LA :: Volume #7

#682: Recalls (Last Part) remotely

Gods with Immortal Technique under the Elder Brother appearance seal, the portrait that and turns into damage never. But in the prediction also demonstrated that although Elder Brother can fuse seven nature elements, three big destiny elements, but if no a turning point, actually perhaps never truly opening instant and Space Power. Therefore, the Heaven Realm Gods have used for about hundred years, the set had the water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, light, darkness, HP/Life, death and Soul Power strength of the God separately, finally fused Time and Space Magic, they instilled into this huge time and Space Power to a body of God completely, let him, although cannot use these Strength, can actually entrust with other people. And makes a space ring and world ring, but the goals of production these two rings, then to let that was instilled into the time and Space Power person can attach to these two rings to exist.” “众神用仙法哥哥的长相印下,并化成一张永远不会被损坏的画像。而预言中还显示,哥哥虽然能融合七大自然元素,三大命运元素,但如果没有一个契机,却或许永远都不会真正开启时间与空间之力。于是,天界众神用了近百年的时间,集合分别拥有水、火、风、雷、土、光明、黑暗、生命、死亡、灵魂之力的众神之力,终于融合成时间与空间魔法,他们将这庞大的时间与空间之力全部灌输到一个神的身上,让他虽然不能使用这些力量,却可以赋予他人。并制造出一枚空间戒指与世间戒指,而生成这两枚戒指的目的,则是为了让那个被灌输时间与空间之力的人可以依附这两枚戒指而存在。” Wait/Etc., that two rings, they afterward how?” Feng Xiao knits the brows to ask. “等等,那两枚戒指,它们后来怎么样了?”风逍皱眉问道。 They vanished, in situation that in the Gods do not know complete disappearance, also that Elder Brother portrait that simultaneously vanishes with Jade Emperor, because he is that withstands the time and Space Power person.” Feng Yao said. “它们消失了,在众神不知道的情况下完全的消失,同时消失的还有那张哥哥的画像与玉皇大帝,因为他就是那个承受时间与空间之力的人。”风瑶说道。 Jade Emperor...... Does he have a name to call Bairen?” Feng Xiao opened eyes. 玉皇大帝……他有没有一个名字叫百忍?”风逍睁大了眼睛 Feng Yao lightly smiled, said: Then Jade Emperor once name was called Zhang Bairen,” 风瑶轻轻一笑,说道:“当时的玉皇大帝曾经的名字叫张百忍,” A Feng Xiao fist pounds above own forehead, he already should think...... His subconscious has not thought to this inconceivable direction. Originally in the time and space end, opens his time and Space Power Old Man Bairen unexpectedly is Jade Emperor!! 风逍一拳砸在自己额头之上,他早就该想到……只是他下意识的没有向这个不可思议的方向去想。原来在时间与空间的尽头,开启他时间与空间之力百忍老人竟然是玉皇大帝!! But initially has been worn the time and Ring of Space in hand by oneself is that two rings of Heaven Realm manufacture. 而当初一直被自己戴在手上的时间与空间之戒就是天界制造的那两枚戒指。 But that is given Shui Cangqiong by Heavenly Dragon Goddess, and lets Bing Xue'er before he was born in his portrait on love...... Is of Heaven Realm prediction? 而那张由天龙女神交给水苍穹,并让冰雪儿在他出生之前就恋上他的画像……难道就是天界预言的那一张吗? Actually oneself are playing what kind of role. 自己究竟扮演着一个怎样的角色。 Feng Xiao raises the head to Feng Yao full is the vision of worry, after showing a faint smile, said: I am all right...... That Fuxi Maiden and that only Rainbow Phoenix actually how? After Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan follows Wan'er to jump down Rebirth Purgatory,...... Withered away directly?” 