LA :: Volume #7

#678: Oppressive wolf

Chapter 678 oppressive wolf 第678章虐狼 He puts out a hand hastily downward, in Small Black Tortoise before the person discovered has drawn it with Chaos Power, then throws into the pocket. Although Small Black Tortoise was brought this world, but not drops with Azure Dragon same ability. Although it was just born merely, but it after all is Black Tortoise. The baby who was just born could not do the dog wolf, death ant that but same stepped on. 他连忙伸手向下,在小玄武在人发现之前用混沌之力将它拉了上来,然后丢进口袋里。小玄武虽被带来这个世界,但和青龙一样能力并无下降。虽然它仅仅是刚出生,但它毕竟是玄武。刚出生的娃娃干不过狗狼,但一样踩的死蚂蚁。 Xiao Tian subconscious is far away from Small Black Tortoise several points the body, asking that a face fears: Eldest child, your thing really does not have one to be normal, what Strength this small turtle will not be needed to transform by you?” 萧天下意识的将身体远离小玄武几分,一脸怕怕的问道:“老大,你身边的东西果然没一个是正常的,这个小乌龟不会又是被你用什么力量改造成的吗?” Feng Xiao curls the lip: I did not have ability transformation turtle, it is actually Black Tortoise.” 风逍一撇嘴:“我还没能力改造乌龟,它其实是玄武。” Xiao Tian:( ⊙ o ⊙) Ah!? 萧天:(⊙o⊙)啊!? You have not misunderstood, it is Black Tortoise, was just born. I used Monster Refining Pot not to be careful carrying over.” Feng Xiao said. “你没听错,它就是玄武,刚刚出生而已。我用炼妖壶不小心给带出了。”风逍说道。 Xiao Tian gu has swallowed under the saliva ruthlessly: Eldest child, this...... This means anything.” 萧天“咕”的一声狠狠的咽了下口水:“老大,这……这意味着什么。” Hehe......” Feng Xiao has knocked the chin, a face happily said: Along with bringing Small Black Tortoise, is meaning that can make earthquake anything anytime and anywhere.” 嘿嘿……”风逍敲了敲下巴,一脸得意道:“随着带着小玄武,意味着可以随时随地制造个地震什么的。” Xiao Tian:( ⊙ o ⊙)!! 萧天:(⊙o⊙)!! Un, then we have a look at Aotian now, how he in has hesitated copes with Ximen Kuang, if I, I was also certain the meeting to find one to him most painful suffering, but will not let the method that he died.” “嗯,那么我们现在去看看傲天吧,他一直在犹豫怎么对付西门狂,如果是我,我也一定会想找到一个能给他最痛苦的折磨,但又不会让他死的方法。” ...................................................................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………… Yang Aotian towed barely alive Ximen Kuang to walk was very long, has not actually waited saying that some Ximen Family people pursued. For did not make Ximen Kuang die, he flung to be very far him, then stubbornly was staring at him, among the gaps between teeth sent out giggle cutting tooth sound. 杨傲天拖着半死不活的西门狂走了很久,却没有等道西门家有人追上来。为了不让西门狂死去,他将他甩出去很远,然后死死的盯着他,牙缝间发出“咯咯”的切齿声。 The right hand and right arm are disabled, chest cavity almost trampled to bits Ximen Kuang suffocated, occasionally moves except for the left hand several, almost and a deceased person not different. 右手与右臂残废,胸腔几乎被跺碎的西门狂已经奄奄一息,除了左手偶尔动弹几下,几乎和一个死人无异。 Such made him die...... He is not willing. 就这么让他死去吗……他不甘心。 Yang Aotian not cruel tyrannical person, but this Ximen Kuang owes his blood debt too to be really many, how can make him such death will settle everything. 杨傲天绝非残忍暴虐之人,但这个西门狂欠他的血债实在太多,怎能让他就这么一死了之。 sound of the wind has blown, Feng Xiao draws Xiao Tian to lower from the sky, falls before the Yang Aotian body, first has swept dead dog general Ximen Kuang, then said with a smile: Aotian, does not see for a long time.” 一阵风声吹过,风逍拉着萧天从天空降下,落在杨傲天身前,先是扫了一眼死狗一般的西门狂,然后笑着说道:“傲天,好久不见。” The Yang Aotian mean complexion relaxes, his vision stays above the Feng Xiao white hair, somewhat guilty saying: Is I am useless, during that time anything could not do.” 杨傲天阴狠的脸色放松下来,他的目光停留在风逍的白发之上,有些愧疚的说道:“是我没用,那段时间什么都做不了。” Feng Xiao nodded, face earnestly said: Therefore, after you reported ended enmity, must help me work fully, this did to compensate.” 