LA :: Volume #7

#679: Shadow

Downstairs, Lin Ying is holding that lightly by the family photo that the tears get wet, is listening attentively to father narration of slowly, was outlining the gentle mothers and two talent Younger Brother in the heart. 楼下,林樱轻抱着那张被泪水沾湿的全家福,倾听着父亲徐徐的讲述,在心中勾勒着温柔的母亲和两个天才般的弟弟 But was unable to see them, they completely did not have, because they by native of Japan cruel killing, will not come back. But because of a native of Japan, she has not seen mother, cannot see own Younger Brother, with family member separate entire 19 years. 可是还未能见到他们,他们就已经全部没有了,因为他们已经被东瀛人残忍的杀死,再也不会回来。而也是因为东瀛人,她没有见母亲一面,没能见自己的弟弟一面,与家人失散了整整19年。 What is pitiful, is giving loyalty to by her who the destiny plays in a native of Japan from infancy to maturity, moreover that biggest personal enemy. 可悲的是,被命运玩弄的她从小到大都在效忠于东瀛人,而且还是那个自己最大的仇人。 Her both eyes cover the mist once more, in the heart well up killing intent that hates time and time again. 她的双目再次蒙上水雾,心中一次又一次涌上仇恨的杀意。 The gate was opened, restored tranquil Lin Zeshang to see entrance Feng Xiao, immediately rushed over, Thump kneels down before him, kowtowing of heavily, hits floor peng peng to make noise, Feng Xiao helps up him hastily, a face embarrassed say/way: This ritual also was too probably big.” 门被打开,已经恢复了平静的林泽商看到了门口的风逍,立即冲了过去,“扑通”一声跪倒在他面前,重重的磕起头来,撞得地板“砰砰”作响,风逍连忙将他扶起,一脸不好意思道:“这礼好像也太大了点。” Wind are few, thank you, thank you...... You gave me HP/Life, helped me retrieve the daughter...... I, my this short remaining life was your, later wanted wind few few words, I was willing to make the cow to make the horse......” his face to say excitedly, struck an attitude to kneel down, frightens Feng Xiao hastily to hold him steadily, on the forehead the cold sweat braved, unexpectedly by the future father-in-law kneeling, hasn't been able the die sooner die sooner? “风少,谢谢你,谢谢你……你给我了生命,又帮我找回了女儿……我,我这条老命就是你的了,以后只要风少一句话,我甘愿做牛做马……”他一脸激动的说着,作势又要下跪,吓得风逍连忙把他扶稳,额头上冷汗直冒,居然被未来的老丈人给跪了,不会折寿吧? You do not need to be so grateful I, I initially saved you am accident/surprise, helping you have the selfishness, but retrieves your daughter, this can only say that was the divine intervention.” “你不用这么感激我,我当初救你是意外,帮你也是有私心的,而找回你的女儿,这只能说是天意了。” no no!” Lin Zeshang shakes the head hastily: Wind few obligation cardinal virtue my this whole life cannot repay, I am willing little to make the cow to make the horse for the wind for a lifetime!” 不不!”林泽商连忙摇头:“风少的大恩大德我这辈子都报答不完,我愿意一辈子为风少做牛做马!” Un, makes the cow to make the horse for a lifetime, this was you says personally. Good, that you give me to live well, do not live half a lifetime to let go to leave.” “嗯,一辈子做牛做马,这可是你亲口说的。好,那就你给我好好的活,别才活了半辈子就撒手走人了。” Lin Zeshang stares first, then laughed heartily: Relax the wind are few, if were yesterday, I do not dare to believe firmly how long oneself can also live, but now, I am at cost of the life also to live to hug the grandchild, hugged the day of the heavy grandchild.” 