风逍抬头对上了风瑶满是担心的目光,微微一笑后说道:“我没事……那伏羲女和那只彩凤究竟怎样了?轩辕黄帝跟随婉儿跳下轮回炼狱后……难道直接消亡了吗?” Feng Yao is smiling shaking the head, the vision is slightly dark, fell into during the remote recollection once more...... 风瑶微笑着摇头,目光稍暗,再次陷入了遥远的回忆之中…… After that Fuxi Maiden almost every day with Rainbow Phoenix in the same place. Although Fuxi's Zither Sealed, but does not affect her to caress the most wonderful immortal sound. But she again has little played a qin, is missing extreme, she embraces Fuxi, caresses is playing the sorrowful chilly wound zither music, lets the heart of Rainbow Phoenix with the fierce ache. Slowly, the time such passed by in 1000, but at this time the Heaven Realm millenniums, are only equal in three years of world. During these millenniums, Fuxi Maiden innumerable arrives at the Rebirth Purgatory entrance to enter Rebirth Purgatory, but kept off by ten three God General. Fuxi's Zither Sealed, how her immortal strength can with ten three God General resistances.” “从那之后,伏羲女几乎每天都和彩凤在一起。伏羲琴虽然被封印,但并不影响她抚出最美妙的仙音。但她已经很少再抚琴,只有在思念到极处,她才怀抱伏羲,抚奏着哀婉凄伤的琴音,让彩凤的心跟着剧烈疼痛。慢慢的,时间就这么过去了1000年,而此时天界的千年,只相当于人间的三年。这千年之中,伏羲女无数次的来到轮回炼狱的入口想要进入轮回炼狱,但都被十三神将挡下。伏羲琴被封印,她的仙力又怎么能和十三神将对抗。” Her innumerable crying asked Rainbow Phoenix to help her enter Rebirth Purgatory, but was rejected by Rainbow Phoenix, how it will make Fuxi Maiden go to Rebirth Purgatory to suffer hardships. Until her painful in 1000, sobbed in 1000, Rainbow Phoenix finally knows, the time was unable to desalinate her sadness, in Heaven Realm, she, be only lived in the endless pain, the only power that jumped down Rebirth Purgatory thus reunited that uncertain hope that is she supports with the husband and daughter, even if will undergo the pain of 50,000 years of Rebirth, even if can therefore relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish.” “她无数次的哭求彩凤帮她进入轮回炼狱,但都被彩凤拒绝,它又怎么会让伏羲女轮回炼狱受苦呢。直到她痛苦了1000年,哭泣了1000年,彩凤才终于知道,时间已经无法淡化她的悲伤,在天界,她只有生活在无尽的痛苦之中,跳下轮回炼狱从而与丈夫和女儿团聚的那丝渺茫希望是她支撑下来的唯一动力,哪怕会经受50000年的轮回之苦,哪怕会因此形神俱灭。” Mother......” Xuanyuan Wan'er was shouting gently, falling of tears in silentness. She as if saw Mother that most loves is enduring is ripping the suffering and missing pain of heart. 妈妈……”轩辕婉儿轻轻喊着,眼泪在静默中一颗颗的滑落。她仿佛看到了最爱的妈妈正忍受着撕心的煎熬与思念之痛。 Therefore, Rainbow Phoenix complied with Fuxi Maiden finally, struck to kill ten three God General with its Multi-colored Flame, has wrecked the blockade of purgatory Rebirth...... Then does not give a thought to the Fuxi Maiden pain to ask, entered Rebirth Purgatory with her--, because it struck to kill ten three God General, Heaven Realm was perhaps impossible to accommodate it again, but it does not hope that Fuxi Maiden was lonely. That time Rainbow Phoenix does not know, the choice of this renouncing is actually in its life the most correct choice.” “于是,彩凤终于答应了伏羲女,用它的彩色火焰击杀了十三神将,击毁了炼狱轮回的封锁……然后不顾伏羲女的苦求,和她一起进入了轮回炼狱——因为它击杀了十三神将,天界或许不可能再容它,而它更不希望伏羲女孤独。