阿弥豆腐……老衲绝对没有任何别的想法。” Xuanyuan Wan'er non-stop is shouting, as to make up missing and worrying of this innumerable years to Mother, until shouting the throat is hoarse, did not have the strength again. She bends down peacefully in the Feng Yao bosom, as if returned to the childhood time such to lie in the Mother bosom listens to her to speak the scene of story. 轩辕婉儿不停的呼喊着,似乎想补足这无数年对妈妈的思念和牵挂,直到喊道嗓子沙哑,再也没有了力气。她安安静静的伏在风瑶怀中,仿佛回到了童年时候就这么趴在妈妈怀中听她讲故事的情景。 Although Feng Yao had sufficient preparation, blushing heartbeat that somewhat but was still called by Xuanyuan Wan'er, she looked at Feng Xiao one secretly, actually discovered that a strangeness of his face, then suddenly gathers her ear saying: Yao'er, has not thought that your family unmarried girl was so big, this does not compel my mother and daughter to sweep the decks......” 风瑶虽然有了充足的准备,但依然被轩辕婉儿叫的有些面红心跳,她偷偷的看了风逍一眼,却发现他一脸的怪异,然后忽然凑到她耳边说道:“瑶儿,没想到你家闺女这么大了,这不是逼我母女通吃么……” A hand stretches out from under suddenly, has twisted on the leg of Feng Xiao ruthlessly, pain he looks fierce. But he determined that this is not Yao'er does absolutely. Really, Xuanyuan Wan'er receives to reach behind the back fast, sets out from the Feng Yao bosom, blushes saying: Is unfair to Elder Sister Yao'er, my some were too excited, I quite think Mother.” 一只手忽然从下方伸出,在风逍的腿上狠狠的拧了一下,疼的他龇牙咧嘴。但他确定这绝对不是瑶儿做的。果然,轩辕婉儿快速收回手,从风瑶怀中起身,红着脸说道:“对不起瑶儿姐姐,我有些太激动了,我好想妈妈。” The sunset glow on face does not know that is because cries red, because Feng Xiao that owes the words that pulls out very much. 脸上的红霞不知是因为哭红的,还是因为风逍那句很欠抽的话。 Feng Yao shakes the head gently, said with a smile: Father, although already no longer, but Wan'er wants to be strong, because Mother has visited you in your side, cannot make Mother be worried again.” 风瑶轻轻摇头,笑着说道:“爸爸虽然已经不再了,但婉儿一定要坚强起来,因为妈妈一直就在你的身边看着你,不可以再让妈妈担心。” Un, my meeting...... Mother, Wan'er will not disappoint you, Wan'er can save our once families/home with Elder Brother Feng, Mother, looks at Wan'er!” “嗯,我会的……妈妈,婉儿不会让你失望,婉儿会和风哥哥一起拯救我们曾经的家,妈妈,看着婉儿!” She closes one's eyes lightly, is feeling existence of Mother, she as if sees Mother to her gratified smiling, she gently has also smiled. Still hangs the smiling face of teardrops I to see still pities. 她轻闭着眼,感受着妈妈的存在,恍惚中,她仿佛看到妈妈在对她欣慰的笑,她也跟着轻轻笑了起来。依然挂着泪珠的笑脸我见犹怜。 Elder Brother, you know why now Adoptive Father initially didn't allow you to want Yao'er?” Feng Yao in a soft voice said in his ear, aspirates such as blue, heard that the desire is drunk. 哥哥,你现在知道义父为什么当初不允许你要了瑶儿吗?”风瑶在他耳边轻声道,吐气如兰,闻之欲醉。 Because of your Colored Flame Power, is right?” “因为你的彩焰之力,对不对?”
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