林泽商先是一愣,然后哈哈大笑起来:“放心吧风少,如果是昨天,我也不敢确信自己还能活多久,但是现在,我就是拼了老命也要活到抱外孙,抱重外孙那天。” When this was Feng Xiao first time looks at Lunatic to smile, smiled on the face does the bark general wrinkle to twist in one. But Feng Xiao actually as if saw past high-spirited Lin Zeshang. But is also starting today, he no longer called Lunatic, but was Lin Zeshang. 这是风逍第一次看疯子笑,笑起来时脸上干树皮一般的皱纹都拧在了一起。但风逍却仿佛看到了当年意气风发的林泽商。而也是从今天开始,他不再叫疯子,而是林泽商 Father...... You were saying anything.” On his behind Lin Ying face hikes up the light sunset glow unexpectedly, beautiful not local products. “爸……你在说什么啊。”他身后的林樱脸上竟飘起淡淡红霞,美艳不可方物。 Lin Zeshang laughs once more, Lin Ying draws before the Feng Xiao body, gratified saying: Had the daughter, I also finally know oneself are also living, for the daughter, I can also going on living well. I know that wind few sides had in many world the most outstanding female friend, but my daughter to your sentiment root deep type, can be joined to the wind to be few reluctantly, if the wind few does not shut out......” 林泽商再次大笑一声,将林樱拉到风逍身前,欣慰的说道:“有了女儿,我也终于知道自己还活着,为了女儿,我也会好好的活下去。我知道风少身边已经有很多世界上最优秀的红颜知己,但我女儿对你情根深种,也还勉强配得上风少,如果风少不嫌弃的话……” Feng Xiao has taken over the Lin Ying slender waist, stirs up Lin Ying one to shout lightly, said with a chuckle: Does not shut out, does not shut out. So long as you do not shut out my woman to be too many well.” 风逍一把揽过林樱的纤腰,惹得林樱一声轻呼,嘿嘿笑道:“不嫌弃,一点都不嫌弃。只要您老不嫌弃我女人太多就好。” Hehe, wind few such a dragon amongst men, the having god-given wisdom rare talent naturally should the numerous beautiful encirclement. My daughter can with the wind few be her good fortune, but I believe that will not disappoint my daughter by wind few moral behavior absolutely. Hands over in other manpower I will not feel relieved.” Saying of Lin Zeshang laughed. The Feng Xiao appearance, ability, wealth and status of Long Family successor, also he exceeds others in ability general inconceivable all sorts of ability he to watch, which is the average man can. 呵呵,风少这样的人中之龙,天纵奇才自然应该众美环绕。我女儿能跟着风少是她的福分,而我相信以风少的人品绝对不会辜负我女儿。交到其他人手里我也不会放心。”林泽商笑呵呵的说道。风逍的长相、能力、财富、龙家继承人的地位,还有他超人一般不可思议的种种能力他都看在眼里,哪一个是常人之所能及。 I prepare to make her live my there,” Feng Xiao does not attend to the Lin Ying rosy the complexion, is thick the facial skin saying: You also arrive around my family/home to go, like this we can also every day be responsible for and supervise your diet, cannot be busy at not eating the thing like before to several days again frequently.” “我准备让她在我那里住,”风逍不顾林樱娇红的脸色,厚着脸皮说道:“你老也到我家附近去住吧,这样我们也可以每天负责和监督你饮食,不能再像以前那样经常忙到几天都不吃东西。” Lin Zeshang shook the head, said with a smile: My daughter is occupied by your there me puts 100 hearts, by wind few ability, there absolutely is the entire world safest place. Officer Long has arranged the safe dwelling to me, there has the army to guard, will also give me as far as possible the help of various requirement, moreover there also many economical madmen, I are thinking that there most suits my place. Also is helpful me managing Swift Wind World and Long Feng Group as well as Japan plans. So long as my daughter can come to see me to be good frequently.” Lin Zeshang face affection looks at Lin Ying, oneself also had the daughter, does he also hold true by going on living not well. 