那时的彩凤一点都不知道,这个决绝的选择其实是它一生中最正确的选择。” What...... What did you say? It is not this!! Mother still waits certainly for me to go back in Heaven Realm, certainly will not make the piffle, this not real, is not real Ah!! the Xuanyuan Wan'er whole body fiercely shivers, tears such as rain, Feng Xiao tight grasps struggles fiercely she, whatever she goes all out thrashes own chest front, shouted one until her chillily, lay cries once more in his arms. “什么……你说什么?不会是这样的!!妈妈一定还在天界等着我回去,一定不会做傻事的,这不是真的,都不是真的啊!!轩辕婉儿全身剧烈颤抖,泪水如雨而下,风逍紧紧的抱住剧烈挣扎的她,任由她拼命的捶打自己的胸前,直到她凄喊一声,趴在他怀里再次大哭起来。 Feng Yao wipes the moistness of corner of the eye gently, said in a soft voice: This should be a how happy family, because of one is torn to pieces in view of the Heaven Realm disaster, the destiny, good to make fun of the person.” 风瑶轻轻拭去眼角的湿润,柔声说道:“这本应该是多么美好的一个家庭,却因为一场针对天界的灾难而支离破碎,命运,真的好会捉弄人。” Yao'er, you are that only Rainbow Phoenix...... Your previous generation is that Rainbow Phoenix, then recalled the memory of previous generation...... Right?” The Feng Xiao sound is very light, lightly to linking him almost cannot hear. 瑶儿,你就是那只彩凤……你前世是那个彩凤,然后回忆起了前世的记忆……对吗?”风逍的声音很轻,轻到连他自己几乎都听不到。 Elder Brother was only half right.” Feng Yao supple said with a smile, then static relying on his body side, grabs the Wan'er small hand to comfort her. 哥哥只说对了一半。”风瑶笑着说道,然后静静的倚在他身侧,抓着婉儿的小手安慰着她。 Half?” “一半?” Feng Yao grabbed the Xuanyuan Wan'er small hand to shake shaking, said with a smile: Wan'er, your Mother has been visiting you actually, now is also looking at your Oh, the words that you cry like this will make Mother sad.” 风瑶抓着轩辕婉儿的小手晃了晃,笑着说道:“婉儿,你的妈妈其实一直都在看着你,现在也在看着你,你这样哭的话会让妈妈难过的。” Xuanyuan Wan'er white fierce lifts from the Feng Xiao bosom, tearful eyes misty both eyes dull looks at Feng Yao, Elder Sister Yao'er, what did you just say?” 轩辕婉儿的皓首猛的从风逍怀中抬起,泪眼蒙蒙的双目呆呆的看着风瑶,“瑶儿姐姐,你刚刚说什么?” I said, your Mother is visiting you now, therefore cannot cry.” Feng Yao is still a face gentle happy expression. “我说,你的妈妈现在正在看着你,所以不可以哭的。”风瑶依然是一脸柔和的笑意。 Xuanyuan Wan'er stayed flurriedly for a long time, then looks at all around, shouted while sobbing: Mother, you in? You really here? Replied that I am good......” 轩辕婉儿呆了好久,然后慌乱的看着四周,泣声喊道:“妈妈,你在吗?你真的在这里吗?回答我好不好……” Wan'er, you are peaceful first. Although your Mother can see you, does not have the means to reply you, but you cannot see her.” Feng Yao comforts was saying. 婉儿,你先安静下来。你的妈妈虽然可以看到你,却没有办法回答你,而你看不到她的。”风瑶安慰着说道。 „...... Remaining souls of Mother only after Rebirth Purgatory? No...... If the soul, can certainly see by my Strength her, Mother, you where, if you, replied Wan'er to be good, Wan'er was good to think you, Wuuu...... Elder Sister Yao'er you told me, Mother she now where, where! also Father, he how, they certainly same have been all right with Wan'er now, is right?” The Xuanyuan Wan'er tearful eyes dance, is rocking with the hand unceasingly the body of Feng Yao. “……难道,妈妈轮回炼狱后只剩下灵魂?不……如果是灵魂,以我的力量一定可以看到她的,妈妈,你到底在哪里,如果你真的在,回答婉儿好不好,婉儿好想你,呜呜……瑶儿姐姐你告诉我,妈妈她现在在哪里,在哪里啊!还有爸爸呢,他现在怎么样了,他们一定和婉儿一样都没事,对不对?”轩辕婉儿泪眼婆娑,用手不断晃动着风瑶的身体。 