风逍点了点头,一脸认真的说道:“所以,你报完仇后就必须全力的帮我做事,这样就算做补偿了。” The Xiao Tian complexion flashes through being astonished color/look, nodded slightly that immediately understands clearly. Yang Aotian becomes Death God because of the hatred, if hated along with dying of Ximen Kuang dissipates, his life perhaps did not have the existence power and reason. If Lunatic is the same. But Feng Xiao must continue the reason that saves this humble one to go to him. 萧天脸色闪过讶色,马上又了然的微微点头杨傲天因仇恨而成为死神,如果仇恨随着西门狂的死去而消逝,他的人生或许就没了存在的动力和理由。就如果疯子一样。而风逍要给他一个继续存在下去的理由。 Works?” Yang Aotian first is somewhat vacant, then firm saying: I can help the eldest child make anything, so long as eldest child a few words.” “做事?”杨傲天先是有些茫然,然后又坚定的说道:“我可以帮老大做什么,只要老大一句话。” Oh, you should also the clear present have how formidable, can help my matter be too many. For example, you can help me protect Ruoruo.” The Feng Xiao trend goes, a face has patted his shoulder seriously. Yang Aotian aura of death does not have the slight influence to him. ,你也应该清楚自己现在有多么的强大,可以帮我的事情太多了。比如,你可以帮我保护若若。”风逍走向前去,一脸郑重的拍了拍他的肩膀。杨傲天死气对他没有丝毫的影响。 Protects Ruoruo...... Right, I can also protect Ruoruo, I will certainly not make anybody injure her again.” As if sees the front path all of a sudden, Yang Aotian aura of death heavy both eyes obvious has shone. Feng Xiao gratified smiles, said: Aotian, Ximen Ye, Ximen Family other people have looked forward to Ximen Kuang dead in your hand but actually directly, but Ximen Family a moment ago...... Un, had an earthquake, now is in great confusion, why therefore you do not need doubts nobody to pursue you. How you certainly are considering to renovate this Ximen Kuang now...... Heh, looks my.” “保护若若……对对,我还可以保护若若,我一定不会让任何人再伤害到她。”仿佛一下子看到前方的道路,杨傲天死气沉沉的双目明显的亮了一下。风逍欣慰的一笑,说道:“傲天,西门野已经倒了,西门家的其他人巴不得西门狂直接死在你手上,而西门家刚才……嗯,发生了点地震,现在乱成一团,所以你不用疑惑为什么没人追你。你现在一定在考虑怎么整治这个西门狂吧……嘿,看我的吧。” Feng Xiao arrives in front of Ximen Kuang, extends right hand, separates to empty to his body pours into is bringing Chaos Qi of strength of restore, as if fears dirty own hand. Under Fifth Layer Chaos Power, the life-force fast recovery of Ximen Kuang within the body, fully returns to the original condition including the right arm right hand of break. What is somewhat unusual, must retrieve by his present ability completely person of being on the verge of death only takes twenty seconds, but this time he has used for nearly one minute. 风逍走到西门狂面前,伸出右手,隔空向他的身体上灌入带着修复之力的混沌之气,似乎是怕脏了自己的手。在第五层混沌之力下,西门狂体内的生机快速的复苏,连断裂的右臂右手都完全恢复原状。有些异常的是,以他如今的能力要完全救回一个濒死之人只需二十几秒的时间,但这次他足足用了近一分钟。 When Feng Xiao receives reaches behind the back, already uninjured Ximen Kuang gingerly stands up from the ground, then looked at own both hands, cannot believe oneself restored such as beginning. At this moment, he even thinks oneself either died, either is in the dream. 风逍收回手时,已经毫发无伤西门狂战战兢兢的从地上站起,然后看了看自己的双手,怎么也不敢相信自己已经恢复如初。这一刻,他甚至以为自己要么已经死了,要么正在梦中。 Ah!! sad and shrill angry roaring, the Yang Aotian heart of hearts piled up the too long vicious tendencies finally to find the vent place, a fist that his fierce plunging Ximen Kuang, wielded the filled hatred, pierced his chest directly...... 啊!!”一声凄厉的怒吼,杨傲天内心深处积压了太久的戾气终于找到了发泄的地方,他猛的扑向西门狂,挥出盈|满仇恨的一拳,直接将他的胸口洞穿…… Ximen Kuang sends out from the birth to the present most pitiful roar, the body sprinkles the blood to depart under a foot of Yang Aotian, in the ground pain was cowering. But his chest front pierced part unexpectedly fast cicatrization, quick restores such as beginning, but that rending severe pain has not actually vanished. 