林泽商摇了摇头,笑眯眯的说道:“我女儿住到你那里我是放100个心,以风少的能力,那里绝对是全世界最安全的地方。只是龙首长已经给我安排了安全的住处,那里有军队把守,还会尽可能的给我各种需要的帮助,而且那里还有着很多的经济狂人,我想那里才是最适合我的地方。也更有助我经营好风行天下龙风集团以及东瀛计划。只要我女儿能经常来看看我就好了。”林泽商一脸慈爱的看着林樱,自己又有了女儿,他又有什么理由不好好的活下去。 Good, I impolite has taken away your daughter, do not give up.” “那好吧,我就不客气的把你女儿带走了,您老可别不舍得。” On the Yanhuang Office downward elevator, Lin Ying closes right up against Feng Xiao, innermost feelings thoughts constantly welling up, on the face is not happy not sadly. Such rapidness that originally the destiny can transform, from yesterday to today, all such as in dreamland general. She left grew 19 years of Japan, returned to own motherland, had found own father, had found him, and can such follow side him, did not have any fetter again. 炎黄大厦向下的电梯上,林樱靠着风逍,内心思绪万千,脸上无喜无悲。原来命运可以转变的如此之快,从昨天到今天,一切都如在梦境中一般。她离开了生长了19年的东瀛,回到了自己的祖国,找到了自己的生父,找到了他,并可以就这么一直跟在他身边,再无任何束缚。 How I later should call you to be good, un...... Can call Little Ying'er?” “我以后该怎么叫你才好呢,嗯……难道要叫小樱儿?” The Xiao Tian whole body at the same time shakes, goosebumps fell place. 一边的萧天全身一抖,鸡皮疙瘩掉了一地。 Does not want!” Lin Ying very simple rejection. “不要!”林樱很干脆的拒绝。 „Did that call Yingying?” “那叫樱樱?” Un......” “嗯……” Yingying, cry Elder Brother listens.” 樱樱,叫声哥哥来听。” „...... Elder Brother.” “……哥哥。” The Xiao Tian whole body shook time and time again, could not bear the eruption finally: Eldest child, you two do not want, when I do not exist to be good. The also eldest child, you absolutely are siscon! Likes listening to little girl to call your elder brother!” 萧天全身抖了一次又一次,终于忍不住爆发:“老大,你们两个不要当我不存在好不好。还有老大,你绝对是妹控!就喜欢听小女孩叫你哥!” Feng Xiao curls the lip saying: I, if siscon, your older sister what to do?” 风逍撇撇嘴道:“我要是妹控,那你姐咋办?” Xiao Tian eyes stares, immediately obedient not saying a word. 萧天眼睛一瞪,立即乖乖的一言不发。 Comes out to arrive at a building hall from the elevator, Feng Xiao discovered pleasant unexpectedly is own Asura image, on the wall pastes, on the screen broadcasts is Asura. He touches oneself hair, secretly thought is recognized. 从电梯出来走到一楼大厅,风逍发现入眼的竟全是自己的修罗形象,无论是墙上贴的,屏幕上播放的都是修罗。他摸了摸自己的头发,暗道不会被人认出来吧。 His worry is obviously unnecessary, because he discovered in consternation a lively building hall more than 50% young men are the white hair that dyes, a several black hair instead is quite conspicuous. 他的担心显然是多余的,因为他愕然的发现热闹的一楼大厅里一半以上的年轻男子都是染的白头发,几个一头黑发的反而比较惹眼。 Xiao Tian held the spacious sunglasses on face, roars conceited said: Ai, early knows that initially should wear a mask to mount the stage, now entire where walks is calling out in alarm of Young Lady, the charm too greatly is really upsetting Ah...... Aii eldest child wait/etc. I.” 萧天扶了扶脸上的宽大墨镜,牛气哄哄道:“哎,早知道当初就该戴个面具上台,现在整的走哪里都是少女的惊叫,魅力太大真是让人苦恼啊……哎哎老大等等我。” The car(riage) that Xiao Tian called waited in roadside, before Feng Xiao drew Lin Ying boarded, Xiao Tian suddenly stops by calling out him, earnestly said: Eldest child, to Uncle Long and a Aunt Long opportunity, you should know, actually wrong not in them.” 