Wan'er, first do not worry, calms down?” Feng Yao looks at her eyes, the gentle sound passes to her beside the ear slowly. Xuanyuan Wan'er one suddenly, the moving restlessly unexpectedly fast retrogression in within the body, she nods at present, static visits her. 婉儿,先不要着急,冷静下来好吗?”风瑶看着她的眼睛,柔和的声音徐徐传到她的耳际。轩辕婉儿眼前一恍,体内的躁动竟快速的消退,她点点头,静静的看着她。 The Feng Xiao vision flashed, because he felt that Feng Yao has as if used any warm and mysterious Strength. 风逍的目光闪动了一下,因为他感觉到风瑶似乎使用了什么温暖而神秘的力量 Feng Yao is depending on the shoulder of Feng Xiao, described Fuxi Maiden to tell all her in the soul space: Rebirth Purgatory degenerated for 50,000 years later, Wan'er and Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan one after the other fell the world. In the time difference by world, they should in almost arrive in the same place at the same time, but Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan of remaining souls actually have not only seen Xuanyuan Sword, baby who instead saw above one descend...... Subconscious, he saves him with oneself Strength. This baby not only from high does not see the cliff that withstand/top to fall, but also already exploded suffocation, stemming from the instinct benevolence and this marvelous fate, he has repaired his body with own Strength, but in the process of restore, he discovered with amazement he unexpectedly is the person who Heaven Realm must find.” 风瑶依着风逍的肩膀,描述起伏羲女在灵魂空间告诉她的一切:“在轮回炼狱堕落了50000年之后,婉儿轩辕黄帝一前一后落到了人间。以天地之间的时间差别,他们本应该在几乎同一时间在同一个地方到达,但只剩下灵魂的轩辕黄帝却没有看到轩辕剑,反而看到了上空一个正在降落的婴儿……下意识的,他用自己的力量将他救起。这个婴儿不但从高不见顶的悬崖落下,而且已经被炸的奄奄一息,出于本能的善心和这场奇妙的缘分,他用自己的力量修复了他的身体,而在修复的过程中,他惊讶的发现他竟然就是天界要找的人。” „...... I was saved by Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan unexpectedly!? But the exit|to speak of Rebirth Purgatory unexpectedly is...... That mysterious cliff under Kunlun Mountains!?” Feng Xiao startled sound said. “……我竟然是被轩辕黄帝所救!?而轮回炼狱的出口竟然是……昆仑下的那个神秘断崖!?”风逍惊声道。 Un, is really the arrangement of destiny. If Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan early presents or late presents a small meeting, Elder Brother does not exist.” Some Feng Yao fear rackets own chest. “嗯,真的是命运的安排呢。如果轩辕黄帝早出现或者晚出现一小会,哥哥就不存在了呢。”风瑶有些后怕的拍拍自己的胸脯。 Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan is wild with joy, but because did not have the body, he is unable to carry off this baby who falls from the space. Only can find a person to foster him in this world. But this person must be has no cares not to have family member's acting alone, moreover must have the benevolence and very strong strength. Therefore, Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan found has been called Wind Spirit Sword Saint the acting alone hero, and makes the Intelligence (mind/spirit) brand mark with Soul Power in his brain, making him arrive at that baby there under the direction of Intelligence (mind/spirit), saved him...... Un, is Elder Brother!” 轩辕黄帝欣喜若狂,但由于没有了身体,他无法带走这个从天上降下来的婴儿。只能在这个世界找到一个人来抚养他。而这个人必须是无牵无挂没有亲人的独行者,而且要有善心和很强的实力。