西门狂发出从出生到现在最悲惨的吼声,身体在杨傲天的一脚之下洒血飞出,在地上痛苦的瑟缩着。而他胸前被洞穿的部分竟快速的愈合,很快就恢复如初,但那撕心裂肺的剧痛却没有跟着消失。 ...... Has wasted not small Strength on him. Aotian, you at will, within 24 hours, so long as does not reduce his head, how you will suffer him not dead, even if the body restore pain will also retain.” Feng Xiao shot a look at Ximen Kuang one to say. “呼……在他身上浪费了不小力量傲天,你随意吧,24小时之内,只要不砍掉他的脑袋,你怎么折磨他都不会死,而且即使身体修复痛苦也会保留。”风逍瞥了西门狂一眼说道。 The Yang Aotian corners of the mouth reveal cruel smiling, the double fist grips pa pa makes noise: Eldest child, thank you......” 杨傲天嘴角露出残忍的笑,双拳攥的“”作响:“老大,谢谢你……” Does not need to thank me. I only hope that you can such to him be because this is he owes you, after tomorrow, your heavy affectionate righteousness, arrogant rigid Yang Aotian.” Feng Xiao said. “不用谢我。我只希望你可以这么对他是因为这是他欠你的,明天之后,你还是那个重情重义,孤傲执着的杨傲天。”风逍说道。 Yang Aotian nods: I am not Ximen Kuang such domestic animal, will therefore not lose the disposition, I also prepare to protect Ruoruo with Strength that oneself obtain , helping the eldest child do any matter.” 杨傲天点头:“我不是西门狂这样的畜生,更不会因此而迷失了心性,我还准备用自己所得到的力量去保护若若,去帮助老大做任何事。” His one step, stood before Ximen Kuang forward, both eyes projected the poisonous snake hate light. Dialogue of Ximen Kuang among them listens to the ear, already panic-stricken looking pale, each was not a person, but was Monster...... He is enduring the ache, struggles is kneeing down, kowtows while to entreat: Aotian, before was I damn, was my domestic animal...... Asked you to put me...... I later make the cow to make the horse to you, you want any me to comply...... Asked you to put me, has put me...... Asked you Aotian, we were brothers Ah......” 他向前一步,站在了西门狂前,双目射出毒蛇般的恨光。西门狂将他们之间的对话听在耳中,早已惊骇的面色苍白,他们每一个都不是人,而是怪物……他忍受着疼痛,挣扎着跪倒在地,一边磕头一边哀求道:“傲天,以前是我该死,是我畜生……求求你放了我吧……我以后给你做牛做马,你想要什么我都答应……求求你放了我,放了我……求求你了傲天,我们可是兄弟啊……” Looks that like Ximen Kuang that the ants begged base and low, Yang Aotian wells up the difficult word at heart grieved. Such a person has killed his mother, has destroyed his life...... Is such a person...... 看着如蝼蚁般卑微乞怜的西门狂,杨傲天心里涌上难言的酸楚。就是这么一个人害死了他的母亲,也毁了他的一生……就是这么一个人…… We walk.” Feng Xiao pulled up Xiao Tian to fly to sky, just turned around that moment, near the ear has resounded the Ximen Kuang grating pitiful pitiful yell sound once more...... “我们走吧。”风逍拉起萧天飞向了天空,刚转身那一刻,耳边再次响起了西门狂刺耳凄惨的惨叫声…… Eldest child, don't you have the means to make Aotian turn into the original appearance really?” Xiao Tian asked that although this time Yang Aotian had fearful Strength, but his fearful appearance must repel for the average man, more fearful aura of death also inevitably kept him again from other people short distance contacting. “老大,你真的没有办法让傲天变成原来的样子吗?”萧天问道,此时的杨傲天虽然有了可怕的力量,但他可怕的长相必为常人所排斥,更可怕的死气也必然让他再也无法与他人近距离接触。 Feng Xiao shook the head: He died, was death Strength has haunched his soul, let him like the normal person, I did not have the means to make him restore, even if I had, I won't do?” 风逍摇了摇头:“他已经死了,也是死亡的力量撑起了他的灵魂,让他像个正常人一样,我没有办法让他恢复,即使我有,我也不会那么做?” Why?” Xiao Tian surprised asking. “为什么?”萧天惊讶的问道。 „The strength of death abstained from HP/Life, impossible to exist on the HP/Life body, if he lived, his Strength will vanish. At that time, he will turn into that only to see the family member to be killed at that time helplessly, did not have Yang Aotian that ability protected to rescue them and revenges, you believe, present he will be resigned to return to initial?” “死亡之力忌讳生命,不可能在生命体上存在,如果他活过来了,他的力量就会消失。