萧天叫的车已经在路边等候,风逍林樱上车前,萧天忽然叫住他,认真的说道:“老大,给龙伯伯龙伯母一个机会吧,你应该知道,其实错并不在他们。” Feng Xiao is silent, after long time, he opens the vehicle door......, His movement stiff, fierce raises the head looks suddenly to the sky. 风逍沉默不语,半晌之后,他拉开车门……忽的,他的动作一僵,猛的抬头看向上空。 Xiao Tian looks upwardly along his vision, actually only saw dazzling to Sun that is unable to look straight ahead. 萧天沿着他的目光向上看去,却只看到耀眼到无法直视的太阳。 „Has eldest child, what you discovered?” Xiao Tian somewhat anxious asking. The serious feeling on Feng Xiao face makes him understand that he has discovered anything exceptionally. “老大,你发现了什么?”萧天有些紧张的问道。风逍脸上的沉重感让他明白他一直发现了什么异常。 Little Tian, do you have to think Sun...... Some round of darkness.” Feng Xiao muttered said that vision still straight looks at the sky. The hot sun solar energy stabs eyes of person easily, the average man is unable to look straight ahead generally, but he such continuously looks. 小天,你有没有觉得太阳……有些发暗。”风逍喃喃说道,目光依然直直的看着天空。烈日的太阳能轻易刺伤一个人的眼睛,常人一般无法直视,而他就这么一直的看着。 Xiao Tian and Lin Ying raises the head looks to airborne Sun, but one second was punctured puts aside the vision. Lin Ying shakes the head, Xiao Tian also shakes the head saying: Bright dazzling, how also to send secretly.” 萧天林樱抬头看向空中的太阳,但一秒就被刺得移开目光。林樱摇头,萧天也摇头道:“亮的刺眼,又怎么会发暗。” Feng Xiao turns a deaf ear, still straight looks. Xiao Tian and Lin Ying do not dare to disturb him, not saying a word looks at his strange action. 风逍充耳不闻,依然直直的看着。萧天林樱也不敢打搅他,一言不发的看着他的怪异举动。 Enough after one minute, Feng Xiao takes back the vision, then a face silent draws Lin Ying to board. The car(riage) started left the line of sight of Xiao Tian, stays behind Xiao Tian that a face stared blankly. 足足一分钟之后,风逍才收回目光,然后一脸沉默的拉着林樱上车。车紧接着发动离开了萧天的视线,留下了一脸发怔的萧天 What just had discovered?” Under the silent atmosphere, Lin Ying cannot bear ask finally. “刚刚发现了什么?”沉默的气氛之下,林樱终于忍不住问道。 Feng Xiao shook the head, shuts eyes not to speak. Lin Ying had not asked again. 风逍摇了摇头,闭着眼睛没有说话。林樱没有再问。 That is...... The shadow, the shadow has possibly camouflaged Sun, has possibly camouflaged Earth, has possibly camouflaged completely. But shadow edge is golden. 那是……阴影,阴影可能是遮蔽了太阳,也可能是遮蔽了地球,也可能是遮蔽了全部。而阴影的边缘是金色 Why possibly look that clear...... Because of Chaos Power? 为什么自己可能看的那么清楚……是因为混沌之力吗? Is serious feeling that innermost feelings have suddenly what? 那内心忽然生出的沉重感又是什么? Besides him, another place has another pair of eyes and he a moment ago equally straight looks at the sky Sun, for a very long time has not put aside the vision. 除他之外,另一个地方有另一双眼睛同他刚才一样直直的看着天空的太阳,久久没有移开目光。 Beiming Yudie arrived at the rear garden, then anxious running in the past with saying that the hand has deceived his eyes, being angry: Xiao'er, Mother and you had said many times, cannot look at Sun with eyes, can injure to eyes!” 北冥语蝶来到了后方的庭院,然后急急的跑过去用手蒙住了他的眼睛,生气的说道:“霄儿,妈妈和你说过好多次了,不可以用眼睛去看太阳,会伤到眼睛的!” Hee, knows Mother, later, just I will certainly not have discovered the amusing thing. Mother...... I took an afternoon nap.” He takes back the vision, wields the small hand to Mother, then steps the small step to run off. “嘻,知道啦妈妈,以后一定不会啦、刚刚我只是发现了好玩的东西而已。