于是,轩辕黄帝找到了一个被称作‘风魂剑圣’的独行侠,并用灵魂之力在他脑中打下精神烙印,让他在精神的指引下来到了那个婴儿那里,就救起了他……嗯,也就是哥哥!” Adoptive Father...... Originally all these unexpectedly because of Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. Feng Xiao shakes the head gently. 义父……原来这一切竟然都是因为轩辕黄帝风逍轻轻摇头。 Afterward, Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan start made Adoptive Father teach that Elder Brother cultivated Chaos Secret Art, hee, actually Chaos Secret Art this name was Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan compiled, Chaos Power was some Elder Brother originally ability, when Elder Brother ability and state of mind were enough naturally can enter the step, at all not requirement anything secret/trick. But to let Elder Brother Ac­cepts, therefore had Chaos Secret Art. Actually Chaos Secret Art the characteristics that these showing, are the people of Heaven Realm know Chaos Power that are in sole possession.” “后来,轩辕黄帝开始让义父教导哥哥修炼混沌决,嘻,其实‘混沌决’这个名字是轩辕黄帝编造出来的而已,混沌之力哥哥本来就有的能力,当哥哥能力和心境足够时自然会进阶,根本不需要什么诀窍的。但为了让哥哥接受,所以就有了‘混沌决’。其实‘混沌决’的那些说明,都是天界之人都知道的混沌之力独有的特征而已。” However Fuxi Maiden, Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan arrives at the world three years later, Fuxi Maiden and Rainbow Phoenix finally have also been separated from Rebirth Purgatory, arrived under Kunlun Mountain, suffering of Rebirth Purgatory lets Fuxi Maiden regardless of Strength or the soul only remaining half, but Rainbow Phoenix is the day of spirit beast, cannot withstand filthiness between this mortal world, it retained 70% souls after arriving at the world fast was dissipating, quick completely will dissipate...... Fuxi Maiden is burning with impatience, Rainbow Phoenix kills ten three God General for her, for does not make her be willing to accompany under her lonely Rebirth Purgatory, how she allows Rainbow Phoenix such to dissipate.” “而伏羲女,就在轩辕黄帝到达人间三年后,伏羲女彩凤也终于脱离了轮回炼狱,来到了昆仑山下,轮回炼狱的折磨让伏羲女无论力量还是灵魂都只剩下一半,而彩凤是天之灵兽,根本承受不起尘世间的污浊,它保留了七成的灵魂在到达人间之后快速的消逝着,很快就会完全的消散……伏羲女心急如焚,彩凤为了她而杀十三神将,又为了不让她孤独甘愿陪她下轮回炼狱,她又怎么允许彩凤就这么消逝。” „The danger that therefore, she braves soul entirely leisurely/scatter, gathers all immortal strength that oneself retained, makes a HP/Life body by ability that she is in sole possession, and moves in the soul that Rainbow Phoenix almost soon completely diverges...... But Rainbow Phoenix Strength has not actually dissipated, a extremely huge Strength can it be that Xiao Xiao (little) baby can withstand. Therefore, Fuxi Maiden remains many Strength attempts to make that Strength fall into the deep sleep with her...... Is good because, Rainbow Phoenix Strength has not struggled, but temperate obeyed the summon and guidance of Fuxi Maiden hides in newborn Rainbow Phoenix within the body, was waiting for the turning point of awakening.” “于是,她冒着灵魂俱散的危险,聚集起了自己保留的所有仙力,以她独有的能力制造出了一个生命体,并将彩凤几乎快要完全散去的灵魂移入……但彩凤力量却没有消散,太过庞大的力量又岂是一个小小婴儿可以承受的起的。于是,伏羲女又用她所剩不多的力量试图让那股力量陷入沉睡……好在,彩凤力量并没有挣扎,而是温和的顺从伏羲女的召唤与引导潜藏在了新生彩凤的体内,等待着觉醒的契机。”
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