那时候,他又会变成当时那个只能眼睁睁的看着亲人被害,却没有能力保护解救他们和报仇的杨傲天,你认为,如今的他会甘心回到当初的自己吗?” Xiao Tian gets down silent, long time sends out a sigh: Good fortune makes the person, the destiny is really unfair to Aotian, a person of so heavy affectionate righteousness, was actually suffered this situation by the destiny, if has not run into the eldest child , he also Younger Sister Xiruo destiny, oh...... However, they initially were expelled Ximen Family instead is a good deed. Otherwise, which Aristocratic Family Younger Sister Xiruo will be regarded the Ximen Family benefit chip to marry sooner or later, but Aotian and his Mother...... Hu! 萧天沉默下去,良久发出一声叹息:“造化弄人,命运对傲天实在是太不公平了,一个如此重情重义的人,却被命运折磨到这个地步,如果没有遇到老大,他,还有夕若妹妹的命运,唉……不过话说回来,他们当初被赶出西门家反而是件好事。否则,夕若妹妹早晚被当成西门家的利益筹码而嫁给哪个世家,而傲天和他的妈妈……呼! These do not let Ruoruo know.” “这些都别让若若知道。” Un, but she saw Aotian on that day, moreover perhaps has realized anything.” “嗯,不过她那天已经见到了傲天,而且或许已经察觉到了什么。” „...... Also.” “……再说吧。” When Feng Xiao and Xiao Tian return to the Yanhuang Office top layer, Lunatic and Lin Ying were not , a Long Wei person that is bending over one's desk with rapt attention. Sees them to come, Long Wei stops the work in hand, stands up. 风逍萧天回到炎黄大厦顶层时,疯子林樱已经不在,只有正凝神伏案的龙威一人。看到他们进来,龙威停下手中的工作,站起身来。 Lin Ying?” Feng Xiao asked. 林樱呢?”风逍问道。 In downstairs, they father and daughter recognized each other, making them be together alone quite well.” Long Wei replied, in the eye flashed through the faint trace to be bitter and astringent. The Lin Zeshang father and daughter recognize each other, but he is actually away from the gap that is unable to surmount together with the only sons, when does not know, oneself can listen to him to call a father. “在楼下,他们已经父女相认,让他们单独相处比较好。”龙威回答道,眼中闪过丝丝苦涩。林泽商父女相认,而他与唯一的儿子之间却隔着一道无法跨越的鸿沟,不知何时,自己才能听他叫一声父亲。 The Feng Xiao nod point, turns around to leave. 风逍点头点,转身就要离开。 wait a moment.” Long Wei stopped by calling out him, then arrived at him quickly behind. Feng Xiao has not turned around, but the footsteps stopped. 等一下。”龙威叫住了他,然后快步来到了他身后。风逍没有转身,但脚步停了下来。 Long Wei bitter and astringent smiling, said slowly: I know that is we are parents is unfair to you...... When you were born, we have not protected you, has not performed to responsibility of the day of raising...... But our reunites finally, we have not compensated you with enough time, first has brought the disaster to you...... I know that perhaps this whole life is hard to obtain your forgiving, but can you occasionally look at...... Baobao, she is thinking you every day, then looks at your Mother while convenient, in the half year, she has not slept calm and steady, cries to wake up in the midnight frequently......” 龙威苦涩的笑笑,慢慢说道:“我知道是我们做父母的对不起你……你出生时,我们没有保护好你,更没有尽到一天的养育之责……而我们一家终于团圆,我们还没来得及补偿你,就先给你带来了灾难……我知道这辈子或许都难以得到你的原谅,但你能不能偶尔去看一下……宝宝,她每天都在想着你,然后顺便看一看你妈妈,这半年多来,她没睡过一个安稳觉,经常在半夜哭着醒来……” The breath of Feng Xiao had moment disorder, he inspired lightly, walked. Xiao Tian reveals helpless smiling to Long Wei, follows on the heels hastily. 风逍的呼吸出现了片刻紊乱,他轻吸一口气,走了出去。萧天龙威露出无奈的笑,也连忙跟在后面。 Long Wei sits on own chair, eyes closed face upwards. Feng Yao resurrecting marvelously, Chu Yingying joyful has cried time and time again, but he also finally saw has called that gleam of hope of factor heart. 龙威坐回自己的座椅上,闭目仰天。风瑶奇迹般的复活,楚颖颖欣喜的哭了一次又一次,而他也终于看到了唤回子心的那线希望。
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