妈妈……我去睡午觉了哟。”他收回目光,向妈妈挥挥小手,然后迈着小步子跑开。 Looks at his back absent-minded, the Beiming Yudie vision, because she as if felt that his step somewhat seems to be floating, somewhat shakes, to feeling that the person one type momentarily can throw down. 看着他的背影,北冥语蝶的目光恍惚了一下,因为她似乎感觉到他的步子似乎有些飘,有些晃,给人一种随时都会摔倒的感觉。 Duanmu Xiao returns to own room, then the general's family deadlocks, body soft according to gate. 端木霄回到自己的房间,然后将门锁死,身体软软的依在门上。 That is any thing...... Why makes me feel such depressing...... Can be the disaster?” “那是什么东西……为什么让我感觉这么压抑……会是天灾吗?” ................................................................................................ …………………………………………………………………………………… Compares the man, among the women is easier to establish the passion. When Feng Xiao and Lin Ying go home, Bing Xue'er and Bing Lan'er already again unrestrained, intimate is calling Elder Sister Younger Sister. Azure Dragon of peaceful few language as if ripe has wound with them, but also became their Eldest Sister was just like big. 相比男人来说,女人之间更容易建立感情。当风逍林樱回家时,冰雪儿冰蓝儿已经再无拘束,亲热的唤着姐姐妹妹。就连安静少语的青龙都似乎已经和她们熟络,还俨然成了她们的大姐大。 Feng Xiao wants to make her work as the full-time bodyguards. Has her, no matter, where go to put 100 hearts. Even if sends the ten thousand people of armies of live ammunition to come insufficiently her move of racket. 风逍就想让她当个全职保镖而已。有她在,不管以后自己去哪里都放100个心。即使派个真枪实弹的万人军队来都不够她一招拍的。 But those who make these women expressions strange is, Feng Xiao exits shortly, also to lead a woman unexpectedly, moreover similarly is beautiful to pinnacle that type, could not miss several points compared with Feng Yao. One time facing these many strange Sisters, she does not have the slight having stage fright feeling, but takes head sun hat, shook to send, tranquilly said: I called Lin Ying.” 而让这些女人们表情怪异的是,风逍才出去没多久,居然又带回来一个女人,而且同样是美到极致那种,比起风瑶都差不了几分。一次面对这么多陌生的姐妹,她没有丝毫的怯场感,而是拿下头上的遮阳帽,甩了甩头发,平静的说道:“我叫林樱。” Therefore, here within one day were many three girls...... Throws in Azure Dragon. But afternoon time in cleaning the reorganization passed, because they need to start to use two building these already very long has not used the room. Lin Ying, also Bing Xue'er Bing Lan'er is first time does such matter, although is jerky, but excited the small face in the happy talks and laughters is ruddy. Because the cleaning work has Azure Dragon, therefore some excessively smooth. Her Wind Attribute Magic/MP, covers entirely the dust the room to be spotless immediately...... Including beforehand lays aside in clean that inside bed and desk and so on vanish, it is estimated that was twisted the powder then to blow, wanting to cry but have no tears that Feng Xiao looks. 于是,这里一天之内多了三个女孩……附赠一只青龙。而下午的时间都是在打扫整理中度过,因为她们有必要开始使用二楼那些已经很久没使用过的房间。林樱,还有冰雪儿冰蓝儿都是第一次做这样的事,虽然生涩,但却在欢声笑语中兴奋的小脸红扑扑的。清扫工作因为有青龙在所以有些过分的顺利。她一个风系魔法,布满灰尘的房间立即一尘不染……连以前放置在里面的床、书桌之类都消失的一干二净,估计是被绞成粉末然后吹了出去,直把风逍看的欲哭无泪。
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